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《坐禪三昧經》CBETA 電子版 |
"Samadhi Sutra" CBETA electronic version |
版本記錄: 1. |
Version record: 1. |
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完成日期: 2002/11/04 |
Completion Date: 2002/11/04 |
發行單位: 中華電子佛典協會 (CBETA) cbeta@ccbs. |
Issuer: Chinese Electronic Buddhist Scripture Association (CBETA) cbeta@ccbs. |
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資料底本: 大正新脩大正藏經 Vol. |
Data base: Newly revised Dazheng Tibetan Sutra Vol. |
15, No. |
15, No. |
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◎坐禪三昧經卷上 |
◎On the scroll of the Zen Samadhi Sutra |
姚秦三藏鳩摩羅什譯 |
Translated by Yao Qin Sanzang Kumarajiva |
導師說難遇 聞者喜亦難 |
The instructor says it’s hard to meet It’s hard to hear those who hear it. |
大人所樂聽 小人所惡聞 |
Adults are happy to hear Little people are bad news |
眾生可愍傷 墜老死嶮路 |
Sentient beings can be hurt falling old and dead on the road |
野人恩愛奴 處畏癡不懼 |
Savage En'ai Slave Be fearful of idiots, not afraid of |
世界若大小 法無有常者 |
The world is big and small The law is impermanent |
一切不久留 暫現如電光 |
Everything will stay soon temporarily appear as electric light |
是身屬老死 眾病之所歸 |
I'm old and dead Illnesses go to |
薄皮覆不淨 愚惑為所欺 |
Thin skin is impure foolishness is deceived |
汝常為老賊 吞滅盛壯色 |
Ru is often an old thief |
如華鬘枯朽 毀敗無所直 |
Like a flower, withered and decayed There is no way to ruin and defeat |
頂生王功德 共釋天王坐 |
Gongde of the King of Life |
報利福弘多 今日悉安在 |
Report Lifu Hongduo Si'an is here today |
此王天人中 欲樂具為最 |
This king is the best among the people of heaven. |
死時極苦痛 以此可悟意 |
Extremely painful when I die |
諸欲初軟樂 後皆成大苦 |
All desires at the beginning of soft music |
亦如怨初善 滅族禍在後 |
It's like resenting the beginning of the good Annihilation of the clan and the disaster in the back |
是身為穢器 九孔常流惡 |
It is a foul device Nine holes often flow evil |
亦如那利瘡 絕治於醫藥 |
It's like that of the sore It's absolutely cure in medicine |
骨車力甚少 筋脈纏識轉 |
The bones and carts have little power the tendons and veins are entangled in the knowledge to turn |
汝以為妙乘 忍著無羞恥 |
You think Miao Cheng endure shamelessness |
死人所聚處 委棄滿塜間 |
The place where the dead gather We discarded the full 塜間 |
生時所保惜 死則皆棄捐 |
You will cherish you when you are born you will give up and donate when you die. |
常當念如是 一心觀莫亂 |
Always read like this One-minded view of no chaos |
破癡倒黑暝 執炬以明觀 |
Break the madness and fall into the dark |
若捨四念止 心無惡不造 |
Ruo She Si Nian Zhi Zhi |
如象逸無鉤 終不順調道 |
Like an elephant without a hook |
今日營此業 明日造彼事 P. |
Business this industry today Make it tomorrow P. |
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樂著不觀苦 不覺死賊至 |
Happy not to watch bitter |
怱怱為己務 他事亦不閑 |
Do your own business in a hurry |
死賊不待時 至則無脫緣 |
The dead thief does not wait for the time until there is no escape from the relationship |
如鹿渴赴泉 已飲方向水 |
As a deer thirsty, go to the spring have drunk the direction water |
獵師無慈惠 不聽飲竟殺 |
The hunter has no mercy If you don’t listen to the drink and kill it |
癡人亦如是 懃修諸事務 |
The same is true for an idiot do all things diligently |
死至不待時 誰當為汝護 |
Until you die who will protect you |
人心期富貴 五欲情未滿 |
People's heart is rich and honorable Five desires are not full |
諸大國王輩 無得免此患 |
The great kings cannot avoid this problem |
仙人持呪箭 亦不免死生 |
The immortal holds the arrow also can't help but die |
無常大象蹈 蟻蛭與地同 |
Impermanent elephant dancing ant leeches are with the earth |
且置一切人 諸佛正真覺 |
Let all people be the Buddhas are really enlightened |
越度生死流 亦復不常在 |
The more life and death flow No longer always in |
以是故當知 汝所可愛樂 |
I know that it is so, so I know it. |
悉應早捨離 一心求涅槃 |
Xi Ying should leave early seek Nirvana with one heart |
後捨身死時 誰當證知我 |
When he died after his death Who will prove to know me |
復得遇法寶 及以不遇者 |
Get the magic treasure and the one who doesn’t encounter it |
久久佛日出 破大無明暝 |
Longjiu Buddha Sunrise Break the Great Ignorance |
以放諸光明 示人道非道 |
To put all the lights in the sky show humanity and injustice |
我從何所來 從何處而生 |
Where do I come from From where I am born |
何處得解脫 此疑誰當明 |
Where can I get rid of Who should be the bright one in this doubt |
佛聖一切智 久違乃出世 |
Buddha saint all wisdom It’s been a long time since I was born. |
一心莫放逸 能破汝疑結 |
One heart, don’t let it go can break your doubts |
彼不樂實利 好著弊惡心 |
He is not happy and profitable It is good and bad is disgusting |
汝為眾生長 當求實法相 |
Ru grows for the people When seeking truth and method |
誰能知死時 所趣從何道 |
Who knows the time of death From where is the fun? |
譬如風中燈 不知滅時節 |
For example, the light in the wind The time of immortality |
至道法不難 大聖指事說 |
It’s not difficult to do the law. |
說智及智處 此二不假外 |
Speaking of wisdom and wisdom These two are not fake |
汝若不放逸 一心常行道 |
If you don’t let it go, one-minded and always walk the way |
不久得涅槃 第一常樂處 |
Nirvana soon The first Changle place |
利智親善人 盡心敬佛法 |
Rizhi, good-natured people respect the Dharma with all my heart |
厭穢不淨身 離苦得解脫 |
I am tired of filth and do not clean my body Get free from suffering |
閑靜修寂志 結跏坐林間 |
Relaxing quietly and quietly Tie and sit in the woods |
撿心不放逸 悟意覺諸緣 P. |
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若不厭有中 安睡不自悟 |
If you don’t get bored, there is a middle sleep peacefully without realizing yourself |
不念世非常 可畏而不懼 |
Don’t read the world very much can be afraid but not afraid |
煩惱深無底 生死海無邊 |
The troubles are bottomless The sea of life and death is boundless |
度苦舡未辦 安得樂睡眠 |
The hardship is not done Peaceful sleep |
是以當覺悟 莫以睡覆心 |
I should be enlightened Don’t cover my heart with sleep |
於四供養中 知量知止足 |
In the four offerings knowing the quantity and knowing the feet |
大怖俱未免 當宜懃精進 |
Big horror is inevitable |
一切苦至時 悔恨無所及 |
Every bitterness lasts forever Remorse has nothing to do with it |
衲衣樹下坐 如所應得食 |
Sit under the clothes tree Get what you should eat |
勿為貪味故 而自致毀敗 |
Don’t ruin yourself for the sake of greed |
食過知味處 美惡都無異 |
Eat the place where you know the taste Beauty and evil are the same. |
愛好生憂苦 是以莫造愛 |
Love, worry and suffering I make love with Mo |
行業世界中 美惡無不更 |
In the world of the industry, beauty and evil are all the more |
一切已具受 當以是自抑 |
Everything has been affected should be self-defeating |
若在畜獸中 唌草為具味 |
If in the beasts grass is tasteful |
地獄吞鐵丸 燃熱劇迸鐵 |
Hell swallow iron pills burning hot drama 游铁 |
若在薜荔中 膿吐火糞屎 |
If in the pus lily |
涕唾諸不淨 以此為上味 |
spit spit out all the bad take this as the taste |
若在天宮殿 七寶宮觀中 |
If you are in the sky palace Qibaogong Guanzhong |
天食蘇陀味 天女以娛心 |
Tian Shi Su Tuo Wei The heavenly girl entertains the heart |
人中務貴處 七饌備眾味 |
Ren Zhongwu Gui Office Seven Foods Prepare All Tastes |
一切曾所更 今復何以愛 |
Everything has been changed How can I love today |
往返世界中 厭更苦樂事 |
Go back and forth in the world I'm tired of having more pains and pleasures |
雖未得涅槃 當懃求此利 |
Although I have not achieved Nirvana Be diligent in seeking this benefit |
學禪之人初至師所。 |
Those who learn Zen first come to the teacher's office. |
師應問言。 |
The teacher should ask. |
汝持戒淨不。 |
You keep the precepts. |
非重罪惡邪不。 |
It's not a serious crime. |
若言五眾戒淨無重 |
If the five precepts are clean and weightless |
罪惡邪。 |
Evil. |
次教道法。 |
Sub-teaching Taoism. |
若言破戒。 |
Ruoyan breaks the precept. |
應重問言。 |
Should be re-examined. |
汝破何戒。 |
What precepts do you break. |
若言重戒。 |
If you say it is hard to give up. |
師言如人被截耳鼻 |
The teacher said that people have their ears and nose amputated |
不須照鏡。 |
No need to look in the mirror. |
汝且還去。 |
You still go. |
精懃誦經勸化作福。 |
Diligent chanting of sutras persuades them to be blessed. |
可種後世道法因緣。 |
It can be the cause of the later generations. |
此生永棄。 |
Give up forever in this life. |
譬如枯樹 |
Such as dead trees |
雖加溉灌不生華葉及其果實。 |
Although irrigated irrigation does not grow leaves and fruits. |
若破餘戒。 |
If you break the ring. |
是時應教如法懺悔。 |
It is time to teach the law to repent. |
若已清淨。 |
If it has been cleaned. |
師若得天眼 |
If the teacher has the eyes of the sky |
他心智。 |
His mind. |
即為隨病說趣道之法。 |
That is the way to talk about the way with the illness. |
若未得通應當觀相。 |
If you don't get it, you should observe the situation. |
或復問之。 |
Or ask it again. |
三毒之中何者偏重。 |
Which of the three poisons is more important? |
婬欲多耶。 |
Many lusts. |
瞋恚多耶。 |
Duoyao. |
愚癡多耶。 |
Duo foolish. |
云何觀相。 |
Yun He Guanxiang. |
若多婬相為人輕便。 |
If more lewd, it is light. |
多畜妻妾多語多信 |
Many beasts, wives and concubines, many languages and letters |
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顏色和悅言語便易。 |
Color and pleasant words are easy. |
少於瞋恨亦少愁憂。 |
Less anger than hatred and less sorrow. |
多能技術好聞多識。 |
Multi-functional technology is good news and knowledge. |
愛著文頌善能談論。 |
Love Wen Song Shan to talk about. |
能察人情多諸畏怖。 |
There are many fears to be able to observe human feelings. |
心在房室好著薄衣渴欲女色愛著臥具服飾香華。 |
The heart is in the atrium, wearing thin clothes and eager women, loving the bedding and dressing fragrance. |
心多柔軟能有憐 |
How soft the heart can be pitiful |
愍。 |
pity. |
美於言語好修福業。 |
Beautiful in words and good fortune. |
意樂生天處眾無難。 |
It is easy for everyone to be happy. |
別人好醜信任婦女。 |
Others are so ugly and trust women. |
欲火熾盛心多悔變 |
Exciting desire and remorse |
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憙自莊飾好觀綵畫。 |
Xi Zizhuang decorated a good color painting. |
慳惜己物僥倖他財。 |
To cherish one's own possessions and to get away with his wealth. |
好結親友不憙獨處。 |
Good friends and relatives don't feel alone. |
樂著所止隨逐流俗。 |
Happy to stop and follow the popular customs. |
乍驚乍懼志如獼猴。 |
Surprised and fearful like a macaque. |
所見淺近作事無慮。 |
What you see is simple and carefree. |
輕志所為趣得適意。 |
What Qingzhi does is pleasant enough. |
憙啼憙哭。 |
Weeping. |
身體細軟不P. |
The body is soft and not P. |
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堪寒苦。 |
Horrible. |
易阻易悅不能忍事。 |
Yiyue can't bear things easily. |
少得大喜少失大憂。 |
Little joy, less loss, great worry. |
自發伏匿。 |
Spontaneously fusi. |
身溫汗臭薄膚細髮。 |
Body temperature, sweat, smelly, thin skin and fine hair. |
多 |
many |
皺多白剪爪治鬚。 |
Cut the claws to treat the beard with more white wrinkles. |
白齒趣行憙潔淨衣。 |
White teeth fun line of clean clothes. |
學不專一好遊林苑。 |
It's better to visit Lin Yuan if you are not focused on learning. |
多情多求意著常見。 |
Passionate and petitioning are common. |
附近 |
nearby |
有德先意問訊。 |
Youde first inquires. |
憙用他語強顏耐辱。 |
Xi used other words to force his face and endure humiliation. |
聞事速解所為事業。 |
Quickly understand what happened as a career. |
分別好醜愍傷苦厄。 |
The separation is so ugly and painful. |
自大好 |
Arrogant |
勝不受侵陵。 |
Victory is not invaded the mausoleum. |
憙行施惠接引善人。 |
Xixing Shihui attracts good people. |
得美飲食與人共之。 |
Demei food is shared by everyone. |
不存近細志在遠大。 |
Don't keep the near and small ambitions in the lofty. |
眼著色欲 |
Eye pigmentation |
事不究竟。 |
It's not the end. |
無有遠慮知世方俗觀察顏色逆探人心。 |
Without foresight, knowing the world and observing the colors counters people's hearts. |
美言辯慧結友不固。 |
It's not solid to make friends with good arguments. |
頭髮稀疎少於 |
Hair is thinner than |
睡眠。 |
Sleep. |
坐臥行立不失容儀。 |
Sit, sleep, and stand without losing the volume meter. |
所有財物能速救急。 |
All belongings can be rescued quickly. |
尋後悔惜受義疾得。 |
Looking for regrets and suffering from righteousness. |
尋復憙忘惜於舉 |
To find the complex and forget the regrets |
動。 |
move. |
難自改變難得離欲。 |
It's hard to change one's own desires. |
作罪輕微。 |
The crime was minor. |
如是種種是婬欲相。 |
All this is lust. |
瞋恚人相。 |
Affliction. |
多於憂惱。 |
More than worry. |
卒暴 |
Violent |
懷忿身口麁 能忍眾苦觸事不可。 |
Huaiyu, body and mouth can endure all the hardships. |
多愁少歡能作大惡無憐愍心憙為鬪訟。 |
Worry and Shaohuan can do great evil without pity and sorrow for litigation. |
顏貌毀悴皺 |
Look ruined and wrinkled |
眉眄睞。 |
Eyebrow gaze. |
難語難悅難事難可。 |
Difficult to say, hard to please, hard to do. |
其心如瘡而宣人闕。 |
His heart is like a sore and he declares a fault. |
義論強梁不可折伏。 |
Righteousness cannot be compromised. |
難可傾動難親 |
Difficult to move, difficult to kiss |
難沮。 |
Difficult to discourage. |
含毒難吐受誦不失。 |
Poisonous and difficult to vomit without losing the recitation. |
多能多巧心不懶墮。 |
Can be more ingenious and not lazy. |
造事疾速持望不語。 |
Make things quick and hold back. |
意深難知受恩能 |
It's hard to know how to be gracious |
報。 |
Newspaper. |
有能聚眾自伏事人。 |
There are people who can gather a crowd for self-service. |
不可沮敗能究竟事。 |
Don't be discouraged to be the finale. |
難可干亂少所畏難。 |
Difficulties can be difficult to do without fear. |
譬如師子不可屈伏 |
For example, the teacher must not yield |
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一向不迴直造直進。 |
Never go back and go straight forward. |
憶念不忘多慮思惟誦習憶持。 |
Remembrance does not forget to think and recite. |
能多施與小利不迴。 |
Can do more and don't return a small profit. |
為師利根離 |
For Shiligenli |
欲獨處少於婬欲。 |
Desire to be alone is less than lust. |
心常懷勝愛著斷見。 |
The heart always cherishes love and judges. |
眼常惡視真實言語說事分了。 |
The eyes often dislike the truth and tell the truth. |
少於親友為事堅 |
Less than relatives and friends are the hard thing |
著。 |
NS. |
堅憶不忘多於筋力。 |
Remembrance is more than muscle strength. |
肩胸姝大廣額齊髮。 |
The shoulders, chest, and forehead are all sent together. |
心堅難伏疾得難忘。 |
The heart is hard and the disease is unforgettable. |
能自離欲憙作重罪 |
Able to commit a felony |
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如是種種是瞋恚相。 |
If it is all sorts of embarrassment. |
愚癡人相。 |
Stupid face. |
多疑多悔懶墮無見。 |
Suspicious, remorseful, lazy and lost sight of. |
自滿難屈憍慢難受可信不信非 |
Complacent, unconvincing, slow, uncomfortable, credible, unbelievable |
信而信。 |
Believe and believe. |
不知恭敬處處信向。 |
I don't know how to respectfully letter everywhere. |
多師輕躁無羞搪突。 |
Many teachers are not ashamed and pretentious. |
作事無慮反教渾戾。 |
Do everything without worry, rebellious and hostile. |
不擇親友不自 |
Choose not to choose relatives or friends |
修飾。 |
Retouch. |
好師異道不別善惡。 |
Good teachers are different from good and evil. |
難受易忘鈍根懈怠。 |
Uncomfortable, easy to forget, blunt root slack. |
訶謗行施心無憐愍破壞法橋觸事不了 |
To slander and act without mercy, to destroy the bridge of law and not to cause trouble |
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瞋目不視無有智巧。 |
There is no cleverness in scornful eyes. |
多求悕望多疑少信。 |
Seek more and hope, more suspicious, and believe less. |
憎惡好人破罪福報。 |
Detest good people for breaking their sins. |
不別善言不能解過。 |
You can't explain it without being good at words. |
不受誨喻親離憎怨。 |
Don't be bothered and resentful. |
不知禮節憙作惡口。 |
I don't know the etiquette and make bad words. |
鬚髮爪長齒衣多垢。 |
Hair and claws have long teeth with dirt. |
為人驅役畏處不畏。 |
Be afraid of being driven away. |
樂 |
happy |
處而憂憂處而喜。 |
Worry everywhere and happy everywhere. |
悲處反笑笑處反悲。 |
The sadness turns against the smile, the smile turns against the sadness. |
牽而後隨能忍苦事。 |
Take it and then you can endure hardships. |
不別諸味難得離欲。 |
It's rare to be free from mischief. |
為罪 |
For sin |
深重。 |
Profound. |
如是種種是愚癡相 |
It's all foolishness |
若多婬欲人不淨法門治。 |
If there are many lustful people, there is no clean law. |
若多瞋恚人慈心法門治。 |
Ruo Duo scornful people rule by compassion. |
若多愚癡人思惟觀因緣法門治 |
If there are many foolish people, they can think about karma and rule by law |
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若多思覺人念息法門治。 |
If you think more about the law, you can think about it. |
若多等分人念佛法門治。 |
If more people are divided into equal parts to recite Buddhism. |
諸如是等種種病。 |
Such as various diseases. |
種種法門治 |
All kinds of laws |
第一治貪欲法門 |
The first cure for greed |
婬欲多人習不淨觀。 |
Many people are accustomed to the concept of impurity. |
從足至髮不淨充滿。 |
From feet to hair, impure and full. |
髮毛爪齒薄皮厚皮血肉筋脈骨髓肝肺心 |
Hairy claws, thin skin, thick skin, fleshy muscles, veins, bone marrow, liver, lung, heart |
脾腎胃大腸小腸屎尿洟唾汗淚垢坋膿腦胞膽水微膚脂肪腦膜。 |
Spleen, kidney, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, feces, urine, saliva, sweat, tears, pus, brain cells, bile, micro-skin, fat, meninges. |
身中如是種種不淨。 |
There are so many impures in the body. |
復 |
complex |
次不淨漸者。 |
Those who are unclean gradually. |
觀青瘀膖脹破爛血流塗漫臭膿噉食不盡骨散燒焦。 |
Guan Qing, stasis, swelling and broken blood flow, smeared with smelly pus, eating incomplete bones, and scorching. |
是謂不淨觀。 |
It is called impure view. |
復次多 |
Multiple times |
婬人有七種愛。 |
There are seven kinds of love for an adulteress. |
或著好色。 |
Or lustful. |
或著端正。 |
Or upright. |
或著儀容。 |
Or grooming. |
或著音聲。 |
Or the sound of sound. |
或著細滑。 |
Or slippery. |
或著眾生。 |
Or sentient beings. |
或都愛著。 |
Or all in love. |
若著好色當習青瘀觀法。 |
If you are lustful, you should practice the method of Qingyu conception. |
黃赤不淨色等亦復如是。 |
The same is true for yellow and red impure colors. |
若著端正。 |
If it is correct. |
當習膖脹身 |
When habitual swelling |
散觀法。 |
Random observation method. |
若著儀容。 |
If the appearance. |
當觀新死血流塗骨觀法。 |
When viewing the new dead blood flow, the method of painting the bones. |
若著音聲。 |
If the sound. |
當習咽塞命斷觀法。 |
When practising the method of judging fate of throat congestion. |
若著細 |
If you are fine |
滑。 |
slip. |
當習骨見及乾枯病觀法若愛眾生。 |
When you learn from the bones and view the dryness and disease, if you love sentient beings. |
當習六種觀。 |
When learning the six views. |
若都愛著。 |
If you are all in love. |
一切遍觀。 |
Everything is omnipresent. |
或時作種 |
Or when |
種更作異觀是名不淨觀。 |
A more different view is the view of impurity. |
問曰。 |
Asked. |
若身不淨如臭腐屍者。 |
If the body is not clean as a smelly carrion. |
何從生著。 |
He Congsheng. |
若著淨身。 |
If the body is cleansed. |
臭腐爛 |
Stinky rot |
身亦當應著。 |
The body should respond. |
若不著臭身淨身亦應不著。 |
If you don't wash your body, you won't be able to cope. |
二身等故。 |
Waiting for death. |
若求二實淨俱不。 |
If you ask for two things, nothing is true. |
可得。 |
Available. |
人心狂 |
Crazy |
惑為顛倒所覆。 |
Confusion is overturned by inversion. |
非淨計淨。 |
Non-net calculation net. |
若倒心破便得實相法觀。 |
If you break your heart, you will get the view of reality. |
便知不淨虛誑不真。 |
Knowing that it is not pure and false is not true. |
復次死屍。 |
Dead body again and again. |
無火無命無識無有諸根。 |
No fire, no life, no knowledge, no roots. |
人諦知之心不生著。 |
The heart of understanding is not born. |
以身有暖有命有識諸根完具心倒惑著。 |
With the body warmth, life and knowledge, the roots are completely confusing. |
P. |
P. |
5 |
5 |
復次心著色時謂以為淨。 |
When the heart is colored repeatedly, it is said to be pure. |
愛著心息即知不淨。 |
Love is to know impure. |
若是實淨應當常淨。 |
If it is really pure, it should be always pure. |
而今不然。 |
Not now. |
如狗食 |
Like dog food |
糞謂之為淨。 |
Manure is called clean. |
以人觀之甚為不淨。 |
It is not pure to think of people. |
是身內外無一淨處。 |
There is no clean place inside or outside the body. |
若著身外。 |
If you are outside. |
身外薄皮舉身取之 |
Take it out of thin skin |
纔得如奈是亦不淨。 |
It's not pure to be like this. |
何況身內三十六物。 |
Besides, there are thirty-six things in the body. |
復次推身因緣種種不淨。 |
Pushing the body over and over again has all kinds of impures. |
父母精血不淨合成 |
Unclean synthesis of parents' sperm and blood |
。 |
. |
既得為身常出不淨。 |
The vested body is often unclean. |
衣服床褥亦臭不淨。 |
Clothes and mattresses also smelly. |
何況死處。 |
Not to mention the dead. |
以是當知。 |
So be aware. |
生死內外都是不淨 |
Life and death are impure inside and outside |
(此下經本至二門初) |
(Here is the scripture to the beginning of the second door) |
復次觀亦有三品。 |
Fuciguan also has three products. |
或初習行。 |
Or first practice. |
或已習行或久習行。 |
Or have been practiced or practiced for a long time. |
若初習行當教言。 |
If you are a beginner, you should be taught. |
作破皮想。 |
Think about it. |
除却不淨當觀赤骨人。 |
In addition to uncleanness, look at the scarlet. |
繁意觀行不令外念。 |
Fanyi thinking does not make foreign thoughts. |
外念諸緣攝念令還。 |
Outer Reading All Destiny Sustaining Order Return. |
若已習行當教言。 |
If you have practiced practice as teaching. |
想 |
think |
却皮肉。 |
But skin and flesh. |
盡觀頭骨不令外念。 |
Look at the skull without thinking outside. |
外念諸緣攝念令還。 |
Outer Reading All Destiny Sustaining Order Return. |
若久習行當教言。 |
If long practice is to teach. |
身中一寸心却皮 |
An inch in the body but the heart |
肉。 |
Meat. |
繫意五處。 |
There are five places of meaning. |
頂額眉間鼻端心處。 |
The center of the nose between the top of the forehead and the eyebrows. |
如是五處住意觀骨不令外念。 |
In this way, the five places live in the mind and view the bones and do not make the outside mind. |
外念諸緣攝念令還 |
Outer Reading All Fate Sustaining Order |
。 |
. |
常念觀心心出制持。 |
Constantly think about the mind and heart out of control. |
若心疲極住念所緣捨外守住。 |
If the heart is exhausted, stay away from the thoughtful place. |
譬如獼猴被繫在柱極乃住息。 |
For example, the macaque is tied to the pole and rests. |
所 |
Place |
緣如柱。 |
The edge is like a pillar. |
念如繩鎖。 |
Read like a rope lock. |
心喻獼猴。 |
The heart is like a macaque. |
亦如乳母。 |
Also like a lactating mother. |
常觀嬰兒不令墮落。 |
Constantly view the baby not to degenerate. |
行者觀心亦復如是。 |
The same goes for the practitioner to observe the mind. |
漸漸制心令住緣處。 |
Gradually control your heart so that you live in the predestined place. |
若心久住是應禪法。 |
If the mind stays for a long time, it is the practice of meditation. |
若得禪定即有三相。 |
If you have meditation, there are three aspects. |
身體和悅柔軟輕便。 |
The body is soft and light. |
白 |
White |
骨流光猶如白珂。 |
Bone streamer is like Bai Ke. |
心得靜住。 |
Feel calm. |
是為觀淨。 |
It is to observe the purity. |
是時便得色界中心。 |
At that time, you will get to the center of the color world. |
是名初學禪法得色界心 |
It’s a beginner to learn Zen |
。 |
. |
心應禪法即是色界法。 |
Mind-response meditation is the physical realm. |
