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English by google translate |
郑曼青文集 |
Collected Works of Zheng Manqing |
古德衲客 |
good nike |
古德衲客 |
good nike |
百无一用身,旁门左道才。 |
He is useless and has a heretical talent. |
斯世不堪用,游离市井中。 |
This world is useless and wanders in the market. |
郑曼青文集 |
Collected Works of Zheng Manqing |
郑曼青《杨澄甫秘传练拳要诀十二则》 |
Zheng Manqing's "Twelve Secret Boxing Tips from Yang Chengfu" |
从来武术家,得有妙法。 |
It has always been a martial artist who must have a magic method. |
多秘不示人。 |
Too secretive. |
所谓传子不传女也。 |
It is said that it is passed down from son to daughter. |
然子未必皆肖而贤。 |
However, not all children may be handsome and virtuous. |
以致屡屡失其真传。 |
As a result, its true heritage has been repeatedly lost. |
倘或有得意弟子乃传其法者。 |
If there is a proud disciple who can pass on his method. |
亦必留一手。 |
You must also keep a hand. |
以备不测。 |
Just in case something unexpected happens. |
诚如是,欲求吾国武术之发扬。 |
It is true that I want to promote the martial arts in our country. |
岂易得哉。 |
How easy it is. |
今曼青之受澄师者。 |
Now Man Qing is being taught by Cheng. |
未敢说尽其传。 |
I dare not tell you all about it. |
倘也留一手。 |
If only I could keep a hand. |
或秘而不宣。 |
Or keep it secret. |
则怀宝迷邦矣。 |
If you hold a treasure in your arms, you will be lost in the country. |
十余年来。 |
More than ten years. |
每欲笔诸於书。 |
Every time I want to write something in a book. |
以广流传。 |
To spread widely. |
此心萌动。 |
This heart is stirring. |
而复搁置者。 |
And those who put it aside again. |
屡矣。 |
Repeatedly. |
亦恐传非其人耳。 |
I'm afraid it won't reach other people's ears. |
既而思之。 |
Then think about it. |
善与人同。 |
Kindness is shared by others. |
固吾所愿。 |
Keep my wish. |
乃谨录要诀十二则如次。 |
I would like to record twelve key points as follows. |
此皆澄师所不轻易传人者。 |
These are things that Master Cheng would not easily pass on to others. |
每一语出。 |
Every word comes out. |
辄叮咛曰。 |
He always warned. |
余如不言。 |
Yu Ru said nothing. |
汝虽学三世,不易得也。 |
Although you have studied for three generations, it is not easy to get it. |
此言何止重提数千遍。 |
This statement has been repeated thousands of times. |
蒙澄师之过爱若此。 |
Master Mengcheng's love is like this. |
而不能达其厚望。 |
And could not live up to its high expectations. |
惭愧无已。 |
Ashamed. |
尚希世之贤哲英豪。 |
The sages and heroes of this world. |
有以参证面广大之。 |
There is a vast scope of evidence through reference. |
使尽人皆能袪病延年。 |
So that everyone can cure diseases and prolong life. |
则民族幸甚。 |
The nation is very lucky. |
一、曰松。 |
1. It is called pine. |
澄师每日,必重言十余次。 |
Master Cheng must repeat his words more than ten times every day. |
要松。 |
Be loose. |
要松。 |
Be loose. |
要松净。 |
Be loose and clean. |
要全身松开。 |
Be relaxed all over. |
反此则曰。 |
On the contrary, it is said. |
不松。 |
Not loose. |
不松。 |
Not loose. |
不松就是挨打的架子。 |
If you don't let go, you will be beaten. |
按松字之一字。 |
Press the word "pine". |
最为难能。 |
The most difficult thing to do. |
如真能松净。 |
If it can really be loose and pure. |
余皆末事而。 |
The rest are all in the end. |
余将澄师平日口授指点之大意。 |
Master Yu Jiangcheng usually dictated the general meaning of his instructions. |
附於下。 |
Attached below. |
使学者易於领悟。 |
Make it easy for scholars to understand. |
松。要全身筋络松开。 |
loose. To relax the muscles of the whole body. |
不可有丝毫紧张。 |
There must be no tension at all. |
所谓柔腰百折若无骨。 |
The so-called soft waist can bend a hundred times as if it had no bones. |
若无骨。 |
If there is no bone. |
只有筋耳。 |
Only tendons and ears. |
筋能松开。 |
The tendons can be loosened. |
其余尚有不松之理乎。 |
The rest are still not loose. |
二、曰沉。 |
2. The sun sinks. |
如能松透。 |
If it can be loosened. |
即是沉。 |
That is Shen. |
筋络全开。 |
The muscles are fully opened. |
则躯干所系。 |
It is tied to the trunk. |
皆得从下沉也。 |
All have to sink. |
按沉与松。 |
Press sink and loose. |
原是一回事。 |
It's the same thing. |
沉即不浮。 |
To sink is not to float. |
浮是病。 |
Floating is a disease. |
体能沉已善矣。 |
Physical fitness is already good. |
尤其加以气沉。 |
Especially to be angry. |
气沉,则神凝。 |
When the Qi sinks, the spirit becomes concentrated. |
其用大矣。 |
Its use is great. |
三、曰分虚实,拳论所谓。 |
3. It is said to distinguish the virtual from the actual, which is what boxing theory calls. |
处处总此一虚实。 |
This is always true and false everywhere. |
以右手与左脚相贯一线之劲。 |
Use your right hand and left foot to connect in a straight line. |
右脚与左手亦然。 |
The same goes for the right foot and left hand. |
如右手左脚实则右脚左手虚。 |
If the right hand and left foot are strong, the right foot and left hand are weak. |
反是,则亦然。 |
On the contrary, the same is true. |
是为分清。 |
It's for clarity. |
总之全身负担。 |
In short, the whole body is burdened. |
另许放在一只脚上。 |
Another one may be placed on one foot. |
如两脚分担。 |
Like two feet sharing the burden. |
便是双重。 |
That's double. |
其转变时。 |
When it changes. |
要注意尾闾与夹脊得中。 |
Pay attention to the success of the tail gate and the jia ridge. |
方为不失中定。 |
In order not to lose concentration. |
至要至要。 |
The most important thing is the most important thing. |
按转变一语。 |
Press the word change. |
即是变换虚贸之枢机。 |
That is to change the cardinal of virtual trade. |
不经道破。 |
Unexpectedly. |
真永不知有下手处也。 |
I really never know where to start. |
右手实劲。 |
The right hand is strong. |
交与左手。 |
Give it to your left hand. |
其枢机在夹脊。 |
Its cardinal is in Jiaji. |
左脚实劲,交与右脚。 |
The left foot is strong and crosses over to the right foot. |
其枢机在尾闾。 |
Its cardinal is at the end of the palace. |
但要在尾闾与夹脊中正对直。 |
But it should be aligned between the tail gate and the jia ridge. |
方为不失中定。 |
In order not to lose concentration. |
此语非潜心领悟。 |
This statement is not meant to be understood with great concentration. |
不易得也。 |
Not easy to get. |
四、曰虚灵顶劲。 |
Fourth, it is called Xu Ling Ding Jin. |
即是顶劲。 |
That is the strength. |
即是顶劲虚灵耳。 |
That is to say, Ding Jinxu Ling Er. |
亦即所谓顶头悬之意也。 |
This is the so-called hanging of the head. |
按顶头悬者。 |
Those who press the head to hang. |
譬如有辫子时。 |
For example, when you have braids. |
将其辫子系於梁上。 |
Tie its braid to the beam. |
体亦悬空离地。 |
The body is also suspended from the ground. |
此时使之全身旋转则可。 |
At this time, you can rotate the whole body. |
若单使头部俯仰。 |
If you just tilt your head. |
及左右摆动。 |
And swing left and right. |
则不可得也。 |
Then it is impossible to obtain. |
虚灵顶劲。 |
Xu Ling is strong. |
及顶头悬之意。 |
And the meaning of hanging the head. |
亦若此而已。 |
That's all. |
须於练功架时。 |
Must be in the practice frame. |
将玉枕骨竖起。 |
Raise the jade occipital bone. |
而神与气。 |
And God and Qi. |
不期然而相遇於顶焉。 |
Unexpectedly, we met at the top. |
五、曰磨转心不转。 |
5. It is said that the mind will not change even after grinding. |
磨转者。 |
The grinder. |
即喻腰转。 |
That is to say, waist turning. |
心不转者。 |
Those who are unwilling to change their minds. |
乃气沉丹田之中定也。 |
It is the concentration in the Dantian where Qi sinks. |
按磨转心不转者。 |
Those who cannot change their mind after massage. |
此家传口诀也。 |
This is a family tradition. |
比诸拳论所谓。 |
Compare the so-called boxing theory. |
腰如车轴。 |
The waist is like an axle. |
腰为纛二语。 |
The waist is the second language of 纛. |
尤为显赫。 |
Especially prominent. |
余得此意後。 |
After I got this idea. |
自觉功夫日见进境。 |
Self-awareness of kungfu is improving day by day. |
六、曰似拉锯式之榄雀尾。 |
6. It’s like a saw-like tail. |
棚捋挤按之推手也。 |
The shed is pushed by the pusher. |
往复相推。 |
Push back and forth. |
喻之以拉锯者。 |
It's like a saw. |
彼此用力均匀。 |
Apply even force to each other. |
则往复可以畅通无阻。 |
Then the reciprocation can be smooth. |
如一面稍欲变化。 |
If one side wants to change slightly. |
则锯齿随处可以扎住。 |
Then the saw teeth can be stuck anywhere. |
如彼使之扎住,则我虽欲用力不得拉回时,只可用推力送之。 |
If he pins it, and I cannot pull it back even if I try to use force, I can only push it forward. |
便可复得相推如初。 |
Then you can get back to being as good as before. |
此理在太极拳之推手上。 |
This principle lies in the pushing hand of Tai Chi. |
有二意。 |
There are two minds. |
一曰、舍己从人。 |
One said, sacrifice oneself and serve others. |
顺其势。 |
Go with the flow. |
可以得化劲与走劲之妙用。 |
You can get the wonderful effects of transforming energy and moving energy. |
二日、彼微动。 |
On the second day, he moved slightly. |
己先动。 |
Move first. |
此即彼欲用推力送来时。 |
This is when he wants to push it forward. |
则我亦先之以拉力拉回。 |
Then I will pull it back first. |
彼如以拉力拉去时。 |
It's like pulling away with force. |
则我亦先之以推力送之去。 |
Then I will also push it away first. |
按拉锯之喻。 |
Use the metaphor of a saw. |
其理可谓透彻之至。 |
The reasoning is extremely thorough. |
此真家传妙诀。 |
This is a true family secret. |
余於此恍然大悟。 |
Yu suddenly realized this. |
於彼微动。 |
He moved slightly. |
己先动之著手功夫。 |
The first step is to make the first move. |
苟能於此娴熟。 |
Gou Neng is good at this. |
则操纵在我不在彼。 |
Then the control lies with me and not with others. |
其余又何论矣。 |
What about the rest? |
七、曰我不是肉架子。 |
7. I am not a meathead. |
汝为什么挂在我身上。 |
Why are you hanging on me? |
按太极拳。 |
Press Tai Chi. |
专尚松灵。 |
Specializes in pine spirit. |
最忌板滞。 |
The most taboo is rigidity. |
若如肉架子上挂肉。 |
It's like hanging meat on a meat rack. |
便是死肉。 |
It's dead meat. |
又何有灵气之可言。 |
There is no aura to speak of. |
故痛恶而决绝之。 |
Therefore, I hate it and must never do it. |
乃有我不是肉架子之詈骂。 |
But I am not a slanderous person. |
此亦家传口诀。 |
This is also a family tradition. |
用意深刻。 |
The intention is profound. |
幸细翫之。 |
Fortunately, it's fine. |
八、曰拨不倒。 |
8. It is said that it cannot be knocked down. |
不倒翁。 |
tumbler. |
周身轻灵。 |
The whole body is light and agile. |
其根在脚。 |
Its roots are in the feet. |
非具有松沉两种功夫,不易办到。 |
It is not easy to do without possessing the two skills of relaxation and heaviness. |
按不倒翁之重心。 |
Press the center of gravity of the tumbler. |
在乎下部一点。 |
Care about the lower part. |
拳论所谓偏沉则随。 |
In boxing theory, it is said that if the weight is too heavy, it will follow. |
双重则滞。 |
Double means stagnation. |
如两脚同时用力。 |
Such as using both feet at the same time. |
一拨便倒无疑。 |
There is no doubt that it will fall down with one move. |
周身稍有板滞。 |
The whole body is slightly stiff. |
一拨便倒无疑。 |
There is no doubt that it will fall down with one move. |
要之全身之劲。 |
It takes the strength of the whole body. |
百分之百。 |
hundred percent. |
沉於一只足心。 |
Sinking in the heart of one foot. |
其余全身皆松净。 |
The rest of the body is loose and pure. |
得能轻於鸿毛。 |
Be able to be lighter than a feather. |
便拨不倒矣。 |
It can't be knocked down. |
九、曰能发劲。 |
9. It is said that one can generate energy. |
劲与力不同。 |
Jin is different from force. |
劲由於筋。 |
Strength is due to tendons. |
力由於骨。 |
Strength is due to bone. |
故柔的活的有弹性的是劲。 |
Therefore, what is soft, lively and elastic is strength. |
刚的死的无弹性便是力。 |
The rigid and dead inelasticity is force. |
何谓发劲。 |
What is Fa Jin? |
放箭似的。 |
Like shooting an arrow. |
按放箭。 |
Press to fire the arrow. |
是靠弓弦上弹力。 |
It depends on the elastic force on the bow string. |
弓与弦之力量。 |
The power of the bow and string. |
即是柔的活的有弹性的。 |
That is to say, it is soft, lively and elastic. |
劲力不同。 |
The strength is different. |
能发不能发。 |
Can send but cannot send. |
可以见矣。 |
You can see it. |
此犹不过论发劲之性质耳。 |
This is nothing more than discussing the nature of Fa Jin. |
於作用上犹未能详尽。 |
The function is still not detailed. |
余又将澄师平日。 |
I will be the master again on weekdays. |
时时讲解发劲要法。 |
Explain the key methods of generating energy from time to time. |
兹附录之曰: |
Here is the appendix: |
要得机得势。 |
To take advantage of the opportunity. |
日。要由脚而腿而腰总须完整一气。 |
day. From the feet to the legs to the waist, it must be complete. |
谓健侯老先生。 |
He is called Mr. Jianhou. |
喜诵此二语。 |
I like to recite these two words. |
然得机得势。 |
However, he had the opportunity to gain power. |
最难领略。 |
The hardest to appreciate. |
余以拉锯式之作用中。 |
I am acting like a saw. |
确是有机有势。 |
It is indeed organic and powerful. |
存乎其间。 |
exist in between. |
因彼之欲进欲退。 |
Because he wants to advance and retreat. |
我先知之。 |
I predict it. |
是为得机。 |
It's for opportunities. |
彼既进既退。 |
He is both advancing and retreating. |
受制於我。 |
Subject to me. |
是为得势。 |
It's for gaining power. |
举此一端。 |
Take this end. |
可以知之。 |
You can know it. |
脚腿腰能完整一气。 |
The feet, legs and waist can be intact. |
一则。 |
One of. |
是力聚。 |
It's a gathering of strength. |
可以致远。 |
Can reach far. |
一则。 |
One of. |
身不散乱。 |
The body is not scattered. |
方可命中。 |
Only then can you hit. |
发劲之妙用。 |
The wonderful use of Fa Jin. |
尽於此矣。 |
That’s all. |
学者勉之。 |
Scholars encourage it. |
十、曰搬架子。 |
10. It is said to move the shelves. |
要平正均匀。 |
Be even and even. |
按平正均匀四字。 |
Press the four words "Plain, Even and Even". |
最为平淡。 |
The most bland. |
却极难能。 |
But it is extremely difficult. |
平正方能安舒。 |
Only when things are square can you feel comfortable. |
可以支撑八面。 |
Can support eight sides. |
均匀方能贯串。 |
Only when it is even can it be connected. |
而无断续处也。 |
And there is no discontinuity. |
此即拳论所谓。 |
This is what boxing theory calls. |
立如平准。 |
Stand as level as possible. |
及运劲如抽丝等语。 |
And words such as the movement strength is like spinning. |
非从此四宇下手不为功。 |
Unless Siyu starts from now on, it will not be a success. |
十一、曰须认真。 |
11. You must take it seriously. |
打手歌曰。 |
The thug sang. |
掤捋挤按须认真。 |
Squeeze and massage carefully. |
若不认真。 |
If you are not serious. |
便都成了假的。 |
Everything has become fake. |
吾今举以告汝。 |
I will tell you now. |
掤若掤到人家身上去。 |
It's like sticking it on someone else's body. |
捋若捋到自己身上来。 |
If you rub it on yourself. |
都是错认。 |
It's all a mistake. |
掤不要掤到人家身上去。 |
Don't rub it on others. |
捋不要捋到自己身上来。 |
Don't rub it on yourself. |
此是真的。 |
This is true. |
按与挤。 |
Press and squeeze. |
皆要蓄其劲。 |
Everyone must accumulate their strength. |
不可失却中定。 |
Don't lose your concentration. |
此是真的。 |
This is true. |
按须认真三字。 |
Three words must be taken seriously. |
从来读破太极拳论。 |
I have never read Tai Chi Theory. |
未得悟澈。 |
Not yet enlightened. |
一经澄师道破。 |
Once Master Cheng breaks the truth. |
始知有尺寸。 |
Only then did I know there were dimensions. |
有法度。 |
There are laws. |
非经口授指点。 |
Instructions without oral instruction. |
不易了解者。 |
Difficult to understand. |
皆此类也。 |
All of this kind. |
此真家传秘诀。 |
This is a true family secret. |
学者其由此体验之。 |
Scholars experience this. |
便可得其尺寸。 |
You can get its size. |
则不复失中定矣。 |
Then you will no longer lose your concentration. |
至要至要。 |
The most important thing is the most important thing. |
十二、曰四两拨千斤。 |
12. It is said that four taels can move a thousand catties. |
四两何能拨千斤。 |
How can four taels move a thousand catties? |
人皆未之信。 |
No one believes it. |
所谓牵动四两拨千斤者。 |
The so-called move can move a thousand catties. |
只要用四两劲牵动千斤。 |
Just use four or two strengths to move a thousand catties. |
而後拨之。 |
Then dial it. |
此牵与拨。 |
This pulling and dialing. |
是两事。 |
It's two things. |
非真以四两拨千斤也。 |
It is not true that four taels can move a thousand catties. |
按此节。 |
Click this section. |
牵拨二字。 |
The word pull. |
分开解释。 |
Explain separately. |
便能见其妙用。 |
Then you can see its wonderful effect. |
牵之之法。 |
The method of pulling. |
譬如牛重干斤。 |
For example, an ox weighs a kilogram. |
穿鼻之绳。 |
Nose piercing rope. |
不过四两。 |
Only four taels. |
以四两之绳。 |
With four taels of rope. |
牵千斤之牛。 |
Leading a thousand catties of oxen. |
左右如意。 |
As you wish. |
其欲奔驰不可得也。 |
If you want to run fast, you can't get it. |
盖牵者。 |
The one who covers the lead. |
牵其鼻准。 |
Just pull it by the nose. |
若牵其角。 |
If you pull its corner. |
其腿。 |
its legs. |
不行也。 |
Nope. |
是牵以其道。 |
It's the way to lead. |
以其处也。 |
Everywhere. |
然则牛可以四两之绳牵之。 |
However, the ox can be led by four taels of rope. |
如千斤之石马。 |
Like a thousand catty stone horse. |
亦能以四两之朽索牵之乎。 |
It can also be held by four taels of rotten rope. |
不能也。 |
No way. |
此活与死作用不同。 |
This life and death have different effects. |
人有灵性。 |
People have spirituality. |
其欲以千斤之力攻入时。 |
When he wants to attack with a thousand catties of force. |
其来有方向。 |
It comes with a direction. |
臂如对直而来,则我以四两之劲。 |
If the arms are facing each other and coming straight, I will use four ounces of strength. |
牵其手之末。 |
The end of holding his hand. |
顺其势而料出之。 |
Go with the flow and expect it. |
此之谓牵。 |
This is called pulling. |
因牵动之後。 |
After being affected. |
彼之力已落空。 |
His power has failed. |
则此时以劲拨之。 |
Then use force to push it away at this time. |
未有不掷出寻丈之外者。 |
There is no one who doesn't throw it beyond ten feet. |
然牵之之劲。 |
However, the strength of pulling it. |
柢要四两足矣。 |
Just four taels is enough. |
拨之之劲。 |
Push the force. |
酌用在我耳。 |
Use it in my ears. |
然牵之之劲。 |
However, the strength of pulling it. |
不可过重。 |
Not too heavy. |
重则彼知之。 |
The important thing is that he knows it. |
可以变化脱逃也。 |
You can change and escape. |
或则藉牵动之劲。 |
Or borrow the power of influence. |
换其所向。 |
Change its direction. |
得以袭击之也。 |
It can be attacked. |
否则彼知我牵之。 |
Otherwise, he knows that I am holding him back. |
便畜其力而不前。 |
Just use your strength and don't move forward. |
畜其力。 |
The strength of animals. |
其势已退挫。 |
Its momentum has retreated. |
可即因其退挫。 |
But it was a setback. |
便舍牵之之劲。 |
Then give up the strength of pulling it. |
而反为发放。 |
Instead, it was distributed. |
则彼未有不应手而倒。 |
Then he didn't fall down without responding. |
此反拨也。 |
This is also a counterattack. |
以上种种。 |
All of the above. |
皆澄师口授指点之传於曼青者。 |
Master Cheng's oral instructions were passed down to Manqing. |
不敢自秘。 |
Don't dare to keep it to yourself. |
愿广其流傅。 |
I would like to spread my knowledge widely. |
幸世之同仁共勉之。 |
Colleagues who are fortunate enough to live in this world encourage each other. |
郑子太极拳的中定 |
Zheng Zi Tai Chi’s Central Concentration |
前言: |
Foreword: |
一、今天承梁志及张肇平先生的邀请,使本人能有机会与诸位见面谈谈太极拳问题,觉得很高兴; |
1. Today, at the invitation of Mr. Liang Zhi and Mr. Zhang Zhaoping, I am very happy to have the opportunity to meet with you and talk about Tai Chi issues; |
同时亦觉得很怕,怕的是本人对太极拳的功夫很浅薄,怕在各位专家面前见笑。 |
At the same time, I also felt very afraid. What I was afraid of was that my knowledge of Tai Chi was very shallow, and I was afraid of making fun of myself in front of the experts. |
梁、张两位邀请我来演讲,我不敢马上答应,其原因就在此。 |
Liang and Zhang invited me to give a speech, but I did not dare to agree immediately. This is the reason. |
二、今天的讲题是「太极拳的中定」,内容完全是先师 曼青先生的理论。 |
2. The topic of today’s lecture is “The Central Concentration of Tai Chi”, and the content is entirely based on the theory of our former teacher, Mr. Man Qing. |
是从他的著作里面,和口授讲解以及他在美国期间给我许多指导信件中,就有关太极拳中定部份,加以特别说明的。 |
From his works, oral explanations, and many letters of guidance he gave me during his stay in the United States, he specifically explained the central part of Tai Chi. |
三,这篇「太极拳的中定」,虽然都是引用先师的言论,但是由我从各处零碎的抽出来,作有系统的整理与说明时,深恐或有未洽先师的原意,曾在一个多月前在时中学社开会时,提出报告,请各位同学研讨指正,但是直到现在,各位同学还没有给我提出指正的意见来,不得已乃自行检讨,略为修正补充,提出来就教於各位,务请各位多多指教。 |
Third, although this article "The Central Concentration of Tai Chi" quotes the remarks of the master, I have extracted them piecemeal from various places and made a systematic arrangement and explanation. I am afraid that there may be some mistakes that have not been made in accordance with the master. My original intention was that I submitted a report at the middle school club meeting more than a month ago and asked all the students to discuss and make corrections. However, until now, the classmates have not given me any suggestions for correction. I had no choice but to review it myself, make slight corrections and additions, and propose a report. I come out to teach you, please give me your advice. |
今天所讲太极拳的中定,内容分为: |
Today’s talk about the central concentration of Tai Chi is divided into: |
一、何谓中定? |
1. What is neutrality? |
二、中定有什么好处? |
2. What are the benefits of neutrality? |
三、中定的链法,和四结论等四项来说明如次。 |
Three, the chain method of determination, and four conclusions are explained as follows. |
壹、何谓中定? |
1. What is neutral concentration? |
中定是太极拳十三式中最后的一式,曼师在其所著太极拳十三篇中,对中定的解释约有三处: |
Zhongding is the last of the Thirteen Postures of Tai Chi. In his Thirteen Chapters on Tai Chi, Master Man explains Zhongding in about three ways: |
一、在「后记」(见原书一一二页)中说: |
1. In the "Postscript" (see pages 112 of the original book): |
「生理学所谓人体重心,在脐线间,其地位及意义正与丹田相同,重心即太极拳所谓中定,中定不能离乎丹田,拳论所谓『命意源头在腰际』,『刻刻留心在腰间』,又云『主宰於腰』、『腰如车轮』皆是也」。 |
"The so-called center of gravity of the human body in physiology is between the umbilical cord. Its position and significance are the same as the Dantian. The center of gravity is what Tai Chi calls the center of concentration. The center of concentration cannot be separated from the Dantian. In boxing theory, it is said that "the source of fate is at the waist" and "pay attention at all times." "At the waist", it is also said that "it dominates the waist" and "the waist is like a wheel". |
二、在「述口诀」篇中解释「磨转心不转」一则说: |
2. In the "Shu Kou Jue" chapter explaining "the heart will not change even after grinding it away" it says: |
「磨转者即喻腰转,心不转者,乃气沉丹田之中定也」。 |
Things that are grinding and turning means that the waist is turning, and those whose mind is not turning means that the Qi is sinking in the Dantian. |
三、在「明生克」篇〈见原书第四十四页〉更为详尽的说: |
3. It is said in more detail in the chapter "Ming Sheng Ke" (see page 44 of the original book): |
「变易不易为十三式中之第一要义,所谓变易者,阴阳刚柔相互易而生变化,十三式之相与摩荡而无一非变易也。 |
"The first essence of the Thirteen Postures is the resistance to change. The so-called change means that yin and yang, hardness and softness change with each other. The phase and friction of the Thirteen Postures are all changes. |
至於不易,是十三式体用中惟一之定理,定理者即犹中定之定力也。 |
As for the difficulty, it is the only theorem in the application of the thirteen formulas. The theorem is the power of concentration. |
何谓中定? |
What is neutrality? |
中即时中,定无常定,不失中定,是为定力,中庸所谓不偏不易,亦即中定之定理也」依据曼师上面这些指示,我们对中定即可得如下一个概念: |
The middle is the middle, there is no constant concentration, and not losing the middle concentration is the strength of concentration. The so-called "no deviation and no change" of the golden mean is the theorem of the middle concentration." According to Master's instructions above, we can get the following concept of the middle concentration: |
中定简单的说,就是重心的安定。 |
To put it simply, concentration is the stability of the center of gravity. |
亦就是气沉丹田的功夫,此种气沉丹田的中定,是永恒不易的,不能一时或失的。 |
This is the skill of sinking Qi into the Dantian. This concentration of Qi sinking into the Dantian is eternal and cannot be lost temporarily. |
贰、中定有什么好处? |
2. What are the benefits of neutrality? |
中定是太极拳十三中式最基本的一式,十三式中除了中定本身外,掤、履、挤、按、采、挒、肘、靠、进、退、顾、盼任何一式,都不能没有中定,失了中定的掤、履、挤、按……就不成其为掤、履、挤、按……所以亦可以说,没有中定的太极拳,就不成其为太极拳了,足见中定在太极拳所占的地位,是如何重要,至於中定究有什么好处,简要的说,约有下面几点: |
Zhong Ding is the most basic of the Thirteen Chinese Styles of Tai Chi. In addition to Zhong Ding itself, any of the 13 postures, including clenching, walking, squeezing, pressing, plucking, pressing, elbowing, leaning, advancing, retreating, looking at, and looking forward, are all It cannot be without the center of concentration. If you lose the center of the squeezing, pushing, squeezing, and pressing... it cannot be called tai chi. , which shows how important the position of Zhong Ding is in Tai Chi. As for the benefits of Zhong Ding, briefly speaking, they are as follows: |
