Perhaps the most important piece of all 8, knowing how to adapt, borrow, utilize any movement, from any healing modality, in a spontaneous, impromptu way, to fix any health deficiency you have.
a. it aint what you do, it’s how you do it
b. taiji pull ups, complete relaxation between reps, 9 per day, even just hanging in there releases spine
c. taiji pushups – complete relaxation between reps, modulate wrist orienation, arm distance, breath, etc.
d. 4x4 walking
e. jump rope
f. squat, standing back bend, forward bend, body+neck circles, 2 arm side bend, effectivley compact sun salutation
g. corkscrew squat, single leg armswing. option: treehugger arm swing (for faster rpm)
h. the cat and the scat safe squat: takes body weight off your knees
Using eightfold gorilla path as fundamental structure as a starting point, then dance around the structure like a spontaneous, impromptu jazz improv as needed to fix and optimize physical health.
shake and bake: diguju breath, ujum kaya, j2, j1 sutta recitation
tap and slap: accupressure points, behind knees,elbow crease, releases black bruises, itchy toxins
jiggle and wiggle: jazz hands, light bulb twisting, larry curly moe
flip and flop: inversions and backbends
swing it brother swing:
shake, rattle, and roll: