4👑☸ Cattāri Ariya-saccaṃ 四聖諦
audtip recording id3 metadata
audtip.org file naming conventions
Rules applying to entire File Name
all lowercase: reason is once the repository has thousands of files, it's easy to lose track of things if there are differences such as "MN052" vs. "Mn052" vs. "mn052".
no spaces in filename: instead of spaces, use "-" single hyphen as connectors. Reason is it makes admin code/scripts harder to maintain and uglier to support spaces in filenames.
components of the file name (assembled from left to right)
{sutta abbreviation and number}-{short pali title of sutta, omitting suffix of suttam}-{Language}-{translator/Pali edition}-{Reader code}.mp3
Sutta Abbreviation and Numbering
Use the LETTER abbreviations that are found below.
Use the number found in the FIRST COLUMN in the charts at SuttaCentral.net. If there are two sets of numbers in the first column, use only the FIRST set.
Remember to use lower case and replace all spaces and periods with dashes.
NOTE: There are different rules for the ID3 Title tag.
Collection - Pali Abbreviation Example
Dīgha Nikāya dn dn01
Majjhima Nikāya mn mn001
Saṃyutta Nikāya sn sn01-001
Aṅguttara Nikāya an an01-0001
Vinaya vin
Abhidhamma abh
Abbreviation Subdivision Example
kn-khp Khuddakapāṭha
kn-dhp Dhammapada
kn-ud Udāna
kn-iti Itivuttaka
kn-snp Sutta Nipāta kn-snp1-03
kn-vv Vimānavatthu
kn-pv Petavatthu
kn-thag Theragāthā kn-thag12-0620-0631
kn-thig Therīgāthā
kn-ja Jātaka
kn-nidd Niddesa
kn-patis Paṭisambhidāmagga
kn-ap Apadāna
kn-bv Buddhavaṃsa
kn-cp Cariyāpi
pad sutta numbers with proper # of zeroes
pad sutta numbers with proper # of zeroes so that file list will sort properly in file cabinet view. Always pad to three places on the individual sutta for sn and an (e.g. sn01.001 even though there are not 100 suttas in sn01)
Use the simple numbering scheme for the suttas rather than the traditional longer roman numeral scheme.
Digha Nikaya: range dn01 to dn34
Majjhima Nikaya: range mn001 to mn152
Samyutta Nikaya: range sn01-001" to sn56-131
Anguttara Nikaya: range an01-0001" to "an11-1151
Theragāthā: range kn-thag01-0001 to kn-thag21-1279
Itivuttaka: range kn-it1-001 to kn-it4-112
(to be continued...)
Note about sutta numbering discrepancies
more than one sutta in a file (rare occurrence)
Some suttas are so short than the translator bundled several contiguous suttas into one document. Here is an example:
example: an05-0254-to-0259-macchariya-eng-than-rdrfrn.mp3
Here suttas 254 through 259 were bundled into one text document, and read/recorded that way.
The word "to" was used, rather than another hyphen to denote a continuation to prevent an ambiguous interpretation such as "an05-0254-0259" (we are already using hyphens in filenames to substitute for spaces and periods).
Pali Name of the sutta
Use the name found in the SECOND COLUMN in the charts at SuttaCentral.net. If there are two names, use only the FIRST name.
Remember to use lower case and replace all spaces and periods with dashes.
NOTE: There are different rules for the ID3 Title tag.
Special exception on rare occasions: English word following Pali
In situations such as the SN and AN where there can be hundreds or thousands of suttas in a section, it's ok to add an English word following the pali word to help distinguish important suttas. But in most cases we want to stick with pali title only.