心得此法身在欲界。 |
Experience that this Dharmakaya is in the world of desire. |
四大極大柔軟快樂。 |
The four great things are soft and happy. |
色澤淨潔光潤和悅 |
The color is clean, smooth and pleasant |
。 |
. |
謂悅樂。 |
That is Yuele. |
二者向者骨觀白骨相中光明遍照淨白色。 |
Both of them illuminate the pure white in the bones and bones. |
三者心住一處是名淨觀。 |
The three minds live in one place is the concept of name and purity. |
除肉觀 |
View of meat removal |
骨故名淨觀。 |
The bone is named Jingguan. |
如上三相皆自知之。 |
The above three phases are all self-knowledge. |
他所不見。 |
He can't see it. |
上三品者初習行先未發意。 |
Those who are in the upper three ranks are not aware of the first practice. |
已習行三四 |
Have practiced three or four |
身修。 |
Body repair. |
久習行百年身學 |
A hundred years of learning |
第二治瞋恚法門 |
Second Governance 瞋恚法门 |
若瞋恚偏多。 |
If there is too much aversion. |
當學三種慈心法門。 |
There are three ways to learn kindness. |
或初習行。 |
Or first practice. |
或已習行。 |
Or have practiced. |
或久習行。 |
Or practice for a long time. |
若初習行者 |
If a beginner |
當教言。 |
When teaching. |
慈及親愛。 |
Kind and dear. |
云何親及願與親樂。 |
Yun He is willing and happy. |
行者若得種種身心快樂。 |
If the walker has all kinds of physical and mental happiness. |
寒時得衣熱時得涼 |
When the cold is cold, the clothes are hot and cold |
。 |
. |
飢渴得飲食。 |
Hungry and thirst for food. |
貧賤得富貴。 |
The poor make the rich. |
行極時得止息。 |
You have to stop when you go to extremes. |
如是種種樂願親愛。 |
So all kinds of happy dear. |
得繫心在慈不令異 |
You have to focus on being kind |
念。 |
read. |
異念諸緣攝之令還。 |
The order of the different thoughts of the destiny is also returned. |
若已習行當教言。 |
If you have practiced practice as teaching. |
慈及中人。 |
Kind and middle-aged. |
云何及中人而與樂。 |
The cloud is happy with the middleman. |
行者若得 |
Ruo De |
種種身心快樂。 |
All kinds of physical and mental happiness. |
願中人。 |
May the Chinese. |
得繫心在慈不令異念。 |
You have to focus on loving kindness and not making strange thoughts. |
異念諸緣攝之令還。 |
The order of the different thoughts of the destiny is also returned. |
若久習行當教言 |
If you learn to do things for a long time |
。 |
. |
慈及怨憎。 |
Kindness and resentment. |
云何及彼而與其樂。 |
The cloud is more happy than the other. |
行者若得種種身心快樂。 |
If the walker has all kinds of physical and mental happiness. |
願怨憎得。 |
May resent and resent. |
得與親同。 |
Have to be with relatives. |
同 |
same |
得一心。 |
Get one mind. |
心大清淨。 |
The heart is clean. |
親中怨等廣及世界。 |
Pro-China grievances have spread to the world. |
無量眾生皆令得樂。 |
Infinite beings are happy. |
周遍十方靡不同等大心 |
Zhoubian Shifang Mi with different hearts |
清淨。 |
Clean. |
見十方眾生皆如自見。 |
Seeing all beings in the ten directions is like seeing themselves. |
在心目前了了見之受得快樂。 |
I feel happy when I see it in my heart. |
是時即得慈心三昧。 |
At this time, you will get the samādhi of compassion. |
問曰 |
Asked |
。 |
. |
親愛中人願令得樂。 |
My dear Chinese are willing to make happiness. |
怨憎惡人云何憐愍復願與樂。 |
Resent and hate people, how pity and happiness can be revived. |
答曰。 |
The answer is. |
應與彼樂。 |
Should be with Pile. |
所以者何。 |
So what. |
其 |
That |
人更有種種好清淨法因。 |
People have a variety of good reasons for purification. |
我今云何豈可以一怨故而沒其善。 |
How can I be blamed for this reason and have no good. |
復次思惟。 |
Thinking again and again. |
是人過去世時 |
In the past life |
或是我親善。 |
Or my kindness. |
豈以今瞋更生怨惡。 |
How can you regenerate resentment and evil with today's anger. |
我當忍彼是我善利。 |
It is my good fortune to be forbearing him. |
又念行法仁德含弘慈力無量此 |
I want to practice law, benevolence, virtue, and kindness. |
不可失。 |
Not to be lost. |
復思惟言。 |
Rethink and speak. |
若無怨憎何因生忍。 |
If there is no resentment, why be forbearance. |
生忍由怨怨則我之親善。 |
Forbearance by resentment is my kindness. |
復次瞋報最重眾惡 |
Repeatedly repaying the most serious evil |
中上無有過是。 |
There is nothing in the middle. |
以瞋加物其毒難制。 |
It is difficult to control the poison by adding anger. |
雖欲燒他實是自害。 |
Although he wants to burn, he is really harming himself. |
復自念言。 |
Repeatedly read the words. |
外被法服內習忍 |
To be served by the law outside |
行。 |
Row. |
是謂沙門豈可惡聲縱此變色憋心。 |
It means that Shamen can't let this change of color and suffocate his heart. |
復次五受陰者。 |
Five recipients repeatedly. |
眾苦林藪受惡之的。 |
All the sorrows suffer evil. |
苦惱惡來 |
Distressed |
何由可免。 |
Why can it be avoided? |
如刺刺身苦刺無量。 |
Such as sashimi, bitter thorns are boundless. |
眾怨甚多不可得除。 |
The grievances are too numerous to get rid of. |
當自守護著忍革屣。 |
When self-guarding, Nin Ge Qi. |
如佛言曰P. |
As Buddha said P. |
6 |
6 |
以瞋報瞋 瞋還著之 瞋恚不報 |
以瞋报瞋 瞋还着之 瞋恚不报 |
能破大軍 能不瞋恚 是大人法 |
Can break the army Can not be stunned is the law of adults |
小人瞋恚 難動如山 瞋為重毒 |
小人瞋恚 Hard to move like a mountain 瞋为重毒 |
多所殘害 不得害彼 自害乃滅 |
Multiple damages Do not harm him Self-harm is extinguished |
瞋為大瞑 有目無覩 瞋為塵垢 |
瞋为大瞑 有目无覩 瞋为尘垑 |
染污淨心 如是瞋恚 當急除滅 |
染dirty clean heart 如是瞋恚 当急出流 |
毒蛇在室 不除害人 如是種種 |
The poisonous snake is in the room Do not kill people It’s all kinds of things |
瞋毒無量 常習慈心 除滅瞋恚 |
瞋毒瞋恚 Chang Xi’s Compassionate Heart Chu Mie 瞋恚 |
是為慈三昧門 |
It is for the samayamon |
第三治愚癡法門 |
The Third Method of Cure Stupidity |
若愚癡偏多。 |
There are too many idiots. |
當學三種思惟法門。 |
Three ways of thinking should be learned. |
或初習行。 |
Or first practice. |
或已習行。 |
Or have practiced. |
或久習行。 |
Or practice for a long time. |
若初習行當 |
If you are a beginner |
教言。 |
Doctrine. |
生緣老死無明緣行。 |
Life and death are ignorant and destiny. |
如是思惟不令外念。 |
So thinking does not make foreign thoughts. |
外念諸緣攝之令還。 |
The order is returned from the outside reading of the predecessor. |
若已習行當教言 |
If you have practiced as a doctrine |
。 |
. |
行緣識識緣名色。 |
Xingyuan knows fate, name and color. |
名色緣六入六入緣觸觸緣受受緣愛。 |
The six-entry-six-entry fate of the name and the color fate is connected to the fate to be loved by the fate of receiving. |
愛緣取取緣有。 |
There is love and fate. |
如是思惟不 |
Think so |
令外念。 |
Ling Wai Nian. |
外念諸緣攝之令還。 |
The order is returned from the outside reading of the predecessor. |
若久習行當教言。 |
If long practice is to teach. |
無明緣行行緣識。 |
Fate of ignorance of destiny. |
識緣名色名色緣六 |
Awareness of Fate, Name and Color |
入。 |
enter. |
六入緣觸觸緣受。 |
The six-entry edge touches the edge and accepts. |
受緣愛愛緣取。 |
Be fate of love, love fate. |
取緣有有緣生。 |
Fate is born. |
生緣老死。 |
Life is old and dead. |
如是思惟不令外念 |
So thinking does not make outside thoughts |
。 |
. |
外念諸緣攝之令還。 |
The order is returned from the outside reading of the predecessor. |
問曰。 |
Asked. |
一切智人是有明。 |
All Homo sapiens are wise. |
一切餘人是無明。 |
All remaining people are ignorant. |
是中云何無明。 |
It is Zhongyun He Wuming. |
答 |
answer |
曰。 |
say. |
無明名一切不知。 |
I don't know everything without a name. |
此中無明能造後世有。 |
In this ignorance can create future generations. |
有者無無者有棄諸善取諸惡。 |
There are those who do not have the ones who abandon the good and take the evil. |
破實相著 |
Break the truth |
虛妄。 |
Vain. |
如無明相品中說 |
As said in the ignorance |
不明白益法 不知道德業 |
I don’t understand the benefit law I don’t know the moral karma |
而作結使因 如火鑽燧生 |
As a result of the knotting agent |
惡法而心著 遠棄於善法 |
Evil law and heart abandon the good law far away |
奪眾生明賊 去來明亦劫 |
The thief that seizes all living beings Go to come and Ming also robbery |
常樂我淨想 計於五陰中 |
I am always happy and I want to be clean in the five yin |
苦習盡道法 亦復不能知 |
Exhaust the practice of hardships can no longer know |
種種惱險道 盲人入中行 |
All kinds of troubles and dangers Blind people enter the middle of the road |
煩惱故業集 業故苦流迴 |
The troubles of the old karma karma is so bitter to flow back |
不應取而取 應取而反棄 |
Don't take it but take it Should take it but discard it |
馳闇逐非道 蹴株而躃地 |
蹴蹴溃広地 |
有目而無慧 其喻亦如是 |
There are eyes but no wisdom The metaphor is also like this |
是因緣滅故 智明如日出 |
It's because of death The wisdom is like sunrise |
如是略說。 |
So briefly. |
無明乃至老死亦如是。 |
The same is true of ignorance and even old age. |
問曰。 |
Asked. |
佛法中因緣甚深。 |
There is a deep connection in Buddhism. |
云何癡多人能觀因緣 |
Many people can observe karma |
。 |
. |
答曰。 |
The answer is. |
二種癡人。 |
Two kinds of idiots. |
一如牛羊。 |
Just like cows and sheep. |
二種種邪見。 |
Two kinds of wrong views. |
癡惑闇蔽邪見癡人。 |
Bewilderment, conceal evil, see foolish people. |
佛為此說當觀因緣 |
For this, the Buddha said that we should be aware of karma |
以習三昧P. |
To learn Samadhi P. |
7 |
7 |
第四治思覺法門 |
The fourth method of thinking and thinking |
若思覺偏多。 |
If you think too much. |
當習阿那般那三昧法門。 |
When practising the samādhi method of ana. |
有三種學人或初習行。 |
There are three kinds of learners or beginners. |
或已習行。 |
Or have practiced. |
或久習 |
Or learn |
行。 |
Row. |
若初習行當教言。 |
If you are a beginner, you should be taught. |
一心念數入息出息。 |
One mind counts the income and the output. |
若長若短數一至十。 |
If long or short, count one to ten. |
若已習行當教言。 |
If you have practiced practice as teaching. |
數 |
number |
一至十隨息入出。 |
One to ten in and out with interest. |
念與息俱止心一處。 |
Mind and rest at one place. |
若久習行當教言。 |
If long practice is to teach. |
數隨止觀轉觀清淨。 |
The number is pure and clear. |
阿那般 |
Anaban |
那三昧六種門十六分。 |
The six kinds of samādhi have 16 points. |
云何為數一心念入息。 |
What is the number one mind and the income. |
入息至竟數一。 |
The income is as high as one. |
出息至竟數二。 |
Out of interest to the number two. |
若未竟 |
If unfinished |
而數為非數。 |
And the number is not a number. |
若數二至九而誤更從一數起。 |
If you count from two to nine and you make a mistake, count from one. |
譬如算人一一為二二二為四三三為九。 |
For example, count people one one as two, two, four, three, and three as nine. |
問 |
Ask |
曰。 |
say. |
何以故數。 |
Why is it counted? |
答曰。 |
The answer is. |
無常觀易得故。 |
The view of impermanence is easy to get. |
亦斷諸思覺故。 |
Also break all thoughts. |
得一心故。 |
It's a confession. |
身心生滅無常相似 |
The birth and death of body and mind are similar to impermanence |
相續難見。 |
It's hard to see each other. |
入息出息生滅無常易知易見故。 |
It is easy to know and see why the birth and death of the in-breath and out-breath are impermanent. |
復次心繫在數。 |
Repeated heart is in the count. |
斷諸思諸覺。 |
Break all thoughts and feelings. |
思覺者。 |
Thinker. |
欲 |
want |
思覺。 |
Thinking. |
恚思覺。 |
Yun Sijue. |
惱思覺。 |
Feeling annoyed. |
親里思覺。 |
Think about it personally. |
國土思覺。 |
Homeland thinking. |
不死思覺。 |
Don't die thinking. |
欲求淨心入正道者。 |
Those who desire to purify their heart into the right way. |
先當 |
Be first |
除却三種麁思覺。 |
Except for the three kinds of thoughts. |
次除三種細思覺。 |
In addition to three careful thoughts. |
除六覺已。 |
Except for six sleeps. |
當得一切清淨法。 |
Be worthy of all purification methods. |
譬如採金人先除麁 |
For example, the gold miner first removes the noodles |
石砂。 |
Stone sand. |
然後除細石砂。 |
Then remove the fine stone sand. |
次第得細金砂。 |
Fine gold sand was obtained for the second time. |
問曰。 |
Asked. |
云何為麁病。 |
What is cloud disease? |
云何為細病。 |
What is cloud disease. |
答曰。 |
The answer is. |
欲瞋 |
Want to hate |
惱覺是三名麁病。 |
Feeling annoyed is three diseases. |
親里國土及不死覺是三名細病。 |
Qinli land and the sense of immortality are three minor diseases. |
除此覺已。 |
Except this. |
得一切清淨法。 |
Get all purification methods. |
問曰。 |
Asked. |
未得道者結使未斷。 |
Those who have not attained the Dao make the knot unbroken. |
六思覺強從心生亂。 |
Six thoughts are strong from the heart to create chaos. |
云何能除。 |
How can the cloud be removed. |
答曰。 |
The answer is. |
心厭世間。 |
Disgusted with the world. |
正觀能遮而未 |
Observable |
能拔。 |
Can pull. |
後得無漏道。 |
There must be no leaks afterwards. |
能拔結使根本。 |
Can pull the knot to make it fundamental. |
何謂正觀 |
What is right view |
見多欲人求欲苦 得之守護是亦苦 |
Seeing many people who desire desire and suffering The guardian of getting is also suffering |
失之憂惱亦大苦 心得欲時無滿苦 |
The worries of loss are also great bitter. |
欲無常空憂惱因 眾共有此當覺棄 |
I want to be impermanent, empty, worry, because all share this, when I feel abandoned |
譬如毒蛇入人室 不急除之害必至 |
For example, a poisonous snake enters a human room. |
不定不實不貴重 種種欲求顛倒樂 |
Uncertainty is not true and not expensive All kinds of desires are reversed and happy |
如六神通阿羅漢 教誨欲覺弟子言 |
Like six magical powers, Arhats teaching the disciples of desire to feel |
汝不破戒戒清淨 不共女人同室宿 |
You don’t break the precepts and stay clean do not share the same room with women |
欲結毒蛇滿心室 纏綿愛喜不相離 |
I want to knot a poisonous snake and fill my heart chambers |
既知身戒不可毀 汝心常共欲火宿 |
Knowing the body and quitting cannot be destroyed |
汝是出家求道人 何緣縱心乃如是 |
You are a monk and seek the Taoism |
父母生養長育汝 宗親恩愛共成就 |
Parents nurture and nurture Ru Clan’s love and love to achieve together |
咸皆涕泣戀惜汝 汝能捨離不顧念 |
Salty tears, weeping, love and cherish you |
而心常在欲覺中 共欲嬉戲無厭心 |
And the heart is always in the sense of desire the desire to have fun together is insatiable |
常樂欲火共一處 歡喜愛樂不暫離 |
To be in the same place for joy and fire To be happy, to love and not to leave for a while |
如是種種呵欲覺。 |
is all kinds of lust. |
如是種種正觀除欲覺。 |
In this way, all sorts of upright views and desires are eliminated. |
問曰。 |
Asked. |
云何滅瞋恚覺。 |
Yun He died of sorrow. |
答曰 |
Answered |
從胎中來生常苦 是中眾生莫瞋惱 |
From the womb, life is often suffering. |
若念瞋惱慈悲滅 慈悲瞋惱不相比 |
If Nian Nian Anxious, Compassionate and Disappear Compassionate, Annoyed, Not Comparable |
汝念慈悲瞋惱滅 譬如明闇不同處 |
Ru Nian Compassion, Annoyance and Destruction For example, the difference between light and dark |
若持淨戒念瞋恚 是人自毀破法利 |
If one keeps the pure precepts and reads 瞋恚 is a person who destroys himself and breaks the law |
譬如諸象入水浴 復以泥土塗坌身 |
For example, as the elephants enter the water bath cover their bodies with mud |
一切常有老病死 種種鞭笞百千苦 P. |
There is always old age, sickness and death in everything. |
8 |
8 |
云何善人念眾生 而復加益以瞋惱 |
Yun He is kind and people think of all beings and regain benefits and annoyance |
若起瞋恚欲害彼 未及前人先自燒 |
If you start to be mad, you want to hurt him burn yourself before the predecessors |
是故常念行慈悲 瞋惱惡念內不生 |
It’s the reason why I always think of being compassionate irritating and thinking that there is no life inside |
若人常念行善法 是心常習佛所念 |
If people always recite good deeds is what the mind often learns from Buddha |
是故不應念不善 常念善法歡樂心 |
Yes, so you shouldn’t read bad things Always recite good things, happy heart |
今世得樂後亦然 得道常樂是涅槃 |
The same applies to happiness in this world The Tao and Changle are Nirvana |
若心積聚不善覺 自失己利并害他 |
If the heart accumulates bad feelings loses oneself and hurts him |
是謂不善彼我失 他有淨心亦復沒 |
It means that I’m not good and I’m not good. He has a pure heart, but he’s gone. |
譬如阿蘭若道人 舉手哭言賊劫我 |
For example, Alan Ruo Dao Ren |
有人問言。 |
Someone asked. |
誰劫汝。 |
Who robbed you. |
答言。 |
Answer. |
財賊我不畏。 |
I'm not afraid of money thief. |
我不聚財求世利。 |
I don't gather money for the benefit of the world. |
誰有財賊能侵我。 |
Whoever has a thief can invade me. |
我 |
I |
集善根諸法寶。 |
Gather all the magic weapons of good roots. |
覺觀賊來破我利。 |
Realize that the thief comes to break our profit. |
財賊可避。 |
Money thieves can be avoided. |
多藏處。 |
Many hiding places. |
劫善賊來無處避。 |
Jieshan thief has nowhere to avoid. |
如是種種呵 |
So all kinds of |
瞋恚。 |
Aversion. |
如是種種正觀除瞋恚覺 |
In this way, all kinds of upright views and aversions are eliminated |
問曰。 |
asked and said. |
云何除惱覺 |
Yun He Zhuanjue |
答曰眾生百千種 諸病更互恒來惱 |
Answer that there are hundreds and thousands of sentient beings All diseases are more constant and troubled by each other. |
死賊捕伺常欲殺 無量眾苦自沈沒 |
Dead thieves catch and wait and often want to kill |
云何善人復加惱 讒謗謀害無慈仁 |
Yun He Shanren add annoyance again slander and murder without mercy |
未及傷彼被殃身 俗人起惱是可恕 |
It’s forgivable for the common people to be upset before they hurt him. |
此事世法惡業因 亦不自言我修善 |
This matter is due to the evil karma of the world law. |
求清淨道出家人 而生瞋恚懷嫉心 |
Pursuing a clean road to a monk born with jealousy |
清冷雲中放毒火 當知此惡罪極深 |
Cool and cold clouds put poisonous fire When I know this evil crime is extremely deep |
阿蘭若人興嫉妬 有阿羅漢他心智 |
Alan Ruorenxing is jealous There is an Arahant and his mind |
教誡苦責汝何愚 嫉妬自破功德本 |
Teach the admonitions, hardship and blame Ru He Yu Envy and self-defeating merits |
若求供養當自集 諸功德本莊嚴身 |
If you ask for support, you should be self-collected all merits and virtues are the solemn body |
若不持戒禪多聞 虛假染衣壞法身 |
If you don’t follow the precepts and Zen, you will hear more. |
實是乞兒弊惡人 云何求供養利身 |
It's a beggar, evil, evil person |
飢渴寒熱百千苦 眾生常困此諸惱 |
Hunger, thirsty, cold and hot, hundreds of thousands of sufferings Sentient beings are often troubled by these afflictions |
身心苦厄無窮盡 云何善人加諸惱 |
The physical and mental suffering is endless Yun He Shan people add to the troubles |
譬如病瘡以針刺 亦如獄囚考未決 |
For example, acupuncture is used for a sore It is also like a prisoner's test pending |
苦厄纏身眾惱集 云何慈悲更令劇 |
Bitter and Evil Encountered All Annoyed Collections Yun He Mercifulness Makes Drama more |
如是種種呵惱覺。 |
All kinds of awkward feelings. |
如是種種正觀除惱覺 |
So all sorts of upright views to eliminate irritation |
問曰。 |
asked and said. |
云何除親里覺 |
Yun He Chu Qi Lijue |
答曰。 |
answered. |
應如是念。 |
Should be so. |
世界生死中自業緣牽。 |
The world is driven by karma in life and death. |
何者是親何者非親。 |
Who is pro and who is not pro. |
但以愚癡故橫生著 |
But with a foolishness |
心計為我親。 |
Scheming to kiss for me. |
過去世非親為親。 |
Past lives are not relatives. |
未來世非親為親。 |
In the future life will not be relatives. |
今世是親過去非親。 |
In this world, we are close to the past and not close to each other. |
譬如鳥栖暮集 |
For example, Tosu Twilight Collection |
一樹晨飛各隨緣去。 |
Kazuki flies in the morning to go wherever it happens. |
家屬親里亦復如是。 |
The same is true for family members. |
生世界中各各自異心。 |
In the world of life, each has its own different minds. |
緣會故親緣散故踈。 |
For the sake of relatives, the reason is to go away. |
無有定實因緣果報。 |
There is no definite causality. |
共相親近。 |
We are close together. |
譬如乾沙緣手團握。 |
For example, the dry sand edge holds hands together. |
緣捉故合緣放故散。 |
For the sake of catching together and releasing for the sake of dispersing. |
父母養子老P. |
Parents and adopted son P. |
9 |
9 |
當得報。 |
Pawned. |
子蒙懷抱養育故應報。 |
Zimeng embraces and nurtures, so it should be reported. |
若順其意則親。 |
If you go with the flow, you will be dear. |
若逆其意是賊。 |
If it does not mean it is a thief. |
有親不能益而反害。 |
If you have relatives, you can't benefit and counter harm. |
有非親無損而大益。 |
There is no loss and great benefit to non-professionals. |
人以因緣故而生愛。 |
People love for reasons. |
愛因緣故而更斷。 |
Love is broken for reasons. |
譬如畫師作婦女像還自愛 |
For example, the painter loves himself when he makes a portrait of a woman |
著。 |
NS. |
此亦如是。 |
This is also true. |
自生染著染著於外。 |
Dyed by itself. |
過去世中汝有親里。 |
In the past lives, you have your relatives. |
今世於汝復何所作。 |
What do you do in this world? |
汝亦不 |
Neither do you |
能益過去親。 |
Can benefit the past pro. |
過去親不益汝。 |
It's not good for you in the past. |
兩不相益。 |
The two are not mutually beneficial. |
空念之為是親非親。 |
The idea of emptiness is pros and not pros. |
世界中不定無邊。 |
There is no bounds in the world. |
如阿 |
Such as |
羅漢教新出家戀親弟子言。 |
Luohan teaches new monks to love relatives to disciples. |
如惡人吐食更欲還噉。 |
If the wicked vomit and eat, they even want to eat. |
汝亦如是。 |
The same is true for you. |
汝已得出家。 |
You have gone home. |
何以還欲 |
Why do you want to return |
愛著。 |
In love. |
是剃髮染衣是解脫相。 |
Shaving hair and dyeing clothes is a liberating phase. |
汝著親里不得解脫還為愛所繫。 |
You are still bound by love if you can't get rid of it. |
三界無常流轉不定。 |
The impermanence of the Three Realms is indeterminate. |
若 |
like |
親非親。 |
Pro not pro. |
雖今親里久久則滅。 |
Although it will die for a long time today. |
如是十方眾生迴轉。 |
In this way, all sentient beings in the ten directions turn back. |
親里無定是非我親。 |
There is no certainty about whether you are your own. |
人欲死時無心 |
Unintentional when people are dying |
無識。 |
Ignorance. |
直視不轉閉氣命絕如墮闇坑。 |
Looking straight without turning around, your life is like falling into a dark pit. |
是時親里家屬安在。 |
It's time that the relatives of the family are here. |
若初生時先世非親今強和合 |
If at first birth, the previous life is not close to the present and strong harmony |
作親。 |
Be a pro. |
若當死時復非親。 |
If you die when you die. |
如是思惟不當著親。 |
In this way, thinking improperly is a kiss. |
如人兒死。 |
Like people die. |
一時三處父母俱時啼哭。 |
The parents cried all the time in three places. |
誑 |
lie |
天上父母妻子。 |
Heavenly parents and wives. |
人中亦為誑。 |
People are also ridiculous. |
龍中父母亦為誑。 |
Longzhong's parents are also ridiculous. |
如是種種正觀除親里覺 |
In this way, all kinds of stance |
問曰。 |
asked and said. |
云何除國土覺。 |
Yun He except for the sense of land. |
答曰。 |
The answer is. |
行者若念是國土豐樂安隱多諸好人。 |
If you are a traveler, there are many good people in the land, peace and tranquility. |
恒為國土覺繩 |
Hengwei's homeland |
所牽。 |
Led by. |
將去罪處覺心如是。 |
It will be like this at the culpability office. |
若有智人不應念著。 |
If there are Homo sapiens, they shouldn't read it. |
何以故。 |
Why. |
國土種種過罪所燒時節轉故 |
The burning time of the country's various sins has passed away |
。 |
. |
亦有飢餓身疲極故。 |
There are also hunger and fatigue. |
一切國土無常安者。 |
All nations are insecure. |
復次老病死苦無國不有。 |
There is no country and no country. |
從是間身苦去得 |
From suffering |
彼處身苦。 |
There is suffering. |
一切國土去無不苦。 |
All territories go without suffering. |
假有國土安隱豐樂。 |
Imagine that there is a land of peace and prosperity. |
而有結惱心生苦患。 |
But there is pain in the heart of the knot. |
是非好國土 |
Right or wrong |
。 |
. |
能除雜惡國土能薄結使令心不惱。 |
It can get rid of the miscellaneous evils of the country and make the heart less irritating. |
是謂好國土。 |
It is called a good land. |
一切眾生有二種苦。 |
All sentient beings have two kinds of suffering. |
