Vibhaṅga |
The Book of Analysis 6 |
Paṭiccasamuppādavibhaṅga |
The Analysis of Conditional Origination |
1 Suttantabhājanīya |
1 The Section Derived from the Discourses |
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0. The Outline of Conditional Origination | |
Avijjāpaccayā saṅkhārā, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ, nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṃ, saḷāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ, upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupāyāsā sambhavanti. |
With ignorance as condition there are (volitional) processes, with (volitional) processes as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form, with mind and bodily form as condition: the six sense spheres, with the six sense spheres as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: craving, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, grief, lamentation, pain, sorrow and despair (all) arise, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
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1. Definition of Ignorance | |
Tattha katamā avijjā? |
Herein, what is ‘ignorance?’ |
Dukkhe aññāṇaṃ, dukkhasamudaye aññāṇaṃ, dukkhanirodhe aññāṇaṃ, dukkhanirodhagāminiyā paṭipadāya aññāṇaṃ— |
Not knowing suffering, not knowing the origination of suffering, not knowing the cessation of suffering, not knowing the path leading to the cessation of suffering. |
ayaṃ vuccati “avijjā”. |
This is called ‘ignorance’. |
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2. Definition of (Volitional) Processes | |
Tattha katame avijjāpaccayā saṅkhārā? |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there are (volitional) processes?’ |
Puññābhisaṅkhāro, apuññābhisaṅkhāro, āneñjābhisaṅkhāro, kāyasaṅkhāro, vacīsaṅkhāro, cittasaṅkhāro. |
(There is) a meritorious (volitional) process, a demeritorious (volitional) process, an impertubable (volitional) process, a (volitional) process expressed by way of the body, a (volitional) process expressed by way of speech, a (volitional) process expressed by way of the mind. |
Tattha katamo puññābhisaṅkhāro? |
Herein, what is a meritorious (volitional) process? |
Kusalā cetanā kāmāvacarā rūpāvacarā dānamayā sīlamayā bhāvanāmayā— |
(There are) wholesome intentions in the sense-world sphere, in the form-world sphere, consisting of generosity, consisting of morality, consisting of meditation, |
ayaṃ vuccati “puññābhisaṅkhāro”. |
this is said to be a meritorious (volitional) process. |
Tattha katamo apuññābhisaṅkhāro? |
Herein, what is a demeritorious (volitional) process? |
Akusalā cetanā kāmāvacarā—ayaṃ vuccati “apuññābhisaṅkhāro”. |
(There are) unwholesome intentions in the sense-world sphere, this is said to be a demeritorious (volitional) process. |
Tattha katamo āneñjābhisaṅkhāro? |
Herein, what is an impertubable (volitional) process? |
Kusalā cetanā arūpāvacarā—ayaṃ vuccati “āneñjābhisaṅkhāro”. |
(There are) wholesome intentions in the formless-world sphere, this is said to be an impertubable (volitional) process. |
Tattha katamo kāyasaṅkhāro? |
Herein, what is a (volitional) process expressed by way of the body? |
Kāyasañcetanā kāyasaṅkhāro, |
(There is) an intention expressed by way of the body, a (volitional) process expressed by way of the body. |
ayaṃ vuccati “kāyasaṅkhāro”. |
this is said to be bodily process. |
Tattha katamo vacīsaṅkhāro? |
Herein, what is a (volitional) process expressed by way of speech? |
vacīsañcetanā vacīsaṅkhāro, |
(There is) an intention expressed by way of speech, a (volitional) process expressed by way of speech. |
ayaṃ vuccati “vacīsaṅkhāro”. |
this is said to be speech process. |
Tattha katamo cittasaṅkhāro? |
Herein, what is a (volitional) process expressed by way of the mind? |
manosañcetanā cittasaṅkhāro. |
(There is) an intention expressed by way of the mind, a (volitional) process expressed by way of the mind. |
ayaṃ vuccati “cittasaṅkhāro”. |
this is said to be mental process. |
Ime vuccanti “avijjāpaccayā saṅkhārā”. |
This is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there are (volitional) processes’. |
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3. Definition of Consciousness | |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with (volitional) processes as condition: consciousness?’ |
Cakkhuviññāṇaṃ, sotaviññāṇaṃ, ghānaviññāṇaṃ, jivhāviññāṇaṃ, kāyaviññāṇaṃ, manoviññāṇaṃ— |
(There is) eye-consciousness, ear-consciousness, nose-consciousness, tongue-consciousness, body-consciousness, mind-consciousness. |
idaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ”. |
This is said to be ‘with (volitional) processes as condition: consciousness’. |
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4. Definition of Mind and Bodily Form | |
Tattha katamaṃ viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form?’ |
Atthi nāmaṃ, atthi rūpaṃ. |
There is mind, there is bodily form. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘mind?’ |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho— |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent. |
idaṃ vuccati “nāmaṃ”. |
This is said to be ‘mind’. |
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘bodily form?’ |
Cattāro mahābhūtā, catunnañca mahābhūtānaṃ upādāyarūpaṃ— |
(There are) the four great entities, and the bodily form attached to the four great entities, |
idaṃ vuccati “rūpaṃ”. |
this is said to be ‘bodily form’. |
Iti idañca nāmaṃ, idañca rūpaṃ. |
Thus, this is mind and this is bodily form. |
Idaṃ vuccati “viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ”. |
This is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form’. |
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5. Definition of the Six Sense Spheres | |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with mind and bodily form as condition: the six sense spheres?’ |
Cakkhāyatanaṃ, sotāyatanaṃ, ghānāyatanaṃ, jivhāyatanaṃ, kāyāyatanaṃ, manāyatanaṃ— |
(There is the) eye sense sphere, ear sense sphere, nose sense sphere, tongue sense sphere, body sense sphere, mind sense sphere. |
idaṃ vuccati “nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṃ”. |
This is said to be ‘with mind and bodily form as condition: the six sense spheres’. |
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6. Definition of Contact | |
Tattha katamo saḷāyatanapaccayā phasso? |
Herein, what is ‘with the six sense spheres as condition: contact?’ |
Cakkhusamphasso sotasamphasso ghānasamphasso jivhāsamphasso kāyasamphasso manosamphasso— |
(There is) eye-contact, ear-contact, nose-contact, tongue-contact, body-contact, mind-contact. |
ayaṃ vuccati “saḷāyatanapaccayā phasso”. |
This is said to be ‘with the six sense spheres as condition: contact’. |
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7. Definition of Feeling | |
Tattha katamā phassapaccayā vedanā? |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ |
Cakkhusamphassajā vedanā, sotasamphassajā vedanā, ghānasamphassajā vedanā, jivhāsamphassajā vedanā, kāyasamphassajā vedanā, manosamphassajā vedanā— |
(There is) feeling arising from eye-contact, feeling arising from ear-contact, feeling arising from nose-contact, feeling arising from tongue-contact, feeling arising from body-contact, feeling arising from mind-contact. |
ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā”. |
This is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. |
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8. Definition of Craving | |
Tattha katamā vedanāpaccayā taṇhā? |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: craving?’ |
Rūpataṇhā, saddataṇhā, gandhataṇhā, rasataṇhā, phoṭṭhabbataṇhā, dhammataṇhā— |
(There is) craving for forms, craving for sounds, craving for smells, craving for tastes, craving for tangibles, craving for thoughts. |
ayaṃ vuccati “vedanāpaccayā taṇhā”. |
This is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: craving’. |
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9. Definition of Attachment | |
Tattha katamaṃ taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with craving as condition: attachment?’ |
Kāmupādānaṃ, diṭṭhupādānaṃ, sīlabbatupādānaṃ, attavādupādānaṃ— |
(There is) attachment to sense pleasures, attachment to views,attachment to virtue and practice, attachment to self-theories. |
idaṃ vuccati “taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ”. |
This is said to be ‘with craving as condition: continuation’. |
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10. Definition of Continuation | |
Tattha katamo upādānapaccayā bhavo? |
Herein, what is ‘with attachment as condition: continuation?’ |
Bhavo duvidhena—atthi kammabhavo, atthi upapattibhavo. |
Continuation is two-fold: there is continuation through (intentional) deeds, there is continuation through rebirth. |
Tattha katamo kammabhavo? |
Herein, what is ‘continuation through (intentional) deeds?’ |
Puññābhisaṅkhāro, apuññābhisaṅkhāro, āneñjābhisaṅkhāro— |
(There is) a meritorious (volitional) process, a demeritorious (volitional) process, an impertubable (volitional) process. |
ayaṃ vuccati “kammabhavo”. |
This is said to be ‘continuation through (intentional) deeds’. |
Sabbampi bhavagāmikammaṃ kammabhavo. |
All (intentional) deeds leading to continuation is continuation from (intentional) deeds. |
Tattha katamo upapattibhavo? |
Herein, what is ‘continuation through rebirth?’ |
Kāmabhavo, rūpabhavo, arūpabhavo, saññābhavo, asaññābhavo, nevasaññānāsaññābhavo, ekavokārabhavo, catuvokārabhavo, pañcavokārabhavo— |
(There is) continuation in the sense-world spheres, continuation in the form-world spheres, continuation in the formless-world spheres, continuation with perception, continuation without perception, continuation with neither-perception-nor-non-perception, continuation with one constituent, continuation with four constituents, continuation with five constituents. |
ayaṃ vuccati “upapattibhavo”. |
This is said to be ‘continuation through rebirth’. |
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Thus, this is continuation through (intentional) deeds, this is continuation through rebirth. |
Ayaṃ vuccati “upādānapaccayā bhavo”. |
This is said to be ‘with attachment as condition: continuation’. |
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11. Definition of Birth | |
Tattha katamā bhavapaccayā jāti? |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ |
Yā tesaṃ tesaṃ sattānaṃ tamhi tamhi sattanikāye jāti sañjāti okkanti abhinibbatti, khandhānaṃ pātubhāvo, āyatanānaṃ paṭilābho— |
For the various beings in the various classes of beings (there is) birth, being born, appearing, arising, turning up, the manifestation of the constituents (of mind and bodily form), the acquisition of the sense spheres. |
ayaṃ vuccati “bhavapaccayā jāti”. |
This is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. |
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12. Definition of Ageing and Death | |
Tattha katamaṃ jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ |
Atthi jarā, atthi maraṇaṃ. |
There is ageing, there is death. |
Tattha katamā jarā? |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ |
Yā tesaṃ tesaṃ sattānaṃ tamhi tamhi sattanikāye jarā jīraṇatā khaṇḍiccaṃ pāliccaṃ valittacatā āyuno saṃhāni indriyānaṃ paripāko— |
For the various beings in the various classes of beings (there is) broken teeth, greying hair, and wrinkled skin, the dwindling away of the life span, the decay of the sense faculties: |
ayaṃ vuccati “jarā”. |
this is said to be ‘ageing’. |
Tattha katamaṃ maraṇaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ |
Yā tesaṃ tesaṃ sattānaṃ tamhā tamhā sattanikāyā cuti cavanatā bhedo antaradhānaṃ maccu maraṇaṃ kālakiriyā khandhānaṃ bhedo kaḷevarassa nikkhepo jīvitindriyassupacchedo—idaṃ vuccati “maraṇaṃ”. |
For the various beings in the various classes of beings there is a fall, a falling away, a breaking up, a disappearance, a dying, a death, a making of time, the break up of the constituents (of mind and bodily form), the throwing off of the body, a cutting off of the life-faculty: |
Iti ayañca jarā, idañca maraṇaṃ. |
this is called ‘death’. |
Idaṃ vuccati “jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ”. |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death. |
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This is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. |
1.12.1. Definition of Grief | |
Tattha katamo soko? |
Herein, what is ‘Grief?’ |
Ñātibyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, bhogabyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, rogabyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, sīlabyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, diṭṭhibyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, aññataraññatarena byasanena samannāgatassa, aññataraññatarena dukkhadhammena phuṭṭhassa soko socanā socitattaṃ antosoko antoparisoko cetaso parijjhāyanā domanassaṃ sokasallaṃ— |
To one touched by misfortune regarding relatives, to one touched by misfortune regarding wealth, to one touched by misfortune regarding health,to one touched by misfortune regarding (loss of) morality, to one touched by misfortune regarding his views, for he who has some sort of misfortune or other, who is touched by some sort of painful thing or another, there is grief, grieving, the state of grieving, inner grief, great inner grief, his mind is sorrowful, being pierced with the dart of grief. |
ayaṃ vuccati “soko”. |
This is said to be ‘grief’. |
1.12.2. Definition of Lamentation | |
Tattha katamo paridevo? |
Herein, what is ‘lamentation?’ |
Ñātibyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, bhogabyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, rogabyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, sīlabyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, diṭṭhibyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, aññataraññatarena byasanena samannāgatassa, aññataraññatarena dukkhadhammena phuṭṭhassa ādevo paridevo ādevanā paridevanā ādevitattaṃ paridevitattaṃ vācā palāpo vippalāpo lālappo lālappanā lālappitattaṃ— |
To one touched by misfortune regarding relatives, to one touched by misfortune regarding wealth,to one touched by misfortune regarding health, to one touched by misfortune regarding (loss of) morality, to one touched by misfortune regarding his views, for he who has some sort of misfortune or other, who is touched by some sort of painful thing or another, there are laments, great laments, lamenting, great lamenting, the state of lamenting, the state of great lamentation, words of wailing, great wailing, moaning, great moaning, the state of moaning. |
ayaṃ vuccati “paridevo”. |
This is said to be ‘lamentation’. |
1.12.3. Definition of Pain | |
Tattha katamaṃ dukkhaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘pain?’ |
Yaṃ kāyikaṃ asātaṃ kāyikaṃ dukkhaṃ kāyasamphassajaṃ asātaṃ dukkhaṃ vedayitaṃ kāyasamphassajā asātā dukkhā vedanā— |
That which is bodily pain, bodily disagreeableness, pain arising from contact with the body, disagreeable feeling, pain and painful feeling that is born in the body. |
idaṃ vuccati “dukkhaṃ”. |
This is said to be ‘pain’. |
1.12.4. Definition of Sorrow | |
Tattha katamaṃ domanassaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘sorrow?’ |
Yaṃ cetasikaṃ asātaṃ, cetasikaṃ dukkhaṃ, cetosamphassajaṃ asātaṃ dukkhaṃ vedayitaṃ, cetosamphassajā asātā dukkhā vedanā— |
That which is mental pain, mental disagreeableness, pain arising from contact with the mind, disagreeable feeling, pain and painful feeling that is born in the mind. |
idaṃ vuccati “domanassaṃ”. |
This is said to be ‘sorrow’. |
1.12.5. Definition of Despair | |
Tattha katamo upāyāso? |
Herein, what is ‘despair?’ |
Ñātibyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, bhogabyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, rogabyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, sīlabyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, diṭṭhibyasanena vā phuṭṭhassa, aññataraññatarena byasanena samannāgatassa, aññataraññatarena dukkhadhammena phuṭṭhassa āyāso upāyāso āyāsitattaṃ upāyāsitattaṃ— |
To one touched by misfortune regarding relatives, to one touched by misfortune regarding wealth, to one touched by misfortune regarding health, to one touched by misfortune regarding (loss of) morality, to one touched by misfortune regarding his views, for he who has some sort of misfortune or other, who is touched by some sort of painful thing or another, there is desponding, despairing, the state of despondency, the state of despair. |
ayaṃ vuccati “upāyāso”. |
This is said to be ‘despair’. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotīti, evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa saṅgati hoti, samāgamo hoti, samodhānaṃ hoti, pātubhāvo hoti. |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it: |
Tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
this is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’ |
Suttanta-bhājanīyaṃ. |
Sutta method [section is finished]. |
2 Abhidhammabhājanīya |
2 The Section Derived from the Abstract Teaching |
2.1. Paccayacatukka |
2.1. The Conditions Tetrad |
Avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ, upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
With ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: craving, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
(1:1) |
Avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ, upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
With ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: craving, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
(2:2) |
Avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ, nāmarūpapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ, upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
With ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form, with mind and bodily form as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: craving, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
(3:3) |
Avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ, nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ, upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
With ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form, with mind and bodily form as condition: the six sense spheres, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: craving, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
(4:4) |
Paccayacatukkaṃ. |
The Conditions Tetrad |
2.2. Hetucatukka |
2.2. The Roots Tetrad |
Avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāhetuko, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārahetukaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ viññāṇahetukaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ nāmahetukaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanahetuko, phassapaccayā vedanā phassahetukā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā vedanāhetukā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ taṇhāhetukaṃ; upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
With ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process rooted in ignorance, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness rooted in a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind rooted in consciousness, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere rooted in mind, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact rooted in the sixth sense sphere, with contact as condition: feeling rooted in contact, with feeling as condition: craving rooted in feeling, with craving as condition: attachment rooted in craving, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
(1:5) |
Avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāhetuko, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārahetukaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ viññāṇahetukaṃ, nāmapaccayā phasso nāmahetuko, phassapaccayā vedanā phassahetukā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā vedanāhetukā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ taṇhāhetukaṃ; upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
With ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process rooted in ignorance, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness rooted in a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind rooted in consciousness, with mind as condition: contact rooted in mind, with contact as condition: feeling rooted in contact, with feeling as condition: craving rooted in feeling, with craving as condition: attachment rooted in craving, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
(2:6) |
Avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāhetuko, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārahetukaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ viññāṇahetukaṃ, nāmarūpapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ nāmarūpahetukaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanahetuko, phassapaccayā vedanā phassahetukā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā vedanāhetukā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ taṇhāhetukaṃ; upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
With ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process rooted in ignorance, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness rooted in a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form rooted in consciousness, with mind and bodily form as condition: the sixth sense sphere rooted in mind and bodily form, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact rooted in the sixth sense sphere, with contact as condition: feeling rooted in contact, with feeling as condition: craving rooted in feeling, with craving as condition: attachment rooted in craving, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
(3:7) |
Avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāhetuko, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārahetukaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ viññāṇahetukaṃ, nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṃ nāmarūpahetukaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanahetuko, phassapaccayā vedanā phassahetukā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā vedanāhetukā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ taṇhāhetukaṃ; upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
With ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process rooted in ignorance, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness rooted in a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form rooted in consciousness, with mind and bodily form as condition: the six sense spheres rooted in mind and bodily form, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact rooted in the sixth sense sphere, with contact as condition: feeling rooted in contact, with feeling as condition: craving rooted in feeling, with craving as condition: attachment rooted in craving, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
(4:8) |
Hetucatukkaṃ. |
The Roots Tetrad |
2.3. Sampayuttacatukka |
2.3. The Associations Tetrad |
Avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāsampayutto, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārasampayuttaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ viññāṇasampayuttaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ nāmasampayuttaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanasampayutto, phassapaccayā vedanā phassasampayuttā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā vedanāsampayuttā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ taṇhāsampayuttaṃ; upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
With ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process associated with ignorance, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness associated with a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind associated with consciousness, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere associated with mind, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact associated with the sixth sense sphere, with contact as condition: feeling associated with contact, with feeling as condition: craving associated with feeling, with craving as condition: attachment associated with craving, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
(1:9) |
Avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāsampayutto, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārasampayuttaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ viññāṇasampayuttaṃ, nāmapaccayā phasso nāmasampayutto, phassapaccayā vedanā phassasampayuttā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā vedanāsampayuttā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ taṇhāsampayuttaṃ; upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
With ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process associated with ignorance, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness associated with a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind associated with consciousness, with mind as condition: contact associated with mind, with contact as condition: feeling associated with contact, with feeling as condition: craving associated with feeling, with craving as condition: attachment associated with craving, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
(2:10) |
Avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāsampayutto, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārasampayuttaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ viññāṇasampayuttaṃ nāmaṃ, nāmarūpapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ nāmarūpasampayuttaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanasampayutto, phassapaccayā vedanā phassasampayuttā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā vedanāsampayuttā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ taṇhāsampayuttaṃ; upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
With ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process associated with ignorance, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness associated with a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form with mind (only) associated with consciousness, with mind and bodily form as condition: the sixth sense sphere associated with mind and bodily form, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact associated with the sixth sense sphere, with contact as condition: feeling associated with contact, with feeling as condition: craving associated with feeling, with craving as condition: attachment associated with craving, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
(3:11) |
Avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāsampayutto, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārasampayuttaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ viññāṇasampayuttaṃ nāmaṃ, nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṃ nāmasampayuttaṃ chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanasampayutto, phassapaccayā vedanā phassasampayuttā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā vedanāsampayuttā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ taṇhāsampayuttaṃ; upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
With ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process associated with ignorance, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness associated with a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form with mind (only) associated with consciousness, with mind and bodily form as condition: the six sense spheres with the sixth sense sphere (only) associated with mind, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact associated with the sixth sense sphere, with contact as condition: feeling associated with contact, with feeling as condition: craving associated with feeling, with craving as condition: attachment associated with craving, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
(4:12) |
Sampayuttacatukkaṃ. |
The Associations Tetrad |
2.4. Aññamaññacatukka |
2.4. The Mutuality Tetrad |
Avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayāpi avijjā; saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayāpi saṅkhāro; viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayāpi viññāṇaṃ; nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayāpi nāmaṃ; chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayāpi chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ; phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayāpi phasso; vedanāpaccayā taṇhā, taṇhāpaccayāpi vedanā; taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ, upādānapaccayāpi taṇhā; upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
With ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, also with a (volitional) process as condition there is ignorance, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, also with consciousness as condition: a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind, also with mind as condition: consciousness, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, also with the sixth sense sphere as condition: mind, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, also with contact as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with contact as condition: feeling, also with feeling as condition: contact, with feeling as condition: craving, also with craving as condition: feeling, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: craving, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
(1:13) |
Avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayāpi avijjā; saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayāpi saṅkhāro; viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayāpi viññāṇaṃ; nāmapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayāpi nāmaṃ; phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayāpi phasso; vedanāpaccayā taṇhā, taṇhāpaccayāpi vedanā; taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ, upādānapaccayāpi taṇhā; upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
With ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, also with a (volitional) process as condition there is ignorance, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, also with consciousness as condition: a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind, also with mind as condition: consciousness, with mind as condition: contact, with contact as condition: mind, with contact as condition: feeling, also with feeling as condition: contact, with feeling as condition: craving, also with craving as condition: feeling, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: craving, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
(2:14) |
Avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayāpi avijjā; saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayāpi saṅkhāro; viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ, nāmarūpapaccayāpi viññāṇaṃ; nāmarūpapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayāpi nāmarūpaṃ; chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayāpi chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ; phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayāpi phasso; vedanāpaccayā taṇhā, taṇhāpaccayāpi vedanā; taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ, upādānapaccayāpi taṇhā; upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
With ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, also with a (volitional) process as condition there is ignorance, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, also with consciousness as condition: a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form, also with mind and bodily form as condition: consciousness, with mind and bodily form as condition: the sixth sense sphere, also with the sixth sense sphere as condition: mind and bodily form, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, also with contact as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with contact as condition: feeling, also with feeling as condition: contact, with feeling as condition: craving, also with craving as condition: feeling, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: craving, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
(3:15) |
Avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayāpi avijjā; saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayāpi saṅkhāro; viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ, nāmarūpapaccayāpi viññāṇaṃ; nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayāpi nāmarūpaṃ; chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayāpi chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ; phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayāpi phasso; vedanāpaccayā taṇhā, taṇhāpaccayāpi vedanā; taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ, upādānapaccayāpi taṇhā; upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
With ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, also with a (volitional) process as condition there is ignorance, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, also with consciousness as condition: a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form, also with mind and bodily form as condition: consciousness, with mind and bodily form as condition: the six sense spheres, also with the sixth sense sphere as condition: mind and bodily form, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, also with contact as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with contact as condition: feeling, also with feeling as condition: contact, with feeling as condition: craving, also with craving as condition: feeling, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: craving, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
(4:16) |
Aññamaññacatukkaṃ. |
The Mutuality Tetrad |
2 |
4.1. The Matrix |
4.1. |
Mātikā |
Saṅkhārapaccayā avijjā … pe … viññāṇapaccayā avijjā … pe … nāmapaccayā avijjā … pe … chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā avijjā … pe … phassapaccayā avijjā … pe … vedanāpaccayā avijjā … pe … taṇhāpaccayā avijjā … pe … upādānapaccayā avijjā … pe … avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ, upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
With a (volitional) process as condition there is ignorance, with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: craving, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
With consciousness as condition: ignorance, with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: craving, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
With mind as condition: ignorance, with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: craving, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
With the sixth sense sphere as condition: ignorance, with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: craving, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
With contact as condition: ignorance, with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: craving, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
With feeling as condition: ignorance, with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: craving, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
With craving as condition: ignorance, with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: craving, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
With attachment as condition: ignorance, with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: craving, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Mātikā. |
The Matrix |
2.5.1. Akusalacitta |
2.5. The Conditions Tetrad |
Katame dhammā akusalā? |
What are unwholesome thoughts? |
Yasmiṃ samaye akusalaṃ cittaṃ uppannaṃ hoti somanassasahagataṃ diṭṭhigatasampayuttaṃ rūpārammaṇaṃ vā saddārammaṇaṃ vā gandhārammaṇaṃ vā rasārammaṇaṃ vā phoṭṭhabbārammaṇaṃ vā dhammārammaṇaṃ vā yaṃ yaṃ vā panārabbha, tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ, upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
At whatever time an unwholesome mind has arisen, connected with happiness, associated with the resort to (wrong) view, a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: craving, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Tattha katamā avijjā? |
Herein, what is ‘ignorance’? |
Yaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ … pe … avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjā”. |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration, a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘ignorance’. |
Tattha katamo avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro? |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati “avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro”. |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process’. |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ hadayaṃ paṇḍaraṃ mano manāyatanaṃ manindriyaṃ viññāṇaṃ viññāṇakkhandho tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ”. |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. |
Tattha katamaṃ viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ”. |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ hadayaṃ paṇḍaraṃ mano manāyatanaṃ manindriyaṃ viññāṇaṃ viññāṇakkhandho tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ”. |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. |
Tattha katamo chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso? |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ |
Yo phasso phusanā samphusanā samphusitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso”. |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. |
Tattha katamā phassapaccayā vedanā? |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ |
Yaṃ cetasikaṃ sātaṃ cetasikaṃ sukhaṃ cetosamphassajaṃ sātaṃ sukhaṃ vedayitaṃ cetosamphassajā sātā sukhā vedanā— ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā”. |
That which is mental agreeableness, mental pleasure, pleasant and agreeable experience born of contact with the mind, pleasant and agreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. |
Tattha katamā vedanāpaccayā taṇhā? |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: craving?’ |
Yo rāgo sārāgo anunayo anurodho nandī nandirāgo cittassa sārāgo—ayaṃ vuccati “vedanāpaccayā taṇhā”. |
That which is passion, passionateness, fawning, compliance, enjoyment, passionate enjoyment, passionateness of mind: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: craving’. |
Tattha katamaṃ taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with craving as condition: attachment?’ |
Yā diṭṭhi diṭṭhigataṃ diṭṭhigahanaṃ diṭṭhikantāro diṭṭhivisūkāyikaṃ diṭṭhivipphanditaṃ diṭṭhisaṃyojanaṃ gāho patiṭṭhāho abhiniveso parāmāso kummaggo micchāpatho micchattaṃ titthāyatanaṃ vipariyāsaggāho—idaṃ vuccati “taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ”. |
That which is (wrong) view, resorting to (wrong) view, the jungle of (wrong) view, the wilderness of (wrong) view, the distortion of (wrong) view, the agitation of (wrong) view, the fetter of (wrong) view, obsession, tenacity, inclination, grasping, bad path, wrong road, the state of being wrong, within the heretical sphere, obsession with what is perverse: this is said to be ‘with craving as condition: attachment’. |
Tattha katamo upādānapaccayā bhavo? |
Herein, what is ‘with attachment as condition: continuation?’ |
Ṭhapetvā upādānaṃ, vedanākkhandho saññākkhandho saṅkhārakkhandho viññāṇakkhandho—ayaṃ vuccati “upādānapaccayā bhavo”. |
Except for attachment, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with attachment as condition: continuation’. |
Tattha katamā bhavapaccayā jāti? |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ |
Yā tesaṃ tesaṃ dhammānaṃ jāti sañjāti nibbatti abhinibbatti pātubhāvo—ayaṃ vuccati “bhavapaccayā jāti”. |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. |
Tattha katamaṃ jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ |
Atthi jarā, atthi maraṇaṃ. |
There is ageing, there is death. |
Tattha katamā jarā? |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ |
Yā tesaṃ tesaṃ dhammānaṃ jarā jīraṇatā āyuno saṃhāni—ayaṃ vuccati “jarā”. |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. |
Tattha katamaṃ maraṇaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ |
Yo tesaṃ tesaṃ dhammānaṃ khayo vayo bhedo paribhedo aniccatā antaradhānaṃ—idaṃ vuccati “maraṇaṃ”. |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. |
Iti ayañca jarā, idañca maraṇaṃ. |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, |
Idaṃ vuccati “jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ”. |
this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotīti. |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa saṅgati hoti, samāgamo hoti, samodhānaṃ hoti, pātubhāvo hoti. |
and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it: |
Tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
this is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. |
(1:1) |
Tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ, upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
At that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: craving, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Tattha katamā avijjā? |
Herein, what is ‘ignorance’? |
Yaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ … pe … avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjā”. |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration,a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘ignorance’. |
Tattha katamo avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro? |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati “avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro”. |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process’. |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ”. |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. |
Tattha katamaṃ viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ”. |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. |
Nāmapaccayā phassoti. |
‘With mind as condition: contact’. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘mind?’ |
Ṭhapetvā phassaṃ, vedanākkhandho saññākkhandho saṅkhārakkhandho viññāṇakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “nāmaṃ”. |
Except for contact, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘mind’. |
Tattha katamo nāmapaccayā phasso? |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: contact?’ |
Yo phasso phusanā samphusanā samphusitattaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati “nāmapaccayā phasso” … pe … |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: contact’. |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is mental agreeableness, mental pleasure, pleasant and agreeable experience born of contact with the mind, pleasant and agreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: craving?’ | |
That which is passion, passionateness, fawning, compliance, enjoyment, passionate enjoyment, passionateness of mind: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: craving’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with craving as condition: attachment?’ | |
That which is (wrong) view, resorting to (wrong) view, the jungle of (wrong) view, the wilderness of (wrong) view, the distortion of (wrong) view, the agitation of (wrong) view, the fetter of (wrong) view, obsession, tenacity, inclination, grasping, bad path, wrong road, the state of being wrong, within the heretical sphere, obsession with what is perverse: this is said to be ‘with craving as condition: attachment’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with attachment as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for attachment, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with attachment as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death. | |
... |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. |
tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. |
(2:2) |
Tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ, nāmarūpapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ, upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
At that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form, with mind and bodily form as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: craving, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Tattha katamā avijjā? |
Herein, what is ‘ignorance’? |
Yaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ … pe … avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjā”. |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration,a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘ignorance’. |
Tattha katamo avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro? |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati “avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro”. |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process’. |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ”. |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. |
Tattha katamaṃ viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form?’ |
Atthi nāmaṃ, atthi rūpaṃ. |
There is mind, there is bodily form. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘mind?’ |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “nāmaṃ”. |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘mind’. |
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘bodily form?’ |
Cakkhāyatanassa upacayo, sotāyatanassa upacayo, ghānāyatanassa upacayo, jivhāyatanassa upacayo, kāyāyatanassa upacayo, yaṃ vā panaññampi atthi rūpaṃ cittajaṃ cittahetukaṃ cittasamuṭṭhānaṃ—idaṃ vuccati “rūpaṃ”. |
The accumulation (that produces) the eye sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the ear sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the nose sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the tongue sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the body sense sphere, or whatever other bodily form there is born of mind, rooted in mind, originating in mind: this is said to be ‘bodily form’. |
Iti idañca nāmaṃ, idañca rūpaṃ. |
Thus, this is mind and this is bodily form. |
Idaṃ vuccati “viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ”. |
This is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form’. |
Nāmarūpapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatananti. |
‘With mind and bodily form as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. |
Atthi nāmaṃ, atthi rūpaṃ. |
There is mind, there is bodily form. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘mind?’ |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “nāmaṃ”. |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘mind’. |
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘bodily form?’ |
Yaṃ rūpaṃ nissāya manoviññāṇadhātu vattati—idaṃ vuccati “rūpaṃ”. |
That bodily form dependent on which mind-consciousness element exists: this is said to be ‘bodily form’. |
Iti idañca nāmaṃ, idañca rūpaṃ. |
Thus, this is mind and this is bodily form. |
Idaṃ vuccati “nāmarūpaṃ”. |
This is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form’. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmarūpapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with mind and bodily form as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “nāmarūpapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ”. |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind and bodily form as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. |
Tattha katamo chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso? |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ |
Yo phasso phusanā samphusanā samphusitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso” … pe … |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is mental agreeableness, mental pleasure, pleasant and agreeable experience born of contact with the mind, pleasant and agreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: craving?’ | |
That which is passion, passionateness, fawning, compliance, enjoyment, passionate enjoyment, passionateness of mind: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: craving’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with craving as condition: attachment?’ | |
That which is (wrong) view, resorting to (wrong) view, the jungle of (wrong) view, the wilderness of (wrong) view, the distortion of (wrong) view, the agitation of (wrong) view, the fetter of (wrong) view, obsession, tenacity, inclination, grasping, bad path, wrong road, the state of being wrong, within the heretical sphere, obsession with what is perverse: this is said to be ‘with craving as condition: attachment’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with attachment as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for attachment, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with attachment as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, | |
... |
... |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. |
tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. |
(3:3) |
Tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ, nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ, upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
At that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form, with mind and bodily form as condition: the six sense spheres, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: craving, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Tattha katamā avijjā? |
Herein, what is ‘ignorance’? |
Yaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ … pe … avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjā”. |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration,a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘ignorance’. |
Tattha katamo avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro? |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati “avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro”. |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process’. |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ”. |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. |
Tattha katamaṃ viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form?’ |
Atthi nāmaṃ, atthi rūpaṃ. |
There is mind, there is bodily form. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘mind?’ |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “nāmaṃ”. |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘mind’. |
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘bodily form?’ |
Cakkhāyatanassa upacayo, sotāyatanassa upacayo, ghānāyatanassa upacayo, jivhāyatanassa upacayo, kāyāyatanassa upacayo, yaṃ vā panaññampi atthi rūpaṃ cittajaṃ cittahetukaṃ cittasamuṭṭhānaṃ—idaṃ vuccati “rūpaṃ”. |
The accumulation (that produces) the eye sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the ear sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the nose sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the tongue sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the body sense sphere, or whatever other bodily form there is born of mind, rooted in mind, originating in mind: this is said to be ‘bodily form’. |
Iti idañca nāmaṃ, idañca rūpaṃ. |
Thus, this is mind and this is bodily form. |
Idaṃ vuccati “viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ”. |
This is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form’. |
Nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatananti. |
‘With mind and bodily form as condition: the six sense spheres’. |
Atthi nāmaṃ, atthi rūpaṃ. |
There is mind, there is bodily form. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘mind?’ |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “nāmaṃ”. |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘mind’. |
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘bodily form?’ |
Cattāro ca mahābhūtā, yañca rūpaṃ nissāya manoviññāṇadhātu vattati—idaṃ vuccati “rūpaṃ”. |
(There are) the four great entities, and that bodily form dependent on which mind-consciousness element exists: this is said to be ‘bodily form’. |
Iti idañca nāmaṃ, idañca rūpaṃ. |
Thus, this is mind and this is bodily form. |
Idaṃ vuccati “nāmarūpaṃ”. |
This is said to be ‘mind and bodily form’. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with mind and bodily form as condition: the six sense spheres?’ |
Cakkhāyatanaṃ, sotāyatanaṃ, ghānāyatanaṃ, jivhāyatanaṃ, kāyāyatanaṃ, manāyatanaṃ— |
(There is the) eye sense sphere, ear sense sphere, nose sense sphere, tongue sense sphere, body sense sphere, mind sense sphere. |
idaṃ vuccati “nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṃ”. |
This is said to be ‘with mind and bodily form as condition: the six sense spheres’. |
Tattha katamo chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso? |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ |
Yo phasso phusanā samphusanā samphusitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso” … pe … |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is mental agreeableness, mental pleasure, pleasant and agreeable experience born of contact with the mind, pleasant and agreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: craving?’ | |
That which is passion, passionateness, fawning, compliance, enjoyment, passionate enjoyment, passionateness of mind: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: craving’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with craving as condition: attachment?’ | |
That which is (wrong) view, resorting to (wrong) view, the jungle of (wrong) view, the wilderness of (wrong) view, the distortion of (wrong) view, the agitation of (wrong) view, the fetter of (wrong) view, obsession, tenacity, inclination, grasping, bad path, wrong road, the state of being wrong, within the heretical sphere, obsession with what is perverse: this is said to be ‘with craving as condition: attachment’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with attachment as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for attachment, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with attachment as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, | |
... |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. |
tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. |
(4:4) |
Paccayacatukkaṃ. |
The Conditions Tetrad |
2.6. Hetucatukka |
2.6. The Roots Tetrad |
Tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāhetuko, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārahetukaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ viññāṇahetukaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ nāmahetukaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanahetuko, phassapaccayā vedanā phassahetukā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā vedanāhetukā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ taṇhāhetukaṃ; upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
At that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process rooted in ignorance, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness rooted in a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind rooted in consciousness, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere rooted in mind, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact rooted in the sixth sense sphere, with contact as condition: feeling rooted in contact, with feeling as condition: craving rooted in feeling, with craving as condition: attachment rooted in craving, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Tattha katamā avijjā? |
Herein, what is ‘ignorance’? |
Yaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ … pe … avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjā”. |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration, a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘ignorance’. |
Tattha katamo avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāhetuko? |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process rooted in ignorance?’ |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāhetuko”. |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process rooted in ignorance’. |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārahetukaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness rooted in a (volitional) process?’ |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārahetukaṃ”. |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness rooted in a (volitional) process’. |
Tattha katamaṃ viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ viññāṇahetukaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind rooted in consciousness?’ |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ viññāṇahetukaṃ”. |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind rooted in consciousness’. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ nāmahetukaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere rooted in mind?’ |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ nāmahetukaṃ”. |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere rooted in mind’. |
Tattha katamo chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanahetuko? |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact rooted in the sixth sense sphere?’ |
Yo phasso phusanā samphusanā samphusitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanahetuko”. |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact rooted in the sixth sense sphere’. |
Tattha katamā phassapaccayā vedanā phassahetukā? |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling rooted in contact?’ |
Yaṃ cetasikaṃ sātaṃ cetasikaṃ sukhaṃ cetosamphassajaṃ sātaṃ sukhaṃ vedayitaṃ cetosamphassajā sātā sukhā vedanā—ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā phassahetukā”. |
That which is mental agreeableness, mental pleasure, pleasant and agreeable experience born of contact with the mind, pleasant and agreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling rooted in contact’. |
Tattha katamā vedanāpaccayā taṇhā vedanāhetukā? |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: craving rooted in feeling?’ |
Yo rāgo sārāgo … pe … cittassa sārāgo—ayaṃ vuccati “vedanāpaccayā taṇhā vedanāhetukā”. |
That which is passion, passionateness, fawning, compliance, enjoyment, passionate enjoyment, passionateness of mind: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: craving rooted in feeling’. |
Tattha katamaṃ taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ taṇhāhetukaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with craving as condition: attachment rooted in craving?’ |
Yā diṭṭhi diṭṭhigataṃ … pe … titthāyatanaṃ vipariyāsaggāho—idaṃ vuccati “taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ taṇhāhetukaṃ” … pe … |
That which is (wrong) view, resorting to (wrong) view, the jungle of (wrong) view, the wilderness of (wrong) view, the distortion of (wrong) view, the agitation of (wrong) view, the fetter of (wrong) view, obsession, tenacity, inclination, grasping, bad path, wrong road, the state of being wrong, within the heretical sphere, obsession with what is perverse: this is said to be ‘with craving as condition: attachment rooted in craving’. |
Herein, what is ‘with attachment as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for attachment, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with attachment as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
... |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. |
tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. |
(1:5) |
Tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāhetuko, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārahetukaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ viññāṇahetukaṃ, nāmapaccayā phasso nāmahetuko, phassapaccayā vedanā phassahetukā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā vedanāhetukā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ taṇhāhetukaṃ; upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
At that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process rooted in ignorance, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness rooted in a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind rooted in consciousness, with mind as condition: contact rooted in mind, with contact as condition: feeling rooted in contact, with feeling as condition: craving rooted in feeling, with craving as condition: attachment rooted in craving, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Tattha katamā avijjā? |
Herein, what is ‘ignorance’? |
Yaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ … pe … avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjā”. |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration, a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘ignorance’. |
Tattha katamo avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāhetuko? |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process rooted in ignorance?’ |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāhetuko”. |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process rooted in ignorance’. |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārahetukaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness rooted in a (volitional) process?’ |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārahetukaṃ. |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness rooted in a (volitional) process’. |
Tattha katamaṃ viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ viññāṇahetukaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind rooted in consciousness?’ |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ viññāṇahetukaṃ”. |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind rooted in consciousness’. |
Nāmapaccayā phasso nāmahetukoti. |
‘With mind as condition: contact rooted in mind’. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘mind?’ |
Ṭhapetvā phassaṃ, vedanākkhandho saññākkhandho saṅkhārakkhandho viññāṇakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “nāmaṃ”. |
Except for contact, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘mind’. |
Tattha katamo nāmapaccayā phasso nāmahetuko? |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: contact rooted in mind?’ |
Yo phasso phusanā samphusanā samphusitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “nāmapaccayā phasso nāmahetuko” … pe … |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: contact rooted in mind.' |
... |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is mental agreeableness, mental pleasure, pleasant and agreeable experience born of contact with the mind, pleasant and agreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: craving?’ | |
That which is passion, passionateness, fawning, compliance, enjoyment, passionate enjoyment, passionateness of mind: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: craving’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with craving as condition: attachment?’ | |
That which is (wrong) view, resorting to (wrong) view, the jungle of (wrong) view, the wilderness of (wrong) view, the distortion of (wrong) view, the agitation of (wrong) view, the fetter of (wrong) view, obsession, tenacity, inclination, grasping, bad path, wrong road, the state of being wrong, within the heretical sphere, obsession with what is perverse: this is said to be ‘with craving as condition: attachment’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with attachment as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for attachment, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with attachment as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, | |
... |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. |
tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. |
(2:6) |
Tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāhetuko, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārahetukaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ viññāṇahetukaṃ, nāmarūpapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ nāmarūpahetukaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanahetuko, phassapaccayā vedanā phassahetukā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā vedanāhetukā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ taṇhāhetukaṃ; upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
At that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process rooted in ignorance, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness rooted in a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form rooted in consciousness, with mind and bodily form as condition: the sixth sense sphere rooted in mind and bodily form, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact rooted in the sixth sense sphere, with contact as condition: feeling rooted in contact, with feeling as condition: craving rooted in feeling, with craving as condition: attachment rooted in craving, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Tattha katamā avijjā? |
Herein, what is ‘ignorance’? |
Yaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ … pe … avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjā”. |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration, a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘ignorance’. |
Tattha katamo avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāhetuko? |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process rooted in ignorance?’ |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāhetuko”. |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process rooted in ignorance’. |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārahetukaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness rooted in a (volitional) process?’ |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārahetukaṃ”. |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness rooted in a (volitional) process’. |
