在冥想中增加身體治療能量氣的供應。 |
in meditation to increase the body supply of healing energy qi. |
它透過強調和預防來改善健康和活力。 |
it improves health and vitality through the emphasis and Prevention. |
它可以提高免疫系統、培氣。 |
it improves immune system and cultivates qi. |
渾元氣功融合了產前、產後之氣, |
hun yuan Qigong exercises mix the prenatal and postnatal Chi, |
並修練人體三寶—— |
and cultivates the three treasures of the human body - |
精:隨性食而消散的生命精氣; |
jing: the life essence that is dissipated with sex and food; |
沈:精神和意識; |
Shen: the spirit and awareness; |
氣:生命能量; |
Qi: the vital energy; |
這些練習也有助於從天上引入陽氣 |
the exercises also help bring in the yang energy from the heaven |
以及來自大地的陰能量 |
and the yin energy from the earth |
與人體元氣結合。 |
to combine with the human vital energy. |
這些能量在人體內的培養 |
the cultivation of these energies within the human body |
可以改善練習者的健康和武術方面。 |
can improve the health and the martial aspect of the practitioner. |
整個練習過程中的外在身體動作都與 |
the external body movements throughout the exercises are used with the |
意(正意)引導內氣。 |
yi (proper intention) to guide the internal energy. |
告知從業人員支付費用的重要性 |
the practitioner is advised of importance of paying |
適當注意意而非外在的運動。 |
proper attention to the yi rather than to external movement. |
混元氣功練習應從無極勢開始。 |
hun yuan Qigong exercises should begin with a wuji stance. |
無極式時,雙腳分開與肩同寬; |
in the Wuji stance the feet are shoulder-width apart; |
雙腳平行或腳趾可能稍微向外, |
the feet are parallel or the toes may point outward slightly, |
如果它能讓練習者感到更安心。 |
if it will make the practitioner feel more at ease. |
腳趾輕微抓地 |
the toes are slightly grabbing the ground |
在地面和湧泉(腳底中心)之間創造一個空間。 |
to create a space between the ground and yong quan (center of soles). |
膝蓋略彎曲; |
the knees are slightly bent; |
尾骨稍微內收但放鬆; |
tailbone slightly tucked in but relaxed; |
背部挺直; |
back straight; |
肩膀下沉並放鬆; |
shoulders sunken and relaxed; |
胯下(腿部/臀部摺痕)凹陷; |
kua (leg/hip crease) sunken; |
身體和頭部懸空; |
body and head are suspended; |
下巴稍微內收; |
chin slightly tucked in; |
嘴巴閉著; |
mouth closed; |
舌頭自然接觸前牙後面的硬腭; |
tongue touching the hard palate behind the front teeth naturally; |
遠觀片刻,收意回上丹田; |
look far away for a moment and collect the intention back to the upper dan tien; |
並將氣降到中丹田; |
and bring the Chi down to the middle dan tien; |
眼睛輕輕閉上; |
eyes are lightly closed; |
自然呼吸; |
breathe naturally; |
尋找中心; |
search for the center; |
建議每個練習至少重複九次。 |
it is recommended that each exercise be repeated at least nine times. |
(或9的倍數,這是宇宙中自然的「正」循環) |
(or multiples of 9, which is a natural 'positive' cycle in universe) |
渾元氣功25功功法名稱一覽 |
Hun Yuan qigong 25 exercises name listing |
1.清——降濁氣,洗臟腑 |
1. cleanse - lower murky qi and wash internal organs |
2.圍繞上丹田引入能量 |
2. surround and bring in energy to upper dantian |
3.圍繞中丹田引入能量 |
3. surround and bring in energy to middle dantian |
4.圍繞、引入能量下丹田 |
4. surround and bring in energy to lower dantian |
5.集氣於上丹田 |
5. gather qi to upper dantian |
6.集氣至中丹田 |
6. gather qi to middle dantian |
7.聚氣下丹田 |
7. gather qi to lower dantian |
8、奪天陽氣 |
8. grab and bring down heaven's yang energy |
9.汲取地陰之氣 |
9. grab and bring up earth's yin energy |
10.收氣入丹田 |
10. collect qi into dantian |
11.上平面伸縮 |
11. upper plane expanding and contracting |
12. 中間平面伸縮 |
12. middle plane expanding and contracting |
13. 下平面伸縮 |
13. lower plane expanding and contracting |
14.雙手抱氣球繞勞宮軸轉圈 |
14. build qi ball in hands circling about laogong axis |
15. 陽陰能量旋轉 |
15. revovle yang and yin energies |
16.理氣按摩頭部 |
16. massage head with qi |
17.以氣按摩胸部及五髒 |
17. massage chest and 5 internal organs with qi |
18.每條腿-導氣三陽三陰經 |