一、依物理学公例,凡物重心定则安,重心偏则倾,中定即所以使重心安定,与人交手,即可不至於失却重心而跌倒。 |
1. According to the common rules of physics, if the center of gravity of an object is fixed, it will be stable, and if the center of gravity is deviated, it will tilt. The center of gravity means that the center of gravity is stable, so that when fighting with others, it will not lose its center of gravity and fall. |
二、如果不失重心,就能够「立如平准」与「立身中正安舒」,而能「支撑八面」,所以重心安定,不特可使自身稳定,立於不倒之地,同时亦是应敌的绝妙身法。 |
2. If you do not lose your center of gravity, you will be able to "stand level" and "stand upright and comfortable", and can "support eight sides". Therefore, a stable center of gravity will not only stabilize yourself and stand on a place that cannot fall, but also It is also an excellent movement method to deal with the enemy. |
三、气沉丹田的中定,是练气之初基,亦是养身之道的功夫: |
3. The concentration of Qi sinking in the Dantian is the first foundation of Qi training, and it is also the skill of cultivating the body: |
曼师在其太极拳十三篇一书,谈到这些的很多,例如: |
In his book Thirteen Chapters on Tai Chi, Master Man talks about many of these, for example: |
「别程序」篇中之二阶,即言气沉丹田为链气之初基,在「专气致柔」篇则言太极拳以心与气相守於丹田为水火既济之功。 |
The second level in the "Parting Procedures" chapter states that the sinking of Qi in the Dantian is the initial foundation for chaining Qi. In the "Specialized Qi to Tenderness" chapter, it is said that Tai Chi uses the heart and Qi to stay in the Dantian as the combination of water and fire. |
进而论及拳论「意在精神不在气」、「无气则纯刚」为太极拳可达浑一纯阳之候,与老氏专气致柔之说相终始,而谓为「能如是,则祛病延年之说,抑亦未矣」云云。 |
Furthermore, it was discussed in the boxing theory that "the intention is to focus on the spirit rather than the Qi" and "without Qi, there is pure rigidity", which means that Tai Chi can reach the stage of pure Yang. If this is the case, then the theory of curing diseases and prolonging life is no longer relevant." This goes on. |
此外在「通玄实」、「陆地游泳」、「心与膂并重」、「劲与物理」、「养生全真」、「益脏腑」、「起肺疾」、「明生克」、「述口诀」等各篇,亦均对重心或气沉丹田的功夫,有极重要的说明。 |
In addition, in "Tong Xuanshi", "Swimming on land", "Pay equal attention to the heart and body", "Strength and physics", "Keeping the whole body in good health", "Benefiting the internal organs", "Causing lung diseases", "Ming Sheng Ke", "Shu Each article such as "The Formula" also has extremely important explanations on the center of gravity or the skill of sinking Qi into the Dantian. |
〈全书十三篇中,仅有「释名义」及「变化气质」两篇未予言及〉希望各位同道多加以研究发扬。 |
"Among the thirteen chapters in the book, only two chapters, "Explanation of Names" and "Changing Temperament," are not mentioned. I hope that all colleagues will study and carry forward more. |
叁、中定的练法: |
3. How to practice middle concentration: |
这一项最为重要,亦最不好讲。 |
This item is the most important and the hardest to talk about. |
这里系根据 曼师所指导的言论而能够体会得到的提出来报告如下: |
Here is a report based on what can be understood and understood based on Master Men’s guidance: |
一、要力求平正: |
1. Strive to be fair: |
曼师在其太极拳十三篇「后记」中〈见原书第一一二页〉即言「拳论所谓立如平准及支撑八面,中正安舒,不偏不倚等语,皆言力求平正,不失重心已也」。 |
In the "Postscript" of his Thirteen Chapters on Tai Chi (see page 112 of the original book), Master Man said: "In the boxing theory, it is said that standing is like being level and supporting eight sides, being in the middle, being calm and comfortable, being impartial and impartial, etc. Strive to be fair without losing focus." |
按平正两字最为平凡,但却是中定的基本条件,不论在链拳或推手,都必须力求平正,身体姿势能平正,则全身筋络方能松开,松开的结果,自然而然躯干皆从下沉,能做到松与沉功夫,就是中定。 |
According to the word "Ping Zheng", it is the most ordinary, but it is the basic condition of Zhongding. Whether in chain boxing or pushing hands, we must strive to be balanced. If the body posture can be balanced, the muscles and tendons of the whole body can be relaxed. As a result of relaxation, the trunk will naturally be From sinking, being able to achieve relaxation and sinking skills is called concentration. |
而松沉是由平正二字得来的,所以说平正是中正的最基本条件,但要注意的是要身体姿势力求平正之外,心意方面亦要力求平正,方为澈底,心得其平,心得其正,方能一切放下不起紧张心理,而做到澈底松沉的中定。 |
The word "Song Shen" comes from the word "Ping Zheng", so Ping Zheng is the most basic condition for Zhong Zheng. However, it should be noted that in addition to striving for a straight body posture, one must also strive for a straight mind in terms of mind. Only when your mind is right can you let go of your nervousness and achieve a state of pure, relaxed concentration. |
二、注意时时保持中定: |
2. Pay attention to keep calm at all times: |
曼师在「明生克」篇中解释「中定定力」一辞时说: |
Master Man explained the term "centered concentration" in the chapter "Ming Sheng Ke": |
「中即时中,定无常定,不失中定,是为定力。」 |
The center is the center, the concentration is impermanent, and not losing the center is the power of concentration. |
这里的「时中」与「不失中定」,即系时时中定,亦即任何时间,任何情况都不能失却中定之意。 |
The "timely" and "not losing concentration" here refer to the time-to-moment concentration, that is, the meaning of concentration cannot be lost at any time or under any circumstances. |
此点极为重要。 |
This point is extremely important. |
亦极为难能,请勿予忽视,至於如何保持时时中定的链法, 曼师在「述口诀」篇中,即有几处极为重要的指示,如: |
It is also extremely difficult, so please don’t ignore it. As for how to maintain the chain method of concentration at all times, Master Meng has several extremely important instructions in the chapter "Shu Miao Jue", such as: |
〈一〉、在「磨转心不转」一则中之「磨转者,即喻腰转; |
<1> In the article "The heart does not turn when grinding turns", "grinding turns" means turning the waist; |
心不转者,乃气沉丹田之中定也」,此指明不管腰如何转,但中定仍然保持其中定。 |
"If the mind does not turn, it is because the energy sinks into the Dantian and remains calm." This means that no matter how the waist turns, the center still remains calm. |
在这里,我有一句相似的话: |
Here, I have a similar quote: |
「权变中不变」及论语的「执中无权犹执一也」〈按「权」指称锤而言〉,可以用来参考,当较易明了。 |
"Unchangeable in contingency" and the Analects of Confucius's "In holding without power, you still hold on to the same thing" (based on "quan" referring to the hammer), can be used as a reference, which should be easier to understand. |
〈二〉、在「须认真」一则中之「按与挤皆要蓄其劲,不可失却中定,此是真的」,此指明在不发劲时,或不动时,固需要中定,在发劲时更不可失却中定,其方法就是「要蓄其劲」,而「蓄其劲」亦无非意在力求平正,不失中定而已。 |
<2> In the article "You must be serious", "You must accumulate your strength when pressing and squeezing, and you must not lose your concentration. This is true." This indicates that when you are not exerting your strength, or when you are not moving, you need to be centered. Concentration should not be lost when exerting energy. The method is to "accumulate the energy", and "accumulating the energy" is nothing more than striving to be balanced and not losing the concentration. |
〈三〉、在「分虚实」一则中之虚实转换时,「右手实劲交与左手,其枢机在夹脊,左脚实劲交与右脚,其枢机在尾闾,但要尾闾与夹脊中正对直,方为不失中定……」即指明在定式不变中,故需要中定,而在招式转变过程中,亦仍要以尾闾与夹脊中正对直的口诀来保持其中定不变。 |
<3> When switching between virtual and real conditions in the article "Distinguish between virtual and real", "The strong force of the right hand is transferred to the left hand, and its cardinal point is at the Jiaji, and the strong force of the left foot is transferred to the right foot, and its cardinal point is at the tail gate, but the tail gate must be Aligning the center of the spine with the spine is the only way to maintain concentration..." This means that the posture remains unchanged, so the center of concentration is needed, and during the change of moves, the formula of aligning the tail with the center of the spine of the spine must still be used. to keep it unchanged. |
由上面几点来看,中定必须随时随地保持其中定,它具有一个不可变易的特性,而 曼师之所以有「所谓白刃可蹈也,中庸不可能也,可见中定之难矣」之叹,即系叹其难,难在於随时随地保持中定之不容易。 |
Judging from the above points, the middle concentration must be maintained at all times and at any time. It has an immutable characteristic. The reason why Master Man lamented that "it is so-called that it can be done with a bare blade, but the golden mean is impossible, which shows that the middle concentration is difficult." , that is to say, it is difficult to maintain concentration at any time and at any time. |
又上面这几个中定链法,看起来很简单,很平庸,我曾经下过一段时间去细心练习,愈练而愈觉得 曼师所言确是言中有物,绝对不是随便说说而已,各位只要去细心揣摩,下番苦工练习,必会有所获的。 |
The above mentioned methods of centering the chain seem very simple and mediocre. I have been practicing them carefully for a while. The more I practice, the more I feel that what Master Man said is indeed true. It is definitely not just a casual talk. , as long as you carefully ponder it and practice hard, you will definitely gain something. |
其次在这里我要提出一点应特别注意的,就是「行功的练法」,所谓行功的练法,就是每一招式不仅仅在定式时要平正,要中定,而是要求每一招式在行进过程中,处处要求平正,处处不失中定的练法。 |
Secondly, I would like to point out something that should be paid special attention to here, which is the "practice method of Xing Gong". The so-called practice method of Xing Gong means that each move must not only be straight and centered when setting the form, but also require every move During the process of marching, the practice method is to be balanced and steady at all times. |
此与站功有别,站功重在定式的练法,而行功重在进行式的练法,只注意站功而忽略行功的练法,是绝对不可能时时保持中定的。 |
This is different from standing exercises. Standing exercises focus on fixed exercises, while walking exercises focus on progressive exercises. It is absolutely impossible to maintain concentration all the time by only paying attention to standing exercises and ignoring walking exercises. |
三、要以心与气相守於丹田: |
3. Keep your heart and energy in your Dantian: |
此即上面所说为链气初基及养生之道的功夫,曼师对此方面之指导,在其自修新法「绪论」中〈见原书第二十四页〉即有「气沉丹田,丹田在脐下一寸三分,位於腹中,在脐与脊之间,与脐近脊远,约三与七之比,先之以意导引,沉气要缓缓逐渐而下,不可太骤,太骤气便浮起,其诀有四字,曰细长静慢,既能娴熟,则随时随地以心与气相守於丹田,则直养而无害矣……」,又在自修新法「谈心得」中〈见原书第二十页〉则有「丹田古人所谓行坐处卧,不离这个,是要以心与气相守於丹田,如鸡之孵卵者,此所谓知止,止於至善之地。 |
This is the Kung Fu mentioned above as the first foundation of linking Qi and the way to maintain health. The master's guidance on this aspect is stated in the "Introduction" of his new self-study method (see page 24 of the original book): "Qi sinks into the Dantian. The Dantian is three-thirds of an inch below the navel. It is located in the abdomen, between the navel and the ridge. It is far from the umbilicus and the ridge, about three to seven. First, guide it with your mind. The heavy Qi should go down slowly and gradually, not too much. Sudden, too sudden, the Qi will rise. There are four words in the secret, which are slender, quiet and slow. Once you are skillful, you can keep your heart and Qi in your Dantian anytime and anywhere, then you will be nourished directly and without harm...", and in In the "Talk about Experiences" of the New Method of Self-cultivation (see page 20 of the original book), there is a saying: "The ancients in Dantian said that walking, sitting, lying, and not leaving this place is to keep the Dantian with the heart and Qi, like a chicken hatching eggs. This is what is known as knowing. Stop, stop at the place of perfection. |
道也者,不可须臾离也,可离非道也」,以上指导练法,仅列举其一、二,已甚详明,其余散见十三篇各篇中尚多,这里不及备述,综其所说,并没有什么神秘虚玄之处,各位不妨依法照做。 |
"The Tao cannot be separated even for a moment, and it is not the Tao that can be separated." The above guidance on training methods only lists one and two, which are very detailed. There are many others scattered in each of the thirteen chapters, and there is no time to describe them here. Said, there is nothing mysterious and fictitious, you may as well follow the law. |
肆、结语: |
4. Conclusion: |
中正为十三式惟一不易定理,我认为拳论「舍己从人」的原则,在十三式中,举凡掤、履、挤、按、采、挒、肘、靠、进、退、顾、盼任何一式,都能适用,惟一不能适用的,就是中定一式,举个例说: |
Zhongzheng is the only difficult theorem among the Thirteen Postures. I believe that the principle of boxing theory is "sacrifice oneself and obey others." , I hope any formula can be applied. The only formula that cannot be applied is the Zhongding formula. For example: |
人要我掤〈要我履……〉我就掤〈就履……〉人要我不掤〈不履……〉我就不掤〈不履……〉人要我中定,我当然亦中定,但人要我失却中定倒地,我则仍然要维持我之中定不变,所以说中定是永恒不易的,不能一时或失的。 |
If someone wants me to do it, I will do it. If someone wants me to do it, I will do it. If someone wants me not to do it, I will not do it. Central concentration, but if someone wants me to lose it and fall to the ground, I still have to maintain my concentration. Therefore, it is said that central concentration is eternal and cannot be lost temporarily. |
这个意义在佛教方面有「随缘不变,不变随缘」之语,儒家亦有「有所不为」及「时中」之义。 |
In Buddhism, this meaning has the meaning of "accommodating the situation, not changing, adapting to the situation". Confucianism also has the meaning of "doing something but not doing it" and "being in the moment". |
曼师生前创办拳社,即以「时中」二字命名,其意不外即注重此时时保持中定不变的修为及「有所不为」的节操与乎行住坐卧,不离这个的以心与气相守於丹田的修链功夫。 |
Master Man founded the boxing club before his death, and named it after the word "Shizhong". Unexpectedly, it focused on the cultivation of maintaining the same concentration at all times and the moral integrity of "doing something and not doing something", as well as walking, standing, sitting and lying. Inseparable from this is the chain repairing skill of keeping the heart and Qi in the Dantian. |
此一意义,实亦为我们链拳、养生以及为人处事之根本指针,而究其实,这就是太极拳的中定功夫。 |
This meaning is actually the fundamental guideline for our chain boxing, health preservation and dealing with others. In fact, this is the centering skill of Tai Chi. |
郑曼青谈太极拳 |
Zheng Manqing talks about Tai Chi |
郑曼青髯号玉井山人,籍浙东永嘉,弱冠任北京都文艺术两大学诗画教授,曾任华冈文化学院教授及国大代表。 |
Zheng Man, a native of Yujing Mountain with a green beard, was born in Yongjia, East Zhejiang. He was a professor of poetry and painting at Beijing University of Arts and Culture, a professor at Huagang Cultural College and a representative of the National University of China. |
早岁以身体羸弱从杨师学太极拳,陈师伯微明谓「得澄甫师口授秘奥,他人所未闻也」。 |
At an early age, due to his weak health, he learned Tai Chi from Master Yang. Master Chen Weiming said, "Master Cheng Fu dictated the secrets, which no one else has heard." |
历任黄埔军官学校教官及湖南省国术馆馆长,在美国创立时中学社宣扬文艺及太极拳不遗余力。 |
He successively served as an instructor at the Whampoa Military Academy and the director of the Hunan Provincial Martial Arts Academy. When the middle school club was founded in the United States, he spared no effort in promoting literature and art and Tai Chi. |
且数十年致力于经学,著有《学庸新解》,及《论语释旨》,与《曼髯三论》,《曼髯书画集》等多种。 |
He has devoted himself to the study of Confucian classics for decades, and has written many books such as "A New Interpretation of Xueyong", "Analects of Confucius and Its Purpose", "Three Essays on Manbeard", "Collection of Manbeard's Calligraphy and Painting", etc. |
我早年练拳的感受 |
My feelings about practicing boxing in my early years |
以我个人的感受,觉得随便什么运动以及娱乐活动,都比不上太极拳,我早年的身体坏的很,坏到不能再谈了; |
From my personal experience, I feel that any exercise or entertainment activity is inferior to Tai Chi. My health in my early years was very bad, so bad that I can’t talk about it anymore; |
医药都没有办法把病治好。 |
Medicine cannot cure the disease. |
结果练练太极拳,没有吃药,也没有打针,就这样一天一天自然好。 |
As a result, I practiced Tai Chi without taking any medicine or injections. I just felt better day by day. |
我患的是肺痨,在从前是一种很厉害,很可怕的病,我自己也觉得不行了,已到了西药中药都没有办法的时候,练练太极拳就得救了。 |
I was suffering from tuberculosis, which was a very serious and terrible disease in the past. I myself felt that it was no longer possible and that Western medicine and Chinese medicine were no longer able to cure it. I was saved by practicing Tai Chi. |
太极拳真的是有意想不到的功效。 |
Tai Chi really has unexpected effects. |
比方说,我们知道肺痨有咳嗽、吐血、发热、肺部痛等症候; |
For example, we know that tuberculosis has symptoms such as cough, vomiting blood, fever, and lung pain; |
当肺部痛时,可能肺部空洞很多,有人认为到这种地步的病人,一两天就会死了; |
When the lungs hurt, there may be a lot of cavities in the lungs. Some people think that patients with this condition will die in a day or two; |
可是我在六个月中,咳嗽就一天一天的见好; |
But within six months, my cough got better day by day; |
吐血也渐渐的没有了。 |
The vomiting of blood gradually disappeared. |
肺痨的咳嗽并不很厉害,只是一天到晚不断的咳就是了。 |
The cough caused by tuberculosis is not very severe, it just keeps coughing all day long. |
发热并不太高,半年后发热也渐渐退了。 |
The fever was not too high and gradually subsided after half a year. |
居然在两年以后,身体完全好了,真想不到。 |
To my surprise, after two years, my health was completely healed. |
可见太极拳对人体健康方面的功效,不是其它随便什么方法所可比拟的。 |
It can be seen that the effects of Tai Chi on human health are not comparable to any other methods. |
后来兄弟觉得太极拳很有益处,于是也教教同学,发现学生练太极拳对胃病,甚至五脏的病都好。 |
Later, my brother felt that Tai Chi was very beneficial, so he also taught it to his classmates. He found that practicing Tai Chi was good for stomach problems and even diseases of the five internal organs. |
要是练太极拳能够继续不断的话,癌症是不会生的,我也从来没看见过学生患过癌症; |
If you can continue to practice Tai Chi, cancer will not occur, and I have never seen a student suffer from cancer; |
不过,如果练拳马马虎虎,没有兴趣,或者没有恒心,那就不敢说了。 |
However, if your boxing training is so-so, you have no interest, or you have no perseverance, then you dare not say anything. |
气沉丹田可治脏腑疾病 |
Qi sinking in Dantian can cure viscera diseases |
目前美国认为最重要的是心脏病,十年前兄弟在美国见到的报道是两分钟可以死一个人,癌症四分钟死一个人,像这样心脏病死的人虽然也很急,以我中医的观点来讲,这种还能用心电图检查的慢性患者,并不是心脏病。 |
At present, the United States believes that the most important thing is heart disease. Ten years ago, my brother saw reports in the United States that it takes two minutes to kill a person, and cancer kills a person in four minutes. Although people who die from heart disease like this are also in a hurry, based on my experience in traditional Chinese medicine From a point of view, this kind of chronic patients who can still be checked by electrocardiogram do not have heart disease. |
因为心脏病一发病在两个钟点内绝对无法救治,若是检查诊断拖了多少年还没好的,这应该叫做心包络病,并不是心脏病,这句话各位听起来,一定以为很奇怪。 |
Because heart disease cannot be cured within two hours of its onset. If the examination and diagnosis are delayed for many years and it is still not cured, it should be called pericardial disease, not heart disease. This sentence must sound strange to you. . |
实际上中国对这包络病可以治疗,心脏病则不能救治。 |
In fact, China can treat envelope disease, but not heart disease. |
但这种包络的病到最后,要比心脏病急得多,几秒钟就可死人,可是仍然可以救治,因为人体五脏最急的是肝,这条路是由肝木生心火过来,所以特别急。 |
But in the end, this kind of enveloping disease is much more serious than a heart disease. It can kill a person in a few seconds, but it can still be treated, because the liver is the most urgent among the five internal organs of the human body. This path is caused by the liver wood generating heart fire. , so it’s very urgent. |
练太极拳要气沉丹田,心能沉下,便绝对没有这种病,因为心包络会比别人强一点,外感风寒不至于侵袭到心包络,以至慢慢的影响到心脏,这种病我所见的,我所治的很多,而且在中国医学上讲得比较详细。 |
When you practice Tai Chi, you need to sink your qi into your Dantian and your heart, and you will definitely not have this disease, because the pericardium will be stronger than others, and the external wind and cold will not invade the pericardium and even slowly affect the heart. I have seen and treated many diseases, and I have covered them in detail in Chinese medicine. |
那么练太极拳的功效,对最厉害的癌症、心包络、心脏病等等,都不成问题,尤其胃病更容易治好,肾脏病也很容易恢复健康,总之,对于人确有好处。 |
So the effect of practicing Tai Chi is not a problem for the most serious cancers, pericardium, heart disease, etc. In particular, stomach diseases are easier to cure, and kidney diseases are also easy to recover from. In short, it is really good for people. |
太极拳的最大功用是「松」 |
The greatest function of Tai Chi is "relaxation" |
今天我以为太极拳这样优良的运动,不仅在中国是第一,在全世界也是第一; |
Today I think Tai Chi, an excellent sport, is not only number one in China, but also number one in the world; |
任何拳术,任何运动,都不能比。 |
No boxing skills or any sports can compare. |
为什么呢? |
why? |
因为它有一个至高无上的道理存在。 |
Because it has a supreme truth. |
第一就是太极拳讲「松」。 |
The first is that Tai Chi emphasizes "looseness". |
这个「松」字,我学太极拳五十年了,到了前年才悟到其中道理。 |
I have been practicing Tai Chi for fifty years, and I only realized the meaning of the word "pine" the year before last. |
为什么松有这么大的好处? |
Why is pine so beneficial? |
当时只晓得讲松、松、松,但究竟什么叫做松; |
At that time, I only knew how to talk about looseness, looseness, looseness, but what exactly is looseness? |
怎么能松得很干净,这句话很难讲明白。 |
How can it be loosened so cleanly? This sentence is difficult to explain. |
前年悟通这个道理,我才想到我老师澄甫先生所讲的。 |
After realizing this truth the year before last, I remembered what my teacher Mr. Chengfu said. |
他不大会讲话。 |
He doesn't know how to talk. |
一天到晚坐在哪儿,可以不发一言,不问他他绝不讲话; |
Wherever he sits all day long, he may not say a word, and he will never speak unless asked; |
但这个「松」字,每天总要讲个几百回,我甚至连耳朵都灌满了。 |
But the word "pine" is said hundreds of times every day, and my ears are full of it. |
他还讲了一句话,更是奇怪,就是「不跟你讲这句话,你三辈子学不到的」,我就怀疑,难道讲一个「松」字,我就三辈子学不到吗? |
He also said something that was even more strange, that is, "If I don't tell you this sentence, you won't be able to learn it in three lifetimes." I wondered, wouldn't I be able to learn it in three lifetimes if I just said the word "loose"? ? |
现在想起来,不但三辈子,也许六辈子还学不到。 |
Now that I think about it, not only three lifetimes, but maybe six lifetimes will not be enough to learn it. |
我现在更深入的讲一句,你们就会很容易的悟到怎么叫松。 |
Now I will explain it in more depth, and you will easily understand what it means to be loose. |
比方说: |
for example: |
我们现到一个佛殿去,前殿有一个弥勒佛,很大一个肚子,笑笑的,他是拿一个布袋,人家讲上头题着: |
We went to a Buddhist hall. There was a Maitreya Buddha in the front hall, with a big belly and a smile. He was holding a cloth bag, and people said it was inscribed: |
「坐也布袋,走也布袋,放下布袋,何等自在」。 |
You sit in a cloth bag, you walk in a cloth bag, and you put down the cloth bag, how comfortable you are. |
这是什么意思呢? |
What does it mean? |
这就是说: |
This means that: |
人不但自己是个布袋,甚至于一切----儿女妻子、功名利禄----无一不是布袋,尤其自己这个布袋最难得放下。 |
Not only is a man a bag, but everything else - children, wife, fame, wealth and fortune - is a bag, and it is especially difficult to let go of his own bag. |
所以讲什么「放下屠刀、立地成佛」、什么「一下子顿地可以成佛」等等,就是讲不容易放下。 |
Therefore, when people talk about "putting down the butcher's knife and becoming a Buddha immediately", "you can become a Buddha in one fell swoop", etc., they mean that it is not easy to let go. |
练太极拳是难,就是难在自己有意识挡住,我不能进步,是自我意识挡住了自己,没有办法打通,这一点实在是太极拳最难的关头。 |
Practicing Tai Chi is difficult, but the difficulty lies in the fact that I am blocking myself consciously, and I cannot make progress. It is my self-consciousness that blocks myself, and there is no way to get through. This is really the most difficult moment in Tai Chi. |
人类唯一自强之道 |
The only way for human beings to strengthen themselves |
不过太极拳对我们身体的保健功能,更没有任何方法可以比拟,随便什么拳术,随便什么运动都不能比。 |
However, no method can compare with the health-care function of Tai Chi on our body. No boxing technique or any exercise can compare with it. |
