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Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 |
Saṃyuktāgama |
SA 601 (六〇一) 池水 |
SA 601 (sixty one) pool water |
如是我聞: |
If I smell: |
一時,佛住舍衛國祇樹給 孤獨園。 |
For a while, the Buddha lived in the Kingdom of Sravasti and gave only a tree to the lonely garden. |
時,有天子容色絕妙,於後夜時來 詣佛所,稽首佛足,身諸光明遍照祇樹給 孤獨園。 |
At that time, there was an emperor with a wonderful face. In the next night, he came to the Buddha's place and inspected the Buddha's feet, and the light of his body shone on the tree to the lonely garden. |
時,彼天子說偈問佛: |
At that time, the emperor said to ask the Buddha: |
「薩羅小流注, 當於何反流, |
"Saro's little streamer, why should it be refluxed, |
生死之徑路, 於何而不轉, |
The path of life and death, why not turn, |
世間諸苦樂, 何由滅無餘?」 |
How can all the sufferings and joys in the world disappear? " |
爾時,世尊說偈答言: |
At that time, the Blessed One said: |
「眼耳鼻舌身, 及彼意入處, |
"Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body, |
名色滅無餘, 薩羅小還流, |
The fame is extinct, Salo is still small, |
生死道不轉, 苦樂滅無餘。」 |
Life and death do not turn, there is no more suffering than happiness. " |
時,彼天子復說偈言: |
At that time, the emperor said again: |
「久見婆羅門, 逮得般涅槃, |
"I have seen Brahmin for a long time, and I have captured Nirvana, |
一切怖已過, 永超世恩愛。」 |
All horror is over, forever surpassing the love of the world. " |
時,彼天子聞佛所說,歡喜隨喜,稽首佛足, 即沒不現。 |
At that time, the emperor heard what the Buddha said, rejoicing and rejoicing. |
Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 |
Saṃyuktāgama |
SA 602 (六〇二) 伊尼延 |
SA 602 (Sixty Two) Iniyan |
如是我聞: |
If I smell: |
一時,佛住在舍衛國祇樹 給孤獨園。 |
For a while, the Buddha lived in the lonely garden in the tree of Savim. |
時,有天子容色絕妙,於後夜時 來詣佛所,稽首佛足,身諸光明遍照祇樹 給孤獨園。 |
At that time, there was an emperor with a wonderful face. In the next night, he came to the Buddha's place, inspected the Buddha's feet, and gave the tree to the lonely garden. |
時,彼天子說偈問佛: |
At that time, the emperor said to ask the Buddha: |
「伊尼耶鹿 [跳-兆+專] , 仙人中之尊, |
"Inye Deer [Jump-Zhao+Special], the venerable among immortals, |
少食不嗜味, 禪思樂山林, |
Eat less and not addicted to taste, meditate on the mountain forest, |
我今敬稽首, 而問於瞿曇, |
I respected the leader today, and asked Yu Qutan, |
云何出離苦? |
Where does the cloud come from suffering? |
云何苦解脫? |
Why is the cloud free? |
我今問解脫, 於何而滅盡?」 |
I am asking about liberation, where will it end? " |
爾時,世尊說偈答言: |
At that time, the Blessed One said: |
「世間五欲德, 心法說第六, |
"The Five Desires of the World, the Sixth Method of Mind, |
於彼欲無欲, 解脫一切苦, |
Yu He desires no desires, frees all suffering, |
如是於苦出, 如是苦解脫, |
If it comes from suffering, if it is free from suffering, |
汝所問解脫, 於彼而滅盡。」 |
The liberation you ask will be destroyed in that. " |
時,彼天子復說偈言: |
At that time, the emperor said again: |
「久見婆羅門, 逮得般涅槃, |
"I have seen Brahmin for a long time, and I have captured Nirvana, |
一切怖已過, 永超世恩愛。」 |
All horror is over, forever surpassing the love of the world. " |
時,彼天子聞佛所說,歡喜隨喜,稽首佛足, 即沒不現。 |
At that time, the emperor heard what the Buddha said, rejoicing and rejoicing. |
Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 |
Saṃyuktāgama |
SA 603 (六〇三) 流 |
SA 603 (sixty three) stream |
如是我聞: |
If I smell: |
一時,佛住舍衛國祇樹給 孤獨園。 |
For a while, the Buddha lived in the Kingdom of Sravasti and gave only a tree to the lonely garden. |
時,有天子容色絕妙,於後夜時來 詣佛所,稽首佛足,退坐一面。 |
At that time, there was an emperor with a wonderful face, and in the next night, he came to the Buddha's place, checked the Buddha's feet, and sat back. |
身諸光明遍 照祇樹給孤獨園。 |
Light all over the body, take the tree to the lonely garden. |
時,彼天子說偈問佛: |
At that time, the emperor said to ask the Buddha: |
「云何度諸流? |
"How does the cloud save the streams? |
云何度大海? |
How do clouds save the sea? |
云何能捨苦? |
How can the cloud give up suffering? |
云何得清淨?」 |
Why is the cloud clean? " |
爾時,世尊即說偈言: |
At that time, the Blessed One said: |
「信能度諸流, 不放逸度海, |
"Faith can save the currents, don't let go of the sea, |
精進能除苦, 智慧得清淨。」 |
Diligence can eliminate suffering, and wisdom can be purified. " |
時,彼天子復說偈言: |
At that time, the emperor said again: |
「久見婆羅門, 逮得般涅槃, |
"I have seen Brahmin for a long time, and I have captured Nirvana, |
一切怖已過, 永超世恩愛。」 |
All horror is over, forever surpassing the love of the world. " |
時,彼天子聞佛所說,歡喜隨喜,稽首佛足, 即沒不現。 |
At that time, the emperor heard what the Buddha said, rejoicing and rejoicing. |
雜阿含經卷第二十二 |
Miscellaneous Agama Sutra 22 |
Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 |
Saṃyuktāgama |
SA 604 Aśokavadāna |
SA 604 Aśokavadāna |
雜阿含經卷第二十三 |
Miscellaneous Ahamam Scripture 23 |
宋天竺三藏求那跋陀羅譯 |
Song Tianzhu's Tripitaka Asks Nabatara to Translate |
如是我聞: |
If I smell: |
一時,佛住王舍城迦蘭陀 竹園。 |
For a while, the Buddha lived in the bamboo garden in the city of Kalanto. |
爾時,世尊晨朝著衣持鉢,共諸比丘 僧入城乞食,如偈所說: |
At that time, the Blessed One was walking toward the clothes and holding bowls, and the monks and monks came to the city to beg for food, as the verse said: |
「身色如金山, 端嚴甚微妙, |
"The body looks like a golden mountain, and it's strict and subtle. |
行步如鵝王, 面如淨滿月, |
Walk like a king of goose, face like a full moon, |
世尊與眾俱。」 |
The Blessed One is with everyone. " |
時,世尊以足踐城門限地,作六種震動,如 偈所說: |
At that time, the Blessed One made six kinds of vibrations with his feet on the threshold of the city, as the verse said: |
「大海及大地, 城郭并諸山, |
"The sea and the earth, the city and the mountains, |
牟尼足所踐, 動搖如浪舟。」 |
What Muni's feet sway, shake like a boat. " |
佛變現如是神力。 |
The realization of the Buddha is such a supernatural power. |
時,諸民人高聲唱言: |
When the people sang loudly: |
「奇 特未嘗有法!變現神力,如佛世尊,入城示 現如是種種未曾有法。」 |
There is no way to be peculiar! Realizing divine power, like the Buddha, enter the city to show that there has never been a way. |
如偈所說: |
As the verse says: |
「地下即成平, 高地反為下, |
"The ground is level, but the high ground is down. |
由佛威神故, 荊棘諸瓦礫, |
From the Buddha’s power, the thorns and the rubble, |
皆悉不復見, 聾盲及瘖瘂, |
I've never seen them anymore, deaf-blindness and scrofula, |
即得見聞語, 城郭 諸 樂器, |
That is, you can see and hear the words, the various musical instruments of the city, |
不擊妙音出。」 |
Don't hit the wonderful sound. " |
時,彼世尊光相普照,如千日之焰,如偈所 說: |
At that time, the light of that world-honored person was shining everywhere, like the flame of a thousand days, as the verse said: |
「世尊身光明, 普照城邑中, |
"The Lord is bright, shining all over the city, |
民人蒙佛光, 涼若栴檀塗。」 |
The people are blessed with the light of the Buddha, and they are as cool as sandalwood. " |
時,世尊順邑而行。 |
At that time, the Lord walked along the town. |
時,彼有兩童子,一者上 姓,二者次姓,共在沙中嬉戲。 |
At that time, he had two boys, one with the last name and the two with the second name, playing in the sand. |
一名闍耶, 二名毘闍耶,遙見世尊來,三十二大人相 莊嚴其體。 |
One is Saiya, and the other is Vishiya. Seeing the Blessed One in the distance, the thirty-two lords are majestic. |
時,闍耶童子心念言: |
At that time, Xi Yetong said in his heart: |
「我當以麥 麨 ,仍手捧細沙,著世尊鉢中。」 |
I should take the wheat and still hold the fine sand in the bowl of the Blessed One. |
時,毘闍耶合 掌隨喜,如偈所說: |
At that time, Vijaya closed his palms and rejoiced, as the verse said: |
「見大悲世尊, 通身一尋光, |
"See the Great Compassionate Blessed One, look for the light, |
勇顏覩世尊, 心生大敬信, |
The brave face of the world-zun, the heart is born with great respect, |
捧沙即奉施, 得離生老際。」 |
To hold the sand is to give it to you, and you must be separated from the old age. " |
時,彼童子而發願言: |
At that time, the boy made a vow: |
「以惠施善根功德,令 得一天下一繖蓋王,即於此生得供養諸 佛。」 |
With benefits and virtues of good roots, one can make one day an umbrella king, that is, make offerings to all Buddhas in this life. |
如偈所說: |
As the verse says: |
「牟尼知彼心, 及彼意所願, |
"Muni knows his heart and his wishes, |
受果增善根, 及福田力故, |
Receiving the fruit increases the good root, and the Futian force, |
即以大悲心, 受其奉施沙。」 |
That is, with great compassion, receive the sand. " |
時,闍耶以此善根,當得為王,王閻浮提, 乃至得成無上正覺,故世尊發微笑。 |
At that time, Xiye used this good root to be king, Wang Yanfuti, and even attained supreme enlightenment, so the world-zun smiled. |
爾時, 阿難見世尊發微笑,即便合掌向佛,而白 佛言: |
At that time, Ananda smiled when he saw the Blessed One, even though he put his palms together towards the Buddha, and the white Buddha said: |
「世尊!諸佛世尊阿羅訶三藐三佛陀, 非無因緣而能發微笑,今佛世尊以何因 緣而發微笑?」 |
Blessed One! The three Buddhas, the three Buddhas, the three Buddhas, can smile without predestined conditions. Why does the present Buddha smile because of predestined conditions? |
如偈所說: |
As the verse says: |
「世尊離調笑, 無上世中尊, |
"Blessed Lord Li laughs, Supreme Lord, |
齒白如珂玉, 最勝今發笑, |
The teeth are as white as Keyu, better than laughing today, |
勇猛勤精進, 無師而自覺, |
Be brave and diligent, conscious without a teacher, |
妙言令樂聞, 無上柔軟音, |
Wonderful words make you happy, supreme soft sound, |
而記彼童子, 梵音遠清徹, |
And remember the boy, the Sanskrit sound is far and clear, |
無上兩足尊, 記彼施沙果。」 |
The supreme bipedal deity, remember Bishi Shaguo. " |
爾時,世尊告阿難曰: |
Then, the Blessed One told Ananda: |
「如是,如是,如汝所說。 |
"If yes, if yes, as you said. |
諸佛無有因緣亦不發笑,我今笑者,其 有因緣。 |
The Buddhas do not laugh because they have no cause or predestined relationship. Those who laugh today have a cause and predecessor. |
阿難當知,於我滅度百年之後,此 童子於巴連弗邑統領一方,為轉輪王,姓 孔雀,名阿育,正法治化,又復廣布我舍利, 當造八萬四千法王之塔,安樂無量眾生。 |
Ananda should know that after a hundred years of my extinction, this boy led the party in Balenfuyi. He was the king of runners, whose surname was Peacock, and was named Ashoka. He was ruled by law, and he was once again spreading my relics. The tower, there are boundless beings with peace and happiness. |
「如偈所說: |
"As the verse says: |
「於我滅度後, 是人當作王, |
"After my death, man is king, |
孔雀姓名育, 譬如頂生王, |
Peacock’s name education, such as the top king, |
於此閻浮提, 獨王世所尊。 |
Here Yan Futi is honored by the king. |
「阿難!取此鉢中所施之沙,捨著如來經行 處,當行彼處。」 |
Ananda! Take the sand cast in this bowl, give up the place where the Tathagata is going, and walk there. |
阿難受教,即取鉢沙,捨經 行處。 |
When Ananda is taught, he will take bowl of sand and leave the place of prayer. |
「阿難當知,於巴連弗邑,有王名曰月 護。 |
"Ananda should know that in Balenfiyah, there is a king named Moon Guardian. |
彼王當生子,名曰頻頭娑羅,當治彼 國。 |
The king was a son, and his name was Frequent Sala, and he was to rule the country. |
彼復有子,名曰修師摩。 |
He has a son, and his name is Xiu Shimo. |
「時,彼瞻婆國 有一婆羅門女,極為端正,令人樂見,為國 所珍,諸相師輩見彼女相,即記彼女: |
"At that time, there was a Brahmin woman in the country of Bizhan, who was extremely upright and pleasant to see. She was cherished by the country. When the masters saw her appearance, they remembered her: |
『當為 王妃,又生二子,一當領一天下,一當出 家學道,當成聖跡。』 |
"When you are a princess, you have two sons, you will lead the whole day, and you will be a monk to learn Taoism and become a holy relic. 』 |
「時,彼婆羅門聞彼相師 所說,歡喜無量,即持其女,詣巴連弗邑,種 種莊嚴,莊嚴其體,欲嫁與修師摩王子。 |
"At that time, the Brahman heard that Master Bishop said that he was full of joy, that is, holding his daughter, Balenfiyah, all kinds of solemnity, solemn body, and wanting to marry and master Prince Mo. |
相 師云: |
The photographer said: |
『應嫁與頻頭娑羅王,彼女當生福德 子,子當紹王基。』 |
"Should be married to King Sala, the daughter should be the son of merit, and the son should be the king of Shao. 』 |
婆羅門即以其女嫁與此 王。 |
The Brahman married the king with his daughter. |
王見其女,端正有德,即為夫人。 |
When Wang saw his daughter, he was upright and virtuous, and he was his wife. |
前夫人 及諸婇女見是夫人來,作是念言: |
The former lady and the maids saw that it was the lady who came, and said: |
『此女極 為端正,國中所珍,王若與彼相娛樂者,棄 捨我等,乃至目所不視。』 |
"This female is very upright, treasured in the middle of the country, Wang Ruo and others entertain each other, abandon us and wait, and even ignore it. 』 |
「諸女輩即使學習 剃毛師業。 |
"All girls even learn to shaving. |
彼悉學已,為王料理鬢髮。 |
He learned that he had learned and served the king's sideburns. |
料理 之時,王大歡喜,即問彼女: |
While cooking, Wang Dahuan was pleased and asked his daughter: |
『汝何所求欲?』 |
"What do you want? 』 |
女 啟王言: |
Female Qi Wang said: |
『唯願王心愛念我耳!』如是三啟。 |
"May the king love my ears! 』It's like Three Enlightenment. |
「時,王言: |
"When, Wang Yan: |
『我是剎利灌頂王,汝是剃毛師,云 何得愛念汝?』 |
"I am the Shari Empowerment King, and you are the shaver. Why do you miss you? 』 |
彼女白王言: |
The White King's words: |
『我非是下姓生, 乃是高族婆羅門之女。 |
"I am not a child of the next surname, but the daughter of a brahmin from the high race. |
相師語我父云: |
My father said: |
此女應嫁與國王。 |
This woman should marry the king. |
是故來至此耳!』王言: |
The reason is here! "Wang Yan: |
『若 然者,誰令汝習下劣之業?』 |
"If so, who makes you acquainted with bad karma? 』 |
女啟王言: |
Nv Qi Wang's words: |
『是 舊夫人及婇女令我學此。』 |
"It was the old lady and the maid who made me learn this. 』 |
「王即勅言: |
"The king said: |
『自 今勿復習下業。』 |
"Don't review your job now. 』 |
王即立為第一夫人。 |
Wang Jili is the first lady. |
王恒 與彼自相娛樂,仍便懷體,月滿生子,生 時安隱,母無憂惱。 |
Wang Heng entertained himself with him, but he still had his body in his arms. The full moon gave birth to a child, and he was born peacefully and without worries. |
過七日後,立字無憂。 |
After seven days, I have no worries about writing. |
又復生子,名曰離憂。 |
He was reborn again, and his name was Liyou. |
無憂者,身體麁澁,父 王不大附捉,情所不念。 |
The worry-free person is physically awkward, the father is not too attached to it, and he does not think about it. |
又王欲試二子, 呼賓伽羅阿。 |
Then the king wanted to try his second son, Hubinga Luoa. |
語 婆羅門言: |
Language Brahman language: |
『和上觀我諸 子,於我滅後,誰當作王?』 |
"And my sons, after I die, who will be king? 』 |
婆羅門言: |
Brahman language: |
『將此諸 子出城金殿園館中,於彼當觀其相。』 |
"Leave these sons out of the city’s Golden Palace Garden Pavilion, and watch their appearances in Bidang. 』 |
乃 至出往彼園。 |
Even out of the garden. |
「時,阿育王母語阿育言: |
"At the time, Ashoka’s native language, Ashoka: |
『承王 出金殿園館中,觀諸王子,於我滅後,誰 當作王。 |
"King Cheng, come out of the Golden Palace Garden Pavilion, and watch the princes, who will be the king after I die. |
汝今云何不去?』 |
Why don't Ru Jinyun go? 』 |
阿育啟言: |
Ashoka's words: |
『王既 不念我,亦復不樂見我。』 |
"The king neither misses me, nor is he happy to see me. 』 |
母復言: |
Mother remarks: |
『但往彼 所。』 |
"But go there. 』 |
阿育復啟: |
Ashoka: |
『母復勅令往,今便往去,願母 當送飲食。』 |
"The mother will go after the edict, and will go today. May the mother send food. 』 |
母言: |
Mother speech: |
『如是。 |
"That's it. |
當出城去。』 |
When going out of town. 』 |
「時,出門 逢一大臣,名曰阿 [少/兔] 羅陀。 |
"When I went out to meet a minister, his name was A [Shao/Rabbit] Luo Tuo. |
此臣問阿育言: |
The minister asked Ayuyan: |
『王子今至何所?』 |