18. each leg - guide qi 3 yang and 3 ying meridians |
19.雙腿-導氣三陽三陰經 |
19. both legs - guide qi 3 yang and 3 ying meridians |
20.連結天、人、地 |
20. connect heaven, man, earth |
21.帶子午線 |
21. belt meridian |
22.打開全身 |
22. open up whole body |
23. 罩杯並搓揉全身 |
23. cup and rub whole body |
24. 搖動羽毛 |
24. shake the feathers |
25.丹田內氣與產前、後氣相調養。 |
25. mix and nurture prenatal and postnatal qi in dantian. |
運動後用無極守丹田片刻 |
guard dantian with wuji stance for a moment after exercise |
練習一號 |
exercise number one |
降濁氣,洗臟腑; |
to lower the murky Chi and wash the internal organs; |
其目的是清除體內陳舊的濁氣; |
the intention is to wash out the old stale murky chi from the body; |
這項練習的目的是 |
the purpose of this exercise is |
透過八會(靠近頭頂)從宇宙引入新鮮的能量 |
to bring in fresh energy from the universe through the bahui (near top of head) and |
透過腳底湧泉穴將舊濁之氣推出。 |
push out the old stale murky Chi through the yong quan points on the soles of the feet. |
掌心朝上,舉臂聚氣。 |
the palms are facing up while the arms are raised to gather the Chi; |
氣透過頭頂的百會穴帶入體內; |
the Chi is brought into the body through the bai hui point at the top of the head; |
手臂舉起時吸氣; |
inhale as arms are being raised; |
吐氣,手掌下垂,將濁氣壓出; |
exhale at the palms of being lowered to press out the stale stagnant Chi; |
透過鼻子吸氣 |
inhale through the nose |
舌尖自然接觸硬腭; |
with the tip of the tongue touching the hard palate naturally; |
透過嘴巴呼氣,舌頭放在下牙後面, |
exhale through the mouth with a tongue down behind a lower teeth and |
嘴巴微張以呼氣; |
mouth is slightly open to exhale; |
吸氣和呼氣時巧妙地轉移重心(在左腳和右腳之間); |
shift weight subtly (between left and right foot) while inhaling and exhaling; |
做這個練習九次 |
do this exercise nine times |
吸氣吐氣... |
inhale, exhale... |
第25功,調養丹田先天後天之氣。 |
exercise number 25 to mix and nurture the prenatal and postnatal Chi in dantian. |
此功的目的是調和丹田的產前、產後之氣。 |
the purpose of this exercise is to mix the prenatal and postnatal Chi in dantian |
並滋養增強體內的真氣 |
and to nurture and increase the vital Chi within |
這有利於練習者的健康和武術方面。 |
which can benefit the health and the Martial aspects of the practitioner. |
你以與肩同寬的姿勢開始; |
you start in a shoulder width stance; |
手掌輕抵丹田; |
palms resting gently against the dantian; |
開始以順時針小圈移動手掌; |
start moving the palms in small clockwise circles; |
逐漸增大圓圈的大小 |
gradually increasing the size of the circles |
直到大圓圈覆蓋整個腹部和胸腔。 |
until the large circles cover the whole abdomen and ribcage. |
從小圓圈開始到大圓圈,畫36個圓圈。 |
make 36 circles starting with small circles to large circles. |
然後逆時針方向翻轉圓圈, |
then reverse the circles in a counter clockwise direction, |
從大圓圈開始到小圓圈。 |
starting with large circles to smaller circles. |
轉24圈,最後以無極勢結束。 |
make 24 circles finally ending with the Wu ji stance. |
女性應該以相反的方向進行這項練習。 |
women should perform this exercise in the opposite direction. |
練習結束後,用五極勢守丹田片刻。 |
guard the Dantian with the Wu ji stance for a moment after the exercises. |
這是為了修煉真氣。 |
this is for cultivation of the Chi. |
如果時間允許,只要您感覺舒服,您就可以保持這個姿勢。 |
if time allows, you can remain in this stance for as long as you are comfortable. |
Z大師煉完功後,正在排除多餘的氣。 |
Master Z. is now brushing off excess qi after finishing the exercises. |
還可以練習混元太極拳。 |
one can also practice hun yuan taiji form. |
現在張老師和他的學生們將示範24式太極拳。 |
master Zhang and his students will now demonstrate the 24 taiji form. |
這是 48 段太極拳的簡化版本,五分鐘內即可完成。 |
this is a shortened version of the 48 taiji quan orm which can be completed in five minutes. |
這已被作為中國的比賽形式之一。 |
this has been used as one of the competition forms in China. |
我們希望您喜歡這盤錄影帶以及本系列中的其他馮志強錄影帶。 |
we hope that you have enjoyed this tape and the other Feng Zhi Qiang video tapes in this series. |