身苦心苦常有 |
Body pains often |
苦惱。 |
distressed. |
無有國土無此二惱。 |
There is no country without these two troubles. |
復次有國土大寒。 |
The country has been severely cold again and again. |
有國土大熱。 |
There is a big heat in the country. |
有國土飢餓。 |
There is land hunger. |
有國土多病 |
There are many diseases in the country |
。 |
. |
有國土多賊。 |
There are many thieves in the country. |
有國土王法不理。 |
Some landlords ignored the law. |
如是種種國土之惡心不應著。 |
If this is the case, the disgust of the country should not be met. |
如是正觀除國土覺 |
If you look at it right away |
問曰。 |
asked and said. |
云何除不死覺。 |
Yun He is not dead. |
答曰。 |
The answer is. |
應教行者。 |
Should teach the practitioner. |
若好家生。 |
If a good family member. |
若種族子才技力勢勝人。 |
If the race is more powerful than others. |
一 |
one |
切莫念。 |
Don't read it. |
何以故。 |
Why. |
一切死時不觀老少貴賤才技力勢。 |
Everything is dead regardless of the talents and strengths of the young and old. |
是身是一切憂惱諸因緣。 |
It is the body that is the cause and condition of all worries. |
因自見 |
In your own eyes |
少多壽若得安隱。 |
Longevity is less and more peaceful. |
是為癡人。 |
It's for idiots. |
何以故。 |
Why. |
是謂憂惱因依是四大。 |
It means that the causes of worry are the four major factors. |
四大造色如四毒蛇。 |
The four great creatures are like the four poisonous snakes. |
共 |
common |
不相應。 |
Not corresponding. |
誰得安隱者。 |
Whoever has peace of mind. |
出息期入是不可信。 |
Expected income is not credible. |
復次人睡時欲期必覺。 |
People want to sleep again and again when they sleep. |
是事難信。 |
It's hard to believe. |
受胎至 |
Conception to |
老死事恒來。 |
The old dead are always coming. |
求死時節言常不死。 |
Quiet words often do not die when we pray for death. |
云何可信。 |
The cloud is so credible. |
譬如殺賊拔刀注箭常求殺人無憐愍心。 |
For example, to kill a thief, draw a sword and inject an arrow, often begs to kill without mercy. |
人生世間死力最大。 |
Life is the most deadly in the world. |
一切無勝死力強者。 |
All invincible and powerful. |
若過去世第一妙人無能脫此死者。 |
If the first wonderful person in the past life is unable to escape the dead. |
現在亦無 |
No now |
大智人能勝死者。 |
Homo sapiens can conquer the dead. |
亦非軟語求。 |
It's not soft words. |
非巧言誑可得避脫。 |
Non-spoofing can be avoided. |
亦非持戒精進能却此死。 |
It's not like keeping the precepts and being diligent, but you can die. |
以是故 |
So |
當知。 |
Dang know. |
人常危脆不可怙恃。 |
People are always in danger. |
莫信計常我壽久活。 |
I don't know how to live long. |
是諸死賊常將人去。 |
It is the dead thieves who often send people away. |
不付老竟然後當 |
Don't pay the old and be the one |
殺。 |
kill. |
如阿羅漢教諸覺所惱弟子言。 |
Such as the words of the disciples annoyed by the Arahant teachings. |
汝何以不知厭世入道。 |
Why don't you know how to tire of the world and enter the Tao. |
何以作此覺。 |
Why do you feel this way? |
有人未生便死 |
Someone died before they were born |
。 |
. |
有生時死者。 |
There are dead in life. |
有乳餔時。 |
When there is milk food. |
有斷乳時。 |
When weaning. |
有小兒時。 |
There was a childhood. |
有盛壯時。 |
There are prosperous times. |
有老時。 |
There are old times. |
一切時中間死 |
Die in the middle of everything |
法界。 |
Law world. |
譬如樹華華時便墮。 |
For example, when the trees are blooming, they fall. |
有果時墮。 |
Fallen when there is fruit. |
有未熟時墮。 |
Fall when you are immature. |
是故當知。 |
So we should know. |
勤力精進求安隱道。 |
Diligent and diligent seeking peace and quiet. |
大力賊共住不可信。 |
It's not credible to live with strong thieves. |
此賊如虎巧覆藏身。 |
This thief hides like a tiger cleverly. |
如是死賊常求殺人。 |
Such as dead thieves often ask for murder. |
世界所有空如水泡。 |
The world is empty. |
云 |
cloud |
何當言待時入道。 |
Enter the Tao when you are talking about it. |
何誰能證言汝必老可得行道。 |
How can anyone testify that you must be old enough to walk the way. |
譬如嶮岸大樹上有大風下有大水崩其 |
For example, there is a strong wind on a big tree on the shore, and a big water collapses it. |
根土。 |
Root soil. |
誰當信此樹得久住者。 |
Whoever believes in this tree will live for a long time. |
人命亦如是。 |
The same is true of human life. |
少時不可信。 |
Unbelievable for a while. |
父如穀子。 |
Father is like a millet. |
母如好田。 |
Mother is like a good field. |
先世 |
Ancestors |
因緣罪福如雨澤。 |
Karma and sin are blessed like rain. |
眾生如穀。 |
All beings are like valleys. |
生死如收刈。 |
Life and death are like harvesting. |
種種諸天子人王智德。 |
All kinds of emperor Wang Zhide. |
如天王佐天鬪破諸 |
As the king of heaven |
阿須倫軍。 |
Ashurun Army. |
種種受樂極高大明。 |
All kinds of enjoyment are extremely bright. |
還沒在黑闇。 |
Not in the dark yet. |
以是故莫信命活言。 |
Therefore, do not believe in life. |
我今日當作此。 |
I take it as this today. |
明 |
bright |
後當作是。 |
Treat it later. |
如是正觀種種除不死覺。 |
In this way, we are observing all kinds of in addition to the sense of immortality. |
如是先除麁思覺。 |
In this way, first remove Nie Sijue. |
却後除細思覺。 |
But after careful consideration. |
心清淨生得正 |
Purity of heart |
道。 |
road. |
一切結使盡。 |
Everything is done. |
從是得安隱處。 |
From Dean Retreat. |
是謂出家果。 |
It is said to be a monk. |
心得自在。 |
Feel at ease. |
三業第一清淨不復受胎。 |
The first in the three industries is clean and no longer conceived. |
P. |
P. |
10 |
10 |
讀種種經多聞。 |
Read all kinds of classics. |
是時得報果。 |
It's time to get results. |
如是得時。 |
If it's time. |
不空破魔王軍。 |
Do not break the Demon King's army. |
便得第一勇猛名稱。 |
Get the first brave name. |
世界中 |
In the world |
煩惱將去。 |
Troubles will go. |
是不名健。 |
It's not Mingjian. |
能破煩惱賊滅三毒火涼樂清淨。 |
It can break the troubles and thief, extinguish the three poisons, fire, cool, and clean. |
涅槃林中安隱高枕。 |
Nirvana sits quietly in the forest. |
種種禪定 |
Various kinds of meditation |
根力七覺清風四起。 |
The breeze is rising everywhere. |
顧念眾生沒三毒海。 |
There are no three poisonous seas for all sentient beings. |
德妙力如是。 |
De Miao Li is like this. |
乃名為健。 |
It is named Jian. |
如是等散心。 |
So wait for relaxation. |
當念 |
Dangnian |
阿那般那學六種法斷諸思覺。 |
Ana Panna learns the six methods to judge all thoughts. |
以是故念數息 |
Count your breath |
問曰。 |
asked and said. |
若餘不淨念佛四等觀中。 |
If Yu Bujing recites the fourth-class view of Buddhism. |
亦得斷思覺。 |
Also have to think about it. |
何以故。 |
Why. |
獨數息。 |
Sudden interest. |
答曰。 |
The answer is. |
餘觀法寬 |
Yu Guanfakuan |
難失故。 |
It's hard to miss. |
數息法急易轉故。 |
The method of counting interest is quick and easy to change. |
譬如放牛。 |
For example, herding cattle. |
以牛難失故守之少事。 |
It's a rare thing to keep a cow. |
如放獼猴易失故守之多 |
For example, the macaques are easy to lose and guard |
事。 |
thing. |
此亦如是。 |
This is also true. |
數息心數不得少時他念。 |
He recites when the heart counts. |
少時他念則失數。 |
When he was young, he lost count. |
以是故初斷思覺應數息。 |
Therefore, the initial thought should be counted. |
已得數法當行隨法斷諸思覺。 |
Having learned the numbering method, you should follow the law and judge all your thoughts. |
入息至竟當隨莫數一。 |
The income should never be counted. |
出息至竟當隨莫數二。 |
Promising to the point of no less than two. |
譬如負債 |
Such as debt |
人債主隨逐初不捨離。 |
People and creditors are reluctant to leave. |
如是思惟。 |
Think like this. |
是入息是還出更有異。 |
It is more different whether the income is still out. |
出息是還入更有異。 |
The income is more different than the income. |
是時知 |
It's time to know |
入息異出息異。 |
The income is different and the interest is different. |
何以故。 |
Why. |
出息暖入息冷。 |
A warm breath and a cold breath. |
問曰。 |
Asked. |
入出息是一息。 |
Incoming and outgoing breath is one breath. |
何以故。 |
Why. |
出息還更入 |
More profitable |
故。 |
Therefore. |
譬如含水水暖吐水水冷。 |
For example, water-containing plumbing spits water and water is cold. |
冷者還暖暖者還冷故。 |
Those who are cold are still warm and those who are warm are still cold. |
答曰。 |
The answer is. |
不爾。 |
Not. |
內心動故有息出。 |
The heart is moved, so there is interest. |
出已即滅。 |
It's gone. |
鼻口引外則有息入。 |
Breathing in with the nose out. |
入故息滅。 |
Into the past and rest. |
亦無將出亦無將入。 |
There is neither going out nor in. |
復次少壯老人。 |
Repeatedly young and old people. |
少者 |
Lesser |
入息長。 |
Long income. |
壯者入出息等。 |
The strong enters and exits and so on. |
老者出息長。 |
The old man has a long history. |
是故非一息。 |
Right and wrong. |
復次臍邊風發相似相續。 |
Repeated umbilical winds are similar to each other. |
息出至 |
Interest out to |
口鼻邊。 |
The mouth and nose. |
出已便滅。 |
It's gone. |
譬如 囊中風開時即滅。 |
For example, the sac will go out when the wind opens. |
若以口鼻因緣引之則風入。 |
If it is induced by mouth and nose, the wind will enter. |
是從新因緣 |
Renewal |
邊生。 |
Biansheng. |
譬如扇眾緣合故則有風。 |
For example, if the fans are in harmony, there is wind. |
是時知入出息因緣而有虛誑不真生滅無常。 |
It is time to know that there is fictitiousness due to predestined conditions. |
如是思惟 |
Think like this |
。 |
. |
出息從口鼻因緣引之。 |
The interest is drawn from the nose and mouth. |
而有入息因緣心動令生。 |
And there is income because of fate and heart. |
而惑者不知以為我息。 |
But those who are confused don't know that I am resting. |
息者是風。 |
The breather is the wind. |
與外風無異。 |
It's no different from the outside wind. |
地水火空亦復如是。 |
The same is true of earth, water, fire and air. |
是五大因緣合故生識。 |
It is the five major causes and reasons. |
識亦如是非我有也。 |
The reed is the same as if it is right or not, I have it too. |
五陰十 |
Five Yin Ten |
二入十八持亦復如是。 |
The same goes for two into eighteen holdings. |
如是知之逐息入息出。 |
In this way, knowingly enters and exits with interest. |
是以名隨。 |
Follow the name. |
已得隨法當行止法。 |
You have to follow the law and stop the law. |
止法者 |
Stopper |
數隨心極住意風門念入出息。 |
Count as much as you want. |
問曰。 |
Asked. |
何以故止。 |
Why it stops. |
答曰。 |
The answer is. |
斷諸思覺故。 |
Break all thoughts. |
心不散故。 |
The heart stays the same. |
數隨 |
Number with |
息時心不定心多劇故止則心閑少事故心住一處故念息出入。 |
When the heart is restless, the heart is more dramatic, so it stops, and the heart is idle and less accidental. |
譬如守門人門邊住。 |
For example, the gatekeeper lives by the door. |
觀人 |
Watch people |
入出。 |
In and out. |
止心亦爾。 |
Stop your heart. |
知息出時。 |
Know the time when the breath comes out. |
從臍心胸咽至口鼻。 |
From the umbilical chest to the mouth and nose. |
息入時從口鼻咽胸心至臍。 |
When breathing in, from the mouth, nose, throat, chest, heart to the umbilicus. |
如是繫 |
If so |
心一處。 |
One heart. |
是名為止。 |
It's just the name. |
復次心止法中住觀。 |
Repeat the mind-stopping method in mind. |
入息時五陰生滅異。 |
The birth and death of the five yin is different at the time of income. |
出息時五陰生滅異。 |
The birth and death of the five yin is different when the breath is released. |
如 |
like |
是心亂便除却。 |
It is the confusion that will get rid of it. |
一心思惟令觀增長。 |
Concentrate on thinking to grow. |
是名為觀法。 |
It is called the view method. |
捨風門住離麁觀法。 |
She Fengmen stays away from the view method. |
離麁觀法知息 |
Li guan dharma to know the breath |
無常。 |
Impermanence. |
此名轉觀。 |
This name has changed. |
觀五陰無常。 |
View the five yin impermanence. |
亦念入息出息生滅無常。 |
It also reads the impermanence of the incoming and outgoing breath. |
見初頭息無所從來。 |
Seeing the beginning, nothing has never happened. |
次觀後 |
After the second view |
息亦無跡處。 |
There is no trace of interest. |
因緣合故有。 |
It is due to reason. |
因緣散故無。 |
Not because of the cause. |
是名轉觀法。 |
It is the method of name transfer. |
除滅五蓋及諸煩惱。 |
Eliminate the five gai and all troubles. |
雖先得止 |
First come first |
觀煩惱不淨心雜今此淨法心獨得清淨。 |
Observing the defilements, the impure mind, and this pure method, the mind is uniquely pure. |
復次前觀異學相似行道念息入出。 |
Repeatedly look forward to different learning and similar ways of doing things and thinking about entering and leaving. |
今無漏道相 |
No omissions |
似行善有漏道。 |
There seems to be a leak in doing good. |
是謂清淨。 |
It means purity. |
復次初觀身念止分。 |
Revisit the body for the first time and stop. |
漸漸一切身念止。 |
Gradually all body thoughts ceased. |
次行痛心念止。 |
The second line is painful. |
是 |
Yes |
中非清淨無漏道遠故今法念止中。 |
Central Africa is clean and has no missing paths, so the thoughts of Dharma have ceased today. |
觀十六行念入出息。 |
Watch the sixteen lines recite the breath. |
得煖法頂法忍法世間第一法苦 |
The first method in the world is suffering |
法忍乃至無學盡智。 |
Fa forbearance and even wisdom without learning. |
是名清淨。 |
It is pure name. |
是十六分中初入息分。 |
It is the first income of sixteen points. |
六種安那般那行。 |
Six kinds of things that do that. |
出息分亦如 |
Interest points are the same |
是。 |
Yes. |
一心念息入出若長若短。 |
One mind is long and short. |
譬如人怖走上山若擔負重若上氣。 |
For example, if Terror walked up the mountain, he felt burdened and angry. |
如是比是息短。 |
This is shorter than the interest rate. |
若人 |
If people |
極時得安息歡喜。 |
It's extremely easy to rest and rejoice. |
又如得利從獄中出。 |
It's like getting a profit out of prison. |
如是為息長。 |
If it is for long interest. |
一切息隨二處。 |
Everything rests in two places. |
若長若短處。 |
If it is long and short. |
是 |
Yes |
故言息長息短。 |
Therefore, the interest is long and the interest is short. |
是中亦行安那般那六事。 |
It's the six things that China Yixing Ann. |
念諸息遍身。 |
Read all the breaths all over the body. |
亦念息出入。 |
Also read interest in and out. |
悉觀身中諸出息 |
Observe all the breaths in the body |
入息。 |
Income. |
覺知遍至身中乃至足指遍諸毛孔如水入沙。 |
Awareness is everywhere in the body and even through the pores of the toes like water and sand. |
息出覺知從足至髮遍諸毛孔亦如水 |
Breath out of awareness, from the foot to the pores are like water |
入沙。 |
Into the sand. |
譬如 囊入出皆滿。 |
For example, the bag is full. |
口鼻風入出亦爾。 |
Mouth and nose wind in and out. |
觀身周遍見風行處。 |
See the popular place everywhere in the body. |
如藕根孔亦如魚網 |
Like a lotus root hole is like a fish net |
。 |
. |
復心非獨口鼻觀息入出。 |
Rejuvenation is not a matter of observing breath in and out. |
一切毛孔及九孔中。 |
All pores and nine pores. |
亦見息入息出。 |
Also see interest in and out. |
是故知息遍諸身除諸P. |
It is therefore knowing the rest all over the body except all P. |
11 |
11 |
身行。 |
Personally. |
亦念入出息。 |
Also read in and out. |
初學息時。 |
At the beginning of school. |
若身懈怠睡眠體重悉除棄之。 |
If the body is sluggish, sleep weight is completely discarded. |
身輕柔軟隨禪定心受喜 |
Light and soft body, joy with meditation and heart |
。 |
. |
亦念息入出。 |
Also want to breathe in and out. |
除懈怠睡眠心重。 |
In addition to slack sleep and focus on sleep. |
得心輕柔軟。 |
Comfortable and soft. |
隨禪定心受喜。 |
Follow the meditation and feel joy. |
復次入息念止中竟。 |
Repeatedly enter the breath and stop in the end. |
次行痛念止已得身念止。 |
The second line of painful meditation has been achieved by the body. |
實今更得痛念止實受喜。 |
Shijin has to be more painful and joyful. |
復次已知身實相。 |
Know the reality of the body again and again. |
今欲知心心數法 |
To know the number of minds |
實相。 |
Reality. |
是故受喜。 |
It is so happy. |
亦念息入出愛樂。 |
I also want to breathe in and out of Philharmonic. |
亦念息入出是喜增長。 |
Also think that the income is happy to grow. |
名為樂。 |
Named Le. |
復次初心中生悅 |
Joy in the heart again and again |
是名喜。 |
It is Mingxi. |
後遍身喜是名樂。 |
Houbianshenxi is fame and music. |
復次初禪二禪中樂痛名喜。 |
In the second meditation, the first meditation and the second meditation are joyous and famous. |
三禪中樂痛名受樂受諸心行。 |
In the three meditations, the name of happiness is the name of happiness and all mind actions. |
亦念息入出。 |
Also want to breathe in and out. |
諸心生滅法。 |
The birth and death of all minds. |
心染法心不染法。 |
The mind is dyed and the mind is not dyed. |
心散法心攝法。 |
The method of heart relaxation. |
心正法心邪法。 |
The heart is righteous and the heart is evil. |
如是等 |
So wait |
諸心相名為心行。 |
The mental states are called mind actions. |
心作喜時亦念息入出先受喜。 |
When the heart is happy, it is also the first to be happy when the breath enters and exits. |
自生不故作念心故作喜。 |
Self-generation does not pretend to be thoughtful and pretend to be happy. |
問曰。 |
Asked. |
何以 |
why |
故故作喜。 |
So pretending to be happy. |
答曰。 |
The answer is. |
欲治二種心。 |
Desire to cure two kinds of hearts. |
或散心或攝心。 |
Either relax or contemplate. |
如是作心得出煩惱。 |
If you do this, you can get troubles. |
是故念法心作喜 |
It’s just rejoicing |
。 |
. |
復次若心不悅勸勉令喜。 |
Repeatedly if the heart is unhappy and exhorts to make joy. |
心作攝時亦念息入出。 |
When the mind is ingesting, it is also in and out of the breath. |
設心不定強伏令定。 |
Suppose you are uncertain and force your decision. |
如經中說。 |
As said in the scripture. |
心 |
Heart |
定是道心散非道。 |
It must be Dao's heart and non-Tao. |
心作解脫時亦念息入出。 |
When the mind is liberated, it is also in and out of breath. |
若意不解強伏令解。 |
If the intention is puzzled, the solution is forced. |
譬如羊入蒼耳。 |
For example, sheep enters cocklebur. |
蒼耳 |
Cocklebur |
著身。 |
Get dressed. |
人為漸漸出之。 |
People are gradually coming out. |
心作解脫諸煩惱結亦復如是。 |
The mind is free from all the worries and the knot is the same. |
是名心念止作解脫。 |
It is the name of mind-mind-stopping for liberation. |
觀無常亦念 |
Seeing impermanence and thinking |
息入出。 |
Interest in and out. |
觀諸法無常生滅空無吾我。 |
Observing the impermanence of all dharmas, there is no self in the void. |
生時諸法空生。 |
When you are born, all dharmas are born in emptiness. |
滅時諸法空滅。 |
When extinguishing, all dharmas disappear in the air. |
是中無男無女無 |
There are no men and no women |
人無作無受。 |
People do nothing and suffer nothing. |
是名隨無常觀。 |
It is the view of impermanence. |
觀有為法出散亦念息入出無常。 |
Observing that there is action, the method of dispersal, but also the mind of breathing into and out of impermanence. |
是名出散。 |
It is famous. |
諸有為法現 |
All things |
世中出。 |
Out of the world. |
從過去因緣和合故集。 |
A collection of causes and causes from the past. |
因緣壞故散。 |
Disperse due to bad reasons. |
如是隨觀是名出散觀。 |
In this way, the random view is the famous scattered view. |
觀離欲結。 |
View the knot of liberation. |
亦念 |
Yi Nian |
息入出。 |
Interest in and out. |
心離諸結。 |
The heart is separated from the knots. |
是法第一。 |
It is law first. |
是名隨離欲觀。 |
It is the view of freely desire. |
觀盡亦念息入出。 |
When you watch it all, you also want to breathe in and out. |
諸結使苦在在處盡 |
All knots make suffering end up everywhere |
。 |
. |
是處安隱。 |
It's quiet. |
是名隨盡觀。 |
It is the name to follow. |
觀棄捨亦念息入出。 |
Abandoning homes is also thinking about entering and leaving. |
諸染愛煩惱身心五陰諸有為法棄捨。 |
Zhuranai troubles the body and the five yin, and abandons all the doctrines. |
是第一安隱。 |
It is the first An Yin. |
如是觀是名隨法意止觀。 |
Viewing in this way is to view with the name and the law. |
是名十六分 |
Is the first sixteen points |
第五治等分法門 |
The fifth rule of equal division |
第五法門治等分行。 |
Fifth Law Menzhi and other branches. |
及重罪人求索佛。 |
And the felony begged for Buddha. |
如是人等當教一心念佛三昧。 |
In this way, one should teach one mind to recite the samādhi of Buddha. |
念佛三昧有 |
Samādhi |
三種人或初習行。 |
Three kinds of people or beginners. |
或已習行。 |
Or have practiced. |
或久習行。 |
Or practice for a long time. |
若初習行人。 |
If you are new to pedestrians. |
將至佛像所。 |
Coming to the Buddha Statue. |
或教令自往諦觀 |
Or to teach the truth |
佛像相好。 |
The Buddha image looks good. |
相相明了。 |
The phase is clear. |
一心取持還至靜處。 |
Take it all with one heart and return to the quiet place. |
心眼觀佛像。 |
Mind and observe Buddha statues. |
令意不轉繫念在像不令他念 |
Do not change your mind |
。 |
. |
他念攝之令常在像。 |
He is always in the image. |
若心不住。 |
If you can't help it. |
師當教言。 |
Teachers should teach. |
汝當責心。 |
You take responsibility. |
由汝受罪不可稱計。 |
It’s beyond your calculations to suffer. |
無際生 |
Endless life |
死種種苦惱無不更受。 |
All the distresses of death are no exception. |
若在地獄。 |
If in hell. |
吞飲洋銅食燒鐵丸。 |
Swallow and drink foreign copper food and burn iron pills. |
若在畜生。 |
If it's an animal. |
食糞噉草。 |
Feeding manure and eating grass. |
若在餓 |
If hungry |
鬼受飢餓苦。 |
Ghosts suffer from hunger. |
若在人中貧窮困厄。 |
If you are poor and distressed among people. |
若在天上失欲憂惱。 |
If you lose desire and worry in the sky. |
常隨汝故令我受此種種身惱心 |
I often follow you, so I am annoyed by all kinds of bodies |
惱無量苦惱。 |
Anxiety is boundless. |
今當制汝。 |
Be in charge of you today. |
汝當隨我。 |
You should follow me. |
我今繫汝一處。 |
I am your place now. |
我終不復為汝所困更受苦毒也。 |
I will no longer be trapped by you and suffer more. |
汝常困我。 |
You often sleep with me. |
我今要當以事困汝。 |
I'm going to trouble you with things now. |
如是不已心不散亂。 |
If so, the heart will not be distracted. |
是時便得心眼見佛像相光明。 |
At that time, I can see that the Buddha statue looks bright. |
如 |
like |
眼所見無有異也。 |
There is no difference in what you see. |
如是心住。 |
So stay in my heart. |
是名初習行者思惟。 |
It is a novice thinker. |
是時當更念言。 |
It's time to speak more. |
是誰像相。 |
Who looks like. |
則是過 |
Then |
去釋迦牟尼佛像相。 |
Go to the statue of Shakyamuni Buddha. |
如我今見佛形像。 |
Like I saw a Buddha image today. |
像亦不來我亦不往。 |
I won't go even if it doesn't come. |
如是心想見過去佛。 |
So I want to see the past Buddha. |
初降 |
First fall |
神時震動天地。 |
When God shakes the heavens and the earth. |
有三十二相大人相。 |
There are thirty-two appearances of adults. |
一者足下安平立。 |
One stood peacefully. |
二者足下千輻輪。 |
Both have a thousand-spoke wheel in one step. |
三者指長好 |
Three fingers are good |
。 |
. |
四者足跟廣。 |
The four have wide heels. |
五者手足指合縵網。 |
The five hands and feet are joined together. |
六者足趺高平好。 |
The six are good at high level. |
七者伊尼延鹿 。 |
The Seven Iniyan Deer. |
八者平住手 |
The eight hold hands |
過膝。 |
Over the knee. |
九者陰馬藏相。 |
Nine are Yin Ma Tibetan. |
十者尼俱盧陀身。 |
Ten Niku Luto body. |
十一者一一孔一一毛生。 |
Eleven are born with one hole one by one. |
十二者毛生上向而 |
The twelve are born upwards |
右旋。 |
Right-handed. |
十三者身色勝上金。 |
Thirteen are better than gold. |
十四者身光面一丈。 |
The fourteen had a bare face. |
十五者皮薄好。 |
Fifteen have thin skin and good skin. |
十六者七處滿。 |
Sixteen people and seven places are full. |
十七 |
Seventeen |
者兩腋下平好。 |
The two armpits are flat. |
十八者上身如師子。 |
The upper body of the eighteen is like a teacher. |
十九者身大好端直。 |
The nineteen were well and straight. |
二十者肩圓好。 |
Twenty have round shoulders. |
二十一者四 |
Twenty-one four |