Tattha katamaṃ viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ viññāṇahetukaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind rooted in consciousness?’ |
Atthi nāmaṃ, atthi rūpaṃ. |
There is mind, there is bodily form. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘mind?’ |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho— idaṃ vuccati “nāmaṃ”. |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘mind’. |
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘bodily form?’ |
Cakkhāyatanassa upacayo, sotāyatanassa upacayo, ghānāyatanassa upacayo, jivhāyatanassa upacayo, kāyāyatanassa upacayo, yaṃ vā panaññampi atthi rūpaṃ cittajaṃ cittahetukaṃ cittasamuṭṭhānaṃ—idaṃ vuccati “rūpaṃ”. |
(There are) the four great entities, and the bodily form attached to the four great entities: this is said to be ‘bodily form’. |
Iti idañca nāmaṃ, idañca rūpaṃ. |
Thus, this is mind and this is bodily form. |
Idaṃ vuccati “viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ viññāṇahetukaṃ”. |
This is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind rooted in consciousness’. |
Nāmarūpapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ nāmarūpahetukanti. |
‘With mind and bodily form as condition: the sixth sense sphere rooted in mind and bodily form’. |
Atthi nāmaṃ, atthi rūpaṃ. |
There is mind, there is bodily form. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘mind?’ |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho— |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent. |
idaṃ vuccati “nāmaṃ”. |
This is said to be ‘mind’. |
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘bodily form?’ |
Yaṃ rūpaṃ nissāya manoviññāṇadhātu vattati—idaṃ vuccati “rūpaṃ”. |
That bodily form dependent on which mind-consciousness element exists: this is said to be ‘bodily form’. |
Iti idañca nāmaṃ, idañca rūpaṃ. |
Thus, this is mind and this is bodily form. |
Idaṃ vuccati “nāmarūpaṃ”. |
This is said to be ‘mind and bodily form’. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmarūpapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ nāmarūpahetukaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with mind and bodily form as condition: the sixth sense sphere rooted in mind?’ |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “nāmarūpapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ nāmarūpahetukaṃ”. |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind and bodily form as condition: the sixth sense sphere rooted in mind’. |
Tattha katamo chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanahetuko? |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact rooted in the sixth sense sphere?’ |
Yo phasso phusanā samphusanā samphusitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanahetuko” … pe … |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact rooted in the sixth sense sphere’. |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling rooted in contact?’ | |
That which is mental agreeableness, mental pleasure, pleasant and agreeable experience born of contact with the mind, pleasant and agreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling rooted in contact’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: craving rooted in feeling?’ | |
That which is passion, passionateness, fawning, compliance, enjoyment, passionate enjoyment, passionateness of mind: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: craving rooted in feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with craving as condition: attachment rooted in craving?’ | |
That which is (wrong) view, resorting to (wrong) view, the jungle of (wrong) view, the wilderness of (wrong) view, the distortion of (wrong) view, the agitation of (wrong) view, the fetter of (wrong) view, obsession, tenacity, inclination, grasping, bad path, wrong road, the state of being wrong, within the heretical sphere, obsession with what is perverse: this is said to be ‘with craving as condition: attachment rooted in craving’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with attachment as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for attachment, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with attachment as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, | |
... |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. |
tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. |
(3:7) |
Tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāhetuko, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārahetukaṃ viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ viññāṇahetukaṃ, nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṃ nāmarūpahetukaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanahetuko, phassapaccayā vedanā phassahetukā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā vedanāhetukā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ taṇhāhetukaṃ; upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
At that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process rooted in ignorance, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness rooted in a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form rooted in consciousness, with mind and bodily form as condition: the six sense spheres rooted in mind and bodily form, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact rooted in the sixth sense sphere, with contact as condition: feeling rooted in contact, with feeling as condition: craving rooted in feeling, with craving as condition: attachment rooted in craving, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Tattha katamā avijjā? |
Herein, what is ‘ignorance’? |
Yaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ … pe … avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjā”. |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration, a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘ignorance’. |
Tattha katamo avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāhetuko? |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process rooted in ignorance?’ |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāhetuko”. |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process rooted in ignorance’. |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārahetukaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness rooted in a (volitional) process?’ |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārahetukaṃ”. |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness rooted in a (volitional) process’. |
Tattha katamaṃ viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ viññāṇahetukaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form rooted in consciousness?’ |
Atthi nāmaṃ, atthi rūpaṃ. |
There is mind, there is bodily form. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘mind?’ |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho— idaṃ vuccati “nāmaṃ”. |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘mind’. |
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘bodily form?’ |
Cakkhāyatanassa upacayo, sotāyatanassa upacayo, ghānāyatanassa upacayo, jivhāyatanassa upacayo, kāyāyatanassa upacayo, yaṃ vā panaññampi atthi rūpaṃ cittajaṃ cittahetukaṃ cittasamuṭṭhānaṃ—idaṃ vuccati “rūpaṃ”. |
The accumulation (that produces) the eye sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the ear sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the nose sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the tongue sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the body sense sphere, or whatever other bodily form there is born of mind, rooted in mind, originating in mind: this is said to be ‘bodily form’. |
Iti idañca nāmaṃ, idañca rūpaṃ. |
Thus, this is mind and this is bodily form. |
Idaṃ vuccati “viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ viññāṇahetukaṃ”. |
This is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form rooted in consciousness’. |
Nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṃ nāmarūpahetukanti. |
‘With mind and bodily form as condition: the six sense spheres rooted in mind and bodily form’. |
Atthi nāmaṃ, atthi rūpaṃ. |
There is mind, there is bodily form. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘mind?’ |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “nāmaṃ”. |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘mind’. |
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘bodily form?’ |
Cattāro ca mahābhūtā, yañca rūpaṃ nissāya manoviññāṇadhātu vattati—idaṃ vuccati “rūpaṃ”. |
(There are) the four great entities, and that bodily form dependent on which mind-consciousness element exists: this is said to be ‘bodily form’. |
Iti idañca nāmaṃ, idañca rūpaṃ. |
Thus, this is mind and this is bodily form. |
Idaṃ vuccati “nāmarūpaṃ”. |
This is said to be ‘mind and bodily form’. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṃ nāmarūpahetukaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with mind and bodily form as condition: the six sense spheres rooted in mind and bodily form?’ |
Cakkhāyatanaṃ, sotāyatanaṃ, ghānāyatanaṃ, jivhāyatanaṃ, kāyāyatanaṃ, manāyatanaṃ— |
(There is the) eye sense sphere, ear sense sphere, nose sense sphere, tongue sense sphere, body sense sphere, mind sense sphere. |
idaṃ vuccati “nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṃ nāmarūpahetukaṃ”. |
This is said to be ‘with mind and bodily form as condition: the six sense spheres rooted in mind and bodily form’. |
Tattha katamo chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanahetuko? |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact rooted in the sixth sense sphere?’ |
Yo phasso phusanā samphusanā samphusitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanahetuko”. |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact rooted in the sixth sense sphere’. |
Tattha katamā phassapaccayā vedanā phassahetukā? |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling rooted in contact?’ |
Yaṃ cetasikaṃ sātaṃ cetasikaṃ sukhaṃ cetosamphassajaṃ sātaṃ sukhaṃ vedayitaṃ cetosamphassajā sātā sukhā vedanā—ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā phassahetukā”. |
That which is mental agreeableness, mental pleasure, pleasant and agreeable experience born of contact with the mind, pleasant and agreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling rooted in contact’. |
Tattha katamā vedanāpaccayā taṇhā vedanāhetukā? |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: craving rooted in feeling?’ |
Yo rāgo sārāgo … pe … cittassa sārāgo—ayaṃ vuccati “vedanāpaccayā taṇhā vedanāhetukā”. |
That which is passion, passionateness, fawning, compliance, enjoyment, passionate enjoyment, passionateness of mind: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: craving rooted in feeling’. |
Tattha katamaṃ taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ taṇhāhetukaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with craving as condition: attachment rooted in craving?’ |
Yā diṭṭhi diṭṭhigataṃ … pe … titthāyatanaṃ vipariyāsaggāho—idaṃ vuccati “taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ taṇhāhetukaṃ” … pe … |
That which is (wrong) view, resorting to (wrong) view, the jungle of (wrong) view, the wilderness of (wrong) view, the distortion of (wrong) view, the agitation of (wrong) view, the fetter of (wrong) view, obsession, tenacity, inclination, grasping, bad path, wrong road, the state of being wrong, within the heretical sphere, obsession with what is perverse: this is said to be ‘with craving as condition: attachment rooted in craving’. |
Herein, what is ‘with attachment as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for attachment, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with attachment as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, | |
... |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. |
tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. |
(4:8) |
Hetucatukkaṃ. |
The Roots Tetrad |
2.7. Sampayuttacatukka |
2.7. The Associations Tetrad |
Tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāsampayutto, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārasampayuttaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ viññāṇasampayuttaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ nāmasampayuttaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanasampayutto, phassapaccayā vedanā phassasampayuttā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā vedanāsampayuttā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ taṇhāsampayuttaṃ; upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
At that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process associated with ignorance, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness associated with a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind associated with consciousness, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere associated with mind, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact associated with the sixth sense sphere, with contact as condition: feeling associated with contact, with feeling as condition: craving associated with feeling, with craving as condition: attachment associated with craving, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Tattha katamā avijjā? |
Herein, what is ‘ignorance’? |
Yaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ … pe … avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjā”. |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration, a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘ignorance’. |
Tattha katamo avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāsampayutto? |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process associated with ignorance?’ |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāsampayutto”. |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process associated with ignorance’. |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārasampayuttaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness associated with a (volitional) process?’ |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārasampayuttaṃ”. |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness associated with a (volitional) process’. |
Tattha katamaṃ viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ viññāṇasampayuttaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind associated with consciousness?’ |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ viññāṇasampayuttaṃ”. |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind associated with consciousness’. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ … pe … nāmasampayuttaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere associated with mind?’ |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ nāmasampayuttaṃ”. |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere associated with mind’. |
Tattha katamo chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanasampayutto? |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact associated with the sixth sense sphere?’ |
Yo phasso phusanā samphusanā samphusitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanasampayutto”. |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact associated with the sixth sense sphere’. |
Tattha katamā phassapaccayā vedanā phassasampayuttā? |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling associated with contact?’ |
Yaṃ cetasikaṃ sātaṃ cetasikaṃ sukhaṃ cetosamphassajaṃ sātaṃ sukhaṃ vedayitaṃ cetosamphassajā sātā sukhā vedanā—ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā phassasampayuttā”. |
That which is mental agreeableness, mental pleasure, pleasant and agreeable experience born of contact with the mind, pleasant and agreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling associated with contact’. |
Tattha katamā vedanāpaccayā taṇhā vedanāsampayuttā? |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: craving associated with feeling?’ |
Yo rāgo sārāgo … pe … cittassa sārāgo—ayaṃ vuccati “vedanāpaccayā taṇhā vedanāsampayuttā”. |
That which is passion, passionateness, fawning, compliance, enjoyment, passionate enjoyment, passionateness of mind: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: craving associated with feeling’. |
Tattha katamaṃ taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ taṇhāsampayuttaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with craving as condition: attachment rooted in craving?’ |
Yā diṭṭhi diṭṭhigataṃ … pe … titthāyatanaṃ vipariyāsaggāho—idaṃ vuccati “taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ taṇhāsampayuttaṃ” … pe … |
That which is (wrong) view, resorting to (wrong) view, the jungle of (wrong) view, the wilderness of (wrong) view, the distortion of (wrong) view, the agitation of (wrong) view, the fetter of (wrong) view, obsession, tenacity, inclination, grasping, bad path, wrong road, the state of being wrong, within the heretical sphere, obsession with what is perverse: this is said to be ‘with craving as condition: attachment rooted in craving’. |
... |
Herein, what is ‘with attachment as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for attachment, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with attachment as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, | |
... |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. |
tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. |
(1:9) |
Tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāsampayutto, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārasampayuttaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ viññāṇasampayuttaṃ, nāmapaccayā phasso nāmasampayutto, phassapaccayā vedanā phassasampayuttā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā vedanāsampayuttā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ taṇhāsampayuttaṃ; upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
At that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process associated with ignorance, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness associated with a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind associated with consciousness, with mind as condition: contact associated with mind, with contact as condition: feeling associated with contact, with feeling as condition: craving associated with feeling, with craving as condition: attachment associated with craving, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Tattha katamā avijjā? |
Herein, what is ‘ignorance’? |
Yaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ … pe … avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjā”. |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration, a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘ignorance’. |
Tattha katamo avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāsampayutto? |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process associated with ignorance?’ |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāsampayutto”. |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process associated with ignorance’. |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārasampayuttaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness associated with a (volitional) process?’ |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārasampayuttaṃ”. |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness associated with a (volitional) process’. |
Tattha katamaṃ viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ viññāṇasampayuttaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind associated with consciousness?’ |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ viññāṇasampayuttaṃ”. |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind associated with consciousness’. |
Nāmapaccayā phasso nāmasampayuttoti. |
‘With mind as condition: contact associated with mind’. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘mind?’ |
Ṭhapetvā phassaṃ, vedanākkhandho saññākkhandho saṅkhārakkhandho viññāṇakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “nāmaṃ”. |
Except for contact, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘mind’. |
Tattha katamo nāmapaccayā phasso nāmasampayutto? |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: contact associated with mind?’ |
Yo phasso phusanā samphusanā samphusitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “nāmapaccayā phasso nāmasampayutto” … pe … |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: contact associated with mind.' |
... |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is mental agreeableness, mental pleasure, pleasant and agreeable experience born of contact with the mind, pleasant and agreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: craving?’ | |
That which is passion, passionateness, fawning, compliance, enjoyment, passionate enjoyment, passionateness of mind: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: craving’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with craving as condition: attachment?’ | |
That which is (wrong) view, resorting to (wrong) view, the jungle of (wrong) view, the wilderness of (wrong) view, the distortion of (wrong) view, the agitation of (wrong) view, the fetter of (wrong) view, obsession, tenacity, inclination, grasping, bad path, wrong road, the state of being wrong, within the heretical sphere, obsession with what is perverse: this is said to be ‘with craving as condition: attachment’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with attachment as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for attachment, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with attachment as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, | |
... |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. |
tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. |
(2:10) |
Tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāsampayutto, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārasampayuttaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ viññāṇasampayuttaṃ nāmaṃ, nāmarūpapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ nāmasampayuttaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanasampayutto, phassapaccayā vedanā phassasampayuttā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā vedanāsampayuttā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ taṇhāsampayuttaṃ; upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
At that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process associated with ignorance, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness associated with a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form with mind (only) associated with consciousness, with mind and bodily form as condition: the sixth sense sphere associated with mind, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact associated with the sixth sense sphere, with contact as condition: feeling associated with contact, with feeling as condition: craving associated with feeling, with craving as condition: attachment associated with craving, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Tattha katamā avijjā? |
Herein, what is ‘ignorance’? |
Yaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ … pe … avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjā”. |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration, a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘ignorance’. |
Tattha katamo avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāsampayutto? |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process associated with ignorance?’ |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāsampayutto”. |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process associated with ignorance’. |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārasampayuttaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness associated with a (volitional) process?’ |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārasampayuttaṃ”. |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness associated with a (volitional) process’. |
Tattha katamaṃ viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ viññāṇasampayuttaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form with mind (only) associated with consciousness?’ |
Atthi nāmaṃ, atthi rūpaṃ. |
There is mind, there is bodily form. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘mind?’ |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “nāmaṃ”. |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘mind’. |
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘bodily form?’ |
Cakkhāyatanassa upacayo, sotāyatanassa upacayo, ghānāyatanassa upacayo, jivhāyatanassa upacayo, kāyāyatanassa upacayo, yaṃ vā panaññampi atthi rūpaṃ cittajaṃ cittahetukaṃ cittasamuṭṭhānaṃ— |
The accumulation (that produces) the eye sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the ear sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the nose sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the tongue sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the body sense sphere, or whatever other bodily form there is born of mind, rooted in mind, originating in mind: |
idaṃ vuccati “rūpaṃ”. |
this is said to be ‘bodily form’. |
Iti idañca nāmaṃ, idañca rūpaṃ. |
Thus, this is mind and this is bodily form. |
Idaṃ vuccati “viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ viññāṇasampayuttaṃ nāmaṃ”. |
This is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form with mind (only) associated with consciousness’. |
Nāmarūpapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ nāmasampayuttanti. |
‘With mind and bodily form as condition: the sixth sense sphere associated with mind’. |
Atthi nāmaṃ, atthi rūpaṃ. |
There is mind, there is bodily form. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘mind?’ |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “nāmaṃ”. |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘mind’. |
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘bodily form?’ |
Yaṃ rūpaṃ nissāya manoviññāṇadhātu vattati—idaṃ vuccati “rūpaṃ”. |
That bodily form dependent on which mind-consciousness element exists: this is said to be ‘bodily form’. |
Iti idañca nāmaṃ, idañca rūpaṃ. |
Thus, this is mind and this is bodily form. |
Idaṃ vuccati “nāmarūpaṃ”. |
This is said to be ‘mind and bodily form’. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmarūpapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ nāmasampayuttaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere associated with mind?’ |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “nāmarūpapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ nāmasampayuttaṃ”. |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere associated with mind’. |
Tattha katamo chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanasampayutto? |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact associated with the sixth sense sphere?’ |
Yo phasso phusanā samphusanā samphusitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanasampayutto” … pe … |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact associated with the sixth sense sphere’. |
... |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is mental agreeableness, mental pleasure, pleasant and agreeable experience born of contact with the mind, pleasant and agreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: craving?’ | |
That which is passion, passionateness, fawning, compliance, enjoyment, passionate enjoyment, passionateness of mind: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: craving’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with craving as condition: attachment?’ | |
That which is (wrong) view, resorting to (wrong) view, the jungle of (wrong) view, the wilderness of (wrong) view, the distortion of (wrong) view, the agitation of (wrong) view, the fetter of (wrong) view, obsession, tenacity, inclination, grasping, bad path, wrong road, the state of being wrong, within the heretical sphere, obsession with what is perverse: this is said to be ‘with craving as condition: attachment’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with attachment as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for attachment, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with attachment as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, | |
... |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. |
tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. |
(3:11) |
Tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāsampayutto, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārasampayuttaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ viññāṇasampayuttaṃ nāmaṃ, nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṃ nāmasampayuttaṃ chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanasampayutto, phassapaccayā vedanā phassasampayuttā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā vedanāsampayuttā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ taṇhāsampayuttaṃ; upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
At that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process associated with ignorance, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness associated with a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form with mind (only) associated with consciousness, with mind and bodily form as condition: the six sense spheres with the sixth sense sphere (only) associated with mind, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact associated with the sixth sense sphere, with contact as condition: feeling associated with contact, with feeling as condition: craving associated with feeling, with craving as condition: attachment associated with craving, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Tattha katamā avijjā? |
Herein, what is ‘ignorance’? |
Yaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ … pe … avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjā”. |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration, a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘ignorance’. |
Tattha katamo avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāsampayutto? |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process associated with ignorance?’ |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro avijjāsampayutto”. |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process associated with ignorance’. |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārasampayuttaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness associated with a (volitional) process?’ |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārasampayuttaṃ”. |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness associated with a (volitional) process’. |
Tattha katamaṃ viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ viññāṇasampayuttaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form with mind (only) associated with consciousness?’ |
Atthi nāmaṃ, atthi rūpaṃ. |
There is mind, there is bodily form. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘mind?’ |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “nāmaṃ”. |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘mind’. |
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘bodily form?’ |
Cakkhāyatanassa upacayo, sotāyatanassa upacayo, ghānāyatanassa upacayo, jivhāyatanassa upacayo, kāyāyatanassa upacayo, yaṃ vā panaññampi atthi rūpaṃ cittajaṃ cittahetukaṃ cittasamuṭṭhānaṃ—idaṃ vuccati “rūpaṃ”. |
The accumulation (that produces) the eye sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the ear sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the nose sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the tongue sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the body sense sphere, or whatever other bodily form there is born of mind, rooted in mind, originating in mind: this is said to be ‘bodily form’. |
Iti idañca nāmaṃ, idañca rūpaṃ. |
Thus, this is mind and this is bodily form. |
Idaṃ vuccati “viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ viññāṇasampayuttaṃ nāmaṃ”. |
This is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form with mind (only) associated with consciousness’. |
Nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṃ nāmasampayuttaṃ chaṭṭhāyatananti. |
‘With mind and bodily form as condition: the six sense spheres with the sixth sense sphere (only) associated with mind’. |
Atthi nāmaṃ, atthi rūpaṃ. |
There is mind, there is bodily form. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘mind?’ |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “nāmaṃ”. |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘mind’. |
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘bodily form?’ |
Cattāro ca mahābhūtā, yañca rūpaṃ nissāya manoviññāṇadhātu vattati—idaṃ vuccati “rūpaṃ”. |
(There are) the four great entities, and that bodily form dependent on which mind-consciousness element exists: this is said to be ‘bodily form’. |
Iti idañca nāmaṃ, idañca rūpaṃ. |
Thus, this is mind and this is bodily form. |
Idaṃ vuccati “nāmarūpaṃ”. |
This is said to be ‘mind and bodily form’. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṃ nāmasampayuttaṃ chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with mind and bodily form as condition: the six sense spheres with the sixth sense sphere (only) associated with mind?’ |
Cakkhāyatanaṃ, sotāyatanaṃ, ghānāyatanaṃ, jivhāyatanaṃ, kāyāyatanaṃ, manāyatanaṃ—idaṃ vuccati “nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṃ nāmasampayuttaṃ chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ”. |
(There is the) eye sense sphere, ear sense sphere, nose sense sphere, tongue sense sphere, body sense sphere, mind sense sphere: this is said to be ‘with mind and bodily form as condition: the six sense spheres with the sixth sense sphere (only) associated with mind. |
Tattha katamo chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanasampayutto? |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact associated with the sixth sense sphere?’ |
Yo phasso phusanā samphusanā samphusitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanasampayutto” … pe … |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact associated with the sixth sense sphere’. |
... |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is mental agreeableness, mental pleasure, pleasant and agreeable experience born of contact with the mind, pleasant and agreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: craving?’ | |
That which is passion, passionateness, fawning, compliance, enjoyment, passionate enjoyment, passionateness of mind: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: craving’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with craving as condition: attachment?’ | |
That which is (wrong) view, resorting to (wrong) view, the jungle of (wrong) view, the wilderness of (wrong) view, the distortion of (wrong) view, the agitation of (wrong) view, the fetter of (wrong) view, obsession, tenacity, inclination, grasping, bad path, wrong road, the state of being wrong, within the heretical sphere, obsession with what is perverse: this is said to be ‘with craving as condition: attachment’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with attachment as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for attachment, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with attachment as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
... |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. |
tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. |
(4:12) |
Sampayuttacatukkaṃ. |
The Associations Tetrad [has ended] |
2.8. Aññamaññacatukka |
2.8. The Mutuality Tetrad |
Tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayāpi avijjā; saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayāpi saṅkhāro; viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayāpi viññāṇaṃ; nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayāpi nāmaṃ; chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayāpi chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ; phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayāpi phasso; vedanāpaccayā taṇhā, taṇhāpaccayāpi vedanā; taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ, upādānapaccayāpi taṇhā; upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
At that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, also with a (volitional) process as condition there is ignorance, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, also with consciousness as condition: a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind, also with mind as condition: consciousness, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, also with the sixth sense sphere as condition: mind, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, also with contact as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with contact as condition: feeling, also with feeling as condition: contact, with feeling as condition: craving, also with craving as condition: feeling, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: craving, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Tattha katamā avijjā? |
Herein, what is ‘ignorance’? |
Yaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ … pe … avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjā”. |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration, a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘ignorance’. | |
Tattha katamo avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro? |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati “avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro”. |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ | |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process’. | |
Tattha katamā saṅkhārapaccayāpi avijjā? |
Yaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ … pe … avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayāpi avijjā”. |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is ignorance?’ | |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration, a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is ignorance’. | |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ? |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ”. |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. | |
Tattha katamo viññāṇapaccayāpi saṅkhāro? |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati “viññāṇapaccayāpi saṅkhāro”. |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: a (volitional) process?’ | |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: a (volitional) process’. | |
Tattha katamaṃ viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ? |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ”. |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. | |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmapaccayāpi viññāṇaṃ? |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “nāmapaccayāpi viññāṇaṃ”. |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: consciousness?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: consciousness’. | |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ? |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ”. |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. | |
Tattha katamaṃ chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayāpi nāmaṃ? |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayāpi nāmaṃ”. |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes | |
Tattha katamo chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso? |
constituent: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: mind’. |
Yo phasso phusanā samphusanā samphusitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso”. |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ | |
Tattha katamaṃ phassapaccayāpi chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ? |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayāpi chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ”. |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
Tattha katamā phassapaccayā vedanā? |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. |
Yaṃ cetasikaṃ sātaṃ cetasikaṃ sukhaṃ cetosamphassajaṃ sātaṃ sukhaṃ vedayitaṃ cetosamphassajā sātā sukhā vedanā— ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā”. |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
Tattha katamo vedanāpaccayāpi phasso? |
That which is mental agreeableness, mental pleasure, pleasant and agreeable experience born of contact with the mind, pleasant and agreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. |
Yo phasso phusanā samphusanā samphusitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “vedanāpaccayāpi phasso”. |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: contact?’ | |
Tattha katamā vedanāpaccayā taṇhā? |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: contact’. |
Yo rāgo sārāgo … pe … cittassa sārāgo—ayaṃ vuccati “vedanāpaccayā taṇhā”. |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: craving?’ | |
Tattha katamā taṇhāpaccayāpi vedanā? |
That which is passion, passionateness, fawning, compliance, enjoyment, passionate enjoyment, passionateness of mind: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: craving’. |
Yaṃ cetasikaṃ sātaṃ cetasikaṃ sukhaṃ cetosamphassajaṃ sātaṃ sukhaṃ vedayitaṃ cetosamphassajā sātā sukhā vedanā— ayaṃ vuccati “taṇhāpaccayāpi vedanā”. |
Herein, what is ‘with craving as condition: feeling?’ | |
Tattha katamaṃ taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ? |
That which is mental agreeableness, mental pleasure, pleasant and agreeable experience born of contact with the mind, pleasant and agreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with craving as condition: feeling’. |
Yā diṭṭhi diṭṭhigataṃ … pe … titthāyatanaṃ vipariyāsaggāho—idaṃ vuccati “taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ”. |
Herein, what is ‘with craving as condition: attachment?’ | |
Tattha katamā upādānapaccayāpi taṇhā? |
That which is (wrong) view, resorting to (wrong) view, the jungle of (wrong) view, the wilderness of (wrong) view, the distortion of (wrong) view, the agitation of (wrong) view, the fetter of (wrong) view, obsession, tenacity, inclination, grasping, bad path, wrong road, the state of being wrong, within the heretical sphere, obsession with what is perverse: this is said to be ‘with craving as condition: attachment’. |
Yo rāgo … pe … cittassa sārāgo—ayaṃ vuccati “upādānapaccayāpi taṇhā”. |
Herein, what is ‘with attachment as condition: craving?’ | |
Tattha katamo upādānapaccayā bhavo? |
That which is passion, passionateness, fawning, compliance, enjoyment, passionate enjoyment, passionateness of mind: this is said to be ‘with attachment as condition: craving’. |
Ṭhapetvā upādānaṃ, vedanākkhandho saññākkhandho saṅkhārakkhandho viññāṇakkhandho—ayaṃ vuccati “upādānapaccayā bhavo”. |
Herein, what is ‘with attachment as condition: continuation?’ | |
Tattha katamā bhavapaccayā jāti? |
Except for attachment, (it is) the feeling constituent, |
Yā tesaṃ tesaṃ dhammānaṃ jāti sañjāti nibbatti abhinibbatti pātubhāvo—ayaṃ vuccati “bhavapaccayā jāti”. |
the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with attachment as condition: continuation’. |
Tattha katamaṃ jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ |
Atthi jarā, atthi maraṇaṃ. |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. |
Tattha katamā jarā? |
Yā tesaṃ tesaṃ dhammānaṃ jarā jīraṇatā āyuno saṃhāni—ayaṃ vuccati “jarā”. |
Tattha katamaṃ maraṇaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ |
Yo tesaṃ tesaṃ dhammānaṃ khayo vayo bhedo paribhedo aniccatā antaradhānaṃ—idaṃ vuccati “maraṇaṃ”. |
There is ageing, there is death. |
Iti ayañca jarā, idañca maraṇaṃ. |
Idaṃ vuccati “jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ”. |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: | |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotīti. |
this is said to be ‘ageing’. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa saṅgati hoti, samāgamo hoti, samodhānaṃ hoti, pātubhāvo hoti. |
Tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
(1:13) |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayāpi avijjā; saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayāpi saṅkhāro; viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayāpi viññāṇaṃ; nāmapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayāpi nāmaṃ; phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayāpi phasso; vedanāpaccayā taṇhā, taṇhāpaccayāpi vedanā; taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ, upādānapaccayāpi taṇhā; upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
Tattha katamā avijjā? |
Yaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ … pe … avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjā”. |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it: this is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. |
Tattha katamo avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro? |
At that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, also with a (volitional) process as condition there is ignorance, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, also with consciousness as condition: a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind, also with mind as condition: consciousness, with mind as condition: contact, with contact as condition: mind, with contact as condition: feeling, also with feeling as condition: contact, with feeling as condition: craving, also with craving as condition: feeling, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: craving, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati “avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro”. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Tattha katamā saṅkhārapaccayāpi avijjā? |
Herein, what is ‘ignorance’? |
Yaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ … pe … avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayāpi avijjā”. |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration, a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘ignorance’. | |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ? |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ”. |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ | |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process’. | |
Tattha katamo viññāṇapaccayāpi saṅkhāro? |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati “viññāṇapaccayāpi saṅkhāro”. |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is ignorance?’ | |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration, a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is ignorance’. | |
Tattha katamaṃ viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ? |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ”. |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. | |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmapaccayāpi viññāṇaṃ? |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “nāmapaccayāpi viññāṇaṃ”. |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: a (volitional) process?’ | |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: a (volitional) process’. | |
Nāmapaccayā phassoti. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Ṭhapetvā phassaṃ, vedanākkhandho saññākkhandho saṅkhārakkhandho viññāṇakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “nāmaṃ”. |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. | |
Tattha katamo nāmapaccayā phasso? |
Yo phasso phusanā samphusanā samphusitattaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati “nāmapaccayā phasso”. |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: consciousness?’ |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: consciousness’. | |
Tattha katamaṃ phassapaccayāpi nāmaṃ? |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho, viññāṇakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayāpi nāmaṃ” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
‘With mind as condition: contact’. |
(2:14) |
Tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayāpi avijjā; saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayāpi saṅkhāro; viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ, nāmarūpapaccayāpi viññāṇaṃ; nāmarūpapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayāpi nāmarūpaṃ; chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayāpi chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ; phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayāpi phasso; vedanāpaccayā taṇhā, taṇhāpaccayāpi vedanā; taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ, upādānapaccayāpi taṇhā; upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Herein, what is ‘mind?’ |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
Except for contact, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘mind’. |
Tattha katamā avijjā? |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: contact?’ |
Yaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ … pe … avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjā”. |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: contact’. |
Tattha katamo avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro? |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: mind’. |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati “avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro”. |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: mind’. | |
Tattha katamā saṅkhārapaccayāpi avijjā? |
Yaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ … pe … avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayāpi avijjā”. |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is mental agreeableness, mental pleasure, pleasant and agreeable experience born of contact with the mind, pleasant and agreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ? |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ”. |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: craving?’ | |
That which is passion, passionateness, fawning, compliance, enjoyment, passionate enjoyment, passionateness of mind: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: craving’. | |
Tattha katamo viññāṇapaccayāpi saṅkhāro? |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati “viññāṇapaccayāpi saṅkhāro”. |
Herein, what is ‘with craving as condition: attachment?’ | |
That which is (wrong) view, resorting to (wrong) view, the jungle of (wrong) view, the wilderness of (wrong) view, the distortion of (wrong) view, the agitation of (wrong) view, the fetter of (wrong) view, obsession, tenacity, inclination, grasping, bad path, wrong road, the state of being wrong, within the heretical sphere, obsession with what is perverse: this is said to be ‘with craving as condition: attachment’. | |
Tattha katamaṃ viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ? |
Atthi nāmaṃ, atthi rūpaṃ. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with attachment as condition: continuation?’ |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “nāmaṃ”. |
Except for attachment, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with attachment as condition: continuation’. |
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ? |
Cakkhāyatanassa upacayo, sotāyatanassa upacayo, ghānāyatanassa upacayo, jivhāyatanassa upacayo, kāyāyatanassa upacayo, yaṃ vā panaññampi atthi rūpaṃ cittajaṃ cittahetukaṃ cittasamuṭṭhānaṃ—idaṃ vuccati “rūpaṃ”. |
Iti idañca nāmaṃ, idañca rūpaṃ. |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ |
Idaṃ vuccati “viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ”. |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. |
Nāmarūpapaccayāpi viññāṇanti. |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ |
Atthi nāmaṃ, atthi rūpaṃ. |
There is ageing, there is death. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “nāmaṃ”. |
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ |
Yaṃ rūpaṃ nissāya manoviññāṇadhātu vattati—idaṃ vuccati “rūpaṃ”. |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. |
Iti idañca nāmaṃ, idañca rūpaṃ. |
Idaṃ vuccati “nāmarūpaṃ”. |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmarūpapaccayāpi viññāṇaṃ? |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “nāmarūpapaccayāpi viññāṇaṃ”. |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
Nāmarūpapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatananti. |
Atthi nāmaṃ, atthi rūpaṃ. |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “nāmaṃ”. |
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ? |
Yaṃ rūpaṃ nissāya manoviññāṇadhātu vattati—idaṃ vuccati “rūpaṃ”. |
At that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, also with a (volitional) process as condition there is ignorance, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, |
Iti idañca nāmaṃ, idañca rūpaṃ. |
also with consciousness as condition: a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form, also with mind and bodily form as condition: consciousness, with mind and bodily form as condition: the sixth sense sphere, also with the sixth sense sphere as condition: mind and bodily form, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, also with contact as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with contact as condition: feeling, also with feeling as condition: contact, with feeling as condition: craving, also with craving as condition: feeling, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: craving, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Idaṃ vuccati “nāmarūpaṃ”. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmarūpapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘ignorance’? |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “nāmarūpapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ”. |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration, a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘ignorance’. | |
Tattha katamaṃ chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayāpi nāmarūpaṃ? |
Atthi nāmaṃ, atthi rūpaṃ. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “nāmaṃ”. |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process’. |
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ? |
Cakkhāyatanassa upacayo, sotāyatanassa upacayo, ghānāyatanassa upacayo, jivhāyatanassa upacayo, kāyāyatanassa upacayo, yaṃ vā panaññampi atthi rūpaṃ cittajaṃ cittahetukaṃ cittasamuṭṭhānaṃ—idaṃ vuccati “rūpaṃ”. |
Iti idañca nāmaṃ, idañca rūpaṃ. |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is ignorance?’ |
Idaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayāpi nāmarūpaṃ”. |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration, a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is ignorance’. |
Tattha katamo chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso? |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ |
Yo phasso phusanā samphusanā samphusitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso”. |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. |
Tattha katamaṃ phassapaccayāpi chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: a (volitional) process?’ |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayāpi chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: a (volitional) process’. |
(3:15) |
Tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayāpi avijjā; saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayāpi saṅkhāro; viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ, nāmarūpapaccayāpi viññāṇaṃ; nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayāpi nāmarūpaṃ; chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayāpi chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ; phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayāpi phasso; vedanāpaccayā taṇhā, taṇhāpaccayāpi vedanā; taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ, upādānapaccayāpi taṇhā; upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form?’ |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
There is mind, there is bodily form. |
Tattha katamā avijjā? |
Herein, what is ‘mind?’ |
Yaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ … pe … avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjā”. |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘mind’. |
Tattha katamo avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro? |
Herein, what is ‘bodily form?’ |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati “avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro”. |
The accumulation (that produces) the eye sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the ear sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the nose sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the tongue sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the body sense sphere, or whatever other bodily form there is born of mind, rooted in mind, originating in mind: this is said to be ‘bodily form’. |
Tattha katamā saṅkhārapaccayāpi avijjā? |
Thus, this is mind and this is bodily form. |
Yaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ … pe … avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayāpi avijjā”. |
This is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form’. | |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ? |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ”. |
‘With mind and bodily form as condition: consciousness’. | |
Tattha katamo viññāṇapaccayāpi saṅkhāro? |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati “viññāṇapaccayāpi saṅkhāro”. |
There is mind, there is bodily form. |
Tattha katamaṃ viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘mind?’ |
Atthi nāmaṃ, atthi rūpaṃ. |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘mind’. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati nāmaṃ. |
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘bodily form?’ |
Cakkhāyatanassa upacayo, sotāyatanassa upacayo, ghānāyatanassa upacayo, jivhāyatanassa upacayo, kāyāyatanassa upacayo, yaṃ vā panaññampi atthi rūpaṃ cittajaṃ cittahetukaṃ cittasamuṭṭhānaṃ—idaṃ vuccati “rūpaṃ”. |
That bodily form dependent on which mind-consciousness element exists: this is said to be ‘bodily form’. |
Iti idañca nāmaṃ, idañca rūpaṃ. |
Idaṃ vuccati “viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ”. |
Thus, this is mind and this is bodily form. | |
Nāmarūpapaccayāpi viññāṇanti. |
Atthi nāmaṃ, atthi rūpaṃ. |
This is said to be ‘mind and bodily form’. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “nāmaṃ”. |
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with mind and bodily form as condition: consciousness?’ |
Yaṃ rūpaṃ nissāya manoviññāṇadhātu vattati—idaṃ vuccati “rūpaṃ”. |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind and bodily form as condition: consciousness’. |
Iti idañca nāmaṃ, idañca rūpaṃ. |
Idaṃ vuccati “nāmarūpaṃ”. |
‘With mind and bodily form as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. | |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmarūpapaccayāpi viññāṇaṃ? |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “nāmarūpapaccayāpi viññāṇaṃ”. |
There is mind, there is bodily form. |
Nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatananti. |
Herein, what is ‘mind?’ |
Atthi nāmaṃ, atthi rūpaṃ. |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘mind’. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “nāmaṃ”. |
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘bodily form?’ |
Cattāro ca mahābhūtā, yañca rūpaṃ nissāya manoviññāṇadhātu vattati—idaṃ vuccati “rūpaṃ”. |
That bodily form dependent on which mind-consciousness element exists: this is said to be ‘bodily form’. |
Iti idañca nāmaṃ, idañca rūpaṃ. |
Idaṃ vuccati “nāmarūpaṃ”. |
Thus, this is mind and this is bodily form. | |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṃ? |
Cakkhāyatanaṃ, sotāyatanaṃ, ghānāyatanaṃ, jivhāyatanaṃ, kāyāyatanaṃ, manāyatanaṃ—idaṃ vuccati “nāmarūpapaccayā saḷāyatanaṃ”. |
This is said to be ‘mind and bodily form’. |
Tattha katamaṃ chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayāpi nāmarūpaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with mind and bodily form as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ |
Atthi nāmaṃ, atthi rūpaṃ. |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind and bodily form as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmaṃ? |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “nāmaṃ”. |
Tattha katamaṃ rūpaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: mind and bodily form?’ |
Cakkhāyatanassa upacayo, sotāyatanassa upacayo, ghānāyatanassa upacayo, jivhāyatanassa upacayo, kāyāyatanassa upacayo, yaṃ vā panaññampi atthi rūpaṃ cittajaṃ cittahetukaṃ cittasamuṭṭhānaṃ—idaṃ vuccati “rūpaṃ”. |
There is mind, there is bodily form. |
Iti idañca nāmaṃ, idañca rūpaṃ. |
Idaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayāpi nāmarūpaṃ”. |
Herein, what is ‘mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘mind’. | |
Tattha katamo chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso? |
Yo phasso phusanā samphusanā samphusitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso”. |
Herein, what is ‘bodily form?’ | |
The accumulation (that produces) the eye sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the ear sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the nose sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the tongue sense sphere, | |
Tattha katamaṃ phassapaccayāpi chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ? |
the accumulation (that produces) the body sense sphere, or whatever other bodily form there is born of mind, rooted in mind, originating in mind: this is said to be ‘bodily form’. |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayāpi chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ”. |
Thus, this is mind and this is bodily form. | |
Tattha katamā phassapaccayā vedanā? |
Yaṃ cetasikaṃ sātaṃ cetasikaṃ sukhaṃ cetosamphassajaṃ sātaṃ sukhaṃ vedayitaṃ cetosamphassajā sātā sukhā vedanā— ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
(4:16) |
This is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: mind and bodily form’. |
Aññamaññacatukkaṃ. |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ | |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is mental agreeableness, mental pleasure, pleasant and agreeable experience born of contact with the mind, pleasant and agreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: craving?’ | |
That which is passion, passionateness, fawning, compliance, enjoyment, passionate enjoyment, passionateness of mind: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: craving’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with craving as condition: attachment?’ | |
That which is (wrong) view, resorting to (wrong) view, the jungle of (wrong) view, the wilderness of (wrong) view, the distortion of (wrong) view, the agitation of (wrong) view, the fetter of (wrong) view, obsession, tenacity, inclination, grasping, bad path, wrong road, the state of being wrong, within the heretical sphere, obsession with what is perverse: this is said to be ‘with craving as condition: attachment’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with attachment as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for attachment, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with attachment as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. | |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
At that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, also with a (volitional) process as condition there is ignorance, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, also with consciousness as condition: a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form, also with mind and bodily form as condition: consciousness, with mind and bodily form as condition: the six sense spheres, also with the sixth sense sphere as condition: mind and bodily form, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, also with contact as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with contact as condition: feeling, also with feeling as condition: contact, with feeling as condition: craving, also with craving as condition: feeling, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: craving, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Herein, what is ‘ignorance’? | |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration, a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘ignorance’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ | |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is ignorance?’ | |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration, a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier | |
of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is ignorance’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: a (volitional) process?’ | |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: a (volitional) process’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form?’ | |
There is mind, there is bodily form. | |
Herein, what is ‘mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘mind’. | |
Herein, what is ‘bodily form?’ | |
The accumulation (that produces) the eye sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the ear sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the nose sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the tongue sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the body sense sphere, or whatever other bodily form there is born of mind, rooted in mind, originating in mind: this is said to be ‘bodily form’. | |
Thus, this is mind and this is bodily form. | |
This is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form’. | |
