4👑☸ Cattāri Ariya-saccaṃ 四聖諦

karma and rebirth ♾️👶

4👑☸EBpedia📚 kamma and rebirth ♾️👶     🔬details   🔝

kamma (karmaSkt.) = action, work, deed

1a. 'Karma' simply means action, work, or deed. For example, in the 👑8☸ right action (kammanto, 4🏃), just means action, not "cause and effect associated with that action". The word that would more accurately capture the law of cause and effect, would be kamma-s-saka.
1b. In the English language, people usually define or understand 'karma' as the law of cause and effect (vipaka = fruit, result from one's action).
That is, 'karma' is a natural law of Dharma that in this life time and future life time(s) (rebirth), one experiences karmic-results of one's actions that are somewhat commensurate and bears a flavor resembling one's initial action.
🔬details: comprehensive survey of sutta passages.
also see: Fortune favors the virtuous, a collection of true stories of karmic consequences and rebirth.


Rebirth is a natural law of Dharma that after physical death, unless one is an arahant, craving and ignorance leads to being reborn as a new being, in many possible realms of existence commensurate with one's accumulated karma.
Once again, Rebirth is a natural law of Dharma, like gravity, rain, and sunshine. It's not a belief or superstition.
If one has developed ☂️🌄, to the level beyond j4🌕 into 6ab ⚡☸, one can see karma and rebirth directly in past lives. Any meditator of any religion, Buddhist, Atheist, skeptic, Christian mystic, Taoist, Hindu, Essene, Catholic who has well developed samadhi can witness karma and rebirth directly for themselves.
🔬details: comprehensive survey of sutta passages.
also see: Fortune favors the virtuous, a collection of true stories of karmic consequences and rebirth.

Rebirth♾️👶, Reincarnation

Jāti = birth, but there really isn't a standard word or phrase used everywhere in the EBT. Similar to how nirvana has many words and phrases to describe the same phenomena.

Let's clear up this wrong view right away

Among modern skeptical Buddhists who don't believe or like the concept of rebirth, they use a number of ways to misrepresent the EBT. Such as, "The Buddha didn't believe rebirth, he simply accepted the cultural beliefs of his time."

Actually, it's true the Buddha didn't believe in rebirth

He didn't believe it. He knew it to be true through direct experience (see 6ab recollection of past lives, divine eye, and te-vijja (three vedas)). This is something all of the arahants, not just the Buddha, with strong samadhi witnessed for themselves. In fact it doesn't even require an arahant or even a stream enterer, or even belief in Buddhism. All it takes is strong samadhi. Plenty of yogis, past and present, Taoist, Hindu, Essene, Christian mystics, atheists, have witnessed this phenomena for themselves. It's fine if you think they're just hallucinating, but understand they're not professing belief, they're affirming that rebirth is a natural phenomena directly observable to anyone with strong enough samadhi, in the same way you don't believe in gravity, you directly experience its effects and you know it to be true.

Don't be surprised if they look at you funny

If you're skeptical about rebirth, that's totally fine. But if you want to know exactly how the Buddha regarded rebirth and karma, you should do your homework and study the EBT rather than grasping at false views and misrepresentation of EBT that supports your bias. Rebirth is so embedded throughout the suttas, you could almost open page at random and encounter it within a few pages.



Fortune favors the virtuous: a collection of true stories of karmic consequences and rebirth.
🔗archive.org collection of published rebirth stores
🔗'Truth of Rebirth And Why It Matters for Buddhist Practice', an excellent essay by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu‍ on the topic.
🔗wikipedia 'rebirth' gives decent general overview as well as discussing the difference between rebirth and reincarnation in other religions that deal in the 'soul'.
🔗misc. articles on karma and rebirth 

☸ Lucid 24.org 🐘🐾‍