西方现在的运动,我看起来都是摧残,都是互相摧残,或者自己斫伤自己身体,对于人的健康,并无任何补助。 |
It seems to me that the current sports in the West are all destroying each other, or injuring one's own body, and they do not provide any support to people's health. |
只有练太极拳才是人类唯一的自强之道,确是比医药都好的一种办法。 |
Only practicing Tai Chi is the only way for human beings to strengthen themselves, and it is indeed a better way than medicine. |
任何疾一到要靠医药就不行了。 |
For any disease, medicine is no longer enough. |
我从那么坏的身体起,这五十年来没有病过,在座诸位除非是二、三十岁的年轻人跟我差不多以外,别人还不行呢!起码牙齿、耳朵、眼睛都比不上我,为什么呢? |
Since my health has been so bad, I have never been sick in the past fifty years. Unless you are young people in your twenties and thirties who are similar to me, others are not good! At least my teeth, ears, and eyes are not as good as mine. Why? |
那就是太极拳的益处。 |
That's the benefit of Tai Chi. |
太极拳为什么有这么多益处呢? |
Why does Tai Chi have so many benefits? |
各位想一想,人身是由「气」和「血」所组成,养气则气旺,就能生血,经脉也能够畅通,这就没有病了。 |
Think about it, everyone, the human body is composed of "qi" and "blood". If you nourish qi, the qi will be strong, blood will be produced, and the meridians will be smooth, and there will be no disease. |
一切健康人的五脏一直连到头部、眼睛、耳朵、牙齿,如果气血经常灌注到各个部门去协调,哪会生病,这就是太极拳特有的好处,所以我在此地讲这个题目,就是希望大家不但要自己的健康好了,还要慢慢的推达及别人的健康; |
The five internal organs of all healthy people are connected to the head, eyes, ears, and teeth. If qi and blood are often injected into each department for coordination, there will be no illness. This is the unique benefit of Tai Chi, so I am talking about this topic here, hoping that everyone will Not only do you want your own health to improve, but you also want to slowly promote the health of others; |
不但是我们自己中国人,还要推及世界各国的人。 |
Not only for us Chinese, but also for people from all over the world. |
孔子所以讲「有教无类」,所有人类的健康,我们都是一样的关心。 |
That’s why Confucius said, “There is no distinction between education and distinction.” We are all equally concerned about the health of all human beings. |
有这么好的健身法子,我们应该把它推广开去。 |
There is such a good fitness method, we should promote it. |
培养有恒的七分钟 |
Seven minutes of cultivating perseverance |
现在,我们再讲拳该怎样的练法。 |
Now, let’s talk about how to practice boxing. |
依兄弟经验,那根本的问题就是你们觉得时间不够,我是早上练七分钟,晚上七分钟,似乎我是很忙的样子,不然怎么没时间呢? |
According to brothers’ experience, the fundamental problem is that you think there is not enough time. I practice seven minutes in the morning and seven minutes in the evening. It seems that I am very busy. Otherwise, why don’t I have time? |
其实不是没时间,也不是很忙,而是对有恒的观念太差了。 |
In fact, it’s not that I don’t have time or that I’m very busy, but that I have a very poor concept of permanence. |
比如说,从前把身体练好,就把拳丢下去,这是我历年来的经验,只要一天你放弃,你慢慢就放掉了。 |
For example, in the past, when you had trained your body well, you would throw away your punches. This is my experience over the years. As long as you give up one day, you will slowly let go. |
练拳一定要有恒,所以我的早晚祇练七分钟,就是要把恒心拿出来,先使有恒了讲,多一点少一点无所谓。 |
You must have perseverance when practicing boxing, so I only practice for seven minutes in the morning and evening, just to bring out the perseverance. Let’s talk about perseverance first. It doesn’t matter if it’s more or less. |
我用七分钟练一套拳,一百多动一套拳只用七分钟要练得很快。 |
It takes me seven minutes to practice a set of punches, and a set of more than 100 punches only takes seven minutes to practice very quickly. |
为的是有恒最重要。 |
The most important thing is to have perseverance. |
养成有恒; |
Develop perseverance; |
我有一个方法,一早起来,没有洗脸,没有吃饭,离开床就得要动,千万把这件事要控制好。 |
I have a method: when I wake up early in the morning, I don’t wash my face or eat, and I have to move when I leave the bed. I must control this matter well. |
如果今天很忙要出去,我早点起来,非要把这件事解决了不可。 |
If I am very busy today and have to go out, I will get up early and have to solve the problem. |
如事情的确很急,必须提早出来,而且已经起迟了,那我饭可以不吃,拳一定要先练,洗脸摸一摸就行,不必那么久,时间就不会浪费了。 |
If things are really urgent and I have to come out early and I have already gotten up late, then I don’t have to eat. I must practice boxing first. I just need to wash my face and touch it. It doesn’t have to take so long and time will not be wasted. |
到了晚上看见床,就想起我非要练完拳才能睡觉,拳没有练,我绝不上床。 |
When I see the bed at night, I remember that I have to finish my boxing practice before I can go to bed. I will never go to bed without my boxing practice. |
以这个有恒的法子对付自己。 |
Use this consistent method to deal with yourself. |
人是要管的,自己管自己要严格,严格要有方法,就慢慢上来了。 |
People need to be managed, and you need to be strict in managing yourself, and you need to be strict in a method, and it will gradually come up. |
要少不要多 |
Less, not more |
其次是不要贪多,贪多就不能深入。 |
Secondly, don’t be greedy for too much. If you are greedy for too much, you will not be able to go deep. |
你要少少的,不要以为今天只练一个动作,甚至两个动作,一样要练七分钟; |
You have to do it sparingly. Don’t think that you only need to practice one movement today, or even two movements, but you still need to practice them for seven minutes; |
七分钟已经够了,不必多,「少则得,多则惑」,因为少而不多,你就可以深入,不必在形式上,在动作上荒废了许多精神同时间。 |
Seven minutes is enough, no more is needed. "Less is less and more is more confusing." Because less is less but not more, you can go deep without wasting a lot of mental time on form and movement. |
要学这一点东西,就要往前往深推进去。 |
To learn this, we need to go deeper. |
比方说我们写字,写字只八笔,八笔就是点、横、直、勾、策、掠、啄、磔,要天天写这八笔,虽然天天写几十字或几百个字,不一定三十年五十年写得好。 |
For example, when we write, we only have eight strokes. The eight strokes are dot, horizontal, straight, hook, stroke, sweep, peck, and ding. We have to write these eight strokes every day. Although we write a few crosses or hundreds of characters every day, it is not necessarily three strokes. Ten Fifty Years is well written. |
也许那一个字写一辈子都没有写好,为什么呢? |
Maybe I have never finished writing that word in my whole life. Why? |
因为开头这一点就没写好,这一横就横不平; |
Because the beginning of this point was not written well, this horizontal line will be uneven; |
这一直就没有直正; |
This has never been straight; |
这样子永远在一个环外盘旋,不能进来,非要这一点完全点好不可。 |
In this way, it is always hovering outside a ring and cannot come in. It must be perfect in this regard. |
要是这一点一百天没有点好,就点一年,就点三年,这样你以为长吗? |
If it doesn't work out in a hundred days, just one year or three years. Do you think that will last? |
便宜极了,各位想不到,我六岁学字,学到六十岁才觉得有一点学懂了。 |
It's extremely cheap. You can't believe it. I learned Chinese calligraphy at the age of six, and it wasn't until I was sixty that I felt I had some understanding. |
天天在琢磨,但是算起来只这八笔,要多少年写一笔!所以「少则得、多则惑」,老子说这句话实有哲理,是对的。 |
I am thinking about it every day, but in total, there are only these eight strokes, how many years will it take to write one! Therefore, "less will lead to gain, more will lead to confusion." Lao Tzu said that this sentence is indeed philosophical and is right. |
你要真正了解它,这一笔老点老点,有什么意思呢? |
If you really want to understand it, what’s the meaning of this old thing? |
它会使你深刻研究,深刻体会,往里面深刻达到一个境界。 |
It will enable you to study deeply, experience deeply, and reach a deep state inside. |
不是普通泛泛就可以把这个地方讲明白,所以有恒了以后,不要贪多,就会有很大的成就。 |
It is not possible to explain this clearly in a general way, so after you have perseverance, don't be greedy for too much, and you will achieve great success. |
高深的哲理融合了物理 |
Profound philosophy merges with physics |
实在讲起来,是很奇怪的一件事,你们大家打太极拳打了几十年没有用。 |
To be honest, it is a very strange thing. You all have been practicing Tai Chi for decades to no avail. |
但我这个身体,风一吹来,就几乎被吹出去了的人,练两年拳以后,很厉害的好手竟在我手上没有打赢过。 |
But I have a body that is almost blown away when the wind blows. After practicing boxing for two years, I have never been able to defeat a very powerful fighter in my hands. |
五十多年来,我也在世界上跑过一圈,遇见过不少高大的西洋人,没有在我手上打赢过,我的一个学生有七呎一吋高,重四百三十多磅,竟然在我手上像小孩子弄球一样。 |
For more than fifty years, I have traveled around the world and met many tall Westerners, but I have never defeated them. One of my students is seven feet one inch tall and weighs four hundred and thirty. There are so many pounds, and it feels like a child playing with a ball in my hands. |
我有多大力量呢? |
How much power do I have? |
没有别的,就是我刚刚讲的—松。 |
Nothing else, just what I just talked about - looseness. |
所以太极拳说难,就是难在自己挡住自己,不肯松,如果真正把这个松字能了解,那便是好极了。 |
Therefore, the difficulty in Tai Chi is that you block yourself and refuse to let go. If you can truly understand the word "let go", that would be great. |
我有个叫龚作汉的学生,这里还有很多人认识,这孩子是有天份,练到五、六个月,就已悟到松了,连拳势也没有练好,就懂得如何松法,你说太极拳难吗? |
I have a student named Gong Zuohan, and many people here know him. This kid is very talented. After five or six months of training, he has already realized how to relax. He doesn’t even have to practice the fist posture well, but he already knows how to relax. , do you think Tai Chi is difficult? |
就是绝对要把松字弄清楚。 |
Just be sure to make the word loose clear. |
无论如何,要放松。 |
No matter what, relax. |
要松到什么程度呢? |
How loose should it be? |
人家打我,再有力量,也到不了我身上,所以力量再大也没有用,都空掉了,甚至你自己跌成重伤,那我打人家呢? |
If someone hits me, no matter how strong they are, they can't reach me. Therefore, no matter how strong the force is, it's useless. It's all useless. You may even fall and get seriously injured. What if I hit someone? |
把一个整个的人打出去好几丈外,这又是什么道理呢? |
What's the point of beating a whole person several feet away? |
这是太极拳的一种高深理论,它有一种哲理在里头,而且是一种合乎科学的杆杠力量。 |
This is a profound theory of Tai Chi. It has a philosophy in it, and it is a scientific lever force. |
不但是哲理与科学合而为一,它能将各种自然原理合并来应用。 |
Not only is philosophy and science integrated into one, it can also combine and apply various natural principles. |
这你会觉得很难,可是只要真能松透的话,什么都拦不住你。 |
You may find this difficult, but as long as you can really relax, nothing can stop you. |
所以练太极拳还是「松」为第一,这一点是我自己深深感受到的。 |
Therefore, "relaxation" is the first priority when practicing Tai Chi. This is something I deeply feel. |
练拳好象陆地游泳 |
Practicing boxing is like swimming on land |
练太极拳或其它任何拳术,不能说说讲讲,就算是高了、妙了,一定要拿事实证明,要懂学理,要应用出来,不能违背自然原理,这样才能得到太极拳的好处。 |
When practicing Tai Chi or any other boxing technique, you cannot talk about it. Even if it is advanced or wonderful, you must prove it with facts. You must understand the theory and apply it, and you must not violate the principles of nature. Only in this way can you get the benefits of Tai Chi. |
我今天讲得很详细,你们可能仍觉得这一点东西,真不容易得到。 |
I have talked about it in detail today, but you may still feel that it is really difficult to obtain this little thing. |
比如说,学佛要放下屠刀便可立地成佛,话是这么讲,做起来真难。 |
For example, to learn Buddhism, you need to put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately. This is said to be true, but it is really difficult to do it. |
除了要少要恒的原则外,我现在再讲一个最简单而且最有效的方法,各位可以自己试验的,那就是拳势的动作情形,在我们的意念中,不在打拳,我们要比喻在水里摸鱼,也像是在陆地游泳,把空气当作水用,意到气到,时间久了,便会水到渠成。 |
In addition to the principle of less and more constant, I will now talk about the simplest and most effective method. You can try it yourself, that is, the movement of the boxing posture. In our minds, instead of boxing, we have to compare it to water. Fishing in the water is like swimming on land. Use the air as water. Once you feel the air, it will become natural as time goes by. |
你们说太极拳那里有劲,那里能打人。 |
You say that Tai Chi is powerful and can hit people. |
抱这种观念的人很多。 |
There are many people who hold this concept. |
比方说,台风来了,什么东西都被拿起来,火车那么重也能飞起来,可见这个风的力量真是大得不得了。 |
For example, when a typhoon comes, everything is picked up, and a train that is so heavy can fly. This shows that the power of the wind is really great. |
同样水的力量也大极了,围墙是很坚固的,水深不过是半腰,只要经过它荡两荡,墙也就倒了。 |
The power of water is also great. The wall is very strong. The water is only half waist deep. As long as it swings through it twice, the wall will collapse. |
气的伟大功能在渐进 |
The great functions of Qi are gradually evolving |
人体气的力量,就等于水和风的力量,所以拿水来比喻我们气的作用。 |
The power of human Qi is equal to the power of water and wind, so water is used as a metaphor for the role of our Qi. |
很多练过太极拳的人,常常把练气的方法搞错,练气不可着相,气一练错,不但没有好处,害处很多。 |
Many people who have practiced Tai Chi often make mistakes in the way of practicing Qi. Practicing Qi must not focus on the phase. If Qi is practiced incorrectly, not only will there be no benefit, but also a lot of harm. |
我现在讲这个气,只要你慢慢的积上去。 |
What I am talking about now is that as long as you slowly build up your Qi. |
不可求多,气是积力,好象一张纸一张纸叠在桌上,并不觉得,每天堆一张纸头在桌上,摸也摸不着,积上十年,你看看这叠纸有多高,一年就可观了,它是慢慢积上去的。 |
Don't ask for more, Qi is accumulated strength. It's like stacking a piece of paper on the table. You don't feel it. Every day, you pile a piece of paper on the table and you can't touch it. It has been accumulated for ten years. Look at this stack. The height of the paper is considerable in one year. It accumulates slowly. |
如果你一定要多给几张,今天给你十张二十张,给完了就没有纸了,贪多就是这个样子的结果。 |
If you must give a few more sheets, I will give you ten or twenty sheets today. After giving them away, there will be no more paper. This is the result of being greedy for too much. |
如果少,你会永远有恒的这样堆上去。 |
If it is less, you will always pile it up like this. |
太极拳的气是积力,要你慢慢的堆上去。 |
The Qi in Tai Chi is accumulated force, and you need to slowly build it up. |
丹田不是积气的吗? |
Isn’t the Dantian filled with accumulated energy? |
(丹田是在肚脐下一寸三分),但千万不要太着意气沉丹田。 |
(The Dantian is one-third of an inch below the navel), but don’t be too focused on it. |
有这个念头就坏了,立刻会出毛病。 |
If you have this thought, it will be bad, and something will go wrong immediately. |
你要一起意念,它就立刻起一个反动的「意识」。 |
If you think about it together, it will immediately create a reactionary "consciousness". |
况且气的力量大极了,你要陷在里头,它会生种种的毛病,那怎么办? |
Besides, qi is extremely powerful. If you get stuck in it, it will cause all kinds of problems. So what should you do? |
所以讲气沉丹田不要十分注意,不要觉得使气吸到丹田,只要从思想上精神上注意到这个气在肚脐上就好了。 |
Therefore, don’t pay too much attention when talking about the Qi sinking into the Dantian. Don’t think about breathing the Qi into the Dantian. Just mentally and spiritually notice that the Qi is in the navel. |
气之所至,意之所至也。 |
Wherever the Qi goes, the mind goes. |
意到了,气就到,这个气的伟大,无可比拟。 |
When the intention arrives, the Qi arrives. The greatness of this Qi is incomparable. |
至于作深呼吸运动,气吸足了,肚皮很紧张,胸部闭起来,气涌到下面,上头就浮起来,那是不行的,那立刻就成了一种反动力,要随时用心得来的才是真气,要常常注意丹田,慢慢的上去,所收的成效就会很大。 |
As for deep breathing exercises, if you have taken in enough air, your belly is very tense, your chest is closed, and the air rushes to the bottom and the top floats, that is not possible. It will immediately become a reactionary force. It is true energy. You should always pay attention to the Dantian and slowly go up, and the results will be great. |
这个问题在美国常常有人问到,多数都已经错了,各位如对养生关心,就要注意这个丹田。 |
This question is often asked in the United States, and most of them are wrong. If you are concerned about health care, you should pay attention to this Dantian. |
所谓气宜鼓烫,这样是以我的气操纵外界的自然之气,譬如我现在用手这样一动,这个气被挤到那边也已经动了,你们看不见就是了。 |
The so-called Qi should be heated up, which is to use my Qi to control the natural Qi of the outside world. For example, if I move my hand like this now, the Qi has been squeezed to the other side and has already moved. You can't see it. |
我这么一动,全部都动了,这叫鼓荡。 |
When I move like this, everything moves. This is called drumming. |
自己本身没有气,怎么能把外面的气吸收进来呢? |
If you have no qi yourself, how can you absorb the qi from outside? |
怎么能把这个气接牢呢? |
How can we keep this energy in check? |
要自己常常注意这鼓荡的气与你的呼吸和身体是息息相关的,于是乎你就会受到这个天地之气的好处。 |
Always pay attention to the fact that this surging Qi is closely related to your breathing and body, so you will benefit from this Qi of heaven and earth. |
我们说「天行健,君子以自强不息」,这么动啊!动啊!是气动,就是不休息不停止的跟着气走,你要是这样的运动不息,不住的气在流转,那你就得到好处,身体绝对不生疾病。 |
We say, "Heaven moves vigorously, and a gentleman strives to constantly strive for self-improvement." How touching! Move! It is Qi movement, which means following the flow of Qi without resting or stopping. If you keep moving like this and the Qi is constantly flowing, then you will get benefits and your body will never get sick. |
拳宜精简不宜贪多 |
Boxing should be concise and should not be greedy for too much |
还有各位也知道,这套拳是三十多年前我把它缩短的。 |
As you all know, I shortened this boxing set more than thirty years ago. |
从前这套拳是翻来覆去,有四翻五翻之多,譬如说单鞭,有四、五次这么转过来转过去,全套拳架有一百二十多势。 |
In the past, this boxing set was turned over and over, four times and five times. For example, the single whip was turned around four or five times. The whole boxing frame had more than 120 moves. |
当时我在湖南省当全省国术馆馆长,要想推广太极拳,这个国术馆与别的不同,它在湖南七十六县,那一县都有。 |
At that time, I was the director of the provincial martial arts hall in Hunan Province. If I wanted to promote Tai Chi, this martial arts hall was different from the others. It was located in every county in the 76 counties of Hunan. |
共有教官四五百人,我要把这几百人在两个月时间内都训练起来,有什么办法? |
There are four to five hundred instructors in total. I want to train all these hundreds of people within two months. Is there any way? |
只好把拳势删繁就简,雷同的不要,意思相同的也不要,拳的形势从头到尾一点也没有改动,这样子费了许多时间,我就把它删减成了三十七个姿势,再翻来翻去也差不多有六七十个动作,已经比从前少了一半,于是就这么把它传开来。 |
I had to cut out the complex and simplified boxing postures. I didn’t want any that were similar or had the same meaning. The form of the boxing didn’t change at all from beginning to end. This took a lot of time, so I cut it down to thirty-seven postures, and then turned it over. There were almost sixty or seventy movements in the back and forth, which was already half of what it was before, so I just spread it around. |
太极拳只有十三式,十三式就是八卦的四正四隅配了五行的金木水火土,就是以易经五行八卦的方法配上去,这样合拢是十三式长拳,你说这十三式就算长吗? |
Tai Chi only has thirteen postures. The thirteen postures are the four upright and four corners of the Bagua combined with the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. They are combined with the five elements of the I Ching and the Eight Diagrams. Together they form the Thirteen postures of Changquan. What do you think of these thirteen postures? Does the formula count as long? |
圆的就长,庄子所讲的,鱼在池塘里走,鱼行千里,还是在池塘中间,这个圆的还有穷吗? |
The round one is long. As Zhuangzi said, if a fish walks in a pond, if it travels thousands of miles, it is still in the middle of the pond. Is this round one still poor? |
所谓长拳就是圆的,打完了再来,打一百年也没有打完,长江大海,滔滔不绝,就是不断的永远不见,这个谓之长。 |
The so-called long boxing is round. After fighting it again, it will not be finished for a hundred years. The Yangtze River and the sea are flowing incessantly, and they will never be seen again. This is called long. |
有许多人对这个有疑问。 |
Many people have questions about this. |
以为我这样做法,是把太极拳改了,不对。 |
I think I have modified Tai Chi by doing this, but that’s not right. |
我这样做法,是无可奈何,是时间和各种环境的关系所促成的。 |
What I did was helpless and was prompted by the relationship between time and various circumstances. |
实在讲起是这个拳架太长,翻来覆去不必要。 |
In fact, the boxing frame is too long and it is unnecessary to turn it over and over. |
十三式只十三个动作,现在三十几个动作已经不得了了。 |
The Thirteen Postures only have thirteen movements, but now there are more than thirty movements. |
我希望不要多,只要有几个动作,自己常动,有恒就行了。 |
I hope there won’t be too many, just a few movements, and you’ll be able to move regularly and be consistent. |
太极拳分阴阳两面。 |
Tai Chi has two sides: yin and yang. |
太极拳绝不能离开阴阳。 |
Tai Chi can never be separated from Yin and Yang. |
一切的作用都是在阴阳里头变化,阴阳里头发生,再好的功夫,再好的办法,除了阴阳的妙用之外,其余的都没有用。 |
All effects change and occur within Yin and Yang. No matter how good your skills or methods are, except for the magical effects of Yin and Yang, the rest will be useless. |
立人之道 |
The way to build a person |
今天乱七八糟的讲我过来的经验。 |
Today I’m going to talk about my experience here. |
无非是要把练太极拳的道理给各位谈谈。 |
I just want to talk to you about the principles of practicing Tai Chi. |
最后我要谈点立人之道,我近来常常和各位谈起张三丰先生,我早年看过他的全集。 |
Finally, I want to talk about the way to build a person. Recently, I often talk to you about Mr. Zhang Sanfeng. I have read his complete works in the early years. |
全集里讲他中年的时候,随便到哪里看到人,不讲拳也不讲运动,是劝人家读四书,张三丰先生专门劝人家读四书,他是道家,他也不叫人读道书。 |
The whole collection tells that when he was middle-aged, wherever he saw people, he would not talk about boxing or exercise, but would advise them to read the Four Books. Mr. Zhang Sanfeng specifically advised people to read the Four Books. He was a Taoist, and he did not tell people to read the Taoist books. . |
他意思就是四书有做人的道理,立脚很稳固,人能够自己站得住。 |
What he means is that the Four Books contain principles for human conduct, have a solid footing, and enable people to stand on their own. |
孔子讲: |
Confucius said: |
「立人之道曰仁与义」。 |
The way to establish a person is benevolence and righteousness. |
人要立得起来,人如果立不起来,就发生问题,就不晓得成什么东西了。 |
A person must be able to stand up. If a person cannot stand up, problems will arise and he will not be able to stand up. |
四书所讲的意思和易理,甚至再高深求得仁义,这都是人人应该有的。 |
The meanings and easy principles discussed in the Four Books, and even the pursuit of benevolence and righteousness, are what everyone should have. |
我觉得最近我们国家同人民对于外来的新的东西喜欢得太多,总希望人家的东西都要得到。 |
I feel that recently our country and its people like new things from outside too much, and they always hope to get everything from others. |
最好原子弹就拿在我手上,这有什么用呢? |
It would be best to just hold the atomic bomb in my hand, what's the use of it? |
就是大家都能到月球去,对实际的人生也还没有多大用处呢? |
Even if everyone can go to the moon, it will not be of much use to actual life? |
总之要把自己做人的道理先站住,这才是人,我希望各位同仁朋友不向外而向内,把自己的东西不要丢掉,自己的东西自己也要看一看,这是兄弟的希望。 |
In short, you must first stand up for your own principles as a human being. This is what it means to be a human being. I hope that all colleagues and friends will not look outward but inward. Don’t throw away your own things, but also take a look at your own things. This is the hope of brothers. |
练武的精神与太极拳丹田劲 |
The Spirit of Martial Arts and the Strength of Dantian in Tai Chi |
郑曼青 |
Zheng Manqing |
太极拳历代名师辈出,独领风骚於当世,这是我们这些後学者所响往的。 |
There have been many famous masters of Tai Chi in the past, and they are unique in the world. This is what we, the later scholars, aspire to. |
然而今日风行时世界的太极拳,习者虽众,却让人有流於健身操的感觉。 |
However, Tai Chi, which is very popular in the world today, has many practitioners, but it feels like an aerobics exercise. |
我想这是当今 学习有成者的谦虚内敛,不与人争的处世态度所使然。 |
I think this is due to the modesty and restrained attitude of today's successful learners and their non-competitive attitude towards life. |
另一个原因是很少练习者能以练武的精神去练太極拳,而是以健身为主。 |
Another reason is that few practitioners can practice Tai Chi with the spirit of martial arts, but focus on fitness. |
由於缺乏一种积极求进的心态,固有 成就者也是寥寥可数。 |
Due to the lack of a positive attitude towards progress, there are only a handful of inherent achievers. |
太极拳非比外家拳,短期内就可看出成果。 |
Tai Chi is very different from foreign martial arts, and the results can be seen in a short period of time. |
