hirīmā hoti, |
(has) [a sense of moral] shame. |
hirīyati |
(He) feels-shame [at the thought of engaging in] |
kāya-du-c-caritena |
bodily-mis-conduct, |
vacī-du-c-caritena |
verbal-mis-conduct, |
mano-du-c-caritena, |
mental-mis-conduct. |
hirīyati pāpakānaṃ |
(He) feels-shame {at falling into} evil, |
a-kusalānaṃ dhammānaṃ |
un-skillful ☸Dharmas. |
samāpattiyā. |
{***********} |
ottappī hoti, |
(has) [a sense of moral] fear-&-dread. |
ottappati |
(he) fears-&-dreads [the suffering that would result from] |
kāya-du-c-caritena |
bodily-mis-conduct, |
vacī-du-c-caritena |
verbal-mis-conduct, |
mano-du-c-caritena, |
mental-mis-conduct. |
ottappati pāpakānaṃ |
(He) fears-&-dreads {falling into} evil, |
a-kusalānaṃ dhammānaṃ |
un-skillful ☸Dharmas. |
samāpattiyā. |
{***********} |