‘With mind and bodily form as condition: consciousness’. | |
There is mind, there is bodily form. | |
Herein, what is ‘mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘mind’. | |
Herein, what is ‘bodily form?’ | |
That bodily form dependent on which mind-consciousness element exists: this is said to be ‘bodily form’. | |
Thus, this is mind and this is bodily form. | |
This is said to be ‘mind and bodily form’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with mind and bodily form as condition: consciousness?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind and bodily form as condition: consciousness’. | |
‘With mind and bodily form as condition: the six sense spheres’. | |
There is mind, there is bodily form. | |
Herein, what is ‘mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘mind’. | |
Herein, what is ‘bodily form?’ | |
(There are) the four great entities, | |
and that bodily form dependent on which mind-consciousness element exists: this is said to be ‘bodily form’. | |
Thus, this is mind and this is bodily form. | |
This is said to be ‘mind and bodily form’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with mind and bodily form as condition: the six sense spheres?’ | |
(There is the) eye sense sphere, ear sense sphere, nose sense sphere, tongue sense sphere, body sense sphere, mind sense sphere: this is said to be ‘with mind and bodily form as condition: the six sense spheres’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: mind and bodily form?’ | |
There is mind, there is bodily form. | |
Herein, what is ‘mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘mind’. | |
Herein, what is ‘bodily form?’ | |
The accumulation (that produces) the eye sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the ear sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the nose sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the tongue sense sphere, the accumulation (that produces) the body sense sphere, or whatever other bodily form there is born of mind, rooted in mind, originating in mind: this is said to be ‘bodily form’. | |
Thus, this is mind and this is bodily form. | |
This is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: mind and bodily form’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ | |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is mental agreeableness, mental pleasure, pleasant and agreeable experience born of contact with the mind, pleasant and agreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: craving?’ | |
That which is passion, passionateness, fawning, compliance, enjoyment, passionate enjoyment, passionateness of mind: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: craving’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with craving as condition: attachment?’ | |
That which is (wrong) view, resorting to (wrong) view, the jungle of (wrong) view, the wilderness of (wrong) view, the distortion of (wrong) view, the agitation of (wrong) view, the fetter of (wrong) view, obsession, tenacity, inclination, grasping, bad path, wrong road, the state of being wrong, within the heretical sphere, obsession with what is perverse: this is said to be ‘with craving as condition: attachment’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with attachment as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for attachment, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with attachment as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. | |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
The Mutuality Tetrad [has ended] | |
2.9 Akusalaniddesa |
2.9. The Explanation of the Unwholesome |
2.9.1 Akusalacitta |
2.9.1 Akusalacitta |
What are unwholesome thoughts? |
At whatever time an unwholesome mind has arisen, connected with happiness, associated with the resort to (wrong) view, with intention, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: craving, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
Katame dhammā akusalā? |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Yasmiṃ samaye akusalaṃ cittaṃ uppannaṃ hoti somanassasahagataṃ diṭṭhigatasampayuttaṃ sasaṅkhārena … pe … somanassasahagataṃ diṭṭhigatavippayuttaṃ rūpārammaṇaṃ vā … pe … somanassasahagataṃ diṭṭhigatavippayuttaṃ sasaṅkhārena rūpārammaṇaṃ vā saddārammaṇaṃ vā gandhārammaṇaṃ vā rasārammaṇaṃ vā phoṭṭhabbārammaṇaṃ vā dhammārammaṇaṃ vā yaṃ yaṃ vā panārabbha, tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā, taṇhāpaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
Herein, what is ‘ignorance’? | |
Tattha katamā avijjā? |
Yaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ … pe … avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjā”. |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration, a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘ignorance’. |
Tattha katamo avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro? |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro … pe …. |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process’. |
Tattha katamo taṇhāpaccayā adhimokkho? |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ |
Yo cittassa adhimokkho adhimuccanā tadadhimuttatā—ayaṃ vuccati “taṇhāpaccayā adhimokkho”. |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. |
Tattha katamo adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo? |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ |
Ṭhapetvā adhimokkhaṃ, vedanākkhandho saññākkhandho saṅkhārakkhandho viññāṇakkhandho—ayaṃ vuccati “adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. |
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9.2. |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ |
Akusalacitta |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. |
Katame dhammā akusalā? |
Yasmiṃ samaye akusalaṃ cittaṃ uppannaṃ hoti upekkhāsahagataṃ diṭṭhigatasampayuttaṃ rūpārammaṇaṃ vā saddārammaṇaṃ vā gandhārammaṇaṃ vā rasārammaṇaṃ vā phoṭṭhabbārammaṇaṃ vā dhammārammaṇaṃ vā yaṃ yaṃ vā panārabbha, tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā, taṇhāpaccayā upādānaṃ, upādānapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. |
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9.3. |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ |
Akusalacitta |
That which is mental agreeableness, mental pleasure, pleasant and agreeable experience born of contact with the mind, pleasant and agreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. |
Tattha katamā avijjā? |
Yaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ … pe … avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati avijjā … pe …. |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: craving?’ |
That which is passion, passionateness, fawning, compliance, enjoyment, passionate enjoyment, passionateness of mind: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: craving’. | |
Tattha katamā phassapaccayā vedanā? |
Yaṃ cetasikaṃ neva sātaṃ nāsātaṃ cetosamphassajaṃ adukkhamasukhaṃ vedayitaṃ cetosamphassajā adukkhamasukhā vedanā—ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
Herein, what is ‘with craving as condition: attachment?’ |
That which is (wrong) view, resorting to (wrong) view, the jungle of (wrong) view, the wilderness of (wrong) view, the distortion of (wrong) view, the agitation of (wrong) view, the fetter of (wrong) view, obsession, tenacity, inclination, grasping, bad path, wrong road, the state of being wrong, within the heretical sphere, obsession with what is perverse: this is said to be ‘with craving as condition: attachment’. | |
Katame dhammā akusalā? |
Yasmiṃ samaye akusalaṃ cittaṃ uppannaṃ hoti upekkhāsahagataṃ diṭṭhigatasampayuttaṃ sasaṅkhārena … pe … upekkhāsahagataṃ diṭṭhigatavippayuttaṃ rūpārammaṇaṃ vā … pe … upekkhāsahagataṃ diṭṭhigatavippayuttaṃ sasaṅkhārena rūpārammaṇaṃ vā saddārammaṇaṃ vā gandhārammaṇaṃ vā rasārammaṇaṃ vā phoṭṭhabbārammaṇaṃ vā dhammārammaṇaṃ vā yaṃ yaṃ vā panārabbha, tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā taṇhā, taṇhāpaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Herein, what is ‘with attachment as condition: continuation?’ |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
Except for attachment, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with attachment as condition: continuation’. |
Tattha katamā avijjā … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
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9.4. |
Akusalacitta |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Katame dhammā akusalā? |
Yasmiṃ samaye akusalaṃ cittaṃ uppannaṃ hoti domanassasahagataṃ paṭighasampayuttaṃ rūpārammaṇaṃ vā … pe … domanassasahagataṃ paṭighasampayuttaṃ sasaṅkhārena rūpārammaṇaṃ vā saddārammaṇaṃ vā gandhārammaṇaṃ vā rasārammaṇaṃ vā phoṭṭhabbārammaṇaṃ vā dhammārammaṇaṃ vā yaṃ yaṃ vā panārabbha, tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā paṭighaṃ, paṭighapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Tattha katamā avijjā? |
Yaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ … pe … avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjā” … pe … ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso”. |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Tattha katamā phassapaccayā vedanā? |
Yaṃ cetasikaṃ asātaṃ cetasikaṃ dukkhaṃ cetosamphassajaṃ asātaṃ dukkhaṃ vedayitaṃ cetosamphassajā asātā dukkhā vedanā— ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā”. |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. |
Tattha katamaṃ vedanāpaccayā paṭighaṃ? |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it: this is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. |
Yo cittassa āghāto … pe … caṇḍikkaṃ asuropo anattamanatā cittassa—idaṃ vuccati “vedanāpaccayā paṭighaṃ”. |
What are unwholesome thoughts? | |
Tattha katamo paṭighapaccayā adhimokkho? |
At whatever time an unwholesome mind has arisen, connected with happiness, disassociated with the resort to (wrong) view, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: craving, with craving as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Yo cittassa adhimokkho adhimuccanā tadadhimuttatā—ayaṃ vuccati “paṭighapaccayā adhimokkho”. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Tattha katamo adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo? |
Herein, what is ‘ignorance’? |
Ṭhapetvā adhimokkhaṃ, vedanākkhandho saññākkhandho saṅkhārakkhandho viññāṇakkhandho—ayaṃ vuccati “adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
2 |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration, a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘ignorance’. |
9.5. |
Akusalacitta |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ | |
Katame dhammā akusalā? |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process’. |
Yasmiṃ samaye akusalaṃ cittaṃ uppannaṃ hoti upekkhāsahagataṃ vicikicchāsampayuttaṃ rūpārammaṇaṃ vā saddārammaṇaṃ vā gandhārammaṇaṃ vā rasārammaṇaṃ vā phoṭṭhabbārammaṇaṃ vā dhammārammaṇaṃ vā yaṃ yaṃ vā panārabbha, tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā vicikicchā, vicikicchāpaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. | |
Tattha katamā avijjā? |
Yaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ … pe … avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjā” … pe … ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso”. |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. | |
Tattha katamā phassapaccayā vedanā? |
Yaṃ cetasikaṃ neva sātaṃ nāsātaṃ cetosamphassajaṃ adukkhamasukhaṃ vedayitaṃ, cetosamphassajā adukkhamasukhā vedanā—ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā”. |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. | |
Tattha katamā vedanāpaccayā vicikicchā? |
Yā kaṅkhā kaṅkhāyanā kaṅkhāyitattaṃ vimati vicikicchā dveḷhakaṃ dvidhāpatho saṃsayo anekaṃsaggāho āsappanā parisappanā apariyogāhaṇā chambhitattaṃ cittassa manovilekho—ayaṃ vuccati “vedanāpaccayā vicikicchā”. |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ | |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. | |
Tattha katamo vicikicchāpaccayā bhavo? |
Ṭhapetvā vicikicchaṃ, vedanākkhandho saññākkhandho saṅkhārakkhandho viññāṇakkhandho—ayaṃ vuccati “vicikicchāpaccayā bhavo” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
2 |
That which is mental agreeableness, mental pleasure, pleasant and agreeable experience born of contact with the mind, pleasant and agreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. |
9.6. |
Akusalacitta |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: craving?’ | |
Katame dhammā akusalā? |
That which is passion, passionateness, fawning, compliance, enjoyment, passionate enjoyment, passionateness of mind: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: craving’. |
Yasmiṃ samaye akusalaṃ cittaṃ uppannaṃ hoti upekkhāsahagataṃ uddhaccasampayuttaṃ rūpārammaṇaṃ vā saddārammaṇaṃ vā gandhārammaṇaṃ vā rasārammaṇaṃ vā phoṭṭhabbārammaṇaṃ vā dhammārammaṇaṃ vā yaṃ yaṃ vā panārabbha, tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā uddhaccaṃ, uddhaccapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
Herein, what is ‘with craving as condition: resolve?’ | |
That which is resolve of the mind, resolution, the state of being resolved on that (mind): this is said to be ‘with craving as condition: resolve’. | |
Tattha katamā avijjā? |
Yaṃ aññāṇaṃ adassanaṃ … pe … avijjālaṅgī moho akusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “avijjā” … pe … ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso”. |
Herein, what is ‘with resolve as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for resolve, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with resolve as condition: continuation’. | |
Tattha katamā phassapaccayā vedanā? |
Yaṃ cetasikaṃ neva sātaṃ nāsātaṃ cetosamphassajaṃ adukkhamasukhaṃ vedayitaṃ cetosamphassajā adukkhamasukhā vedanā—ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā”. |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Tattha katamaṃ vedanāpaccayā uddhaccaṃ? |
Yaṃ cittassa uddhaccaṃ avūpasamo cetaso vikkhepo bhantattaṃ cittassa—idaṃ vuccati “vedanāpaccayā uddhaccaṃ”. |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Tattha katamo uddhaccapaccayā adhimokkho? |
Yo cittassa adhimokkho adhimuccanā tadadhimuttatā—ayaṃ vuccati “uddhaccapaccayā adhimokkho”. |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Tattha katamo adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo? |
Ṭhapetvā adhimokkhaṃ, vedanākkhandho saññākkhandho saṅkhārakkhandho viññāṇakkhandho—ayaṃ vuccati “adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Akusalaniddeso. |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it: this is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
What are unwholesome thoughts? | |
At whatever time an unwholesome mind has arisen, connected with happiness, disassociated with the resort to (wrong) view, with intention, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: craving, with craving as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Herein, what is ‘ignorance’? | |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration, a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘ignorance’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ | |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ | |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is mental agreeableness, mental pleasure, pleasant and agreeable experience born of contact with the mind, pleasant and agreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: craving?’ | |
That which is passion, passionateness, fawning, compliance, enjoyment, passionate enjoyment, passionateness of mind: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: craving’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with craving as condition: resolve?’ | |
That which is resolve of the mind, resolution, the state of being resolved on that (mind): this is said to be ‘with craving as condition: resolve’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with resolve as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for resolve, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with resolve as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. | |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
What are unwholesome thoughts? | |
At whatever time an unwholesome mind has arisen, connected with equanimity, associated with the resort to (wrong) view, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: craving, with craving as condition: attachment, with attachment as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Herein, what is ‘ignorance’? | |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration, a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘ignorance’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ | |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ | |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is neither mental agreeableness nor disagreeableness, neither painful nor pleasant experience born of contact with the mind, neither painful nor pleasant feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: craving?’ | |
That which is passion, passionateness, fawning, compliance, enjoyment, passionate enjoyment, passionateness of mind: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: craving’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with craving as condition: attachment?’ | |
That which is (wrong) view, resorting to (wrong) view, the jungle of (wrong) view, the wilderness of (wrong) view, the distortion of (wrong) view, the agitation of (wrong) view, the fetter of (wrong) view, obsession, tenacity, inclination, grasping, bad path, wrong road, the state of being wrong, within the heretical sphere, obsession with what is perverse: this is said to be ‘with craving as condition: attachment’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with attachment as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for attachment, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with attachment as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. | |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
What are unwholesome thoughts? | |
At whatever time an unwholesome mind has arisen, connected with equanimity, associated with the resort to (wrong) view, with intention, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: craving, with craving as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are unwholesome thoughts? | |
At whatever time an unwholesome mind has arisen, connected with equanimity, disassociated with the resort to (wrong) view, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: craving, with craving as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are unwholesome thoughts? | |
At whatever time an unwholesome mind has arisen, connected with equanimity, disassociated with the resort to (wrong) view, with intention, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: craving, with craving as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: | |
birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Herein, what is ‘ignorance’? | |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration, a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘ignorance’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ | |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ | |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is neither mental agreeableness nor disagreeableness, neither painful nor pleasant experience born of contact with the mind, neither painful nor pleasant feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: craving?’ | |
That which is passion, passionateness, fawning, compliance, enjoyment, passionate enjoyment, passionateness of mind: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: craving’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with craving as condition: resolve?’ | |
That which is resolve of the mind, resolution, the state of being resolved on that (mind): this is said to be ‘with craving as condition: resolve’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with resolve as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for resolve, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with resolve as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. | |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
What are unwholesome thoughts? | |
At whatever time an unwholesome mind has arisen, connected with sorrow, associated with repulsion, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: repulsion, with repulsion as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are unwholesome thoughts? | |
At whatever time an unwholesome mind has arisen, connected with sorrow, associated with repulsion, with intention, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: repulsion, with repulsion as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Herein, what is ‘ignorance’? | |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration, a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘ignorance’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ | |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ | |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is mental disagreeableness, mental pain, painful and disagreeable experience born of contact with the mind, painful and disagreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: repulsion?’ | |
That which is spite of mind, repulsiveness, repulsion, opposition, anger, great anger, full anger, bad temper, very bad temper, full bad temper, malice of mind, bad temper in mind, hatred, hating, the state of hatred, ill-temper, being ill-tempered, ill-temperedness, malice, malignity, maliciousness, opposing, opposition, violence, curtness, | |
irritation of mind: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: repulsion’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with repulsion as condition: resolve?’ | |
That which is resolve of the mind, resolution, the state of being resolved on that (mind): this is said to be ‘with repulsion as condition: resolve’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with resolve as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for resolve, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with resolve as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. | |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
What are unwholesome thoughts? | |
At whatever time an unwholesome mind has arisen, connected with equanimity, associated with uncertainty, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: uncertainty, with uncertainty as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Herein, what is ‘ignorance’? | |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration, a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘ignorance’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ | |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ | |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: | |
this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is neither mental agreeableness nor disagreeableness, neither painful nor pleasant experience born of contact with the mind, neither painful nor pleasant feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: uncertainty?’ | |
That which is doubt, doubting, the state of being in doubt, perplexity, uncertainty, dubeity, dilemna, irresolution, uncertainty, mistrust, misgiving, a lack of fathoming, vacillation, a mental scratching of the mind: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: uncertainty’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with uncertainty as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for uncertainty, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with uncertainty as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. | |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
What are unwholesome thoughts? | |
At whatever time an unwholesome mind has arisen, connected with equanimity, associated with agitation, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: agitation, with agitation as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Herein, what is ‘ignorance’? | |
That which is a lack of knowledge, a lack of seeing, a lack of penetration, a lack of recognition, a lack of awakening, a lack of realisation, a lack of comprehension, a lack of fathoming, a lack of consideration, a lack of reflection, a lack of perception, poor intelligence, foolishness, a lack of full knowledge, delusion, deception, confusion, ignorance, the flood of ignorance, the yoke of ignorance, the tendency to ignorance, the pervasion of ignorance, the barrier of ignorance, delusion, the root of unwholesomeness: this is said to be ‘ignorance’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ | |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ | |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: | |
this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is neither mental agreeableness nor disagreeableness, neither painful nor pleasant experience born of contact with the mind, neither painful nor pleasant feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: agitation?’ | |
That which is agitation of mind, lack of calm, | |
mental disturbance, confusion of mind: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: agitation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with agitation as condition: resolve?’ | |
That which is resolve of the mind, resolution, the state of being resolved on that (mind): this is said to be ‘with agitation as condition: resolve’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with resolve as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for resolve, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with resolve as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. | |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
The Explanation of the Unwholesome [has ended] | |
2.10 Kusalaniddesa |
2.10 The Explanation of the Wholesome |
1 Kāmāvacarakusalacitta |
2 |
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1.1. |
Mahākusalacitta |
Katame dhammā kusalā? |
What are wholesome thoughts? |
Yasmiṃ samaye kāmāvacaraṃ kusalaṃ cittaṃ uppannaṃ hoti somanassasahagataṃ ñāṇasampayuttaṃ rūpārammaṇaṃ vā saddārammaṇaṃ vā gandhārammaṇaṃ vā rasārammaṇaṃ vā phoṭṭhabbārammaṇaṃ vā dhammārammaṇaṃ vā yaṃ yaṃ vā panārabbha, tasmiṃ samaye kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
At whatever time a wholesome mind has arisen, connected with happiness, associated with knowledge, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Tattha katame kusalamūlā? |
Herein, what are ‘wholesome roots?’ |
Alobho, adoso, amoho. |
A lack of greed, a lack of hatred, a lack of delusion. |
Tattha katamo alobho? |
Herein, what is ‘a lack of greed?’ |
Yo alobho alubbhanā alubbhitattaṃ asārāgo asārajjanā asārajjitattaṃ anabhijjhā alobho kusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “alobho”. |
That which is a lack of greed, not being greedy, greedlessness, a lack of passion, a lack of being passionate, passionlessness, a lack of avarice, a wholesome root that is lack of greed: this is said to be ‘a lack of greed’. |
Tattha katamo adoso? |
Herein, what is ‘a lack of hatred?’ |
Yo adoso adussanā adussitattaṃ abyāpādo abyāpajjo adoso kusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “adoso”. |
That which is a lack of hatred, not being hateful, hatelessness, a lack of malice, a lack of maliciousness, a wholesome root that is lack of hatred: this is said to be ‘a lack of hatred’. |
Tattha katamo amoho? |
Herein, what is ‘a lack of delusion?’ |
Yā paññā pajānanā … pe … amoho dhammavicayo sammādiṭṭhi— ayaṃ vuccati “amoho”. |
That which is wisdom, knowing, investigation, deep investigation, investigation of (the nature of) things, discernment, discrimination, differentiation, erudition, skilfulness, subtlety, clarification, thoughtfulness, consideration, breadth, intelligence, guidance, insight, full awareness, examination, wisdom, the Faculty of Wisdom, the Strength of Wisdom, the sword of wisdom, the height of wisdom, the light of wisdom, the lustre of wisdom, the flame of wisdom, the treasure of wisdom, non-delusion, investigation of (the nature of) things, Right View: this is said to be ‘a lack of delusion’. |
Ime vuccanti “kusalamūlā”. |
These are said to be ‘wholesome roots’. | |
Tattha katamo kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro? |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati “kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro”. |
Herein, what is ‘with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ | |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process’. | |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ … pe … viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ … pe … nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ … pe … chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso … pe … phassapaccayā vedanā … pe … ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā”. |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ | |
Tattha katamo vedanāpaccayā pasādo? |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. |
Yā saddhā saddahanā okappanā abhippasādo— ayaṃ vuccati “vedanāpaccayā pasādo”. |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ | |
Tattha katamo pasādapaccayā adhimokkho? |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. |
Yo cittassa adhimokkho adhimuccanā tadadhimuttatā—ayaṃ vuccati “pasādapaccayā adhimokkho”. |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
Tattha katamo adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo? |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. |
Ṭhapetvā adhimokkhaṃ, vedanākkhandho saññākkhandho saṅkhārakkhandho viññāṇakkhandho—ayaṃ vuccati “adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
2 |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ |
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That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. |
1.2. |
Mahākusalacitta |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
Katame dhammā kusalā? |
That which is neither mental agreeableness nor disagreeableness, neither painful nor pleasant experience born of contact with the mind, neither painful nor pleasant feeling born of contact with the mind: |
Yasmiṃ samaye kāmāvacaraṃ kusalaṃ cittaṃ uppannaṃ hoti somanassasahagataṃ ñāṇasampayuttaṃ sasaṅkhārena rūpārammaṇaṃ vā … pe … somanassasahagataṃ ñāṇavippayuttaṃ rūpārammaṇaṃ vā … pe … somanassasahagataṃ ñāṇavippayuttaṃ sasaṅkhārena rūpārammaṇaṃ vā saddārammaṇaṃ vā gandhārammaṇaṃ vā rasārammaṇaṃ vā phoṭṭhabbārammaṇaṃ vā dhammārammaṇaṃ vā yaṃ yaṃ vā panārabbha, tasmiṃ samaye kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. |
Tattha katame kusalamūlā? |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: faith?’ |
Alobho, adoso. |
That which is confidence, being confident, assurance, great faith: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: faith’. |
Tattha katamo alobho? |
Herein, what is ‘with faith as condition: resolve?’ |
Yo alobho alubbhanā alubbhitattaṃ asārāgo asārajjanā asārajjitattaṃ anabhijjhā alobho kusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “alobho”. |
That which is resolve of the mind, resolution, the state of being resolved on that (mind): this is said to be ‘with faith as condition: resolve’. |
Tattha katamo adoso? |
Herein, what is ‘with resolve as condition: continuation?’ |
Yo adoso adussanā adussitattaṃ abyāpādo abyāpajjo adoso kusalamūlaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “adoso”. |
Except for resolve, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with resolve as condition: continuation’. |
Ime vuccanti “kusalamūlā”. |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
Tattha katamo kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro? |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati “kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro” … pe … ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso”. |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
Tattha katamā phassapaccayā vedanā? |
There is ageing, there is death. |
Yaṃ cetasikaṃ sātaṃ cetasikaṃ sukhaṃ cetosamphassajaṃ sātaṃ sukhaṃ vedayitaṃ cetosamphassajā sātā sukhā vedanā— ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
2 |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ |
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For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. |
1.3. |
Mahākusalacitta |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
Katame dhammā kusalā? |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. |
Yasmiṃ samaye kāmāvacaraṃ kusalaṃ cittaṃ uppannaṃ hoti upekkhāsahagataṃ ñāṇasampayuttaṃ rūpārammaṇaṃ vā … pe … upekkhāsahagataṃ ñāṇasampayuttaṃ sasaṅkhārena rūpārammaṇaṃ vā saddārammaṇaṃ vā gandhārammaṇaṃ vā rasārammaṇaṃ vā phoṭṭhabbārammaṇaṃ vā dhammārammaṇaṃ vā yaṃ yaṃ vā panārabbha, tasmiṃ samaye kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