太极拳又涉及丹田劲的培练,必须得到正确的功法,才有可能练成高强的武功。 |
Tai Chi also involves the training of Dantian Jin. Only by obtaining the correct techniques can one achieve high-strength martial arts. |
这可能是许多人投入数十年的岁月, 浸淫於太极拳而仍无所得的原因。 |
This may be the reason why many people have devoted decades to immersed in Tai Chi but still get nothing. |
欲求健康长寿,那么以健身操的心情去练太极拳,绝对能达成你的期望。 |
If you want health and longevity, practicing Tai Chi with an aerobic attitude will definitely achieve your expectations. |
若求自卫、技击,那么你一定要有练武者刻苦、钻研、求 实战体验的积极心态。 |
If you are seeking self-defense or martial arts, then you must have the positive attitude of a martial arts practitioner who works hard, studies hard, and seeks practical combat experience. |
任何能流传於世的拳种,都是经得起实战考验的。 |
Any boxing type that can be spread throughout the world can stand the test of actual combat. |
现在有公开的比赛规则,选手们在裁判员公平的裁决下,作激烈的自由搏击拼斗。 |
Now there are open competition rules, and players engage in fierce free fighting under the fair judgment of the referee. |
将“武” 的艺术发挥得淋漓尽致。 |
Give full play to the art of "martial arts". |
我们由历代太极名师的战功彪炳之中可见太极拳的高手一定也能在现代的武坛以实战称雄。 |
We can see from the outstanding achievements of Tai Chi masters in the past that masters of Tai Chi will definitely be able to dominate the modern martial arts world through actual combat. |
谈到正确的功法,许多人认为太极拳的理论太繁太深,若要搞懂是很难的,学拳时顾左难顾右,真不知如何练下去。 |
When it comes to correct exercises, many people think that the theory of Tai Chi is too complicated and profound, and it is difficult to understand it. When learning boxing, it is difficult to look left and right, and I really don’t know how to continue practicing. |
其实练太极拳的拳理是人类的智慧结晶。 |
In fact, the principles of practicing Tai Chi are the crystallization of human wisdom. |
只 是你必须练到了那一个层次,才能体会那一个层次的道理。 |
It’s just that you must practice to that level before you can understand the truth of that level. |
所以初学者必须循序渐进,焦躁不得。 |
Therefore, beginners must proceed step by step and not get impatient. |
尤其是丹田劲的练法,更要悉心遵从师父的指导。 |
Especially for the practice of Dantian Jin, you must follow the master's instructions carefully. |
从前有不传外姓 之说,是因内家拳有其独特的内劲练法,那非外行人可以窥视的。 |
In the past, there was a saying that foreign surnames were not passed down because Neijiaquan had its own unique internal strength training method, which was not something outsiders could peep into. |
今人已无此见,但以其功法宝贵,故习者应虔诚敬谨。 |
Today, people no longer see this, but its techniques are valuable, so those who practice them should be pious and respectful. |
相信精诚所至、金石为开,必能获得师父的 真传。 |
I believe that with sincerity and openness to gold and stone, we will be able to obtain Master’s true teachings. |
谈到“丹田劲”,从字义上来看,田地里出丹,犹如“麦田”田地里出麦。 |
Speaking of "Dan Tian Jin", from the literal meaning, elixir grows in the field, just like wheat grows in the "wheat field". |
故太极拳实乃内功之一种。 |
Therefore, Tai Chi is actually a type of internal strength. |
如何练呢? |
How to practice? |
先是以意念带动丹田催动全身的细胞,练一段 时期後则是全身的细胞催丹田。 |
First, the Dantian is stimulated with thoughts to stimulate the cells of the whole body. After practicing for a period of time, the cells of the whole body activate the Dantian. |
结果愈练愈密合,变成丹田与全身的动作一致,同时开合,同时到。 |
As a result, the more you practice, the closer it becomes, and the Dantian becomes consistent with the movements of the whole body, opening and closing at the same time, and arriving at the same time. |
至於发劲就像照相机的闪光灯般,一闪即逝。 |
Fa Jin is like the flash of a camera, fleeting and fleeting. |
发劲前全身是松 的,发劲後全身也是松的。 |
Your whole body is loose before you send out your strength, and your whole body is also loose after you send out your strength. |
只是发劲的那一刹那,丹田与全身每一个细胞像炸弹般的向四面八方钻缠疾射。 |
Just at the moment when the energy is exerted, every cell in the Dantian and the body shoots out in all directions like bombs. |
当然这与呼吸是要结合的。 |
Of course this must be combined with breathing. |
一般而言,发劲是呼气,蓄劲 是吸气。 |
Generally speaking, to release energy is to exhale, and to accumulate energy is to inhale. |
在吸气时,气聚於肺(包括由鼻吸入之气及内部的提气)。 |
During inhalation, Qi accumulates in the lungs (including the gas inhaled through the nose and the internal Qi lifted). |
呼气时,分内外两部。 |
When exhaling, divide it into two parts: inner and outer. |
外部由鼻或口呼出,内部则迫至丹田,而传於全身。 |
Externally it is exhaled through the nose or mouth, internally it is forced to the Dantian and spread throughout the body. |
笔者所知有限,仅以些许浅见,作初学者之参考,还望各界先进不吝指正。 |
The author's knowledge is limited, and I only use some superficial opinions as a reference for beginners. I also hope that advanced people from all walks of life will feel free to correct me. |
郑曼青《太极拳之哲理》 |
Zheng Manqing "The Philosophy of Tai Chi" |
各位同道,先生及各位同学: |
Dear comrades, gentlemen and fellow students: |
今天本人承蒙韩理事长之邀,到这里来讲“太极拳之哲理”并能于久别后在这里与各位见面,本人感到非常高兴与荣幸,兄弟离开台湾六年多来在美国向侨胞及美国人士讲授太极拳,主要是宣扬我们中国的固有文化。 |
Today, I am invited by Chairman Han to come here to talk about the "Philosophy of Tai Chi" and I feel very happy and honored to be able to meet you here after a long absence. Brother, I have been in the United States for more than six years since leaving Taiwan to express my gratitude to overseas Chinese and the United States. People teach Tai Chi mainly to promote our inherent Chinese culture. |
今天我们在台湾来讲太极拳比在美国人士面前讲太极拳较有意义,也较容易,因为在美国讲太极拳最大的困难就是翻译; |
Today, it is more meaningful and easier for us to teach Tai Chi in Taiwan than it is to teach Tai Chi in front of Americans, because the biggest difficulty in teaching Tai Chi in the United States is translation; |
我们讲太极拳最重要的是讲“气”,但西方人士对于“气”字则非常之隔膜,所以一个“气”字在美国始终没有翻译好。 |
When we talk about Tai Chi, the most important thing is "qi", but Westerners are very alienated from the word "qi", so the word "qi" has never been translated well in the United States. |
太极拳是宋朝末年张三丰先生所发明的,其原理则是根据老子的理论,老子这部书是在五经之后,四书之前所著成的,至于孔子则没有著书,他是“述而不作”的,所以老子这部书在中国哲理上来说,是很早的一部书,但其原则为何? |
Tai Chi was invented by Mr. Zhang Sanfeng in the late Song Dynasty. Its principles are based on Laozi's theory. Laozi's book was written after the Five Classics and before the Four Books. As for Confucius, he did not write a book. He "stated but did not write." Yes, so Laozi’s book is a very early book in terms of Chinese philosophy, but what are its principles? |
就是“专气致柔,能婴儿乎”? |
Is it "concentrating one's Qi to cause softness, can a baby be born"? |
所谓“气”即是专心致志于丹田,然后返老还童之谓,亦即是我们太极拳最重要的原则。 |
The so-called "qi" means to concentrate on the Dantian and then rejuvenate. This is the most important principle of our Tai Chi. |
老子从前说过,“天下之至柔,驰骋天下之至坚”, 这是极有道理的,我们知道风与水是最柔的东西,它是慢慢的积起来的,积到很多的时侯就没有东西可以抵御了。 |
Lao Tzu once said, "The softest thing in the world is the strongest thing in the world." This is very reasonable. We know that wind and water are the softest things. They accumulate slowly and accumulate for a long time. Hou will have nothing to resist. |
所以我们扩大而言之,天地也不过是积气而已。 |
So if we expand it, the heaven and the earth are nothing but accumulation of qi. |
因此我们在空气中练太极拳,亦正如在水中游泳一样,而对于空气就像对水一般,有一种阻力的感觉,从而慢慢的练,要练到最柔的境地。 |
Therefore, when we practice Tai Chi in the air, it is just like swimming in water. The air feels like water, and there is a sense of resistance, so we practice it slowly and reach the softest state. |
讲到气,丹田就是气海,海的容量是其大无比的,我们要以心运气,气沉丹田,然后知道气之所至,气之所行,气之所积。 |
Speaking of Qi, the Dantian is the sea of Qi, and the capacity of the sea is extremely huge. We must use our heart to make Qi sink into the Dantian, and then know where the Qi goes, where the Qi travels, and where the Qi accumulates. |
丹田之气满了以后到尾闾,再上行走到脊骨,然后走到泥丸,也就是气通三关(指尾闾、夹脊、玉枕到泥丸),以后,就往下行走,到五腑六脏,而使全身得到了无穷的补养,所以气在我们身体中是这样周而复始的运行。 |
After the qi in Dantian is full, go to Weilu, then walk up to the spine, and then walk to Niwan, which is the three levels of Qi (finger Weilu, Jiaji, Jade Pillow to Niwan), and then walk down , to the five internal organs and six internal organs, so that the whole body is infinitely nourished, so Qi circulates in our body over and over again. |
我们人体里有三层的膜,肌肉的外面一层,筋的外面一层,骨的外面一层,此膜正如车胎里的内胎一样的,我们练太极拳的人,如功夫练得好,体内的膜就会增强,所以就不怕打,又我们要以心运气,使气走三关,我们早晚行、处、坐、卧,都是注意丹田,要以意行气,孟子说: |
There are three layers of membranes in our human body, the outer layer of muscles, the outer layer of tendons, and the outer layer of bones. This membrane is just like the inner tube in a car tire. For those of us who practice Tai Chi, if we practice Kung Fu well, The membrane will be strengthened, so we are not afraid of being beaten. Moreover, we must use our mind to move the Qi through the three levels. When we walk, sit, sit, and lie down in the morning and evening, we all pay attention to the Dantian and use our minds to move the Qi. Mencius said: |
“志,气之帅也,”志是气的元帅,元帅到那里兵也到那里。 |
"Zhi is the marshal of qi." Zhi is the marshal of qi. Wherever the marshal goes, the soldiers will go. |
又,气是和电一样的,一热则钢铁木头也能传透过去,所以我们天天练太极拳气就能壮,体内的膜就会增厚。 |
In addition, Qi is the same as electricity. Once heated, steel and wood can be transmitted through it. Therefore, if we practice Tai Chi every day, Qi will be strengthened and the membranes in the body will thicken. |
气能通三关,则一切病都没有了。 |
If Qi can pass through the three levels, all diseases will be gone. |
有人问到太极拳有没有用? |
Someone asked if Tai Chi is useful? |
我对太极拳不过学到了一点点,但据我的经验来说,太极拳是有用的,我从小体弱多病,四十年前就应该死去的,但后来练习太极拳,身体就好转了,到现在行年七十岁了,我的眼睛,牙齿都还和年青人一样,这就是练太极拳的好处。 |
I have only learned a little bit about Tai Chi, but according to my experience, Tai Chi is useful. I have been weak and sick since I was a child, and I should have died forty years ago. But then I started practicing Tai Chi and my health got better. Until now. I am seventy years old, but my eyes and teeth are still the same as those of young people. This is the benefit of practicing Tai Chi. |
关于练太极拳的体用问题,我也顺便在此来谈一谈,太极拳的体用,是应该注意的,体为本,用为末,没有体就没有用,换句话说,就是有体才有用,体最主要的是要血脉流通,周身血脉流通以后,人还会有什么病呢? |
Regarding the physical function of practicing Tai Chi, I will also talk about it here. The physical function of Tai Chi should be paid attention to. The body is the foundation and the use is the last. Without the body, there is no use. In other words, there is Only the body is useful. The most important thing for the body is the circulation of blood. After the circulation of blood throughout the body, what other diseases will a person suffer from? |
现在癌症那么多,但我教拳数十年,我的学生没有一个生癌的,生癌的人主要的是郁闷气滞所致,但是太极拳使人周身百脉流畅,气血调和,所以是可以防止癌症发生的。 |
There are so many cancers now, but I have been teaching boxing for decades, and none of my students have developed cancer. People who develop cancer are mainly caused by depression and qi stagnation, but Tai Chi can make all the meridians in the body smooth and harmonize qi and blood, so It can prevent cancer. |
谈到我们人生,有两点要注意: |
When it comes to our lives, there are two things to note: |
一是病从口入,一是祸从口出。 |
One is that diseases enter through the mouth, and the other is that disaster comes from the mouth. |
人们生病十之八、九是由于吃东西不慎而发生的,所以我们要注意饮食。 |
Eighty or nine times out of ten people get sick due to careless eating, so we should pay attention to our diet. |
再谈到人体内的肾与胃,人的先天是肾,练气就是练肾,练丹田。 |
Talking about the kidneys and stomach in the human body, people are born with kidneys, and practicing Qi means practicing kidneys and Dantian. |
人的后天是胃,惟胃强才能吸取充分的营养,但很多人则在摧残胃,人们以为身体虚弱了,就一定要进补,于是不断的补充营养,但毛病就出在这里,过度的营养是最害人的东西,大病往往从此而起,因为吃得太多了,消化不了,胃就闷胀起来,周身的气血也就不流畅了,在这种情形之下,那有不生病之理? |
People are born with a stomach. Only a strong stomach can absorb sufficient nutrients. However, many people destroy the stomach. People think that when the body is weak, they must take supplements, so they continue to supplement nutrition. But the problem lies here, excessive nutrition. It is the most harmful thing. Serious diseases often arise from this. Because you eat too much and cannot digest it, your stomach becomes bloated and the qi and blood around the body become sluggish. In this case, how can you get sick? Reason? |
因此我们如要防止生病,则首先要使气血通畅,要气血通畅,则练太极拳是最佳的途径。 |
Therefore, if we want to prevent illness, we must first make the qi and blood flow smoothly. If we want the qi and blood to flow smoothly, practicing Tai Chi is the best way. |
也许有人要问为什么要练太极拳呢? |
Some people may ask why you should practice Tai Chi? |
练少林拳不好吗? |
Isn’t it good to practice Shaolin boxing? |
但我觉得练少林拳对身体虽然也有好处,但是和太极拳不同,因为少林拳的运气是偏于刚的,是往任脉走的,反之太极拳运气是致于柔的,是往督脉走的,由督脉气行骨中,即道家所谓通三关。 |
But I feel that although practicing Shaolin Quan is good for the body, it is different from Tai Chi, because the luck of Shaolin Quan is biased toward hardness and goes to the Ren channel, whereas in Tai Chi, the luck is toward softness and goes to the Du channel. , the Qi of Du Vessel flows through the bones, which is what Taoism calls the three passes. |
同时少林拳是力由骨发,太极拳是劲由筋发。 |
At the same time, Shaolin Quan’s force is generated from the bones, while Tai Chi’s strength is generated from the muscles. |
太极拳所谓体,所讲的就是“气”与“血”的连贯流通,盖人身体内最主要的是气与血而已,血本身不能走,要靠气率血而行,故一个人气旺则血旺。 |
The so-called body in Tai Chi is about the continuous circulation of "qi" and "blood". The most important things in the human body are just qi and blood. Blood itself cannot move. It depends on qi to guide the blood. Therefore, a person with strong qi Then the blood will be strong. |
现在常有人对太极拳提出一个问题,那就是练太极拳全身不用力,动作那么慢,能用吗? |
Nowadays, people often ask a question about Tai Chi, that is, if you don’t use any force from the whole body when practicing Tai Chi, and the movements are so slow, can it be used? |
我的答案是肯定的,太极拳也不是很难学的,我常常这样讲,一讲就几个钟头,人家还是不信,甚至于练了几十年太极拳的人也不信,他们以为我练拳一定有秘诀的,我到美国教拳,有一个学生叫路易的,还有一个学生叫史密斯的,也都说我练拳一定有秘诀,不然何以只有一个郑曼青呢? |
My answer is yes, Tai Chi is not difficult to learn. I often say this, even if I teach it for several hours, people still don’t believe it. Even people who have practiced Tai Chi for decades don’t believe it. They think I practice it. There must be a secret to boxing. When I went to the United States to teach boxing, I had a student named Louis and another student named Smith. They all said that there must be a secret to my boxing practice. Otherwise, why is there only one Zheng Manqing? |
现在让我把秘诀两个字打开来; |
Now let me unpack the word secret; |
我跟澄甫老师练拳,杨老师身材很高,体重有三百多磅,他年青的时侯,祖父父亲都是无敌于天下的,他自己有一次到山东一个道台家里教拳,他吃得好,玩得好,他是杨家最有为最年青力壮的人。 |
I practiced boxing with Teacher Chengfu. Teacher Yang was very tall and weighed more than 300 pounds. When he was young, his grandfather and father were invincible in the world. He once went to a Taoist family in Shandong to teach boxing. He eats well and plays well. He is the most promising and youngest person in the Yang family. |
但后来回到北京后有人造了一个谣言,说澄甫先生在八大胡同当了保镖,他的父亲听了很生气,于是把他叫回到家里来,关在后院一个小房里,里面只有一张床,一根杆子,在这种情形之下,澄甫先生因没有其他事情可做,只得天天练太极拳了,如是苦练了四年。 |
But later after returning to Beijing, someone spread a rumor that Mr. Chengfu worked as a bodyguard in Bada Hutong. His father was very angry when he heard this, so he called him back home and locked him in a small room in the backyard with only A bed and a pole. In this situation, Mr. Chengfu had nothing else to do, so he had to practice Tai Chi every day. He practiced hard for four years. |
诸位想想澄甫先生当时身体和功夫既是相当了得,还要苦练四年,太极拳有什么秘诀吗? |
Think about it, Mr. Chengfu was already very good in body and kung fu at that time, but he still had to practice hard for four years. Is there any secret to Tai Chi? |
假如太极拳有什么秘诀,或吃几颗丸药可以马上使功夫臻于上乘,那么我就必定先把丸药给我儿女吃了,那样就会有功夫了,何必再去苦练呢? 我着了一本“郑子太极拳十三篇”,这是根据澄甫老师口述要点以及我数十年的经验与心得而写的,但断断续续的写,就写了二十年,在台湾才印出来。 |
If there is any secret to Tai Chi, or if taking a few pills can immediately improve the kung fu, then I will definitely give the pills to my children first. Then they will have kung fu, so why bother to practice hard again? I'm hooked. "Thirteen Parts of Zheng Zi Tai Chi" was written based on the key points dictated by Master Cheng Fu and my decades of experience and insights. However, it took me 20 years to write it intermittently before it was printed in Taiwan. . |
后来一般反映,十三篇的文字与理论过于深奥,同时又为便于外籍人士研习与译成外文起见,就另以浅显的文字写了六篇翻译成英文,这一工作用了九年时间方行完成,所以归根究底一句话,练太极拳并没有什么秘诀的要是有秘诀的话,其秘诀就在太极拳论里面,因为其中没有一句话是假的,决没有一句话是骗人的,只要大家照拳论里面所说的原理去下功夫,是绝对可以学得好的,我是懒人,功夫也不好,各位条件都比我好,我想大家应该是能够练好的。 |
Later, it was generally felt that the text and theory of the thirteen articles were too profound. At the same time, in order to facilitate foreigners to study and translate into foreign languages, six more articles were written in simple words and translated into English. This work took nine years to complete. So in the final analysis, there is no secret to practicing Tai Chi. If there is a secret, the secret lies in the theory of Tai Chi, because not a word in it is false, and not a word is deceptive. As long as you work hard according to the principles mentioned in the boxing theory, you can definitely learn it well. I am lazy and my kung fu is not good. Everyone is better than me, so I think everyone should be able to practice well. |
练习太极拳最重要的一点是要松,但很多人就松不下,一接手不知不觉之间就不晓得松,这样,一扭,一顶就完了,也就把门关闭了,不能进步了,须知练习太极拳是要学吃亏的,不要学占便宜,你要是想占一分便宜,大吃亏就在后头,这是我学太极拳几十年的经验,其实不光是学太极拳如此,为人处世亦莫不如此,所以如能学到太极理,则在社会上处世并不难。 |
The most important thing in practicing Tai Chi is to loosen up, but many people can't loosen up. Once they take over, they don't know how to loosen up unconsciously. In this way, if they twist or push, it's over, and the door is closed, making progress impossible. It should be noted that when practicing Tai Chi, you have to learn to suffer losses, and do not learn to take advantage. If you want to take advantage, you will suffer big losses later. This is my experience of studying Tai Chi for decades. In fact, it is not only about learning Tai Chi, but also how to behave in the world. This is also true, so if you can learn Tai Chi principles, it will not be difficult to live in society. |
老子曾说过: |
Lao Tzu once said: |
善者善之,不善者吾亦善之。 |
Those who are good are good, and those who are not good are also good. |
大凡肯吃亏的人,最后总是不会吃亏的。 |
Anyone who is willing to suffer losses will never suffer losses in the end. |
有一件事情顺便在此谈谈,三十二年在重庆有一次和友人邓君同应英国驻我国大使馆之邀请表演太极拳,正巧英军访华团人员亦在座,表演完毕后,邓君见英军都是身强力壮的少壮军人,就说各位愿不愿意和郑先生试试,他们都要试,结果都败了。 |
I want to talk about something here by the way. In 1932, in Chongqing, I once performed Tai Chi with my friend Deng Jun at the invitation of the British Embassy in my country. It happened that members of the British military delegation to China were also present. After the performance, Deng Jun met the British Embassy in China. The soldiers were all strong young soldiers, so they asked if they would like to try it with Mr. Zheng. They all tried, but they all failed. |
后来又有美国驻渝陆军,因为听到这件事,也邀请去表演,并且在百余人中挑选了十五个拳击好手,和我比试,结果连败了六个人,其余的人都不敢再比了。 |
Later, the U.S. Army Corps stationed in Chongqing also invited me to perform after hearing about this incident. They also selected fifteen boxing masters from more than a hundred people to compete with me. As a result, I lost six people in a row, and the rest did not win. Dare to compete again. |
由此可见,他们的拳虽然很猛,速度也很快,但跌出去也很重,所以一言以蔽之,太极拳虽不是主张打人的,但是,无疑问的是一种最好的自卫技术。 |
It can be seen that although their punches are very fierce and fast, they fall very hard. So in a word, although Tai Chi does not advocate hitting people, it is undoubtedly the best way to do it. Self-defense techniques. |
今天因为时间很短无从详谈,只是一点点小意思贡献给诸位参考,但都是由衷之言,还请指教,完了。 |
Because time is short today, I cannot go into details. I just contributed a little bit for your reference, but they are all from the bottom of my heart. Please give me some advice. That’s it. |
郑曼青的《别程序》 |
"Other Program" by Zheng Manqing |
(摘自: |
(Excerpted from: |
郑子太极拳十三篇) |
Thirteen chapters of Zheng Zi Tai Chi) |
太极拳运动之大纲。 |
Outline of Tai Chi exercise. |
有三。 |
There are three. |
分天地人为三阶。 |
Divide heaven, earth and man into three levels. |
人阶为舒筋活血之运动。 |
Human steps are exercises to relax the muscles and activate blood circulation. |
地阶为开关达节之运动。 |
The ground level is the movement of switches and knots. |
天阶为知觉作用之运动。 |
The heavenly order is the movement of perception. |
次目有九。 |
There are nine sub-heads. |
每阶下各系三级。 |
There are three levels of each department under each level. |
是为三阶九级: |
It is the third level and the ninth level: |
人阶三级。 |
Human level three. |
一、为自肩至腕之舒筋法(一阶一级)。 |
1. It is a muscle-relaxing method from the shoulders to the wrists (one step at a time). |
其法以舒腕为先。 |
The method is to relax the wrist first. |
肘次之。 |
The elbow comes next. |
肩又次之。 |
The shoulder is second. |
毫不用力。 |
No effort. |
由至柔而渐进。 |
From gentle to gradual. |
皆以曲中求直。 |
They all seek straightness from the music. |
厥形为圆。 |
The shape is round. |
二、为胯至肿(一阶二级)。 |
2. The crotch is swollen (first level and second level). |
自胯至膝至肿。 |
Swelling from crotch to knee. |
俱要松柔。 |
All must be loose and soft. |
其力量在足心。 |
Its power lies in the heart of the foot. |
而受于地。 |
And by the ground. |
足要分虚实。 |
It is enough to distinguish between reality and reality. |
手亦然。 |
The same goes for hands. |
三、为自尾至顶(一阶三级)。 |
3. From the end to the top (first level and third level). |
所谓柔腰百折若无骨者。 |
The so-called soft waist can bend a hundred times as if it were boneless. |
脊柔筋使然。 |
It's due to the soft muscles in the spine. |
其要在尾闾中正。 |
It must be in the middle of the tail gate. |
及顶头悬耳。 |
And the hanging ears on the top. |
地阶三级。 |
Earth level three. |
一、气沉丹田(二阶一级)。 |
1. Qi sinks in the Dantian (second level and first level). |
肩稍沉。 |
Shoulders slightly heavy. |
肘稍垂。 |
The elbows are slightly dropped. |
则气可引至胃脘。 |
The qi can be directed to the epigastrium. |
胸微陷。 |
The chest is slightly sunken. |
背微弓。 |
The back is slightly arched. |
则气可沈至丹田矣。 |
Then the Qi can sink to the Dantian. |
二、气达乎四肢(二阶二级)。 |
2. Qi reaches all the limbs (second level and second level). |
气沈丹田后。 |
After the energy sinks into Dantian. |
似可由心驱遣。 |
It seems that it can be driven by the heart. |
便使气至胯至膝至肿。 |
Then let the Qi reach the crotch to the knees until they are swollen. |
复至肩至肘至腕。 |
Return to shoulder to elbow to wrist. |
三、越尾闾达乎泥丸(二阶三级)。 |
3. Yueweilu Dahu Niwan (Level 2 and Level 3). |
气沉丹田。 |
Anger sinks in Dantian. |
待功纯。 |
Wait until the merit is pure. |
火候到。 |
The heat is up. |
不期然而然。 |
It happened unexpectedly. |
自然越过尾闾。 |
Naturally, it crosses the tail gate. |
不可丝毫勉强。 |
Don't force yourself at all. |
越过尾闾。 |
Cross the tail gate. |
复冲开夹脊。 |
Recharge and open Jiaji. |
度玉枕。 |
Jade pillow. |
达泥丸。 |
Da Ni Wan. |
天阶三级。 |
Heaven level three. |
一、听劲(三阶一级)。 |
1. Tingjin (Level 3 and Level 1). |
惟柔乃能与对手黏连相随。 |
Only softness can stick to the opponent. |
能黏连。 |
Can stick. |
则我之气与彼气相接触。 |