"Where is the prince? 』 |
阿育答言: |
Ashoka replied: |
『聞大王出在金殿 園館,觀諸王子,於我滅後,誰當作王。 |
"Wen King came out of the Golden Palace Garden Pavilion, watching the princes, who will be the king after I die. |
今 往詣彼。』 |
Today we go to the other side. 』 |
「王先勅大臣: |
"Minister Wang Xianchi: |
『若阿育來者,當使其 乘老鈍象來,又復老人為眷屬。』 |
"If Ashoka comes, let him take the old blunt elephant and return the old as his dependents. 』 |
時,阿育乘 是老象,乃至園館中,於諸王子中地坐。 |
At that time, Ashoka was an old elephant, and even in the garden, sitting among the princes. |
「時, 諸王子各下飲食,阿育母以瓦器盛酪 飯,送與阿育。 |
"At that time, the princes each ate their food, and Ashoka served the cheese with a pottery and sent it to Ashoka. |
如是諸王子各食飲食。 |
So the princes eat and eat. |
時,父 王問師言: |
When the father asked the teacher: |
『此中誰有王相,當紹我位?』 |
"Who is the king of the king, who should be my position?" 』 |
時, 彼相師視諸王子,見阿育具有王相,當得 紹位。 |
At that time, the master of the prince regarded the princes and saw that Ashoka had the king's prince, and he should be the king. |
又作是念: |
Also read: |
『此阿育,王所不應,我若 語言當作王者,王必愁憂不樂。』 |
"Asoka, the king shouldn't. If I am the king of words, the king will be sad and unhappy. 』 |
即語言: |
Namely language: |
『我 今總記。』 |
"I remember it today. 』 |
王報言: |
Wang Bao said: |
『如師所教。』 |
"As the teacher taught. 』 |
師言: |
Teacher's Statement: |
『此中若有 乘好乘者,是人當作王。』 |
"If there is a multiplier in this, the person is the king. 』 |
時,諸王子聞彼 所說,各念言: |
At that time, the princes heard what he said, and each said: |
『我乘好乘。』 |
"I'm good. 』 |
時,阿育言: |
When Ayuyan: |
『我乘老 宿象,我得作王。』 |
"I take the old elephant, I have to reign. 』 |
「時,王又復語師言: |
"When Wang Youfuyu said: |
『願更為 觀授記。』 |
"I wish to be more insightful. 』 |
師復答言: |
The teacher replied: |
『此中有第一座者,彼當 作王。』 |
"There is the first one among them, and he is the king. 』 |
諸王子各相謂言: |
The princes said: |
『我坐第一座。』 |
"I take the first seat. 』 |
阿育 言: |
Ashoka's words: |
『我今坐地,是我勝座,我當作王。』 |
"I sit on the ground today, I am the winner, I am the king. 』 |
「復語 師: |
"Fuyu Teacher: |
『更為重觀。』 |
"More importantly. 』 |
師又報言: |
The teacher also reported: |
『此中上器、上食,此 當得王。』 |
『This is the middle and upper utensils, the upper food, this is the king. 』 |
乃至阿育念言: |
And even Ashoka said: |
『我有勝乘、勝座、勝 食。』 |
"I have the victory vehicle, the victory seat, and the victory food. 』 |
時,王觀子相畢,便即還宮。 |
At that time, Wang Guanzi returned to the palace immediately after he finished his meeting. |
「時,阿育母 問阿育言: |
"When Ashoka asked Ashoka: |
『誰當作王? |
"Who is the king? |
婆羅門復記誰耶?』 |
Who did the Brahmin remember? 』 |
阿育啟言: |
Ashoka's words: |
『上乘、上座、上器、上食,當作王子, 自見當作王: |
"Superior, supreme, supreme, supreme, eat, be a prince, be a king: |
老象為乘,以地為坐,素器 盛食,粳米雜酪飯。』 |
The old elephant is the multiplication, the ground is the sitting, the vegetarian food is served, the japonica rice is mixed with cheese. 』 |
「時,彼婆羅門知阿育當 作王,數修敬其母。 |
"At that time, the Brahmin knew that Ashoka was king, and he respected his mother. |
其母亦重餉婆羅門,即 便問言: |
His mother also pays a premium to Brahman, and immediately asked: |
『大王崩後,誰當作王?』 |
"After the great king collapses, who will be the king? 』 |
師答言: |
The teacher replied: |
『此 不可說也。』 |
"This cannot be said. 』 |
如是乃至三問。 |
If so, even three questions. |
師言: |
Teacher's Statement: |
『吾當語 汝,慎勿使人知,汝生此子,名曰阿育,是其 人也。』 |
"I should say, you, be careful not to let others know, you are born with this son, and his name is Ayu. 』 |
夫人白言: |
Mrs. free words: |
『我聞此語,歡喜踊躍,若 王聞者,於師所不生敬信,師今可還本 住處; |
"When I hear this, I am enthusiastic about it. If the king hears this, he is not born and respected by the teacher, and the teacher can now pay back his residence; |
若子作王者,師當一切得吉利,盡形 供養。』 |
If the son is the king, the teacher should be auspicious in everything and make all kinds of support. 』 |
「時,頻頭羅王邊國德叉尸羅反。 |
"At that time, the King Bianguo De Si Luo turned back. |
時, 王語阿育: |
When, Wang Yu Ayu: |
『汝將四兵眾,平伐彼國。』 |
"You will command four soldiers to defeat the country. 』 |
王子去 時,都不與兵甲。 |
When the prince went, he was not with the soldiers. |
「時,從者白王子言: |
"When the servant Prince White said: |
『今往 伐彼國,無有軍仗。 |
"Today, there is no military war in the country. |
云何得平?』 |
How does the cloud get peace? 』 |
阿育言: |
Ayuyan: |
『我若 為王,善根果報者,兵甲自然來。』 |
"If I am the king, the one who is good for the root and the fruit, the soldier will come naturally. 』 |
應發是 語時,尋聲地開,兵甲從地而出,即將四 兵,往伐彼國。 |
When you should say yes, you will start looking for the sound, and the first soldier will come out from the ground, and the four soldiers will go to the other country. |
「時,彼諸國民人聞阿育來,即 平治道路,莊嚴城郭,執持吉瓶之水,及種 種供養,奉迎王子,而作是言: |
"At that time, the people of the people heard of Ashura, that is, the road to peace, the stately city, holding the water in the auspicious bottle, and all kinds of offerings, to welcome the prince, and said: |
『我等不反 大王及阿育王子,然諸臣輩不利我等, 我等是故背違聖化。』 |
"I can't wait to oppose the King and Prince Ashoka, but the ministers are against us, so I'm against sanctification. 』 |
即以種種供養王子, 請入城邑。 |
That is to provide the prince with all kinds of things, please enter the city. |
平此國已,又使至伐佉沙國。 |
This country has been leveled, and it has been brought to the country. |
「時,彼二大力士為王平治道路,推諸山石。 |
"At that time, the two strong men ruled the road for Wang Ping and pushed the mountains and rocks. |
又復諸天宣令此國: |
And the heavens proclaimed this country: |
『阿育當王此天下,汝 等勿興逆意。』 |
"Asoka is the king of the world, so don’t be upset. 』 |
彼國王即便降伏。 |
Even if the king surrendered. |
如是,乃至 平此天下,至於海際。 |
If so, even this world will be leveled, as far as the sea. |
「時,修師摩王子出外 遊戲,又復遇逢一大臣,臣不修禮法,王子 即使人打拍其身。 |
"At that time, the prince Xiu Moro went out to play, and then he met a minister who did not practice etiquette, even if the prince patted him. |
大臣念言: |
The minister read: |
『此王子未得 王位,用性如是; |
"This prince hasn't won the throne, just like that; |
若得王者,不可而當。 |
If you win the king, you can't take it. |
又聞 阿育得天下,得壞五百大臣,我等相與立 阿育為王,領此天下。』 |
I also heard that Ayu has gained the world and destroyed five hundred ministers. We will wait for the minister and make Ayu the king to lead the world. 』 |
「又,德叉尸羅國反,諸 臣共議: |
"Furthermore, the German scorpion rebels, the ministers discussed: |
『令修師摩王子去。』 |
"Let the prince Xiu Shimo go. 』 |
王亦應可,即便 往彼國,不能降伏。 |
The king should be OK, even if he goes to another country, he can't surrender. |
「時,父王復得重疾,王 語諸臣: |
"At that time, the father and the king recovered from a serious illness. |
『吾今欲立修師摩為王,令阿育 往至彼國。』 |
"I want to make Master Mo as the king, and let Ashoka go to that country. 』 |
時,諸臣欲令阿育作王,以黃 物塗阿育體及面手脚已,諸臣白王言: |
At that time, the ministers wanted Ashoka to be king, and painted the body, face, hands and feet with yellow things. The white kings said: |
『阿 育王子今得重疾。』 |
"Prince Ashok is seriously ill today. 』 |
諸臣 即 便莊嚴阿育,將至 王所: |
The ministers will be solemn, Asoka, and will come to the king's place: |
『今且立此子為王,我等後徐徐當 立修師摩為王。』 |
"Now let this son be the king, and I will gradually become the master teacher Mo as the king. 』 |
時,王聞此語,甚以不喜,憂 愁不樂,默然不對。 |
At that time, when Wang heard this, he was very unhappy, sad, unhappy, and silent. |
「時,阿育心念口言: |
"At the time, Ashoka thought: |
『我應 正得王位者,諸天自然來,以水灌我頂,素 繒繫首。』 |
"I should be the one who has the throne, the heavens will come naturally, fill me with water, and be the first. 』 |
尋聲諸天即以水灌阿育頂,素繒 繫首。 |
Seeking the sound of the heavens is to irrigate Ayuding with water, and Su Zhu is the head. |
時,王見此相貌,極生愁惱,即便命終。 |
When Wang saw this appearance, he was very annoyed, even if he died. |
「阿育王如禮法殯葬父王已,即立阿 [少/兔] 樓 陀為大臣。 |
"Ashoka is just like the rites and burials of his father, that is, A [Shao/tu] Lou Tuo is a minister. |
「時,修師摩王子聞父崩背,今立 阿育為王,心生不忍,即集諸兵,而來伐阿 育。 |
"At that time, the prince Xiu Mo heard that his father had collapsed, and now he made Ashoka the king. He couldn't bear it, so he gathered all the soldiers and came to defeat Ashoka. |
阿育王四門中,二門安二力士,第三門 安大臣,自守東門。 |
Among the four gates of King Ashoka, the second gate is An Er Lishi, and the third gate is the Minister of Ann, who guards the East Gate. |
「時,阿 [少/兔] 樓陀大臣機關 木象,又作阿育王像,像即騎象,安置東門 外。 |
"Shi, A [Shao/Rabbit] A wooden elephant in the office of Minister Loutuo, and a statue of King Ashoka, which is a riding elephant and placed outside the east gate. |
又作無烟火坑聚,以物覆之。 |
Also make a smokeless fire pit and cover it with objects. |
修師摩既 來到時,阿 [少/兔] 樓陀大臣語修師摩王子: |
When Shimoji arrived, A [Shao/Rabbit] Minister Lou Tuo said Shimo Prince Shimo: |
『欲 作王者,阿育在東門,可往伐之,能得此 王者,自然得作王。』 |
『Whoever wants to be king, Ashoka is at the east gate, and he can go down to it. If he can get this king, he will naturally be king. 』 |
時,彼王子即趣東門,即 墮火坑,便即死亡。 |
At that time, the prince was at the east gate of Qu, that is, fell into the fire pit and died. |
「爾時,有一大力士,名曰跋陀羅由陀,聞修 師摩終亡,厭世,將無量眷屬,於佛法中出 家學道,加勤精進,逮得漏盡,成阿羅漢道。 |
"At that time, there was a great man named Bhadrayatra. He heard that Shima died and was tired of the world. He went out of the Dharma to learn the Tao, worked diligently, and caught everything, and became an Arahant. |
「阿育王正法治化。 |
"Ashoka is being ruled by law. |
時,諸臣輩我等共立阿 育為王故,輕慢於王,不行君臣之禮,王 亦自知諸臣輕慢於我。 |
At that time, all the ministers and I waited together to establish Ashok as the king, so he was lighter than the king and did not perform the courtesy of the emperor. The king also knew that the officials were lighter than me. |
「時,王語諸臣曰: |
"At that time, the officials of Wang Yu said: |
『汝 等可伐花果之樹,植於刺棘。』 |
"You, etc., trees that cut flowers and fruits are planted in thorns. 』 |
諸臣答曰: |
The ministers replied: |
『 未 甞見聞却除華果而植刺樹,而見除伐刺 樹而植果實。』 |
"If you don’t see and hear, you will plant thorn trees in addition to Chinese fruits, and when you see thorn trees, you will plant fruits. 』 |
乃至王三勅令伐,彼亦不從。 |
Even when Wang Sanchi ordered the attack, he also refused. |
「爾時,國王忿諸大臣,即持利劍,殺五百大 臣。 |
"At that time, the king angered the ministers, that is, holding a sharp sword, killed five hundred ministers. |
又時,王將婇女眷屬,出外園中遊戲,見 一無憂樹,華極敷盛。 |
At the same time, the family members of the king's daughter-in-law went out to play in the garden and saw a worry-free tree, which was extremely prosperous. |
王見已,此華樹與我 同名。 |
Wang Jianye, this tree has the same name as me. |
心懷歡喜。 |
Happy. |
王形體醜陋,皮膚麁澁,諸 婇女輩,心不愛王,憎惡王故,以手毀折 無憂華樹。 |
The king is ugly in shape and skinny. The maids, who do not love the king in heart, hate the king, and destroy the worry-free tree with their hands. |
王從眠覺,見無憂樹華狼藉在 地,心生忿怒,繫諸婇女,以火燒殺。 |
When Wang Congmian felt that the worry-free tree blossoms were lying on the ground, his heart was angry, and he tied the handmaidens and killed them with fire. |
王行 暴惡,故曰暴惡阿育王。 |
Wang Xing is violent, so it is called Ashoka. |
「時,阿 [少/兔] 樓陀大臣 白王言: |
"Shi, A [Shao/Rabbit] Minister Lou Tuo, Bai Wang said: |
『王不應為是法。 |
"The king should not be the law. |
云何以手自殺人, 諸臣婇女? |
Why does Yun commit suicide with his hands, the servants and maids? |
王今當立屠殺之人,應有所殺, 以付彼人。』 |
Wang Jin should be a slaughterer, and he should kill something to pay for the other person. 』 |
王即宣教立屠殺者。 |
The king is the slaughterer. |
彼有一山, 名曰耆梨,中有一織師家。 |
There is a mountain named Qili, and there is a weaver's house in it. |
織師有一子,亦 名耆梨,兇惡撾打繫縛小男小女,及捕水 陸之生,乃至拒逆父母,是故世人傳云兇 惡耆梨子。 |
The weaver has a son, also known as Qi Li, who is fiercely tying boys and girls, catching water and land, and even rebelling against his parents. It is the old man who is said to be evil Qi Li. |
「時,王諸使語彼: |
"When Wang Zhushi said: |
『汝能為王斬諸兇 人不?』 |
"Can you kill all the evil for the king? 』 |
彼答曰: |
He replied: |
『一切閻浮提有罪者,我能淨 除,況復此一方?』 |
"I can get rid of all Yan Futi who is guilty, but this is the case? 』 |
「時,諸使輩還啟王言: |
"At that time, the envoys also gave the king's words: |
『彼 人已得兇惡者。』 |
"That person has become a vicious one. 』 |
王言: |
Wang Yan: |
『覓將來也!』諸使呼彼, 彼答言: |
"Look for the future! 』The envoys call him, he replied: |
『小忍,先奉辭父母。』 |
"Xiao Ren, let's resign my parents first. 』 |
具說上事,父 母言: |
Gu said the matter, father and mother said: |
『子不應行是事。』 |
"You shouldn't do things right. 』 |
如是三勅,彼生不 仁之心,即便殺父母已,然後乃至。 |
If it is the three emperor, he is born with unkind heart, even if he kills his parents, then even. |
「諸使問 曰: |
"The envoys asked: |
『何以經久不速來也?』 |
"Why does it take so long? 』 |
時,彼兇惡具說上 事。 |
At that time, he was vicious with talking about the matter. |
諸使者以是事具啟王。 |
The messengers are thought to be the King of Enlightenment. |
王即勅彼: |
Wang Jibi: |
『我 所有罪人,事應至死,汝當知之。』 |
"All my sinners, things should die, you must know them. 』 |
彼啟王 言: |
King Biqi said: |
『為我作舍。』 |
"Make a house for me. 』 |
王乃至為其作舍屋室,極為 端嚴,唯開一門,門亦極精嚴,於其中間, 作治罪之法羅列,狀如地獄,彼獄極為 勝好。 |
The king even made the dormitory room for him. It was extremely strict. Only one door was opened, and the door was also extremely strict. In the middle, it was listed as the law of conviction, which looked like hell, and that hell was extremely good. |
時,彼兇人啟王言: |
At that time, the evil man enlightened Wang said: |
『今從王乞願,若人 來入此中者,不復得出。』 |
"Today, the king begs, if people come into this, no one will come out. 』 |
王答言: |
Wang answered: |
『如汝所啟 乞願,當以與汝。』 |
"As you have enlightened, beg with you. 』 |
「時,彼屠主往詣寺中,聽 諸比丘說地獄事。 |
"At that time, Lord Pi Tu went to the monastery and heard the monks talk about hell. |
時,有比丘講地獄經: |
At that time, there was a monk who talked about the Hell Sutra: |
『有眾生生地獄者,地獄即執彼罪人,以熱 鐵鉗鉗開其口,以熱鐵丸著其口中。 |
"There are all living beings who live in hell, and hell will hold on to the sinner, open his mouth with hot iron tongs, and pill his mouth with hot iron. |
次融 銅灌口,次復鐵斧斬截其體,次復杻械枷 鏁檢繫其身,次復火車鑪炭,次復鐵鑊,次 復灰河,次復刀山劍樹。』 |
The second melts the copper to fill the mouth, the second complex iron axe cuts its body, the second restores the weapon flail to inspect the body, the second restores the locomotive charcoal, the second restores the iron wok, the second restores the gray river, the second restores the sword mountain and the sword tree. 』 |
具如天五使經所說。 |
As said by Tian Wu Shi Jing. |
彼屠主具聞比丘說是諸事,開其住處, 所作治罪之法如彼所說,案此法而治罪 人。 |
The master Guwen Bhikkhu said that it was all things, opened his residence, and used the method to convict the crime as he said. |
「又一時,商主將其婦入於大海,入海時, 婦便生子,名曰為海。 |
"At another time, the merchant brought his wife into the sea. When she entered the sea, the woman gave birth to a son, and the name was the sea. |
如是在海十有餘年, 採諸重寶,還到本鄉,道中值五百賊,殺於 商主,奪彼寶物。 |