Tattha katame kusalamūlā? |
Alobho, adoso, amoho—ime vuccanti “kusalamūlā”. |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
Tattha katamo kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro? |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati “kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro” … pe … ayaṃ vuccati— “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso”. |
What are wholesome thoughts? |
At whatever time a wholesome mind has arisen in the sensual realm, connected with happiness, associated with knowledge, with intention, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Tattha katamā phassapaccayā vedanā? |
Yaṃ cetasikaṃ neva sātaṃ nāsātaṃ cetosamphassajaṃ adukkhamasukhaṃ vedayitaṃ cetosamphassajā adukkhamasukhā vedanā—ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
What are wholesome thoughts? | |
2 |
At whatever time a wholesome mind has arisen in the sensual realm, connected with happiness, disassociated with knowledge, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
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and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
1.4. |
Mahākusalacitta |
What are wholesome thoughts? | |
Katame dhammā kusalā? |
At whatever time a wholesome mind has arisen in the sensual realm, |
Yasmiṃ samaye kāmāvacaraṃ kusalaṃ cittaṃ uppannaṃ hoti upekkhāsahagataṃ ñāṇavippayuttaṃ rūpārammaṇaṃ vā … pe … upekkhāsahagataṃ ñāṇavippayuttaṃ sasaṅkhārena rūpārammaṇaṃ vā saddārammaṇaṃ vā gandhārammaṇaṃ vā rasārammaṇaṃ vā phoṭṭhabbārammaṇaṃ vā dhammārammaṇaṃ vā yaṃ yaṃ vā panārabbha, tasmiṃ samaye kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
connected with happiness, disassociated with knowledge, with intention, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Tattha katame kusalamūlā? |
Herein, what are ‘wholesome roots?’ |
Alobho, adoso—ime vuccanti “kusalamūlā”. |
A lack of greed, a lack of hatred. |
Herein, what is ‘a lack of greed?’ | |
That which is a lack of greed, not being greedy, greedlessness, a lack of passion, a lack of being passionate, passionlessness, a lack of avarice, a wholesome root that is lack of greed: this is said to be ‘a lack of greed’. | |
Tattha katamo kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro? |
Herein, what is ‘a lack of hatred?’ |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati “kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
That which is a lack of hatred, not being hateful, hatelessness, a lack of malice, a lack of maliciousness, a wholesome root that is lack of hatred: this is said to be ‘a lack of hatred’. |
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These are said to be ‘wholesome roots’. |
2. Rūpāvacarakusalacitta |
Katame dhammā kusalā? |
Herein, what is ‘with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ |
Yasmiṃ samaye rūpūpapattiyā maggaṃ bhāveti vivicceva kāmehi … pe … paṭhamaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati pathavīkasiṇaṃ, tasmiṃ samaye kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process’. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ | |
Tattha katame kusalamūlā? |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. |
Alobho, adoso, amoho—ime vuccanti “kusalamūlā”. |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ | |
Tattha katamo kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro? |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati “kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
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Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ |
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That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. |
3. Arūpāvacarakusalacitta |
Katame dhammā kusalā? |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ |
Yasmiṃ samaye arūpūpapattiyā maggaṃ bhāveti sabbaso ākiñcaññāyatanaṃ samatikkamma nevasaññānāsaññāyatanasaññāsahagataṃ sukhassa ca pahānā … pe … catutthaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati, tasmiṃ samaye kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. | |
Tattha katame kusalamūlā? |
Alobho, adoso, amoho—ime vuccanti “kusalamūlā”. |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ |
That which is mental agreeableness, mental pleasure, pleasant and agreeable experience born of contact with the mind, pleasant and agreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Tattha katamo kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro? |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati “kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro” … pe … ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso”. |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: faith?’ |
That which is confidence, being confident, assurance, great faith: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: faith’. | |
Tattha katamā phassapaccayā vedanā? |
Yaṃ cetasikaṃ sātaṃ cetasikaṃ sukhaṃ cetosamphassajaṃ sātaṃ sukhaṃ vedayitaṃ cetosamphassajā sātā sukhā vedanā— ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
Herein, what is ‘with faith as condition: resolve?’ |
That which is resolve of the mind, resolution, the state of being resolved on that (mind): this is said to be ‘with faith as condition: resolve’. | |
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4. Lokuttarakusalacitta |
Herein, what is ‘with resolve as condition: continuation?’ |
Except for resolve, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with resolve as condition: continuation’. | |
Katame dhammā kusalā? |
Yasmiṃ samaye lokuttaraṃ jhānaṃ bhāveti niyyānikaṃ apacayagāmiṃ diṭṭhigatānaṃ pahānāya paṭhamāya bhūmiyā pattiyā vivicceva kāmehi … pe … paṭhamaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati dukkhapaṭipadaṃ dandhābhiññaṃ, tasmiṃ samaye kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametesaṃ dhammānaṃ samudayo hoti. |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Tattha katame kusalamūlā? |
Alobho, adoso, amoho. |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Tattha katamo alobho … pe … adoso … pe … amoho? |
Yā paññā pajānanā … pe … amoho dhammavicayo sammādiṭṭhi dhammavicayasambojjhaṅgo maggaṅgaṃ maggapariyāpannaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati “amoho”. |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ |
Ime vuccanti “kusalamūlā”. |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. |
Tattha katamo kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro? |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati “kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro” … pe … ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso”. |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. |
Tattha katamā phassapaccayā vedanā? |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. |
Yaṃ cetasikaṃ sātaṃ cetasikaṃ sukhaṃ cetosamphassajaṃ sātaṃ sukhaṃ vedayitaṃ cetosamphassajā sātā sukhā vedanā— ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā”. |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. | |
Tattha katamo vedanāpaccayā pasādo? |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. |
Yā saddhā saddahanā okappanā abhippasādo— ayaṃ vuccati “vedanāpaccayā pasādo”. |
What are wholesome thoughts? | |
Tattha katamo pasādapaccayā adhimokkho? |
At whatever time a wholesome mind has arisen in the sensual realm, connected with equanimity, associated with knowledge, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Yo cittassa adhimokkho adhimuccanā tadadhimuttatā—ayaṃ vuccati “pasādapaccayā adhimokkho”. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Tattha katamo adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo? |
Ṭhapetvā adhimokkhaṃ, vedanākkhandho saññākkhandho saṅkhārakkhandho viññāṇakkhandho—ayaṃ vuccati “adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo” … pe … ayaṃ vuccati “jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ”. |
What are wholesome thoughts? | |
At whatever time a wholesome mind has arisen in the sensual realm, connected with equanimity, associated with knowledge, with intention, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
Evametesaṃ dhammānaṃ samudayo hotīti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Evametesaṃ dhammānaṃ saṅgati hoti, samāgamo hoti, samodhānaṃ hoti, pātubhāvo hoti. |
Tena vuccati “evametesaṃ dhammānaṃ samudayo hotī”ti. |
Herein, what are ‘wholesome roots?’ | |
A lack of greed, a lack of hatred, a lack of delusion. | |
Kusalaniddeso. |
These are said to be ‘wholesome roots’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ | |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ | |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: | |
this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is neither mental agreeableness nor disagreeableness, neither painful nor pleasant experience born of contact with the mind, neither painful nor pleasant feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: faith?’ | |
That which is confidence, being confident, assurance, great faith: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: faith’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with faith as condition: resolve?’ | |
That which is resolve of the mind, resolution, the state of being resolved on that (mind): this is said to be ‘with faith as condition: resolve’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with resolve as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for resolve, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with resolve as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. | |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
What are wholesome thoughts? | |
At whatever time a wholesome mind has arisen in the sensual realm, connected with equanimity, disassociated with knowledge, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a wholesome root as condition | |
there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are wholesome thoughts? | |
At whatever time a wholesome mind has arisen in the sensual realm, connected with equanimity, disassociated with knowledge, with intention, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Herein, what are ‘wholesome roots?’ | |
A lack of greed, a lack of hatred. | |
These are said to be ‘wholesome roots’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ | |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ | |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is neither mental agreeableness nor disagreeableness, neither painful nor pleasant experience born of contact with the mind, neither painful nor pleasant feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: faith?’ | |
That which is confidence, being confident, assurance, great faith: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: faith’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with faith as condition: resolve?’ | |
That which is resolve of the mind, resolution, the state of being resolved on that (mind): this is said to be ‘with faith as condition: resolve’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with resolve as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for resolve, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with resolve as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. | |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
What are wholesome thoughts? | |
At whatever time he develops the Path leading to rebirth in the form worlds, quite secluded from sense desires, secluded from unwholesome things, having thinking, reflection, and the happiness and rapture born of seclusion, and dwells having attained the first absorption on the earth-object, at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, | |
with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Herein, what are ‘wholesome roots?’ | |
A lack of greed, a lack of hatred, a lack of delusion. | |
These are said to be ‘wholesome roots’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ | |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ | |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is neither mental agreeableness nor disagreeableness, neither painful nor pleasant experience born of contact with the mind, neither painful nor pleasant feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: faith?’ | |
That which is confidence, being confident, assurance, great faith: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: faith’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with faith as condition: resolve?’ | |
That which is resolve of the mind, resolution, the state of being resolved on that (mind): this is said to be ‘with faith as condition: resolve’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with resolve as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for resolve, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with resolve as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. | |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
What are wholesome thoughts? | |
At whatever time he develops the Path leading to rebirth in the formless worlds, having completely transcended the sphere of nothingness, associated with the perception of the sphere of neither-perception-nor-non-perception, having given up pleasure, given up pain, and with the previous disappearance of mental well-being and sorrow, without pain, without pleasure, and with complete purity of mindfulness owing to equanimity, he dwells having attained the fourth absorption, at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Herein, what are ‘wholesome roots?’ | |
A lack of greed, a lack of hatred, a lack of delusion. | |
These are said to be ‘wholesome roots’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ | |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ | |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: | |
this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is mental agreeableness, mental pleasure, pleasant and agreeable experience born of contact with the mind, pleasant and agreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: faith?’ | |
That which is confidence, being confident, assurance, great faith: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: faith’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with faith as condition: resolve?’ | |
That which is resolve of the mind, resolution, the state of being resolved on that (mind): this is said to be ‘with faith as condition: resolve’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with resolve as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for resolve, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with resolve as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. | |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
What are wholesome thoughts? | |
At whatever time he develops the supermundane absorption, which leads out, which goes to decrease (of rebirth), to abandonment of (wrong) views, to the attainment of the first ground, quite secluded from sense desires, secluded from unwholesome things, having thinking, reflection, and the happiness and rapture born of seclusion, and dwells having attained the first absorption, with difficulty in practice and | |
slow deepening of knowledge, at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Herein, what are ‘wholesome roots?’ | |
A lack of greed, a lack of hatred, a lack of delusion. | |
Herein, what is ‘a lack of greed?’ | |
That which is a lack of greed, not being greedy, greedlessness, a lack of passion, a lack of being passionate, passionlessness, a lack of avarice, a wholesome root that is lack of greed: | |
this is said to be ‘a lack of greed’. | |
Herein, what is ‘a lack of hatred?’ | |
That which is a lack of hatred, not being hateful, hatelessness, a lack of malice, a lack of maliciousness, a wholesome root that is lack of hatred: | |
this is said to be ‘a lack of hatred’. | |
Herein, what is ‘a lack of delusion?’ | |
That which is wisdom, knowing, investigation, deep investigation, investigation of (the nature of) things, discernment, discrimination, differentiation, erudition, skilfulness, subtlety, clarification, thoughtfulness, consideration, breadth, intelligence, guidance, insight, full awareness, examination, wisdom, the Faculty of Wisdom, the Strength of Wisdom, the sword of wisdom, the height of wisdom, the light of wisdom, the lustre of wisdom, the flame of wisdom, the treasure of wisdom, non-delusion, investigation of (the nature of) things, Right View, investigation (of the nature) of things factor of Complete Awakening, the Path factor, and what belongs to the Path, this is said to be ‘a lack of delusion’. | |
These are said to be ‘wholesome roots’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ | |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ | |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: | |
this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is mental agreeableness, mental pleasure, pleasant and agreeable experience born of contact with the mind, pleasant and agreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: faith?’ | |
That which is confidence, being confident, assurance, great faith: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: faith’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with faith as condition: resolve?’ | |
That which is resolve of the mind, resolution, the state of being resolved on that (mind): this is said to be ‘with faith as condition: resolve’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with resolve as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for resolve, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with resolve as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it: this is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
The Explanation of the Wholesome [has ended] | |
2.11 Abyākataniddesa |
2.11 The Explanation of what is Without Consequences |
Ahetukakusalavipākacitta |
1.1 Ahetukakusalavipākacitta |
1.1.1. Cakkhuviññāṇacitta |
Katame dhammā abyākatā? |
What are thoughts without consequences? |
Yasmiṃ samaye kāmāvacarassa kusalassa kammassa katattā upacitattā vipākaṃ cakkhuviññāṇaṃ uppannaṃ hoti upekkhāsahagataṃ rūpārammaṇaṃ, tasmiṃ samaye saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant eye-consciousness has arisen, connected with equanimity, (having) a form object, at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Tattha katamo saṅkhāro? |
Herein, what is ‘a (volitional) process?’ |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “saṅkhāro”. |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘a (volitional) process’. |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness?’ |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjācakkhuviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ”. |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the eye-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness’. |
Tattha katamaṃ viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ”. |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjācakkhuviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ”. |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the eye-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. |
Tattha katamo chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso? |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ |
Yo phasso phusanā samphusanā samphusitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso”. |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. |
Tattha katamā phassapaccayā vedanā? |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ |
Yaṃ cetasikaṃ neva sātaṃ nāsātaṃ cetosamphassajaṃ adukkhamasukhaṃ vedayitaṃ cetosamphassajā adukkhamasukhā vedanā—ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā”. |
That which is neither mental agreeableness nor disagreeableness, neither painful nor pleasant experience born of contact with the mind, neither painful nor pleasant feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. |
Tattha katamo vedanāpaccayā bhavo? |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: continuation?’ |
Ṭhapetvā vedanaṃ, saññākkhandho saṅkhārakkhandho viññāṇakkhandho—ayaṃ vuccati “vedanāpaccayā bhavo” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
Except for feeling, (it is) the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: continuation’. |
Tasmiṃ samaye saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārahetukaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ viññāṇahetukaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ nāmahetukaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanahetuko, phassapaccayā vedanā phassahetukā, vedanāpaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. |
Tasmiṃ samaye saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ saṅkhārasampayuttaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ viññāṇasampayuttaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ nāmasampayuttaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso chaṭṭhāyatanasampayutto, phassapaccayā vedanā phassasampayuttā, vedanāpaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
There is ageing, there is death. |
Tasmiṃ samaye saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayāpi saṅkhāro; viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayāpi viññāṇaṃ; nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayāpi nāmaṃ; chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayāpi chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ; phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayāpi phasso; vedanāpaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. |
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Herein, what is ‘death?’ |
1.1. |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. |
2. Sota-kāyaviññāṇacitta |
Katame dhammā abyākatā? |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. |
Yasmiṃ samaye kāmāvacarassa kusalassa kammassa katattā upacitattā vipākaṃ sotaviññāṇaṃ uppannaṃ hoti upekkhāsahagataṃ saddārammaṇaṃ … pe … ghānaviññāṇaṃ uppannaṃ hoti upekkhāsahagataṃ gandhārammaṇaṃ … pe … jivhāviññāṇaṃ uppannaṃ hoti upekkhāsahagataṃ rasārammaṇaṃ … pe … kāyaviññāṇaṃ uppannaṃ hoti sukhasahagataṃ phoṭṭhabbārammaṇaṃ, tasmiṃ samaye saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. | |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
Tattha katamo saṅkhāro? |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “saṅkhāro” … pe … ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso”. |
At that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness rooted in a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind rooted in consciousness, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere rooted in mind, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact rooted in the sixth sense sphere, with contact as condition: feeling rooted in contact, with feeling as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Tattha katamā phassapaccayā vedanā? |
Yaṃ kāyikaṃ sātaṃ kāyikaṃ sukhaṃ kāyasamphassajaṃ sātaṃ sukhaṃ vedayitaṃ kāyasamphassajā sātā sukhā vedanā— ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā”. |
At that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness associated with a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind associated with consciousness, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere associated with mind, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact associated with the sixth sense sphere, with contact as condition: feeling rooted in contact, with feeling as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Tattha katamo vedanāpaccayā bhavo? |
Ṭhapetvā vedanaṃ, saññākkhandho saṅkhārakkhandho viññāṇakkhandho—ayaṃ vuccati “vedanāpaccayā bhavo” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
At that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, also with consciousness as condition there is a (volitional) process, with consciousness as condition: mind, | |
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also with mind as condition: consciousness, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, also with the sixth sense sphere as condition: mind, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, also with contact as condition: the sixth sense sphere, |
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with contact as condition: feeling, also with feeling as condition: contact, with feeling as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
1.1. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
3. Sampaṭicchanacitta |
Katame dhammā abyākatā? |
What are thoughts without consequences? |
Yasmiṃ samaye kāmāvacarassa kusalassa kammassa katattā upacitattā vipākā manodhātu uppannā hoti upekkhāsahagatā rūpārammaṇā vā saddārammaṇā vā gandhārammaṇā vā rasārammaṇā vā phoṭṭhabbārammaṇā vā yaṃ yaṃ vā panārabbha, tasmiṃ samaye saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant ear-consciousness has arisen, connected with equanimity, (having) a sound object, at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Tattha katamo saṅkhāro? |
What are thoughts without consequences? |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “saṅkhāro”. |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant nose-consciousness has arisen, connected with equanimity, (having) a smell object, at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ? |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanodhātu—idaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ” … pe … ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso”. |
What are thoughts without consequences? |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant tongue-consciousness has arisen, connected with equanimity, (having) a taste object, at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Tattha katamā phassapaccayā vedanā? |
Yaṃ cetasikaṃ neva sātaṃ nāsātaṃ cetosamphassajaṃ adukkhamasukhaṃ vedayitaṃ cetosamphassajā adukkhamasukhā vedanā—ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā”. |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant body-consciousness has arisen, connected with happiness, (having) a tangible object, at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
Tattha katamo vedanāpaccayā adhimokkho? |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Yo cittassa adhimokkho adhimuccanā tadadhimuttatā—ayaṃ vuccati “vedanāpaccayā adhimokkho”. |
Herein, what is ‘a (volitional) process?’ | |
Tattha katamo adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo? |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘a (volitional) process’. |
Ṭhapetvā adhimokkhaṃ, vedanākkhandho saññākkhandho saṅkhārakkhandho viññāṇakkhandho—ayaṃ vuccati “adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
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Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness?’ |
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That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the body-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness’. |
1.1. |
4. Somanassantīraṇacitta |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ | |
Katame dhammā abyākatā? |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. |
Yasmiṃ samaye kāmāvacarassa kusalassa kammassa katattā upacitattā vipākā manoviññāṇadhātu uppannā hoti somanassasahagatā rūpārammaṇā vā saddārammaṇā vā gandhārammaṇā vā rasārammaṇā vā phoṭṭhabbārammaṇā vā dhammārammaṇā vā yaṃ yaṃ vā panārabbha, tasmiṃ samaye saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the body-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. | |
Tattha katamo saṅkhāro? |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “saṅkhāro”. |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ | |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: | |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ? |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ” … pe … ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso”. |
this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. |
Tattha katamā phassapaccayā vedanā? |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ |
Yaṃ cetasikaṃ sātaṃ cetasikaṃ sukhaṃ cetosamphassajaṃ sātaṃ sukhaṃ vedayitaṃ cetosamphassajā sātā sukhā vedanā— ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā”. |
That which is bodily pleasure, bodily agreeableness, pleasure arising from contact with the body, agreeable feeling, pleasure and pleasureable feeling that is born in the body: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. |
Tattha katamo vedanāpaccayā adhimokkho? |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: continuation?’ |
Yo cittassa adhimokkho adhimuccanā tadadhimuttatā—ayaṃ vuccati “vedanāpaccayā adhimokkho”. |
Except for feeling, (it is) the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: continuation’. |
Tattha katamo adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo? |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ |
Ṭhapetvā adhimokkhaṃ, vedanākkhandho saññākkhandho saṅkhārakkhandho viññāṇakkhandho—ayaṃ vuccati “adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. |
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Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ |
1.1. |
There is ageing, there is death. |
5. Upekkhāsantīraṇacitta |
Katame dhammā abyākatā? |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ |
Yasmiṃ samaye kāmāvacarassa kusalassa kammassa katattā upacitattā vipākā manoviññāṇadhātu uppannā hoti upekkhāsahagatā rūpārammaṇā vā saddārammaṇā vā gandhārammaṇā vā rasārammaṇā vā phoṭṭhabbārammaṇā vā dhammārammaṇā vā yaṃ yaṃ vā panārabbha, tasmiṃ samaye saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
Tattha katamo saṅkhāro? |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “saṅkhāro”. |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ? |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ” … pe … ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso”. |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. | |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
Tattha katamā phassapaccayā vedanā? |
Yaṃ cetasikaṃ neva sātaṃ nāsātaṃ cetosamphassajaṃ adukkhamasukhaṃ vedayitaṃ cetosamphassajā adukkhamasukhā vedanā—ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā”. |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant mind element has arisen, | |
Tattha katamo vedanāpaccayā adhimokkho? |
connected with equanimity, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or referring to whatever (thought), |
Yo cittassa adhimokkho adhimuccanā tadadhimuttatā—ayaṃ vuccati “vedanāpaccayā adhimokkho”. |
at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Tattha katamo adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo? |
Ṭhapetvā adhimokkhaṃ, vedanākkhandho saññākkhandho saṅkhārakkhandho, viññāṇakkhandho—ayaṃ vuccati “adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
Herein, what is ‘a (volitional) process?’ |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘a (volitional) process’. | |
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1.2. |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness?’ |
Kāmāvacaravipākacitta |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness’. |
Katame dhammā abyākatā? |
Yasmiṃ samaye kāmāvacarassa kusalassa kammassa katattā upacitattā vipākā manoviññāṇadhātu uppannā hoti somanassasahagatā ñāṇasampayuttā … pe … somanassasahagatā ñāṇasampayuttā sasaṅkhārena … pe … somanassasahagatā ñāṇavippayuttā … pe … somanassasahagatā ñāṇavippayuttā sasaṅkhārena … pe … upekkhāsahagatā ñāṇasampayuttā … pe … upekkhāsahagatā ñāṇasampayuttā sasaṅkhārena … pe … upekkhāsahagatā ñāṇavippayuttā … pe … upekkhāsahagatā ñāṇavippayuttā sasaṅkhārena rūpārammaṇā vā … pe … dhammārammaṇā vā yaṃ yaṃ vā panārabbha, tasmiṃ samaye saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. |
Tattha katamo saṅkhāro? |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “saṅkhāro”. |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ? |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ” … pe … ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā”. |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: |
this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. | |
Tattha katamo vedanāpaccayā pasādo? |
Yā saddhā saddahanā okappanā abhippasādo— ayaṃ vuccati “vedanāpaccayā pasādo”. |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is neither mental agreeableness nor disagreeableness, neither painful nor pleasant experience born of contact with the mind, neither painful nor pleasant feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Tattha katamo pasādapaccayā adhimokkho? |
Yo cittassa adhimokkho adhimuccanā tadadhimuttatā—ayaṃ vuccati “pasādapaccayā adhimokkho”. |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: resolve?’ | |
That which is resolve of the mind, resolution, the state of being resolved on that (mind): this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: resolve’. | |
