4👑☸ Cattāri Ariya-saccaṃ 四聖諦

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STED kamma-s-saka: It’s Karma, sucka!

STED formula

'actions; -(I am the) owner (of them),
actions; -(I am the) heir (to them),
actions; -(are the)-womb, [place of birth]
actions; -(are my)-relatives,
actions; -(are my)-shelter.
yaṃ kammaṃ karissāmi
Whatever actions (I) do,
kalyāṇaṃ vā pāpakaṃ vā
good (or) evil **,
tassa dāyādo bhavissāmī’ti
(to) that, heir (to it I) will-become.

all the sutta passages matching kamma-s-saka

AN 5.57 part of 5 recollections
AN 5.161 part of upekkha as brahmavihāra, as way to rid oneself of resentment
AN 10.48 part of 10 recollections
AN 10.216 karma of evil creeps (hell, animal realm)
MN 135 one of two MN suttas on Kamma analysis

AN 5.57 five frequent recollections

“Pañcimāni, bhikkhave, ṭhānāni abhiṇhaṃ paccavekkhitabbāni itthiyā vā purisena vā gahaṭṭhena vā pabbajitena vā.
“monks, a woman or a man, a layperson or a renunciate should often reflect on these five subjects.
Katamāni pañca?
What five?
‘Jarā-dhammomhi, jaraṃ anatīto’ti abhiṇhaṃ paccavekkhitabbaṃ itthiyā vā purisena vā gahaṭṭhena vā pabbajitena vā.
‘I am liable to grow old, I am not exempt from old age.’ A woman or a man, a layperson or a renunciate should often reflect on this.
‘Byādhi-dhammomhi, byādhiṃ anatīto’ti abhiṇhaṃ paccavekkhitabbaṃ itthiyā vā purisena vā gahaṭṭhena vā pabbajitena vā.
‘I am liable to get sick, I am not exempt from sickness.’ …
‘Maraṇa-dhammomhi, maraṇaṃ anatīto’ti abhiṇhaṃ paccavekkhitabbaṃ itthiyā vā purisena vā gahaṭṭhena vā pabbajitena vā.
‘I am liable to die, I am not exempt from death.’ …
‘Sabbehi me piyehi manāpehi nānābhāvo vinābhāvo’ti abhiṇhaṃ paccavekkhitabbaṃ itthiyā vā purisena vā gahaṭṭhena vā pabbajitena vā.
‘I must be parted and separated from all I hold dear and beloved.’ …
‘Kammassakomhi, kammadāyādo kammayoni kammabandhu kammapaṭisaraṇo.
‘I am the owner of my deeds and heir to my deeds. Deeds are my womb, my relative, and my refuge.

AN 5.161 one of 5 ways to get rid of resentment

Yasmiṃ, bhikkhave, puggale āghāto jāyetha, karuṇā tasmiṃ puggale bhāvetabbā;
You should develop compassion for a person you resent. …
evaṃ tasmiṃ puggale āghāto paṭivinetabbo.
Yasmiṃ, bhikkhave, puggale āghāto jāyetha, upekkhā tasmiṃ puggale bhāvetabbā;
You should develop equanimity for a person you resent. …
evaṃ tasmiṃ puggale āghāto paṭivinetabbo.
Yasmiṃ, bhikkhave, puggale āghāto jāyetha, asatiamanasikāro tasmiṃ puggale āpajjitabbo;
You should disregard a person you resent, paying no attention to them. …
evaṃ tasmiṃ puggale āghāto paṭivinetabbo.
Yasmiṃ, bhikkhave, puggale āghāto jāyetha, kammassakatā tasmiṃ puggale adhiṭṭhātabbā:
You should apply the concept that we are the owners of our deeds to that person:
‘kammassako ayamāyasmā kammadāyādo kammayoni kammabandhu kammapaṭisaraṇo,
‘This venerable is the owner of their deeds and heir to their deeds. Deeds are their womb, their relative, and their refuge.
yaṃ kammaṃ karissati kalyāṇaṃ vā pāpakaṃ vā tassa dāyādo bhavissatī’ti;
They shall be the heir of whatever deeds they do, whether good or bad.’
evaṃ tasmiṃ puggale āghāto paṭivinetabbo.
That’s how to get rid of resentment for that person.