If I have been in the sea for more than ten years, I have collected the treasures and returned to my hometown. The median value of the road is 500 thieves. They kill the merchant and seize the treasure. |
「爾時,商主之子見父傷死, 及失寶物,厭世間苦故,於如來法中出家 學道,還其本土,遊行諸國,次至巴連弗 邑。 |
"At that time, the merchant's son saw his father wounded and died, and lost his treasures. He hated the sufferings of the world. He became a monk in the Tathagata to learn the Tao, returned to his native land, marched across the kingdoms, and then went to Balenpho. |
過此夜已,晨朝著衣持鉢,入城次第 乞食,誤入屠殺舍中。 |
After the night, Chen moved into the city to beg for food and strayed into the slaughterhouse. |
「時,彼比丘遙見舍裏, 見火車鑪炭等治諸眾生,如地獄中,尋 生恐怖,衣毛皆竪,便欲出門。 |
"At that time, Pebchuk saw the house in the distance, saw the charcoal of the train, and healed all living beings, like in hell, looking for terror, with upright clothes, and wanted to go out. |
時,兇惡即往, 執彼比丘言: |
When the evil goes, follow the words of the Bhikkhu: |
『入此中者,無有得出,汝今 於此而死。』 |
"Those who enter this have nothing to know, you die here today. 』 |
比丘聞其所說,心生悲毒,泣淚 滿目。 |
When the monk heard what he said, his heart was sad, and his eyes were full of tears. |
兇主問曰: |
The murderer asked: |
『汝云何如小兒啼?』 |
"How is Ruyun like a child crying?" 』 |
「爾時,比 丘以偈答曰: |
"At that time, the monk replied with a verse: |
「『我不恐畏死, 志願求解脫, |
"'I'm not afraid of death, I volunteer to get out of it, |
所求不成果, 是故我啼泣, |
What I ask for is not fruitful, so I cry, |
人身極難得, 出家亦復然, |
The human body is extremely rare, even as a monk, |
遇釋師子王, 自今不重覩。』 |
Yu Shi, master and king, has never been too shameless. 』 |
「爾時,兇主語比丘曰: |
"At that time, the vicious subject Bhikkhu said: |
『汝今必死,何所憂惱?』 |
"You must die today, why are you worried? 』 |
比丘復以哀言答云: |
The monk replied with a lament: |
『乞我少時生命,可 至一月。』 |
"Begging me to live for a short time, but it can be as long as one month. 』 |
彼兇不聽。 |
He fiercely refused to listen. |
如是日數漸減,止於 七日,彼即聽許。 |
If the number of days gradually decreases and ends at seven days, he will listen to the promise. |
「時,此比丘知將死不久,勇 猛精進,坐禪息心,終不能得道。 |
"At that time, this monk knew that he was about to die soon, so he was brave and diligent, sitting in meditation and rested his mind, and finally could not gain the way. |
至於七 日,時,王宮內人有事至死,送付兇惡之人, 令治其罪。 |
As for the seven days, when the people in the palace died due to troubles, they were sent to the vicious people and ordered to be punished. |
兇主將是女人著臼中,以杵擣 之,令成碎末。 |
The culprit will be a woman in a mortar, pounding it with a pestle to make it into pieces. |
「時,比丘見是事,極厭惡此身: |
"When the monk saw that it was something, he hated this body: |
『嗚呼!苦哉!我不久亦當如是。』 |
"Alas! Painful! I should do the same soon. 』 |
而說偈言: |
And say the verse: |
「『嗚呼大悲師, 演說正妙法, |
"『Master of Great Compassion, speak the right way, |
此身如聚沫, 於義無有實。 |
This body is like a foam, there is nothing in righteousness. |
向者美女色, 今將何所在, |
The beauty of Xiangzhe, where will it be today, |
生死極可捨, 愚人而貪著。 |
Life and death are extremely tolerable, foolish and greedy. |
係心緣彼處, 今當脫鏁木, |
To the other side of the heart, now it is time to get rid of the wood, |
令度三有海, 畢竟不復生。 |
Ling Dusan has the sea, after all, it will not be reborn. |
如是勤方便, 專精修佛法, |
If it is diligent and convenient, specializing in Dharma, |
斷除一切結, 得成阿羅漢。』 |
Cut off all knots and become an Arahant. 』 |
「時,彼凶惡人語此比丘: |
"At that time, the vicious man said this monk: |
『期限已盡。』 |
"The time limit has expired. 』 |
比丘問 曰: |
The monk asked: |
『我不解爾之所說。』 |
"I don't understand what you said. 』 |
彼兇答曰: |
Bi Xiu replied: |
『先期七 日,今既已滿。』 |
"Seven days in advance, it is full now. 』 |
比丘以偈答曰: |
The monk replied with a verse: |
「『我心得解脫, 無明大黑闇, |
"『My heart is free, ignorance is dark, |
斷除諸有蓋, 以殺煩惱賊, |
Cut off all the covers to kill the troubled thieves, |
慧日今已出, 鑒察心意識, |
Hui Rijin has come out, to examine the mind consciousness, |
明了見生死, 今者愍人時, |
Seeing life and death clearly, when people are stunned today, |
隨順修聖法, 我今此身骸, |
Follow the Holy Dharma, I am here now, |
任爾之所為, 無復有悋惜。』 |
Regardless of what you have done, there is no more regret. 』 |
「爾時,彼兇主執彼比丘著鐵鑊油中,足與 薪火,火終不然,假使然者,或復不熱。 |
"At this time, the fierce master, the bhikkhu, was holding the iron in a wok, and the fire was full of fire. The fire will not be the case. If it does, it may not be hot again. |
兇主 見火不然,打拍使者,而自然火,火即猛盛; |
If you see the fire, the fierce master beats the messenger, but the natural fire makes the fire violent; |
久久,開鐵鑊蓋,見彼比丘鐵鑊中蓮華上 坐,生希有心,即啟國王,王即便嚴駕,將無 量眾,來看比丘。 |
After a long time, I opened the iron wok cover and saw the lotus flower in the iron wok of Biqiu sitting on it. He was very hopeful, and the king would be enlightened. Even if the king is strictly driving, there will be an infinite crowd to see the monk. |
「時,彼比丘調伏時至,即身 昇虛空,猶如鴈王,示種種變化,如偈所說。 |
"When the time comes, the Bhikkhu adjusts the time, that is, the body rises into the void, like a goose king, showing various changes, as the verse said. |
「王見是比丘, 身昇在虛空, |
"The king sees it as a monk, rising in the void, |
心懷大歡喜, 合掌觀彼聖: |
With great joy, join your hands to watch the saint: |
「『我今有所白, 意中所不解, |
"'I have something white now, but I don't understand it. |
形體無異人, 神通未曾有, |
There is no other person in the body, no magical powers, |
為我分別說, 修習何等法, |
Say separately for me, what kind of method to practice, |
令汝得清淨, 為我廣敷演, |
Make you clean, play for me, |
令得勝妙法, 我了法相已, |
The magical method of victory, I have learned the method, |
為汝作弟子, 畢竟無有悔。』 |
Be a disciple for you, after all, there is no regret. 』 |
「時,彼比丘而作是念: |
"At the time, Pebchuk wrote: |
『我今伏是王,多有所 導,攝持佛法,當廣分布如來舍利,安樂無 量眾生,於此閻浮提,盡令信三寶。』 |
"I am the king today, I have many instructions, take the Dharma, and distribute the Tathagata relics widely, so that countless sentient beings are happy and happy. Here, Yan Futi, I do my best to believe in the Three Jewels. 』 |
以是因 緣故,自顯其德。 |
So it is for this reason that it shows its virtue. |
而向王說偈言: |
And said to the king: |
「『我是佛弟子, 逮得諸漏盡, |
"'I am a disciple of the Buddha, I have caught everything, |
又復是佛子, 不著一切有, |
He is a Buddha again, without everything, |
我今已調伏, 無上兩足尊, |
I have now adjusted, the supreme biped, |
息心得寂靜, 生死大恐怖, |
I feel quiet, life and death are terrible, |
我今悉得脫, 有離三有縛, |
I'm free now, I'm free from the three and bound, |
如來聖法中, 獲得如是利。』 |
In the sacred teachings of the Tathagata, such benefits are obtained. 』 |
「時,阿育王聞彼比丘所說,於佛所生大敬 信,又白比丘言: |
"At that time, King Ashoka heard what Piqiu said that he was born with a great respect for the Buddha, and he said: |
『佛未滅度時,何所記說?』 |
"When the Buddha is not extinct, what do you remember? 』 |
比丘答言: |
Bhikkhu replied: |
『佛記大王: |
"Buddha King: |
「於我滅後,過百歲之 時,於巴連弗邑,有三億家,彼國有王,名 曰阿育,當王此閻浮提,為轉輪王,正法治 化; |
"After my extinction, when I was over a hundred years old, there were 300 million families in Balenfuyi. The king of that country was named Ashoka. When the king was Yanfuti, he was the king of runners, and he was ruled by law; |
又復 廣 布我舍利,於閻浮提立八萬四 千塔。」 |
Once again, my relic was widely spread, and 84,000 towers were erected in Yanfu. " |
佛如是記大王。 |
The Buddha is like a king. |
然大王今造此大地 獄,殺害無量民人,王今宜應慈念一切眾 生,施其無畏,令得安隱,佛之所記大王 者,王當如法修行。』 |
However, King Jin created this great hell and killed immeasurable people. King Jinyi should be kind to all sentient beings, exercise their fearlessness, and make them safe and quiet. The King who is recorded by the Buddha, the King should practice as the law. 』 |
而說偈言: |
And say the verse: |
「『當行哀愍心, 莫惱諸群生, |
"'Let's be sad, don't annoy the crowds, |
當修習佛法, 廣布佛舍利。』 |
When practicing Buddhism, spread Buddha relics. 』 |
「時,彼阿育王於佛所極生敬信,合掌向比 丘作禮: |
"At that time, King Asoka was born in the Buddha's place and worshipped the monk together with his hands together: |
『我得大罪,今向比丘懺悔,我之 所作甚為不可,願為佛子,受我懺悔。 |
"I have committed a serious sin. I confess to the monk today. What I have done is not possible. I am willing to be the Buddha and be repented by me. |
捨心 勿復責,我愚人今復歸命。』 |
Give up your heart and don't take the blame, I'm a fool today. 』 |
而說偈言: |
And say the verse: |
「『我今歸依佛, 無上勝妙法, |
"『I’m back to the Buddha today, |
比丘諸眾尊, 我今盡命歸, |
Bhikkhus deities, I will return with all my life, |
我今當勇猛, 奉受世尊勅, |
I shall be brave today |
於此閻浮提, 普立諸佛塔, |
Here, Yan Futi, erect all the pagodas, |
種種諸供養, 懸繒及幡幢, |
All kinds of offerings, hanging and flags, |
莊嚴世尊塔, 妙麗世希有。』 |
The majestic world-honored pagoda is wonderfully present. 』 |
「時,彼比丘度阿育王已,乘空而化。 |
"At that time, Pebchuk Du Ashoka had already taken advantage of the air to transform. |
「時,王從 地獄出,兇主白王言: |
"When the king came out of hell, the evil master Bai Wang said: |
『王不復得去。』 |
"The king can no longer go. 』 |
王曰: |
Wang Yue: |
『汝 今欲殺我耶?』 |
"You want to kill me today? 』 |
彼曰: |
He said: |
『如是。』 |
"That's it. 』 |
王曰: |
Wang Yue: |
『誰先入此中?』 |
"Who is here first? 』 |
答曰: |
Answer: |
『我是。』 |
"I'm. 』 |
王曰: |
Wang Yue: |
『若然者,汝先應取死。』 |
"If so, you should die first. 』 |
王 即勅人,將此兇主著作膠舍裏,以火燒 之,又勅壞此地獄,施眾生無畏。 |
The king is the emperor, and he burned it with fire in a plastic house written by the murderer, and then destroyed this hell, giving all beings fearless. |
「時,王欲建 舍利塔,將四兵眾,至王舍城,取阿闍世王 佛塔中舍利, 還 復修治此塔,與本無異。 |
"At that time, the king wanted to build a stupa. He brought the four soldiers to the city of the king's house and took the relic from the stupa of King Asai, and repaired and repaired the stupa, just like the original one. |
如 是取七佛塔中舍利,至羅摩村中。 |
In this case, take the relics from the seven stupas to the village of Rama. |
時,諸龍 王將是王入龍宮中,王從龍索舍利供養, 龍即與之。 |
At that time, the king of the dragons will enter the dragon palace, and the king will provide for the relic from the dragon, and the dragon will follow it. |
王從彼而出,如偈所說: |
The king came from him, as the verse said: |
「『羅摩羅村中, 所有諸佛塔, |
"『In Ramoro Village, all the stupas, |
龍王所奉事, 守護而供養, |
The dragon king serves, guards and provides for, |
王從龍索分, 諸龍開懷與, |
Wang Conglong seeks points, and all dragons are happy, |
即持此舍利, 漸進於餘方。』 |
That is to hold this relic, and gradually progress to the rest. 』 |
「時,王作八萬四千金、銀、琉璃、頗梨篋,盛佛 舍利; |
"At that time, the king made eighty-four thousand gold, silver, colored glaze, and pear 箧 to hold Buddha relics; |
又作八萬四千四寶瓶,以盛此篋,又 作無量百千幡幢繖蓋,使諸鬼神各持舍 利供養之具,勅諸鬼神言: |
Also made eighty-four thousand four treasure bottles to hold this rubbish, and also made an infinite umbrella cover with hundreds of thousands of banners, so that the ghosts and gods can each hold a relic of support, and the ghosts and gods: |
『於閻浮提,至 於海際,城邑聚落滿一億家者,為世尊 立舍利塔。』 |
"At Yanfuti, as for the sea, there are 100 million families in the city, and they build a stupa for the Lord. 』 |
「時,有國名著叉尸羅,三十六億 家,彼國人語鬼神言: |
"At that time, there was a famous national book, Chashi Luo, with 3.6 billion homes, and the people of that country said: |
『三十六篋舍利與 我等,起立佛塔。』 |
"Thirty-six bamboo relics and I wait and stand up the stupa. 』 |
王作方便,國中人少者,令 分與彼,令滿家數,而立為塔。 |
It is convenient for the king, and those in the middle of the country with few people will make the points and the others, so that the whole family will be counted and stand as a tower. |
「時,巴連弗邑 有上座,名曰耶舍,王詣彼所,白上座曰: |
"At that time, there was a seat in Balenfuyi, and the name was Yeshe, Wang Youbesuo, and the seat in White said: |
『我欲一日之中,立八萬四千佛塔,遍此閻浮 提,意願如是。』 |
"I want to build eighty-four thousand pagodas in one day, all over Yanfuti, and the wish is so. 』 |
如偈讚曰: |
As the verse praised: |
「『大王名阿育, 於先八塔中, |
"『The king's name is Ayu, in the eight towers, |
各取其舍利, 於此閻浮提, |
Each takes its own relics, here Yan Futi, |
建立諸佛塔, 八萬及四千, |
To build stupas, 80,000 and 4,000, |
縱廣殊妙勝, 一日都使畢。』 |
A wide range of extraordinary victories will be completed in one day. 』 |
「時,彼上座白王言: |
"When he took the seat, the White King said: |
『善哉!大王!剋後十五日 月食時,令此閻浮提起諸佛塔。』 |
"Good! King! At the time of the lunar eclipse on the fifteenth day, Yan Fu was asked to lift up the stupas. 』 |
如是乃至 一日之中,立八萬四千塔,世間民人,興慶 無量,共號名曰法阿育王。 |
In this way, even in one day, eighty-four thousand pagodas were erected, and the people of the world will celebrate the immeasurable prosperity, and they will be called Fa Ashoka. |
如偈讚曰: |
As the verse praised: |
「『王聖種孔雀, 安樂世間人, |
"『The King Sacred Peacock, the peaceful world, |
於此閻浮提, 建立勝妙塔, |
Here, Yan Futi, built the Shengmiao Tower, |
本名為惡王, 今造勝妙業, |
His real name is the evil king. |
共號名法王, 相傳至於後。』 |
The total name is the King of Kings, and it is said to be the queen. 』 |
「王已建八萬四千塔,歡喜踊躍,將諸群臣 往詣鷄雀精舍,白耶舍上座曰: |
"The king has built eighty-four thousand towers, and he is enthusiastic about bringing all his officials to the henhouse, Baiyeshe said: |
『更有比 丘,佛所授記,當作佛事不? |
"There are even more monks, should the Buddha's teachings be regarded as Buddha's things? |
我當往詣彼 所供養恭敬。』 |
I should be respectful of offerings to you. 』 |
「上座答曰: |
"The upper seat replied: |
『佛臨般涅槃時,降 伏阿波羅龍王、陶師旃陀羅、瞿波梨龍。』 |
"When the Buddha is in nirvana, he will subdue Apollo Dragon King, Tao Shi Chandala, and Qubo Lilong. 』 |
詣摩偷羅國,告阿難曰: |
He told Ananda to steal the kingdom of Luo, and said: |
『於我般涅槃後, 百世之中,當有長者,名瞿多,其子名曰 優波崛多,當出家學道,無相佛教授於人, 最為第一,當作佛事。』 |
"After my nirvana, in the hundreds of generations, there should be elders, with many names, and their sons are called Ubakuduo. When a monk learns the Tao, teaches the Buddha to others, and is the first, as a Buddha. 』 |
佛告阿難曰: |
The Buddha told Ananda and said: |
『遙見 彼山不?』 |
"See you in the distance? 』 |
阿難白佛: |
Ananda White Buddha: |
『見也。 |
"See you. |
世尊!』佛告阿難: |
Lord! "The Buddha told Ananda: |
『此 山名優留曼茶,是阿蘭若處名那茶 婆低,隨順寂靜。 |
"This mountain is famous for Luman tea. It is Alan Ruochu's name for the tea, and she is silent. |
而偈讚曰: |
And the verse said: |
「『優波崛比丘, 教授最第一, |
"『Uhabori Bhikkhu, the professor is the first, |
名聞振四方, 最勝之所記, |
Famous and heard everywhere, the most remarkable record, |
於我滅度後, 當得作佛事, |
After I die, I should do Buddhahood, |
度諸眾生類, 其數無有限。』 |
There is no limit to the number of saving sentient beings. 』 |
「時,王問上座曰: |
"When the king asked the audience, |
『尊者優波崛今已出世不?』 |
"Have you been born now? 』 |
上座答曰: |
The upper seat replied: |
『已出世,出家學道,降伏煩惱,是 阿羅漢,共諸無量比丘眷屬一萬八千,住在 優留曼茶山中阿蘭若處,哀愍眾生,如佛 說淨妙法,度無量諸天及人,令入甘露城。』 |
"I have been born, a monk to learn the Tao, to subdue troubles, it is an Arahant, a total of 18,000 members of the immeasurable bhikkhus, living in Alanruo in the Uluman tea mountain, mourning all beings, like the Buddha said the pure magic method, saving the immeasurable heavens and People, let into Ganlu City. 』 |
王聞已,歡喜踊躍,即勅群臣,速辦嚴駕,將 無量眷屬往詣彼所,修敬供養優波崛多。 |