Then my energy comes into contact with that energy. |
欲测其气之动静。 |
Want to measure the movement and stillness of his Qi. |
故曰听。 |
Therefore, it is said to listen. |
二、懂劲(三阶二级)。 |
2. Understand Jin (Level 3 and Level 2). |
彼微动。 |
He moved slightly. |
我可听而得知。 |
I can hear and know. |
我先动则懂而知之。 |
If I move first, I will understand. |
然微动易测。 |
However, micro-movement is easy to detect. |
未动难知。 |
It’s hard to know until it moves. |
苟能于未动。 |
Gou Neng is still alive. |
听而知之。 |
Listen and know. |
其庶乎阶及神明矣。 |
They are as good as rank and gods. |
三、为阶及明(三阶三级)。 |
3. It is the order and Ming (three levels and three levels). |
气能得化境。 |
Qi can achieve transformation. |
而乎精神之作用。 |
It’s about the function of spirit. |
其所谓无力之力。 |
Its so-called powerlessness. |
神力也。 |
Divine power too. |
目之所注。 |
Eyes focus. |
神之所到。 |
Wherever God comes. |
气己随之。 |
Anger follows. |
气能运身。 |
Qi can move the body. |
不待心动。 |
Don't wait for your heart to move. |
而神可以挟气而行。 |
And God can move with breath. |
是为神力。 |
It's for divine power. |
亦可谓之神速。 |
It can also be said to be extremely fast. |
郑曼青的《应敌诀 发劲诀》 |
Zheng Manqing's "Response to the Enemy and Fa Jin Jue" |
【应敌诀】: |
【Tactics to Respond to the Enemy】: |
太极拳应敌时,一搭手即沾住对手听其劲意,若虚,微向下抚履再微朋送, |
When responding to an enemy in Tai Chi, once you put your hands together, touch the opponent and listen to his strength. If you feel weak, slightly lower your hands and touch your shoes, and then slightly move towards him. |
此时敌手必因自然反应而瞬间虚手变成实手,此即【一搭手即朋住对方直线】, |
At this time, the opponent's empty hand will instantly turn into a real hand due to natural reaction. This is [the opponent's straight line is blocked as soon as he touches the hand]. |
全身中定,以观敌之反应,敌方欲动, |
Keep your whole body centered to observe the enemy's reaction. If the enemy is about to move, |
我即将全身松至后脚 (或前脚) 涌泉一点上, |
I am about to relax my whole body until my back foot (or front foot) is at the point where the spring springs. |
由后脚涌泉推发劲至前脚涌泉 (或相反,视发或履) ,形于手指或履,或挤按, |
Push the energy from the back foot Yongquan to the front foot Yongquan (or vice versa, depending on hair or shoes), shaped like fingers or shoes, or squeezed, |
直接透过所朋住之直线,沉肩坠肘把劲沉入对方, |
Directly through the straight line where the opponent lives, sink your shoulders and elbows and sink into the opponent with all your strength. |
则没有不被击出者,此得机得势之瞬间掌握, 还在内力之浑厚与轻灵否? |
Then there is no one who will not be knocked out. This moment of opportunity and power is grasped. Is the inner strength still strong and light? |
终结一句: |
Final sentence: |
【发落点对即成功。 |
[Success is achieved when the target is right. |
】 |
] |
【发劲诀】: |
【Fa Jin Jue】: |
首言练,练发劲时,手不可缩回,彷佛有一筷子置于肘下与腹部之间, |
The first word about training is that when practicing Fa Jin, your hands cannot be retracted, as if there is a chopstick placed between the elbow and the abdomen. |
以免肘幌动,此不动手,发劲在脚之义也。 |
In order to prevent the elbows from moving, this means not using the hands, and the energy is generated in the feet. |
次言对敌,一对敌即黏住对手直线一点,即可游刃有余, |
Secondly, when it comes to facing enemies, if a pair of enemies sticks to the opponent's straight line, they will be able to do it with ease. |
以不变应万变也,此为学太极拳学生所最难突破之一点,无法抓住重心实点也, |
Keeping the same in response to all changes is one of the most difficult points for Tai Chi students to break through. They are unable to grasp the true center of gravity. |
若懂将劲 *向其实脚涌泉,用朋劲劲意 *牢,未必为横臂之朋手, |
If you know how to direct your strength towards your true feet, and use your strength to strengthen your body, you may not be a friend of the cross arm. |
《任何手势皆可,以气支称,落于脚掌涌泉》, |
"Any gesture can be used, it is called the Qi branch, and it falls on the sole of the foot and the spring springs", |
我不费力,却能如水负舟,轻意微拔提敌根, 此即抓住对手身体一线也,有此一线,再懂对待之理,发人易也。 |
I don't exert any effort, but I can carry a boat like water, and gently pull up the enemy's roots. This is to seize the opponent's body by a thin line. With this thin line, it will be easy to deal with the enemy once I know how to deal with it. |
简言之,全身以涌泉为重心,藉丹田之气朋住,形成内外一气, |
In short, the whole body takes the gushing spring as the center of gravity, and uses the energy of Dantian to surround it, forming a unified internal and external energy. |
以意听之,以劲问之,以腰权之,不丢不顶, |
Listen to it with your mind, ask it with your strength, and control it with your waist, without throwing it away or pushing it back. |
如波浪起浮,相磨相荡,回荡即履之,四两破千斤也, |
Just like waves rising and rising, grinding and swaying against each other, and then walking on them as they reverberate, four ounces can break a thousand catties. |
轻轻荡来荡去,即拔其根,采浪花也,得机得势时, 用意贯穿敌身看住落点,尽意一荡去,即发跌之也。 |
Swinging gently back and forth is like pulling out the roots and picking up the waves. When you get the opportunity to gain momentum, use your intention to penetrate the enemy's body to see where it will land. Swing it away with all your strength, that is, it will fall. |
昔时杨澄辅先师告之,起式打得好,即可应敌也,发劲亦一呼吸而已, |
In the past, the late master Yang Chengfu told me that if you have a good starting position, you can meet the enemy, and it only takes one breath to generate strength. |
吸自然提得人起,呼自能放得人出,一气(柔),一劲(刚),刚柔阴阳相济而已。 |
Inhaling can naturally lift people up, and exhaling can naturally release people. One breath (soft), one force (hard), just the combination of hardness and softness, yin and yang. |
谈太极拳心得 |
Talking about Tai Chi experience |
郑曼青 |
Zheng Manqing |
一、谈心得 |
1. Talk about experiences |
十数年前。 |
More than ten years ago. |
有从游者问余曰。 |
A traveler asked me. |
先生身兼五艺之长。 |
He is a master of five arts. |
生平究以教何艺为乐意。 |
What art do you enjoy teaching in your life? |
曰。以教太极人为最乐。 |
say. I enjoy teaching people Tai Chi the most. |
闻之者甚以为疑。 |
Those who heard it were very suspicious. |
曰。似近粗豪马。 |
say. It looks like a rough and powerful horse. |
曰。是非尔所知也。 |
say. This is not what you know. |
此为人生哲学之结晶者。 |
This is the crystallization of the philosophy of life. |
以其精微而论。 |
In terms of its subtlety. |
较习一切文艺之难。 |
It is more difficult to learn all literature and art. |
且有过之。 |
And there is more to it than that. |
决非一般武事可比。 |
It is by no means comparable to ordinary martial arts. |
曰。愿闻其详。 |
say. Appreciate further details. |
曰。余弱任诗书画三课教授。 |
say. Yu Ruo served as a professor of poetry, calligraphy and painting. |
以教书法为乐。 |
I enjoy teaching calligraphy. |
以其含有强身运动之益。 |
It contains the benefits of physical exercise. |
强壮将届之年。 |
A strong and approaching year. |
流离入蜀。 |
Displaced into Shu. |
以医餬其口。 |
He uses medicine to cover his mouth. |
不意医运大行。 |
Unexpectedly, medical luck will be prosperous. |
人皆誉之曰济世活人。 |
Everyone praises him as a person who helps the world and saves people. |
然余则以寝食无时。 |
However, I have no time to sleep or eat. |
苦不堪言。 |
It was miserable. |
且日与愁眉苦脸相对。 |
And day by day, I face a sad face. |
肩人以生死之话。 |
Shoulder people with words of life and death. |
待有笑容焉。 |
Waiting for a smile. |
则余已不得而见也。 |
Then the rest can no longer be seen. |
惟教太极拳。 |
Wei teaches Tai Chi. |
不独可以袪病延年。 |
Not only can it cure diseases and prolong life. |
心神愉快而已。 |
Just happy. |
少长咸集。 |
Shao Changxianji. |
善与人同。 |
Kindness is shared by others. |
效老莱子之儿嬉。 |
Play like Lao Laizi's son. |
耄年不倦。 |
Tireless even in old age. |
胜华元化之禽戏。 |
Shenghua Yuanhua's bird show. |
专气致柔。 |
Specializing in Qi leads to softness. |
真可谓康乐无疆。 |
It can be said that happiness has no boundaries. |
若问余四十年之心得。 |
If you ask me about my experience in the past forty years. |
却只有十二字。 |
But there are only twelve words. |
曰。吞天之气。 |
say. Swallowing the energy of the sky. |
接地之力。 |
The power of grounding. |
寿人以柔。 |
People who live longer are gentle. |
曰。请言其效用。 |
say. Please tell me its effectiveness. |
曰在人体则气乃率血而行。 |
It is said that in the human body, Qi moves along with the blood. |
故气旺则血旺。 |
Therefore, when Qi is strong, blood will be strong. |
天富有大气。 |
The sky is full of atmosphere. |
多取之不以为贪也。 |
Don’t think you are greedy if you take more. |
力在人体有大用。 |
Strength is of great use in the human body. |
地贵有载力。 |
The land is valuable and has carrying capacity. |
倘能接其毫厘。 |
If only I could catch the slightest bit of it. |
则为用亦无穷矣。 |
The uses are endless. |
致柔则老氏所谓。 |
To be soft is what Lao Shi calls it. |
能若婴儿。 |
Can be like a baby. |
则寿亦可以无疆矣。 |
Then life can be unlimited. |
惟此三语。 |
Only these three words. |
在人身亦为三才。 |
They are also three talents in human form. |
得天之气。 |
Get the spirit of heaven. |
则位于上之颠顶泥丸宫一内。 |
It is located in Niwan Palace on the top of the mountain. |
可以增长其灵气。 |
It can increase its aura. |
下则为地。 |
Below is the ground. |
接地之力。 |
The power of grounding. |
则足底心之涌泉要穴。 |
Then the Yingquan key point in the heart of the foot is. |
可以增长其根力。 |
Can increase its root strength. |
中为腹部之丹田要穴。 |
In the middle is the Dantian key point on the abdomen. |
在腰线间。 |
Between the waist lines. |
得能专气致柔。 |
You must be able to focus on your Qi and become soft. |
则腰若活泼泼地。 |
Then the waist is lively and vigorous. |
则肾气自足。 |
Then the kidney qi is self-sufficient. |
寿能增加也。 |
Life span can be increased. |
然习之之法。 |
Just get used to it. |
亦甚简易。 |
It's also very simple. |
一、随时得有空暇。 |
1. Have free time at any time. |
便觉以泥丸宫顶天。 |
Then he felt that the Niwan Palace was holding up the sky. |
吞天之气。 |
Swallowing the energy of the sky. |
沉于丹田。 |
Sinking in Dantian. |
二、得有行动。 |
2. There must be action. |
或端坐。 |
Or sit upright. |
或暇立时。 |
Or when you are free. |
在注意所及时。 |
When paying attention. |
便欲将足心贴地。 |
He wanted to put his feet to the ground. |
进而则欲足陷入地。 |
Then the desire will sink into the ground. |
久之则欲以我之足力。 |
Over time, I want to use my full strength. |
与地心吸力相接。 |
Connected with gravity. |
能至此。 |
Can reach this point. |
则我之足已有根矣。 |
Then my feet already have roots. |
三、丹田。 |
3. Dantian. |
古人所谓行坐处卧。 |
The ancients said walking, sitting and lying down. |
不离这个。 |
Stay away from this. |
是要以心与气。 |
It’s about heart and breath. |
相守于丹田。 |
Stay together in Dantian. |
如鸡之孵卵然。 |
Just like a chicken hatching eggs. |
此所谓知止。 |
This is called knowing and stopping. |
止于至善之地。 |
End at the best place. |
道也者。 |
The Tao. |
不可须臾离也。 |
Can't leave for a moment. |
可离非道也。 |
But it is not the right way to leave. |
又孟子所谓养吾浩然之气。 |
Also what Mencius said is to nourish my awe-inspiring spirit. |
则皆不离乎丹田也。 |
They are all inseparable from Dantian. |
然此区区之心得。 |
But this is just a mere experience. |
倘能笃而行之。 |
If you can do it diligently. |
决非等闲之运动可此。 |
This is by no means a casual sport. |
袪病延年。 |
Cures diseases and prolongs life. |
犹易事耳。 |
Still easy to do. |
二 去三病小引 |
2. Tips for removing three diseases |
自修新法之作。 |
A work of self-study and new method. |
专为限于工作时间。 |
Designed for limited to working hours. |
及妇女忙于家政。 |
and women are busy with housework. |
与远道不得许可从学者。 |
Scholars are not allowed to travel far away. |
予以便利。 |
be facilitated. |
较函授尤为简单。 |
It is especially simple compared to correspondence courses. |
然此着重传授功架之缜密方法已耳。 |
However, this emphasis is placed on teaching the rigorous method of Qigong. |
偏于体一方面居多。 |
Mostly on the physical side. |
太极拳原为有斯有用。 |
Tai Chi is very useful. |
若必欲求其深造。 |
If you want to study further. |
届时可参阅拙著太极拳体用一书(英文本)。 |
At that time, you can refer to my book Tai Chi Physical Use (English version). |
以及郑子太极拳十三篇(中文本)。 |
and Thirteen Chapters of Zheng Zi Tai Chi (Chinese version). |
自可了。 |
Feel free to do it. |
惟自修之始。 |
It’s just the beginning of self-study. |
首要务去三病。 |
The first priority is to eliminate the three diseases. |
以不佞四十年之经验所得。 |
Gained from forty years of experience. |
能去三病者。 |
Those who can get rid of the three diseases. |
笃意遵行。 |
Follow it diligently. |
未有不如愿以偿。 |
Never got what I wanted. |
天资若稍钝者。 |
If the talent is a little dull. |
亦不过费人一己十之功而已。 |
It's just a waste of one's own efforts. |
然其病人尽知之。 |
But his patients know it all. |
法亦浅近。 |
The law is also simple and close. |
类多因循自误。 |
Many types follow their own mistakes. |
不肯果决行之。 |
Reluctant to act decisively. |
憋少时亦坐此病。 |
I also suffer from this disease after holding back for a long time. |
是以言之较切耳。 |
This is more relatable. |
兹约述如下。 |
It is briefly described below. |
第一为无恒之病。 |
The first is the disease of inconstancy. |
仲尼所人而无恒。 |
Zhongni's people have no permanence. |
不可作巫医。 |
Do not be a witch doctor. |
巫之为医。 |
The witch is the doctor. |
非正术也。 |
It's not the right way to do it. |
无恒尚且不可。 |
It is impossible to have no permanence. |
况由哲学而科学之太极拳乎。 |
This is how Tai Chi evolved from philosophy to science. |
太极拳以柔克刚。 |
Tai Chi uses softness to overcome hardness. |
与专气致柔之旨。 |
With the purpose of being dedicated and gentle. |
则本乎易与黄老之哲理。 |
This is based on the philosophy of Yi and Huang Lao. |
至于牵动四两拨千斤之作用。 |
As for the effect of moving four liang and a thousand catties. |
施诸事实。 |
Show the facts. |
此乃科学之千斤顶。 |
This is the jack of science. |
俗名之曰压不煞之力学作用。 |
The common name is the mechanical effect of suppressing pressure. |
是已成哲学与科之之结晶体。 |
It is the crystallization of philosophy and science. |
余尤以为中西文化之通。 |
Yu You believes that he is a master of Chinese and Western cultures. |
得利赖为桥梁也。 |
Deli Lai is also a bridge. |
岂独体用之裨益已耳。 |
How can it be beneficial only to use it alone? |
若无恒而学此拳。 |
If you don’t have the perseverance to learn this boxing. |
不仅为多此一举。 |
Not just for unnecessary reasons. |
亦徒有宝山空入之叹。 |
There is also a sigh that the treasure mountain is empty. |
岂不惜哉。 |
Don't hesitate. |
憋每恨少日无恒。 |
Every time I hold back my hatred for a long time, it will last forever. |
屡以体弱而习国术。 |
He often learned martial arts due to his weak body. |
稍得裨益而便辍。 |
Stop when you get a little benefit. |
旋至三十九年以前。 |
Spin to thirty-nine years ago. |
病痨瘵莫能兴。 |
Tuberculosis and tuberculosis cannot be revived. |
得复习此拳而痊。 |
You have to review this boxing and recover. |
遂决心不使再辍。 |
So I decided not to quit again. |
当时即将全套拳架。 |
At that time, a full boxing set was about to take place. |
以极快之练法。 |
Practice extremely quickly. |
仅费六七分钟练毕。 |
It only takes six or seven minutes to practice. |
且早晚只练一套。 |
And only practice one set in the morning and evening. |
以期不辍而已。 |
Just hoping to keep going. |
然余当时实亦忙碌。 |
However, I was actually very busy at that time. |
除教课与校务外。 |
In addition to teaching and school affairs. |
连自修也日无暇晷。 |
Even for self-study, I have no time to turn the sundial every day. |
由是以往。 |
It's the past. |
不久却更有进矣。 |
Soon there was even more progress. |
早上起床。 |
Get up in the morning. |
非先练拳。 |
You don’t have to practice boxing first. |
则不事盥洗及朝餐。 |
Then there is no need to wash up or have a meal. |
每晚睡时。 |
Every night while sleeping. |
不先练拳。 |
Don’t practice boxing first. |
则不得上床。 |
You are not allowed to go to bed. |
如是者久之。 |
If so, it lasts for a long time. |
养成习惯。 |
to form a habit. |
遂不复辍。 |
Then he stopped. |
其意以为人生以乐为助人。 |
It means that life is about having fun and helping others. |
不惜一切之牺牲。 |
Sacrifice at all costs. |
今则谋自身之健康。 |
Now I am looking for my own health. |
得以袪病。 |
To get rid of illness. |
仅早晚费数分钟而无恒。 |
It only takes a few minutes in the morning and evening but nothing permanent. |
则又何足言推己以及人也。 |
Then there is no point in recommending oneself and others. |
是以自悔其蠢。 |
So I regret my stupidity. |
乃决意痛改其非。 |
He is determined to change his mistakes. |
第二为贪多之病。 |
The second is the disease of greed for too much. |
俗谓贪多嚼不烂。 |
As the saying goes, you can bite off more than you can chew. |
老氏谓少则得。 |
Lao Shi said that the less you get, the more you gain. |
多则惑。 |
Too much is confusing. |
信矣。 |
Believe it. |
憋少有忘年友鲁坚号塍北。 |
I am sorry to say that my friend Lu Jian, who has forgotten his years, is called Chungbei. |
余姚人。 |
Yuyao people. |
游雁荡将归。 |
The wandering geese are about to return. |
过我曰。 |
I said. |
昔之君子临别赠言。 |
The farewell words of a former gentleman. |
我亦欲有一言相赠。 |
I also want to give you a message. |
君家郑虔三绝。 |
The three talents of Zheng Qian of the Jun family. |
君善继之。 |
You are good at following it. |
必传无。 |
Must pass on nothing. |
君病贪多博学。 |
You are greedy and knowledgeable. |
恐致无大成。 |
Afraid of failure. |
听我言。 |
Listen to me. |
只攻诗书画可矣。 |
It’s enough to study only poetry, calligraphy and painting. |
余从之。 |
I followed it. |
此老余益友也。 |
This old man is also a good friend. |
余有所成就。 |
I have achieved something. |
皆此老之所赐。 |
All given by this old man. |
不能忘也。 |
Can't forget. |
易之谓易则易知。 |
What is easy is easy to know. |
简则易从。 |
Simple means easy to follow. |
习太极拳不能异乎是。 |
Practicing Tai Chi cannot be different. |
今得传授一式或二式者。 |
Now I have to teach one or two postures. |
必须潜心娴习。 |
It must be practiced with great concentration. |
而默记之。 |
And remember it silently. |
方能有得。 |
Only then can you gain something. |
不然未有不惑也。 |
Otherwise, there would be no confusion. |
民国廿七年春。 |
The spring of the twenty-seventh year of the Republic of China. |
余主湖南省国术馆时。 |
When I was in charge of the Hunan Provincial Martial Arts Museum. |
国术为该省全民众之运动。 |
Guoshu is a sport for the whole people of the province. |
不论男女老幼。 |
No matter men, women, old or young. |
皆得学习。 |
All have to learn. |
余欲普扁推行太极拳。 |
I want Pu Bian to practice Tai Chi. |
故于每两个月内。 |
Therefore within every two months. |
即调训全省各县国术馆长及教官四十人。 |
That is to train 40 martial arts directors and instructors from counties across the province. |
余亲授之太极拳。 |
I personally taught Tai Chi. |
以时间不敷。 |
Not enough time. |
故决计删削。 |
So I decided to delete it. |
以成简易拳套。 |
Made into simple boxing gloves. |
太极拳原仅有十三式。 |
Tai Chi originally had only thirteen postures. |
以沿传既久。 |
It has been passed down for a long time. |
式增繁。 |
The formula increases. |
练习费时。 |
Practice takes time. |
不易普及。 |
Not easy to popularize. |
余乃删减为三十七式。 |
Yu Nai reduced it to thirty-seven forms. |
已较原有之十三式。 |
Compared with the original thirteen postures. |
增多廿四式。 |
Added twenty-four poses. |
此亦因时制宜。 |
This also depends on the circumstances. |
忽以余着之简易太极拳以为简也。 |
Suddenly I thought that the simple Tai Chi I had written was simple. |
胜利还者后。 |
After the victorious returner. |
持此稿之沪,商诸陈师兄微明。 |
While holding this manuscript in Shanghai, Senior Brother Shang Zhuchen was dimly aware of it. |
亟称之曰。 |
Call it urgent. |
适与予同意。 |
Appropriate and agree. |
斿为序以表欣赏。 |
Zhu is the preface to express appreciation. |
微明君子儒也。 |
A gentleman of twilight is a Confucian scholar. |
决不阿其好以成其恶。 |
Never use your good to achieve your evil. |
间亦有无知者。 |
There are also ignorant people among us. |
疑余此举为非。 |
I doubt that this is wrong. |
殊不知为绝学阐扬之苦心耳。 |
Little did he know the painstaking effort it took to promote his unique knowledge. |
亦只可置弗论也。 |
It can only be said that it is not true. |
第三为求速成之病。 |
The third is seeking a quick fix. |
所谓欲速则不达。 |
The saying goes, haste makes waste. |
诚知言矣。 |
That’s true. |
务期水到渠成。 |
The deadline will fall into place. |
非可强求。 |
It cannot be forced. |
古人对于文艺。 |
The ancients viewed literature and art. |
尝谓要沈浸秾郁。 |
It means to be immersed in the melancholy. |
含英咀华。 |
Contains Yingzuihua. |
又所谓涣然冰释。 |
It is also called Huan Ran Bing Release. |
怡然理顺。 |
Pleasantly straightened out. |
余谓习太极拳。 |
I said that I practiced Tai Chi. |
亦必如此。 |
So it must be. |
且此拳术不仅体用兼赅。 |
And this boxing skill is not only physical but also comprehensive. |
心手并顾而已。 |
Just take care of each other. |
然必须悟彻哲学之原理。 |
However, one must fully understand the principles of philosophy. |
获得科之实用。 |
Get the practicality of science. |
则裨益无穷矣。 |
The benefits are endless. |
总此三。 |
Total of these three. |
得能无法解除。 |
It cannot be lifted. |
便可顺利迈进。 |
You can move forward smoothly. |
了无阻滞矣。 |
No more obstacles. |
三 三无畏 |
three three fearless |
欲习太极拳之运动者。 |
Those who want to learn Tai Chi exercises. |
其动机不出数点。 |
His motivations are numerous. |
约言之。 |
Promise. |
有为多病体弱者。 |
There are those who are sick and weak. |
因求健康而学也。 |
Study for the sake of health. |
有为以防不备为自卫计者而也。 |
It is for those who have plans for self-defense just in case they are unprepared. |
有为震其术之奇妙。 |
Youwei is shocked by the wonder of his skills. |
爰求真理而学也。 |
Love to seek truth and learn. |
此外有如乘兴而来。 |
In addition, it is like coming from a happy mood. |
与随波逐流及无恒者。 |
And those who drift with the flow and have no perseverance. |
不在讨论之列。 |
Not part of the discussion. |
我所谓无畏者。 |
What I call fearless. |
崟为欲下工夫者而发也。 |
It is for those who want to work hard. |
一、无畏吃苦。 |
1. Be fearless and endure hardship. |
怕吃苦。 |
Afraid of hardship. |
则无进程之望矣。 |
There is no hope of progress. |
拳论所谓其根在脚。 |
Boxing theory says that its roots are in the feet. |
怕吃苦。 |
Afraid of hardship. |
则脚之落地不得生根。 |
Then the feet will not take root when they hit the ground. |
是以脚部之吃苦。 |
This is why the feet suffer. |
有益于心脏及脑部则无疑。 |
It is undoubtedly beneficial to the heart and brain. |
其基本方法。 |
Its basic method. |
初学者早晚抽三五分钟之暇。 |
Beginners should take three to five minutes in the morning and evening. |
以一脚立地。 |
Stand on one foot. |
左右调换。 |
Switch left and right. |
逐渐久。 |
Gradually. |
逐渐低坐。 |
Sit down gradually. |
注意气沉丹田。 |
Pay attention to the sinking of Qi in Dantian. |
足心贴地。 |
The soles of the feet touch the ground. |
不可丝毫勉强。 |
Don't force yourself at all. |
站桩时。 |
When standing. |
必须出食中二指。 |
Two fingers must be used to eat. |
扶于椅角或桌边。 |
Hold on to the corner of a chair or the edge of a table. |
使其平稳站定。 |
Make it stand steadily. |
娴习后。 |
After practice. |
便去一中指。 |
Just give me a middle finger. |
只用一食指扶站。 |
Use only one index finger to stand. |
久之则站更稳。 |
Over time, you will stand firmer. |
可嘲不用扶。 |
But there is no need to support. |
而自然站稳矣。 |
And nature stands firm. |
继此则采取提手及手挥琵琶二式。 |
Following this, the two postures of carrying the pipa and waving the pipa with the hand are adopted. |
多下站功。 |
Do more standing work. |
又预备式亦为站桩之浑元功。 |
The preparatory posture is also the Hunyuan Gong of Zhanzhuang. |
单鞭为开展功。 |
The single whip is the development power. |
此于体用皆有莫大之裨益。 |
This is of great benefit to both the body and the body. |
不可忽视也。 |
It cannot be ignored. |
二、无畏吃亏。 |
2. Don’t be afraid of suffering losses. |
太极拳要诀曰。 |
The key points of Tai Chi. |
舍己从人。 |
Sacrifice oneself and serve others. |
舍己从人哪有不吃亏。 |
How can you sacrifice yourself and follow others without suffering a loss? |
故髯之十三开卷。 |
Therefore, the thirteen chapters of the beard are opened. |
便谓要学吃亏。 |
It means learning to suffer losses. |
何谓其学也。 |
What is learning? |
听人进攻进击。 |
Listen to the attack. |
非独不抗。 |
Neither independence nor resistance. |
且不还手。 |
And don't fight back. |
尤要黏连贴随。 |
Especially stick to it. |
方能轻轻走化。 |
Only then can you walk away gently. |
此意匪浅学及粗者所能。 |
This meaning is very simple and can only be learned by those who are ignorant. |
况初学者焉得不吃亏。 |
How can beginners gain anything without suffering a loss? |
若畏吃亏。 |
If you are afraid of suffering a loss. |
莫如弗学。 |
Nothing better than learning from Buddhism. |
愿欲学之。 |
Would love to learn it. |
