4👑☸ Cattāri Ariya-saccaṃ 四聖諦

4👑☸EBpedia📚 🌟PIE    🔗📝   🔝
pic for PIE 
POJ 2 -🌟PIE = (P)recious (I)nternal (E)nergy
    POJ 2.1 - Immortal PIE verse to help remember
    POJ 2.2 - 🌟PIE energy channels are not imaginary
    POJ 2.3 - exercise and vitamins
    POJ 2.4 - There are 2 keys to baking nutritious PIE.
        POJ 2.4.1 - Brahmacariya = 🚫💑
        POJ 2.4.2 - 👑😶 Noble Silence
        POJ 2.4.3 - the wise realize if you leak, you’ll be weak
    POJ 2.5 - why is PIE so easy to lose?
    POJ 2.6 - weak link in the chain principle

🌟PIE = (P)recious (I)nternal (E)nergy

As you charge the jhāna battery, you accumulate more PIE.
PIE can be expressed as jhāna force driving currents of energy.

☸ Lucid 24.org 🐘🐾‍