Language Abbreviation
eng English
pli Pali
chi Chinese(Mandarin)
spa Spanish
bur Burmese
Use ISO 639-2 Code (B) from this page for other languages (add to the list above when used for the first time)
Translator/Pali Edition Abbreviation
Take translator codes from http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tech/file.html#transcodes
Pali editions will be three characters, new translator codes will be four to match those from Access to Insight. When using a translator for the first time, add code to this list.
andj |
Anandajoti Bhikkhu translator |
bodh |
Bodhi, Bhikkhu translator |
bjt |
Buddha Jayanti Tipitaka |
flipt |
FLIPT: Fast Learning Intuitive Pali Translation |
frn |
lucid24-frankk translator |
irld |
Ireland, John D. translator |
nypo |
Nyanaponika, Bhikkhu translator |
nymo |
Ñāṇamoli, Bhikkhu translator |
ntbb |
Ñāṇamoli, Bhikkhu; Bodhi, Bhikkhu translators |
than |
Thanissaro, Ajahn translator |
tanp |
Tan, Piya translator |
piya |
Piyadassi, Bhikkhu translator |
pts |
Pali Text Society |
rhyc |
Rhys Davids, C.A.F. translator |
suj |
Sujato, Bhikkhu translator |
vri |
Vipasana Research Institute (includes DPR) |
wlsh Walshe, Maurice O'Connell translator
upla Upalavanna, Sister translator
tibl Tipitaka In Burmese Language
Reader Abbreviation
Reader abbreviations shall begin with "rdr" and have an additional unique three letter code for each reader. Readers should create their own reader page at https://sites.google.com/a/audtip.org/audio-tipitaka/the-team. For material found on the internet use codes below, adding new ones when necessary. Readers wishing to remain anonymous may use rdrano.
rdrano anonymous
rdrunk unknown
rdrnya Bhikkhu Nyanananda
rdrgna Bhikkhu Kiribathgodha Gnanananda
File Name Examples
Excerpt a sutta
ID3 tag settings
Precision with the id3 tags is a great benefit to the end user as many listening devices rely on them completely. Fill out the ID3 tag fields of audio files we record by cutting and pasting appropriate text from the Notes section below. (cutting and pasting will eliminate typos)
ARTIST/ARTIST NAME: Thanissaro, Ajahn translator
TITLE/TRACK TITLE: SN 35.247 Chappanaka: The Six Animals
ALBUM TITLE: audtip.org [SN]
YEAR: 2011
GENRE: Sutta Reading
COMMENTS: (c) 1997 Thanissaro Bhikkhu. Audio recording license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ For details see audtip.org
Leave all other fields blank
ID3 "Artist"/"Artist Name" field
Last Name, First Name translator
No diacritics
Use one of the following lines exactly (with cut and paste to avoid any chance of typo). If you create a file for a new translator, include his/her name here for future recordings:
Anandajoti Bhikkhu translator
Bodhi, Bhikkhu translator
FLIPT: Fast Learning Intuitive Pali Translation
Ireland, John D. translator
lucid24-frankk translator
Ñāṇamoli, Bhikkhu translator
Ñāṇamoli, Bhikkhu; Bodhi, Bhikkhu translators
Nyanaponika, Bhikkhu translator
Piyadassi, Bhikkhu translator
Rhys Davids, C.A.F. translator
Sujato, Bhikkhu translator
Tan, Piya translator
Thanissaro, Ajahn translator
Uppalavanna, Sister translator
Walshe, Maurice O'Connell translator
For: Use:
All digital Burmese Sixth Council versions(including DPR) Vipasana Research Institute
All Sri Lankan Digital versions(including what is on Accesstoinsight.org) Sri Lanka Tripitaka Project
For print BJT Buddha Jayanti Tipitaka
For Burmese:
Tipitaka In Burmese Language
ID3 "Album Title" field
Use one of the following (note leading zeros):
audtip.org [DN]
audtip.org [MN]
audtip.org [SN]
audtip.org [AN]
audtip.org [KN]
audtip.org [Vin]
audtip.org [Abh]
ID3 "Genre" field
The only text that may go in this field is:
Sutta Reading
Sutta Chanting
Sutta Singing
Sutta Text And Translation
ID3 "Title"/"Track Title" field
The format is the standard capitalized letter abbreviation, followed by a space, followed by the number of the sutta with leading zeros,followed by a space,
followed by the name of the sutta in Pali, followed by a space followed by the title in the language of the translation read followed by optional language and style codes.
ID3 title tag will always begin with Sutta Central man citation.
If the translation uses a different citation, the number component goes in [square brackets] with no leading zeros.
e.g. KN Thag 04.0295-0298 [4.8] Rahula: To Rahula
If the translation text gives a Pali title, that can be used in the title tag instead of the one on Sutta Central.