AN 10.48 as one of 10 frequent recollections

AN 10.48 go

AN 10.216 karma that leads to rebirth as bug, animal, hell

“Katamo ca, bhikkhave, saṃsappanīyapariyāyo dhammapariyāyo?
“What is the exposition of the teaching on creepy creatures?
Kammassakā, bhikkhave, sattā kammadāyādā kammayonī kammabandhū kammapaṭisaraṇā, yaṃ kammaṃ karonti—
Sentient beings are the owners of their deeds and heir to their deeds. Deeds are their womb, their relative, and their refuge.
kalyāṇaṃ vā pāpakaṃ vā—tassa dāyādā bhavanti.
They shall be the heir of whatever deeds they do, whether good or bad.
Idha, bhikkhave, ekacco pāṇātipātī hoti luddo lohitapāṇi hatapahate niviṭṭho, adayāpanno sabbapāṇabhūtesu.
Take a certain person who kills living creatures. They’re violent, bloody-handed, a hardened killer, merciless to living beings.
So saṃsappati kāyena, saṃsappati vācāya, saṃsappati manasā.
They’re creepy in body, speech, and mind.
Tassa jimhaṃ kāyakammaṃ hoti, jimhaṃ vacīkammaṃ, jimhaṃ manokammaṃ, jimhā gati, jimhupapatti.
Doing crooked deeds by way of body, speech, and mind, their destiny and rebirth is crooked.
Jimhagatikassa kho panāhaṃ, bhikkhave, jimhupapattikassa dvinnaṃ gatīnaṃ aññataraṃ gatiṃ vadāmi—
Someone whose destiny and rebirth is crooked is reborn in one of two places, I say:
ye vā ekantadukkhā nirayā yā vā saṃsappajātikā tiracchānayoni.
in an exclusively painful hell, or among the species of creepy animals.
Katamā ca sā, bhikkhave, saṃsappajātikā tiracchānayoni?
And what are the species of creepy animals?
Ahi vicchikā satapadī nakulā biḷārā mūsikā ulūkā, ye vā panaññepi keci tiracchānayonikā sattā manusse disvā saṃsappanti.
Snakes, scorpions, centipedes, mongooses, cats, mice, owls, or whatever other species of animal that creep away when they see humans.
Iti kho, bhikkhave, bhūtā bhūtassa upapatti hoti.
This is how a being is born from a being.
Yaṃ karoti tena upapajjati.
For your deeds determine your rebirth,
Upapannamenaṃ phassā phusanti.
and when you’re reborn contacts affect you.

KN references (no english)

KN Ja 2, 22. mahānipāto, 545. mahānāradakassapajātakaṃ (8) (KN 15.545), para. 415 ⇒

asaṃsayaṃ tehi pure suciṇṇaṃ, kammassakāse puthu sabbasattā.

KN Nidd I, 9. māgaṇḍiyasuttaniddeso, para. 52 ⇒

adiṭṭhiyā assutiyā añāṇā, asīlatā abbatā nopi tenāti. diṭṭhipi icchitabbā. dasavatthukā sammādiṭṭhi — atthi dinnaṃ, atthi yiṭṭhaṃ, atthi hutaṃ, atthi sukatadukkaṭānaṃ kammānaṃ phalaṃ vipāko, atthi ayaṃ loko, atthi paro loko, atthi mātā, atthi pitā, atthi sattā opapātikā, atthi loke samaṇabrāhmaṇā sammaggatā sammāpaṭipannā ye imañca lokaṃ parañca lokaṃ sayaṃ abhiññā sacchikatvā pavedentīti; savanampi icchitabbaṃ — parato ghoso, suttaṃ, geyyaṃ, veyyākaraṇaṃ, gāthā, udānaṃ, itivuttakaṃ, jātakaṃ, abbhutadhammaṃ, vedallaṃ; ñāṇampi icchitabbaṃ — kammassakatañāṇaṃ, saccānulomikañāṇaṃ, abhiññāñāṇaṃ, samāpattiñāṇaṃ; sīlampi icchitabbaṃ — pātimokkhasaṃvaro; vatampi icchitabbaṃ — aṭṭha dhutaṅgāni — āraññikaṅgaṃ, piṇḍapātikaṅgaṃ, paṃsukūlikaṅgaṃ, tecīvarikaṅga, sapadānacārikaṅgaṃ, khalupacchābhattikaṅgaṃ, nesajjikaṅgaṃ, yathāsanthatikaṅganti.