十齒。 |
Ten teeth. |
二十二者齒白齊密等而根深。 |
Twenty two have the same white teeth and deep roots. |
二十三者四牙白而大。 |
Twenty-three have four white and big teeth. |
二十四者頰方如師子。 |
Twenty-four have cheeks like a teacher. |
二 |
two |
十五者味中得上味。 |
The fifteen are in the taste. |
二十六者舌大廣長而薄。 |
Twenty-six have a broad, long and thin tongue. |
二十七者梵音深遠。 |
Twenty-seven Sanskrit sounds are far-reaching. |
二十八者迦蘭頻伽P. |
Twenty-eight Jialan Pinga P. |
12 |
12 |
聲。 |
Voice. |
二十九者眼紺青色。 |
Twenty-nine had cyan eyes. |
三十者眼睫如牛王。 |
Thirty have eyelashes like a king of cows. |
三十一者頂髮肉骨成。 |
Thirty-one are topped with flesh and bones. |
三十二者眉間白 |
Thirty two whites between eyebrows |
毛長好右旋。 |
The hair grows right-handed. |
復次八十種小相。 |
Eighty kinds of minor pictures repeated. |
一者無見頂。 |
One has no peak. |
二者鼻直高好孔不現。 |
Both have straight noses and no holes. |
三者眉如初生月 |
The three eyebrows are like the first birth month |
紺琉璃色。 |
Cyan glass color. |
四者耳好。 |
All four have good ears. |
五者身如那羅延。 |
The body of the five is like that of the Luoyan. |
六者骨際如鉤鎖。 |
The six bones are like hooks and locks. |
七者身一時迴如象王。 |
The seven bodies are like an elephant king for a while. |
八 |
Eight |
者行時足去地四寸而印文現。 |
When the traveler went four inches to the ground, the printed text appeared. |
九者爪如赤銅色薄而潤澤。 |
The claws of the nine are as thin and moist as red copper. |
十者膝圓好。 |
Ten are well rounded. |
十一者身淨潔 |
Eleven are pure and clean |
。 |
. |
十二者身柔軟。 |
The twelve are soft. |
十三者身不曲。 |
Thirteen are not swaying. |
十四者指長圓纖十五者指紋如畫雜色莊嚴。 |
Fourteen refer to long, round and slender, fifteen fingerprints are picturesque and variegated solemnly. |
十六者 |
Sixteen |
脈深不現。 |
The pulse does not appear deep. |
十七者踝深不現。 |
Seventeen had no deep ankles. |
十八者身潤光澤。 |
Eighteen people are moisturized and shiny. |
十九者身自持不委陀。 |
Nineteen are self-sufficient. |
二十者身滿足 |
Twenty Body Satisfaction |
(三月受胎二月生)。 |
(Conception in March and born in February). |
二十一者容儀備足。 |
Twenty-one people are fully prepared. |
二十二者住處安(如牛王立不動)。 |
Twenty two live in a safe place (such as the cow king standing still). |
二十三者威振一 |
Twenty-three Vibrant One |
切。 |
cut. |
二十四者一切樂觀。 |
Twenty-four are all optimistic. |
二十五者面不長。 |
The face of twenty-five is not long. |
二十六者正容貌不撓色。 |
Twenty-six are looking indomitable. |
二十七者脣如頻 |
Twenty-seven people have frequent lips |
婆果色。 |
Pogoose. |
二十八者面圓滿。 |
Twenty-eight people are perfect. |
二十九者響聲深。 |
Twenty-nine people made a deep sound. |
三十者臍圓深不出。 |
The umbilical circle of thirty people is not deep. |
三十一者毛處處右 |
Thirty-one, the hair is everywhere on the right |
旋。 |
Spin. |
三十二者手足滿。 |
Thirty two are full. |
三十三者手足如意(舊言內外握者是)。 |
Thirty-three people have good hands and feet (the old saying goes inside and outside). |
三十四者手足文明直。 |
Thirty-four siblings are civilized and straight. |
三 |
three |
十五者手文長。 |
Fifteen have long handwriting. |
三十六者手文不斷。 |
Thirty-six people kept writing. |
三十七者一切惡心眾生見者皆得和悅色。 |
Thirty-seven all disgusting sentient beings who see it are reconciled and pleasing. |
三十八 |
thirty eight |
者面廣姝。 |
The audience is wide-ranging. |
三十九者面如月。 |
Thirty-nine people face like the moon. |
四十者眾生見者不怖不懼。 |
Forty sentient beings are not afraid and fearless when they see it. |
四十一者毛孔出香風。 |
Forty-one pores are fragrant. |
四十 |
forty |
二者口出香氣眾生遇者樂法七日。 |
The two breathed out the fragrance of sentient beings and those who encountered the Fa for seven days. |
四十三者儀容如師子。 |
Forty-three people have the appearance of a teacher. |
四十四者進止如象王。 |
The forty-four advance and stop like an elephant king. |
四十 |
forty |
五者行法如鵞王。 |
The five act like the king of the dragon. |
四十六者頭如磨陀羅果(此果不圓不長)。 |
The forty-six heads are like the motra fruit (this fruit is not round and not long). |
四十七者聲分滿足(聲有六十種 |
Forty-seven voices are satisfied (there are sixty kinds of voices) |
分佛皆具足)。 |
Each Buddha is full). |
四十八者牙利。 |
Forty-eight are Yali. |
四十九者(無漢名故不得出也)。 |
Forty-nine people (no Chinese name, so I can't get it). |
五十者舌大而赤。 |
Fifty have big and red tongues. |
五十一者 |
Fifty-one |
舌薄。 |
Thin tongue. |
五十二者毛純紅色色淨潔。 |
Fifty-two hairs are pure red in color. |
五十三者廣長眼。 |
Fifty-three are wide-eyed. |
五十四者孔門滿(九孔門相具足滿) |
Fifty-four kongmenman (nine kongmen are full) |
。 |
. |
五十五者手足赤白如蓮華色。 |
Fifty-five hands and feet are as white as lotus flowers. |
五十六者腹不見不出。 |
Fifty-six are not seen in the abdomen. |
五十七者不凸腹。 |
Fifty-seven are not protruding. |
五十八者不 |
Fifty-eight no |
動身。 |
leave. |
五十九者身重。 |
Fifty-nine people weighed in. |
六十者大身。 |
Sixty are big body. |
六十一者身長。 |
Sixty-one are in length. |
六十二者手足滿淨。 |
Sixty-two are clean with hands and feet. |
六十三者四 |
Sixty three four |
邊遍大光光明自照而行。 |
Bianbian Daguangguangming walks by himself. |
六十四者等視眾生。 |
Sixty-four are waiting for sentient beings. |
六十五者不著教化不貪弟子。 |
Sixty-five people don’t educate and don’t greedy disciples. |
六十六者 |
Sixty Six |
隨眾聲滿不減不過。 |
It's unabated to follow everyone's voice. |
六十七者隨眾音聲而為說法。 |
Sixty-seven people speak in accordance with the voice of the crowd. |
六十八者語言無礙。 |
Sixty-eight people have no problem with the language. |
六十九者次第 |
Sixty-nine times |
相續說法。 |
Continuing the argument. |
七十者一切眾生目不能諦視相知盡。 |
All sentient beings in the Seventy cannot understand each other thoroughly. |
七十一者視無厭足。 |
Seventy-one is insatiable. |
七十二者髮長好 |
Seventy-two have good hair |
。 |
. |
七十三者髮好。 |
Seventy-three are good. |
七十四者髮不亂。 |
Seventy-four are not chaotic. |
七十五者髮不破。 |
Seventy-five is not broken. |
七十六者髮柔軟。 |
Seventy-six have soft hair. |
七十七者髮 |
Seventy-seven |
青毘琉璃色。 |
Qingpi colored glaze. |
七十八者髮絞上。 |
Seventy-eight people have their hair twisted. |
七十九者髮不稀。 |
Seventy-nine people are not thin. |
八十者胸有德字手足有吉字。 |
Eighty people have virtue in their breasts and good luck in their hands and feet. |
光明 |
bright |
徹照無量世界。 |
Take a look at the boundless world. |
初生行七步發口演要言。 |
Newborns take seven steps to make a speech. |
出家勤苦行菩提樹下降伏魔軍。 |
A monk and asceticism descended from the Bodhi tree to the Demon Army. |
後夜初明成 |
Late night |
等正覺。 |
Wait for enlightenment. |
光相分明遠照十方靡不周遍諸天空中弦歌供養散華雨香。 |
The light phases are distinct and far illuminate the ten directions and everywhere in the sky, the song of the string in the sky offers Sanhua Yuxiang. |
一切眾生咸敬無量 |
All living beings are respected and respected |
。 |
. |
獨步三界還顧轉身如象王迴。 |
In the Three Realms alone, Gu turned around like an elephant king. |
觀視道樹初轉法輪。 |
Observe the Taoist tree's first turning of the Falun. |
天人得悟以道自證得至涅槃。 |
Heaven and man attain Nirvana through enlightenment and self-realization. |
佛 |
Buddha |
身如是感發無量。 |
The body feels immeasurable. |
專心念佛不令外念。 |
Concentrate on chanting Buddhism and not make foreign thoughts. |
外念諸緣攝之令還。 |
The order is returned from the outside reading of the predecessor. |
如是不亂。 |
If it is not messy. |
是時便得見一 |
I'll see one when it is |
佛二佛乃至十方無量世界諸佛色身。 |
Buddha, two Buddhas and even the Buddha body of the ten directions infinite world. |
以心想故皆得見之。 |
You can see everything you think. |
既得見佛又聞說法言。 |
Seeing the Buddha and hearing the words. |
或自 |
Or from |
請問。 |
Excuse me. |
佛為說法解諸疑網。 |
The Buddha explains all doubts on the Internet. |
既得佛念。 |
The vested Buddha's thoughts. |
當復念佛功德法身。 |
When recitation of the Buddha's merits and dharma bodies. |
無量大慧。 |
Infinite wisdom. |
無崖底智。 |
No cliff bottom wisdom. |
不 |
Do not |
可計德。 |
Can count the virtues. |
多陀阿伽度(多陀秦言如阿伽度言解亦言實語又言諸餘聖人安隱道來佛如是來復次更不 |
Dodha Agadu |
來後有中也)阿犁(魯迷反)呵(阿犁秦言賊呵言殺佛以忍辱為鎧精進為堅牢禪定為弓智慧為箭殺憍慢 |
After coming, there will be Zhong Ye) A Li (Lu Mi Fan) He (A Li, Qin Yan, thief He Yan, killing Buddha, with patience as an armour, diligence as a firmness, meditation as a bow, wisdom as an arrow to kill slow |
等賊故名殺賊)三藐(無灼反)三佛陀(三藐秦言真實三佛陀言一切覺覺苦因習涅槃因道正解見四實不 |
Wait for the thief, so the name kills the thief) San Liao (without burning anti) Three Buddhas (three Liao Qin words are true, three Buddha words, all feelings are suffering due to the practice of Nirvana, and the right interpretation of the four realities is not |
可轉了盡無餘故言真實覺一切)鞞伽(除夜反)遮羅那(鞞伽秦言明遮羅那言善行明三明也行清淨之行 |
But I can turn it to the limit of my words to be true and realize everything) Danga (except night anti) Jalana (Yanga, Qin Yanming, Jalana's words and deeds, Ming Sanming, also doing clean deeds |
以之獨成無師大覺故言明善行也)三般那(秦言滿成)宿伽陀(秦言善解亦名善自得又言善說無患)路 |
With it alone, there is no teacher, great enlightenment, so saying that good deeds are also known) Sanbanna (Qin Yan Mancheng) Su Jia Tuo (Qin Yan is also known for being kind and content, and saying that it is not troublesome). |
伽憊(皮拜反路加秦言智智者知世因知盡道故名世智世智知世也)阿耨多羅(秦言無上善法聖智示導P. |
Gaya (Pibai anti-Lujia Qin Yanzhi, the wise man knows the world because he knows all the ways, so he is named Shi Zhi Shi Zhi Zhi Zhi Shi also) Axu Duo Luo (Qin Yan Supremacy Good Dharma and Holy Wisdom Guidance P. |
13 |
13 |
一切大德無量梵魔眾聖莫有及者何況能過佛尊德大故言無上)富樓沙曇藐(富樓沙秦言大丈夫曇藐言 |
All the great virtues are immeasurable, the Brahma and the demon sages have nothing to do, not to mention the great virtues of the Buddha, and the words are supreme. |
可言可化丈夫調御師佛以大慈大悲大智故有時軟美語有時苦切語或以親教以此調御令不失道故名佛 |
It can be said to be able to transform the husband into the master Buddha with great compassion, great compassion and great wisdom, so sometimes soft words, sometimes bitterly or with pro-teaching, to adjust the imperial order without losing the way, hence the name Buddha. |
為可化丈夫調御師法也)舍(賒音)多(都餓反)提婆魔 舍喃(奴甘反秦言天人師盡能解脫一切人煩惱 |
Tune the imperial teacher method for the transformable husband) She (credit sound) many (all hungry) Deva Shenan (nugan anti-Qinyan Tianren master can free all people's troubles as much as possible |
常住不退上法)佛婆伽婆(過去未來現在行不行知行盡不盡一切諸法菩提樹下一切了了知故名佛婆伽 |
Always live and never retreat to Dharma) Buddha Ghapo |
婆言有大名聲復次婆名女根婆名吐永棄女根故女根吐也) |
Po Yan has a big reputation, second wife's name, female root, name vomiting, forever abandoning female root, so female root vomiting) |
爾時復念二佛神德三四五佛乃至無量盡虛空界皆悉如是。 |
You recall the two Buddhas, gods and virtues, three, four, five Buddhas, and even the infinite void world. |
復還見一佛。 |
See a Buddha again. |
能見一佛 |
Can see a buddha |
作十方佛。 |
Make ten directions Buddha. |
能見十方佛作一佛。 |
Can see ten Buddhas as one Buddha. |
能令一色作金銀水精毘琉璃色。 |
It can make Isshiki the color of gold, silver and water. |
隨人意樂悉令見之。 |
Feel free to let you know what you want. |
爾時惟觀二事。 |
There are only two things in mind. |
虛空佛身及佛功德。 |
Void Buddha body and Buddha merits. |
更無異念。 |
Nothing wrong. |
心得自在意不馳散。 |
Feel free to care about it. |
是時得成念佛三 |
It's time to become Buddha three |
昧。 |
Ambiguous. |
若心馳散念在五塵。 |
Ruoxin Chi is in Wuchen. |
若在六覺者。 |
If you are in six enlightenment. |
當自勗勉剋勵其心強制伏之。 |
You should encourage yourself to force your heart to surrender. |
如是思惟人身難 |
Think about the hardship |
得佛法難遇。 |
It's hard to get the Dharma. |
故曰眾明日為最。 |
Therefore, tomorrow is the best. |
諸智佛為最。 |
All wisdom Buddhas are the most. |
所以者何。 |
So what. |
佛興大悲常為一切故。 |
Buddhism is always for all things. |
頭目 |
Boss |
髓腦救濟眾生。 |
The marrow brain relieves sentient beings. |
何可放心不專念佛而孤負重恩。 |
Why can you rest assured that you don't concentrate on the Buddha and you are lonely and gracious. |
若佛不出世。 |
If the Buddha is not born. |
則無人道天道涅槃之道 |
The inhumanity and the way of nirvana |
。 |
. |
若人香華供養。 |
If people are supported by Xianghua. |
以骨肉血髓起塔供養。 |
Build a tower with flesh and blood. |
未若行人以法供養得至涅槃。 |
Not if pedestrians use the Dharma to provide to Nirvana. |
雖然猶負佛恩 |
Although I still bear Buddha's grace |
。 |
. |
設當念佛空無所獲。 |
Suppose there is nothing to gain from recitation of Buddha. |
猶應勤心專念不忘以報佛恩。 |
Still should be diligent and dedicated to repay Buddha's grace. |
何況念佛得諸三昧智慧成佛。 |
What's more, when you recite the Buddha, you will gain the wisdom of the samādhi to become a Buddha. |
而 |
and |
不專念。 |
Not concentrating on it. |
是故行者。 |
It's an idiot. |
常當專心令意不散。 |
Always concentrate and keep your mind up. |
既得見佛請質所疑。 |
If you have seen the Buddha, please question your question. |
是名念佛三昧除滅等分 |
It is divided into the name of Buddha Samadhi |
及餘重罪 |
Surplus felony |
坐禪三昧經卷上P. |
The samādhi sutra of sitting meditation is written on P. |
14 |
14 |
坐禪三昧經卷下 |
Sitting meditation samādhi sutra |
姚秦三藏鳩摩羅什譯 |
Translated by Yao Qin Sanzang Kumarajiva |
爾時行者雖得一心定力未成。 |
Even though the time-travelers have to concentrate on it, they have not succeeded. |
猶為欲界煩惱所亂。 |
Still confused by the troubles of the desire world. |
當作方便進學初禪呵棄愛欲。 |
Treat it as a convenient way to learn the first Zen and give up Eros. |
云何呵棄。 |
Yun He abandoned. |
觀欲界過欲為不淨種種不善。 |
There are all kinds of unwholesomeness in the world of desire and desire to be impure. |
當念初禪安隱快樂。 |
At the beginning, Zen was peaceful and happy. |
觀欲云何。 |
See what you want. |
知欲無常功 |
Impermanence |
德怨家。 |
German grievances. |
如幻如化空無所得。 |
Like a illusion, there is no gain. |
念之未得癡心已亂。 |
The infatuation has been chaotic. |
何況已得婬欲纏覆。 |
What's more, lust has been entangled. |
天上樂處猶不 |
There is still no joy in the sky |
常安。 |
Changan. |
何況人中。 |
What's more, among people. |
人心著欲無有厭足。 |
People are full of desires. |
如火得薪如海吞流。 |
Get paid like a fire like a sea swallows. |
如頂生王雖雨七寶王四天 |
Such as the king of the top life, although the rain, the king of the seven treasures for four days |
下。 |
Down. |
帝釋分座猶不如足。 |
Di Shi separate seat is not as good as enough. |
如那睺沙。 |
Such as that husha. |
姓也。 |
Last name too. |
轉金輪王為欲所逼墮蟒蛇中。 |
Zhuan Jinlun Wang was forced to fall into the python as he pleased. |
又如仙人食 |
Like a fairy food |
果衣草隱居深山被髮求道。 |
Guoyicao lived in seclusion in the mountains and was asked to do so. |
猶復不免欲賊所壞。 |
Still inevitably wanting to be ruined by the thief. |
欲樂甚少怨毒甚多。 |
Desires are few and there are many bitterness. |
著欲之人惡友相 |
Desires and evil friends |
近善人踈遠欲為毒酒愚惑醉死。 |
Nearly good people travel far away to die for the poisonous wine, foolishness and drunkenness. |
欲為欺誑走使愚人。 |
Desire to deceive fools. |
疲苦萬端不得自在。 |
Tired and uncomfortable. |
唯有離欲身 |
Only to leave the body |
心安隱快樂無極。 |
The heart is peaceful and happy. |
欲無所得如狗齩枯骨。 |
Desire for nothing is like a dog's bones. |
求欲勤勞極苦乃得。 |
Desire, hard work and extreme hardship are the result. |
得之甚難失之甚易。 |
It's hard to get and it's easy to lose. |
如 |
like |
假借須臾勢不得久。 |
Under the guise of a short period of time. |
如夢所見恍惚即滅。 |
The trance will disappear as you see it in the dream. |
欲之為患。 |
Desire is troubled. |
求之既苦得之亦苦。 |
Seeking is both bitter and bitter. |
多得多苦。 |
Much more painful. |
如火得薪多益多熾。 |
It's more profitable to get paid like a fire. |
欲如搏肉眾鳥競逐。 |
The desire is like a fight among the birds. |
以要言之。 |
In order to speak. |
如蛾赴火如魚吞鉤。 |
Like a moth to the fire like a fish swallowing a hook. |
如鹿逐聲如 |
Like a deer |
渴飲醎水。 |
Thirsty to drink liquor. |
一切眾生為欲致患無苦不至。 |
All sentient beings do not suffer from suffering due to desire. |
是故當知。 |
So we should know. |
欲為毒害。 |
Desire is poison. |
當求初禪滅斷欲火。 |
At that time, I wanted to extinguish the desire for meditation. |
行者一心精懃信樂。 |
The walker is dedicated, diligent and happy. |
令心增進意不散亂。 |
Let the mind increase and the mind will not be distracted. |
觀欲心厭除結惱盡。 |
Appreciation of desire, disgusting and exhausted. |
得初禪定離欲盛火得清 |
At the beginning, meditation and liberation are in full bloom, and the fire is clear |
涼定。 |
Cool set. |
如熱得蔭如貧得富。 |
As hot as shady, as poor as rich. |
是時便得初禪喜覺。 |
When it's time, you will have the first meditation. |
思惟禪中種種功德。 |
Think about all the merits in Zen. |
觀分別好醜便得 |
It's so ugly |
一心 |
Single-minded |
問曰。 |
asked and said. |
修行禪人得一心相。 |
A meditator must have one mind. |
云何可知。 |
How can the cloud know. |
答曰。 |
The answer is. |
面色悅澤徐行靖正不失一心目不著 |
Xu Xingjing has a pleasing complexion without losing his mind |
色。 |
color. |
神德定力不貪名利擊破憍慢其性柔軟不懷毒害無復慳嫉。 |
God is determined not to be greedy for fame and fortune to break through the slow, soft, not poisonous, and jealous. |
直信心淨論議不諍。 |
Straightforward and pure discussion without criticism. |
身 |
body |
無欺誑易可與語。 |
Easy to talk without deception. |
柔軟慚愧心常在法。 |
The soft and ashamed heart is always in the law. |
懃修精進持戒完具。 |
Diligent practice and diligent precepts are completed. |
誦經正憶念隨法行。 |
Recite the sutras and follow the law. |
意常 |
Yichang |
喜悅瞋處不瞋四供養中不淨不受。 |
Happiness is not hateful, and the four offerings are impure. |
淨施則受知量止足。 |
Net giving means receiving only enough knowledge. |
寤起輕利能行二施忍辱除邪。 |
To be light and profitable can do two things to endure humiliation and eliminate evil. |
論議不自滿言語尠少。 |
Discuss not complacent and speak less. |
謙恪恭敬上中下座。 |
Modest and respectful. |
善師善知識常親近隨順。 |
Good teachers and good knowledge are often close and follow. |
飲食知節不著欲 |
Diet knows no desires |
味。 |
taste. |
樂獨靜處若苦若樂心忍不動。 |
Le Dui quiet place is bitter and joyful. |
無怨無競不喜鬪訟。 |
No grievances, no competition, do not like litigation. |
如是等種種相得知一心相。 |
In this way, all kinds of attitudes are known to be one-minded. |
此 |
this |
覺觀二事亂禪定心。 |
The two things are chaotic and meditation calms the mind. |
如水澄靜波蕩則濁。 |
If the water is clear and turbulent, it will be muddy. |
行者如是內已一心覺觀所惱。 |
The walker is so annoyed by the whole mind. |
如極得息如睡 |
Like sleeping |
得安。 |
Be safe. |
是時次第無覺無觀生清淨定。 |
This is the first time that there is no awareness of life and purity. |
內淨喜樂得入二禪。 |
Nei Jing joy can get into the two meditations. |
心靜默然本所不得。 |
The heart is silent, but we can't do it. |
今得此 |
Get this today |
喜。 |
happiness. |
是時心觀以喜為患。 |
It is when the mind views happiness as the trouble. |
如上覺觀行無喜法。 |
Consciousness and no happiness as above. |
乃離喜地得賢聖所說樂。 |
Nai Li Xidi has the joy that the sage said. |
一心諦知念護 |
One mind |
得入三禪。 |
Get into the three meditations. |
已棄喜故諦知憶念樂護。 |
Abandoned the joy, the truth, knowing, remembering, and protecting. |
聖人言樂護。 |
The saint speaks and protects. |
餘人難捨樂中第一。 |
It is difficult for the rest to give up the first place in music. |
過此以往無復 |
Never again |
樂也。 |
Le also. |
是故一切聖人。 |
It is therefore all saints. |
於一切淨地中。 |
In all the pure land. |
說慈為第一樂。 |
Say kindness is the first pleasure. |
樂則是患。 |
Music is suffering. |
所以者何。 |
So what. |
第一禪 |
First Zen |
中心不動轉。 |
The center does not move. |
以無事故有動則有轉。 |
If there is no accident, there will be a move. |
有轉則有苦。 |
If there is a turn, there will be suffering. |
是故三禪以樂為患。 |
This is why the three meditations take pleasure as an issue. |
復以善妙捨此 |
Recover this with goodness |
苦樂。 |
Bitter and happy. |
先棄憂喜除苦樂意。 |
First abandon the worries and joys to eliminate the pains and pleasures. |
護念清淨得入第四禪。 |
Purify the mindfulness and enter the fourth jhana. |
不苦不樂護清淨念一心。 |
No pain or happiness, protect pure mind and one mind. |
是故佛言 |
Is the old Buddha's words |
。 |
. |
護最清淨第一名第四禪。 |
Protect the most clean, the first and the fourth jhana. |
以第三禪樂動故名之為苦。 |
It is suffering from the third Zen music, hence the name. |
是故四禪除滅苦樂名不動處。 |
Therefore, the four jhana eliminates suffering and happiness. |
漸觀空處破內外色想。 |
Gradually look at the empty space to break the inner and outer thoughts. |
滅有對想。 |
Mie has a right mind. |
不念種種色想。 |
Don't think about it all. |
觀無量空處。 |
Observe the boundless space. |
常觀色過。 |
Often watched. |
念空處定 |
Mindfulness |
上妙功德。 |
Great merits. |
習念是法逮得空處。 |
Xi Nian is the law to catch the vacant place. |
念無量識處觀空處過。 |
Read the boundless mind and observe the void and pass through. |
念無量識處功德。 |
Practicing virtues with boundless minds. |
習念是法逮 |
Habitual thought is law |
得識處。 |
Get to know the place. |
念無所有處觀識處過。 |
Mindfulness has no place to observe and perceive. |
念無所有處功德。 |
Nothing is meritorious. |
習念是法便得無所有處。 |
The practice of mindfulness is the Dhamma, and there is no place for it. |
念非有想 |
Think about it |
非無想處。 |
Not for nothing. |
若一切想其患甚多。 |
If you think about everything, it will suffer a lot. |
若病若瘡若無想是愚癡處。 |
If you are sick or sore, if you don't think about it, it is foolishness. |
是故非有想非無想。 |
Yes, no thoughts, no thoughts. |
是第 |
Is the first |
一安隱善處。 |
Yi'an hides a good place. |
觀無所有處過。 |
There is nowhere to be seen. |
念非有想非無想功德。 |
Nothing but no thought or no thought of merit. |
習念是法便得非有想非無想處。 |
The practice of mindfulness is the law, so you have to think or not think. |
P. |
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或有行者。 |
Or there are walkers. |
先從初地乃至上地。 |
Start from the beginning of the land and even to the land. |
復於上地習行慈心。 |
Return to Shangdi to practice compassion. |
先自得樂破瞋恚毒。 |
Let's be happy to break the anger. |
次及十方無 |
Times and ten directions |
量眾生。 |
Measure all beings. |
是時便得慈心三昧。 |
At this time, you will have compassionate Samadhi. |
悲心憐愍眾生之苦。 |
Compassion and pity for the suffering of all beings. |
能破眾惱。 |
It can break all annoyances. |
廣及無量眾生。 |
Extensive and immeasurable beings. |
是時便 |
It's time |
得悲心三昧。 |
Get compassionate Samadhi. |
能破不悅。 |
Can break unpleasant. |
令無量眾生皆得喜悅。 |
Make countless sentient beings happy. |
是時便得喜心三昧。 |
When it's time, you will have the joy of samadhi. |
能破苦樂。 |
Can break pains and pleasures. |
直觀 |
Intuitive |
十方無量眾生。 |
There are countless beings in the ten directions. |
是時便得護心三昧。 |
It is time to protect the heart of Samadhi. |
二禪亦復如是。 |
The same is true for the Second Zen. |
三禪四禪除喜。 |
Three meditations and four meditations eliminate happiness. |
次學五通。 |
Learn five links again. |