Wang Wen has been happily enthusiastic, that is, to impose an imperial court, quickly handle the strict driving, and send countless family members to the other place, repair and provide for Upoduo. |
「時,臣白王言: |
"Shi, Chen Baiwang said: |
『彼聖既在王國,宜當遣信奉 迎之,彼自當來。』 |
『Since the saint is in the kingdom, he should be sent to welcome him, he should come by himself. 』 |
王答臣曰: |
Wang Dachen said: |
『不宜遣信至 彼所,應當自往,彼不宜來也。』 |
"It is not advisable to send a letter to the place, but to go by yourself, nor to come. 』 |
而說偈曰: |
And the verse says: |
「『汝得金剛舌, 那能不斷壞, |
"'You got the vajra tongue, it can keep going bad, |
諫我莫往彼, 親近田舍人。』 |
Admonish me not to go there, get close to the people in Tianshe. 』 |
「王即遣信,往彼尊者所言: |
"The king sent a letter to what the Venerable One said: |
『某日當來尊所。』 |
"Someday, I should come to Zunsuo. 』 |
時,尊者思惟: |
When the Venerable thought: |
『若王來者,無量將從,受諸 大苦,逼殺害微蟲、聚落人民。』 |
"If the king comes, immeasurable will follow, suffer all kinds of hardships, and force them to kill small insects and settle the people. 』 |
作是念已, 答使者曰: |
The answer to the messenger said: |
『我當自往詣王所。』 |
"I should go to the king's place. 』 |
時,王聞尊者 自來,歡喜踊躍,從摩偷羅至巴連弗邑,於 其中間,開安舟航,於航懸諸幢蓋。 |
At that time, Venerable Wang Wen came, happily and enthusiastically, from Motoluo to Balenfuyi, in the middle of which he opened a boat and hung the buildings. |
「時,尊者 優波崛愍念王故,將一萬八千阿羅漢眾, 隨於水道徑至王國。 |
"At that time, the Venerable Upobori remembered the king's story and took 18,000 arhats along the waterway to the kingdom. |
時,國中人啟王言: |
At that time, the middle-schooler Qi Wang said: |
『尊 者優波崛將一萬八千比丘眾來至。』 |
"Venerable Upobori will come to 18,000 bhikkhus. 』 |
「王聞, 大歡喜踊躍,即脫瓔珞,價直千萬,而授與 之。 |
"Wang Wen, great joy and enthusiasm, that is, take it off, the price is tens of millions, and grant it. |
王將諸大臣眷屬,即出往尊者所, 即 為下 食,五體投地,向彼作禮,長跪合掌,而作 是言: |
The king sent the family members of the ministers to the place of the venerable, that is, to eat, throw his five bodies on the ground, bow to him, kneel and put his hands together, and say: |
『我今領此閻浮提,受於王位,不以 為喜; |
『I am taking this Yan Futi today, I am subject to the throne, and I am not happy; |
今覩尊者, 踊躍 無量,如來弟子,乃 能如是,如覩於佛。』 |
Today’s Venerable Venerable is boundlessly active, and the disciples of the Tathagata are able to do so, like a Buddha. 』 |
而說偈言: |
And say the verse: |
「『寂滅已度世, 汝今作佛事, |
"'The dying has passed the world, now you do Buddha's affair, |
世間愚癡滅, 如日照佛世, |
The world’s foolishness and ignorance die out, as the sun shines on the Buddha’s world, |
為世作導師, 說法中第一, |
Be a mentor for the world, first in the saying, |
眾生可依怙, 我今大歡喜。』 |
All beings can rely on you, I am so happy today. 』 |
「時,王勅使者宣令國界: |
"At that time, the emissary of the king declared the border: |
『尊者優波崛比丘 今來此國。』 |
"Venerable Uhabori Bhikkhu comes to this country today. 』 |
如是唱言: |
Say something like this: |
「『欲得富貴者, 遠離貧窮苦, |
""Those who want to be rich, stay away from poverty, |
常處天上樂, 解脫涅槃者, |
Always be happy in the heavens, liberate Nirvana, |
當值優波崛, 修敬今供養, |
When you are on duty, Xiu Jingjin provides support, |
未見諸佛者, 今覩優波崛。』 |
Those who have not seen the Buddhas will rise today. 』 |
「時,王嚴飾國界,平治道路,懸繒幡蓋,燒香 散華,及諸伎樂。 |
"At that time, Wang Yan decorated the borders of the country, the roads of Pingzhi, hanging flags and covers, burning incense and dispersing flowers, and all kinds of music. |
舉國人民皆出奉迎尊 者優波崛,供養恭敬。 |
The people of the whole country have come out to honor the honorable person, and provide respect. |
「爾時,尊者優波崛白王 言: |
"At this time, the Venerable Upogori White King said: |
『大王!當以正法治化,哀愍眾生,三寶 難遇,於三寶中,常以供養恭敬,修念讚 歎,廣為人說。 |
"The King! We should rule by righteous law and mourn sentient beings. The Three Treasures are hard to come by. Among the Three Treasures, we should always respect and admire by offerings and chanting. |
所以者何? |
So what? |
如來、應供、等正覺 知人見人,常為記說: |
Tathagata, confession, etc. Enlightenment knowing that people see others, they often say: |
「我之正法,寄在國王, 及我比丘僧等。」 |
My Dharma is sent to the king, and my monks and so on. |
』而說偈曰: |
』And the verse said: |
「『世雄人中尊, 正勝妙大法, |
""Zhong Zun Shixiong, righteous victory over Miao Dafa, |
寄付於大王, 及我比丘僧。』 |
Send it to the king, and my monk. 』 |
「時,王白優波崛曰: |
"At that time, Wang Baiyoubo said: |
『我已建正法。』 |
"I have established Dhamma. 』 |
而說偈曰: |
And the verse says: |
「『我已造諸塔, 莊嚴諸國界, |
"'I have built towers, solemn borders, |
種種興供養, 幡幢及諸寶, |
All kinds of offerings, banners and treasures, |
廣布佛舍利, 遍於閻浮提, |
Buddha relics are widely spread all over Yanfuti, |
我興如是福, 意願悉已滿, |
I am so happy, my wishes are full, |
自身及妻兒, 珍寶及此地, |
Myself and his wife and children, treasures and this place, |
今已悉捨施, 供養賢聖塔。』 |
Now I have learned to donate to the sage tower. 』 |
「時,尊者優波崛讚王言: |
"At that time, the Venerable Upodori praised the king: |
『善哉!善哉!大王應 行如是法。』 |
"Good! Good! The king should do the same. 』 |
而說偈言: |
And say the verse: |
「『捨身及財命, 世世無所憂, |
"『Sacrifice one's life and wealth, there is no worry in the world, |
受福無有窮, 必得無上覺。』 |
There is no limit to blessings, and you must have supreme consciousness. 』 |
「時,王請尊者優波崛入城,設種種座,請尊 者就座,眾僧令往鷄雀精舍。 |
"At that time, the king invited the Venerable Upo to rise into the city and set up various seats. He invited the Venerable to take a seat, and the monks ordered to go to the chicken house. |
白尊者曰: |
Venerable White said: |
『尊者顏貌端正,身體柔軟,而我形體醜陋, 肌膚麁澁。』 |
"The Venerable has a good appearance and a soft body, but my body is ugly and my skin is rough. 』 |
「尊者說偈曰: |
"The Venerable Says: |
「『我行布施時, 淨心好財物, |
"'When I do generosity, I purify my heart and good wealth. |
不如王行施, 以沙施於佛。』 |
It is not as good as the king's practice to apply sand to the Buddha. 』 |
「時,王以偈報曰: |
"At that time, Wang Yisu reported: |
「『我於童子時, 布施於沙土, |
"『When I was a boy, I gave to the sand, |
今獲果如是, 何況餘妙施。』 |
This is the case with the fruit, not to mention Yu Miao Shi. 』 |
「尊者復以偈讚曰: |
"The Venerable once again praised and said: |
「『快哉善大王, 布施諸沙土, |
"'Happily, the good king, donate all the sand, |
無上福田中, 植果無窮盡。』 |
In the supreme blessed field, the fruits are endless. 』 |
「時,阿育王告諸大臣: |
"When Ashoka told the ministers: |
『我以沙布施於佛,獲 其果報如是。 |
"I used sand cloth to give to the Buddha and got the result. |
云何而不修敬於世尊?』 |
Why don't the clouds repair respect to the world-zun? 』 |
王復 白優波崛言: |
Wang Fu and Bai Youbo made a statement: |
『尊者!示我佛所,說法、遊行處 所,當往供養禮拜,為諸後世眾生攝受善 根。』 |
"Venerable! Show me the Buddha's place, where you speak and parade, you should go to the offerings and worship, so as to take the root of good for all beings of later generations. 』 |
而說偈言: |
And say the verse: |
「『示我佛說法, 諸國及住處, |
"'Show me the Buddha's words, the nations and residences, |
供養當修敬, 為後眾生故。』 |
Offerings should be respected, for the sake of all future beings. 』 |
「尊者言: |
"His Word: |
『善哉!善哉!大王能發妙願,我當 示王處所,為後眾生。』 |
"Good! Good! If the king can make a wonderful vow, I should show the king’s place as the posterity. 』 |
「時,王將四兵軍眾,及 持種種供養香華、幡幢,及諸伎樂,便將 尊者發去。 |
"At that time, the king sent the four soldiers and the army, and all kinds of offerings to incense flowers, flag towers, and all kinds of music, and then sent the Venerable. |
尊者隆頻林,此是如來生處,而 說偈言: |
Venerable Longpinlin, this is the place of the afterlife, and said: |
「『如來初生處, 生時行七步, |
"'Tathagata, where he was born, walks seven steps during his birth, |
顧視諸四方, 舉手指天上, |
Look at all directions, raise your finger to the sky, |
我今最後生, 當得無上道, |
I am the last of my life, to be the supreme way, |
天上及於人, 我為無上尊。』 |
Heaven and man, I am supreme. 』 |
「時,王五體投地,供養禮拜,即立佛塔。 |
"At that time, the five bodies of the king threw himself to the ground and offered to worship, that is, erecting a stupa. |
尊者 白王言: |
Words of the Venerable White King: |
『大王欲見諸天見佛生時行七步 處不?』 |
"Will the king take seven steps when he wants to see the heavens and see the Buddha's life?" 』 |
王白言: |
Wang Baiyan: |
『願樂欲見。』 |
"Wish to see you. 』 |
「時,尊者舉手, 指摩耶夫人所攀樹枝,而告彼樹神曰: |
"When the Venerable raised his hand, he pointed to the branch that Mrs. Maya had climbed, and told the tree god: |
『樹 神!今現,令王見之,生大歡喜。』 |
"The tree god! Now that the king sees it, he is very happy. 』 |
尋聲即 見,住尊者邊,而作是言: |
Seeing the sound, staying next to the Lord, and speaking: |
『何所教勅? |
"Who teaches you? |
我當 奉行。』 |
I should obey. 』 |
尊者語王言: |
Saying of the Lord: |
『此神見佛生時。』 |
"When God saw the Buddha's life. 』 |
「王以偈 問神曰: |
"Wang Yiji asked God: |
「『汝見嚴飾身, 生時青蓮華, |
"'When you see Yan decorated your body, |
足行於七步, 口中有所說。』 |
Walk in seven steps and say something in your mouth. 』 |
「神以偈答曰: |
"God replied with the verse: |
「『我見相好身, 生時二足尊, |
"'I saw a good body, two feet in my life, |
舉足行七步, 口中有所說, |
Take seven steps and say something in your mouth, |
於諸天人中, 我為無上尊。』 |
Among the heavens, I am the supreme. 』 |
「時,王問神言: |
"When the king asked the gods: |
『佛生有何瑞應?』 |
"Why should the Buddhas live? 』 |
神答言: |
God answered: |
『我不 能宣說妙勝諸事,今略說少分: |
『I can’t preach everything about the victory, I will say a few points today: |
「『光明能徹照, 身體具相好, |
"『The light can shine through, the body is in good shape, |
令人喜樂見, 感動於天地。』 |
It is delightful to see, and moved to the world. 』 |
「時,王聞神所說歡喜,施十萬兩珍寶而去。 |
"At that time, when Wang heard what God said he was happy, he gave away one hundred thousand taels of treasures. |
又將王入城裏,語言: |
Then the king entered the city, language: |
『此處菩薩現三十二 相、八十種好,莊嚴其體紫磨金色。』 |
"Here, the Bodhisattva has thirty-two phases, eighty kinds of good, and its solemn body is purple and golden. 』 |
時,王向此 處作禮,興種種供養。 |
At that time, the king bowed to this place and made various offerings. |
「又將王至天寺中,語 王言: |
"In the temple again, Wang Yan: |
『太子生時,令向彼神禮。 |
"When the prince was born, Ling Xiang was a god. |
時,諸神悉 禮菩薩。 |
At that time, the gods paid close attention to the Bodhisattva. |
時,諸民人為菩薩立名,今是天中 天。』 |
At that time, all the people named the Bodhisattva, and now it is in the sky. 』 |
時,王復以種種供養。 |
At that time, Wang Fu made various kinds of support. |
「又將示處語王言: |
"And Wang Yan in Shichuyu: |
『此處父王以菩薩示諸婆羅門,瞻其相德。』 |
"Here, the father shows all the Brahmins as bodhisattvas and looks at their virtues. 』 |
王復種種供養。 |
Wang multi-plants and supports. |
「又示: |
"Also: |
『此處菩薩學堂,此處學 乘象,此處學乘馬、乘車、弓弩。 |
『Here is the Bodhisattva School, here is how to ride elephants, here is how to ride horses, vehicles, and crossbows. |
如是學一切 伎術處,此處是菩薩治身,此處菩薩六萬 夫人遊戲處,此處菩薩見老、病、死人。 |
If you learn all the tricks, here is where the Bodhisattva cures the body, where the Bodhisattva’s 60,000 wife plays, where the Bodhisattva sees the old, sick, and dead. |
此處菩 薩坐閻浮提樹下,坐禪得離欲,樹影不離 身,父王向其作禮。 |
Here, the Bodhisattva sits under the Yanfuti tree, sitting in meditation so as to be free from desire, and the shadow of the tree does not leave the body, and the father pays him a gift. |
此處菩薩將百千天神, 出城而去。 |
Here the Bodhisattva will leave the city with hundreds of thousands of gods. |
此處菩薩脫瓔珞,與車匿遣 馬還國。』 |
Here the Bodhisattva took off Yingluo and returned to the country with Cha Ni. 』 |
而說偈曰: |
And the verse says: |
「『菩薩於此處, 脫瓔珞及冠, |
""Here is the Bodhisattva, take off his yin and crown, |
授與於車匿, 遣馬還於國, |
Granted to Cheni, sent horses back to the country, |
獨行無有侶, 便入學道山。』 |
If you walk alone without a couple, you will enter Daoshan. 』 |
「『又此處菩薩從獵師,易袈裟衣,被此衣已, 而為出家。 |
"'Here, the Bodhisattva is a hunter, and he is easily robed by a robe. He is already a monk by this dress. |
此處是仙人所稽請處,此處瓶 沙王與菩薩半國處,此處問優藍弗仙 人,此處菩薩六年苦行。』 |
Here is the place where the immortals check, where the bottle sand king and the Bodhisattva are half-country, and here you ask the immortal Ulan Fu, where the Bodhisattva performed asceticism for six years. 』 |
如偈所說: |
As the verse says: |
「『苦行於六年, 極受諸苦惱, |
"'Asceticism for six years, suffering from all kinds of suffering, |
知此非真道, 棄捨所習行。』 |
Knowing this is not the true way, abandon what you practice. 』 |
「此處二女奉菩薩乳糜,如偈所說: |
"Here the two females serve the bodhisattva chyle, as the verse says: |
「『大聖於此中, 受二女乳糜, |
"『The Great Sage is here, receiving the second daughter's chyle, |
從此而起去, 往詣菩提樹。』 |
From then on, to the Bodhi tree. 』 |
「此處迦梨龍讚歎菩薩,如偈所說: |
"Here Kalilong praises the Bodhisattva, as the verse said: |
「『此處迦梨龍, 讚歎諸菩薩, |
"『Here Kalilong, praise the bodhisattvas, |
當隨古時道, 證無上妙果。』 |
When following the ancient times, there is no great fruit. 』 |
「時,王向尊者而說偈曰: |
"At that time, the king said to the Venerable: |
「『我今欲見龍, 彼龍見佛者, |
"'I want to see the dragon today, and the dragon sees the Buddha, |
從此趣菩提, 證得勝妙果。』 |
From then on, I am interested in Bodhi, and I have realized the wonderful fruit of victory. 』 |
「時,尊者以手指龍宮,語曰: |
"When the Venerable pointed to the Dragon Palace, he said: |
『迦梨龍王!汝以 見佛,今當現身。』 |
"Kali Dragon King! When you see the Buddha, you should appear now. 』 |
時,龍王尋聲即出,住在尊 前,合掌白言: |
When the dragon king looked for the sound, he stayed in front of the deity and said with his palms together: |
『何所教勅?』 |
"Who teaches you? 』 |
時,尊者語王曰: |
At that time, the Venerable King Yu said: |
『此 龍王見佛,讚歎如來。』 |
"The Dragon King saw the Buddha and admired the Tathagata. 』 |
「時,王合掌向龍,而 說偈曰: |
"When the king put his palms together towards the dragon, he said: |
「『汝見金剛身, 我師無疇匹, |
"'When you see the vajra body, my teacher has no time to match. |
面如淨滿月, 為我說彼德, |
Face like a full moon, say Peter for me, |
十力之功德, 往詣道場時。』 |
The merits of the ten powers, when going to the dojo. 』 |
「時,龍王以偈答曰: |
"When the Dragon King replied with a verse: |
「『我今當演說, 足踐於地時, |
"'I'm speaking today, when I'm on the ground, |
大地六種動, 光耀倍於日, |
The six movements of the earth, shining more than the sun, |
遍照三千界, 而趣菩提樹。』 |
Illuminate three thousand realms all over, and the Bodhi tree is interesting. 』 |
「時,王如是等處處種種供養,及立塔廟。 |
"At that time, Wang Ru was waiting everywhere for various offerings and erecting towers and temples. |
「時,尊者將王至道樹下,語王曰: |
"At that time, the venerable man brought the king to the Taoist tree, and the king of words said: |
『此樹,菩薩 摩訶薩以慈悲三昧力破魔兵眾,得阿耨 多羅三藐三菩提。』 |
"This tree, the Bodhisattva Mahasattva breaks the demon soldiers with the power of compassionate samādhi, and obtains Ahu Tara three contemptuous three Bodhi. 』 |
而說偈言: |
And say the verse: |
「『牟尼牛王尊, 於此菩提樹, |
"『Muni Bull King, here is the Bodhi tree, |
降伏惡魔軍, 得勝菩提果, |
Conquer the demon army, defeat the bodhi fruit, |
天人中特尊, 無能與等者。』 |
The superb among the heavens and humans, the incompetent and the waiter. 』 |
「時,王捨無量珍寶,種種供養,及起大塔廟。 |