Tattha katamo adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo? |
Ṭhapetvā adhimokkhaṃ, vedanākkhandho saññākkhandho saṅkhārakkhandho viññāṇakkhandho—ayaṃ vuccati “adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
Herein, what is ‘with resolve as condition: continuation?’ | |
2 |
Except for resolve, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with resolve as condition: continuation’. |
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1.3. |
Rūpāvacaravipākacitta |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Katame dhammā abyākatā? |
Yasmiṃ samaye rūpūpapattiyā maggaṃ bhāveti vivicceva kāmehi … pe … paṭhamaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati pathavīkasiṇaṃ, tasmiṃ samaye phasso hoti … pe … avikkhepo hoti—ime dhammā kusalā. |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Tasseva rūpāvacarassa kusalassa kammassa katattā upacitattā vipākaṃ vivicceva kāmehi … pe … paṭhamaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati pathavīkasiṇaṃ, tasmiṃ samaye saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
( ) |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ |
2 |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. |
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1.4. |
Arūpāvacaravipākacitta |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Katame dhammā abyākatā? |
Yasmiṃ samaye arūpūpapattiyā maggaṃ bhāveti sabbaso ākiñcaññāyatanaṃ samatikkamma nevasaññānāsaññāyatanasaññāsahagataṃ sukhassa ca pahānā … pe … catutthaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati, tasmiṃ samaye phasso hoti … pe … avikkhepo hoti—ime dhammā kusalā. |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
Tasseva arūpāvacarassa kusalassa kammassa katattā upacitattā vipākaṃ sabbaso ākiñcaññāyatanaṃ samatikkamma nevasaññānāsaññāyatanasaññāsahagataṃ sukhassa ca pahānā … pe … catutthaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati, tasmiṃ samaye saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
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1.5. |
What are thoughts without consequences? |
Lokuttaravipākacitta |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant mind-consciousness element has arisen, connected with happiness, (having) a form object, or a sound object, |
or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
Katame dhammā abyākatā? |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Yasmiṃ samaye lokuttaraṃ jhānaṃ bhāveti niyyānikaṃ apacayagāmiṃ diṭṭhigatānaṃ pahānāya paṭhamāya bhūmiyā pattiyā vivicceva kāmehi … pe … paṭhamaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati dukkhapaṭipadaṃ dandhābhiññaṃ, tasmiṃ samaye phasso hoti … pe … avikkhepo hoti—ime dhammā kusalā. |
Herein, what is ‘a (volitional) process?’ | |
Tasseva lokuttarassa kusalassa jhānassa katattā bhāvitattā vipākaṃ vivicceva kāmehi … pe … paṭhamaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati dukkhapaṭipadaṃ dandhābhiññaṃ, tasmiṃ samaye saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘a (volitional) process’. |
Evametesaṃ dhammānaṃ samudayo hoti. |
( ) |
2 |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness?’ |
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That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness’. |
2. 2. |
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2 Akusalavipākacitta |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ |
2 |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. |
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2.1. |
Cakkhu-kāyaviññāṇacitta |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. | |
Katame dhammā abyākatā? |
Yasmiṃ samaye akusalassa kammassa katattā upacitattā vipākaṃ cakkhuviññāṇaṃ uppannaṃ hoti upekkhāsahagataṃ rūpārammaṇaṃ … pe … sotaviññāṇaṃ uppannaṃ hoti upekkhāsahagataṃ saddārammaṇaṃ … pe … ghānaviññāṇaṃ uppannaṃ hoti upekkhāsahagataṃ gandhārammaṇaṃ … pe … jivhāviññāṇaṃ uppannaṃ hoti upekkhāsahagataṃ rasārammaṇaṃ … pe … kāyaviññāṇaṃ uppannaṃ hoti dukkhasahagataṃ phoṭṭhabbārammaṇaṃ, tasmiṃ samaye saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: | |
Tattha katamo saṅkhāro? |
this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “saṅkhāro”. |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ? |
That which is mental agreeableness, mental pleasure, pleasant and agreeable experience born of contact with the mind, pleasant and agreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjākāyaviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ” … pe … ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso”. |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: resolve?’ | |
Tattha katamā phassapaccayā vedanā? |
That which is resolve of the mind, resolution, the state of being resolved on that (mind): this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: resolve’. |
Yaṃ kāyikaṃ asātaṃ kāyikaṃ dukkhaṃ kāyasamphassajaṃ asātaṃ dukkhaṃ vedayitaṃ kāyasamphassajā asātā dukkhā vedanā— ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā”. |
Herein, what is ‘with resolve as condition: continuation?’ | |
Tattha katamo vedanāpaccayā bhavo? |
Except for resolve, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with resolve as condition: continuation’. |
Ṭhapetvā vedanaṃ, saññākkhandho saṅkhārakkhandho viññāṇakkhandho—ayaṃ vuccati “vedanāpaccayā bhavo” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
2 |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ |
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That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. |
2.2. |
Sampaṭicchanacitta |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
Katame dhammā abyākatā? |
There is ageing, there is death. |
Yasmiṃ samaye akusalassa kammassa katattā upacitattā vipākā manodhātu uppannā hoti upekkhāsahagatā rūpārammaṇā vā saddārammaṇā vā gandhārammaṇā vā rasārammaṇā vā phoṭṭhabbārammaṇā vā yaṃ yaṃ vā panārabbha, tasmiṃ samaye saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Tattha katamo saṅkhāro? |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “saṅkhāro”. |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ? |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanodhātu—idaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ” … pe … ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso”. |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
Tattha katamā phassapaccayā vedanā? |
Yaṃ cetasikaṃ neva sātaṃ nāsātaṃ cetosamphassajaṃ adukkhamasukhaṃ vedayitaṃ cetosamphassajā adukkhamasukhā vedanā—ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā”. |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
Tattha katamo vedanāpaccayā adhimokkho? |
Yo cittassa adhimokkho adhimuccanā tadadhimuttatā—ayaṃ vuccati “vedanāpaccayā adhimokkho”. |
What are thoughts without consequences? |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant mind-consciousness element has arisen, connected with equanimity, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a | |
thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
Tattha katamo adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo? |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Ṭhapetvā adhimokkhaṃ, vedanākkhandho saññākkhandho saṅkhārakkhandho viññāṇakkhandho—ayaṃ vuccati “adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
2 |
Herein, what is ‘a (volitional) process?’ |
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That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘a (volitional) process’. |
2.3. |
Upekkhāsantīraṇacitta |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness?’ | |
Katame dhammā abyākatā? |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness’. |
Yasmiṃ samaye akusalassa kammassa katattā upacitattā vipākā manoviññāṇadhātu uppannā hoti upekkhāsahagatā rūpārammaṇā vā … pe … dhammārammaṇā vā yaṃ yaṃ vā panārabbha, tasmiṃ samaye saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. | |
Tattha katamo saṅkhāro? |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “saṅkhāro”. |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. | |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ? |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ | |
2 |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: |
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3. 2. |
this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. |
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3 Kiriyācitta |
2 |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ |
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That which is neither mental agreeableness nor disagreeableness, neither painful nor pleasant experience born of contact with the mind, neither painful nor pleasant feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. |
3.1. |
Ahetukakiriyācitta |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: resolve?’ | |
Katame dhammā abyākatā? |
That which is resolve of the mind, resolution, the state of being resolved on that (mind): this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: resolve’. |
Yasmiṃ samaye manodhātu uppannā hoti kiriyā neva kusalā nākusalā na ca kammavipākā upekkhāsahagatā rūpārammaṇā vā … pe … phoṭṭhabbārammaṇā vā … pe … manoviññāṇadhātu uppannā hoti kiriyā neva kusalā nākusalā na ca kammavipākā somanassasahagatā rūpārammaṇā vā … pe … dhammārammaṇā vā … pe … manoviññāṇadhātu uppannā hoti kiriyā neva kusalā nākusalā na ca kammavipākā upekkhāsahagatā rūpārammaṇā vā … pe … dhammārammaṇā vā yaṃ yaṃ vā panārabbha, tasmiṃ samaye saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
Herein, what is ‘with resolve as condition: continuation?’ | |
2 |
Except for resolve, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with resolve as condition: continuation’. |
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3.2. |
Kāmāvacarakiriyācitta |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Katame dhammā abyākatā? |
Yasmiṃ samaye manoviññāṇadhātu uppannā hoti kiriyā neva kusalā nākusalā na ca kammavipākā somanassasahagatā ñāṇasampayuttā … pe … somanassasahagatā ñāṇasampayuttā sasaṅkhārena … pe … somanassasahagatā ñāṇavippayuttā … pe … somanassasahagatā ñāṇavippayuttā sasaṅkhārena … pe … upekkhāsahagatā ñāṇasampayuttā … pe … upekkhāsahagatā ñāṇasampayuttā sasaṅkhārena … pe … upekkhāsahagatā ñāṇavippayuttā … pe … upekkhāsahagatā ñāṇavippayuttā sasaṅkhārena rūpārammaṇā vā … pe … dhammārammaṇā vā yaṃ yaṃ vā panārabbha, tasmiṃ samaye saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
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11 |
3.3. |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ |
Rūpāvacarakiriyācitta |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. |
Katame dhammā abyākatā? |
Yasmiṃ samaye rūpāvacaraṃ jhānaṃ bhāveti kiriyaṃ neva kusalaṃ nākusalaṃ na ca kammavipākaṃ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihāraṃ vivicceva kāmehi … pe … paṭhamaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati pathavīkasiṇaṃ, tasmiṃ samaye saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. |
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Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. |
3.4. |
Arūpāvacarakiriyācitta |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. | |
Katame dhammā abyākatā? |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. |
Yasmiṃ samaye arūpāvacaraṃ jhānaṃ bhāveti kiriyaṃ neva kusalaṃ nākusalaṃ na ca kammavipākaṃ diṭṭhadhammasukhavihāraṃ sabbaso ākiñcaññāyatanaṃ samatikkamma nevasaññānāsaññāyatanasaññāsahagataṃ sukhassa ca pahānā … pe … catutthaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati, tasmiṃ samaye saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
( ) |
What are thoughts without consequences? |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant mind-consciousness element has arisen, connected with happiness, associated with knowledge, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
Abyākataniddeso. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant mind-consciousness element has arisen, connected with happiness, associated with knowledge, with intention, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant mind-consciousness element has arisen, connected with happiness, disassociated with knowledge, | |
(having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant mind-consciousness element has arisen, connected with happiness, disassociated with knowledge, with intention, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant mind-consciousness element has arisen, connected with equanimity, associated with knowledge, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant mind-consciousness element has arisen, connected with equanimity, associated with knowledge, with intention, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant mind-consciousness element has arisen, connected with equanimity, disassociated with knowledge, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant mind-consciousness element has arisen, connected with equanimity, disassociated with knowledge, with intention, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Herein, what is ‘a (volitional) process?’ | |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘a (volitional) process’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ | |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is neither mental agreeableness nor disagreeableness, neither painful nor pleasant experience born of contact with the mind, neither painful nor pleasant feeling born of contact with the mind: | |
this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: faith?’ | |
That which is confidence, being confident, assurance, great faith: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: faith’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with faith as condition: resolve?’ | |
That which is resolve of the mind, resolution, the state of being resolved on that (mind): this is said to be ‘with faith as condition: resolve’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with resolve as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for resolve, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with resolve as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. | |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time he develops the Path leading to rebirth in the form worlds, quite secluded from sense desires, secluded from unwholesome things, having thinking, reflection, and the happiness and rapture born of seclusion, and dwells having attained the first absorption on the earth-object, at that time there is contact, there is feeling, there is perception, there is intention, there is thought, there is thinking, there is reflection, there is rapture, there is happiness, there is one-pointedness of mind, there is the faculty of faith, there is the faculty of energy, there is the faculty of mindfulness, there is the faculty of concentration, there is the faculty of wisdom, there is the faculty of mind, there is the faculty of happiness, there is the faculty of life, there is right view, there is right thought, there is right endeavour, there is right mindfulness, there is right concentration, there is the strength of faith, there is the strength of energy, there is the strength of mindfulness, there is the strength of concentration, there is the strength of wisdom, there is the strength of conscience, there is the strength of shame, there is a lack of greed, there is a lack of hatred, there is a lack of delusion, there is a lack of avarice, there is a lack of malice, there is right view, there is conscience, there is shame, there is bodily calm, there is mental calm, there is bodily lightness, there is mental lightness, there is bodily plasticity, there is mental plasticity, there is bodily workableness, there is mental workableness, there is bodily proficiency, there is mental proficiency, there is bodily uprightness, there is mental uprightness, there is mindfulness, there is full knowledge, there is calm, there is full insight, there is exertion, there is balance: those thoughts are wholesome. | |
For him, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the form realm, the result is that quite secluded from sense desires, secluded from unwholesome things, having thinking, reflection, and the happiness and rapture born of seclusion, he dwells having attained the first absorption on the earth-object, at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time he develops the Path leading to rebirth in the formless worlds, having completely transcended the sphere of nothingness, associated with the perception of the sphere of neither-perception-nor-non-perception, having given up pleasure, given up pain, and with the previous disappearance of mental well-being and sorrow, without pain, without pleasure, and with complete purity of mindfulness owing to equanimity, he dwells having attained the fourth absorption, at that time there is contact, there is feeling, there is perception, there is intention, there is thought, there is thinking, there is reflection, there is rapture, there is happiness, there is one-pointedness of mind, there is the faculty of faith, there is the faculty of energy, there is the faculty of mindfulness, there is the faculty of concentration, there is the faculty of wisdom, there is the faculty of mind, there is the faculty of happiness, there is the faculty of life, there is right view, there is right thought, there is right endeavour, there is right mindfulness, there is right concentration, there is the strength of faith, there is the strength of energy, there is the strength of mindfulness, there is the strength of concentration, there is the strength of wisdom, there is the strength of conscience, there is the strength of shame, there is a lack of greed, there is a lack of hatred, there is a lack of delusion, there is a lack of avarice, there is a lack of malice, there is right view, there is conscience, there is shame, there is bodily calm, there is mental calm, there is bodily lightness, there is mental lightness, there is bodily plasticity, there is mental plasticity, there is bodily workableness, there is mental workableness, there is bodily proficiency, there is mental proficiency, there is bodily uprightness, there is mental uprightness, there is mindfulness, there is full knowledge, there is calm, there is full insight, there is exertion, there is balance: those thoughts are wholesome. | |
For him, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the formless realm, the result is that having completely transcended the sphere of nothingness, associated with the perception of the sphere of neither-perception-nor-non-perception, having given up pleasure, given up pain, and with the previous disappearance of mental well-being and sorrow, without pain, without pleasure, and with complete purity of mindfulness owing to equanimity, he dwells having attained the fourth absorption, at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time he develops the supermundane absorption, which leads out, which goes to decrease (of rebirth), to abandonment of (wrong) views, to the attainment of the first ground, quite secluded from sense desires, secluded from unwholesome things, having thinking, reflection, and the happiness and rapture born of seclusion, and dwells having attained the first absorption, with difficulty in practice and slow deepening of knowledge, at that time there is contact, there is feeling, there is perception, there is intention, there is thought, there is thinking, there is reflection, there is rapture, there is happiness, there is one-pointedness of mind, there is the faculty of faith, there is the faculty of energy, there is the faculty of mindfulness, there is the faculty of concentration, there is the faculty of wisdom, there is the faculty of mind, there is the faculty of happiness, there is the faculty of life, there is right view, there is right thought, there is right endeavour, there is right mindfulness, there is right concentration, there is the strength of faith, there is the strength of energy, there is the strength of mindfulness, there is the strength of concentration, there is the strength of wisdom, there is the strength of conscience, there is the strength of shame, there is a lack of greed, there is a lack of hatred, there is a lack of delusion, there is a lack of avarice, there is a lack of malice, there is right view, there is conscience, there is shame, there is bodily calm, there is mental calm, there is bodily lightness, there is mental lightness, there is bodily plasticity, there is mental plasticity, there is bodily workableness, there is mental workableness, there is bodily proficiency, there is mental proficiency, there is bodily uprightness, there is mental uprightness, there is mindfulness, there is full knowledge, there is calm, there is full insight, there is exertion, there is balance: those thoughts are wholesome. | |
For him, through having done and developed the supermundane absorption the result is that quite secluded from sense desires, secluded from unwholesome things, having thinking, reflection, and the happiness and rapture born of seclusion, he dwells having attained the first absorption, with difficulty in practice and slow deepening of knowledge, at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, | |
with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated unwholesome deeds, a resultant eye-consciousness has arisen, connected with equanimity, (having) a form object, at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated unwholesome deeds, a resultant ear-consciousness has arisen, connected with equanimity, (having) a sound object, at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated unwholesome deeds, a resultant nose-consciousness has arisen, connected with equanimity, (having) a smell object, at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated unwholesome deeds, a resultant tongue-consciousness has arisen, connected with equanimity, (having) a taste object, at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated unwholesome deeds, a resultant body-consciousness has arisen, connected with suffering, (having) a tangible object, at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Herein, what is ‘a (volitional) process?’ | |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘a (volitional) process’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the body-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the body-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ | |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: | |
this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is bodily pain, bodily disagreeableness, pain arising from contact with the body, disagreeable feeling, pain and painful feeling that is born in the body: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for feeling, (it is) the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. | |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated unwholesome deeds, a resultant mind element has arisen, connected with equanimity, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Herein, what is ‘a (volitional) process?’ | |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘a (volitional) process’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ | |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: | |
this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is neither mental agreeableness nor disagreeableness, neither painful nor pleasant | |
experience born of contact with the mind, neither painful nor pleasant feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: resolve?’ | |
That which is resolve of the mind, resolution, the state of being resolved on that (mind): this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: resolve’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with resolve as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for resolve, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with resolve as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. | |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated unwholesome deeds, a resultant mind-consciousness element has arisen, connected with equanimity, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Herein, what is ‘a (volitional) process?’ | |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘a (volitional) process’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ | |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is neither mental agreeableness nor disagreeableness, neither painful nor pleasant experience born of contact with the mind, neither painful nor pleasant feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: resolve?’ | |
That which is resolve of the mind, resolution, the state of being resolved on that (mind): this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: resolve’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with resolve as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for resolve, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with resolve as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. | |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time a mind element has arisen that is inoperative, being neither wholesome nor unwholesome, nor | |
a result of (previous) deeds, connected with equanimity, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time a mind-consciousness element has arisen that is inoperative, being neither wholesome nor unwholesome, nor a result of (previous) deeds, connected with happiness, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time a mind-consciousness element has arisen that is inoperative, being neither wholesome nor unwholesome, nor a result of (previous) deeds, connected with equanimity, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time a mind-consciousness element has arisen that is inoperative, being neither wholesome nor unwholesome, nor a result of (previous) deeds, connected with happiness, associated with knowledge, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time a mind-consciousness element has arisen that is inoperative, being neither wholesome nor unwholesome, nor a result of (previous) deeds, connected with happiness, associated with knowledge, with intention, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time a mind-consciousness element has arisen that is inoperative, being neither wholesome nor unwholesome, nor a result of (previous) deeds, connected with happiness, disassociated with knowledge, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time a mind-consciousness element has arisen that is inoperative, being neither wholesome nor unwholesome, nor a result of (previous) deeds, connected with happiness, disassociated with knowledge, with intention, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time a mind-consciousness element has arisen that is inoperative, being neither wholesome nor unwholesome, nor a result of (previous) deeds, connected with equanimity, associated with knowledge, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time a mind-consciousness element has arisen that is inoperative, being neither wholesome nor unwholesome, nor a result of (previous) deeds, connected with equanimity, associated with knowledge, with intention, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time a mind-consciousness element has arisen that is inoperative, being neither wholesome nor unwholesome, nor a result of (previous) deeds, connected with equanimity, associated with knowledge, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time a mind-consciousness element has arisen that is inoperative, being neither wholesome nor unwholesome, nor a result of (previous) deeds, connected with equanimity, associated with knowledge, with intention, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, | |
with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time he develops absorption in the form realm, | |
that is inoperative, being neither wholesome nor unwholesome, nor a result of (previous) deeds, a happy abiding in the here and now, quite secluded from sense desires, secluded from unwholesome things, having thinking, reflection, and the happiness and rapture born of seclusion, and dwells having attained the first absorption on the earth-object, at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time he develops absorption in the formless realm, that is inoperative, being neither wholesome nor unwholesome, nor a result of (previous) deeds, a happy abiding in the here and now, having completely transcended the sphere of nothingness, associated with the perception of the sphere of neither-perception-nor-non-perception, having given up pleasure, given up pain, and with the previous disappearance of mental well-being and sorrow, without pain, without pleasure, and with complete purity of mindfulness owing to equanimity, he dwells having attained the fourth absorption, at that time with a (volitional) process as condition there is consciousness, | |
with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
The Explanation of what is Without Consequences [has ended] | |
2.12 Avijjāmūlakakusalaniddesa |
2.12 The Explanation of the Wholesome with a Root of Ignorance |
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What are wholesome thoughts? |
1.1. |
At whatever time a wholesome mind has arisen in the sensual realm, connected with happiness, associated with knowledge, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: |
Mahākusalacitta |
the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Katame dhammā kusalā? |
Yasmiṃ samaye kāmāvacaraṃ kusalaṃ cittaṃ uppannaṃ hoti somanassasahagataṃ ñāṇasampayuttaṃ rūpārammaṇaṃ vā … pe … dhammārammaṇaṃ vā yaṃ yaṃ vā panārabbha, tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
Herein, what is ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process’. | |
Tattha katamo avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro? |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati “avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro” … pe … ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso”. |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. | |
Tattha katamā phassapaccayā vedanā? |
Yaṃ cetasikaṃ sātaṃ cetasikaṃ sukhaṃ cetosamphassajaṃ sātaṃ sukhaṃ vedayitaṃ cetosamphassajā sātā sukhā vedanā— ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā”. |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. | |
Tattha katamo vedanāpaccayā pasādo? |
Yā saddhā saddahanā okappanā abhippasādo— ayaṃ vuccati “vedanāpaccayā pasādo”. |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. | |
Tattha katamo pasādapaccayā adhimokkho? |
Yo cittassa adhimokkho adhimuccanā tadadhimuttatā—ayaṃ vuccati “pasādapaccayā adhimokkho”. |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: | |
Tattha katamo adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo? |
this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. |
Ṭhapetvā adhimokkhaṃ, vedanākkhandho saññākkhandho saṅkhārakkhandho viññāṇakkhandho—ayaṃ vuccati “adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
Tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
That which is mental agreeableness, mental pleasure, pleasant and agreeable experience born of contact with the mind, pleasant and agreeable feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: faith?’ | |
Tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ, nāmarūpapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
That which is confidence, being confident, assurance, great faith: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: faith’. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
Herein, what is ‘with faith as condition: resolve?’ | |
Tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ, nāmarūpapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
That which is resolve of the mind, resolution, the state of being resolved on that (mind): this is said to be ‘with faith as condition: resolve’. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
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Herein, what is ‘with resolve as condition: continuation?’ |
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Except for resolve, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with resolve as condition: continuation’. |
1.2. |
Mahākusalacitta |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
Katame dhammā kusalā? |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. |
Yasmiṃ samaye kāmāvacaraṃ kusalaṃ cittaṃ uppannaṃ hoti somanassasahagataṃ ñāṇasampayuttaṃ sasaṅkhārena … pe … somanassasahagataṃ ñāṇavippayuttaṃ … pe … somanassasahagataṃ ñāṇavippayuttaṃ sasaṅkhārena … pe … upekkhāsahagataṃ ñāṇasampayuttaṃ … pe … upekkhāsahagataṃ ñāṇasampayuttaṃ sasaṅkhārena … pe … upekkhāsahagataṃ ñāṇavippayuttaṃ … pe … upekkhāsahagataṃ ñāṇavippayuttaṃ sasaṅkhārena rūpārammaṇaṃ vā … pe … dhammārammaṇaṃ vā yaṃ yaṃ vā panārabbha, tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