身能 |
Physical ability |
飛行變化自在。 |
The flight changes freely. |
行者一心欲定精進定一心定慧定。 |
Practitioners want concentration, concentration, concentration and concentration, and concentration, wisdom and concentration. |
一心觀身常作輕想欲成飛行。 |
Concentrating on the body with one mind and body is often imaginative and flying. |
若大 |
If big |
若小(以欲定過為大以欲定減為小)。 |
If it is small (to set it as a big one, and to set it down as a small one). |
此二俱患精進翹懃。 |
Both of these suffer from diligence and diligence. |
常能一心思惟輕觀。 |
Can often be contemptuous and contemptuous. |
如能浮人心 |
If it can be superficial |
力強故而不沈沒。 |
It is strong and does not sink. |
亦如猿猴從高上墮。 |
It's like an ape falling from a height. |
心力強故身無痛患。 |
The heart is strong and there is no pain in the death. |
此亦如是。 |
This is also true. |
欲力精進力一 |
Desire and Diligence One |
心力慧力令其廣大。 |
Wisdom and wisdom make it vast. |
而身更小便能運身 |
And you can move when you are younger |
復次觀身空界。 |
revisit the world of body space again and again. |
常習此觀。 |
I often practice this view. |
欲力精進力一心力慧力極為廣大。 |
Desire, diligence, one mind, wisdom, is extremely vast. |
便能舉身。 |
Then you can lift your body. |
如大風 |
Like a gale |
力致重達遠。 |
Strive to reach far. |
此亦如是。 |
This is also true. |
初當自試。 |
Be a self-examination at first. |
離地一尺二尺。 |
One foot and two feet off the ground. |
漸至一丈還來本處。 |
Gradually, he returned to this place. |
如鳥子學飛 |
Like Toriko learns to fly |
小兒學行。 |
Children learn to walk. |
思惟自審知心力大必能至遠。 |
Thinking, self-examination and knowing that the strength of the heart will be far-reaching. |
學觀四大。 |
Four major learning concepts. |
除却地大但觀三大。 |
In addition to the big land, but the view of the three big ones. |
心念不散便 |
Inconvenience |
得自在。 |
Get comfortable. |
身無罣礙如鳥飛行。 |
Without a scorpion, flying like a bird. |
當復學習。 |
When re-learning. |
遠作近想是故近滅遠出。 |
Thinking far away and thinking far away is that the reason is near disappear and far out. |
復能變化諸物。 |
Re-energy changes everything. |
如 |
like |
觀木地種除却餘種。 |
Guanmudi planting eliminates the remaining species. |
此木便變為地。 |
This wood becomes the ground. |
所以者何。 |
So what. |
木有地種分故。 |
There is no ground for planting. |
水火風空金銀寶物悉 |
Water, fire, wind, air, gold and silver treasures |
皆如是。 |
It's all true. |
何以故。 |
Why. |
木有諸種分故。 |
There are various reasons. |
是初神通根本。 |
It is the fundamental of the first supernatural powers. |
四禪有十四變化心。 |
There are fourteen changing minds in the four jhanas. |
初禪二果。 |
The first two fruits of Zen. |
一 |
one |
者初禪。 |
The first Zen. |
二者欲界。 |
Both desire world. |
二禪三果。 |
Two Zen and Three Fruits. |
一者二禪。 |
One is two Zen. |
二者初禪。 |
The first Zen of the two. |
三者欲界。 |
The three worlds of desire. |
三禪四果。 |
Three Zen and Four Fruits. |
一者三 |
One for three |
禪。 |
Zen. |
二者二禪。 |
Two Zen. |
三者初禪。 |
The three are the first meditation. |
四者欲界。 |
The four worlds of desire. |
四禪五果。 |
Four Zen and Five Fruits. |
一者四禪。 |
One has four Zen. |
二者三禪。 |
Two and three Zen. |
三者二禪。 |
The three are two Zen. |
四者初禪。 |
The four are the first meditation. |
五者欲界。 |
Five Desires. |
餘通如摩訶衍論中說。 |
Yu Tongru said in Mahayan's theory. |
世尊弟子習學五法門志求涅槃。 |
The disciples of the Blessed One studied the five methods and aspired to Nirvana. |
有二種 |
There are two kinds |
人。 |
people. |
或好定多以快樂故。 |
Or it is better to be happy. |
或好智多畏苦患故。 |
Or so wise and afraid of suffering. |
定多者先學禪法後學涅槃。 |
Those who have more concentration will learn Zen first and then Nirvana. |
智多者直趣 |
Witty |
涅槃。 |
Nirvana. |
直趣涅槃者未斷煩惱亦未得禪。 |
Those who have direct interest in Nirvana have not broken off their worries and have not attained Zen. |
專心不散直求涅槃越愛等諸煩惱。 |
Concentrate on all the troubles such as Nirvana and love. |
是名涅槃。 |
It is the name Nirvana. |
身實無常苦不淨無我。 |
The body is impermanent, suffering and impure without self. |
以身顛倒故常樂我淨。 |
To turn the body upside down, so I am always happy. |
以是故事事愛著其身。 |
So the story is in love with him. |
是則底下眾生。 |
Yes, the sentient beings underneath. |
行者欲破顛倒故。 |
Travelers want to break the story upside down. |
當習四念止觀。 |
When practising four thoughts and meditation. |
觀身種種多諸苦患。 |
There are many sufferings in the body. |
從因緣生故無常種種惱故苦。 |
From the cause of impermanence, all kinds of troubles lead to suffering. |
身有三十六物故不淨。 |
There are thirty-six things in the body, so it is not clean. |
以不得自在故無我。 |
So I can't be at ease, so there's no self. |
習如是觀。 |
Xi is like view. |
觀內身觀外身觀內外身。 |
Observe the inner body and the outer body. |
習如 |
Xi Ru |
是觀。 |
Is view. |
是謂身念止。 |
It means the body and mind stop. |
身實相如是。 |
The body reality is like this. |
何故於此而起顛倒愛著此身。 |
Why do you love this body upside down? |
諦思惟念身邊樂痛。 |
I miss the pain around me. |
以愛樂痛故著此身。 |
Pain with love, so I live here. |
當觀樂痛實不可得。 |
It's really hard to get pleasure when viewing it. |
云何不得因衣食故致樂。 |
Why shouldn't the cloud be happy because of food and clothing. |
樂過則苦生。 |
Happy is hard. |
非實 |
Unreal |
樂故。 |
Happy so. |
如患瘡苦以藥塗治痛止為樂。 |
If you suffer from sore pain, take medicine to treat the pain and relieve the pain. |
以大苦故謂小苦為樂。 |
Taking great suffering is called small suffering for pleasure. |
非實樂也。 |
Not real music too. |
復次以故苦為 |
Repeatedly |
苦。 |
bitter. |
新苦為樂。 |
New suffering is happiness. |
如擔重易肩而以新重為樂。 |
Such as changing shoulders with heavy burdens and taking pleasure in new weights. |
非實常樂也。 |
It's not a real pleasure. |
如火性熱無暫冷時。 |
Such as fiery heat without temporary cold. |
若是實 |
If it is true |
樂不應有不樂。 |
There should be no unhappiness in happiness. |
或曰。 |
Or say. |
外事是樂因緣不必是樂。 |
Foreign affairs are pleasure. Karma does not have to be pleasure. |
或時樂因或時苦因。 |
Or time of happiness or time of suffering. |
若使心法與愛相 |
If the mind and love meet |
應爾時是樂。 |
You are happy when you should. |
與恚相應爾時是苦。 |
Corresponding with Xuan is sometimes suffering. |
與癡相應不苦不樂。 |
Corresponding with idiots is not bitter or unhappy. |
以此推之。 |
Push it accordingly. |
可知有樂無樂。 |
We know that there is no joy but no joy. |
答 |
answer |
曰。 |
say. |
無也。 |
Nothing. |
婬欲不應是樂。 |
Lust should not be pleasure. |
何以故。 |
Why. |
若婬欲在內。 |
If lust is included. |
不應外求女色。 |
Don't ask for female sex outside. |
外求女色當知婬苦 |
If you ask for a female sex, you should know the fornication |
。 |
. |
若婬是樂不應時時棄。 |
If lewdness is pleasure, it should not be discarded from time to time. |
若棄不應是樂。 |
If you give up, it shouldn't be joy. |
於大苦中以小苦為樂也。 |
In the midst of the great suffering, the little suffering is also a pleasure. |
如人應死全命受鞭 |
If one should die and get flogged |
。 |
. |
以是為樂。 |
To be happy. |
欲心熾盛以欲為樂。 |
Desire is flaming, and desire is pleasure. |
老時厭欲知欲非樂。 |
I'm tired of knowing and unhappy when I'm old. |
若實樂相不應生厭。 |
If you are happy, you should not get bored. |
如是種種 |
So all kinds of |
因緣欲樂相實不可得。 |
Karma and pleasure are not available. |
樂失則苦。 |
Loss is bitter. |
佛言。 |
Buddhist words. |
樂痛應觀苦。 |
Pleasure should be viewed as suffering. |
苦痛應觀樂。 |
Pain should be watched for pleasure. |
如箭在體。 |
Like an arrow in the body. |
不苦 |
Not bitter |
不樂應觀生滅無常。 |
Unhappy should watch the impermanence of birth and death. |
是謂痛念止。 |
It means painful thoughts stop. |
當知心受苦樂受不苦不樂。 |
Be aware of suffering and not suffering or not. |
云何心。 |
Yun He Xin. |
是心無常從因 |
Is the cause of impermanence |
緣生故。 |
For sake. |
生滅不住相似生故。 |
Birth and death cannot be similar to birth and death. |
但顛倒故謂是為一。 |
But the reversal means that it is one. |
本無今有已有還無。 |
There is nothing, there is nothing. |
是故無常。 |
It is impermanence. |
觀 |
View |
知心空云何為空。 |
Knowing what is empty is empty. |
從因緣生有眼有色可見憶念。 |
Remembrance can be seen from the appearance and color of karma. |
欲見如是等和合眼識生。 |
If you want to see, wait and close your eyes to know the students. |
如日愛珠。 |
Love beads like the sun. |
P. |
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有日有珠。 |
There will be beads every day. |
有乾草牛屎眾緣和合於是火生。 |
There is hay and cow dung, and the harmony of all destiny is so ablaze. |
一一推求火不可得。 |
One by one, the fire is not available. |
緣合有火。 |
Fate has fire. |
眼識亦爾 |
Eye reed |
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. |
不住眼中亦非色中住。 |
It's not in the eyes, nor in the colors. |
不兩中間住。 |
Live in the middle of no two. |
無有住處亦復不無。 |
There is no place to live. |
是故佛言。 |
It is the words of the old Buddha. |
如幻如化現在 |
Like a illusion |
心觀過去心。 |
Mind the past heart. |
或苦或樂或不苦不樂。 |
Either bitter or happy or not bitter or not happy. |
心各各異各各滅。 |
Hearts are different and they die. |
有欲心無欲心亦如是。 |
The same is true for the desireless heart. |
各各異 |
Different |
各各滅。 |
Each goes out. |
觀內心觀外心觀內外心亦如是。 |
The same is true for the inner and outer minds. |
是名心念止。 |
It is the name Minnianzhi. |
復次觀心為屬誰。 |
Watch who the heart belongs to again and again. |
觀想思惟念 |
Contemplation |
欲等諸心相應法不相應法。 |
The desire to wait for the various minds to correspond to the Dharma does not correspond to the Dharma. |
諦觀其主主不可得。 |
It is unavailable to see its master. |
何以故。 |
Why. |
從因緣生故無常。 |
From cause to cause impermanence. |
無常故苦 |
Impermanence and suffering |
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. |
苦故不自在。 |
Suffering and uncomfortable. |
不自在故無主。 |
Uncomfortable, there is no owner. |
無主故空。 |
No master is empty. |
前別觀身痛心法不可得。 |
Do not see the body pain method before you can get it. |
今更總觀四念止 |
Let’s take a look at the four thoughts |
中主不可得。 |
The master is not available. |
離此處求亦不可得。 |
It is impossible to ask for it from here. |
若常不可得。 |
If often unavailable. |
無常亦不可得。 |
Impermanence is also unattainable. |
若常應當常苦常樂亦 |
If it is always, it should be always suffering and always happy |
不應忘。 |
Should not be forgotten. |
若常有神者。 |
If there are always gods. |
無殺惱罪亦無涅槃。 |
There is no crime of killing or nirvana. |
若身是神。 |
If the body is God. |
無常身滅神亦應滅。 |
The impermanence body destroys the gods should also be destroyed. |
亦無後世 |
No future generations |
亦無罪福。 |
Not guilty and blessed. |
如是遍觀無主。 |
This is omnipresent. |
諸法皆空不自在。 |
All dharmas are empty and uncomfortable. |
因緣合故生。 |
Born by reason. |
因緣壞故滅。 |
Extinct due to bad causes. |
如是緣合法 |
If it is legal |
是名法念止。 |
It is the name of the law and the mind. |
若行者得法念止。 |
If the practitioner obtains the Dharma, he will stop. |
厭世間空老病死法都無少許常樂我淨。 |
There is no such thing as happiness in the world when we are tired of death, old age, sickness, and death. |
我於此空法復 |
I'm here to reply |
何所求。 |
What do you want. |
應當入涅槃最善法中住。 |
One should live in Nirvana's best practice. |
建精進力得深舍摩陀故(深舍摩陀者住心一處名也此土無 |
Build diligence and strength, so that you can deeply abide by Motua |
是名)。 |
Is the name). |
是時得深舍摩陀。 |
It is time to give up Motu deeply. |
住第四法念止中。 |
Stay in the Fourth Dharma and stop. |
觀諸法相皆苦無樂。 |
There is no happiness in observing all dhammas. |
無樂是實餘者妄語。 |
No happiness is a lie. |
苦因愛等諸煩惱及業。 |
Suffering is caused by love and other defilements and karma. |
是非天非時非塵等種種妄語中生。 |
It is born out of all kinds of lies such as right and wrong. |
是煩惱及業出生此苦。 |
It is troubles and karma that are born with this suffering. |
是苦 |
Is bitter |
入涅槃時一切滅盡。 |
Everything is extinguished when entering Nirvana. |
非色無色界及世界始世界始(外道謂一切有法之初色為世界始外道謂涅 |
The non-color and colorless world and the beginning of the world |
槃也以此有始能化作萬物即名造化也)等種種妄語能滅此苦。 |
In this way, Pan also has the ability to transform into all things (namely creation) and all kinds of lies can eliminate this suffering. |
正見等八直是涅槃道。 |
Right seeing and waiting for eight straight is the path of Nirvana. |
非餘外 |
Non-surplus |
道苦行種種空持戒空禪定空智慧。 |
Dao ascetic practices all kinds of emptiness, precepts, emptiness, meditation, emptiness and wisdom. |
何以故。 |
Why. |
佛法中戒定慧三法合行能入涅槃。 |
In Buddhism, the three methods of precept, concentration and wisdom can enter Nirvana. |
譬如人 |
Such as people |
立平地持好弓箭能射殺怨賊。 |
Hold the bow and arrow on a flat level to shoot the resentful thief. |
三法合行亦如是。 |
The same is true of the three laws. |
戒為平地。 |
Ring is flat. |
禪定為快弓。 |
Meditation is a fast bow. |
智慧為利箭 |
Wisdom is an arrow |
。 |
. |
三事備足能殺煩惱賊。 |
Three things are enough to kill the troubled thief. |
以是故外道輩不得涅槃。 |
Therefore, outsiders cannot Nirvana. |
行者是時作四法緣觀緣如射博。 |
The person who walks is the time to make the Four Dharma Fate to observe the fate is like shooting Bo. |
觀 |
View |
苦四種。 |
Four kinds of bitterness. |
因緣生故無常。 |
Impermanence for reasons. |
身心惱故苦。 |
The body and mind are distressed. |
無一可得故空。 |
Nothing is available. |
無作無受故無我。 |
No work, no cause, no self. |
觀習四種。 |
Observe four kinds. |
煩惱有漏業和合故集。 |
Troubles include missing karma and gathering together. |
相似果生故因。 |
Similar fruit causes. |
是中得一切行故生。 |
It is the birth of all deeds. |
非相似果相續故緣。 |
Dissimilar results continue for the reason. |
觀盡 |
Watch out |
四種。 |
Four kinds. |
一切煩惱覆故閉。 |
All troubles are overturned and closed. |
除煩惱火故滅一切法中第一故妙。 |
Eliminate worries, fire, and eliminate all the first ideas in the Dharma. |
世間過去故出。 |
The world passed away. |
觀道四種 |
Guandao four |
。 |
. |
能到涅槃故道。 |
To reach the old way of Nirvana. |
不顛倒故正。 |
Not upside down, so right. |
一切聖人去處故跡。 |
All saints go wherever they go. |
得脫世愁惱故離。 |
Get away from the world's sorrows. |
如是觀者得無 |
So the viewer has nothing |
漏相似法。 |
Leak similarity method. |
名為煖法。 |
Named Nuan Fa. |
云何名煖。 |
The name of the cloud is warm. |
常懃精進故名煖法。 |
Chang Qin diligently, hence the name Nuan Fa. |
諸煩惱薪無漏智火。 |
All worries pay no leakage of wisdom and fire. |
燒火欲出 |
Burning |
初相名為煖法。 |
The first phase is called Nuan Fa. |
譬如鑽火初鑽煙出。 |
For example, smoke comes out at the beginning of a fire drill. |
是名煖。 |
It's famous warm. |
是為涅槃道初相。 |
It is the beginning of Nirvana. |
佛弟子中有二種人。 |
There are two types of Buddha disciples. |
一者多好一心求禪定。 |
One is better than one and seek meditation with one heart. |
是人有漏道。 |
People have leaks. |
二者多除愛著好實智慧。 |
The two are more in addition to love and real wisdom. |
是人直趣涅槃入煖法中 |
It’s a person who just entertains Nirvana and enters the warming method |
。 |
. |
有煖相者深得一心。 |
Those with warm phases are deeply united. |
實法鏡到無漏界邊(鏡中像似面界邊非中故以為喻)。 |
The real method mirrors to the boundary without leakage (the image in the mirror is like the boundary is not in the middle, so it is regarded as a metaphor). |
行者是時大得 |
The walker is big time |
安隱。 |
An Yin. |
自念。 |
Self-consciousness. |
我定當得涅槃。 |
I must have Nirvana. |
見此道故。 |
See this reason. |
如人穿井得至濕泥。 |
As a person wears a well to get wet mud. |
知當得水不久。 |
Knowing that when the water is available soon. |
如人擊 |
Like a human hit |
賊賊已退散。 |
The thieves have retreated. |
自知得勝意中安隱。 |
Knowing that he has triumphed, he feels comfortable. |
如人怖死。 |
Like a horrible death. |
人欲知活不。 |
People want to know whether to live or not. |
當先試之以杖打身。 |
Try to hit the body with a stick first. |
若隱 |
Ruo Yin |
胗脈起者。 |
Those with gizzard pulses. |
知是有煖必可得活。 |
Knowing that there is warmth, you can live. |
亦如聽法人思惟喜悅心著是時心熱。 |
It is also like listening to legal people thinking that they are happy when they are always warm. |
行者如是有煖法 |
If the walker has the warm method |
故名為有煖。 |
Hence the name You Nuan. |
亦名能得涅槃分善根。 |
Also known as being able to obtain Nirvana to divide the good roots. |
是善根法有十六行四諦緣。 |
It is that the good roots have sixteen elements and four truths. |
六地中一智慧一切無 |
One Wisdom in Six Places, All Nothing |
漏法基。 |
Leakage. |
野人能行安隱(於無漏踈故名為野人案梵本爾先言凡夫人非)。 |
Savage can do peace and quiet (Yu Wulouge, hence the name Savage Case Fan Bener, prefaces Mrs. Fan Fei). |
是名有煖法。 |
It is famous for warming. |
增進轉 |
Increase turn |
上更名頂法。 |
Changed its name to Dingfa. |
如乳變為酪。 |
Such as milk becomes butter. |
是人觀法實相。 |
It is the reality of human perception of Dharma. |
我當得苦脫。 |
I deserve it. |
心愛是法是為真法能除種種 |
Love is the law is for the true law can eliminate all kinds of things |
苦患及老病死。 |
Suffering and death from old age. |
是時思惟此法誰說。 |
It is time to think about this method, who said. |
是佛世尊。 |
It is the Buddha. |
從是得佛寶中信心清淨大歡喜悅。 |
From the Buddha's treasure, the faith is pure and joyous. |
若 |
like |
無此法一切煩惱誰當能遮。 |
Who can cover all troubles without this method. |
我當云何得實智慧少許明。 |
Why do I have a little wisdom when it comes to the cloud. |
從是得法寶中信心清淨大歡喜 |
Faith is pure and joyful from the magic weapon |
悅。 |
Yue. |
若我不得佛弟子輩好伴。 |
If I don't have a good companion for the buddha disciples. |
云何當得實智慧少許明。 |
Why does the cloud have real wisdom a little clear. |
從是得僧寶中信心清淨大歡喜P. |
From the treasure of the monk, the confidence is pure and joyful P. |
17 |
17 |
悅。 |
Yue. |
是三寶中得一心清淨合實智慧。 |
It is the pure and solid wisdom of the Three Jewels. |
是頂善根。 |
It is the top good root. |
亦名頂法。 |
Also known as the top method. |
亦名能得涅槃分善根。 |
Also known as being able to obtain Nirvana to divide the good roots. |
如 |
like |
波羅延經中說 |
The Parayan Sutra says |
佛寶法僧寶 誰有少信淨 |
Buddha treasures, Dharma Sang treasures Who has less faith and cleanliness |
是名頂善根 汝曹一心持 |
Is the name Ding Shangen Ru Cao Yixinzhi |
云何為少信。 |
Yun, what is less faith. |
於佛菩薩辟支佛阿羅漢邊為少。 |
It is less for the Buddha, Bodhisattva, Pichi, and Arahant. |
於野人邊為多。 |
It's more on the side of the savage. |
復次此可破可失是 |
This can be broken or lost again and again |
故名少。 |
Hence the name less. |
如法句說 |
As the law says |
芭蕉生實死 竹生實亦然 |
Basho is born and dies Bamboo is born and dies too |
騾有子則死 小人得養死 |
倀倀個人得死 |
破失非利故 小人得名譽 |
Break the non-profit deceased The villain gets the reputation |
白淨分失盡 乃至頂法墮 |
Bai Jing points lost even the top method fell |
復次未斷諸結使。 |
Multiple knots have not been broken. |
未得無漏無量慧心。 |
Not to be without leakage, without measure and wisdom. |
以是故名少。 |
So the name is less. |
復次懃精進一心入涅槃道中 |
Repeated diligence and diligence to enter the path of Nirvana |
。 |
. |
更了了觀五陰四諦十六行。 |
Even more, the five yin, four truths and sixteen elements have been viewed. |
是時心不縮不悔不退。 |
It is when the heart does not shrink or regret or retreat. |
愛樂入忍是名忍善根。 |
Love to entertain forbearance is the root of forbearance. |
忍何等。 |
What a patience. |
隨四諦行是名為忍。 |
Following the four truths is called forbearance. |
是善根三種上中下三時。 |
It is the three seasons of good roots. |
云何名忍。 |
What is the name of Yun Ren. |
觀五陰無常苦空無我。 |
Observe the five-yin impermanence, suffering and emptiness. |
心忍 |
Forbearance |
不退是名忍。 |
Not retreating is the name of forbearance. |
復次觀諸世間盡苦空無有樂。 |
Repeatedly observe the sufferings and emptiness in the world. |
是苦因習愛等諸煩惱。 |
It is suffering due to love and other troubles. |
是習智緣盡是名上 |
It's Xi Zhi, fate is full of fame |
法更無有上。 |
There is nothing more to the law. |
八直道能令行人得至涅槃更無有上。 |
Eight straight roads can make pedestrians achieve Nirvana even more nothing. |
如是信心不悔不疑忍是名忍。 |
This is the name of forbearance without remorse and forbearance. |
是中 |
Yes |
更有忍。 |
More tolerant. |
種種結使種種煩惱疑悔。 |
All kinds of knots make all kinds of troubles and regrets. |
來入心中不能令破。 |
Into the heart cannot be broken. |
譬如石山種種風水不能漂動。 |
For example, all kinds of Feng Shui in the stone mountain can't float. |
是故名忍。 |
It is named Shinobu. |
是事得名真好野人。 |
It's a savage that got its name. |
如佛說法句中 |
As in the sentence of Buddha |
世界正見上 誰有得多者 |
The world is seeing the first Who has many more |
乃至千萬歲 終不墮惡道 |
Even tens of thousands of years will never fall into the evil way |
是世間正見是名為忍善根。 |
is the right view of the world is named Nin Shangen. |
是人多增進一心極厭世界行。 |
It is more people who increase their enthusiasm and hate the world. |
欲了了四諦相作證趣涅 |
Want to testify with the Four Noble Truths |
槃。 |
Pan. |
如是一心中是名世間第一法。 |
This is the first law in the world. |
一時住四行無常苦空無我。 |
I live in the four elements at a time, impermanence and emptiness. |
觀一諦苦法忍共緣故。 |
The reason is the totality of suffering and forbearance. |
何以故觀欲界五受陰無常苦空無我。 |
Why is the world of perception and desire, the five receiving yin, impermanence, suffering and emptiness. |
是中心忍入慧。 |
It's the center of Nin into wisdom. |
亦是相應心心數法。 |
It is also the corresponding mind-to-heart counting method. |
是名苦法忍 |
It's called Kufa Ren |
。 |
. |
身業口業及心不相應諸行。 |
Body karma, mouth karma and mind do not correspond to the various deeds. |
現在未來世一切無漏法初門。 |
In the future, all non-missing methods are beginning. |
是名苦法忍(法無漏法忍信受 |
It is the name of hardship and endurance |
也)。 |
and also). |
次第生苦法智苦法忍斷結使苦法智作證。 |
In the second birth, the method of suffering, wisdom, and endurance ends up making suffering and wisdom testify. |
譬如一人刈一人束。 |
For example, one person mows one person's beam. |
亦如利刀斫竹得風 |
Like a sharp knife |
即偃。 |
That is Yan. |
忍智功夫故。 |
Forbearance Chi Kung Fu. |
是事得辦欲界繫見苦斷十結得得爾時異等智得無漏智未得無漏慧 |
It is something to do |
得是時成就一智(等智未來成就)。 |
Time to achieve one wisdom (wait for the future achievement of wisdom). |
第二心中成就法智苦智等智。 |
The second mind achieves Dhamma, Wisdom, Wisdom, Wisdom, etc. |
過第三心第四心。 |
Pass the third heart and the fourth heart. |
成就 |
Achievement |
四智苦智法智比智等智。 |
The Four Wisdoms, Hard Wisdom, Law Wisdom, is better than Wisdom and Other Wisdom. |
習盡道法智中。 |
Exercising all the ways and wisdom. |
一一智增。 |
Smart increase one by one. |
離欲人知他心智成就增。 |
Li Desires know that his mental achievements have increased. |
苦比忍 |
Bitter than forbearance |
苦比智斷十八結。 |
Harder than wise to break eighteen knots. |
是四心苦諦能得。 |
It is the Four Hearts' Suffering Truths. |
習法忍習法智斷欲界繫七結。 |
There are seven knots in the world of practice, tolerance, practice, wisdom, and desire. |