"At that time, the king's house was infinite treasures, all kinds of offerings, and large pagoda temples. |
「此處四天王各持一鉢,奉上於佛,合為一 鉢。 |
"Here the four heavenly kings each hold a bowl and offer it to the Buddha to form a bowl. |
此處於賈客兄弟所受諸飯食。 |
This is where the Jiake brothers received all the meals. |
此處如 來詣波羅奈國時,阿時婆外道問佛。 |
Here, when Tathagata came to Paranai, Ashipo asked the Buddha outside. |
此 處仙人園鹿野苑,如來於中為五比丘三轉 十二行法輪。 |
Here in the Immortal Garden Sarnath, the Tathagata is the Five Bhikkhus with three turns and twelve-line Dharma Wheel. |
而說偈言: |
And say the verse: |
「『此處鹿野苑, 如來轉法輪, |
""Here in Sarnath, Tathagata Zhuan Falun, |
三轉十二行, 五人得道跡。』 |
Three turns and twelve lines, five people gain the path. 』 |
「時,王於是處興種種供養,及立塔廟。 |
"At that time, the king started various kinds of offerings and erected pagoda temples. |
「此 處如來度優樓頻螺迦葉等仙人為道。 |
"Here, the immortals such as Tathagata Duyoulou Pinluo Kaye are the way. |
此處 如來為瓶沙王說法,王得見諦,及無量民 人、諸天得道。 |
Tathagata here is the saying of the King of Pingsha, that the king sees the truth, and the immeasurable people and the heavens gain the way. |
此處如來為天帝釋說法, 帝釋及八萬諸天得道。 |
The Tathagata here is an explanation of the emperor's interpretation, and the emperor's interpretation and the eighty thousand heavens gain the Tao. |
此處如來示大神力, 種種變化。 |
Here the Tathagata shows great power and various changes. |
此處如來至天上,為母說法,將 無量天眾,下於人間。 |
Here, the Tathagata comes to the heavens, as the mother's saying, will descend the infinite heavenly people to the earth. |
「王復種種供養,及 立塔廟。 |
"The king multiplies all kinds of offerings, and sets up the pagoda temple. |
「時,尊者語阿育王,至鳩尸那竭國,言: |
"At that time, the Venerable said to King Ashoka, to the end of the kingdom, saying: |
『此處 如來具足作佛事畢,於無餘般涅槃而般 涅槃。』 |
"Here, the Tathagata is sufficient to complete the Buddha's work, and to Nirvana like no more. 』 |
而說偈言: |
And say the verse: |
「『度脫諸天人, 修羅龍夜叉, |
"'Dutuo Tianren, Shura Dragon Yasha, |
建立無盡法, 佛事既已終。 |
The establishment of endless dharma, the Buddha's affairs are over. |
於有得寂滅, 大悲入涅槃, |
Yu You will die, great compassion will enter Nirvana, |
如薪盡火滅, 畢竟得常住。』 |
If the salary is exhausted, after all, you have to live permanently. 』 |
「時,王聞是語,憂惱迷悶擗地。 |
"When Wang Wen was talking, he was worried and perplexed. |
時,諸臣輩以 水洗心面,良久得穌,啼泣涕零。 |
At that time, the ministers washed their hearts with water, and after a long time, they were weeping. |
如是乃 至興種種供養,立大塔廟。 |
If so, even make various kinds of offerings, and build big pagoda temples. |
「時,王復白尊者曰: |
"When, Venerable Wang Fubai said: |
『我意願欲得見佛諸大 弟子佛之所記者,欲供養彼舍利,願為示 之。』 |
"I want to see the reporters of the Buddha's disciples, and I want to make offerings to him. I would like to show it. 』 |
時,尊者白王言: |
When the Venerable White King said: |
『善哉!善哉!大王能發 如是妙心。』 |
"Good! Good! The king can send such a wonderful heart. 』 |
「時,尊者將王至舍衛國,入祇桓 精舍,以手指塔: |
"At that time, the Venerable King brought the king to the Sravasti, and entered the Zhihuan Abode, using his fingers to tower: |
『此是尊者舍利弗塔,王 當供養。』 |
"This is the Venerable Sari Pagoda, and the king is to support it. 』 |
王曰: |
Wang Yue: |
『彼有何功德?』 |
"What merit does he have? 』 |
尊者曰: |
The Venerable said: |
『是第 二法王,隨轉法輪。』 |
"It is the second Dharma King, who will follow the wheel of Dharma. 』 |
而說偈言: |
And say the verse: |
「『一切眾生智, 比於舍利弗, |
"'The wisdom of all beings is compared to Sariputra, |
十六之一分, 以除如來智。 |
One sixteenth divided by Tathagata. |
如來轉法輪, 是則能隨轉, |
Tathagata turns the wheel of Falun, if it is, it can turn with it, |
彼有無量德, 誰復能宣說。』 |
Who can declare that he has infinite virtue. 』 |
「時,王生大歡喜,捨十萬兩珍寶,供養其塔, 而說偈言: |
"At that time, Wang Sheng rejoiced and gave up one hundred thousand taels of treasures to support his tower, and said: |
「『我禮舍利弗, 解脫諸恐怖, |
"'I pray to Sariputta, free from all horrors, |
名稱普於世, 智慧無有等。』 |
The name is universal, and there is no such thing as wisdom. 』 |
「次,復示大目揵連塔: |
"Secondly, repeat the Damu Chulian Tower: |
『王應供養此塔。』 |
"The king should provide for this tower. 』 |
「王復 問曰: |
"Wang Fu asked: |
『彼有何功德?』 |
"What merit does he have? 』 |
尊者答曰: |
His Holiness replied: |
『是神足第一, 以足指踐地,地即震動,至於天宮,降伏 難陀跋難陀龍王。』 |
"It is the first of the gods' feet. If you touch the ground with your feet, the ground will shake. As for the heavenly palace, you will subdue the Nanda Dragon King. 』 |
而說偈曰: |
And the verse says: |
「『以足指動地, 至於帝釋宮, |
"『Move the ground with your feet, as for the Imperial Palace, |
神足無與等, 誰能盡宣說? |
There is nothing to wait, who can say it all? |
二龍王兇暴, 見者莫不怖, |
The two dragon kings are fierce. |
彼於神足力, 降伏息瞋恚。』 |
He Yu Shen's full strength, subdued his aversion. 』 |
「時,王捨十萬兩珍寶,供養此塔,以偈讚曰: |
"At that time, the king's house supported this tower with a hundred thousand taels of treasures and praised it with a verse: |
「『神足中第一, 離於老病死, |
"『No. 1 in God's feet, to die from old age and sickness, |
有如是功德, 今禮目揵連。』 |
Just like merit, this is the ritual. 』 |
「次,復示摩訶迦葉塔,語王言: |
"Second, repeat the Mahakaya Pagoda, the king of words said: |
『此是摩訶迦 葉塔,應當供養。』 |
"This is Mahakaya Pagoda, which should be supported. 』 |
王問曰: |
Wang Wen said: |
『彼有何功德?』 |
"What merit does he have? 』 |
答 曰: |
Answer: |
『彼少欲知足,頭陀第一,如來施以半 座及僧伽梨衣,愍念眾生,興立正法。』 |
"The young man wants to be content, and the head is the first. The Tathagata gives the half seat and the sangha robes, to meditate on all beings, and to stand upright. 』 |
即說 偈曰: |
In other words, the verse says: |
「『功德田第一, 愍念貧窮類, |
"『The field of merit is number one, thinking of the poor category, |
著佛僧伽梨, 能建於正法, |
With the Buddha Sangha Pear, it can be built in Dhamma, |
彼有如是德, 誰能具宣說。』 |
He is so virtuous, who can declare it. 』 |
「時,王捨十萬兩珍寶,供養是塔,以偈讚曰: |
"At the time, the king's house was one hundred thousand taels of treasures, and the pagoda was supported by the pagoda. |
「『常樂於寂靜, 依止林藪間, |
""I often enjoy the silence, in the shadow of Lin Yu, |
少欲知足富, 今禮大迦葉。』 |
If you want to be contented and rich, I will give this gift to Kassapa. 』 |
「次,復示尊者薄拘羅塔: |
"Second, show the Venerable Bokulota: |
『此是薄拘羅塔,應 當供養。』 |
"This is Bokulota and should be supported. 』 |
王問曰: |
Wang Wen said: |
『彼有何功德?』 |
"What merit does he have? 』 |
尊者答曰: |
His Holiness replied: |
『彼 無病第一,乃至不為人說一句法,寂然無 言。』 |
"He is the first to be free from illness, and he doesn't even speak a word for others, and he is silent. 』 |
王曰: |
Wang Yue: |
『以一錢供養。』 |
"Supply with one dollar. 』 |
諸臣白王: |
The White King: |
『功德既等, 何故於此供養一錢?』 |
『Since the merits are waiting, why do you offer a money here? 』 |
王告之曰: |
Wang Gaozhi said: |
『聽吾所 說: |
"Listen to what I said: |
「『雖除無明癡, 智慧能鑒察, |
"'Although ignorance and delusion are excluded, wisdom can detect, |
雖有薄拘名, 於世何所益?』 |
Although there is a name called Bo Shu, what is it to the world? 』 |
「時,彼一錢還來至王所。 |
"At that time, his money came to the king's office. |
時,大臣輩見是希有 事,異口同音讚彼: |
At that time, when the ministers saw that there was something wrong, they praised him in unison: |
『嗚呼!尊者!少欲知足,乃 至不須一錢。』 |
"Alas! Lord! Less want to be content, even without a money. 』 |
「復示阿難塔,語王言: |
"Return to Ananda, Yuwangyan: |
『此是阿難塔,應當供 養。』 |
"This is the Ananda Tower and should be provided for. 』 |
王曰: |
Wang Yue: |
『彼有何功德?』 |
"What merit does he have? 』 |
答曰: |
Answer: |
『此人是侍佛 者,多聞第一, 撰 集佛經。』 |
"This person is a person who serves the Buddha. He is the first to hear more and write Buddhist scriptures. 』 |
而說偈曰: |
And the verse says: |
「『奉持牟尼鉢, 念至能決斷, |
"『Hold the muni bowl, I think I can decide, |
多聞之大海, 辯才柔軟音, |
Hear the sea, the soft voice of debate, |
能悅天人眾, 善知三佛心, |
It can be pleasing to the heavens and people, knowing the three Buddha minds well, |
一切悉明了, 功德之寶篋。 |
Everything is clear, the treasure of merit. |
最勝所稱歎, 降伏煩惱諍, |
The most praised sigh, subdue troubles, |
如是等功德, 應當修供養。』 |
If you are waiting for merit, you should cultivate and support. 』 |
「王即捨百億兩珍寶,而供養其塔。 |
"The king gave away tens of billions of treasures, and offered his tower. |
「時,諸臣 白王言: |
"At the time, the ministers White King said: |
『何故於此布施供養皆悉勝前?』 |
"Why do you give and support here before you win?" 』 |
王 曰: |
Wang said: |
『聽吾所說心中所以: |
"I heard what I said, so in my heart: |
「『如來之體身, 法身性清淨, |
"『The body of the Tathagata, the dharmakaya is pure, |
彼悉能奉持, 是故供養勝。 |
He is able to uphold it, so donate victory. |
法燈常存世, 滅此愚癡冥, |
The Dharma lamp always exists in the world, to eliminate this foolishness, |
皆由從彼來, 是故供養勝。 |
It all comes from the other, so it is the cause to support and win. |
如大海之水, 牛跡所不容, |
Like the water of the sea, cattle trails cannot be tolerated, |
如是佛智海, 餘人不能持。 |
If it is a sea of Buddha's wisdom, the rest cannot hold it. |
唯有阿難尊, 一聞悉受持, |
Only Ananda Zun, when he heard of holding, |
終無忘失時, 是故供養勝。』 |
When there is no forgetting, it is the reason to provide for victory. 』 |
「爾時,王如是種種供養,向尊者合掌,而作 是言: |
"At that time, the king made various offerings, clasping his hands to the Venerable, and said: |
「『我今受此形, 不復負此身, |
"『I’m in this form today |
修無量功德, 今為人中主, |
Cultivation of boundless merits, now the master of the people, |
我今取堅實, 造立諸塔廟, |
I take solidity today and build towers and temples, |
莊嚴在於世, 如星莊嚴月, |
The solemnity lies in the world, like the star solemn moon, |
奉佛弟子法, 應行諸禮節, |
To follow the Buddha's disciples law, you should practice all etiquette, |
我今悉已作, 稽首尊者足, |
I have done it today, Lord Ji Shou, |
蒙尊者恩力, 今見勝妙事, |
Blessed by the grace of the venerable, we see wonderful things today, |
快獲大善利, 從是分別法。』 |
Reaping great benefits quickly is always the method of discrimination. 』 |
「爾時,王供養上種種事,恒偏至菩提道場樹。 |
"At that time, the king offered all kinds of things to the Bodhi tree. |
此樹下如來得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提,世間 希有珍寶供養之事,供養菩提樹。 |
Under this tree, the Tathagata will receive the three Bodhi of Agu Duola, and there is a rare treasure in the world to support the Bodhi tree. |
「時,王夫 人名曰低舍羅絺多,夫人作是念: |
"At that time, the king's wife's name was Low Shera and Duo, and the wife said: |
『王極愛 念於我,我亦念王,王今捨我去,持諸珍 寶至菩提樹間。 |
"The king loves to me, and I also recite the king. The king will leave me behind and hold the treasures to the Bodhi tree. |
我今當作方便殺是菩提 樹,樹既枯死,葉便凋落,王當不復往,彼可 與我常相娛樂。』 |
I regard it as convenient to kill the Bodhi tree. When the tree dies, the leaves will fall. The king should never go back, and Peter will always entertain me. 』 |
即喚呪師,語呪師言: |
That is to call the teacher, and the teacher said: |
『汝能 殺菩提樹不?』 |
"Can you kill the Bodhi tree? 』 |
彼答曰: |
He replied: |
『能,與我千兩金。』 |
"Yes, you can count on me. 』 |
「時, 夫人即與千兩金錢。 |
"At that time, the madam was worth a thousand dollars. |
呪師往菩提樹間,以 呪呪樹以綖繫樹。 |
The teacher went to the Bodhi tree and tied the tree with the tree. |
時,樹漸漸枯死,葉即萎 落,未即枯死,其葉凋落。 |
At time, the tree gradually withered and the leaves fell, and before they died, the leaves fell. |
白夫人曰: |
Mrs. Bai said: |
『復應 以熱乳澆樹,乃可令枯。』 |
"The tree should be watered with hot milk to make it dry. 』 |
夫人白王: |
Mrs. White King: |
『我今 欲以乳供養菩提樹。』 |
"I want to feed the linden tree with milk. 』 |
王曰: |
Wang Yue: |
『隨卿意耶!』如 是乃至以熱乳澆之,樹即枯燥。 |
"Follow Qing's wishes! "If it is even poured with hot milk, the tree is boring. |
「時,諸夫 人白王言: |
"At that time, the ladies, Bai Wang said: |
『菩提樹忽然枯死,葉葉變落。』 |
"The Bodhi tree suddenly withered, and its leaves fell. 』 |
而 說偈言: |
And say the verse: |
「『如來所依樹, 名曰菩提者, |
"『The tree upon which the Tathagata rests is called the Bodhi, |
於是得正覺, 具足一切智, |
So get enlightenment, with all wisdom, |
大王今當知, 是樹今枯死, |
The king should know now that the tree is now withered, |
葉色亦變異, 不知何以故。』 |
The color of the leaves also varies, for some reason. 』 |
「時,王聞是語,即迷悶擗地,諸人輩以水 澆王心面,良久而穌,即便泣淚言: |
"At that time, Wang Wen was talking, that is, dull and depressed. The people poured water on the king's heart. After a long time, even though weeping and saying: |
「『我見菩提樹, 便見於如來, |
"『When I see the Bodhi tree, I see it in the Tathagata. |
今聞彼樹死, 我今亦隨沒。』 |
I hear that the tree is dead today, and I am not here now. 』 |
「時,彼夫人見王憂愁不樂,而白王言: |
"When Mrs. Peter saw that the king was sad and unhappy, Wang Bai said: |
『主勿 憂惱,我當喜悅王心。』 |
"Lord, don't worry, I should be pleased with Wang Xin. 』 |
王曰: |
Wang Yue: |
『若無彼樹,我 命亦無。 |
"If there is no other tree, I will have no life. |
如來於彼樹得阿耨多羅三藐三菩 提,彼樹既無,我何用活耶?』 |
The Tathagata came from the tree and got the three Bodhi of Agudoruo. Since the tree is not there, why should I live? 』 |
「夫人聞王決定 語,還復以冷乳灌菩提樹下,彼樹尋復更 生。 |
"The lady heard the king's decision, and she poured cold milk under the linden tree, and the tree sought to regenerate. |
王聞以乳溉灌樹還得生,日日送千瓮 乳溉灌其本,樹還復如先。 |
Wang Wen irrigated the tree with milk and gave birth to thousands of urns every day. |
諸夫人輩白王 言: |
The white king of all ladies said: |
『菩提樹今復如先,無復有異。』 |
"The Bodhi tree is now as before, there is no difference. 』 |
「時,王聞 已,即生歡喜,詣菩提樹下,覩於菩提樹,目 不暫捨,而說偈言: |
"At that time, when the king heard that he was born and rejoiced, under the Bodhi tree, he was stunned by the Bodhi tree. He did not leave his eyes temporarily, but said: |
「『諸王所未作, 瓶沙持國者, |
"'Undoed by the kings, the Pingsha Holder, |
我今應供養, 我今浴菩提。 |
I should make offerings today, and I will bathe Bodhi today. |
諸乳及香水, 華香及塗香, |
Various creams and perfumes, scents and fragrances, |
當復供養僧, 賢聖五部眾。』 |
When the monk is restored, the five sages will be virtuous. 』 |
「時,王各辦四寶瓮,金、銀、琉璃、頗梨,盛諸香 乳,及諸香湯,持種種飲食,幡幢、寶蓋各有千 種,及種種花香伎樂,受持八支齋布薩,著白 淨衣服,執持香鑪,在於殿上,向四方作 禮,心念口言: |
"At the time, the kings each set up four treasure urns, gold, silver, colored glaze, and pear, filled with various fragrant milks, and various fragrant soups, and held various kinds of food. Eight Zhaibossa, dressed in white clothes, holding the incense burner, are in the temple, offering rituals to the four directions, and thinking: |
『如來賢聖弟子在諸方者,憐 愍我故,受我供養。』 |
"Those who are the disciples of the Tathagata sage are in all directions, pity me, and be supported by me. 』 |
而說偈言: |
And say the verse: |
「『如來賢聖子, 正順寂諸根, |
"'Tathagata, the son of sage, is going to the roots of silence, |
離諸三界欲, 諸天應供養, |
Desire from the three realms, the heavens should provide for, |
今當悉來集, 受我微心惠, |
Now that I come to the collection, thanks to my little heart, |
哀愍副我意, 令法種增長, |
Sorrowful and do what I want, make the law grow, |
常樂於寂止, 解脫諸所著, |
Often happy to be still, free from all writings, |
如來之真子, 從法而化生, |
The true son of the Tathagata, transformed from the law, |
諸天所供養, 哀愍於我故, |
Provided by the heavens, mourning for me, |
今當悉來集, 副我之微意, |
Today, Shilaiji, with my little thoughts, |
諸聖在處處, 罽賓多波婆, |