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There is ageing, there is death. |
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2. Rūpāvacarakusalacitta |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
Katame dhammā kusalā? |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. |
Yasmiṃ samaye rūpūpapattiyā maggaṃ bhāveti vivicceva kāmehi … pe … paṭhamaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati pathavīkasiṇaṃ, tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
( ) |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ |
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For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. |
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3. Arūpāvacarakusalacitta |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
Katame dhammā kusalā? |
Yasmiṃ samaye arūpūpapattiyā maggaṃ bhāveti sabbaso ākiñcaññāyatanaṃ samatikkamma nevasaññānāsaññāyatanasaññāsahagataṃ sukhassa ca pahānā … pe … catutthaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati, tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
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4. Lokuttarakusalacitta |
At that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Katame dhammā kusalā? |
Yasmiṃ samaye lokuttaraṃ jhānaṃ bhāveti niyyānikaṃ apacayagāmiṃ diṭṭhigatānaṃ pahānāya paṭhamāya bhūmiyā pattiyā vivicceva kāmehi … pe … paṭhamaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati dukkhapaṭipadaṃ dandhābhiññaṃ, tasmiṃ samaye avijjāpaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametesaṃ dhammānaṃ samudayo hoti. |
At that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form, with mind and bodily form as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Avijjāmūlakakusalaniddeso. |
At that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind and bodily form, with mind and bodily form as condition: the six sense spheres, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
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and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
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1. 2. |
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What are wholesome thoughts? |
1 Kusalamūlakavipākaniddesa |
At whatever time a wholesome mind has arisen in the sensual realm, connected with happiness, associated with knowledge, with intention, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
2 |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
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1.1. |
Cakkhuviññāṇacitta |
What are wholesome thoughts? |
At whatever time a wholesome mind has arisen in the sensual realm, connected with happiness, disassociated with knowledge, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
Katame dhammā abyākatā? |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Yasmiṃ samaye kāmāvacarassa kusalassa kammassa katattā upacitattā vipākaṃ cakkhuviññāṇaṃ uppannaṃ hoti upekkhāsahagataṃ rūpārammaṇaṃ, tasmiṃ samaye kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
What are wholesome thoughts? | |
At whatever time a wholesome mind has arisen in the sensual realm, connected with happiness, disassociated with knowledge, with intention, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
Tattha katamo kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro? |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ— ayaṃ vuccati “kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
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What are wholesome thoughts? |
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At whatever time a wholesome mind has arisen in the sensual realm, connected with equanimity, associated with knowledge, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
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and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Sotaviññāṇa-upekkhāsantīraṇacitta |
Katame dhammā abyākatā? |
What are wholesome thoughts? |
Yasmiṃ samaye kāmāvacarassa kusalassa kammassa katattā upacitattā vipākaṃ sotaviññāṇaṃ uppannaṃ hoti upekkhāsahagataṃ saddārammaṇaṃ … pe … ghānaviññāṇaṃ uppannaṃ hoti upekkhāsahagataṃ gandhārammaṇaṃ … pe … jivhāviññāṇaṃ uppannaṃ hoti upekkhāsahagataṃ rasārammaṇaṃ … pe … kāyaviññāṇaṃ uppannaṃ hoti sukhasahagataṃ phoṭṭhabbārammaṇaṃ … pe … manodhātu uppannā hoti upekkhāsahagatā rūpārammaṇā vā … pe … phoṭṭhabbārammaṇā vā … pe … manoviññāṇadhātu uppannā hoti somanassasahagatā rūpārammaṇā vā … pe … dhammārammaṇā vā … pe … manoviññāṇadhātu uppannā hoti upekkhāsahagatā rūpārammaṇā vā … pe … dhammārammaṇā vā yaṃ yaṃ vā panārabbha, tasmiṃ samaye kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
At whatever time a wholesome mind has arisen in the sensual realm, connected with equanimity, associated with knowledge, with intention, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
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What are wholesome thoughts? |
2. Kāmāvacaravipākacitta |
At whatever time a wholesome mind has arisen in the sensual realm, connected with equanimity, disassociated with knowledge, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Katame dhammā abyākatā? |
Yasmiṃ samaye kāmāvacarassa kusalassa kammassa katattā upacitattā vipākā manoviññāṇadhātu uppannā hoti somanassasahagatā ñāṇasampayuttā … pe … somanassasahagatā ñāṇasampayuttā sasaṅkhārena … pe … somanassasahagatā ñāṇavippayuttā … pe … somanassasahagatā ñāṇavippayuttā sasaṅkhārena … pe … upekkhāsahagatā ñāṇasampayuttā … pe … upekkhāsahagatā ñāṇasampayuttā sasaṅkhārena … pe … upekkhāsahagatā ñāṇavippayuttā … pe … upekkhāsahagatā ñāṇavippayuttā sasaṅkhārena rūpārammaṇā vā … pe … dhammārammaṇā vā yaṃ yaṃ vā panārabbha, tasmiṃ samaye kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
What are wholesome thoughts? |
At whatever time a wholesome mind has arisen in the sensual realm, connected with equanimity, disassociated with knowledge, with intention, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
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and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
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3. Rūpāvacaravipākacitta |
What are wholesome thoughts? | |
Katame dhammā abyākatā? |
At whatever time he develops the Path leading to rebirth in the form worlds, |
Yasmiṃ samaye rūpūpapattiyā maggaṃ bhāveti vivicceva kāmehi … pe … paṭhamaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati pathavīkasiṇaṃ, tasmiṃ samaye phasso hoti … pe … avikkhepo hoti—ime dhammā kusalā. |
quite secluded from sense desires, secluded from unwholesome things, having thinking, reflection, and the happiness and rapture born of seclusion, and dwells having attained the first absorption on the earth-object, at that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Tasseva rūpāvacarassa kusalassa kammassa katattā upacitattā vipākaṃ vivicceva kāmehi … pe … paṭhamaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati pathavīkasiṇaṃ, tasmiṃ samaye kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
What are wholesome thoughts? |
At whatever time he develops the Path leading to rebirth in the formless worlds, having completely transcended the sphere of nothingness, associated with the perception of the sphere of neither-perception-nor-non-perception, having given up pleasure, given up pain, and with the previous disappearance of mental well-being and sorrow, without pain, without pleasure, and with complete purity of mindfulness owing to equanimity, he dwells having attained the fourth absorption, at that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
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and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
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4. Arūpāvacaravipākacitta |
What are wholesome thoughts? | |
Katame dhammā abyākatā? |
At whatever time he develops the supermundane absorption, which leads out, which goes to decrease (of rebirth), to abandonment of (wrong) views, to the attainment of the first ground, quite secluded from sense desires, secluded from unwholesome things, having thinking, reflection, and the happiness and rapture born of seclusion, and dwells having attained the first absorption, with difficulty in practice and slow deepening of knowledge, at that time with ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, |
Yasmiṃ samaye arūpūpapattiyā maggaṃ bhāveti sabbaso ākiñcaññāyatanaṃ samatikkamma nevasaññānāsaññāyatanasaññāsahagataṃ sukhassa ca pahānā … pe … catutthaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati, tasmiṃ samaye phasso hoti … pe … avikkhepo hoti—ime dhammā kusalā. |
with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, |
with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Tasseva arūpāvacarassa kusalassa kammassa katattā upacitattā vipākaṃ sabbaso ākiñcaññāyatanaṃ samatikkamma nevasaññānāsaññāyatanasaññāsahagataṃ sukhassa ca pahānā … pe … catutthaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati, tasmiṃ samaye kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
The Explanation of the Wholesome with a Root of Ignorance | |
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5. Lokuttaravipākacitta |
The Explanation of Results having a Wholesome Root |
Katame dhammā abyākatā? |
What are thoughts without consequences? |
Yasmiṃ samaye lokuttaraṃ jhānaṃ bhāveti niyyānikaṃ apacayagāmiṃ diṭṭhigatānaṃ pahānāya paṭhamāya bhūmiyā pattiyā vivicceva kāmehi … pe … paṭhamaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati dukkhapaṭipadaṃ dandhābhiññaṃ, tasmiṃ samaye phasso hoti … pe … avikkhepo hoti—ime dhammā kusalā. |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant eye-consciousness has arisen, connected with equanimity, (having) a form object, at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Tasseva lokuttarassa kusalassa jhānassa katattā bhāvitattā vipākaṃ vivicceva kāmehi … pe … paṭhamaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati dukkhapaṭipadaṃ dandhābhiññaṃ suññataṃ, tasmiṃ samaye kusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā pasādo, pasādapaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametesaṃ dhammānaṃ samudayo hoti. |
Herein, what is ‘with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ |
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That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process’. |
Kusalamūlakavipākaniddeso. |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ | |
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That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. |
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14 Akusalamūlakavipākaniddesa |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ |
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(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. |
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1. Cakkhuviññāṇacitta |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
Katame dhammā abyākatā? |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. |
Yasmiṃ samaye akusalassa kammassa katattā upacitattā vipākaṃ cakkhuviññāṇaṃ uppannaṃ hoti upekkhāsahagataṃ rūpārammaṇaṃ, tasmiṃ samaye akusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ | |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. | |
Tattha katamo akusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro? |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “akusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro” … pe … tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
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That which is neither mental agreeableness nor disagreeableness, neither painful nor pleasant experience born of contact with the mind, neither painful nor pleasant feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. |
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2. Sotaviññāṇa-sampaṭicchanacitta |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: continuation?’ | |
Katame dhammā abyākatā? |
Except for feeling, (it is) the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: continuation’. |
Yasmiṃ samaye akusalassa kammassa katattā upacitattā vipākaṃ sotaviññāṇaṃ uppannaṃ hoti upekkhāsahagataṃ saddārammaṇaṃ … pe … ghānaviññāṇaṃ uppannaṃ hoti upekkhāsahagataṃ gandhārammaṇaṃ … pe … jivhāviññāṇaṃ uppannaṃ hoti upekkhāsahagataṃ rasārammaṇaṃ … pe … kāyaviññāṇaṃ uppannaṃ hoti dukkhasahagataṃ phoṭṭhabbārammaṇaṃ … pe … manodhātu uppannā hoti upekkhāsahagatā rūpārammaṇā vā … pe … phoṭṭhabbārammaṇā vā yaṃ yaṃ vā panārabbha, tasmiṃ samaye akusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
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That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. |
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3. Upekkhāsantīraṇacitta |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
Katame dhammā abyākatā? |
There is ageing, there is death. |
Yasmiṃ samaye akusalassa kammassa katattā upacitattā vipākā manoviññāṇadhātu uppannā hoti upekkhāsahagatā rūpārammaṇā vā … pe … dhammārammaṇā vā yaṃ yaṃ vā panārabbha, tasmiṃ samaye akusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro, saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ, viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ, nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ, chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso, phassapaccayā vedanā, vedanāpaccayā adhimokkho, adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo, bhavapaccayā jāti, jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hoti. |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Tattha katamo akusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro? |
Yā cetanā sañcetanā sañcetayitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “akusalamūlapaccayā saṅkhāro”. |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Tattha katamaṃ saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ? |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “saṅkhārapaccayā viññāṇaṃ”. |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
Tattha katamaṃ viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ? |
Vedanākkhandho, saññākkhandho, saṅkhārakkhandho—idaṃ vuccati “viññāṇapaccayā nāmaṃ”. |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
Tattha katamaṃ nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ? |
Yaṃ cittaṃ mano mānasaṃ … pe … tajjāmanoviññāṇadhātu—idaṃ vuccati “nāmapaccayā chaṭṭhāyatanaṃ”. |
What are thoughts without consequences? |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant ear-consciousness has arisen, connected with equanimity, (having) a sound object, at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Tattha katamo chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso? |
Yo phasso phusanā samphusanā samphusitattaṃ—ayaṃ vuccati “chaṭṭhāyatanapaccayā phasso”. |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant nose-consciousness has arisen, connected with equanimity, (having) a smell object, at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
Tattha katamā phassapaccayā vedanā? |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Yaṃ cetasikaṃ neva sātaṃ nāsātaṃ cetosamphassajaṃ adukkhamasukhaṃ vedayitaṃ cetosamphassajā adukkhamasukhā vedanā—ayaṃ vuccati “phassapaccayā vedanā”. |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
Tattha katamo vedanāpaccayā adhimokkho? |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant tongue-consciousness has arisen, connected with equanimity, (having) a taste object, at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Yo cittassa adhimokkho adhimuccanā tadadhimuttatā—ayaṃ vuccati “vedanāpaccayā adhimokkho”. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Tattha katamo adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo? |
What are thoughts without consequences? |
Ṭhapetvā adhimokkhaṃ, vedanākkhandho saññākkhandho saṅkhārakkhandho viññāṇakkhandho—ayaṃ vuccati “adhimokkhapaccayā bhavo”. |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant body-consciousness has arisen, connected with happiness, (having) a tangible object, at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Tattha katamā bhavapaccayā jāti? |
Yā tesaṃ tesaṃ dhammānaṃ jāti sañjāti nibbatti abhinibbatti pātubhāvo—ayaṃ vuccati “bhavapaccayā jāti”. |
What are thoughts without consequences? |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant mind element has arisen, connected with equanimity, (having) a form object, . | | | |
Tattha katamaṃ jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ? |
.. or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
Atthi jarā, atthi maraṇaṃ. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Tattha katamā jarā? |
Yā tesaṃ tesaṃ dhammānaṃ jarā jīraṇatā āyuno saṃhāni—ayaṃ vuccati “jarā”. |
Tattha katamaṃ maraṇaṃ? |
What are thoughts without consequences? |
Yo tesaṃ tesaṃ dhammānaṃ khayo vayo bhedo paribhedo aniccatā antaradhānaṃ—idaṃ vuccati “maraṇaṃ”. |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant mind-consciousness element has arisen, connected with happiness, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, . |
Iti ayañca jarā, idañca maraṇaṃ. | |
Idaṃ vuccati “jātipaccayā jarāmaraṇaṃ”. |
.. or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotīti. |
Evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa saṅgati hoti, samāgamo hoti, samodhānaṃ hoti, pātubhāvo hoti. |
What are thoughts without consequences? |
Tena vuccati “evametassa kevalassa dukkhakkhandhassa samudayo hotī”ti. |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant mind-consciousness element has arisen, connected with equanimity, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, |
or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, | |
with feeling as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
Akusalamūlakavipākaniddeso. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
Abhidhammabhājanīyaṃ. |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant mind-consciousness element has arisen, connected with happiness, associated with knowledge, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
Paṭiccasamuppādavibhaṅgo niṭṭhito. |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant mind-consciousness element has arisen, connected with happiness, associated with knowledge, with intention, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant mind-consciousness element has arisen, connected with happiness, disassociated with knowledge, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant mind-consciousness element has arisen, connected with happiness, disassociated with knowledge, with intention, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant mind-consciousness element has arisen, connected with equanimity, associated with knowledge, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant mind-consciousness element has arisen, connected with equanimity, associated with knowledge, with intention, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant mind-consciousness element has arisen, connected with equanimity, disassociated with knowledge, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant mind-consciousness element has arisen, connected with equanimity, disassociated with knowledge, with intention, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time he develops the Path leading to rebirth in the form worlds, quite secluded from sense desires, secluded from unwholesome things, having thinking, reflection, and the happiness and rapture born of seclusion, and dwells having attained the first absorption on the earth-object, at that time there is contact, there is feeling, there is perception, there is intention, there is thought, there is thinking, there is reflection, there is rapture, there is happiness, there is one-pointedness of mind, there is the faculty of faith, there is the faculty of energy, there is the faculty of mindfulness, there is the faculty of concentration, there is the faculty of wisdom, there is the faculty of mind, there is the faculty of happiness, there is the faculty of life, there is right view, there is right thought, there is right endeavour, there is right mindfulness, there is right concentration, there is the strength of faith, there is the strength of energy, there is the strength of mindfulness, there is the strength of concentration, there is the strength of wisdom, there is the strength of conscience, there is the strength of shame, there is a lack of greed, there is a lack of hatred, there is a lack of delusion, there is a lack of avarice, there is a lack of malice, there is right view, there is conscience, there is shame, there is bodily calm, there is mental calm, there is bodily lightness, there is mental lightness, there is bodily plasticity, there is mental plasticity, there is bodily workableness, there is mental workableness, there is bodily proficiency, there is mental proficiency, there is bodily uprightness, there is mental uprightness, there is mindfulness, there is full knowledge, there is calm, there is full insight, there is exertion, there is balance: those thoughts are wholesome. | |
For him, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the form realm, the result is that quite secluded from sense desires, secluded from unwholesome things, having thinking, reflection, and the happiness and rapture born of seclusion, he dwells having attained the first absorption on the earth-object, at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, and | |
so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time he develops the Path leading to rebirth in the formless worlds, having completely transcended the sphere of nothingness, associated with the perception of the sphere of neither-perception-nor-non-perception, having given up pleasure, given up pain, and with the previous disappearance of mental well-being and sorrow, without pain, without pleasure, and with complete purity of mindfulness owing to equanimity, he dwells having attained the fourth absorption, at that time there is contact, there is feeling, there is perception, there is intention, there is thought, there is thinking, there is reflection, there is rapture, there is happiness, there is one-pointedness of mind, there is the faculty of faith, there is the faculty of energy, there is the faculty of mindfulness, there is the faculty of concentration, there is the faculty of wisdom, there is the faculty of mind, there is the faculty of happiness, there is the faculty of life, there is right view, there is right thought, there is right endeavour, there is right mindfulness, there is right concentration, there is the strength of faith, there is the strength of energy, there is the strength of mindfulness, there is the strength of concentration, there is the strength of wisdom, there is the strength of conscience, there is the strength of shame, there is a lack of greed, there is a lack of hatred, there is a lack of delusion, there is a lack of avarice, there is a lack of malice, there is right view, there is conscience, there is shame, there is bodily calm, there is mental calm, there is bodily lightness, there is mental lightness, there is bodily plasticity, there is mental plasticity, there is bodily workableness, there is mental workableness, there is bodily proficiency, there is mental proficiency, there is bodily uprightness, there is mental uprightness, there is mindfulness, there is full knowledge, there is calm, there is full insight, there is exertion, there is balance: those thoughts are wholesome. | |
For him, through having done and accumulated wholesome deeds in the formless realm, the result is that having completely transcended the sphere of nothingness, associated with the perception of the sphere of neither-perception-nor-non-perception, having given up pleasure, given up pain, and with the previous disappearance of mental well-being and sorrow, without pain, without pleasure, and with complete purity of mindfulness owing to equanimity, he dwells having attained the fourth absorption, at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time he develops the supermundane absorption, which leads out, which goes to decrease (of rebirth), to abandonment of | |
(wrong) views, to the attainment of the first ground, quite secluded from sense desires, secluded from unwholesome things, having thinking, reflection, and the happiness and rapture born of seclusion, and dwells having attained the first absorption, with difficulty in practice and slow deepening of knowledge, at that time there is contact, there is feeling, there is perception, there is intention, there is thought, there is thinking, there is reflection, there is rapture, there is happiness, there is one-pointedness of mind, there is the faculty of faith, there is the faculty of energy, there is the faculty of mindfulness, there is the faculty of concentration, there is the faculty of wisdom, there is the faculty of mind, there is the faculty of happiness, there is the faculty of life, there is right view, there is right thought, there is right endeavour, there is right mindfulness, there is right concentration, there is the strength of faith, there is the strength of energy, there is the strength of mindfulness, there is the strength of concentration, there is the strength of wisdom, there is the strength of conscience, there is the strength of shame, there is a lack of greed, there is a lack of hatred, there is a lack of delusion, there is a lack of avarice, there is a lack of malice, there is right view, there is conscience, there is shame, there is bodily calm, there is mental calm, there is bodily lightness, there is mental lightness, there is bodily plasticity, there is mental plasticity, there is bodily workableness, there is mental workableness, there is bodily proficiency, there is mental proficiency, there is bodily uprightness, there is mental uprightness, there is mindfulness, there is full knowledge, there is calm, there is full insight, there is exertion, there is balance: those thoughts are wholesome. | |
For him, through having done and developed the supermundane absorption the result is that quite secluded from sense desires, secluded from unwholesome things, having thinking, reflection, and the happiness and rapture born of seclusion, he dwells having attained the first absorption, with difficulty in practice and slow deepening of knowledge and emptiness, at that time with a wholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: faith, with faith as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
The Explanation of Results having a Wholesome Root | |
2 | |
14 | |
The Explanation of Results having an Unwholesome Root | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated unwholesome deeds in the sensual realm, a resultant eye-consciousness has arisen, connected with equanimity, (having) a form object, at that time with an unwholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Herein, what is ‘with an unwholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ | |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with an unwholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ | |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is neither mental agreeableness nor disagreeableness, neither painful nor pleasant experience born of contact with the mind, neither painful nor pleasant feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for feeling, (it is) the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it. | |
This is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated unwholesome deeds, a resultant ear-consciousness has arisen, connected with equanimity, (having) a sound object, at that time with an unwholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated unwholesome deeds, a resultant nose-consciousness has arisen, connected with equanimity, (having) a smell object, at that time with an unwholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated unwholesome deeds, a resultant tongue-consciousness has arisen, connected with equanimity, (having) a taste object, at that time with an unwholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated unwholesome deeds, a resultant body-consciousness has arisen, connected with suffering, (having) a tangible object, at that time with an unwholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated unwholesome deeds, a resultant mind element has arisen, connected with equanimity, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with an unwholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
What are thoughts without consequences? | |
At whatever time, through having done and accumulated unwholesome deeds, a resultant mind-consciousness element has arisen, connected with equanimity, (having) a form object, or a sound object, or a smell object, or a taste object, or a tangible object, or a thought object, or referring to whatever (thought), at that time with an unwholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process, with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness, with consciousness as condition: mind, with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere, with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact, with contact as condition: feeling, with feeling as condition: resolve, with resolve as condition: | |
continuation, with continuation as condition: birth, with birth as condition: ageing, death, | |
and so there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering. | |
Herein, what is ‘with an unwholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process?’ | |
That which is volition, intention, intentionality: this is said to be ‘with an unwholesome root as condition there is a (volitional) process’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with a (volitional) process as condition: consciousness’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with consciousness as condition: mind?’ | |
(There is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent: this is said to be ‘with consciousness as condition: mind’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere?’ | |
That which is thought, mind, mentality, heart, consciousness, mind, the mind sense sphere, the mind faculty, consciousness, the consciousness constituent, the mind-consciousness element arising from that: this is said to be ‘with mind as condition: the sixth sense sphere’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact?’ | |
That which is contact, contacting, close contacting, the state of being in close contact: this is said to be ‘with the sixth sense sphere as condition: contact’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with contact as condition: feeling?’ | |
That which is neither mental agreeableness nor disagreeableness, neither painful nor pleasant experience born of contact with the mind, neither painful nor pleasant feeling born of contact with the mind: this is said to be ‘with contact as condition: feeling’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with feeling as condition: resolve?’ | |
That which is resolve of the mind, resolution, the state of being resolved on that (mind): this is said to be ‘with feeling as condition: resolve’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with resolve as condition: continuation?’ | |
Except for resolve, (it is) the feeling constituent, the perception constituent, the (volitional) processes constituent, the consciousness constituent: this is said to be ‘with resolve as condition: continuation’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with continuation as condition: birth?’ | |
That which for various things is birth, being born, return, turning up, manifestation: this is said to be ‘with continuation as condition: birth’. | |
Herein, what is ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death?’ | |
There is ageing, there is death. | |
Herein, what is ‘ageing?’ | |
For various things (there is) ageing, agedness, the dwindling away of the life span: this is said to be ‘ageing’. | |
Herein, what is ‘death?’ | |
For various things (there is) destruction, decay, a breaking up, a complete breaking up, impermanence, a disappearance: this is called ‘death’. | |
Thus, this is ageing and this is death, this is said to be ‘with birth as condition: ageing, death’. | |
So there is an origination of this whole mass of suffering, and so there is an association with this whole mass of suffering, a meeting with it, a connection with it, a manifestation of it: | |
this is said to be ‘the origination of this whole mass of suffering’. | |
The Explanation of Results having an Unwholesome Root | |
The Section Derived from the Abstract Teaching | |
The Analysis of Conditional Origination is Finished |