習比忍習比智斷色 |
Xibi forbearance and wisdom |
無色界繫十三結。 |
The colorless world has 13 knots. |
盡法忍盡法智斷欲界繫七結。 |
Do your best to endure the best of law, wisdom, and desire to be tied to seven knots. |
盡比忍盡比智斷色。 |
It's better than endurance and wisdom. |
無色界繫十二結 |
Twelve knots of the colorless world |
。 |
. |
道法忍道法智斷欲界繫八結。 |
There are eight knots in the world of Dao Fa Nin, Dao Fa, Wisdom and Desire. |
道比忍道比智斷色無色界繫十四結。 |
Dao is more than forbearance, Dao is more intelligent than the colorless world with 14 knots. |
道比智是名須陀 |
Dohichi is Nasuta |
般那(下子上子)。 |
Bo Na (the next son is the son of the upper son). |
實知諸法相。 |
Really know all dhammas. |
是十六心能十五心中利根名隨法行。 |
It is sixteen hearts that can follow the law in fifteen hearts. |
鈍根名隨信行。 |
The blunt root name follows the letter. |
是 |
Yes |
二人未離欲。 |
The two did not leave their desires. |
名初果向先未斷結得十六心。 |
Ming Chu Guo Xiang Xian did not end up with sixteen hearts. |
名須陀般那。 |
Name Sudabana. |
若先斷六品結得十六心。 |
If you break the sixth rank first, you will get sixteen hearts. |
名 |
name |
息忌陀伽迷(秦言一來)。 |
Xiji Tuo Gami (Qin Yanyilai). |
若先斷九品結得十六心。 |
If you break the nine products first, you will get sixteen hearts. |
名阿那迦迷(秦言不來)。 |
The name is Anagami (Qin Yan does not come). |
先未離欲斷八 |
I'm not divorced |
十八結故。 |
Eighteen reasons. |
名須陀般那。 |
Name Sudabana. |
復次無漏果善根得。 |
Repeatedly without leakage, good roots are gained. |
得故名須陀般那。 |
It was named Sudabana. |
利根名見得。 |
Tone's name can be seen. |
鈍根名 |
Blunt root name |
信愛。 |
Believe in love. |
思惟結未斷。 |
The thought knot is unbroken. |
餘殘七世生。 |
The remainder was born for the seventh generation. |
若思惟結三種斷。 |
If you think there are three kinds of breaks. |
名家家三世生。 |
The famous family was born for three generations. |
聖道八分三十七P. |
The Holy Way Eight Points 37 P. |
18 |
18 |
品名流流向涅槃。 |
The flow of fame flows to Nirvana. |
隨是流行故名須陀般那。 |
So it became popular, hence the name Sudabana. |
是為佛初功德子惡道得脫。 |
It is for the first merit of the Buddha to get rid of the evil ways. |
三結斷三毒薄 |
Three knots and three poisons |
。 |
. |
名息忌陀伽迷。 |
Fame and Breath Ji Tuo Gami. |
復次欲界結九種(上上上中上下中上中中中下下上下中下下)。 |
There are nine kinds of complex desires (upper, upper, middle, upper, middle, upper, middle, middle, lower, upper, middle, lower). |
見諦斷思惟 |
See the truth and think |
斷。 |
Off. |
若凡夫人。 |
Mrs. Ruofan. |
先以有漏道斷欲界繫六種結入見諦道。 |
First, see the truth of truth with the six kinds of formations in the realm of missing paths and utter desires. |
十六心中得名息忌陀伽迷。 |
Sixteen's hearts are named Ji Tuo Gami. |
若 |
like |
八種斷入見諦道。 |
Eight kinds of cut-offs see the truth. |
第十六心中一種名息忌陀伽迷果向呵那伽迷。 |
Sixteenth, there is a kind of fame and breath in the heart, jeddhagami, and ohanagami. |
若佛弟子得須陀般那 |
If the disciples of the Buddha got the Sudhabana |
。 |
. |
單斷三結欲得息忌陀伽迷。 |
Simply break the three knots and want to rest. |
是思惟斷欲界繫九種結六種斷。 |
It is the world of contemplation and desirability, nine kinds of knots and six kinds of knots. |
是名息忌陀伽迷八種斷 |
It is the Eight Kinds of Judgement |
。 |
. |
是名一種息忌陀伽迷果向阿那伽迷。 |
It is a kind of breath-judge, Dhagami, and ananagami. |
若凡夫人先斷欲界繫九種結入見諦道。 |
Mrs. Ruofan first cuts off the world of desires, and has nine types of congregation to see the truth. |
第十六 |
sixteenth |
心中名阿那伽迷。 |
His name is Anagami. |
若得息忌陀伽迷進。 |
If you get breath, don't go into the Dagaga fan. |
斷三種思惟結。 |
Break the three thought knots. |
第九解脫道名阿那伽迷。 |
The ninth way of liberation is Anagami. |
阿那 |
Ana |
伽迷有九種。 |
There are nine types of Gami. |
今世必入涅槃阿那伽迷。 |
In this world, one must enter Nirvana Anaga. |
中陰入涅槃阿那伽迷。 |
The bardo enters Nirvana Anagami. |
生已入涅槃阿那伽迷。 |
Life has entered Nirvana Anagami. |
懃求入涅槃阿那伽迷。 |
Diligently seek to enter Nirvana Anagami. |
不懃求入涅槃阿那伽迷。 |
Not diligently seeking to enter Nirvana Anagami. |
上行入涅槃阿那伽迷。 |
Ascend into Nirvana Anagami. |
至阿迦尼吒入 |
To Ajanizha |
涅槃阿那伽迷。 |
Nirvana Anagami. |
到無色定入涅槃阿那伽迷。 |
To the colorless settling into Nirvana Anagami. |
身證阿那伽迷。 |
Identity card Anagami. |
行向阿羅漢阿那伽迷。 |
Travel to the Arahant Anagami. |
色 |
color |
無色界九種結。 |
Nine knots in the colorless world. |
以第九無礙道金剛三昧破一切結。 |
Break all knots with the Ninth Unobstructed Dao Vajra Samadhi. |
第九解脫道盡智修一切善根。 |
The ninth way of liberation cultivates all good roots wisely. |
是名 |
Is the name |
阿羅漢果。 |
Arhats. |
是阿羅漢有九種。 |
There are nine kinds of Arahants. |
退法不退法死法守法住法必知法不壞法慧脫共脫濡智濡 |
To retreat from the law and die from the law |
進。 |
Enter. |
行五種法退是名退法。 |
The five methods of retreat are the name retreat. |
利智利進行五種法不退。 |
Liberal Chile has carried out five methods without retreat. |
是名不退法。 |
It is the law of no retreat. |
濡智濡進利厭思惟 |
Zhi zhi zhi jin li zhi wei zhi wei |
自殺身。 |
Commit suicide. |
是名死法。 |
It's the name of death. |
濡智大進自護身。 |
Ruzhi advances into self-protection. |
是名守法。 |
It is law-abiding. |
中智中進不增不減處中而住。 |
CIIC is advancing without increasing and staying in place. |
是名 |
Is the name |
住法。 |
How to live. |
少利智懃精進能得不壞心解脫。 |
Shaoli, wise, diligent and diligent can get relief from the bad heart. |
是名必知法。 |
The name must know the law. |
利智大進初得不壞心解脫。 |
Li Zhi entered into the early days without being bad-hearted and relieved. |
是名 |
Is the name |
不壞法。 |
Not bad. |
不能入諸禪未到地中諸漏盡。 |
You can't enter the jhana without reaching all the leakages in the earth. |
是名慧解脫。 |
It is Minghui's liberation. |
得諸禪亦得滅禪諸漏盡。 |
To get all the Zen can also eliminate all the omissions of Zen. |
是名共 |
Is a name |
解脫。 |
relief. |
有阿羅漢。 |
There are arhats. |
一切有為法常厭滿足。 |
We are always tired of being satisfied with all actions. |
更不求功德。 |
Not to ask for merit. |
待時入涅槃。 |
Stay in Nirvana. |
有阿羅漢。 |
There are arhats. |
求四 |
Seek four |
禪四無色定四等心。 |
The four colorless minds of Zen. |
八解脫八勝處十一切入九次第六神通。 |
Eight liberations, eight victories, ten all into the sixth magical powers nine times. |
願智阿蘭若那三昧(秦言無 |
May the wisdom of Alan Ruo that samādhi (Qin Yanwu |
諍阿蘭若言無事或言空寂舊言須菩提常行空寂行非也自是無諍行耳無諍者將護眾生不令起諍於我耳 |
If Alan speaks nothing or speaks nothingness, the old saying Subudi always acts empty and silent, and acts no. It is also self-explanatory. He who has no words will protect all living beings from making criticisms in my ears. |
起諍如舍利弗目連夜入陶屋中宿致拘迦離起諍者是也)。 |
It is the same who criticizes as the Sariputra who enters the pottery room overnight to stay in the sacred sacred sacred scorpion). |
超越三昧熏禪三解脫門及放捨(放捨者 |
Transcend the Samadhi Xunchan, the Three Liberation Gates and Free Shelter |
三脫門空無願無相空無願無相即十二門念反著者也)。 |
Santuomen emptiness, no wish, no phase, emptiness, no wish, no phase, that is, the twelve-door mindless author). |
更作利智懃精進。 |
Be more profitable, wise, diligent and diligent. |
入如是諸禪功德。 |
Entrance into this is the merits of Zen. |
是 |
Yes |
名得不退法不壞法。 |
The law is not bad if it is famous. |
若佛不出世無佛法無弟子時。 |
If the Buddha is not born, there is no Dharma and no disciples. |
是時離欲人辟支佛出。 |
It's time for people who want to be free from desires to go out of the Buddha. |
辟支佛有三 |
There are three Pichi Buddhas |
種。 |
kind. |
上中下下者本得須陀般那若息忌陀伽迷。 |
The upper, middle and lower ones should have the Sudha Pranarut Ghami. |
是須陀般那於第七世生人中。 |
It is the Sutrabanna in the seventh life. |
是時無佛 |
There is no Buddha |
法不得作弟子。 |
Fa must not be a disciple. |
復不應八世生。 |
No longer should be born for the eighth generation. |
是時作辟支佛。 |
It's time to be a buddha. |
若息忌陀伽迷二世生。 |
Ruoxi Ji Tuo Gami II was born. |
是時無佛法不 |
There is no Dharma |
得作弟子。 |
Must be a disciple. |
復不應三世生。 |
No longer should be born for three generations. |
是時作辟支佛。 |
It's time to be a buddha. |
有人願作辟支佛。 |
Some people are willing to be Pichi Buddha. |
種辟支佛善根時。 |
When planting the buddha's good roots. |
無佛 |
No buddha |
法善根熟。 |
The law is good and well-rooted. |
爾時厭世出家得道名辟支佛。 |
At that time, he was tired of the world and became a monk. |
是名中辟支佛。 |
It is a Buddha named Zhongpizhi. |
有人求佛道。 |
Some people ask for Buddhism. |
智力進力少以 |
Less intellectual advancement |
因緣退(如舍利弗是也)。 |
Karma retreats (as Sariputta is also). |
是時佛不出世無佛法亦無弟子。 |
It is when the Buddha is not born in the world, there is no Dharma and no disciple. |
而善根行熟作辟支佛。 |
And good roots are familiar with Pichi Buddha. |
有相好 |
Have a good relationship |
若少若多。 |
If less, if more. |
厭世出家得道是名上辟支佛。 |
Worrying about the world to become a monk is a Buddha named Pichi. |
於諸法中智慧淺入名阿羅漢。 |
Wisdom comes into the name Arahant in the various dharmas. |
中入名辟支佛 |
Zhongjin Mingbizhi Buddha |
。 |
. |
深入名佛。 |
Go deep into the famous Buddha. |
如遙見樹不能分別枝。 |
If you see a tree in the distance, you can't separate branches. |
小近能分別枝。 |
Xiao Jin can separate branches. |
不能分別華葉。 |
Can't separate Hua Ye. |
到樹下盡能分別 |
Go to the tree as far as you can |
知樹枝葉華實。 |
Know the branches and leaves Huashi. |
聲聞能知一切諸行無常一切諸法無主唯涅槃善安隱。 |
The sound and hearing can know all the impermanence and all the dharma, but Nirvana, goodness and peace. |
聲聞能如是觀。 |
Sound and hearing can be viewed like this. |
不能分別深入深知辟支佛少能分別。 |
We can't distinguish deeply and deeply know that Pichi Buddhism can't separate. |
亦不能深入深知。 |
Nor can we know deeply. |
佛知諸法分別究暢。 |
Buddhism knows the various dharma separately. |
深入深知 |
Deep knowledge |
也。 |
and also. |
如波羅奈國王。 |
Such as the king of Polone. |
夏暑熱時處高樓上坐七寶床。 |
In the summer heat, I sit on the Qibao bed on a high building. |
令青衣磨牛頭栴檀香塗身。 |
Make Tsing Yi rub the body with sandalwood. |
青衣臂 |
Tsing Yi Arm |
多著釧。 |
More Kushiro. |
摩王身時釧聲滿耳。 |
The sound of King Moroccan's body is full of sound. |
王甚患之。 |
Wang Shi suffers from it. |
教次第令脫。 |
Teaching the second order off. |
釧少聲微。 |
Kushiro said little. |
唯獨一釧寂然無聲 |
Only one Kushi is silent |
。 |
. |
王時悟曰。 |
Wang Shiwu said. |
國家臣民宮人婇女。 |
The maid of the palace of the national subjects. |
多事多惱亦復如是。 |
The same is true of troubles and annoyances. |
即時離欲獨處思惟得辟支佛。 |
Immediately liberate from desire to be alone and think about getting Pichi Buddha. |
鬚髮自落著自然衣。 |
Must be sent from falling in natural clothes. |
從樓閣去。 |
Go from the pavilion. |
以己神足力出家入山。 |
Be a monk into the mountains with one's own power and strength. |
如是因緣中品辟支佛也P. |
In this way, P. P. Chi Buddha is also P. |
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若行者求佛道。 |
If the traveller seeks the way of Buddhism. |
入禪先當繫心專念十方三世諸佛生身。 |
When you enter Zen, you should focus on chanting the Buddha's body in the ten directions and three generations. |
莫念地水火風山樹草木。 |
Mo Niandi water, fire, wind, mountains, trees and plants. |
天地之中有形之類及諸餘法一切莫念。 |
Tangible things in the heavens and the earth, as well as the rest of the law, do not think. |
但念諸佛生身處在虛空。 |
But the Buddhas are in the void. |
譬如大海清水中央金 |
For example, the central gold of the sea and clear water |
山王須彌。 |
Mountain King Sumeru. |
如夜闇中然大火如大施祠中七寶幢。 |
If the night is dark, the fire is like the Seven Treasure Buildings in the Da Shi Temple. |
佛身如是。 |
The Buddha's body is like this. |
有三十二相八十種好。 |
There are thirty-two phases and eighty kinds of good. |
常 |
often |
出無量清淨光明於虛空相青色中。 |
Out of boundless, pure and bright in the blue of the void. |
常念佛身相如是。 |
Often recite the Buddha's body like this. |
行者便得十方三世諸佛悉在心目 |
Those who walk will get the Buddhas of the ten directions and three generations in their hearts |
前一切悉見三昧。 |
See all the samādhi in the past. |
若心餘處緣還攝令住念在佛身。 |
If the heart is out of the heart, the fate is still in the body of the Buddha. |
是時便見東方三百千萬千萬億種無 |
When it’s time to see the East |
量諸佛。 |
Measure the Buddhas. |
如是南方西方北方四維上下。 |
Such as the south, west, north, four-dimensional up and down. |
隨所念方見一切佛。 |
See all Buddhas as you think. |
如人夜觀星宿。 |
Like people watching the stars at night. |
百千無量 |
Immeasurable |
種星宿悉見。 |
See all kinds of stars. |
菩薩得是三昧。 |
The Bodhisattva is Samadhi. |
除無量劫厚罪令薄。 |
In addition to immeasurable robbery and felony order thin. |
薄者令滅。 |
Those who are thin are extinguished. |
得是三昧已。 |
It must be Samadhi. |
當念佛種 |
When chanting the buddha |
種無量功德一切智一切解一切見一切德。 |
This kind of immeasurable merit, all wisdom, all understanding, all see all virtue. |
得大慈大悲自在。 |
Be merciful and compassionate. |
自初出無明 四無畏五眼 |
Since the beginning of ignorance, four fearless five eyes |
十力十八不共法。 |
Ten strengths and eighteen are not common methods. |
能除無量苦救老死畏。 |
It can save the old and fearless. |
與常樂涅槃。 |
Nirvana with Changle. |
佛有如是等種種無量功德。 |
Buddha has such immeasurable merits. |
作 |
do |
是念已自發願言。 |
It is Nian has spontaneously made a vow. |
我何時當得佛身佛功德巍巍如是。 |
When did I become a Buddha with so majestic merits? |
復作大誓。 |
Repeat the oath. |
過去一切福。 |
All the blessings in the past. |
現在一 |
Now one |
切福。 |
Cheeful. |
盡持求佛道不用餘報。 |
Do your best to pray for Buddhism without retribution. |
復作是念。 |
Duplicate is to read. |
一切眾生甚可憐愍。 |
All sentient beings are very pitiful. |
諸佛身功德巍巍如是。 |
The merits of the Buddhas are so majestic. |
眾生云何更求餘業而不求佛。 |
How can all sentient beings seek surplus karma instead of Buddha. |
譬如貴家盲子墮大深坑飢窮困苦食糞食泥。 |
For example, your blind man fell into a deep pit, hungry and poor, eating dung and mud. |
父甚愍之。 |
The father was stunned. |
為求方便。 |
For convenience. |
拯之於深坑。 |
Save it in the deep pit. |
食之以上饌。 |
More than food. |
行者念言。 |
The walker speaks. |
佛二種身功德甘露如是。 |
The Buddha's two body virtues are like this. |
而諸眾生 |
And all beings |
墮生死深坑食諸不淨。 |
Fall into the pit of life and death to eat all the impurities. |
以大悲心我當拯濟一切眾生。 |
With great compassion, I shall save all sentient beings. |
令得佛道度生死岸。 |
Make Buddha Dao save life and death. |
以佛種種功 |
With Buddha's various powers |
德法味悉令飽滿。 |
The German and French flavors are full. |
一切佛法願悉得之。 |
I wish to learn all the Dharma. |
聞誦持問觀行得果為作階梯。 |
Wen, chanting, asking, thinking, and acting as a step. |
立大要誓被三願 |
Lida wants to be three vows |
鎧。 |
armor. |
外破魔眾內擊結賊。 |
Destroy the thief outside the demons. |
直入不迴。 |
Go straight and never return. |
如是三願。 |
So three wishes. |
比無量諸願願皆住之。 |
All wishes and wishes are more than immeasurable. |
為度眾生得佛 |
For the sake of saving all living beings |
道故。 |
Taoism. |
如是念如是願。 |
Say so as you wish. |
是為菩薩念佛三昧 |
Is to recite the samādhi for the bodhisattva |
行菩薩道者於三毒中若婬欲偏多。 |
Practitioners of Bodhisattva Taoism have more lust among the three poisons. |
先自觀身。 |
First look at yourself. |
骨肉皮膚筋脈流血。 |
Bleeding from the flesh and skin. |
肝肺腸胃屎尿 |
Liver lung gastrointestinal feces and urine |
涕唾。 |
Spit. |
三十六物九想不淨。 |
Thirty-six things and nine things are not clean. |
專心內觀不令外念。 |
Concentrate on inward thinking, not external thoughts. |
外念諸緣攝之令還。 |
The order is returned from the outside reading of the predecessor. |
如人執燭入雜穀 |
Like a person holding a candle into the miscellaneous valley |
倉。 |
warehouse. |
種種分別豆麥黍粟無不識知。 |
All kinds of beans, wheat and millet are all aware of. |
復次觀身六分。 |
Six points for multiple views. |
堅為地分。 |
Resolutely divide. |
濕為水分。 |
Moisture is moisture. |
熱為火分。 |
Heat is divided into fire. |
動為風分。 |
Movement is wind. |
孔為空分。 |
Hole is air separation. |
知為識分。 |
Knowing as knowing points. |
亦如屠牛分為六分。 |
Just like slaughtering cattle is divided into six points. |
身首四支各自異處。 |
The first four are in different places. |
身有九孔 |
Body with nine holes |
常流不淨革囊盛屎。 |
Often flowing dirty leather bag filled with excrement. |
常作是觀不令外念。 |
Often it is to observe but not to think outside. |
外念諸緣攝之令還。 |
The order is returned from the outside reading of the predecessor. |
若得一心。 |
If you have one mind. |
意生厭患求 |
Sorrow |
離此身。 |
Away from here. |
欲令速滅早入涅槃。 |
Desire to make rapid disappearance into Nirvana early. |
是時當發大慈大悲。 |
It's time to be merciful and compassionate. |
以大功德拔濟眾生興前三願。 |
Use great merits to help all beings to rejuvenate the first three wishes. |
以諸 |
To all |
眾生不知不淨起諸罪垢。 |
All beings do not know that they are not cleansed from all sins. |
我當拔置於甘露地。 |
I should put it in the nectar. |
復次欲界眾生樂著不淨如狗食糞。 |
The sentient beings in the world of multiple desires are happy and unclean like dog feces. |
我當 |
I'm |
度脫至清淨道。 |
Degree off to the pure road. |
復次我當學求諸法實相。 |
I should learn the truth of the dharma again and again. |
不有常不無常。 |
Unconstant and impermanent. |
非淨非不淨。 |
Not clean, not unclean. |
我當云何著此 |
I'm the cloud |
不淨。 |
Not clean. |
觀不淨智從因緣生。 |
Not pure wisdom is born from cause and condition. |
如我法者當求實相。 |
Those who are like us should seek the truth. |
云何厭患身中不淨而取涅槃。 |
Yun He is tired of suffering from impurity in his body and attaining Nirvana. |
當如大 |
Dangruda |
象度駛流水窮盡源底。 |
The image is exhausted. |
得實法相滅入涅槃。 |
Obtain the reality and pass into Nirvana. |
豈可如獼猴諸兔畏怖駛流趣自度身。 |
How can it be like the rabbits of the macaque and the rabbits are dreaded and flowed to tailor themselves. |
我今 |
I am |
當學如菩薩法。 |
Learn the Dharma like a bodhisattva. |
行不淨觀除却婬欲。 |
Observe impurity and eliminate lust. |
廣化眾生令離欲患。 |
The broadening of sentient beings makes liberation suffer. |
不為不淨觀所厭沒。 |
Not to be tired of impure views. |
復次既 |
Multiple times |
觀不淨則厭生死。 |
If you are not clean, you hate life and death. |
當觀淨門繫心三處。 |
Dangguan Jingmen is the heart of three places. |
鼻端眉間額上。 |
The nose is on the forehead between the eyebrows. |
當於是中開一寸皮淨除血肉。 |
As a result, an inch of skin was removed in the middle. |
繫心白骨不令外念。 |
Keep your heart and bones away from foreign thoughts. |
外念諸緣攝之令還。 |
The order is returned from the outside reading of the predecessor. |
著三緣中恒與心鬪。 |
With the three predestined relations Zhongheng and the heart. |
如二人相撲。 |
Such as two sumo wrestling. |
行者若勝 |
If the traveler wins |
心。 |
Heart. |
則不如制之令住。 |
It is better to order to live. |
是名一心。 |
It is Ming Yixin. |
若以厭患起大悲心愍念眾生。 |
If you suffer from great compassion, you will miss sentient beings. |
為此空骨遠離涅槃入 |
For this reason, the hollow bones stay away from Nirvana |
三惡道。 |
Three evil ways. |
我當懃力作諸功德教化眾生令解身相空。 |
I should work diligently to do all the merits and virtues to teach sentient beings so that one’s body will become empty. |
骨以皮覆實聚不淨。 |
The bones are covered with skin and gather impure. |
為眾生故。 |
For all beings. |
徐 |
Xu |
當分別此諸法相。 |
When distinguishing these dhammas. |
有少淨想心生愛著。 |
You Shaojing wants to be in love. |
不淨想多心生厭患。 |
I want to be unclean and bored. |
有出法相故生實法。 |
There is a real law that is born out of the law. |
諸法 |
Dharmas |
實相中無淨無不淨。 |
There is nothing pure in reality. |
亦無閉亦無出觀諸法等。 |
There is also nothing to close, nor to observe the dharmas, etc. |
不可壞不可動。 |
Unbreakable and unmovable. |
是名諸法實相(出遇羅漢 |
It is the reality of the various dharma |
法也)。 |
Law also). |
行菩薩道者。 |
Those who practice the Tao of Bodhisattva. |
若瞋恚偏多當行慈心。 |
If you feel aggrieved, you should do more of compassion. |
念東方眾生。 |
Read the Eastern beings. |
慈心清淨無怨無恚廣大無量P. |
Kindness is pure, without complaint, vast and immeasurable P. |
20 |
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. |
見諸眾生悉在目前。 |
See all beings at present. |
南西北方四維上下亦復如是。 |
The same goes for the four dimensions in the north and south. |
制心行慈不令外念。 |
Control the mind and act loving kindness without making external thoughts. |
外念異緣攝 |
Outside thoughts |
之令還。 |
The order is also. |
持心目觀一切眾生。 |
Observe all sentient beings with your heart and eyes. |
悉見了了皆在目前。 |
I have seen it all at present. |
若得一心當發願言。 |
If you have to make a vow. |
我以涅槃實清 |
I'm clear with Nirvana |
淨法。 |
Net law. |
度脫眾生使得實樂。 |
Freedom from sentient beings makes real happiness. |
行慈三昧心如此者。 |
Such a kind of samādhi. |
是菩薩道。 |
It is the way of Bodhisattva. |
住慈三昧以觀諸法實相。 |
To live the samādhi to observe the reality of the dharmas. |
清淨不壞不動。 |
Clean and not broken. |
願令眾生得此法利。 |
May all beings get this benefit. |
以此三昧慈念東方一切眾生使得佛樂。 |
In this way, the samādhi caring for all sentient beings in the east makes the Buddha happy. |
十方亦爾 |
Shifang Yier |
。 |
. |
心不轉亂。 |
The heart does not turn into chaos. |
是謂菩薩慈三昧門 |
It is called the Bodhisattva's Compassionate Samadhi Gate |
問曰。 |
asked and said. |
何不一時總念十方眾生。 |
Why not always recite sentient beings from the ten directions all the time. |
答曰。 |
The answer is. |
先念一方一心易得。 |
Read one side first and get it easily. |
然後次第周遍諸方。 |
Then go to all sides for the first week. |
問曰。 |
Asked. |
人有怨家恒欲相害。 |
People have grievances and the family will persevere in harming each other. |
云何行慈欲令彼樂。 |
Yun Hexing's kind desire makes him happy. |
答曰。 |
The answer is. |
慈是心法出生於心。 |
Loving kindness is born from the heart. |
先從所親 |
Start with your relatives |
。 |
. |
所親轉增乃及怨家。 |
The increase in the relatives is the resentment. |
如火燒薪盛能然濕。 |
Ruohuo Xinsheng can become wet. |
問曰。 |
Asked. |
或時眾生遭種種苦。 |
Or all beings are suffering. |
或在人中或地 |
Or in person or place |
獄中。 |
In prison. |
菩薩雖慈彼那得樂。 |
Although the Bodhisattva is kind and happy. |
答曰。 |
The answer is. |
先從樂人取其樂相。 |
First take pleasure from the happy person. |
令彼苦人得如彼樂。 |
Make the bitter person feel as happy as that. |
如敗軍將 |
As a defeated general |
怖懼失膽。 |
Fear and lose courage. |
視彼敵人皆謂勇士。 |
Regarding that enemy is a warrior. |
問曰。 |
Asked. |
行慈三昧有何善利。 |
What are the benefits of samādhi? |
答曰。 |
The answer is. |
行者自念。 |
The walker thinks of himself. |
出家離 |
Renunciation |
俗應行慈心。 |
The vulgar should do kindness. |
又思惟言。 |
Also think about words. |
食人信施宜行利益如佛所言。 |
Cannibalism believes that the benefits are as the Buddha said. |
須臾行慈是隨佛教。 |
The need to act kindly is to follow Buddhism. |
則為入道 |
Entrance |
不空受施。 |