All the saints are everywhere, Bein Dobopo, |
大林離波多, 阿耨大池邊, |
Dalin Liboduo, by the side of the big pond, |
江河山藪間, 如是一切處, |
Between rivers and mountains, like everywhere, |
諸聖在中者, 今當悉來集, |
All the saints in the middle, let me gather now, |
哀愍於我故, 副我之微意, |
To mourn for me, with my little thoughts, |
又在於天上, 尸梨沙宮殿, |
In the sky again, the palace of Shilisha, |
香山石室中, 神通具足者, |
In the Fragrant Mountain Stone Chamber, those who possess supernatural powers, |
今當悉來集, 哀愍於我故。』 |
Today, Xi Lai Ji, sorrowing for me. 』 |
「時,王如是語時,三十萬比丘悉來集。 |
"At that time, when the king said, 300,000 monks came to gather. |
彼大眾 中十萬是阿羅漢,二十萬是學人及凡夫比 丘,上座之座無人坐。 |
Among the people, one hundred thousand are Arahants, and two hundred thousand are scholars and ordinary monks. No one sits in the upper seat. |
「時,王問諸比丘: |
"When the king asked the monks: |
『上座 之座,云何而無人坐?』 |
"The seat of the upper seat, why is no one sitting on the cloud? 』 |
時,彼大眾中有一比 丘,名曰耶舍,是大阿羅漢,具足六通,白 王言: |
At that time, there was a bhikkhu among the people, his name was Yeshe, he was a great Arahant with six feet, and Bai Wang said: |
『此座,上座之座,餘者豈敢於中而坐?』 |
"This seat is the seat of the upper seat, how can the rest dare to sit in the middle? 』 |
「王 復問曰: |
"Wang asked again: |
『於尊者所,更有上座耶?』 |
"In the place of the Lord, there are more seats? 』 |
尊者答 曰: |
His Holiness replied: |
『更有上座,大王!佛之所說,名曰賓頭 盧,是上座,應坐此處。』 |
"There are more seats, Lord! The Buddha said that the name is Bintolu, who is the upper seat and should sit here. 』 |
「王大歡喜,而作是言: |
"Wang Da rejoiced, and said: |
『於中有比丘見佛者不?』 |
"Is there a monk in the middle who sees the Buddha? 』 |
尊者答曰: |
His Holiness replied: |
『有也,大 王!賓頭盧者,猶故在世。』 |
"Yes, my lord! Bintolu is still alive. 』 |
「王復白曰: |
"Wang Fubai said: |
『可得 見彼比丘不?』 |
"Available, don't you see Piqiu? 』 |
尊者曰: |
The Venerable said: |
『大王!不久當見,尋 當來至。』 |
"The King! See you soon, and seek to come. 』 |
「時,王生大歡喜,而說偈言: |
"At that time, Wang Sheng was overjoyed, and said: |
「『我今快得利, 攝受於我故, |
"『I’m gaining quickly today, |
令我自目見, 尊者賓頭盧。』 |
Let me see to myself, Venerable Bintolu. 』 |
「時,尊者賓頭盧將無量阿羅漢,次第相隨。 |
"At that time, Venerable Bintolu will be the immeasurable Arahant, following each other. |
譬 如鴈王乘虛而來,在於上座處坐。 |
For example, the Goose King came by taking advantage of the void and sat in the upper seat. |
諸比丘 僧各修禮敬,次第而坐。 |
Bhikkhus and monks practised and respected each other, sitting next to each other. |
「時,王見尊者賓頭 盧頭髮皓白,辟支佛體,頭面禮足,長跪合 掌,覩尊者顏貌,而說偈言: |
"At that time, the king saw the Venerable Bintou Lu with white hair, a buddha body, head, face and feet, kneeling and putting his palms together, and the Venerable's face, and said: |
「『我今之王位, 統領閻浮提, |
"'My throne today, command Yan Futi, |
不以為歡喜, 今得見尊者, |
I don’t think I’m happy, I see the Lord today, |
我今見尊者, 便是見生佛, |
When I see the Lord today, I see the living Buddha. |
心懷大踊躍, 勝見於王位。』 |
With great enthusiasm, you are better than seeing the throne. 』 |
「復白尊者曰: |
"Venerable Fubai said: |
『尊者見世尊耶? |
"The Lord sees the Lord? |
三界所尊 仰。』 |
Respected by the Three Realms. 』 |
「時,尊者賓頭盧以手舉眉毛,視王而言: |
"When Venerable Bintolu raised his eyebrows with his hands, as the king said: |
「『我見於如來, 於世無譬類, |
"'I see Tathagata, there is no comparison in the world, |
身作黃金色, 三十二相好, |
Being a golden color, thirty-two looks good, |
面如淨滿月, 梵音聲柔軟, |
The face is like a full moon, the Sanskrit voice is soft, |
伏諸煩惱諍, 常處於寂滅。』 |
All the troubles are always in silence. 』 |
「王復問曰: |
"Wang Fu asked: |
『尊者何處見佛?』 |
"Where did the Venerable see the Buddha? 』 |
尊者曰: |
The Venerable said: |
『如來 將五百阿羅漢,俱初在王舍城安居,我爾 時亦復在中。』 |
"Tathagata will have five hundred arhats settled in Wangshe City at the beginning, and we will be here again. 』 |
而說偈言: |
And say the verse: |
「『大牟尼世尊, 離欲相圍遶, |
"『Bhagavan of Great Muni, surrounded by desire, |
在於王舍城, 結於夏三月。 |
It lies in Wangshe City and ends in Xia Sanyue. |
我時在彼眾, 恒住如來邊, |
When I am in the crowd, I always live on the side of Tathagata, |
大王今當知, 我目見真佛。』 |
The king should know now that I have seen the true Buddha. 』 |
「『又復,佛住舍衛國時,如來大作神力,種種 變化,作諸佛形,滿在諸方,乃至阿迦尼吒 天,我爾時亦在於中,見如來種種變化神通 之相。』 |
""Furthermore, when the Buddha lived in the sacramental kingdom, the Tathagata wielded great divine power and various changes, making various Buddha shapes, covering all directions, and even the Ajanizhao sky. We are also in the middle, seeing the various changes of the Tathagata. .』 |
而說偈言: |
And say the verse: |
「『如來神通力, 降伏諸外道, |
"『The power of the Tathagata, subduing the outer realms, |
佛遊於十方, 我親見彼相。』 |
Buddha travels in ten directions, and I see him. 』 |
「『又復,如來在天上與母說法時,我亦在於 中; |
""Furthermore, when the Tathagata speaks to the mother in the sky, I am also in the middle; |
與母說法竟,將諸天眾從天上來,下 僧迦奢國。 |
He said to his mother that he would bring all the heavens from the sky to the Sangha Shek Kingdom. |
時,我見此二事。 |
When I saw these two things. |
天人受福樂, 優波羅比丘尼化作轉輪聖王,將無量眷 屬,乘空而來,詣世尊所,我亦見此。』 |
Heaven and man are blessed, Uboluo Picchuni turned into the revolver saint king, and the immeasurable family members took the air, and I see this too. 』 |
而說 偈言: |
And say the verse: |
「『如來在天上, 於彼結夏坐, |
"『The Tathagata is in the sky, sitting in Bijiexia, |
我亦在於中, 牟尼之眷屬。』 |
I am also in the middle, the family of Muni. 』 |
「『又復,世尊住舍衛國,五百阿羅漢俱。 |
"'Finally again, the Blessed One lives in Sravasti, five hundred arahants. |
時,給 孤獨長者女適在於富樓那跋陀那國。 |
At that time, it is suitable for the lonely elder woman to be in the country of Fulu Nabatuo. |
時, 彼女請佛及比丘僧。 |
At that time, the girl invited Buddha and monk monks. |
時,諸比丘各乘空而往 彼,我爾時以神力合大山,往彼受請。 |
From time to time, the bhikkhus each took the air to go there, and we used my divine power to unite the mountain and go to him to be invited. |
時, 世尊責我: |
At that time, the Lord blamed me: |
「汝那得現神足如是? |
"That's what you want to show up? |
我今罰 汝,常在於世,不得取涅槃,護持我正法, 勿令滅也。」 |
I punish you today, always in the world, not to take Nirvana, to protect my Dharma, do not order it to die. " |
』而說偈曰: |
』And the verse said: |
「『世尊受彼請, 五百比丘俱, |
"『The Blessed One is invited by him, five hundred monks, |
時我以神力, 挑大山而去, |
At that time I picked up the mountain with my supernatural power, |
世尊責罰我, 住世未滅度, |
The Blessed One punishes me, |
護持我正法, 勿令法沒盡。』 |
Support my Dhamma, don’t make the Dhamma endless. 』 |
「『又復,如來將諸比丘僧入城乞食。 |
"『Furthermore, the Tathagata brings monks into the city to beg for food. |
時,王共二 童子沙土中戲,逢見佛來,捧於塵沙,奉上 於佛。 |
At that time, the second king of the king played in the sand, and whenever he saw the Buddha, he held it in the dust and offered it to the Buddha. |
時,世尊記彼童子: |
At that time, the World Honored the other boy: |
「於我滅度百歲之 後,此童子於巴連弗邑當受王位,領閻浮 提,名曰阿育。 |
"After I was over a hundred years old, this boy was taken to the throne in Balenfuyi, and he led Yan Futi, whose name was Ayu. |
當廣布我舍利,一日之中, 當造八萬四千塔。」 |
When spreading my relics, in one day, I shall build 84,000 towers. " |
今王身是也。 |
The king's body is also today. |
我爾時亦 在於中。』 |
We are also in the middle. 』 |
而說偈曰: |
And the verse says: |
「『王於童子時, 以沙奉上佛, |
""When the king was a boy, he offered the Buddha with sand, |
佛記於王時, 我亦親在中。』 |
The Buddha is remembered in the king's time, and I am also in it. 』 |
「時,王白尊者曰: |
"When, Venerable Wang Bai said: |
『尊者今住在何處?』 |
"Where does the Venerable live today? 』 |
尊者答 王曰: |
His Holiness replied, Wang said: |
『在於北山,山名揵陀摩羅,共諸同梵 行僧。』 |
"It lies in Beishan, and the name of the mountain is Chandamaru, and there are all Buddhist monks. 』 |
「王復問曰: |
"Wang Fu asked: |
『有幾眷屬?』 |
"How many family members are there? 』 |
尊者答: |
His Holiness answered: |
『六萬阿 羅漢比丘。』 |
"Sixty thousand Arahant Bhikkhus. 』 |
尊者曰: |
The Venerable said: |
『王何須多問? |
"Why do you need to ask more? |
今當施 設供養於僧。 |
Nowadays, there is an offering for monks. |
食竟,使王歡喜。』 |
Eating food makes the king happy. 』 |
王言: |
Wang Yan: |
『如是,尊 者!然我今先當供養佛念所覺菩提之樹, 然後香美飲食施設於僧。』 |
"So, Lord! However, I am offering to the tree of Bodhi realized by the Buddha's mind first, and then offering fragrant food to the monk. 』 |
勅諸群臣,唱令 國界: |
The court officials, sing the order |
『王今捨十萬兩金布施眾僧,千瓮香 湯溉灌菩提樹,集諸五眾。』 |
"Wang Jinshe one hundred thousand taels of gold alms to the monks, a thousand urns and incense soup to irrigate the linden tree, gather all the five. 』 |
「時,王子名曰拘 那羅,在王右邊,舉二指而不言說,意欲二 倍供養。 |
"At that time, the prince called Gu Nara. He was on the right side of the king, holding two fingers without saying anything, intending to double the support. |
大眾見之,皆盡發笑,王亦發笑,而 語言: |
When the public saw it, they all laughed, Wang also laughed, and the language: |
『嗚呼!王子!乃有增益功德供養。』 |
"Alas! prince! It is provided with gaining merit. 』 |
「王復 言: |
"Wang Fu said: |
『我復以三十萬兩金供養眾僧,復加千 瓮香湯,洗浴菩提樹。』 |
"I will provide three hundred thousand taels of gold to support the monks, add a thousand urn incense soup, and bathe the bodhi tree. 』 |
時,王子復舉四指,意 在四倍。 |
At that time, the prince raised four fingers again, intending to quadruple. |
「時,王瞋恚,語臣曰: |
"At that time, Wang Haoyun, Yuchen said: |
『誰教王子作是 事,與我興競?』 |
"Who taught the prince to do things and compete with me?" 』 |
臣啟王言: |
Chenqi Wang said: |
『誰敢與王興競? |
"Who dares to compete with Wang Xing? |
然王子聰慧利根,增益功德,故作是事耳!』 |
However, the prince is clever and earns his roots, gaining merit, pretending to be troublesome! 』 |
「時,王右顧視王子,白上座曰: |
"At that time, Wang You looked at the prince, and White said: |
『除我庫藏之 物,餘一切物,閻浮提夫人、婇女、諸臣、眷屬, 及我拘那羅子,皆悉布施賢聖眾僧,唱令 國界,集諸五眾。』 |
"Except for the things in my treasury, everything else, Mrs. Yanfuti, maids, ministers, dependents, and I, Kunaruozi, are all the sages and monks who sing and sing the borders of the five people. 』 |
而說偈曰: |
And the verse says: |
「『除王庫藏物, 夫人及婇女, |
"『Except for the possessions of the king's treasury, the lady and the maid, |
臣民一切眾, 布施賢聖僧, |
All the subjects, give to the sage monks, |
我身及王子, 亦復悉捨與。』 |
I, as the prince, have also learned to give up. 』 |
「時,王、上座及比丘僧,以瓮香湯洗浴菩 提樹。 |
"At that time, the king, the throne, and monks bathed the bodhi tree with urn incense soup. |
「時,菩提樹倍復嚴好,增長茂盛,以偈 頌曰: |
"At that time, the Bodhi tree became more rigorous, and grew luxuriantly, chanting: |
「『王浴菩提樹, 無上之所覺, |
"『The king baths the Bodhi tree, the supreme perception, |
樹增於茂盛, 柯條葉柔軟。』 |
The tree grows more luxuriant, and the leaves are soft. 』 |
「時,王及諸群臣生大歡喜。 |
"At that time, the king and the officials were very happy. |
「時,王洗浴菩提樹 已,次復供養眾僧。 |
"At that time, the king had bathed the Bodhi tree, and offered to the monks again and again. |
時,彼上座耶舍語王言: |
At that time, he came to the seat of the king in Yasher language: |
『大王!今大有比丘僧集,當發淳信心供 養。』 |
"The King! Today there is a great collection of monks and monks, which should be supported by faith. 』 |
時,王從上至下,自手供養。 |
At that time, the king supported himself from top to bottom. |
「時,彼有二沙 彌,得食已,各以 麨 團歡喜丸,更互相擲。 |
"At that time, there were two novice monks, and they had eaten them. Each took a group of Huanxi pills and threw each other. |
王見即笑而言: |
Wang sees and laughs: |
『此沙彌作小兒戲。』 |
"This novice monk is playing a child's play. 』 |
供養訖已, 王還上座前立。 |
The offerings are finished, and the king still sits and stands. |
上座語王言: |
Theravada Wang Yan: |
『王莫生不 信敬心。』 |
"Wang Mosheng does not believe in respect. 』 |
王答上座: |
Wang answered: |
『無有不敬心,然見二 沙彌作小兒戲,如世間小兒,以土團更互 相擲。 |
"There is no disrespect, but see the two novices as a child's play, like children in the world, throw each other with a tutu. |
如是二沙彌以 麨 團、以歡喜丸,更 互相擲。』 |
In this case, the two novice monks used 麨团, huanxi pills, and even throw each other. 』 |
上座白王言: |
The White King's words: |
『彼二沙彌是俱解脫阿 羅漢,更相奉食。』 |
"The two novice monks are both liberating the Arahants, and even more offering food. 』 |
王聞是已,增其信心,而 作是念: |
Wang Wen is right, to increase his confidence, but to read: |
『此二沙彌能展轉相施,我今亦當 於一切僧人施絹、劫貝。』 |
"These two novice monks can perform transformations, and I am now acting as all monks to cast silk and rob shells. 』 |
「時,二沙彌知王心 所念,二沙彌共相謂言: |
"At the time, the two novice monks knew what the king said, and the two novice monks said: |
『令王倍增敬信。』 |
"Make the king double the trust. 』 |
一 沙彌持鑊授與王,一沙彌授以染草。 |
A novice monk holds a wok to grant the king, a novice monk grants the dye grass. |
王問 彼沙彌: |
Wang Wen, novice monk: |
『用作何等?』 |
"How to use it? 』 |
二沙彌白王言: |
Words of the Second Novice Monk Bai Wang: |
『王因我 故,施與眾僧絹及劫貝,我欲令大王染成 其色,施與眾僧。』 |
"Because of me, the king gave the monks' silk and robbery shells. I want to make the king dyed in his own color and give it to the monks. 』 |
「時,王作是念: |
"When Wang Zuo was thinking: |
『我雖心念,口 未發言。 |
"Although I thought, I did not speak. |
此二達士得他心智,而知我心。』 |
These two Da Shi got his mind, and knew my heart. 』 |
王 即稽首敬禮眾僧,而說偈言: |
The king was the chief inspector and saluted the monks, and said: |
「『孔雀之族姓, 內外親眷屬, |
"'The surname of the peacock family, relatives inside and outside, |
因此惠施故, 悉皆獲大利, |
Therefore, all benefits have been greatly benefited, |
遭值良福田, 歡喜應時施。』 |
Being worthy of good luck, happy to do it in time. 』 |
「時,王語沙彌言: |
"When, Wang Yu said: |
『我因汝等施僧衣,施僧 衣已,復以三衣并四億萬兩珍寶,嚫五部 眾; |
『Because you waited and put on the monk's clothes, I had put on the monk's clothes, and I added three garments and four hundred million taels of treasures, and five people; |
嚫願已,復以四十億萬兩珍寶,贖取閻 浮提宮人、婇女,及太子、群臣。』 |
Wishing has been, with four billion taels of treasures, redeemed the Yan Futi Palace, the maid, the prince and the officials. 』 |
「阿育王所作功 德,無量如是。」 |
The merits of Ashoka are immeasurable. |
雜阿含經卷第二十三 |
Miscellaneous Ahamam Scripture 23 |
Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 |
Saṃyuktāgama |
SA 605 (六〇五) 念處 |
SA 605 (sixty five) |
雜阿含經卷第二十四 |
Miscellaneous Agama Sutra 24 |
宋天竺三藏求那跋陀羅譯 |
Song Tianzhu's Tripitaka Asks Nabatara to Translate |
第五誦道品第一 |
Fifth chanting first |
如是我聞: |
If I smell: |
一時,佛住舍衛國祇樹給孤 獨園。 |
For a while, the Buddha lived in the sacred country and only gave a tree to a lonely garden. |
爾時,世尊告諸比丘: |
At that time, the Blessed One told the monks: |
「有四念處。 |
"There are four thoughts. |
何等 為四? |
What is four? |
謂身身觀念處,受、心、法法觀念處。」 |
It is the concept of body and body, the concept of feeling, mind, and Dharma. " |
佛 說此經已,諸比丘聞佛所說,歡喜奉行。 |
The Buddha said this sutra, and all monks heard what the Buddha said and followed it with joy. |
Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 |
Saṃyuktāgama |
SA 606 (六〇六) 念處 |
SA 606 (sixty six) the place of thought |
如是我聞: |
If I smell: |
一時,佛住舍衛國祇樹給孤 獨園。 |