If the translation does not give a Pali title, use the one from Sutta Central
The translated title should be the one given by the translator for this specific translation.
Use the abbreviations below, noting spacing and use of periods. NOTE: This is a very different style from file names
Collection - Pali Abbreviation Example
Dīgha Nikāya DN DN 01
Majjhima Nikāya MN MN 001
Saṃyutta Nikāya SN SN 01.001
Aṅguttara Nikāya AN AN 01.0001
Vinaya Vn
Abhidhamma Abh
Abbreviation Subdivision Examples
KN Khp Khuddakapāṭha
KN Dhp Dhammapada
KN Ud Udāna
KN Iti Itivuttaka
KN Snp Sutta Nipāta
KN Vv Vimānavatthu
KN Pv Petavatthu
KN Thag Theragāthā KN Thag 01.001-005
KN Thig Therīgāthā
KN Ja Jātaka
KN Nidd Niddesa
KN Patis Paṭisambhidāmagga
KN Ap Apadāna
KN Bv Buddhavaṃsa
KN Cp Cariyāpi
Sutta Excerpts
If the recording is an excerpt, put a small letter x after the final character of the citation. e.g.:
KN Khp 9x Metta: Loving Kindness
Note about sutta numbering discrepancies
Diacritics for Pali title is optional. Not using it makes it easier to find search strings with iTunes. One suggestion is use diacritics if the sutta is spoken in Pali, no diacritics otherwise.
If the spoken language is not Pali or English
If the spoken language is not Pali or English, use a 3 letter language code of the spoken language from the file name standards page and embed the 3 letters within parenthesis ( ) at the end of the line.
If the reading is a translation in any language
enter a colon, a space, then
enter the title of the sutta in the spoken language
If the sutta reading is done as a chant,
add a space, then (chant)
Probably you could skip all the complex description above and just study the examples below to figure out what's going on.
KN Khp 9 Metta
would be the title of a pali reading
KN Khp 9 Metta (chant)
would be the title of a pali chant
KN Khp 9 Metta: Loving Kindness
would be an english reading
KN Khp 9 Metta: Loving Kindness (chant)
would be an English chanting
examples of other languages
(ignore bad translation term for metta, this is just to illustrate technique)
KN Khp 9 Metta: Amor (spa)
would be an Spanish reading
KN Khp 9 Metta: Amore (ita)
would be an Italian reading
KN Khp 9 Metta: Amore (ita, chant)
would be an Italian chant
KN Khp 9 Metta: 愛 (chi)
would be a chinese reading
KN Khp 9 Metta: 愛 (jpn)
would be a Japanese reading
Note the Chinese and Japanese share many of the same characters so without the (chi) and (jpn) to differentiate, we wouldn't know.
If the reader is famous or there are many identical readings
The name of the reader can be included in parentheses at the very end if they are famous (or the translator) or if there are many versions of a sutta already recorded. In the second case, the standard reader code should be used.
ID3 "Year" field
The year the recording was made, four digits. e.g. 2011
ID3 "comment" field
For more info on Copyright, see Copyright Page
Example if translator is Thanissaro
cut and paste this block of text (between divider lines) into the ID3 comment field.
(c) 1997 Thanissaro Bhikkhu. Audio recording license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ For details see audtip.org The year will vary for each sutta text, so adjust accordingly.
updated 2018/august
archivedir=[https://archive.org/download/directory-with-audio]. creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
The creative commons part specifies the type of copyright.
The archivedir info inside the square brackets [] contain the http address of the directory that the audio file is located in.
this page explains how an MC creates an archive.org page corresponding to the year, month, volume specified by that tag
Notes here on failed id3 tag "comments"
Useful tool for editing ID3 tags
this program recommended by a member
ID3 templates
These templates can be a great time saver.
For audacity: (nice xml format, readable in browser) id3 templates audacity
unfortunately copying these audacity templates to the right place is a little tricky, because the appdata directory is not easily accessible. What might work is you copy the templates from this website into a local temp directory, then when running audacity, open the metadata editor, load a template, which will bring up a file requestor dialogue box. You should then be able to drag and drop the downloaded templates into that dir, and have it visible to audacity to be a loadable template.