莫若学吃亏始。 |
Mo Ruo learns to suffer losses. |
学吃亏。 |
Learn to suffer. |
便是不贪宜。 |
Just don't be greedy. |
贪小便宜吃小亏。 |
Be greedy for small gains and suffer small losses. |
贪大便宜吃大亏。 |
If you are greedy for big gains, you will suffer big losses. |
反此者。 |
Those who are against this. |
即是吃小亏得小便宜。 |
That is to say, you get a small advantage at a small loss. |
吃大亏而后可以得大便宜。 |
You can make big gains after suffering big losses. |
有智慧者。 |
A wise person. |
必欲得体用之实。 |
You must want to use it appropriately. |
将何从下手。 |
Where to start. |
老子不有云乎。 |
I don't think so. |
专气致柔。 |
Specializing in Qi leads to softness. |
便学得吃亏之妙法。 |
Then he learned the secret of losing money. |
则已不畏吃亏矣。 |
Then you are no longer afraid of suffering losses. |
歌诀所。 |
Song tactic place. |
任他巨力来打我。 |
Let him hit me with great strength. |
牵动四两拨千斤。 |
It affects four liang and a thousand catties. |
则已得致柔之效用矣。 |
Then it has the effect of softening. |
三、无畏厉害。 |
3. Fearless and powerful. |
老子所谓。 |
What I call it. |
凶无投其角。 |
There is no way for evil to turn its horns. |
虎无措其爪。 |
The tiger is helpless. |
兵无所容其刃。 |
A soldier has no room for his sword. |
夫何故。 |
Husband why. |
以其无死也。 |
Because there is no death. |
又曰。 |
Said again. |
天下莫柔弱于水。 |
No one in the world is weaker than water. |
而攻坚强者莫之能胜。 |
But no one who attacks the strong can win. |
又谓。 |
Also said. |
天下之至柔。 |
The most gentle thing in the world. |
驰骋天下之至坚。 |
The strongest in the world. |
然则凶虎兵刃。 |
But the fierce tiger weapon. |
亦天下之厉害者。 |
He is also the most powerful person in the world. |
犹不足称。 |
Still not enough. |
而反独称喻柔弱之水。 |
Instead, it is used as a metaphor for weak water. |
以其至柔。 |
So soft. |
莫能胜也。 |
No one can win. |
是之谓及吾身。 |
This is called reaching my body. |
吾有何患。 |
What's wrong with me? |
纵有兵刃爪角之利。 |
Even with the advantages of weapons, claws and horns. |
不足为畏也。 |
Not enough to be afraid of. |
倘有所畏惧。 |
If you are afraid. |
则精神与体质必紧张。 |
Then the mind and body will be tense. |
紧张便不松。 |
When you are tense, you will not relax. |
不松何能柔。 |
How can it be soft without being loose? |
不柔便是刚。 |
Not soft is hard. |
故真能洞彻太极拳之原理者。 |
Therefore, those who can truly understand the principles of Tai Chi. |
便具有大无畏之精神。 |
He has a fearless spirit. |
亦犹孟子所。 |
Also like Mencius. |
泰山崩于前而色不变。 |
Mount Tai collapsed in front of him, but his appearance remained unchanged. |
善养吾浩然之气。 |
Good at nourishing my awe-inspiring spirit. |
此亦老子所谓专气致柔。 |
This is what Lao Tzu calls dedicated energy leading to gentleness. |
又何厉害之可畏也。 |
How powerful and terrifying it is. |
郑曼青: |
Zheng Manqing: |
太极拳论述 |
Discussion of Tai Chi |
五绝老人郑曼青先生有关太极拳要诀最後墨宝 |
Mr. Zheng Manqing, the five masters of martial arts, has the final calligraphy on the key points of Tai Chi |
阴阳妙用须於拳架与推手上求之。 |
The wonderful use of yin and yang must be found in the boxing frame and push hands. |
先采攻守为进程之阶,不可越体用二法,攻者为阳,守者为阴,攻不可强取、守不可紧张,必须「守必固、攻必取」,皆从自然而能得者为上也。 |
First, attack and defend are the stages of the process. You cannot use two methods beyond the body. The attacker is yang, and the defender is yin. The attack cannot be forced, and the defense cannot be tense. It must be "defending must be solid, and attacking must capture". All can be done from nature. The winner is the best. |
譬如采牵走化,能分虚实之用者,乃守之为阴,拨击发放可得应手而用,乃为攻为阳,须要分清之类。 |
For example, if you can use it to distinguish between virtual and real situations, it can be used to guard it as yin. If it is struck and released, it can be used conveniently. It can be used to attack and it can be used as yang, which needs to be distinguished. |
强者先为守势,弱者取攻势,守者使左右落空略带牵采者得也。 |
The strong one takes the defensive position first, and the weak one takes the offensive position. The defender makes the left and right sides fail and the one who is slightly distracted wins. |
攻者以拨靠发放,必须知法,不可自落虚空为得也。 |
The attacker must know the method in order to release it, and he must not fall into the void to gain. |
太极拳须分一阴一阳之为道,守势为第一。 |
Tai Chi must be divided into one yin and one yang as the way, and defense is the first. |
譬如一阳一阴便成为「天地否」。 |
For example, one yang and one yin become "heaven and earth". |
地天为泰,能守方可言攻,现在要求进步,必须从守方面著手,等於水火既济。 |
The earth and the sky are in harmony, and only when you can defend can you attack. Now if you want to make progress, you must start from the defensive aspect, which is equivalent to both water and fire. |
郑曼髯 乙卯春日 |
Zheng Manyan Yi Mao Chunri |
恭录郑宗师曼青公推手秘笈一则 |
Respectfully recording the secrets of Grand Master Zheng Man Qinggong’s push-hand technique |
一、为使「人不知我」「我独知人」及控制在我,相沾越轻越妙。 |
1. In order to make "people don't know me", "I only know people" and control me, the lighter the contact, the better. |
粘劲不重於四两。 |
The stickiness is not heavier than four liang. |
二、为「出奇不意」「不遑应付」及增强劲力,出击距离越短越好,不多一寸,在空间时间上力求绵密正确,毫厘不差,所谓丝丝入扣也。 |
2. In order to "surprise", "cope without hesitation" and enhance strength, the shorter the attack distance, the better, no more than an inch. In terms of space and time, strive to be precise and precise, so to speak. |
三、肢体常保松灵,但重心沉落一足,立地生根,(藏於九地)*善守者(孙子兵法) |
3. The limbs always retain the pine spirit, but the center of gravity sinks by one foot and takes root in the ground, (hidden in the nine places) *Those who are good at guarding (Sun Tzu's Art of War) |
而化打自如,劲自足心起,必须向下踩,如海浪卷至,(动於九天)*善攻者,即中,四正,四隅,或九重天。 |
But to be able to transform and attack freely, the strength arises from the heart of the mind, and must be stepped down, like the waves rolling in, (moving in the nine heavens) *Those who are good at attacking are those in the middle, four upright, four corners, or nine heavens. |
四、切保重心,一动全动,心手足意气劲,内外全到,方能发挥尽致。 |
4. Pay attention to your heart, make every move, keep your heart, hands, mind, and energy strong, and be fully present both internally and externally, so that you can give your best performance. |
前言: |
Foreword: |
郑子太极拳,原称为简易太极拳,因其有共有三十七不重覆的动作,故又称为三十七 式太极拳,在台湾学习者众多,被列为台湾区运太极拳比赛套路。 |
Zhengzi Tai Chi, originally called Simple Tai Chi, is also called Thirty-Seven Posture Tai Chi because it has thirty-seven non-repetitive movements. It has many students in Taiwan and is classified as Taiwanese Tai Chi. Competition routine. |
以下介绍一些郑子太极拳的相关简易功法或文章。 |
The following introduces some simple exercises or articles related to Zhengzi Tai Chi. |
其实郑子太极拳的重要拳论是郑曼青先生早年所著的郑子太极拳十三篇,观其文可知郑子太极拳之大要。 |
In fact, the important theory of Zheng Zi Tai Chi is the Thirteen Chapters of Zheng Zi Tai Chi written by Mr. Zheng Manqing in his early years. From the article, we can understand the essence of Zheng Zi Tai Chi. |
郑子太极拳的特点在於对重心虚实及松相当重视,且有以无招胜有招的方式去练习。 |
The characteristic of Zhengzi Tai Chi is that it attaches great importance to the virtuality, solidity and looseness of the center of gravity, and practices it in a way that there is no move to win but one move to win. |
郑先生常说太极拳是愈练愈少,不是愈练愈多,由此可知其本意。 |
Mr. Zheng often said that the more you practice Tai Chi, the less you practice, rather than the more you practice, the more you practice. This shows its true meaning. |
一般人好胜心皆有之,如果在练习郑子太极拳时不能 去除好胜心,恐不易有成。 |
Most people have a competitive spirit. If you cannot get rid of the competitive spirit when practicing Zhengzi Tai Chi, it may not be easy to achieve success. |
一、漫谈五禽戏之熊经(民国郑曼青) |
1. A casual discussion of Wuqinxi and Xiongjing (Zheng Manqing in the Republic of China) |
前言: |
Foreword: |
学过郑子太极拳的同好,在初学此拳时可能都会学到行功,熊经,松身五法或是五禽 戏等,以下稍加介绍这些功法,首先是郑曼青先生对五禽戏中的熊经的文章。 |
Those who have learned Zheng Zi Tai Chi may have learned the Xing Gong, the Bear Sutra, the Five Methods of Loosening the Body, or the Five Animals Play when they first started to learn this boxing. The following is a brief introduction to these exercises. First, Mr. Zheng Manqing’s introduction to the Bear in the Five Animals Play. Scripture articles. |
东汉华陀,字元化,人称神医。 |
Huatuo of the Eastern Han Dynasty was a ziyuanhua and was known as a miracle doctor. |
创五禽戏,为却病强身法,乃良医医未病者之妙用也。 |
Wuqinxi was created to cure illnesses and strengthen the body. It is a wonderful use of good doctors to treat those who are not sick. |
初见於庄子刻意篇,引上古之尚气者,曰能经鸟申。 |
It was first seen in Zhuangzi's Deliberate Chapter, which was cited by those who advocated Qi in ancient times as saying "Nengjing Bird Shen". |
释者谓熊能上树。 |
The interpreter said that bears can climb trees. |
曰经; |
Yue Jing; |
错矣。 |
That's wrong. |
经则常 也。 |
The classics are constant. |
以熊终日摇摆腰膂,是为熊经,又释鸟申为频呻,亦错矣。 |
It is wrong to say that a bear shakes its waist and hips all day long, which is called the Bear Sutra, and it is also wrong to say that the bird is moaning frequently. |
申即屈伸也,以鸟伸其翅与足也。 |
Shen means bending and stretching, just like a bird stretching its wings and feet. |
旋又见谓熊经鸱顾。 |
Then I saw a bear passing by and an owl was watching. |
此有进乎熊经之说,以熊经时,乃垂头摆腰,加以鸱顾者,乃平 视也。 |
This is a step forward from the theory of the Bear Sutra. When the Bear Sutra is performed, one lowers his head, swings his waist, and looks at the person with an owl, looking at him levelly. |
华元化,盖善於养形,而能却病,惜乎生将百龄,而为曹操所杀。 |
Huayuan Hua was good at maintaining his health and was able to cure diseases. It was a pity that he was killed by Cao Cao when he was a hundred years old. |
创五禽戏,即本熊 经之意。 |
Create Wuqinxi, which is the meaning of this Bear Sutra. |
曰熊,曰虎,曰鹿,曰猿,曰鸟。 |
It’s called a bear, it’s called a tiger, it’s called a deer, it’s called an ape, it’s called a bird. |
古即以一禽字,包举为禽兽也。 |
In ancient times, the word "bird" was used to refer to "animal". |
其运动之主旨, 得最警策者,六字,曰: |
The main purpose of his movement, the one who received the most warning, was stated in six words: |
能使谷气得消。 |
It can eliminate grain qi. |
吾国五千年来,乃尚谷气养人,岂浅陋者所能知也。 |
For five thousand years, our country has relied on the energy of grain to nourish people. How could a simple person know this? |
视今之所谓营养者,正相反,不知何脏何腑,需要营养,多致大病杀人,飞蛾扑火,亦自取 之,不忍言也。 |
Looking at today's so-called nutrition, it is just the opposite. I don't know which internal organs need nutrition. It often causes serious illness and kills people. It is unbearable to say that moths fly into the flame and take it for themselves. |
然五禽戏之妙法,失传已久。 |
However, the wonderful method of Wu Qin Xi has been lost for a long time. |
惟其所谓致出汗二字,夏日炎热,微汗则可。 |
However, the so-called "induced sweating" refers to the fact that it is hot in summer and may cause slight sweating. |
秋收冬藏,运动至背与额,觉微有芒剌象,便止,不使汗出也。 |
When harvesting in autumn and storing in winter, if you exercise it on your back and forehead, you will feel a slight tingling sensation, which will stop and prevent you from sweating. |
五禽戏,余补作之何难。 |
Five Animals Play, how difficult is it to make up for the rest? |
不 过自张三丰,倡太极拳後之今日,其理论至为精密,意义亦甚深奥,决非其他运动可及。 |
However, since Zhang Sanfeng advocated Tai Chi today, its theory is extremely sophisticated and its meaning is also profound, which is by no means comparable to other sports. |
五 禽戏之不逮,亦已远矣。 |
5. If you don't catch the birds playing, they are already far away. |
惟太极拳,确能行运而後动之妙趣,尚气导引之上乘也。 |
However, Tai Chi can indeed achieve the wonderful effect of moving forward and then moving, and it is the superior method of guiding Qi. |
非张真人 造诣功深,安能及此。 |
If Zhang Zhenren has profound attainments, An Neng can reach this level. |
余仿欲与老病及赢弱者,传一熊经之戏,至简至易之上古妙法,岂却 病延年,反弱为强而已,进而求自卫,与臻上寿之方,垂手可得。 |
I want to fight against the old, sick and weak, and teach a play on the Bear Sutra, which is as simple as it is simple. It only prolongs the disease and turns the weak into strong. Then I seek self-defense and the recipe for longevity, which is easily available. |
兹略系以简介数言,倘能 持之以恒,得能以运气百日,自见其病体与赢躯,必有显著之进境,一切疑难之症,无足虑 也。 |
Here are a few brief introductions. If you can persevere and be lucky for a hundred days, you will see that your disease and health will be improved significantly, and there will be no need to worry about all difficult diseases. |
此真强身之宝筏,非瓦釜之作雷鸣可比,且行熊经一戏,可兼得鸱顾,及五禽之戏,与 太极拳运动之妙用。 |
This precious raft that really strengthens the body is not comparable to the thunder made by the earthenware cauldron. It performs a play of the Bear Sutra, which can combine the functions of the owl and the five animals, as well as the wonderful effects of Tai Chi exercise. |
万金易得,一法难求。 |
Thousands of gold are easy to obtain, but one method is hard to find. |
勿自交臂失之,致使数十寒暑,匆匆付与东流也。 |
Don't give it up and lose it, causing dozens of cold and heat, and hastily sending it to the east. |
附述熊经必须注意者,三点如下: |
Attached to the Bear Sutra, three points that must be noted are as follows: |
一、熊经乃熊之经常作动,向左古捩转腰膂不息,人须早晚饭後半小时行之,体弱者,可自 二百动开始行之,或三百动,每隔五日、或七日,递加五动、或十动。 |
1. The Bear Sutra is a common movement of the bear. It turns the waist and chest to the left without resting. People must do it half an hour after breakfast and dinner. Those who are weak can start doing it from the 200th move, or 300th move, every five days. , or seven days, adding five or ten moves. |
只许加,而不许 减。 |
Only additions are allowed, not subtractions. |
故宜缓进,不宜欲速,加至十分钟、或最高至十五分钟,不加矣,必须求适意,以轻松愉快为得也。 |
Therefore, it is advisable to proceed slowly rather than hastening. Increase it to ten minutes, or up to fifteen minutes, and do not increase it. You must seek comfort and be relaxed and happy. |
二、行熊经时,不可如熊之垂头,乃兼有鸱顾,求平视,头不许动,随身与腰转捩。 |
2. When performing the Bear Meridian, you should not lower your head like a bear. Instead, you should look at the posture with an eye level. Do not move your head and turn your head with your waist. |
即太极 拳所谓,虚灵顶劲,尾闾中正神贯顶。 |
That is what Tai Chi calls, the virtual spirit is the top of the body, and the righteous spirit in the tail is the top. |
三、熊经须如太极拳,要虚实分清,重如山岳,轻如鸿毛。 |
3. The Bear Meridian must be like Tai Chi, distinguishing reality from reality, as heavy as a mountain, and as light as a feather. |
譬如腰左转,重心全在左腿,重 如山岳。 |
For example, if the waist is turned to the left, the center of gravity is all on the left leg, which is as heavy as a mountain. |
右腿,则轻如鸿毛矣。 |
The right leg is as light as a feather. |
右转亦如之,如此而已。 |
The same goes for turning right, that's all. |
苟能得如上述三点要诀,则金鸡独立稳矣。 |
If you can master the three key points mentioned above, the Golden Rooster will be independent and stable. |
倒撵猴,不让灵猿之进退矣。 |
Drive the monkey away and prevent the spiritual ape from advancing or retreating. |
抱虎归山,便如虎之有声矣。 |
Carrying the tiger back to the mountain will sound like a tiger. |
左右顾则,斜飞势,必捷於鹿矣。 |
If you look to the left and right, you will fly diagonally and you will be faster than a deer. |
而五禽与太极,则一戏乃兼得之矣。 |
As for Wu Qin and Tai Chi, you can have both in one play. |
惟行之 者,务须注意,以心与气相守丹田,丹田在脐下一寸三分,犹须足心蹋地耳。 |
However, those who practice it must pay attention to guarding the Dantian with the heart and Qi. The Dantian is one-third of an inch below the navel, and it is still necessary to step on the ground with the soles of the feet. |
二、熊经--郑曼青先生对熊经之问答 |
2. The Bear Book--Mr. Zheng Manqing’s Q&A on the Bear Book |
问: |
ask: |
「熊经为至简至易之上古妙法,岂止却病延年,反弱为强而已,进而求自卫,与臻上寿 之方垂手可得。」 |
The Bear Sutra is the most simple and easy ancient magic method. It not only cures illness and prolongs life, but also turns weakness into strength. Furthermore, it can be used for self-defense and longevity. |
。 |
. |
「进而求自卫」请再示其详。 |
"Moreover, I seek self-defense." Please provide further details. |
答: |
answer: |
熊经除强身却病之外,亦为太极拳之阴,搂膝拗步是太极拳之阳手。 |
In addition to strengthening the body and relieving diseases, the Xiong Jing is also the yin hand of Tai Chi. Holding the knees and holding back the steps is the yang hand of Tai Chi. |
余昔年在长沙,任 湖南国术馆长时,曾一日行至挚友处,未至门口,忽有家犬突击背後,当时不知何物, 未及走化,只顺势一掌,狗未吠而自去,次日登门,友说: |
When I was in Changsha in the past, when I was the director of the Hunan Martial Arts Museum, I was walking to a close friend's place one day. Before I reached the door, a domestic dog suddenly attacked me from behind. After leaving, I came to visit the next day and my friend said: |
「该犬已难张嘴食物」,此即 |
"The dog has difficulty opening its mouth for food." This means |
熊经之自卫也。 |
Xiong Jing's self-defense. |
问: |
ask: |
师说: |
The teacher said: |
熊经倘能持之以恒,得能运气百日自其病体与赢躯,必有显著之进步,一切疑难 之症无足虑也,其中「运气百日」未悉如何? |
If the Xiong Jing can persevere, if he can get rid of his illness and body with good fortune for a hundred days, he will definitely make significant progress, and all difficult diseases will not be worried about. What if the "hundred days of good luck" is not known? |
答: |
answer: |
熊经之运气,乃是练五心相通。 |
The luck of Xiong Jing is to practice the connection of five hearts. |
五心者,涌泉「脚心」,劳宫「掌心」,与百会「顶心」 之合称,相通即气机相通而连贯。 |
The five hearts are Yongquan's "foot center", Laogong's "palm center", and Baihui's "top heart", which are collectively referred to as the "heart of the top". The connection means that the Qi mechanism is connected and coherent. |
(1)腰膂左右捩转时,脚跗放松如绵,脚心贴地,得地气(按地之力),导引向右掌心, 使右掌心在捩转时,有一种气机通顺之感觉。 |
(1) When the waist is turned left and right, the soles of the feet are relaxed like cotton, and the soles of the feet are close to the ground. The earth energy (the power of pressing the ground) is obtained and directed to the right palm, so that when the right palm is turned, there is a smooth flow of energy. Feel. |
这种感觉,有热、胀、麻、痛,甚至 痒。 |
This feeling includes heat, swelling, numbness, pain, and even itching. |
(2)左右捩转时,捩转之意境,非凭空旋转,而是指上下有根的旋转。 |
(2) When turning left and right, the artistic conception of turning is not a rotation out of thin air, but a rotation with roots up and down. |
故捩转时,顶心 有似有似无的根,必须与掌心脚心相吻合。 |
Therefore, when turning, the center of the top of the head has roots that seem to be there or not, and they must match the palms and the soles of the feet. |
故须注意虚灵顶劲,尾闾中正神贯顶。 |
Therefore, we must pay attention to the top strength of the virtual spirit and the righteous spirit in the tail gate. |
问: |
ask: |
熊经师说要领,未提呼吸,应否注意: |
Master Xiong explains the essentials but does not mention breathing. Should you pay attention to: |
答: |
answer: |
呼吸为帮助行气,非炼气。 |
Breathing is to help move Qi, not to refine Qi. |
初习时,应以自然呼吸,以太极之理,静慢细长,熟练之後, 重心移动时,宜吸气,捩转时为呼气。 |
When you first practice, you should breathe naturally and use the principles of Tai Chi to do it slowly and slenderly. After you become proficient, you should inhale when the center of gravity moves and exhale when turning. |
问: |
ask: |
师说熊经仅提为熊之经常之动作,未提手该如何? |
The teacher said that the Bear Sutra only mentioned the common movements of bears, but what if it didn’t mention the hands? |
未悉其然,请再示其详。 |
I don't know why, please give me more details. |
答: |
answer: |
妙手之动作,亦为大极拳之理也,太极拳不动手,熊经亦是,习熊经双手不动,宜虚抱 元而守一。 |
The movements of the wonderful hands are also the principles of Tai Chi. Tai Chi does not use hands, and the same applies to the Xiong Sutra. When practicing the Xiong Sutra, the hands should not move, and it is advisable to hold the Yuan in an empty position and keep one. |
元「圆」之古音,守一,乃心与气相守於丹田。 |
The ancient sound of Yuan "Yuan" means keeping one, which means that the heart and Qi stay in Dantian. |
郑曼青与史密施师徒对话 |
Zheng Manqing talks with master and apprentice Smith Shi |
史密施先生现年五十九岁,美国人,为西方世界中著名的武术家之一。 |
Mr. Smith, now fifty-nine years old, is an American and one of the famous martial artists in the Western world. |
先後曾著有十本有关各种武术的书籍。 |
He has written ten books on various martial arts. |
一九五九年起改随郑曼青大师学习太极拳,自此以後勤练此拳并教授此拳至今。 |
In 1959, he began to study Tai Chi with Master Zheng Manqing. Since then, he has practiced and taught this boxing diligently to this day. |
他认为太极拳带给他一个谦和的自我及健康的体格。 |
He believes that Tai Chi has given him a humble self and a healthy physique. |
曾为美国政府官员25年,一九七八年退休後改为文学评论家,作品散见於各大传播媒体。 |
He worked as a U.S. government official for 25 years. After retiring in 1978, he became a literary critic. His works can be seen in major media. |
本文系自其与郑氏合著之「太极」一书中所选出之一节。 |
This article is an excerpt selected from the book "Tai Chi" co-authored by him and Zheng. |
因其是有独得之掌故及特殊之深度,故徵得其同意译刊於此。 |
Because it has a unique anecdote and special depth, it is translated and published here with his permission. |
敬希读者勿忽略之。 |
Readers are advised not to ignore it. |
我们坐在那里,大师微笑著。 |
We sat there and the master smiled. |
有人告诉我,当他心情合适时,会有问必答,他说: |
Someone told me that when he was in the right mood, he would always answer questions. He said: |
「如果你以小卵石撞钟,钟声必小。 |
"If you strike a bell with pebbles, the bell will ring softly. |
如果你以大木锤击之,则其声必大。 |
If you hit it with a big wooden hammer, the sound will be loud. |
同样的,如果你问我大问题,答案也必重要。」 |
Likewise, if you ask me a big question, the answer must be important. " |
这话使我得知应从何处著手。 |
This gave me an idea of where to start. |
於是我问: |
So I asked: |
生: |
born: |
在大部份武艺行中,学生的造诣均会接近老师,或高过老师。 |
In most martial arts, the students' attainments will be close to or higher than the teacher's. |
何故你的学生没有人能接近你。 |
Why none of your students can get close to you. |
不管他们进步如何快速,其水准均低你远甚。 |
No matter how fast they progress, their standards are far lower than yours. |
可有何秘诀? |
What's the secret? |
师: |
division: |
不错,是有秘诀。 |
Yes, there is a secret. |
但是此秘诀太过简单,简单的几乎令人不敢相信。 |
But this secret is so simple that it’s almost unbelievable. |
但是你又非信不可。 |
But you have to believe it. |
否则你就无法成功。 |
Otherwise you won't succeed. |
其秘诀仅为: |
The secret is simply: |
你必须身心放松,你必须长时间接受失败。 |
You have to be relaxed physically and mentally, and you have to accept failure for a long time. |
你必须投资於失败,否则你就无法成功。 |
You have to invest in failure or you won't succeed. |
我有如今的成就,是导因我把骄傲置之於一旁,相信我老师的话,把身体放松,心灵静定,只让气随意行。 |
What I have achieved today is because I put my pride aside, believed in my teacher's words, relaxed my body, calmed my mind, and just let my breath flow freely. |
开始时常使我遍体受伤。 |
It often hurt me all over at first. |
有时我会被重击而跌至失去知觉。 |
Sometimes I would get hit so hard that I fell unconscious. |
但仍坚持下去。 |
But still keep at it. |
听老师的话,注意我的气。 |
Listen to the teacher and pay attention to my anger. |
在惨败时我会忘了骄傲、焦虑、及自我。 |
I forget about pride, anxiety, and ego when I lose miserably. |
把自己身心完全腾空而全部让位於气,渐渐的我的技术进步了。 |
I completely vacated my body and mind and gave way to Qi. Gradually, my technique improved. |
直到这时我的反应才变得灵敏。 |
It was only then that my reflexes became more sensitive. |
可使化与打於瞬间完成。 |
The transformation and beating can be completed in an instant. |
我的学生或是不相信这一套,或是虽相信而不热心追求,何能得成。 |
My students either don't believe in this, or they believe in it but don't pursue it enthusiastically. How can they succeed? |
生: |
born: |
你讲起来很容易,如果心意正确,身体放松就有进步,但是,如无辛苦的锻练规律的练习不断的努力,是否可以? |
It is easy for you to say that if your intention is correct and your body relaxes, you will make progress. However, if you practice regularly and work hard without hard work, is it possible? |