For a while, the Buddha lived in the sacred country and only gave a tree to a lonely garden. |
爾時,世尊告諸比丘: |
At that time, the Blessed One told the monks: |
「有四念處。 |
"There are four thoughts. |
何等 為四? |
What is four? |
謂身身觀念處,受、心、法法觀念處。 |
It is the concept of body and body, the concept of feeling, mind, and Dharma. |
如 是,比丘!於此四念處修習滿足,精勤方便, 正念正知,應當學。」 |
If so, Bhikkhu! Here, the practice of four mindfulness is satisfying, diligent and convenient, and mindfulness and knowledge should be learned. " |
佛說此經已,諸比丘 聞佛所說,歡喜奉行。 |
The Buddha said that this sutra has been, and the monks heard what the Buddha said and followed it with joy. |
Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 |
Saṃyuktāgama |
SA 607 (六〇七) 淨 |
SA 607 (sixty seven) net |
如是我聞: |
If I smell: |
一時,佛住舍衛國祇樹給 孤獨園。 |
For a while, the Buddha lived in the Kingdom of Sravasti and gave only a tree to the lonely garden. |
爾時,世尊告諸比丘: |
At that time, the Blessed One told the monks: |
「有一乘道,淨 諸眾生,令越憂悲,滅惱苦,得如實法,所 謂四念處。 |
"There is a path to purify all sentient beings, so that the more sorrows and sorrows will be, the more sorrows will be eliminated, and the truth will be obtained. |
何等為四? |
What is four? |
身身觀念處,受、心、法法 觀念處。」 |
Body and body concepts, feeling, mind, Dharma concepts. " |
佛說此經已,諸比丘聞佛所說,歡 喜奉行。 |
The Buddha said that this sutra was already there, and all monks heard what the Buddha said and happily followed it. |
Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 |
Saṃyuktāgama |
SA 608 (六〇八) 甘露 |
SA 608 (sixty eight) nectar |
如是我聞: |
If I smell: |
一時,佛住舍衛國祇樹給 孤獨園。 |
For a while, the Buddha lived in the Kingdom of Sravasti and gave only a tree to the lonely garden. |
爾時,世尊告諸比丘: |
At that time, the Blessed One told the monks: |
「若比丘離四念 處者,則離如實聖法; |
"If the monk is away from the four mindfuls, he is away from the truthful holy Dharma; |
離如實聖法者,則 離聖道; |
Those who leave the Holy Dharma as they are, then leave the Holy Way; |
離聖道者,則離甘露法; |
Those who leave the holy way are away from the nectar; |
離甘露 法者,不得脫生、老、病、死、憂、悲、惱、苦,我說彼 於苦不得解脫。 |
Those who are free from the nectar cannot escape from birth, old age, sickness, death, sorrow, sorrow, annoyance, and suffering. I say that one cannot escape from suffering. |
「若比丘不離四念處者, 得不離聖如實法; |
"If the bhikkhu does not leave the four mindfulness, he will not leave the holy truth; |
不離聖如實者,則不 離聖道; |
Those who do not depart from the holy truth will not depart from the holy way; |
不離聖道者,則不離甘露法; |
Those who do not depart from the holy way will not depart from the nectar; |
不 離甘露法者,得脫生、老、病、死、憂、悲、惱、苦,我 說彼人解脫眾苦。」 |
Those who do not leave the nectar will be free from birth, old age, sickness, death, sorrow, sorrow, anxiety, and suffering. I say that the other person is free from all suffering. " |
佛說此經已,諸比丘聞 佛所說,歡喜奉行。 |
The Buddha said that this sutra has been, and all monks heard what the Buddha said and followed it with joy. |
Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 |
Saṃyuktāgama |
SA 609 (六〇九) 集 |
SA 609 (Sixty Nine) Episode |
如是我聞: |
If I smell: |
一時,佛住舍衛國祇樹給 孤獨園。 |
For a while, the Buddha lived in the Kingdom of Sravasti and gave only a tree to the lonely garden. |
爾時,世尊告諸比丘: |
At that time, the Blessed One told the monks: |
「我今當說四 念處集、四念處沒。 |
"I should talk about the collection of four thoughts and the absence of four thoughts. |
諦聽,善思。 |
Listen carefully, think well. |
何等為四 念處集、四念處沒? |
How is the four-mindfulness collection, are the four-mindfulness? |
食集則身集、食滅則身 沒。 |
If you eat, you will gather, and if you eat, you will lose yourself. |
如是隨身集觀住,隨身滅觀住,隨身集 滅觀住,則無所依住,於諸世間永無所取。 |
If you take it with you to gather and observe, you can destroy it with you, you have no place to depend on it, you will never take anything in the world. |
「如是觸集則受集,觸滅則受沒。 |
"If you touch the set, you will be set, and if you touch it, you will suffer. |
如是隨集 法觀受住,隨滅法觀受住,隨集滅法觀 受住,則無所依住,於諸世間都無所取。 |
If you follow the collection of Dharma conception, follow the destruction of Dharma conception, follow the collection of collection Dharma conception, then you have no place to rely on, and nothing in the world. |
「名 色集則心集,名色滅則心沒。 |
"The collection of name and color means the heart is gathered, and the name and color are gone, the heart is not. |
隨集法觀心 住,隨滅法觀心住,隨集滅法觀心住,則 無所依住,於諸世間則無所取。 |
The mind stays with the collection of Dharma, the mind stays with the destruction of the Dharma, and the mind stays with the collection of the Dharma, then there is no place to live, and there is nothing to take in the world. |
「憶念集則 法集,憶念滅則法沒。 |
"The collection of remembrance is the law, but the law of remembrance is nothing. |
隨集法觀法住,隨 滅法觀法住,隨集滅法觀法住,則無所 依住,於諸世間則無所取。 |
If you follow the collection of Dharma to observe the Dharma, follow the extinction of the Dharma to observe the Dharma dwelling, and follow the collection of the Dharma to observe the Dharma dwelling, there is no place to depend on, and there is nothing to take in the world. |
是名四念處 集、四念處沒。」 |
It is the collection of four thoughts and the place of four thoughts. " |
佛說此經已,諸比丘聞佛所 說,歡喜奉行。 |
The Buddha said that this sutra was already, and all monks heard what the Buddha said and followed it with joy. |
Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 |
Saṃyuktāgama |
SA 610 (六一〇) 正念 |
SA 610 (six ten) mindfulness |
如是我聞: |
If I smell: |
一時,佛住舍衛國祇樹給 孤獨園。 |
For a while, the Buddha lived in the Kingdom of Sravasti and gave only a tree to the lonely garden. |
爾時,世尊告諸比丘: |
At that time, the Blessed One told the monks: |
「我當說修四 念處。 |
"I should say that Xiu Si Sati. |
諦聽,善思。 |
Listen carefully, think well. |
云何修四念處? |
Yun He repairs four thoughts? |
謂內身身觀 念住,精勤方便,正智正念,調伏世間憂悲, 外身、內外身觀住,精勤方便,正念正知,調 伏世間憂悲。 |
It is called the mindfulness of the inner body, mindfulness and convenience, righteousness and mindfulness, to regulate the sorrows of the world, the mindfulness of the outer body, the inner and outer bodies, the diligent and convenient, the mindfulness and awareness, to regulate the sorrows of the world. |
如是受、心、法,內法、外法、內外法 觀念住,精勤方便,正念正知,調伏世間憂 悲,是名比丘修四念處。」 |
Such as feeling, mind, Dharma, internal Dharma, external Dharma, internal and external Dharma concept dwelling, diligent and convenient, righteous thoughts and right knowledge, to calm the world's sorrows, is the monk practicing the four thoughts. " |
佛說此經已,諸比 丘聞佛所說,歡喜奉行。 |
The Buddha said that this sutra had already been said, and the monks heard what the Buddha said and followed it with joy. |
過去、未來修四念處亦如是說。 |
The same can be said about cultivating the Four Mindfulness in the past and future. |
Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 |
Saṃyuktāgama |
SA 611 (六一一) 善聚 |
SA 611 (six one one) good gathering |
如是我聞: |
If I smell: |
一時,佛住舍衛國祇樹給 孤獨園。 |
For a while, the Buddha lived in the Kingdom of Sravasti and gave only a tree to the lonely garden. |
爾時,世尊告諸比丘: |
At that time, the Blessed One told the monks: |
「有善法聚、不 善法聚。 |
"There are good dharma gatherings and bad dharma gatherings. |
云何善法聚? |
Yun He Shan Fa gathering? |
所謂四念處,是為正 說。 |
The so-called Four Mindfulness is the righteous saying. |
所以者何? |
So what? |
純一滿淨聚者,所謂四念處。 |
The pure one who is full of pure congregation is the so-called four mindful places. |
云 何為四? |
Cloud What is four? |
謂身身觀念處,受、心、法法觀念處。 |
It is the concept of body and body, the concept of feeling, mind, and Dharma. |
云何不善聚? |
Why don't the clouds gather together? |
不善聚者,所謂五蓋,是為 正說。 |
Those who are not good at gathering, the so-called five-gai, are righteous. |
所以者何? |
So what? |
純一逸滿不善聚者,所謂 五蓋。 |
Junyiyi is satisfied with those who are not good at gathering, the so-called five-gai. |
何等為五? |
What is five? |
謂貪欲蓋、瞋恚蓋、睡眠蓋、 掉悔蓋、疑蓋。」 |
It is called greed, hatred, sleep, regret, and doubt. " |
佛說此經已,諸比丘聞佛 所說,歡喜奉行。 |
The Buddha said that this sutra had already been said, and the monks heard what the Buddha said and followed it with joy. |
Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 |
Saṃyuktāgama |
SA 612 (六一二) 弓 |
SA 612 (six one two) bow |
如是我聞: |
If I smell: |
一時,佛住舍衛國祇樹給孤 獨園。 |
For a while, the Buddha lived in the sacred country and only gave a tree to a lonely garden. |
爾時,世尊告諸比丘: |
At that time, the Blessed One told the monks: |
「如人執持四種 強弓,大力方便射多羅樹影,疾過無閡。 |
"If a person holds four kinds of strong bows, it is easy to shoot the shadow of the Dora tree with great strength, and it is beyond the limit. |
如 是如來四種聲聞,增上方便,利根智慧,盡百 年壽,於如來所百年說法教授,唯除食息、 [示*甫] 寫、睡眠,中間常說、常聽; |
In this way, there are four kinds of Tathagatas, which are more convenient, rooted in wisdom, and end up with a hundred years of life. They are taught in the Tathagatas for a hundred years, except for food, [show * Fu] write, sleep, often talk in the middle, often listen; |
智慧明利,於如 來所說,盡底受持,無諸障閡,於如來所不 加再問。 |
Wisdom and benefit, as said by Tathagata, to be held to the bottom, without obstacles, no more questions about Tathagata. |
如來說法無有終極,聽法盡壽,百 歲命終,如來說法猶不能盡。 |
For example, saying that the Fa has no ultimate, listening to the Fa will end in life, and one hundred years of life will end, like saying that the Fa cannot be exhausted. |
當知如來所 說無量無邊,名、句、味身亦復無量,無有終 極,所謂四念處。 |
Knowing that the Tathagata is infinite and boundless, the name, sentence, taste and body are also boundless, and there is no end, the so-called four thoughts. |
何等為四? |
What is four? |
謂身念處,受、心、 法念處。」 |
That is the mindfulness of the body, the mind, the mind, and the mindfulness. " |
佛說此經已,諸比丘聞佛所說,歡 喜奉行。 |
The Buddha said that this sutra was already there, and all monks heard what the Buddha said and happily followed it. |
一切四念處經,皆以此總句,所謂「是故,比 丘!於四念處修習,起增上欲,精勤方便,正 念正智,應當學。」 |
All the Four Satipaṭṭhāna Sutras are based on the general sentence, “Yes, Bhikkhu! Practicing at the Four Satiāṭṭhāna sutras will increase your desires, be diligent and convenient, be mindful and wise, you should learn. |
Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 |
Saṃyuktāgama |
SA 613 (六一三) 不善聚 |
SA 613 (six thirteen) bad gathering |
如是我聞: |
If I smell: |
一時,佛住舍衛國祇樹給孤 獨園。 |
For a while, the Buddha lived in the sacred country and only gave a tree to a lonely garden. |
爾時,世尊告諸比丘: |
At that time, the Blessed One told the monks: |
「有不善聚、善聚。 |
"There are bad gatherings, good gatherings. |
何等為不善聚? |
What a bad gathering? |
謂三不善根,是名正說。 |
The three unwholesome roots are just right. |
所 以者何? |
So what? |
純不善積聚者,謂三不善根。 |
Those who accumulate pure unwholesomeness are called three unwholesome roots. |
云何 為三? |
What is the cloud? |
謂貪不善根、恚不善根、癡不善根。 |
It is called the root of greed and badness, the root of ignorance and badness. |
云何 為善聚? |
What is the cloud? |
謂四念處。 |
That is four thoughts. |
所以者何? |
So what? |
純善滿具者, 謂四念處,是名善說。 |
The one who is full of pure goodness is called the four thoughts, which is the name and goodness. |
云何為四? |
What is cloud four? |
謂身念處, 受、心、法念處。」 |
It is the mindfulness of the body, the mind, the mind, and the mindfulness. " |
佛說此經已,諸比丘聞佛所 說,歡喜奉行。 |
The Buddha said that this sutra was already, and all monks heard what the Buddha said and followed it with joy. |
如三不善根, 如是三惡行——身惡行、口惡行、意惡行, 三想——欲想、恚想、害想, 三覺——欲覺、恚覺、害覺, 三界——欲界、恚界、害界。 |
Such as the three unwholesome roots, such as the three evil deeds-body evil deeds, mouth evil deeds, mental evil deeds, three thoughts-desire, imagination, evil thinking, three senses-desire, unconsciousness, bad feeling, three realms ——Desire Realm, Transcendence Realm, Harm Realm. |
佛說此經已,諸比丘 聞佛所說,歡喜奉行。 |
The Buddha said that this sutra has been, and the monks heard what the Buddha said and followed it with joy. |
Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 |
Saṃyuktāgama |
SA 614 (六一四) 大丈夫 |
SA 614 (sixteen four) big man |
如是我聞: |
If I smell: |
一時,佛住舍衛國祇樹給 孤獨園。 |
For a while, the Buddha lived in the Kingdom of Sravasti and gave only a tree to the lonely garden. |
時,有異比丘來詣佛所,稽首佛足, 退坐一面,白佛言: |
At that time, a different bhikkhu came to the Buddha's place, inspected the Buddha's feet, and sat back, and the white Buddha said: |
「世尊!如所說『大丈夫』。 |
"My Lord! As said "Big Man". |
云 何名大丈夫、非大丈夫?」 |
Yun What is the name of a man or a man? " |
佛告比丘: |
Buddha told Bhikkhu: |
「善哉!善哉! 比丘能問如來大丈夫義。 |
"Goodness! Goodness! Bhikkhu can ask the Tathagata husband for righteousness. |
諦聽,善思,當為 汝說。 |
Listen carefully, think carefully, and say it for you. |
若比丘身身觀念住,彼身身觀念住 已,心不離欲,不得解脫,盡諸有漏,我說 彼非為大丈夫。 |
If the bhikkhu has the concept of body and body, and the concept of the other body and body, the heart is not free from desire, and there is no liberation, and everything is missing. I say that he is not a man. |
所以者何? |
So what? |
心不解脫故。 |
The heart is not free. |
若 比丘受、心、法法觀念住,心不離欲,不得解 脫,盡諸有漏,我不說彼為大丈夫。 |
If the bhikkhu stays in the concepts of feeling, mind, and Dharma, and his heart is not free from desire, he cannot be liberated, and everything has omissions, I will not say that he is a man. |
所以 者何? |
So what? |
心不解脫故。 |
The heart is not free. |
「若比丘身身觀念住, 心得離欲,心得解脫,盡諸有漏,我說彼為 大丈夫也。 |
"If the bhikkhu has a mindset of body and body, his heart is free from desire, his heart is liberated, and everything is missing, I would say that he is a man. |
所以者何? |
So what? |
心解脫故。 |
The heart is free from the past. |
若受、心、法法 觀念住,受、心、法法觀念住已,心離貪欲,心 得解脫,盡諸有漏,我說彼為大丈夫也。 |
If the concepts of feeling, mind, and Dharma are abiding, feeling, mind, and Dharma concepts are abiding, the mind is free from greed, and the mind is liberated, and everything has omissions, I say that he is a man. |
所以者何? |
So what? |
心解脫故。 |
The heart is free from the past. |
是名,比丘!大丈夫及非 大丈夫。」 |
It's a name, Bhikkhu! Married and non-married husbands. " |
佛說此經已,諸比丘聞佛所說,歡 喜隨喜,禮足而去。 |
The Buddha said that this sutra was finished, and the monks heard what the Buddha said, rejoicing and rejoicing, and they left with their feet. |
Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 |
Saṃyuktāgama |
SA 615 (六一五) 比丘尼 |
SA 615 (Sixteen Fifth) Bhikkhuni |
如是我聞: |
If I smell: |
一時,佛住舍衛國祇樹給孤 獨園。 |
For a while, the Buddha lived in the sacred country and only gave a tree to a lonely garden. |
爾時,尊者阿難晨朝著衣持鉢,入舍 衛城乞食,於路中思惟: |
At that time, Venerable Ananda turned to his clothes and a bowl, went to the acropolis and begged for food, thinking on the road: |
「我今先至比丘尼 寺。」 |
"I'm going to Bhikkhuni Monastery first." |
即往比丘尼寺。 |
That is to Bhikkhuni Temple. |
諸比丘尼遙見尊者阿難 來,疾敷床座,請令就座。 |
The bhikkhus saw Venerable Ananda coming and laying on the bed, please order to sit down. |