KN Paṭis, 3. paññāvaggo, 3. abhisamayakathā, para. 7 ⇒

tena hi kammassakatacittena ca ñāṇena ca abhisameti? na kammassakatacittena ca ñāṇena ca abhisameti.

KN Mil, 2-3. milindapañho, 4. nibbānavaggo, 4. kammanānākaraṇapañho, para. 2 ⇒

thero āha “kissa pana, mahārāja, rukkhā na sabbe samakā, aññe ambilā, aññe lavaṇā, aññe tittakā, aññe kaṭukā, aññe kasāvā, aññe madhurā”ti? “maññāmi, bhante, bījānaṃ nānākaraṇenā”ti. “evameva kho, mahārāja, kammānaṃ nānākaraṇena manussā na sabbe samakā, aññe appāyukā, aññe dīghāyukā, aññe bahvābādhā, aññe appābādhā, aññe dubbaṇṇā, aññe vaṇṇavanto, aññe appesakkhā, aññe mahesakkhā, aññe appabhogā, aññe mahābhogā, aññe nīcakulīnā, aññe mahākulīnā, aññe duppaññā, aññe paññavanto. bhāsitampetaṃ mahārāja bhagavatā — ‘kammassakā, māṇava, sattā kammadāyādā kammayonī kammabandhū kammappaṭisaraṇā, kammaṃ satte vibhajati yadidaṃ hīnappaṇītatāyā’”ti.

KN Nett, 4. paṭiniddesavāro, 2. vicayahārasampāto, para. 25 ⇒

sabbe sattāti ariyā ca anariyā ca sakkāyapariyāpannā ca sakkāyavītivattā ca. marissantīti dvīhi maraṇehi dandhamaraṇena ca adandhamaraṇena ca, sakkāyapariyāpannānaṃ adandhamaraṇaṃ sakkāyavītivattānaṃ dandhamaraṇaṃ. maraṇantaṃ hi jīvitanti khayā āyussa indriyānaṃ uparodhā jīvitapariyanto maraṇapariyanto. yathākammaṃ gamissantīti kammassakatā. puññapāpaphalūpagāti kammānaṃ phaladassāvitā ca avippavāso ca.

MN 135 karmic causes for lifespan, health, beauty, intelligence

MN 135 go

“Ko nu kho, bho gotama, hetu ko paccayo yena manussānaṃyeva sataṃ manussabhūtānaṃ dissanti hīnappaṇītatā?
“What is the cause, Master Gotama, what is the reason why even among those who are human beings some are seen to be inferior and superior?
Dissanti hi, bho gotama, manussā appāyukā, dissanti dīghāyukā;
For people are seen who are short-lived and long-lived,
dissanti bavhābādhā, dissanti appābādhā;
sickly and healthy,
dissanti dubbaṇṇā, dissanti vaṇṇavanto;
ugly and beautiful,
dissanti appesakkhā, dissanti mahesakkhā;
insignificant and illustrious,
dissanti appabhogā, dissanti mahābhogā;
poor and rich,
dissanti nīcakulīnā, dissanti uccākulīnā;
from low and eminent families,
dissanti duppaññā, dissanti paññavanto.
witless and wise.
Ko nu kho, bho gotama, hetu ko paccayo yena manussānaṃyeva sataṃ manussabhūtānaṃ dissanti hīnappaṇītatā”ti?
What is the reason why even among those who are human beings some are seen to be inferior and superior?”
“Kammassakā, māṇava, sattā kammadāyādā kammayonī kammabandhū kammappaṭisaraṇā.
“Student, sentient beings are the owners of their deeds and heir to their deeds. Deeds are their womb, their relative, and their refuge.
Kammaṃ satte vibhajati yadidaṃ—
It is deeds that divide beings into
inferior and superior.”

☸ Lucid 24.org 🐘🐾‍