Not free to be given. |
復次身著染服心應不染。 |
The heart should not be dyed in the dyeing clothing again and again. |
慈三昧力能令不染。 |
The power of charity samādhi can make no dye. |
復次我心行慈於破法世。 |
My heart is kind to breaking the law again and again. |
我 |
I |
有法人非法眾中。 |
There are legal persons out of the public. |
我有法人如法無惱。 |
I have a legal person like the law without worry. |
慈定力故。 |
Kindness and strength. |
菩薩行道趣甘露門。 |
Bodhisattva walks through the interesting Ganlu door. |
種種熱惱慈涼 |
All kinds of heat |
冷樂。 |
Leng Le. |
如佛所言。 |
As the Buddha said. |
人熱極時入清涼池樂。 |
People enter the cool pool when they are extremely hot. |
復次被大慈鎧遮煩惱箭。 |
The troubles are covered by the big mercy armor again and again. |
慈為法藥消怨結毒 |
Kindness is the magic medicine to eliminate grievances and poison |
。 |
. |
煩惱燒心慈能除滅。 |
Worries and heartburn can be eliminated. |
慈為法梯登解脫臺。 |
Ci is the liberating platform for Fatty Deng. |
慈為法船渡生死海。 |
Kindness crosses the sea of life and death for Dharma. |
貧善法財慈為上寶。 |
The poor, the good, the wealth and the kindness are the treasures. |
行趣涅槃慈為道糧。 |
Nirvana and kindness are the food of the Tao. |
慈為駿足度入涅槃。 |
Compassion for the Junzu to go into Nirvana. |
慈為猛將越三惡道。 |
Compassionate will overwhelm the three evil ways. |
能行慈者消伏眾惡。 |
Those who can do mercy subdue all evil. |
諸 |
various |
天善神常隨擁護。 |
The gods and gods often follow. |
問曰。 |
Asked. |
若當行人得慈三昧。 |
If a pedestrian gets merciful samādhi. |
云何不失而復增益。 |
Why the cloud gains without losing. |
答曰學戒清淨善信 |
The answer is to learn precepts, be pure and faithful |
倚樂。 |
Yi Le. |
學諸禪定一心智慧。 |
Learn all meditation and one-minded wisdom. |
樂處閑靜常不放逸。 |
Have fun in quiet and often do not let go. |
少欲知足行順慈教。 |
Less desire to be content, follow and benevolent. |
節身少食減損睡 |
Eat less and reduce sleep |
眠。 |
sleep. |
初夜後夜思惟不廢。 |
After the beginning of the night, the night thinking is not lost. |
省煩言語默然守靜。 |
Save the annoying words and stay silent. |
坐臥行住知時消息。 |
Sit, sleep, and stay informed of the news. |
不令失度致疲苦極 |
Do not let the loss cause extreme fatigue |
。 |
. |
調和寒溫不令惱亂。 |
Reconciling cold and temperature is not upsetting. |
是謂益慈。 |
It is called Yici. |
復次以佛道樂涅槃之樂與一切人。 |
Repeatedly enjoy the joy of Nirvana with Buddhism and Taoism with all people. |
是名大慈。 |
It is a great kindness. |
行者 |
Walker |
思惟。 |
Thinking. |
現在未來大人行慈利益一切。 |
Now the adults in the future will be kind and benefit everything. |
我亦被蒙是我良祐。 |
I was also blinded as my Liangyou. |
我當行慈畢報施恩。 |
I should be kind and repay kindness. |
復更念 |
Renewal |
言。 |
Word. |
大德慈心愍念一切以此為樂。 |
Dade is kind and fascinated by everything for pleasure. |
我亦當爾。 |
I'm also playing. |
念彼眾生令得佛樂涅槃之樂。 |
Recalling the other sentient beings makes the Buddha enjoy the joy of Nirvana. |
是為報恩 |
Is for repaying kindness |
。 |
. |
復次慈力能令一切心得快樂。 |
Repeated charity can make everything happy. |
身離熱惱得清涼樂。 |
The body is irritated from the heat and refreshing. |
持行慈福念安一切以報其恩。 |
Repay his kindness by holding on to the good fortune and all things. |
復 |
complex |
次慈有善利。 |
Second time benevolence is good. |
斷瞋恚法開名稱門。 |
The method of breaking anger opens the name door. |
施主良田生梵天因。 |
The donor's good land gives birth to Brahma. |
住離欲處除却怨對及鬪諍根。 |
Stay away from the place of desire but get rid of grievances and roots. |
諸佛稱揚智人愛敬。 |
The Buddhas said that Yang sapiens loved and respected. |
能持淨戒生智慧明。 |
Ability to maintain the pure precepts to be wise and clear. |
能聞法利。 |
Can smell Farley. |
功德醍醐決定好人。 |
Merit and virtue determine good people. |
出家猛力消 |
Be a monk |
滅諸惡。 |
Exterminate all evils. |
罵辱不善慈報能伏。 |
Insulting, kindness and retribution can be subdued. |
結集悅樂生精進法。 |
Consolidate the Yuele Shengjing Dharma. |
富貴根因辦智慧府。 |
The roots of wealth and wealth are due to the establishment of a house of wisdom. |
誠信庫藏諸善 |
Integrity Stores Goods |
法門。 |
Famen. |
致稱譽法敬畏根本佛正真道。 |
To the commendation method, reverence and awe of the fundamental Buddha's righteous way. |
若人持惡向還自受其殃。 |
If people hold evil tendencies, they will suffer. |
五種惡語。 |
Five kinds of bad language. |
非時語非實 |
Non-temporal and non-factual |
語。 |
language. |
非利語。 |
Non-profit language. |
非慈語。 |
Non-civil language. |
非軟語。 |
Non-soft language. |
是五惡語不能傾動。 |
It is the five evil words that cannot be moved. |
一切毒害亦不能傷。 |
No poison can hurt. |
譬如小火不 |
Such as small fire |
能熱大海(此下應出優填王持五百發箭)。 |
Can heat the sea (the King of You Fill should hold five hundred arrows). |
如毘羅經中優填王阿婆陀那說。 |
As said in the Virasu Sutra, the king of Utam, Abdana. |
有二夫人。 |
There are two ladies. |
一名 |
One |
無比。 |
Incomparable. |
二名舍迷婆帝。 |
Two Shemipo Emperors. |
無比誹謗舍迷婆帝。 |
Incomparably slander Shemipodi. |
舍迷婆帝有五百直人。 |
There are five hundred straight people in Shemipodi. |
王以五百箭欲一一 |
Wang Yi five hundred arrows desire one by one |
射殺之。 |
Shoot it. |
舍迷婆帝語諸直人。 |
Shemipodi talks about all the straight people. |
在我後立。 |
Stand behind me. |
是時舍迷婆帝入慈三昧。 |
It was Shi She Mi Po, who entered the Compassionate Samadhi. |
王挽弓射之。 |
Wang Wan bow shot it. |
箭墮 |
Arrow falls |
足下。 |
Step. |
第二箭還向王脚下。 |
The second arrow was still at the feet of the king. |
王大驚怖。 |
The king was terrified. |
復欲放箭。 |
I want to release the arrow again. |
舍迷婆帝語王言。 |
She Mi Po Di Yu Wang Yan. |
止止。 |
Stop. |
夫婦之義 |
Righteousness |
是故相語。 |
It's an old saying. |
若放此箭當直破汝心。 |
If you let this arrow go straight through your heart. |
王時恐畏投弓捨射。 |
The king was afraid of throwing his bow and shooting. |
問言。 |
Questions. |
汝有何術。 |
What tricks do you have. |
答言。 |
Answer. |
我無 |
I have nothing |
異術。 |
Different art. |
我是佛弟子入慈三昧故也。 |
I am a disciple of the Buddha. |
是慈三昧略說有三種緣生緣法緣無緣。 |
It is the kindness samādhi that there are three kinds of predestined conditions, predestined conditions, and lack of predestined conditions. |
諸未得道是 |
The unreached Tao is |
名生緣。 |
Fate. |
阿羅漢辟支佛是名法緣。 |
Arahant Pichi Buddha is the origin of the Dharma. |
諸佛世尊是名無緣。 |
The Buddhas are not destined by name. |
是故略說慈三昧門P. |
It is a brief introduction to the samādhi gate P. |
21 |
twenty one |
行菩薩道者。 |
those who walk the bodhisattva way. |
於三毒中若愚癡偏多。 |
In the three poisons, there are too many foolishnesses. |
當觀十二分破二種癡。 |
The two kinds of idiots are broken when watching. |
內破身癡外破眾生癡 |
Breaking the body inside and breaking the ignorance of all beings outside |
。 |
. |
思惟念言。 |
Thinking about words. |
我及眾生俱在厄難。 |
I and all beings are in trouble. |
常生常老常病常死常滅常出。 |
Frequent life, old age, often sickness, often death, and often extinction. |
眾生可憐不知出道從 |
Sentient beings are pitiful and don't know where to debut |
何得脫。 |
Why take it off. |
一心思惟。 |
Single minded. |
生老病死從因緣生。 |
Birth, old age, sickness and death are born from cause and condition. |
當復思惟何因緣生。 |
When rethinking why is born. |
一心思惟。 |
Single minded. |
生因緣有。 |
There are reasons for birth. |
有因緣取。 |
Taken by reason. |
取因緣愛。 |
Take karma and love. |
愛因緣受。 |
Love is due to predestined conditions. |
受因緣觸。 |
Touched by cause and condition. |
觸因緣六入。 |
Six factors are involved. |
六入因緣名色。 |
Six factors, fate, name and color. |
名色因緣 |
Name and color |
識。 |
knowledge. |
識因緣行。 |
Know the cause and destiny. |
行因緣無明。 |
The cause is ignorant. |
如是復思惟。 |
This is rethinking. |
當何因緣滅生老死。 |
When is the cause and fate of life and death. |
一心思惟。 |
Single minded. |
生滅故老 |
Birth and death |
死滅。 |
Die out. |
有滅故生滅。 |
There is death, so birth and death. |
取滅故有滅。 |
Take it out, so it's gone. |
愛滅故取滅。 |
Love is destroyed, so it is destroyed. |
受滅故愛滅。 |
Love is destroyed because of destruction. |
觸滅故受滅。 |
When touched, it is destroyed. |
六入滅故 |
Six Enters and Extinguishes |
觸滅。 |
Touch off. |
名色滅故六入滅。 |
Names and colors are extinct, so six enters extinction. |
識滅故名色滅。 |
Consciousness disappears, hence the name color disappears. |
行滅故識滅。 |
The act of extinction is therefore the consciousness of extinction. |
癡滅故行滅。 |
Desperate and deceive. |
此中十二分云何 |
Twelve points in it |
。 |
. |
無明分不知前不知後不知前後。 |
Ignorance does not know before and after, does not know before and after. |
不知內不知外不知內外。 |
I don't know the inside or the outside, I don't know the inside and outside. |
不知佛不知法不知僧不知 |
I don’t know the Buddha, I don’t know the Dharma, I don’t know the monk, I don’t know |
苦不知習不知盡不知道。 |
I don't know how to learn, I don't know everything. |
不知業不知果不知業果。 |
I don't know the karma, I don't know the fruit, I don't know the karma. |
不知因不知緣不知因緣。 |
I don't know the cause, I don't know the cause, I don't know the cause. |
不知罪不 |
Know not guilty |
知福不知罪福。 |
Zhifu knows no sin and blessing. |
不知善不知不善不知善不善。 |
I don’t know what is good or what’s wrong. |
不知有罪法不知無罪法。 |
I don’t know the law of guilt, I don’t know the law of innocence. |
不知應近法不 |
I don't know whether to approach the law or not |
知應遠法。 |
Knowing should be far away. |
不知有漏法不知無漏法。 |
I don't know if there is any missing method. |
不知世間法。 |
I don't know the world law. |
不知出世間法。 |
I don't know the law of the world. |
不知過去法不知未 |
I do not know the past and the law does not know the future |
來法不知現在法。 |
I do not know the current law when I come to law. |
不知黑法不知白法。 |
I don't know the black law, I don't know the white law. |
不知分別因緣法。 |
I don’t know how to distinguish between causes and conditions. |
不知六觸法。 |
I don't know the six touch methods. |
不知實證法。 |
I don't know the positive law. |
如是種種不知不慧不見闇黑無明。 |
In this way, all kinds of ignorance do not see the darkness and ignorance. |
是名無明。 |
It is ignorant. |
無明緣行。 |
Unknown destiny. |
云何名行。 |
Yunhe Mingxing. |
行有三種。 |
There are three kinds of lines. |
身行 |
Body |
口行意行。 |
Speak and do what you want. |
云何身行。 |
Where does the cloud go. |
入息出息是身行法。 |
Incoming-breathing-breathing is the law of the body. |
所以者何。 |
So what. |
是法屬身故名身行。 |
It's the name and body of the French. |
云何口行 |
Yunhekouhang |
有覺有觀。 |
Conscious and insightful. |
是作覺觀已然後口語。 |
It is to awakened and then spoken. |
若無覺觀則無言說。 |
If there is no enlightenment, there is nothing to say. |
是謂口行。 |
It is said to speak. |
云何意行(痛名世界 |
Yun He Yi Xing (the famous world |
人所著三種痛痛應為受受則隨界受苦樂上界所無故宜言受想出家所患也)。 |
The three kinds of pain written by humans should be suffering from the world, and suffering from the world. |
痛想是意法。 |
I think it is Italian law. |
繫屬意 |
Belonging to |
故。 |
Therefore. |
是名意行。 |
It is the name of the line. |
復次欲界繫行色界繫行無色界繫行。 |
The complex world of desire is the line of color and the world of colorless. |
復次善行不善行不動行。 |
Repeat good deeds and do not do well. |
云何善 |
Yun Heshan |
行。 |
Row. |
欲界一切善行。 |
All good deeds in the world of desire. |
亦色界三地。 |
There are three places in the world. |
云何不善行。 |
Why not be kind to the cloud. |
諸不善法。 |
Unwholesome laws. |
云何不動行。 |
Why don't the clouds move. |
第四禪有漏 |
The fourth jhana is missing |
善行及無色定善有漏行。 |
Good deeds and colorlessness set good deeds and omit deeds. |
是名行。 |
It is a famous line. |
行因緣識。 |
Karma-knowledge. |
云何名識。 |
What is the name of the cloud. |
六種識界。 |
Six kinds of consciousness. |
眼識乃至意識。 |
Eye consciousness and even consciousness. |
是名六識。 |
It is the name of the six senses. |
識因緣名色。 |
Recognize karma, fate, name and color. |
云何為名。 |
What is the name of the cloud. |
無色四分痛想行識。 |
The colorless quarter is painful to want to practice consciousness. |
是謂名。 |
It is the name. |
云何為色。 |
What is cloud color. |
一切色 |
All colors |
四大及造色。 |
Four majors and color creation. |
是謂色。 |
It is predicated color. |
云何四大。 |
The Big Four of Yunhe. |
地水火風。 |
Earth, water, fire and wind. |
云何地。 |
Where is the cloud. |
堅重相者地。 |
Stubbornly. |
濡濕相者水。 |
Those who wet the wet phase are water. |
熱 |
hot |
相者火。 |
Photographer fire. |
輕動相者風。 |
The wind is lightly moving. |
餘色可見。 |
The residual color is visible. |
有對無對是名造色。 |
Whether there is right or not is the name made of color. |
名色和合是謂名色。 |
The harmony of name and form is called name and form. |
名色因緣 |
Name and color |
六入。 |
Six into. |
云何六入。 |
Yun He Liu enters. |
內六入。 |
Inner six into. |
眼內入乃至意內入。 |
Enter the eyes and even the intention. |
是名六入。 |
It is the name Liujin. |
六入因緣觸。 |
Six into the karma. |
云何觸。 |
How does the cloud touch. |
六 |
six |
種觸界。 |
Kind of touch. |
眼觸乃至意觸。 |
Eye touch and even intention touch. |
云何眼觸。 |
Yun He eye contact. |
眼緣色生眼識。 |
The color of the edge of the eye gives rise to eye awareness. |
三法和合是名眼觸。 |
The harmony of the three methods is the name of eye contact. |
乃至意觸亦 |
Even touch |
如是。 |
As it is. |
觸因緣受。 |
Karma. |
云何受。 |
How does the cloud feel. |
三種受。 |
Three kinds of acceptance. |
樂受苦受不苦不樂受。 |
Happy to suffer, not to suffer or not to suffer. |
云何樂受。 |
How happy the cloud is. |
愛使。 |
Love making. |
云何苦 |
Why cloud |
受。 |
by. |
恚使。 |
Yunshi. |
云何不苦不樂受。 |
Why don't the clouds feel uncomfortable. |
癡使。 |
Foolish. |
復次樂受生樂住樂滅苦。 |
Repeatedly enjoy life, live in happiness, and eliminate suffering. |
苦受生苦住苦滅樂。 |
Suffering, suffering, living, suffering, and destroying happiness. |
不 |
Do not |
苦不樂受不知苦不知樂。 |
Suffering is not happy, not knowing suffering, not knowing pleasure. |
受因緣愛。 |
Love by cause and condition. |
云何愛。 |
Yun He Ai. |
眼觸色生愛。 |
Eye touch makes love. |
乃至意觸法生愛。 |
Even the intention to violate the law produces love. |
愛因緣 |
Love Karma |
取。 |
Pick. |
云何取。 |
What cloud does it take. |
欲取見取戒取我語取。 |
If you want to see and take, take my language and take it. |
取因緣有。 |
Take the cause and condition. |
云何有。 |
What is the cloud? |
三種有。 |
There are three kinds. |
欲有色有無色有。 |
Desire to be colored or colorless. |
下從阿鼻大泥梨上至他化自在天。 |
From the Abi big clay pear up to the other world freely. |
是名欲有。 |
It is fame and desire. |
及其能生業。 |
And its energy production. |
云何色有。 |
What a cloud is there. |
從下梵世上至 |
From Lower Brahma to |
阿迦尼吒天。 |
Ajanizhaotian. |
是名色有。 |
There is name and color. |
云何無色有。 |
What colorless clouds are there. |
從虛空乃至非有想非無想處。 |
From the emptiness to the non-thinking to the non-thinking. |
是名無色有。 |
There is no color. |
有 |
Have |
因緣生。 |
Karma is born. |
云何生。 |
Yun Hesheng. |
種種眾生處處生出。 |
All kinds of sentient beings are born everywhere. |
有受陰得持得入得命。 |
There is a yin to hold onto the life. |
是名生。 |
Is a famous student. |
生因緣老死。 |
Fate is old and dead. |
云何老。 |
How old is Yun. |
齒落髮白多皺。 |
The teeth are white and wrinkled. |
根熟根破氣噎。 |
The mature roots choke. |
身僂拄杖行步。 |
Walk around with a stick. |
陰身朽故。 |
Yin body decays. |
是名老。 |
It's an old man. |
云何死 |
Yun He Die |
。 |
. |
一切眾生處處退落墮滅。 |
All sentient beings retreat and perish everywhere. |
斷死失壽命盡。 |
Life is lost. |
是名死。 |
It's fame. |
先老後死故名老死。 |
The name is old and die after being old. |
是中十二因 |
Is the middle twelve cause |
緣。 |
edge. |
一切世間非無因緣邊。 |
Everything in the world is not without cause. |
非天邊非人邊非種種等邪緣邊出。 |
Non-worldliness, non-human, non-human and other evil fate emerge. |
菩薩觀十二因緣。 |
Bodhisattva views twelve causes and conditions. |
繫心 |
Care |
不動不令外念。 |
Do not move outside thoughts. |
外念諸緣攝之令還。 |
The order is returned from the outside reading of the predecessor. |
觀十二分生三世中。 |
View the twelfth part of life in the third generation. |
前生今生後生。 |
Life before and after life. |
菩薩若得心P. |
If the Bodhisattva has the heart P. |
22 |
twenty two |
住。 |
live. |
當觀十二分空無有主。 |
When the view is twelve minutes, there is no master. |
癡不知我作行。 |
I don't know what I do. |
行不知我從癡有。 |
I don’t know if I’m crazy. |
但無明緣故行生。 |
But he lives for no apparent reason. |
如草 |
Grassy |
木種從子芽出。 |
The wood seed sprouts from the seed. |
子亦不知我生芽。 |
The son also doesn't know that I'm budding. |
芽亦不知從子出。 |
Bud also doesn't know how to come out of the child. |
乃至老死亦復如是。 |
Even old age is also the same. |
是十二分中 |
Is in the twelfth minute |
一一觀知無主無我。 |
One by one, there is no owner and no self. |
如外草木無主。 |
Such as the outside vegetation has no owner. |
但從倒見計有吾我。 |
But I have never seen me. |
問曰。 |
Asked. |
若無吾我無主無作。 |
Without me, I have no master and no action. |
云何去來言說死此生彼。 |
Yun He goes to talk about life and death. |
答曰。 |
The answer is. |
雖無吾我。 |
Although there is no me. |
六情作因六塵作緣中生六識。 |
Six emotions make six senses through six dusts. |
三事和合故 |
Three things together |
觸法生念知諸業。 |
Violation of the law produces knowledge of all karma. |
由是去來言說從是有生死。 |
So to speak, there is always life and death. |
譬如日愛珠因日乾牛屎和合方便故火出 |
For example, the Japanese love beads became popular because of the dry cow dung and the convenience. |
。 |
. |
五陰亦爾。 |
Five Yin Yier. |
因此五陰生。 |
Therefore Wuyin is born. |
後世五陰出。 |
Five Yin comes out in later generations. |
非此五陰至後世。 |
Not this five yin to later generations. |
亦不離此五陰得後世五陰 |
Not to leave this five yin to get five yin for future generations |
。 |
. |
五陰但從因緣出譬如穀子中芽出。 |
Wuyin but sprouts from the cause, such as the millet. |
是子非芽亦非餘芽邊生。 |
The seed is not a bud, and it is not born at the edge of the bud. |
非異非一。 |
Non-different non-one. |
得後世身亦 |
For future generations |
爾。 |
you. |
譬如樹未有莖節枝葉華實。 |
For example, the tree has no stems, branches and leaves. |
得時節因緣華葉具足。 |
Hua Ye has feet in season. |
善惡行報亦復如是。 |
Retaliation for good and evil is the same. |
種子壞故 |
Seed failure |
非常非一。 |
Very non-one. |
芽莖葉等生故不斷不異。 |
The buds, stems, and leaves continue to be the same. |
死生相續亦復如是。 |
The same is true for life and death. |
行者謂法無常苦空無我自生 |
Practitioners say that the law is impermanent |
自滅。 |
Self-destruct. |
知因愛等有。 |
Knowing because of love and so on. |
知因滅是盡。 |
Knowing is exhausted. |
知盡是道。 |
Know everything. |
以四種智知十二分是正見道。 |
Knowing the twelve points with four kinds of wisdom is right view. |
眾生為縛 |
All beings are bound |
著所誑。 |
What is said. |
如人有無價寶珠。 |
If a person has a priceless orb. |
不別其真為他欺誑。 |
Don't be fooled by him. |
是時菩薩發大悲心。 |
It's time that the Bodhisattva showed great compassion. |
我當作佛以正真 |
I am a Buddha |
法化彼眾生令見正道。 |
The law transforms the sentient beings to see the right way. |
問曰。 |
Asked. |
如摩訶衍般若波羅蜜中言。 |
Such as Mahayan Prajna Paramita. |
諸法不生不滅空無所有。 |
All dharmas do not arise or die, nothing is left. |
一 |
one |
相無相是名正見。 |
No phase is the right view. |
云何言無常等觀名為正見。 |
Yun He said that the concept of impermanence is right view. |
答曰。 |
The answer is. |
若摩訶衍中說諸法空無相。 |
Ruo Mahayan says that all dharmas are empty. |
云何 |
Yunhe |
言無常苦空等不實。 |
Words are impermanent and wait for nothing to be true. |
若言不生不滅空是實相者。 |
If it is said that there is no birth and no death, the sky is the reality. |
不應言無相。 |
It shouldn't be said nothing. |
汝言前後不相應。 |
Ruyan is inconsistent. |
復次 |
Multiple times |
佛說四顛倒。 |
Buddha said four upside-downs. |
無常中常顛倒亦有道理。 |
It makes sense to invert impermanence. |
一切有為無常。 |
Everything is impermanent. |
何以故因緣生故。 |
Why is it because of reason. |
無常因無常 |
Impermanence due to impermanence |
緣。 |
edge. |
所生果云何常。 |
How often the fruit is born. |
先無而今有已有便無。 |
There is nothing now, there is nothing. |
一切眾生皆見無常。 |
All beings see impermanence. |
內有老病死。 |
There are old, sick, and dead inside. |
外見萬 |
Hakaiwan |
物凋落。 |
Things fall. |
云何言無常不實。 |
Yun He said that impermanence is not true. |
問曰。 |
Asked. |
我不言有常為實無常為不實。 |
I don't say that permanence is real and impermanence is untrue. |
我言有常無常俱是不 |
I say that permanence and impermanence are not |
實。 |
Reality. |
何以故。 |
Why. |
佛言。 |
Buddhist words. |
空中有常無常二事不可得。 |
There are two things that are impermanent and impermanence in the air. |
若著此二事是俱顛倒。 |
If these two things are both reversed. |
答曰。 |
The answer is. |
汝言不 |
Don't you say it |
與法相應。 |
Corresponding to law. |
何以故。 |
Why. |
言無法云何復言二俱顛倒。 |
The words cannot be said, and the words are both reversed. |
一切空無所有是為實不顛倒。 |
All emptiness is for real not to be reversed. |
若我破 |
If i break |
有常著無常。 |
There is permanence and impermanence. |
我法應破而不實我。 |
Our law should be broken without realizing me. |
有常顛倒破故觀無常。 |
Persistence reverses the perspective of impermanence. |
何以故。 |
Why. |
無常力能破有常。 |
Impermanence can break permanence. |
如毒能破餘毒。 |
Such as poison can break the remaining poison. |
如藥除病。 |
Such as medicine to eliminate diseases. |
藥亦俱去。 |
The medicine is also gone. |
當知藥妙能除病故。 |
Know that the medicine can cure the disease. |
若藥不去後藥為病。 |
If the medicine is not removed, the medicine is a disease. |
此亦 |
This also |
如是。 |
As it is. |
若無常法著應當破不實故。 |
If there is impermanence, the truth should be broken. |
我不受無常法云何破。 |
I am not subject to impermanence. |
佛言。 |
Buddhist words. |
苦是四真諦中言實苦 |
Suffering is the truth in the four truths |
。 |
. |
誰能使樂。 |
Who can make fun. |
苦因是實因。 |
The cause of suffering is the real cause. |
誰能令非因。 |
Who can make the non-cause. |
苦盡是實盡。 |
Suffering is fulfilling. |
誰能令不盡。 |
Who can order endlessly. |
盡道是實道。 |
The truth is the truth. |
誰 |
Who |
能令非道。 |
Can make the wrong. |
如日或可令冷。 |
Such as the sun may be cold. |
月或可令熱。 |
May make hot months. |
風可令不動。 |
The wind does not move. |
是四真諦終不可動轉。 |
It is the four truths that cannot be moved at all. |
汝於摩 |
Ru Yumo |
訶衍中不能了但著言聲。 |
He can't do it in Heyan, but he keeps talking. |
摩訶衍中諸法實相。 |
The reality of the various dharmas in the Mahayan. |
實相不可破無有作者。 |
The truth cannot be broken without an author. |
若可破可作此非 |
If it can be broken, this can be done |
摩訶衍。 |
Mahayan. |
如月初生。 |
Like the first born in the month. |
一日二日其生時甚微細。 |
One day and two days of life are very subtle. |
有明眼人能見指示不見者。 |
The discerning person can see the instruction but not the person. |
此不見人但 |
No one here but |
視其指而迷於月。 |