時,諸比丘尼禮尊 者阿難足,退坐一面,白尊者阿難: |
At that time, the bhikkhus worshiped the Venerable Ananda and sat back, and the White Venerable Ananda: |
「我等諸 比丘尼修四念處繫心住,自知前後昇降。」 |
I will wait for the bhikshuni to fix the four thoughts and stay in the heart, knowing that it will rise and fall back and forth. |
尊者阿難告諸比丘尼: |
Venerable Ananda told bhikkhunis: |
「善哉!善哉!姊妹!當 如汝等所說而學,凡修習四念處善繫心 住者,應如是知前後昇降。」 |
Goodness! Goodness! Sister! Learn as you said, and those who practice the four-mindfulness and benevolence should know the ups and downs. |
時,尊者阿難為 諸比丘尼種種說法,種種說法已,從座起 去。 |
At that time, Venerable Ananda started from the seat for all the sayings and sayings of the bhikkhunis. |
爾時,尊者阿難於舍衛城中乞食還,舉 衣鉢,洗足已,詣世尊所,稽首佛足,退坐一 面。 |
At that time, Venerable Ananda was begging for food in the city of Sravasti, raised his clothes and bowl, washed his feet, called the Buddha's foot, and sat back. |
以比丘尼所說具白世尊。 |
As Bhikshuni said, the Blessed One. |
佛告阿難: |
Buddha told Ananda: |
「善 哉!善哉!應如是學四念處善繫心住,知前 後昇降。 |
"Goodness! Goodness! This is how you should learn four mindfulness and goodness to stay in the heart, knowing the rise and fall. |
所以者何? |
So what? |
心於外求,然後制令求 其心,散亂心、不解脫皆如實知。 |
The mind seeks outside, and then orders to seek the mind. The distracted mind and the unrelief are all known as they are. |
若比丘 於身身觀念住,於彼身身觀念住已,若身 躭睡,心法懈怠,彼比丘當起淨信,取於淨 相,起淨信心; |
If the bhikkhu lives in the body conception, and the body concept is already there, if the body sleeps and the mind is slack, the bhikkhu shall be pure faith, take the pure form, and have pure faith; |
憶念淨相已,其心則悅,悅已 生喜; |
Remembrance of the pure state, the heart is happy, and the happy is happy; |
其心喜已,身則猗息; |
His heart is happy, but his body is resting; |
身猗息已,則受 身樂; |
If your body is resting, you will feel happy; |
受身樂已,其心則定。 |
The body is happy, but the heart is set. |
心定者,聖弟子 當作是學: |
The one who is determined, the holy disciple, is to learn: |
『我於此義,外散之心攝令休 息,不起覺想及已觀想,無覺無觀,捨念樂 住; |
"I mean here, the outgoing mind rests, I can't realize and have visualized, I don't have any awareness, and I stay away from thoughts and happiness; |
樂住已,如實知。』 |
Le live, know the truth. 』 |
受、心、法念亦如是說。」 |
The same goes for feeling, mind, and thoughts. " |
佛 說此經已,尊者阿難聞佛所說,歡喜奉行。 |
The Buddha said this sutra, Venerable Ananda heard what the Buddha said, and joyfully followed it. |
Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 |
Saṃyuktāgama |
SA 616 (六一六) 廚士 |
SA 616 (Sixteen Sixteen) Chef |
如是我聞: |
If I smell: |
一時,佛住舍衛國祇樹給 孤獨園。 |
For a while, the Buddha lived in the Kingdom of Sravasti and gave only a tree to the lonely garden. |
爾時,世尊告諸比丘: |
At that time, the Blessed One told the monks: |
「當取自心相, 莫令外散。 |
"Take it from your heart, and don't let it go. |
所以者何? |
So what? |
若彼比丘愚癡、不辨、 不善,不取自心相而取外相,然後退減, 自生障閡。 |
If the Bhikkhu is stupid, ignorant, and unkind, he does not take his own mind but his external appearance, and then declines and becomes self-defeating. |
譬如厨士愚癡、不辨,不善巧便 調和眾味,奉養尊主,酸醎酢淡,不適其 意。 |
For example, cooks are stupid, indistinguishable, unskillful to harmonize the tastes, to respect the Lord, and the sourness is weak and undesirable. |
不能善取尊主所嗜,酸醎酢淡,眾味 之和。 |
Can't take the hobby of the Lord, sour and savory, the sum of all tastes. |
不能親侍尊主左右,司其所須,聽 其所欲,善取其心,而自用意調和眾味,以 奉尊主。 |
You can’t personally serve the Lord, do what you need, listen to what you want, take your own heart, and use your own will to harmonize the tastes to honor the Lord. |
若不適其意,尊主不悅,不悅故 不蒙爵賞,亦不愛念。 |
If it is not what you want, the Lord is displeased, displeased, so he won't be rewarded by the Lord, and he doesn't like to read. |
愚癡比丘亦復如是, 不辨、不善,於身身觀住,不能除斷上煩 惱,不能攝取其心,亦復不得內心寂靜, 不得勝妙正念正知,亦復不得四種增 上心法、現法樂住、本所未得安隱涅槃,是 名比丘愚癡、不 辨 、不善,不能善攝內心 之相而取外相,自生障閡。 |
The same goes for the foolish bhikkhu, not discerning, unkind, mindful of body and body, unable to remove the worries, unable to take in the mind, no inner silence, no victory over the wonderful mindfulness and righteous knowledge, nor the four ways of increasing the mind. It is a monk who is stupid, ignorant, and unkind. It is a monk who is not good at capturing the inner appearance and taking the outer appearance. It is self-generating obstacles. |
「若有比丘黠慧 才辯,善巧方便,取內心已,然後取於外 相,彼於後時終不退減,自生障閡。 |
"If there is a bhikkhu who is wise to argue, it is skillful and convenient, taking the inner self, and then taking it from the outside. He will not diminish in the future, and will be self-prone to obstacles. |
譬如厨 士黠慧聰辯,善巧方便,供養尊主,能調眾 味 ,酸醎酢淡,善取尊主所嗜之相,而和眾 味,以應其心,聽其尊主所欲之味,數以奉 之,尊主悅已,必得爵祿,愛念倍重。 |
For example, the chef is wise and intelligent, skillful and convenient, provides for the Lord, can adjust the tastes, the sourness is light, and he is good at taking the looks of the Lord, and harmonizing the tastes, responding to his heart and listening to the Lord’s desires The taste, count to serve it, the Lord is pleased, and you will win the honor and love. |
如是 黠慧厨士善取尊主之心,比丘亦復如是。 |
The same is true for the bhikkhus who are good at taking the heart of the Lord. |
身 身觀念住,斷上煩惱,善攝其心,內心寂止, 正念正知,得四增心法,現法樂住,得所未 得安隱涅槃,是名比丘黠慧辯才,善巧方便, 取內心相,攝持外相,終無退減,自生障 閡,受、心、法觀亦復如是。」 |
The body and body concept is to live, to cut off the troubles, to contemplate the mind, to silence the mind, to have mindfulness and to know, to obtain the four-strength mind method, to live in happiness, to achieve peace and nirvana before attaining nothing. He is a monk who is a wise expert, skillful and convenient , Taking the inner image, taking the outer image, it will not decrease in the end, self-generated obstacles, and the perceptions of feeling, mind, and Dharma are also the same. " |
佛說此經已,諸比 丘聞佛所說,歡喜奉行。 |
The Buddha said that this sutra had already been said, and the monks heard what the Buddha said and followed it with joy. |
Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 |
Saṃyuktāgama |
SA 617 (六一七) 鳥 |
SA 617 (six one seven) bird |
如是我聞: |
If I smell: |
一時,佛住舍衛國祇樹給 孤獨園。 |
For a while, the Buddha lived in the Kingdom of Sravasti and gave only a tree to the lonely garden. |
爾時,世尊告諸比丘: |
At that time, the Blessed One told the monks: |
「過去世時有一 鳥,名曰羅婆,為鷹所捉,飛騰虛空,於空 鳴喚言: |
"In a past life, there was a bird named Luo Po, who was caught by an eagle, soaring into the void, and calling out in the sky: |
『我不自覺,忽遭此難,我坐捨離父 母境界而遊他處,故遭此難。 |
"I didn't know it, and suddenly suffered from this trouble. I sat away from the realm of my parents and traveled elsewhere, so I suffered from this trouble. |
如何今日為 他所困,不得自在。』 |
How to be trapped by him today is uncomfortable. 』 |
鷹語羅婆: |
Eagle Language Lopo: |
『汝當何處 自有境界而得自在?』 |
"Where shall you be in your own state and be at ease? 』 |
羅婆答言: |
Luo Po replied: |
『我於田耕 壠中自有境界,足免諸難,是為我家父母 境界。』 |
"I have my own realm in Tian Genglong, so I can avoid all difficulties, and it is the realm of my parents. 』 |
「鷹於羅 婆 起憍慢言: |
"Ying Yu Luopo began to speak slowly: |
『放汝令去,還 耕壠中,能得脫以不?』 |
"Let your orders go and return to the middle of the farm, can you get rid of it?" 』 |
於是羅婆得脫鷹 爪,還到耕壠大塊之下,安住止處,然後於 塊上欲與鷹鬪。 |
So Lopo had to take off the eagle's claws and return to the large farmland, where he settled down, and then wanted to meet the eagle on the block. |
「鷹則大怒,彼是小鳥,敢與 我鬪,瞋恚極盛,駿飛直搏,於是羅婆入 於塊下,鷹鳥飛勢,臆衝堅塊,碎身即死。 |
"The eagle is furious. He is a bird. He dared to go with me. He was very angry and flew straight to fight. So Luopo went under the block, and the eagle flew, rushing into the solid block, and died when he shattered. |
「時, 羅婆鳥深伏塊下,仰說偈言: |
"At that time, the ropo bird fell deep down and said the verse: |
「『鷹鳥用力來, 羅婆依自界, |
"'The eagle and the bird come hard, Luo Poyi's own world, |
乘瞋猛盛力, 致禍碎其身。 |
Take advantage of the fierce anger, causing disaster and shattering his body. |
我具足通達, 依於自境界, |
I have sufficient understanding, relying on my state, |
伏怨心隨喜, 自觀欣其力。 |
Resent and rejoice, self-examine and rejoice. |
設汝有兇愚, 百千龍象力, |
Suppose you are fierce and foolish, and powerful, |
不如我智慧, 十六分之一。 |
Not as wise as I am, one sixteenth. |
觀我智殊勝, 摧滅於蒼鷹。』 |
Observe that my wisdom is superior, destroyed by the goshawk. 』 |
「如是,比丘!如彼鷹鳥,愚癡自捨所親父母 境界,遊於他處,致斯災患。 |
"So, Bhikkhu! Like an eagle bird, foolishly abandoning the realm of one's parents, swimming in other places, causing disaster. |
汝等比丘亦應 如是,於自境界所行之處,應善守持,離 他境界,應當學。 |
Bhikkhus like you should do the same. Wherever you do in your own realm, you should hold it well, and you should learn if you leave the realm. |
「比丘!他處他境界者,謂五 欲境界,眼見可意、受、念妙色,欲心染著; |
"Bhikkhu! He who is in his state is called the Five Desire states, seeing pleasant, feeling, and chanting wonderful colors, and desires and hearts are dyed; |
耳識聲、鼻識香、舌識味、身識觸,可意、 受、念妙觸,欲心染著。 |
The ear knows the sound, the nose knows the fragrance, the tongue knows the taste, the body knows the touch, the pleasant touch, the feeling, the feeling, the desire and the heart are dyed. |
是名比丘他處他境 界。 |
It is a monk who is in his realm. |
比丘!自處父母境界者,謂四念處。 |
Bhikkhu! Those who are in the realm of their parents are called four thoughts. |
云何 為四? |
What is cloud four? |
謂身身觀念處,受、心、法法觀念處。 |
It is the concept of body and body, the concept of feeling, mind, and Dharma. |
是 故,比丘!於自行處父母境界而自遊行,遠 離他處他境界,應當學。」 |
So, Bhikkhu! If you are in the realm of your parents and march by yourself, you should learn if you are far away from the realm of others. " |
佛說此經已,諸比 丘聞佛所說,歡喜奉行。 |
The Buddha said that this sutra had already been said, and the monks heard what the Buddha said and followed it with joy. |
Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 |
Saṃyuktāgama |
SA 618 (六一八) 四果 |
SA 618 (six and eighteen) four fruits |
如是我聞: |
If I smell: |
一時,佛住舍衛國祇樹給孤 獨園。 |
For a while, the Buddha lived in the sacred country and only gave a tree to a lonely garden. |
爾時,世尊告諸比丘: |
At that time, the Blessed One told the monks: |
「於四念處多修 習,當得四果,四種福利。 |
"Practice more at the four thoughts, and you will receive four fruits and four benefits. |
云何為四? |
What is cloud four? |
謂須陀 洹果、斯陀含果、阿那含果、阿羅漢果。」 |
It is called Suto Huanguo, Situo Hanguo, Anahanguo, and Arahant. " |
佛說 此經已,諸比丘聞佛所說,歡喜奉行。 |
The Buddha said that this sutra has been, and all monks have heard what the Buddha said and practiced it joyfully. |
Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 |
Saṃyuktāgama |
SA 619 (六一九) 私迦陀 |
SA 619 (Six Nine) Private Kada |
如是我聞: |
If I smell: |
一時,佛在拘薩羅人間遊 行,於私伽陀聚落北身恕林中。 |
For a while, the Buddha was wandering among the people of Kusala, in the Shulin in the north of Shigada settlement. |
爾時,世尊 告諸比丘: |
At that time, the Blessed One told the monks: |
「過去世時有緣幢伎師,肩上竪 幢,語弟子言: |
"In the past lives, there was a predestined trick master who stood up on his shoulders, and the disciple said: |
『汝等於幢上下向護我,我亦 護汝,迭相護持,遊行嬉戲,多得財利。』 |
"You are equal to protecting me up and down, and I also protect you, supporting each other, parading and frolicking, and get more money. 』 |
時, 伎弟子語伎師言: |
When, the teacher said: |
『不如所言,但當各各 自愛護,遊行嬉戲,多得財利,身得無為安 隱而下。』 |
"It's not as stated, but when you take care of yourself, parade and play, you will get more money, and your body will go down peacefully. 』 |
伎師答言: |
The trickster replied: |
『如汝所言,各自愛護,然 其此義亦如我說, 己 自護時即是護他,他 自護時亦是護 己 ; |
"As you said, each one loves each other, but the meaning is the same as I said, when he protects himself, he protects him, and he protects himself when he protects himself; |
心自親近,修習隨護作 證,是名自護護他。 |
The heart is close to oneself, practicing to testify with the guardian, is to protect him. |
云何護他自護,不恐怖 他、不違他、不害他,慈心哀彼,是名護他 自護。』 |
Yun He protects him and protects himself, does not terrorize him, does not violate him, does not harm him, and mourns him with compassion. It is to protect him. 』 |
是故,比丘!當如是學。 |
Yes, Bhikkhu! Learn the same. |
自護者修四念 處,護他者亦修四念處。」 |
The self-care person cultivates the four thoughts, and the protector also cultivates the four thoughts. " |
佛說此經已,諸比 丘聞佛所說,歡喜奉行。 |
The Buddha said that this sutra had already been said, and the monks heard what the Buddha said and followed it with joy. |
Saṃyuktāgama 雜阿含經 |
Saṃyuktāgama |
SA 620 (六二〇) 猿猴 |
SA 620 (Six 20) Apes |
如是我聞: |
If I smell: |
一時,佛住王舍城迦蘭陀 竹園。 |
For a while, the Buddha lived in the bamboo garden in the city of Kalanto. |
爾時,世尊告諸比丘: |
At that time, the Blessed One told the monks: |
「大雪山中,寒氷 嶮處,尚無猨猴,況復有人。 |
"In the snow-capped mountains, there are still no monkeys in the icy ridges, but there are still people. |
或復有山,猨 猴所居,而無有人。 |
Or there will be mountains and monkeys inhabited without anyone. |
或復有山,人獸共居, 於猨猴行處,獵師以黐膠塗其草上,有 黠猨猴遠避而去,愚癡猨猴不能遠避,以 手小觸,即膠其手; |
Or there will be mountains, where humans and animals live together. At the place where the monkeys are walking, the hunter coats the grass with glue, and the monkeys flee away. The foolish monkeys can’t avoid it. Touch them with their hands to glue their hands. ; |
復以二手欲解求脫,即 膠二手; |
Re-use second-hand desire for relief, that is, second-hand glue; |
以足求解,復膠其足; |
Solve by foot, re-rubber its foot; |
以口嚙草, 輒復膠口。 |
Use the mouth to bite the grass, and then compound the mouth. |
五處同膠,聯捲臥地。 |
Five places are the same glue, and the rolls are lying on the ground. |
獵師既 至,即以杖貫,擔負而去。 |
As soon as the hunter arrives, he will pierce it with his rod and take the burden away. |
「比丘當知,愚 癡猨猴捨自境界父母居處,遊他境界,致 斯苦惱。 |
"Bhikkhus should know that the foolish monkeys live in the realm of their parents and travel to his realm, causing distress. |
如是,比丘!愚癡凡夫依聚落住, 晨朝著衣持鉢,入村乞食,不善護身,不 守根門,眼見色已,則生染著; |
If so, Bhikkhu! Stupid ordinary people live in settlements, dress up in the morning, go to the village to beg for food, are not good at protecting themselves, do not guard the roots, and see their sex, they become infected; |
耳聲、鼻香、舌 味、身觸,皆生染著。 |
Ears, nose, tongue, and body touch are all dyed. |
愚癡比丘內根外境被 五縛已,隨魔所欲。 |
The foolish bhikkhu has been bound by five bounds in his inner roots and outer realm, and he does what the devil wants. |
是故,比丘!當如是學, 於自所行處父母境界依止而住,莫隨他 處他境界行。 |
Yes, Bhikkhu! You should learn in this way, staying in the realm of your parents, and don’t follow him in his realm. |
云何比丘自所行處父母境 界? |
Yunhe Bhikkhu is in the realm of his parents? |
謂四念處——身身觀念住,受、心、法法觀念 住。」 |
It is called the Four Mindfulness-the body and body conception, the feeling, mind, dharma conception. " |
佛說此經已,諸比丘聞佛所說,歡喜 奉行。 |
The Buddha said that this sutra has been completed, and the monks heard what the Buddha said and followed it with joy. |