师: |
division: |
如想精通此艺,必须求助於你刚才所提各项。 |
If you want to master this art, you must resort to the things you just mentioned. |
你须辛勤努力,每日不断,但是却须注意不要把太极拳与少林拳混为一谈。 |
You have to work hard every day, but you have to be careful not to confuse Tai Chi with Shaolin Boxing. |
後者注重锻练肌肉及力气,而练太极拳,心中常须念记拳经各论。 |
The latter focuses on exercising muscles and strength, and when practicing Tai Chi, one must always memorize various treatises in the Boxing Sutra. |
并非要你每天苦练一、二小时就必能成,练习必须得法,否则全为白费。 |
It does not mean that you will be successful if you practice hard for one or two hours every day. You must practice properly, otherwise it will be all in vain. |
吾师杨公澄甫是由其著名的父亲杨霆侯所亲授。 |
My master, Yang Gongchengfu, was personally taught by his famous father, Yang Tinghou. |
三十岁时任教於山东某富宦之府内。 |
At the age of thirty, he taught in a wealthy official's house in Shandong. |
其处生活优裕,其人也就变得肥胖及懒散,此後他还返北京,生活实形放荡。 |
Life was affluent there, and he became obese and lazy. After that, he returned to Beijing and lived a debauched life. |
其父得知此情,令其辞职逐里,将其禁闭於一空屋内,不准他与任何外界人物接触,前後四年之间,除了他父亲每天来与他练拳,推手,同时也练练太极邱器外,不准任何人去看他,在这期间他的成就远超过前此他的一生所学。 |
When his father learned of this, he ordered him to resign and move away. He was confined in an empty house and was not allowed to have contact with any outsiders. During the four years before and after, his father came to practice boxing and push hands with him every day, and he also practiced No one was allowed to see Qiu Qi except when he was practicing Tai Chi. During this period, his achievements far exceeded what he had learned in his entire life. |
四年後他走出囚室,便可轻易的打败他父亲最好的徒弟。 |
When he walked out of his cell four years later, he could easily defeat his father's best apprentice. |
前此他经常是他们手下的败将,如今他已是一位伟大的拳手。 |
Where before he was often their underdog, now he was a great fighter. |
其伟大终身与共。 |
His greatness will be shared throughout his life. |
此後多年间,虽然他不须多加练习,亦能可保持其效能。 |
Over the years, he was able to maintain his effectiveness even without much practice. |
这是太极拳的一项必然特性,一个人如果不断的进步,将可达到一种程度,此後即不必要练习,因其已臻化境。 |
This is an inevitable characteristic of Tai Chi. If a person continues to improve, he will reach a level where there is no need to practice anymore because he has reached the state of perfection. |
对此我不再多谈。 |
I will say no more about this. |
生: |
born: |
在练拳时怎么能知道是不是已松? |
How do you know if it is loose during boxing practice? |
师: |
division: |
知不知道是主观的,而松不松是客观的。 |
Whether you know it or not is subjective, but whether it is loose or not is objective. |
我愿意说,当一个人在练习整套拳架的过程中,其心灵完全不受外界的干扰,这便是求松的一个好的开始,但是这只是第一步。 |
I would like to say that when a person is practicing the entire set of boxing, his mind is completely free from interference from the outside world. This is a good start for seeking relaxation, but this is only the first step. |
下一步是你须踏踏实实的练。 |
The next step is for you to practice steadily. |
练完时你会筋疲力尽。 |
You'll be exhausted by the time you're done. |
当你的双肩觉得沉重时,你就知道这已是接近真松了。 |
You know it's close to real relief when your shoulders feel heavy. |
这是「陆地游泳」的结果。 |
This is the result of "land swimming". |
生: |
born: |
但是拳经不是告诉我们,你的身体必须如此轻灵,一羽相加都可以觉得。 |
But the Boxing Sutra doesn't tell us that your body must be so light and agile that you can feel it even with the addition of one feather. |
你怎样把这种轻灵与假设的抵抗而来的筋疲力尽相题并论呢? |
How do you reconcile this lightness with the exhaustion that comes with supposed resistance? |
师: |
division: |
这是不相冲突时。 |
This is when there is no conflict. |
虽然听起来有此茅盾。 |
Although it sounds like this. |
你当然可以轻松愉快的练五分钟的拳架而毫无倦意。 |
Of course you can practice boxing for five minutes happily without getting tired. |
这却无助於你求松。 |
This will not help you seek relief. |
你打拳时慢而正确,假设前有抵抗,你必会疲倦。 |
If you punch slowly and correctly, if there is resistance in front of you, you will get tired. |
但是在真正交手时,你的身体摆脱了你心中的抵抗的束缚,就会觉得无比的轻灵及敏捷。 |
But when you actually fight, your body will get rid of the restraints of resistance in your heart, and it will feel extremely light and agile. |
生: |
born: |
如你所知,我曾跟过其他数位老师学习太极拳。 |
As you know, I have studied Tai Chi with several other teachers. |
我不是对你不敬。 |
I mean no disrespect to you. |
但因我们的时间都很有限,我又想写些有太极拳的书,我想最好是能尽量的学。 |
But since our time is limited, I also want to write some books about Tai Chi. I think it’s best to learn as much as possible. |
其他各派大部份都加辅助的运动以增强其呼吸、活力及拳艺。 |
Most of the other sects add auxiliary exercises to enhance their breathing, vitality and boxing skills. |
你看这种运动是否有益。 |
See if this exercise is beneficial. |
师: |
division: |
只有小气的老师才会嫉妒学生到别处学艺。 |
Only a stingy teacher would be jealous of a student studying elsewhere. |
我非常高兴你能从各派去尝试。 |
I'm super excited for you to try it out from all factions. |
因为我知道你必会发现,在这种拳中你将只有一位老师。 |
Because I know you will find that in this kind of boxing you will have only one teacher. |
拳架本身已是变化多端包罗圆满非常有益。 |
The boxing itself is varied, inclusive and very beneficial. |
附加的运动只会使你分心,防碍进步。 |
Additional exercise will only distract you and hinder your progress. |
生: |
born: |
少林拳是否是一种非常好的健身运动及防身武术。 |
Is Shaolin Boxing a very good fitness exercise and self-defense martial art? |
师: |
division: |
如果我认为是的话我会取少林而舍太极。 |
If I thought so I would choose Shaolin over Tai Chi. |
在运动方面来说,他注重肌肉的紧张及蛮力而不注意健康。 |
In terms of sports, he focuses on muscle tension and brute strength rather than health. |
在博斗时,因为你永不会超出依靠力气及技巧的范围,因此也就不会得到真正的优势。 |
In combat, because you never go beyond relying on strength and skill, you never gain a real advantage. |
我不是自夸。 |
I'm not bragging. |
当我年轻在大陆时,常遇各派人氏的挑战,吾艺从未败过。 |
When I was young in mainland China, I often encountered challenges from various factions, but my art was never defeated. |
生: |
born: |
一个人只看是否能会? |
Is it possible for a person to know just by looking? |
师: |
division: |
能学到些东西,当然不是全部。 |
You can learn some things, but not everything. |
练拳是必须的。 |
Practicing boxing is a must. |
在这方面,有一个关於杨霆侯的邻居的故事。 |
In this regard, there is a story about Yang Tinghou's neighbor. |
他偷偷的从其住处看他们练拳几个月,然後他叫杨氏的一个学生攻击他。 |
He secretly watched them practice boxing from his residence for several months, and then he asked one of Yang's students to attack him. |
该生答应了,却被他重重的推倒在地。 |
The student agreed, but was pushed to the ground hard by him. |
杨氏看到了,问他是从那里学到的武。 |
Yang saw it and asked him where he learned martial arts. |
邻居乐了,回答说: |
The neighbor was delighted and replied: |
「跟你呀! |
"Follow you! |
」另一个更好的故事是有关杨露禅的,杨公可能是所有太极拳大师中最伟大的一位。 |
"An even better story is about Yang Luchan, probably the greatest of all Tai Chi masters. |
他受雇於一药房主人。 |
He was employed by a pharmacy owner. |
其主人聘请名师陈长兴教他的弟子学拳。 |
His master hired the famous master Chen Changxing to teach his disciples how to box. |
杨露禅偷学的非常成功,而被收为正式弟子。 |
Yang Luchan learned secretly very successfully and was accepted as a formal disciple. |
生: |
born: |
推手的重要性如何呢? |
What is the importance of push hands? |
师: |
division: |
非常重要,不经推手,你就不会有进步。 |
It's very important. Without push, you won't make progress. |
但是注意,我现在告诉你,你最好与一小孩相推。 |
But notice, I'm telling you now, it's better for you to talk to a child. |
同一有技巧的大人相推他会用力,你也就会跟著用力。 |
When a skilled adult pushes you, he will push harder, and you will follow suit. |
与小孩相推时把他看作是大人。 |
Treat your child as an adult when interacting with him. |
与大人相推把他看作是小孩。 |
Treat him as a child compared to adults. |
这话听起来茅盾其实并不。 |
This sounds like Mao Dun is not. |
小孩会提供你一个松的练习伙伴。 |
Children will provide you with a loose practice partner. |
当你从他的「可松性」中获益时,你可把他看作与你相同,假装他是大人。 |
When you benefit from his "easyness", you can treat him as the same as you and pretend that he is an adult. |
这就把练习提升到「用」的方面来。 |
This elevates practice to the aspect of “use”. |
现在反过来讲。 |
Now let’s talk about it the other way around. |
为甚么要把大人看作是小孩呢? |
Why treat adults as children? |
这只是一种轻视的方法,以使我们却除怕意,但这亦不意为这种「勇气」可以真的战胜怕惧。 |
This is just a contemptuous method to get rid of fear, but it does not mean that this kind of "courage" can really defeat fear. |
我们在却除惧怕时也去掉傲气。 |
When we get rid of fear, we also get rid of pride. |
生: |
born: |
在推手时,如让对手接触到自己的身体,是否危险,在真正交手时,这种情形是否会惨败。 |
Is it dangerous to let your opponent touch your body when pushing hands, and will this situation lead to a disastrous defeat in a real fight. |
师: |
division: |
推手主要是一种达到目的方决。 |
Push hands is mainly a method to achieve the goal. |
他教触觉的灵敏及辨别的能力。 |
He teaches tactile sensitivity and discrimination. |
(意即听劲及种劲-译者注)也教你对於距离的审忖。 |
(Meaning listening and planting energy - translator's note) also teaches you to think about distance. |
在真正交手时不要让敌手触摸到你。 |
Don't let your opponent touch you during a real fight. |
但是却要尽量的靠近他以利攻击。 |
But you have to get as close to him as possible to attack. |
有些大师们具有我们所说的接劲。 |
Some masters have what we call relay energy. |
这种劲不但可以收化敌人的攻击,在同时也予以反击。 |
This kind of energy can not only absorb the enemy's attacks, but also counterattack them at the same time. |
有些更高的大师们的这种能力是由潜意识所控制。 |
This ability of some higher masters is controlled by the subconscious mind. |
你如从後向他攻击,他可借敌人之力将其反弹出一丈以外。 |
If you attack him from behind, he can use the enemy's strength to bounce it back one foot away. |
而自己几乎并不觉得。 |
And I hardly feel it. |
这种人在真正交手时自无困难。 |
This kind of person will have no difficulty in a real fight. |
一般的拳手虽无此种能力,但可经由推手缎练其知觉,使其可以接近敌人而不让敌人触摸到自己。 |
Although ordinary boxers do not have this ability, they can hone their perception through pushing hands so that they can get close to the enemy without letting the enemy touch themselves. |
生: |
born: |
庄子曾说,醉汉不伤,其魂固也。 |
Zhuangzi once said that a drunkard is not injured because his soul is solid. |
这种状况是否就是太拳拳所追求的呢? |
Is this situation what Taiquan is pursuing? |
如果庄子所言不假,那么我们只要变成酒鬼不更简单吗? |
If what Zhuangzi said is true, wouldn’t it be easier for us to just become drunkards? |
师: |
division: |
把自己腾空是八了克复恐惧,这是「无为」的主要目的之一。 |
Evacuating oneself is the eighth way to overcome fear, which is one of the main purposes of "inaction". |
这也是所以道士之将死,可生起烈火,从容走水之道理。 |
This is also the reason why Taoist priests can ignite a raging fire and calmly walk through water when they are about to die. |
(在这里我说,这种不怕死的品性,并非中国所专有。 |
(Here I say that this lack of fear of death is not unique to China. |
日本的武士亦求死的美。 |
Japanese samurai also sought the beauty of death. |
更不须提圣劳伦斯,在其身受炮启时对其行刑者说: |
Not to mention St. Lawrence, who said to his executioners when he was being cannoned: |
「把我翻个身吧,这半边已烤好了。」 |
Turn me over, this half is already baked. |
)大师微笑著表示同意,继续说: |
) The master smiled in agreement and continued: |
「不错,醉汉是解除了顾及。 |
"Yes, the drunkard is relieved of his concerns. |
他的肌肉不紧张,他的身体松弛。 |
His muscles are not tense, his body is relaxed. |
但是并非完全如此,因为醉汉总是会认路回家。 |
But that's not entirely true, because drunks always find their way home. |
醉汉失去了心意,为环境所左右。 |
A drunkard loses his mind and is swayed by circumstances. |
反过来在太极拳,我们虽然放松了身体,但却保持一颗灵活清醒的心。 |
On the other hand, in Tai Chi, although we relax our body, we maintain a flexible and clear mind. |
生: |
born: |
为什么杨澄甫不到西方教拳。 |
Why didn’t Yang Chengfu teach boxing in the West? |
师: |
division: |
一度曾有一中医生从美国回到广州,他游说杨氏同他返美,说是可赚大钱,被其所拒。 |
At one time, a Chinese doctor returned to Guangzhou from the United States. He lobbied Yang to return to the United States with him, saying that he could make a lot of money, but he refused. |
西方及金钱对杨氏均不具吸引力。 |
Neither the West nor money appealed to Yang. |
他对黄所属环境非常满意,不思改变。 |
He is very satisfied with Huang's environment and does not want to change. |
<太极证松歌之一> |
初松一气往下沉,水火既济暖温温! |
The first breath of looseness sinks down, and the water and fire both warm and warm! |
次松散气行皮毛,疙瘩温热窜全身, |
The loose Qi travels through the fur, and the lumps and warmth spread all over the body. |
软硬交战有痛楚,静待功成解烦忧! |
There is pain in the battle between soft and hard, but waiting for success will relieve your worries! |
再松开始软酥酥,酥软交战味嚼蜡, |
Then loosen it up and it will start to become soft and crispy, with a soft and chewy taste. |
酥手及肩下涌泉,轻无松软好舒爽! |
The spring is flowing under your hands and shoulders, it's so light and refreshing! |
<太极证松歌之二> |
酥手情境只轻利,松脱方能松乾净 |
The situation with soft hands can only be easy and beneficial, only when it is loosened can it be loosened completely |
修到此地踏入门,恍然大悟听劲来 |
When I reached this point and stepped into the door, I suddenly realized what I heard. |
太极修练分三阶,三阶再细分三级 |
Tai Chi practice is divided into three levels, and the third level is further subdivided into three levels. |
脱手境地达三阶,三阶一级细品尝 |
The level of hands-off reaches the third level, and the third level and the first level taste it carefully |
滋味酸溜功渐深,上身头脸毛竖起 |
The sour taste gradually deepens, and the hair on the upper body, head and face stands up. |
全身力道渐放掉,方悟大师字珠玑 |
The whole body's strength gradually let go, and Fang realized that Master Zi Zhuji |
[注]: |
[Note]: |
三阶三级出自郑子太极十三篇和郑子太极拳自修心法 |
The third level and the third level come from Zheng Zi’s Thirteen Chapters of Tai Chi and Zheng Zi’s Tai Chi Self-cultivation Method |
太 极 拳 哲 理(郑曼青) |
Tai Chi Philosophy (Zheng Manqing) |
郑曼青 主讲 李野文 笔记 |
Zheng Manqing Lecturer Li Yewen Notes |
各位同道,先生主各位同学: |
Dear comrades, sir, dear students: |
今天本人承蒙韩理事长之邀,到这里来讲「太极拳之哲理」并能於久别後在这里与各位见面,本人感到非常高兴与荣幸,兄弟离开台湾六年多来在美国向侨胞及美国人士讲授太极拳,主要是宣扬我们中国的固有文化。 |
Today, I am invited by Chairman Han to come here to talk about the "Philosophy of Tai Chi" and to be able to meet you here after a long absence. I am very happy and honored. My brother has been in the United States for more than six years since he left Taiwan to express his gratitude to overseas Chinese and the United States. People teach Tai Chi mainly to promote our inherent Chinese culture. |
今天我们在台湾来讲太极拳比在美国人士面前讲太极拳较有意义,也较容易,因为在美国讲太极拳最大的困难就是翻译; |
Today, it is more meaningful and easier for us to teach Tai Chi in Taiwan than it is to teach Tai Chi in front of Americans, because the biggest difficulty in teaching Tai Chi in the United States is translation; |
我们讲太极拳最重要的是讲「气」,但西方人士对於「气」字则非常之隔膜,所以一个「气」字在美国始终没有翻译好。 |
When we talk about Tai Chi, the most important thing is "qi", but Westerners are very alienated from the word "qi", so the word "qi" has never been translated well in the United States. |
太极拳是宋朝末年张三丰先生所发明的,其原理则是根据老子的理论,老子这部书是在五经之後,四书之前所著成的,至於孔子则没有著书,他是「述而不作」的,所以老子这部书在中国哲理上来说,是很早的一部书,但其原则为何? |
Tai Chi was invented by Mr. Zhang Sanfeng in the late Song Dynasty. Its principles are based on Laozi's theory. Laozi's book was written after the Five Classics and before the Four Books. As for Confucius, he did not write a book. He "stated but did not write." Yes, so Laozi’s book is a very early book in terms of Chinese philosophy, but what are its principles? |
就是「专气致柔,能婴儿乎」? |
Is it "if you focus on your Qi and become gentle, you can even give birth to a baby"? |
所谓「气」即是专心致志於丹田,然後返老还童之谓,亦即是我们太极拳最重要的原则。 |
The so-called "qi" means to concentrate on the Dantian and then rejuvenate. This is the most important principle of our Tai Chi. |
老子从前说过,「天下之至柔,驰骋天下之至坚」,这是极有道理的,我们知道风与水是最柔的东西,它是慢慢的积起来的,积到很多的时侯就没有东西可以抵御了。 |
Lao Tzu once said, "The softest thing in the world is the strongest thing in the world." This is very reasonable. We know that wind and water are the softest things. They accumulate slowly and accumulate for a long time. Hou will have nothing to resist. |
所以我们扩大而言之,天地也不过是积气而已。 |
So if we expand it, the heaven and the earth are nothing but accumulation of qi. |
因此我们在空气中练太极拳,亦正如在水中游泳一,而对於空气就像对水一般,有一种阻力的感觉,从而慢慢的练,要练到最柔的境地。 |
Therefore, when we practice Tai Chi in the air, it is just like swimming in water. There is a sense of resistance to the air, just like to the water, so we should practice it slowly to reach the softest state. |
讲到气,丹田就是气海,海的容量是其大无比的,我们要以心运气,气沉丹田,然後知道气之所至,气之所行,气之所积。 |
Speaking of Qi, the Dantian is the sea of Qi, and the capacity of the sea is extremely huge. We must use our heart to make Qi sink into the Dantian, and then know where the Qi goes, where the Qi travels, and where the Qi accumulates. |
丹田之气满了以後到尾闾,再上行走到脊骨,然後走到泥丸,也就是气通三关,以後,就往下行走,到五腑六脏,而使全身得到了无穷的补养,所以气在我们身体中是这样遇而复始的运行。 |
After the qi in the Dantian is full, it goes to the end of the body, then goes up to the spine, and then goes to the Niwan, which means the qi passes through the three levels. After that, it goes down to the five internal organs and six internal organs, so that the whole body gets infinite Nourishment, so Qi circulates like this over and over again in our bodies. |
我们人体里有三层的膜,肌肉的外面一层,筋的外面一层,骨的外面一层,此膜正如车胎里的内胎一样的,我们练太极拳的人,如功夫练得好,体内的膜就会增强,所以就不怕打,又我们要以心运气,使气走三关,我们早晚行、处、坐、卧,都是注意丹田,要以意行气,孟子说: |
There are three layers of membranes in our human body, the outer layer of muscles, the outer layer of tendons, and the outer layer of bones. This membrane is just like the inner tube in a car tire. For those of us who practice Tai Chi, if we practice Kung Fu well, The membrane will be strengthened, so we are not afraid of being beaten. Moreover, we must use our mind to make Qi move through the three levels. When we walk, sit, sit, and lie down in the morning and evening, we all pay attention to the Dantian and use our minds to move Qi. Mencius said: |
「志,气之帅也,」志是气的元帅,元帅到那里兵也到那里。 |
"Zhi is the marshal of qi." Zhi is the marshal of qi. Wherever the marshal goes, the soldiers will follow. |
又,气是和电一样的,一热则钢铁木头也能传透过去,所以我们天天练太极拳气就能壮,体内的膜就会增厚。 |
In addition, Qi is the same as electricity. Once heated, steel and wood can be transmitted through it. Therefore, if we practice Tai Chi every day, Qi will be strengthened and the membranes in the body will thicken. |
气能通三关,则一切病都没有了。 |
If Qi can pass through the three levels, all diseases will be gone. |
有人问到太极拳有没有用? |
Someone asked if Tai Chi is useful? |
我对太极拳不过学到了一点点,但据我的经验来说,太极拳是有用的,我从小体弱多病,四十年前就应该死去的,但後来练习太极拳,身体就好转了,到现在行年七十岁了,我的眼睛,牙齿都还和年青人一样,这就是练太极拳的好处。 |
I have only learned a little bit about Tai Chi, but according to my experience, Tai Chi is useful. I have been weak and sick since I was a child, and I should have died forty years ago. But then I started practicing Tai Chi and my health got better. Until now. I am seventy years old, but my eyes and teeth are still the same as those of young people. This is the benefit of practicing Tai Chi. |
关於练太极拳的体用问题,我也顺便在此来谈一谈,太极拳的体用,是应该注意的,体为本,用为末,没有体就没有用,换句话说,就是有体才有用,体最主要的是要血脉流通,周身血脉流通以後,人还会有什么病呢? |
Regarding the physical function of practicing Tai Chi, I will also talk about it here. The physical function of Tai Chi should be paid attention to. The body is the foundation and the use is the last. Without the body, there is no use. In other words, there is Only the body is useful. The most important thing for the body is the circulation of blood. After the circulation of blood throughout the body, what other diseases will a person suffer from? |
现在癌症那么多,但我教拳数十年,我的学生没有一个生癌的,生癌的人主要的是郁闷室滞所致,但是太极拳使人周身百脉流畅,气血调和,所以是可以防止癌症发生的。 |
There are so many cancers now, but I have been teaching boxing for decades, and none of my students have developed cancer. People who develop cancer are mainly caused by depression and ventricular stagnation, but Tai Chi can make all the meridians in the body smooth and harmonize Qi and blood, so It can prevent cancer. |
谈到我们人生,有两点要注意: |
When it comes to our lives, there are two things to note: |
一是病从口入,一是祸从口出。 |
One is that diseases enter through the mouth, and the other is that disaster comes from the mouth. |
人们是生病十之八、九,是由於吃东西不慎而发生的,所以我们要注意饮食。 |
Eighty-nine times out of ten people get sick due to careless eating, so we must pay attention to our diet. |
再谈到人体内的肾与胃,人的先天是肾,练气就是练肾,练丹田。 |
Talking about the kidneys and stomach in the human body, people are born with kidneys, and practicing Qi means practicing kidneys and Dantian. |
人的後天是胃,惟胃强才能吸取充分的营养,但很多人则在摧残胃,人们以为身体虚弱了,就一定要进补,於是不断的补充营养,但毛病就出在这里,过度的营养是最害人的东西,大病往往从此而起,因为吃得太多了,消化不了,胃就闷胀起来,周身的气血也就不流畅了,在这种情形之下,那有不生病之理? |
People are born with a stomach. Only a strong stomach can absorb sufficient nutrients. However, many people destroy the stomach. People think that when the body is weak, they must take supplements, so they continue to supplement nutrition. But the problem lies here, excessive nutrition. It is the most harmful thing. Serious diseases often arise from this. Because you eat too much and cannot digest it, your stomach becomes bloated and the qi and blood around the body become sluggish. In this case, how can you get sick? reason? |
因此我们如要防止生病,则首先要使气血通畅,要气血通畅,则练太极拳是最佳的途径。 |
Therefore, if we want to prevent illness, we must first make the qi and blood flow smoothly. If we want the qi and blood to flow smoothly, practicing Tai Chi is the best way. |
也许有人要问为什么要练太极拳呢? |
Some people may ask why you should practice Tai Chi? |
练少林拳不好吗?但我觉得练少林拳对身体虽然也有好处,但是和太极拳不同,因为少林拳的运气是偏於刚的,是往任脉走的,反之太极拳运气是致於柔的,是往督脉走的,由督脉气行骨中,即道家所谓通三关。 |
Is it bad to practice Shaolin Boxing? But I think that although practicing Shaolin Boxing is good for the body, it is different from Tai Chi, because the luck of Shaolin Boxing is biased towards hardness and goes towards the Ren channel, whereas in Tai Chi, the luck is towards softness. It goes to the Du Vein, and the Qi from the Du Vein travels through the bones, which is what Taoism calls the three passes. |
同时少林拳是力由骨发,太极拳是劲由筋发。 |
At the same time, Shaolin Quan’s force is generated from the bones, while Tai Chi’s strength is generated from the muscles. |
太极拳所谓体,所讲的就是「气」与「血」的连贯流通,盖人身体内最主要的是气与血而已,血本身不能走,要靠气率血而行,故一个人气旺则血旺。 |
What Tai Chi refers to as the body is the continuous flow of "qi" and "blood". The most important things that cover the human body are just qi and blood. Blood itself cannot move. It depends on qi to guide the blood. Therefore, a person with strong qi Then the blood will be strong. |
现在常有人对太极拳提出一个问题,那就是练太极拳全身不用力,动作那么慢,能用吗? |
Nowadays, people often ask a question about Tai Chi, that is, if you don’t use any force from the whole body when practicing Tai Chi, and the movements are so slow, can it be used? |
我的答案是肯定的,太极拳也不是很难学的,我常常这样讲,一讲就几个钟头,人家还是不信,甚至於练了几十年太极拳的人也不信,他们以为我练拳一定有秘诀的,我到美国教拳,有一个学生叫路易义的,还有一个学生叫史密斯的,也都说我练拳一定有秘诀,不然何以只有一个郑曼青呢?现在让我把秘诀两个字打开来; |
My answer is yes, Tai Chi is not difficult to learn. I often say this, even if I teach it for several hours, people still don’t believe it. Even people who have practiced Tai Chi for decades don’t believe it. They think I practice it. There must be a secret to boxing. When I went to the United States to teach boxing, I had a student named Louis Yi and another student named Smith. They all said that there must be a secret to my boxing practice. Otherwise, why is there only one Zheng Manqing? Now let me tell you the secret Two words are opened; |