Be obsessed with the moon depending on what it means. |
明者語言。 |
Ming language. |
癡人何以但視我指。 |
Why do idiots look at me. |
指為月緣指非彼月。 |
Refers to the moon edge refers to the non-bi moon. |
汝亦如是。 |
The same is true for you. |
言 |
Word |
音非實相。 |
Sound is not reality. |
但假言表實理。 |
But the hypothesis shows the truth. |
汝更著言聲闇於實相。 |
Your words are darker than reality. |
行若得如是正知見。 |
If you do so, it is right to see. |
觀十二分和合 |
View twelve points and harmony |
為因果二分。 |
Dichotomy of cause and effect. |
果時十二分為苦諦。 |
The fruit is divided into bitter truth. |
因時十二分為習諦。 |
Because of time twelve is divided into habit. |
因滅是盡諦。 |
Due to destruction is the ultimate truth. |
見因果盡是道諦 |
Seeing cause and effect is the truth |
。 |
. |
四種觀果無常苦空無我。 |
Four kinds of insights, impermanence, suffering and emptiness. |
四種觀因集因緣生。 |
The four viewpoints arise from the collection of causes and conditions. |
問曰。 |
Asked. |
果有四種但名苦諦。 |
There are four kinds of fruit but the name is bitter truth. |
餘者無諦 |
The rest is without truth |
名也。 |
Name also. |
答曰。 |
The answer is. |
若言無常諦復疑。 |
If the words are impermanent, repeat the doubts. |
苦諦亦疑。 |
The bitter truth is also doubtful. |
無我諦亦疑。 |
There is no truth and doubt. |
一種難處。 |
A difficulty. |
復次若言無常諦 |
The truth of impermanence |
無咎。 |
Blameless. |
空非我諦亦無咎。 |
It's not my truth and I'm not responsible. |
若無常苦空無我諦。 |
If impermanence suffers, there is no self. |
於說為重故。 |
Yu said it was a serious cause. |
是故於四說一。 |
It's because I said one in four. |
問曰。 |
Asked. |
苦 |
bitter |
有何異相。 |
What's the difference. |
於三中獨得名。 |
Uniquely named in the third middle school. |
答曰。 |
The answer is. |
苦是一切眾生所厭患。 |
Suffering is the abhorrent of all sentient beings. |
眾生所怖畏。 |
All beings are terrified. |
無常不爾。 |
Impermanence. |
或 |
or |
有人為苦所逼。 |
Some people are forced by suffering. |
思得無常。 |
Thinking is impermanent. |
無有欲得苦者。 |
There is no desire to suffer. |
問曰。 |
Asked. |
有人欲得捉刀自殺針炙苦藥入賊。 |
Some people want to commit suicide with acupuncture and pill the thief. |
如是種種非求苦也。 |
So all kinds of hardships. |
答曰。 |
The answer is. |
非為欲得苦欲存大樂。 |
It is not for the desire to obtain the suffering and to save the great happiness. |
畏苦故取死。 |
The fear of hardship leads to death. |
苦為第一患樂為第一P. |
Suffering is the first Suffering pleasure is the first P. |
23 |
twenty three |
利。 |
profit. |
以是故離實苦得快樂。 |
Therefore, it is hard to be happy. |
是故佛以果分獨名苦諦。 |
That's why the Buddha has the sole name of suffering due to fruit. |
非無常空無我諦。 |
Non-impermanence and emptiness. |
是於四諦中了 |
Is in the Four Truths |
了實智慧不疑不悔。 |
It is true wisdom without doubt or regret. |
是名正見。 |
It's a right view. |
思惟是事種種增益故。 |
Thinking is the gain of things. |
是名正覺。 |
It is Ming Zhengjue. |
除邪命攝四種邪語 |
Four evil words |
。 |
. |
離餘四種邪語攝四種正語。 |
Li Yu's four evil words and four right words. |
除邪命攝身三種業除餘三種邪業名正業。 |
In addition to the three kinds of evil deeds and the remaining three kinds of karma, the name is right karma. |
離餘種種邪命 |
Away from all the evil destinies |
。 |
. |
是名正命。 |
It's righteous. |
如是觀時精進。 |
So watch the time diligently. |
是正方便。 |
It is just convenient. |
是事念不散。 |
It's not going away. |
是名正念。 |
It is mindfulness. |
是事思惟不動是名 |
It's the thing that doesn't move, it's the name |
正定。 |
Zhengding. |
正覺如王七事隨從。 |
Zhengjue is like a king with seven things. |
是名道諦。 |
It is the meaning of Taoism. |
是事一心實信不動。 |
It's a wholehearted belief. |
是名信根。 |
It is the root of Mingxin. |
一心精懃求道 |
Seek the truth wholeheartedly |
。 |
. |
是名精進根。 |
It is the root of diligence. |
一心念不忘失。 |
Not forgetting one's mind. |
是名念根。 |
It is Ming Niangen. |
心住一處亦不馳散。 |
The heart will stay in one place. |
是名定根。 |
It is the root of the name. |
思惟分別 |
Think about the difference |
無常等覺。 |
Impermanence and so on. |
是名慧根。 |
It's Ming Huigen. |
是名增長得力。 |
It is a powerful name for growth. |
是名五力。 |
It's the Five Forces. |
問曰。 |
Asked. |
八正道中皆說慧念定等。 |
In the Eightfold Path, it is said that Hui Nian will wait. |
根 |
root |
力中何以重說。 |
Why reiterate in strength. |
答曰。 |
The answer is. |
隨入行時初得小利。 |
Get a small profit when you go with you. |
是時名為根。 |
It is the root. |
是五事增長得力。 |
It is the five things that grow effectively. |
是時得名 |
Named when |
為力。 |
For power. |
初入無漏見諦道中。 |
When you first enter, you can see the truth. |
是功德名八正道。 |
It is the eightfold path of merit. |
入思惟道時名七覺意。 |
When you enter the Tao of Thought, the name is Seven Enlightenment. |
初入道中觀念身 |
Conceptual body |
痛心法常一心念。 |
Painful methods are often single-minded. |
是名四念止。 |
It is the name Si Nian Zhi. |
如是得善法味四種精懃。 |
In this way, there are four kinds of diligence and diligence. |
是名四正懃。 |
It is the name Sizhengqin. |
如是欲精進定 |
If you want to be diligent |
慧初門。 |
Hui Chumen. |
懃精進求如意自在。 |
Diligent and diligent, seeking happiness. |
是名四神足。 |
It is the name of four gods. |
雖名四念止四正懃四神足五根等。 |
Although the name is four thoughts, four positive diligence, four gods, five roots and so on. |
皆攝隨 |
All photos with |
行時初後少多行地緣各各得名。 |
At the beginning of the trip, the less and more trips have their respective names. |
譬如四大各各有四大。 |
For example, each of the four majors has four majors. |
但多得名。 |
But more names. |
若地種多水火風少 |
If more land is planted, there is less water, fire and wind |
處名為地大。 |
The office is called Di Da. |
水火風亦如是。 |
The same is true of water, fire and wind. |
如是三十七品中各各有諸品。 |
In this case, each of the thirty-seven products has various products. |
如四念止中有四正勤四神 |
For example, there are four righteousness and four gods in the four thoughts |
足五根五力七覺八道等。 |
Five roots, five powers, seven senses and eight realities, etc. |
如是觀十二分四諦行四念止四正懃四神足五根五力七覺意八 |
In this way, observe twelve points, four truths, four thoughts and cessation, four righteousness, four gods, five roots, five powers, seven enlightenment, and eight |
正道。 |
right way. |
其心安樂。 |
Its heart is at peace. |
復以此法度脫眾生。 |
Repeat this method to free all sentient beings. |
一心誓願精進求佛。 |
I vowed to strive for the Buddha with all my heart. |
是時心中思惟觀念。 |
It is time to think about concepts in the heart. |
我了 |
Me |
了觀知此道不應取證。 |
In order to understand this way, evidence should not be obtained. |
有二事力故未入涅槃。 |
There are two reasons for not entering Nirvana. |
一者大悲不捨眾生。 |
One is deeply compassionate and reluctant to give up all sentient beings. |
二者深知諸法實相 |
The two know the truth of the laws |
。 |
. |
諸心心數法從因緣生。 |
The number of minds and minds is derived from cause and condition. |
我今云何隨此不實。 |
I don’t want to follow this. |
當自思惟欲入深觀十二因緣知因緣是何 |
When you think about yourself and want to go deep, observe the twelve causes and conditions, know what the cause and conditions are |
法。 |
Law. |
復更思惟。 |
Think again and again. |
是四種緣。 |
There are four kinds of conditions. |
因緣。 |
cause. |
次第緣。 |
Sub-first edge. |
緣緣。 |
Fate. |
增上緣。 |
Increase the upper edge. |
五因為因緣。 |
Five because of karma. |
除過去現在 |
Except the past and the present |
阿羅漢最後心。 |
Arhat's last heart. |
餘過去現在心心數法。 |
I used to count the method with my heart and mind. |
是次第緣。 |
This is the first fate. |
緣緣增上緣緣一切法。 |
Fate and Fate increase all the Dharma of Fate and Fate. |
復自思惟。 |
Re-thinking. |
言若法先因緣中有。 |
There is a predestined condition in the predecessor. |
則不應言是法因緣生。 |
It should not be said that it is due to the cause of the law. |
若無亦不應言因緣中生。 |
If not, it should not be said that it is born out of cause and condition. |
生有半無亦不應 |
Half nothing and nothing |
因緣生。 |
Karma is born. |
云何有因緣。 |
Why does the cloud have a destiny? |
若法未生。 |
If the law is not born. |
若過去心心數法失。 |
If in the past the mind counts method is lost. |
云何能作次第緣。 |
How can the cloud be the second fate. |
若佛法中妙 |
If the Dharma is wonderful |
法無緣。 |
Law missed. |
涅槃云何為緣緣若諸法實無性。 |
What is Nirvana? |
有法不可得。 |
There is no law. |
若因緣果生因此有彼。 |
If cause, condition and effect arise, there is another. |
是說則 |
Is to say |
不然。 |
otherwise. |
若因緣中各各別。 |
If the causes and conditions are separate. |
若和合一處是果不可得。 |
If there is harmony in one place, there is no fruit. |
云何因緣邊出果。 |
Why does the cloud produce fruit by fate. |
因緣中無果故。 |
There is no result in the cause. |
若因緣中先無果而出者。 |
If there is no result first in the cause. |
何以不非因緣邊出果。 |
Why not produce fruit by fate. |
二俱無故。 |
Both are for no reason. |
果屬因緣因緣邊出。 |
The result is caused by cause and condition. |
是因 |
because |
緣不自在屬餘因緣。 |
Uncomfortable predestined condition belongs to remaining predestined condition. |
是果屬餘因緣云何不自在。 |
It is the result of the co-cause, why not feel at ease. |
因緣能生果。 |
Karma can produce fruit. |
是故果不從因緣有。 |
Therefore, the effect does not depend on cause and condition. |
亦 |
as well as |
不從非因緣有。 |
There is no non-cause. |
則為非果。 |
It is non-result. |
果無故緣與非緣亦無也 |
If there is no reason, there is no reason and no reason |
問曰。 |
asked and said. |
佛言十二因緣無明緣諸行。 |
The twelve causes of the Buddha's words are ignorant of all deeds. |
汝云何言無因果。 |
Ruyun said that there is no cause and effect. |
答曰。 |
The answer is. |
先以被答不應更難。 |
It shouldn't be harder to be answered first. |
若難者更當答。 |
If it is difficult, the answer is more important. |
佛言眼因色緣癡邊生邪憶念癡是無明。 |
The eyes of the Buddha's words are ignorant because of the ignorance of color. |
是中無明何所依住。 |
Where does the ignorance live. |
若依眼邪 |
Ruoyiyanxie |
若色中若識邪。 |
If there is a sense of evil in the color. |
不應依眼住。 |
Should not be eye-catching. |
若依眼住。 |
If you look at it. |
不應待色常應癡。 |
Shouldn't wait for color, often should be idiotic. |
若依色住。 |
Ruo Yi Se live. |
不應待眼是則 |
Don't wait |
外癡何豫我事。 |
Why don't you worry about the idiot. |
若依識住。 |
Ruoyizhi live. |
識無色無對無觸無分無處。 |
There is no color, no right, no touch, no distinction, no place. |
無明亦爾云何可住。 |
Ignorance Yieryun how to live. |
是故無明 |
So ignorant |
非內非外非兩中間。 |
Non-inner, non-outer and non-two in the middle. |
不從前世來亦不住後世。 |
You can neither come from the past life nor live in the future. |
非東西南北四維上下來。 |
Non-east, west, north, south, up and down in four dimensions. |
無有實法。 |
There is no real law. |
無 |
without |
明性爾了無明性。 |
Clarity gets ignorance. |
則變為明。 |
Then it becomes Ming. |
一一推之癡不可得。 |
It is impossible to push the idiot one by one. |
云何無明緣行。 |
Yun He has no reason to go. |
如虛空不生不滅不 |
Like the emptiness does not arise and never die |
有不盡本性清淨。 |
Possess impure nature. |
無明亦如是。 |
The same is true of ignorance. |
不生不滅不有不盡本性清淨。 |
No birth, no death, no immortality, pure nature. |
乃至生緣老死亦爾。 |
Even the fate of life is old and dead. |
菩 |
Bodhisattva |
薩如是觀十二因緣。 |
Sa Ru views twelve causes and conditions. |
知眾生虛誑繫在苦患易度耳。 |
Knowing that all living beings are emptied by suffering and susceptibility to ears. |
諸法若有實相難可得度。 |
If the truths of the dharmas are hard to come by. |
思惟如是 |
Think so |
則破愚癡。 |
Then break the foolishness. |
若菩薩心多思覺。 |
If the bodhisattva has more thoughts. |
常念阿那波那。 |
Often read Anabona. |
入時出時數一乃至十。 |
Counting one or even ten when entering or leaving. |
一一心不令馳散P. |
One mind will not let go P. |
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twenty four |
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菩薩從此門得一心除五蓋欲行。 |
From then on, the Bodhisattva had to do everything with one heart to remove the five hindrances. |
菩薩見道應行三種忍。 |
Bodhisattva sees Tao and should do three kinds of forbearance. |
法生忍柔順法忍無生忍。 |
Fa-born forbearance is submissive. |
云 |
cloud |
何生忍。 |
He Shengren. |
一切眾生或罵或打或殺。 |
All sentient beings either scold or beat or kill. |
種種惡事心不動轉不瞋不恚。 |
All sorts of evil things are unmoving and unrelenting. |
不唯忍之而更慈悲。 |
Be more compassionate than just forbearance. |
此諸眾生求諸好事願一切得。 |
All sentient beings are seeking good things and wishing to get everything. |
心不捨放。 |
Reluctant to let go. |
是時漸得解諸法實相。 |
It is time to gradually understand the reality of all dharmas. |
如氣熏著。 |
Excited. |
譬如慈母 |
Like a mother |
愛其赤子乳哺養育。 |
Love its baby, breastfeeding and nurturing. |
種種不淨不以為惡。 |
All kinds of impure do not think evil. |
倍加憐念欲令得樂。 |
Doubly pity and desire to make happiness. |
行者如是。 |
This is the case with the walker. |
一切眾生作 |
All beings |
種種惡。 |
All kinds of evil. |
淨不淨行心不增惡不退不轉。 |
If you are not pure, your mind will not increase your evil, and you will not retreat. |
復次十方無量眾生。 |
Multiple times and countless sentient beings in ten directions. |
我一人應當悉度使得佛道 |
I alone should fully make Buddhism Dao |
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. |
心忍不退不悔不却。 |
The heart can not retreat without regrets. |
不懈不厭不畏不難。 |
It is not difficult to be tireless and fearless. |
是生忍中一心繫念。 |
It is the mind of Sheng Ninja. |
三種思惟不令外念。 |
Three kinds of thoughts do not make foreign thoughts. |
外念諸緣攝之令還。 |
The order is returned from the outside reading of the predecessor. |
是名生忍。 |
It's the Shinobi. |
云何柔順法忍。 |
Yun He is submissive and forbearance. |
菩薩既得生忍功德無量。 |
The bodhisattva has both birth and endurance and immeasurable merits. |
知是功德福 |
Knowing is merit |
報無常。 |
Report impermanence. |
是時厭無常自求常福。 |
It is time to be impermanent and self-seeking for everlasting blessings. |
亦為眾生求常住法。 |
Also seek permanent residence for all beings. |
一切諸法色無色法。 |
All dharmas are colorless dharma. |
可見不可見 |
Visible invisible |
法。 |
Law. |
有對無對法。 |
Right or wrong. |
有漏無漏有為無為上中下法。 |
There is no omission, no action, no action, top, middle, and bottom method. |
求其實相。 |
Seek the truth. |
實相云何非有常非無常。 |
The truth cloud is not permanence and impermanence. |
非樂非不樂。 |
Not happy or not happy. |
非空非不空。 |
Not empty or not empty. |
非有神非無神。 |
There is neither God nor Godless. |
何以故非有常。 |
Why is it so unusual. |
因緣生故。 |
For reasons. |
先無今有。 |
Nothing is happening now. |
故 |
Therefore |
已有還無故。 |
There is no reason. |
是故非有常。 |
It is so unusual. |
云何非無常。 |
Clouds are not impermanent. |
業報不失故。 |
Karma is not lost. |
受外塵故。 |
Due to external dust. |
因緣增長故。 |
Because of growth. |
非無 |
Not without |
常。 |
often. |
云何非樂。 |
Yun He Fei Le. |
新苦中生樂想故。 |
New suffering is born out of joy. |
一切無常性故。 |
Everything is impermanent. |
緣欲生故。 |
To make it happen. |
是故非樂。 |
Yes, therefore not happy. |
云何非不樂 |
Why is the cloud unhappy? |
。 |
. |
樂有受故。 |
Happy to suffer. |
欲染生故。 |
Desire to die. |
求樂不惜身故。 |
Qiu Le does not hesitate to die. |
是非不樂。 |
Right or wrong. |
云何非空。 |
The cloud is not empty. |
內外入各各受了了故 |
Each of the inside and the outside has suffered |
。 |
. |
有罪福報故。 |
Guilty and good fortune. |
一切眾生信故。 |
All beings believe in the truth. |
是故非空。 |
Yes and therefore not empty. |
云何非不空。 |
Why is the cloud not empty. |
和合等實故。 |
Hehe and so on. |
分別求不可得 |
Separate and unavailable |
故。 |
Therefore. |
心力轉故。 |
Efforts to change. |
是故非不空。 |
Yes, no, not empty. |
云何非有神。 |
Why is there a god in the cloud? |
不自在故。 |
Uncomfortable. |
第七識界不可得故。 |
The seventh realm of consciousness is unacceptable. |
神相不可 |
God-like |
得故。 |
Because of it. |
是故非有神。 |
Yes, there is no God. |
云何非無神。 |
Clouds are not godless. |
有後世故。 |
There is an afterlife. |
得解脫故。 |
Get free from it. |
各各我心生不計餘處故。 |
Each one's heart is not for the rest of his life. |
是 |
Yes |
故非無神。 |
Therefore, it is not a godless. |
如是不生不滅。 |
If it doesn't live or die. |
不不生不不滅。 |
Never live or die. |
非有非無。 |
Nothing or nothing. |
不受不著。 |
Can't bear it. |
言說悉滅心行處斷 |
Words and deeds, minds and deeds |
。 |
. |
如涅槃性。 |
Such as Nirvana. |
是法實相。 |
It is the reality of Dharma. |
於此法中信心清淨無滯無礙。 |
In this method, faith is pure and undamaged. |
軟知軟信軟進。 |
Soft knowledge, soft letter and soft advance. |
是謂柔順法忍 |
It is called submissive law forbearance |
。 |
. |
云何無生法忍。 |
Yun He has no life forbearance. |
如上實相法中智慧信進增長根利。 |
Wisdom faith advances and gains benefits in the above reality method. |
是名無生法忍。 |
It is the name of immortality. |
譬如聲聞法中煖 |
For example, the warmth of the sound |
法頂法智慧信精進增長得忍法。 |
Dharma, wisdom, faith, diligence, growth, and endurance. |
忍者忍涅槃忍無漏法故名為忍。 |
Ninja Ninja Nirvana Ninja, so called Ninja. |
新得新見故名為忍。 |
Shinto Shinkan, hence the name Ninja. |
法忍亦如是。 |
The same is true of Fa Ren. |
時解脫阿羅漢不得無生智。 |
To liberate an Arahant from time to time, one must not be ignorant. |
增進廣利轉成不時解脫得無生智。 |
Enhancing Guangli has turned into liberation from time to time. |
無生法忍 |
No life forbearance |
亦如是。 |
The same is true. |
未得菩薩果得無生法忍。 |
Without the fruit of the bodhisattva, there is no survivability. |
得菩薩真行果是名菩薩道果。 |
The real fruit of the bodhisattva is the real fruit of the bodhisattva. |
是時得般舟三昧。 |
It's time to get the samādhi of the boat. |
於 |
At |
眾生中得大悲。 |
Great compassion among all beings. |
入般若波羅蜜門。 |
Enter the Prajna Paramita Gate. |
爾時諸佛便受其號。 |
At that time, the Buddhas were named. |
墮生佛界中。 |
Fall into the world of Buddha. |
為諸佛所念。 |
Read by the Buddhas. |
一 |
one |
切重罪薄。 |
Cut serious crimes. |
薄者滅。 |
The thinner will die. |
三惡道斷。 |
Three evil ways are broken. |
常生天上人中。 |
Constantly born in the heavens. |
名不退轉到不動處。 |
The name does not return to the immovable place. |
末後肉身盡入法 |
At the end of the body, the whole body enters the Dharma |
身中。 |
In the body. |
能作種種變化。 |
Can make all kinds of changes. |
度脫一切眾生。 |
Save all sentient beings. |
具足六度供養諸佛。 |
Have six full degrees of offering to the Buddhas. |
淨佛國土教化眾生。 |
Pure Buddha's land teaches sentient beings. |
立十 |
Liju |
地中功德成滿。 |
The merits of the earth are fulfilled. |
次第得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。 |
For the first time, he got the three Bodhisattva Ajiduolu. |
為菩薩禪法中初門 |
Beginners in the Zen Method of Bodhisattva |
行者定心求道時 常當觀察時方便 |
When a traveler settles his mind and seeks the way It is often convenient when observing |
若不得時無方便 是應為失不為利 |
If there is no time, there is no convenience. |
如犢未生 牛乳 乳不可得非時故 |
As a calf is not born, cow's milk milk is unavailable |
若犢生已 牛角 乳不可得無智故 |
If the calf is born, horns milk is not available without wisdom |
如鑽濕木求出火 火不可得非時故 |
It's like drilling wet wood to find fire |
若折乾木以求火 火不可得無智故 |
If you break dry wood for fire |
得處知時量己行 觀心方便力多少 |
know how to know how to do it, and how much time is it to do how much power is convenient to watch the mind |
宜應精進及不宜 道相宜時及不宜 |
Should be diligent and unfavorable Tao appropriate and timely and unfavorable |
若心調動不應勇 如是勇過不得定 P. |
If the heart is mobilized, you should not be brave. |
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譬如多薪熾大火 大風來吹不肯滅 |
For example, a multi-paying blazing fire The wind blows and won’t be extinguished |
若能以定自調心 如是動息心得定 |
If you can self-adjust your heart with concentration If you are tempted, you can get the mind. |
譬如大火大風吹 大水來澆無不滅 |
For example, a big fire and strong wind blows. |
若人心軟復懈怠 如是厭沒不應行 |
If the heart is soft and slack If you are tired, you shouldn’t do it |
譬如少薪無焰火 不得風吹便自滅 |
For example, there is no firework without salary. |
若有精進勇猛心 如是轉健得道疾 |
If you have diligent and brave heart If you become healthy and get disease |
譬如小火多益薪 風吹轉熾無滅時 |
For example, a small fire is more profitable When the wind blows and turns blazingly everlasting |
若行放捨止調縮 設復發捨失護法 |
If you go and let go, stop adjusting and shrinking. |
譬如病人宜將養 若復放捨無得活 |
For example, the patient should be nurtured If you regain it, you can’t live without it. |
若有捨想正等心 宜時懃行得道疾 |
If you have a home, want to be waiting for your heart. |
譬如有人乘調象 如意至湊無躓礙 |
For example, if someone rides on the image wishful to get together without obstacles |
若多婬欲愛亂心 是時不應行慈等 |
If there is more lust and love, the heart is chaotic. |
婬人行慈益癡悶 如人冷病服冷藥 |
Forgetful people, benevolent, benevolent and boring like a person taking cold medicine when they get sick |
婬人心亂觀不淨 諦觀不淨心得定 |
The obsessive mind is not pure and the mind is not pure |
行法如是相應故 如人冷病服熱藥 |
The way of doing things is corresponding, so It's like a person taking hot medicine for a cold or sickness |
若多瞋恚忿亂心 是時不應觀不淨 |
If there is too much trouble, the heart is chaotic. |
瞋人觀惡增恚心 如人熱病服熱藥 |
A person's view of evil increases their heart like a person with a fever, taking hot medicine |
若人瞋怒行慈心 行慈不捨瞋心滅 |
If a person is angered with compassion, is unwilling to give up with compassion and extinguish the heart |
行法如是相應故 如人熱病服冷藥 |
The way of doing things is corresponding, so It is like taking cold medicine for a person’s fever. |
若多愚癡心闇淺 不淨行慈悲行法 |
If you are so foolish and dim in your heart |
二行增癡無益故 如人風病服麨藥 |
Second line increases infatuation without benefit. Take medicine like a wind disease. |
人心癡闇觀因緣 分別諦觀癡心滅 |
People are obsessed with the dark view of cause and fate |
法行如是相應故 如人病風服膩藥 |
The law is the same, so It is like taking a greasy medicine when a person is sick and windy |
譬如金師排扇炭 用功非時失 法 |
For example, Jinshi row fan charcoal Work hard and fail in time |
怱怱急 不知時 或時水澆或放捨 |
In a hurry |
金融急 則消過 未融便止則不消 |
Financial rush, it will disappear If it is not melted, it will not disappear |
非時水澆金則生 非時放置則不熟 |
If you don’t put water in the water, you will be born. |
精進攝心及放捨 應當觀察行道法 |
Be diligent and take care of the mind and let go Should observe the way of doing things |
非時方便失法利 若非法利為非利 |
If it is not convenient to lose law and gain If illegal gain is non-profit |
譬如藥師三種病 冷熱風病除滅故 |
For example, the three diseases of the pharmacist cold, hot and wind disease eliminate the cause of disease |
應病與藥佛如是 婬怒癡病隨藥滅 |
According to the disease and the medicine Buddha is like obsessive anger and obsessive disease with the medicine to eliminate |
坐禪三昧經卷下 |
Sitting meditation samādhi sutra |