我跟澄甫老师练拳,杨老师身材很高,体重有三百多磅,他年青的时侯,祖父父亲都是无敌於天下的,他自己有一次到山东一个道台家里教拳,他吃得好,玩得好,他是杨家最有为最年青力壮的人。 |
I practiced boxing with Teacher Chengfu. Teacher Yang was very tall and weighed more than 300 pounds. When he was young, his grandfather and father were invincible in the world. He once went to a Taoist family in Shandong to teach boxing. He eats well and plays well. He is the most promising and youngest person in the Yang family. |
但後来回到北京後有人造了一个谣言,说澄甫先生在八大胡同当了保镖,他的父亲听了很生气,於是把他叫回到家里来,关在後院一个小房里,里面只有一张床,一根杆子,在这种情形之下,澄甫先生因没有其他事情可做,只得天天练太极拳了,如是苦练了四年。 |
But later after returning to Beijing, someone spread a rumor that Mr. Chengfu worked as a bodyguard in Bada Hutong. His father was very angry when he heard this, so he called him back home and locked him in a small room in the backyard with only A bed and a pole. In this situation, Mr. Chengfu had nothing else to do, so he had to practice Tai Chi every day. He practiced hard for four years. |
诸位想想澄甫先生当时身体和功夫既是相当了得,还要苦练四年,太极拳有什么秘诀吗? |
Think about it, Mr. Chengfu was already very good in body and kung fu at that time, but he still had to practice hard for four years. Is there any secret to Tai Chi? |
假如太极拳有什么秘诀,或吃几颗丸药可以马上使功夫臻於上乘,那么我就必定先把丸药给我儿女吃了,那样就会有功夫了,何必再去苦练呢?我著了一本「郑子太极拳十三篇」,这是根据澄甫老师口述要点以及我数十年的经验与心得而写的,但断断续续的写; |
If there is any secret to Tai Chi, or if taking a few pills can immediately improve the kung fu, then I will definitely give the pills to my children first. Then they will have kung fu, so why bother to practice hard again? I'm hooked. "Thirteen Parts of Zheng Zi Tai Chi" is written based on the key points dictated by Master Cheng Fu and my decades of experience and insights, but it is written intermittently; |
就写了二十年,在台湾才印出来。 |
It took me twenty years to write it and then it was printed in Taiwan. |
後来一般反映,十三篇的文字与理论过於深奥,同时又为便於外籍人士研习与译成外文起见,就另以浅显的文字写了六篇翻译成英文,这一工作用了九年时间方行完成,所以归根究底一句话,练太极拳并没有什么秘诀的要是有秘诀的话,其秘诀就在太极拳论里面,因为其中没有一句话是假的,决没有一句话是骗人的,只要大家照拳论里面所说的原理去下功夫,是绝对可以学得好的,我是懒人,功夫也不好,各位条件都比我好,我想大家应该是能够练好的。 |
Later, it was generally felt that the text and theory of the thirteen articles were too profound. At the same time, in order to facilitate foreigners to study and translate into foreign languages, six more articles were written in simple words and translated into English. This work took nine years to complete. So in the final analysis, there is no secret to practicing Tai Chi. If there is a secret, the secret lies in the theory of Tai Chi, because not a word in it is false, and not a word is deceptive. As long as you work hard according to the principles mentioned in the boxing theory, you can definitely learn it well. I am lazy and my kung fu is not good. Everyone is better than me, so I think everyone should be able to practice well. |
练习太极拳最重要的一点是要松,但很多人就松不下,一接手不知不觉之间就不晓得松,这样,一扭,一顶就完了,也就把门关闭了,不能进步了,须知练习太极拳是要学吃亏的,不要学占便宜,你要是想占一分便宜,大吃亏就在後头,这是我学太极拳几十年的经验,其实不光是学太极拳如此,为人处世亦莫不如此,所以如能学到太极理,则在社会上处世并不难。 |
The most important thing in practicing Tai Chi is to loosen up, but many people can't loosen up. Once they take over, they don't know how to loosen up unconsciously. In this way, if they twist or push, it's over, and the door is closed, making progress impossible. It should be noted that when practicing Tai Chi, you have to learn to suffer losses, and do not learn to take advantage. If you want to take advantage, you will suffer big losses later. This is my experience of studying Tai Chi for decades. In fact, it is not only about learning Tai Chi, but also how to behave in the world. This is also true, so if you can learn Tai Chi principles, it will not be difficult to live in society. |
老子曾说过: |
Lao Tzu once said: |
善者善之,不善者吾亦善之。 |
Those who are good are good, and those who are not good are also good. |
大凡肯吃亏的人,最後总是不会吃亏的。 |
Anyone who is willing to suffer losses will never suffer losses in the end. |
有一件事情顺便在此谈谈,三十二年在重庆有一次和友人邓君同应英国驻我国大使馆之邀请表演太极拳,正巧英军访华团人员亦在座,表演完毕後,邓君见英军都是身强力壮的少壮军人,就说各位愿不愿意和郑先生试试,他们都要试,结果都败了。 |
I want to talk about something here by the way. In 1932, in Chongqing, I once performed Tai Chi with my friend Deng Jun at the invitation of the British Embassy in China. It happened that members of the British military delegation to China were also present. After the performance, Deng Jun met the British Embassy in China. The soldiers were all strong young soldiers, so they asked if they would like to try it with Mr. Zheng. They all tried, but they all failed. |
後来又有美国驻渝陆军,因为听到这件事,也邀请去表演,并且在百余人中挑选了十五个拳击好手,和我比试,结果连败了六个人,其余的人都不敢再比了。 |
Later, the U.S. Army Corps stationed in Chongqing also invited me to perform after hearing about this incident. They also selected fifteen boxing masters from more than a hundred people to compete with me. As a result, I lost six people in a row, and the rest did not win. Dare to compete again. |
由此可见,他们的拳虽然很猛,速度也很快,但跌出去也很重,所以一言以蔽之,太极拳虽不是主张打人的,但是,无疑问的是一种最好的自卫技术。 |
It can be seen that although their punches are very fierce and fast, they fall very hard. So in a word, although Tai Chi does not advocate hitting people, it is undoubtedly the best way to do it. Self-defense techniques. |
今天因为时间很短无从详谈,只是一点点小意思贡献给诸位参考,但都是由衷之言,完了。 |
Because time is short today, I cannot go into details. I just contributed a little bit for your reference, but they are all from the bottom of my heart. That’s it. |
台湾吴国忠先生谈郑曼青太极拳之思路 |
Mr. Wu Guozhong from Taiwan talks about Zheng Manqing’s ideas in Tai Chi |
凡认识我之人都知道,我是给先师打服了,才正式开始学太极拳的。 |
Anyone who knows me knows that I officially started learning Tai Chi after being convinced by my previous master. |
我随先师从基本行功“走路”开始,然后每招每式,每个细微的小动作,拆开来学。 |
I started with the basic exercise "walking" as my first teacher, and then I learned every move, every pose, and every tiny little movement. |
回家常作笔记。 |
I often take notes when I get home. |
先师每摆好一个小动作,就丢下我不管。 |
Every time the master made a small move, he would leave me alone. |
非等得我浑身出汗,不过来看我一眼。 |
If you have to wait until I'm sweating all over, just take a look at me. |
有时手上有浊劲,虚实不分,先师会用手指打我腕关节。 |
Sometimes there is turbid energy in my hands, and I can’t tell the difference between the real and the empty. My master would hit my wrist joint with his finger. |
因他认为不松,腕是第一关。 |
Because he thinks that if it is not loose, the wrist is the first step. |
令我如鞭击一样痛入骨。 |
It hurts like a whip to my bones. |
在我未随先师之前,在台北太极圈子里,我的绰号六十吨坦克车,西班牙斗士。 |
Before I joined the Master, in the Taipei Tai Chi circle, I was nicknamed the Sixty Ton Tank and the Spanish Fighter. |
可是随先师后,他反而不准我与人推手。 |
But when I followed my teacher, he didn't allow me to push hands with others. |
十五年后的今天,我才知道其他人,仍旧停在为比赛而比赛,为比赛而推手之不是。 |
Today, fifteen years later, I know that other people are still competing for the sake of competition and pushing their hands for the sake of competition. |
先师教我,练拳不动手,应用没有招,没有式,没有套招,只求实战。 |
My first master taught me that I don’t use my hands when practicing boxing, and there are no moves, styles, or routines to apply, just for actual combat. |
要松净,松透。 |
Be loose and clear. |
心中不着一物,要一丝不能承受外力。 |
There is nothing in my heart, and I cannot bear any external force. |
不给人有任何可借之力。 |
Don't give anyone any leverage. |
〔用手打人是帮倒忙。 |
[Hitting people with your hands is not helpful. |
拿人是傻瓜,抱人是摔自己,自找麻烦。 |
Holding someone is a fool, hugging someone is throwing yourself down and asking for trouble. |
双手不接,两脚不起。 |
If the hands are not connected, the feet cannot stand. |
〕等于把搏斗制胜的条件全放弃。 |
] is tantamount to giving up all the conditions for victory in struggle. |
剩下的是全与人相反的教法,练法,用法。 |
The rest are teaching methods, practice methods, and usage that are completely opposite to others. |
就是老子〔反者道之动。 |
It is Lao Tzu [the opposite is the movement of Tao. |
〕的哲学落实。 |
) philosophy implementation. |
能把抽象能说又说不清的东西,落实于健康,修身应用的。 |
Being able to apply abstract but unclear things to health and self-cultivation. |
就是郑曼青先师的思路。 |
This is the idea of Master Zheng Manqing. |
太极拳练拳是从有“形象”练无。 |
Tai Chi practice is to practice from the "image" to the non-existent. |
发劲应用是由无生有。 |
Fa Jin application is created from nothing. |
练拳想打人,结果是反被人打。 |
When practicing boxing, you want to hit someone, but you end up getting hit instead. |
我的手是你的手。 |
My hands are your hands. |
不用自己的手,是用你的手打你。 |
Not using your own hands, but using your own hands to hit you. |
太极拳不能傻练,不能贪练,不能不练,不能到处找人练,要不逾矩练。 |
You can’t practice Tai Chi foolishly, you can’t practice it greedily, you can’t not practice it, you can’t look for people to practice it everywhere, or you can’t practice it outside the rules. |
应敌,在用。 |
Use it to respond to the enemy. |
要先守,先阴后阳。 |
We must guard first, first Yin and then Yang. |
谈健康,要专气致柔。 |
When talking about health, focus on Qi and tenderness. |
要练成棉花里裹铁弹。 |
It is necessary to practice to wrap iron bullets in cotton. |
太极拳讲求〔英雄所向无敌〕但如离开仁义与德行。 |
Tai Chi emphasizes [the hero is invincible] but it does not leave benevolence, righteousness and virtue. |
那能称上无敌。 |
That can be called invincible. |
〔双拳打不遍天下。 |
[Two fists cannot hit the world. |
有理可走遍天下。 |
Reason can travel all over the world. |
〕 |
〕 |
太极拳是活的不倒翁。 |
Tai Chi is a living tumbler. |
在走化时,要像墙头草,任意随风摇摆。 |
When walking, be like a grass on the wall, swaying in the wind. |
更要像荷花一样有出污泥而不染的风骨志节。 |
More importantly, like the lotus, we must have the integrity to emerge from the mud without being stained. |
在风光明媚的日子里,能保持着宁静高贵。 |
On sunny days, you can maintain tranquility and elegance. |
在风雨飘摇中要有一份傲骨,在寒夜苦冷中,要保持自己不失真情。 |
You must have a sense of pride in the storm, and you must maintain your true feelings in the bitter cold of the night. |
在小小池塘里,要有天仙般的美丽,在辽阔水面上,能迈开自己的胸襟。 |
In a small pond, you should have the beauty of a fairy, and on the vast water, you should be able to open your mind. |
练拳者能明此理,才能练至,至大至刚。 |
Only those who practice boxing can understand this principle, and then they can practice to the highest level. |
古人所谓〔要言不繁〕,此言确乎有卓绝之至理。 |
The ancients said that "it is important to speak without being complicated", and this statement indeed has excellent truth. |
杨澄甫常对郑曼青嘱咐: |
Yang Chengfu often told Zheng Manqing: |
要松要松。 |
Be loose or loose. |
不松乃是挨打的架子。 |
Fu Matsuno is the one who gets beaten. |
相继不下千遍。 |
No less than a thousand times in succession. |
一夕郑曼青在梦中觉双臂已断。 |
One night, Zheng Manqing felt in her dream that her arms had been broken. |
醒后即明此理。 |
You will understand this when you wake up. |
正犹玩具之洋娃娃,手臂关节赖一带之维系,得以转捩如意。 |
Just like a toy doll, the joints of the arms are maintained by the belt, allowing them to move as desired. |
太极须分一阴一阳之为道。 |
Tai Chi must divide one yin and one yang into the Tao. |
在狭义的讲,习太极拳者,如不懂阴阳之理,那只能说他是一位习拳者。 |
In a narrow sense, if a person who practices Tai Chi does not understand the principles of yin and yang, then he can only be said to be a practitioner. |
不是一位太极拳者。 |
Not a Tai Chi practitioner. |
明显地,如一位练少林五行拳者。 |
Obviously, like a practitioner of Shaolin Five Elements Boxing. |
功夫也很深,但他根本未见过虎鹤蛇豹,仍不算一位真正的五行拳名家。 |
The kung fu is also very deep, but he has never seen a tiger, crane, snake, or leopard, so he is still not a true master of Five Elements Boxing. |
所以,能知行合一,总比行中求知来得快。 |
Therefore, it is faster to be able to combine knowledge and action than to seek knowledge in action. |
这是事实。 |
This is a fact. |
练习太极拳是要吃亏的。 |
You will suffer losses when practicing Tai Chi. |
不要学占便宜其实不单止是习拳如此,为人处世亦莫不如此。 |
Don't learn to take advantage. In fact, it's not just about practicing boxing, it's also about how to behave in the world. |
能学到太极理,则在社会上处世并不难。 |
If you can learn Tai Chi principles, it will not be difficult to live in society. |
文艺之最难精者,莫过于书法。 |
The most difficult thing to master in literature and art is calligraphy. |
诗文词赋,可改而至于工稳。 |
Poetry, prose, and poetry can be changed to make work more stable. |
绘事可随而生变化。 |
Paintings can change over time. |
惟书则不然。 |
But this is not the case with books. |
有定形而不得增损。 |
It has a definite shape and cannot be added or lost. |
且左右上下行列及齐头并尾,俱有定式,又不可牵受拘束,则失其自然之趣。 |
Moreover, the rows, left, right, up and down, and the head to tail, all have fixed patterns, and they cannot be restrained, otherwise they will lose their natural interest. |
然甫落笔,便已判其生死。 |
However, as soon as he put pen to paper, he was already sentenced to life or death. |
不可移易,是以难能也。 |
It cannot be moved or changed, which is why it is difficult to do. |
但太极拳之运动,吾以为过之无不及。 |
But the movement of Tai Chi, I think it is even better. |
书之原则,不过有八。 |
There are only eight principles in the book. |
所谓八法也。 |
The so-called eight methods. |
太极拳却有十三式。 |
Tai Chi has thirteen postures. |
所谓十三势长拳也。 |
The so-called Thirteen-Position Changquan. |
其注意范围,书不过四正四隅,及中央之为九宫。 |
The scope of his attention is limited to the four main parts and four corners, and the nine palaces in the center. |
太极拳则自巅顶至足心涌泉穴止,自头。 |
Tai Chi starts from the top of the head to the Yongquan point in the center of the foot, starting from the head. |
颈。眼。 |
neck. Eye. |
耳。舌。 |
Ear. tongue. |
至下颚骨。 |
to the mandible. |
自肩至腕。 |
From shoulder to wrist. |
肘。掌与手指,下至胯。 |
elbow. Palms and fingers, down to the hips. |
膝。踵。 |
knee. heel. |
趾与足心。 |
Toes and soles of feet. |
胸。背。 |
chest. back. |
胁。腹。 |
Threat. belly. |
等处。 |
Wait somewhere. |
将垂有卅点,均须要照顾。 |
There are thirty points about the hanging, all of which need to be taken care of. |
而且,一动无有不动,则百骸俱要松净。 |
Moreover, if there is no movement or movement, then all the bones will be loose and pure. |
与书之难易计,不可以道里计。 |
The difficulty and ease of writing can't be measured in the Tao. |
太极拳要求,〔尾闾中正神贯顶〕,须求气通任督二胍。 |
Tai Chi requires that [the Zhongzheng Shen in the tail gate reaches the top of the head], and the Qi should be passed through and the Du Erguan should be appointed. |
先通督胍,则气由骨中行。 |
First open Du Guan, then Qi will flow through the bones. |
旋复继通任胍,由筋胳中行,归乎丹田。 |
Xuanfu follows Tongren Guan, travels from the tendons and arms, and returns to Dantian. |
且纯任自然,即老子所谓〔专气致柔能婴儿乎〕又谓〔牝常以静胜牡〕,乃以柔克刚也。 |
And simply letting nature take its course is what Laozi calls "specializing in Qi to make babies soft and capable" and also saying that "females often outperform males with tranquility", which is how softness overcomes hardness. |
从〔体〕之方面而言。 |
From the aspect of [body]. |
体如能松,气血流畅,筋脉和同,五脏得其平衡。 |
If the body can be relaxed, Qi and blood will flow smoothly, the tendons and veins will be harmonious, and the five internal organs will be balanced. |
则百病不得上身。 |
Then all kinds of diseases will not come to the body. |
上中下三焦,了无阻滞。 |
There is no blockage in the upper, middle and lower three burners. |
故古人所谓: |
So the ancients said: |
〔上医医未病〕。 |
[The doctor healed the disease before it became ill]. |
惟太极拳,可谓上医之良药也。 |
But Tai Chi can be said to be a good medicine for medical treatment. |
学之百日,便能知其效用,如再期以岁月,或十年,或终身,受益更巨大矣。 |
If you study it for a hundred days, you will know its effectiveness. If you study it for a few years, ten years, or a lifetime, the benefits will be even greater. |
能得其健康,便是袪病,能袪病,即能廷年。 |
If you can get healthy, you can get rid of illness; if you can get rid of illness, you can live a long life. |
以此而言,良药便在一〔松〕字中得之。 |
From this point of view, good medicine can be found in the word "pine". |
诸位同仁,从今日始,请勿将自卫之〔用〕,再离开了松之一字。 |
Colleagues, from today onwards, please do not use self-defense anywhere else. |
否则即自拒太极拳于千里之外。 |
Otherwise, you will reject Tai Chi thousands of miles away. |
杨澄甫宗师,他不会讲话。 |
Grandmaster Yang Chengfu, he can’t speak. |
可以一天到晚不发一言。 |
You can go all day without saying a word. |
但对此〔松〕字,每天总讲上几百回。 |
But the word "pine" is spoken hundreds of times every day. |
不单如此,他还讲了一句话,更是奇怪。 |
Not only that, he also said something that was even more strange. |
就是: |
that is: |
〔不跟你讲这句话。 |
[I won’t tell you this. |
你三辈子都学不到的。 |
You can't learn it in three lifetimes. |
〕松可以免除提心吊胆。 |
〕Loose can eliminate the need to worry. |
中国其它拳术,普遍都讲用力,只有太极拳讲松。 |
Other Chinese boxing techniques generally emphasize force, but Tai Chi emphasizes looseness. |
且没动手,由脚而腿而腰,完整一气,心与肺不大动,气沉丹田。 |
And without using any hands, move from the feet to the legs to the waist, with a complete flow of Qi. The heart and lungs are not moving much, and the Qi sinks into the Dantian. |
脑子清醒。 |
Clear mind. |
练拳如在陆地游水。 |
Practicing boxing is like swimming on land. |
当空气如水。 |
When air is like water. |
意到气到,时间久了,便会水到渠成。 |
When you feel angry, over time, things will fall into place. |
我年青时皮包骨,常咳时吐血。 |
When I was young, I was skinny and skinny, and I would often vomit blood when I coughed. |
学拳后四五个月,吐血停止了。 |
Four or five months after learning boxing, the vomiting of blood stopped. |
半年后发烧也渐退了。 |
After half a year, the fever gradually subsided. |
两年后完全康复过来。 |
Fully recovered two years later. |
今年已七十三岁,没生过甚么病。 |
He is seventy-three years old this year and has never been sick. |
(郑曼青在75年2月6日讲此番话。 |
(Zheng Manqing said this on February 6, 1975. |
于3月26日,一月后逝世。 |
He died on March 26, one month later. |
)练太极拳最方便,最经济,不必看天侯,就是最忙,总可抽出十五分钟来。 |
) Practicing Tai Chi is the most convenient and economical. You don’t have to look at the sky, even if you are the busiest, you can always spare fifteen minutes. |
且对修心养性亦很有大帮助。 |
It is also very helpful for cultivating the mind and character. |
至于防身,那是技艺之末。 |
As for self-defense, that is the end of the art. |
太极各门各派,各有一套拳架。 |
Each sect of Tai Chi has its own set of fists. |
各有不同招式,和各有不同的说法。 |
Each has different moves and different sayings. |
严格来说,这些门派之见,都已把祖先之创意,陷入一种既定之形式。 |
Strictly speaking, the opinions of these sects have reduced the creativity of their ancestors into an established form. |
早年之太极拳,只不过有十三式。 |
In the early years of Tai Chi, there were only thirteen movements. |
每势都是单练的动作。 |
Each posture is a stand-alone exercise. |
目前那些既定之形式,早已不是祖先们初创之本意。 |
The current established forms are no longer the original intention of our ancestors. |
世界上任何东西,任何学问,形式基本是进步的羁绊。 |
Everything in the world, any knowledge, and form are basically the fetters of progress. |
真正的创派者,他在武术修养方面。 |
The real founder of the sect, he is in martial arts cultivation. |
一定比一般人聪明,高深。 |
He must be smarter and more profound than the average person. |
他的心意,与成就「功夫」,如无同等毅力之衣钵传人,难免不流入形式。 |
His intention and achievement of "kung fu" will inevitably not flow into form if there is no successor with the same perseverance. |
今天之太极拳,已陷入及困在这种既定的形式里。 |
Today's Tai Chi has fallen into and is trapped in this established form. |
坊间充满各种不同之太极书。 |
There are many different Tai Chi books out there. |
每使学者无所适从。 |
Scholars are often at a loss as to what to do. |
太极拳的老师几乎比学生尚要多有些人只学几个月,连边也未摸到,也会当起太极拳教练来。 |
There are almost more Tai Chi teachers than students. Some people have only learned Tai Chi for a few months and have not even touched it yet, and they will become Tai Chi coaches. |
这易把新学员,带进太极拳之乱草中。 |
This easily brings new students into the chaos of Tai Chi. |
分不出那些是太极拳。 |
Can't tell those are Tai Chi. |
最后连少林拳慢打,也变成太极拳了。 |
In the end, even the slow Shaolin boxing turned into Tai Chi. |
〔陈永: |
[Chen Yong: |
最佳例子,是都市闲情之,梁鸿基,根本是少林拳慢打。 |
The best example is Urban Leisure, Liang Hongji, which is basically Shaolin boxing and slow fighting. |
李连杰,亦然,在他主演之太极拳中,除了起式,和收式,有些似太极拳,用法,身法,无一不是少林外家拳。 |
The same goes for Jet Li. In the Tai Chi he plays, except for the starting and closing postures, they are somewhat similar to Tai Chi. The usage and body techniques are all Shaolin martial arts. |
甄子丹主演之笑太极亦然。 |
The same goes for Laughing Tai Chi starring Donnie Yen. |
虽是搅笑,但已误人子弟。 |
Although it is a joke, it has misled people. |
〕 |
〕 |
太极拳,是动于静中求。 |
Tai Chi is about seeking movement in stillness. |
外国人,曾在初时称它为影子拳。 |
Foreigners once called it shadow boxing at first. |
说对了一半。 |
That's half right. |
因它是把自己身体,变为敌人的影子。 |
Because it turns its own body into the enemy's shadow. |
令他永摸不着,也丢不离。 |
He can never touch it, nor can he throw it away. |
是舍已从人之意。 |
It means giving up oneself and following others. |
它是祖先们之集体创作,并非张三丰所创。 |
It is a collective creation of the ancestors and was not created by Zhang Sanfeng. |
认清此点,我们就不会盲目崇拜。 |
If we understand this, we will not worship blindly. |
拿破仑有句名言: |
Napoleon has a famous saying: |
〔军队打胜仗,在士兵的腿上。 |
[An army wins battles on the legs of its soldiers. |
〕人的衰老表征,可以看他走路是否轻灵有力。 |
〕The sign of a person’s aging can be seen by whether he walks briskly and vigorously. |
郑曼青常在教拳时骂学生。 |
Zheng Manqing often scolds students when teaching boxing. |
〔松不掉,全身都是蛮劲〕〔先用意,感觉自己全身骨关节已经分开了。 |
[I can’t let go, my whole body is full of strength] [Use your intention first and feel that the bones and joints all over your body have been separated. |
〕〔行也布袋,坐也布袋,放下布袋,何等自在。 |
〕〔Walking is also a cloth bag, sitting is also a cloth bag, putting down the cloth bag, how comfortable it is. |
〕(布袋即心理负担。 |
〕(The bag is a psychological burden. |
名利负担等等)。 |
Burdens of fame and fortune, etc.). |
〔太极拳是越练越少,不是越练越多。 |
[In Tai Chi, the more you practice, the less you practice, not the more you practice, the more you practice. |
原先只十三式,穷其根,仅阴阳,再合之,太极而已。 |
Originally there were only thirteen postures, and their root was exhausted, only yin and yang, and then combined together, it was just Tai Chi. |
〕 |
〕 |
〔练太极拳,要耐得起寂寞。 |
[To practice Tai Chi, you must be able to endure loneliness. |
〕〔把太极拳之理用于剑上,才可谓之太极剑。 |
〕〔Only when the principles of Tai Chi are applied to the sword can it be called a Tai Chi sword. |
三年刀,十年剑。 |
Three years for the sword, ten years for the sword. |
刀舞一大片。 |
A large dance of knives. |
剑走一条线。 |
The sword walks a line. |
练成后,剑随身行,身随剑走,后求身剑合一,功成之后,无所谓剑,无所谓身。 |
After you have mastered the skill, the sword will follow you and your body will follow the sword. Later, your body and sword will become one. After you have accomplished the skill, it will no longer matter to you the sword or your body. |
才是太极剑。 |
It's the Tai Chi Sword. |
〕 |
〕 |
〔太极拳,练功三要: |
[Tai Chi, three essentials to practice: |
1)要传授得法。 |
1) To teach the Dharma. |
2)要天资过人。 |
2) Be extremely talented. |
3)要持之有恒。 |
3) Be persistent. |
三者以传授为最。 |
Of the three, teaching is the most important. |
如不得传授,难以有成也。 |
If it cannot be taught, it will be difficult to achieve success. |
无恒则近于自弃,不足与语学也。 |
Without perseverance, it is close to giving up on oneself, which is not enough for linguistics. |
纵天资过人,传授得法,终归于无成。 |
Even if you have extraordinary talent and teach others the Dharma, you will ultimately achieve nothing. |
良可痛惜也。 |
It is a pity to be good. |
〕 |
〕 |
发布于 2019-06-22 00:59 |
Published on 2019-06-22 00:59 |