POJ 1 - introduction POJ 2 -🌟PIE = (P)recious (I)nternal (E)nergy POJ 2.1 - Immortal PIE verse to help remember POJ 2.2 - 🌟PIE energy channels are not imaginary POJ 2.3 - exercise and vitamins POJ 2.4 - There are 2 keys to baking nutritious PIE. POJ 2.4.1 - Brahmacariya = 🚫💑 POJ 2.4.2 - 👑😶 Noble Silence POJ 2.4.3 - the wise realize if you leak, you’ll be weak POJ 2.5 - why is PIE so easy to lose? POJ 2.6 - weak link in the chain principle POJ 3 - Jhāna force equation POJ 3.1 - ’Jhāna force’ means POJ 3.2 - jhānic equilibrium POJ 3.3 – everyone has jhāna force POJ 4 - applied jhāna physics POJ 4.1 - jhānic impotence POJ 4.2 - use the force POJ 4.3 - jhāna constipation POJ 4.4 - jhānic omnipotence
The Physics of Jhāna
from Jhānic impotence, to Jhānic Omnipotence
1 - introduction
1.1 how does this relate to EBT ?
This whole book is basically just a more technical way to express the passaddhi awakening factor 5🌊 .
2 -🌟PIE = (P)recious (I)nternal (E)nergy
But EBT doesn’t talk about PIE and charging Jhāna Batteries
Not explicitly, but that’s what’s going on when you follow the Buddha’s path with complete commitment.
8 precepts, celibacy, etc.
The famous jhāna similes of AN 5.28,
when you progress through 4 jhānas, PIE accumulates, becomes more refined and powerful.
All I’m doing is assigning some variables,
and quantifying the mathematical relationships in the jhāna force equation.
See: jhāna force, and equation for details.
As you charge the jhāna battery, you accumulate more PIE.
PIE can be expressed as jhāna force driving currents of energy.
Issuing force, or heat, or other kinds of subtle energy depletes the PIE in your jhāna battery.
Talking, thinking, all require jhānic force, and deplete your store of PIE.
In a happy coincidence for my PIE acronym,
the cook in SN 47.8 is describing the process of “baking” PIE.
That is, learning what activities will bake delicious PIE and what activities will harm the PIE.
2.1 - Immortal PIE verse to help remember
sati memory aids: SN 47.8 and a classic song from the 1950’s, “Shoo Fly Pie and Apple Pan Dowdy “
Mama! When you bake,
Mama! I don't want cake;
Mama! For my sake
Go to the oven and make some ever lovin'
immortal 🌟PIE with celibate body
Makes your eyes light up,
Your dan tien say "Howdy."
immortal 🌟PIE with celibate body
I never get enough of that wonderful stuff!
In taoism, they talk about jing, qi, shen.
PIE is my way of describing that internal alchemy.
If you meditate correctly, full 5🌊 pacification/relaxation of body and mind,
mind free of extraneous thinking, what you're doing is baking PIE.
The more you meditate, the better the 🌟PIE tastes,
the more massive and powerful the energy running through the network of interconnected loops in the body.
2.2 - 🌟PIE energy channels are not imaginary
🌟PIE energy running through the energy channel loops in the body is not imaginary.
It's a tangible force that throbs through every cell in your body.
At different stages, depending on how coarse the energy is,
it can feel like flashes of heat, electricity,
a feeling like you're sitting in a hot tub and the powerful jets of water are going up your spine,
around your head, down your chest and back to the tailbone.
At times, your belly feels and sounds like a bee hive throbbing with magnetic gooey energy.
It can feel like you're a water balloon that's expanding.
At a higher stage, it feels like just an air balloon expanding.
At a higher stage, then the PIE manisfests as an abundance of visible light,
that grows in size and intensity/brightness the longer and more nurturing you bake the PIE with.
The body starts to feel empty.
2.3 - exercise and vitamins
When you're working with circulating massive amounts of 🌟PIE in the body/mind,
it requires a definite commitment and lifestyle change.
Besides all the common sense good advice, such as eat healthy,
take vitamins regularly as a hedge and insurance,
get enough sleep,
exercise at least 60-120min a day with at least 30min of decent cardio with elevated heart and full/deep breathing,
there is one thing of special importance that most people don't believe,
don't want to believe, but is of crucial importance.
2.4 - There are 2 keys to baking nutritious PIE.
Brahmacariya and 👑😶 Noble Silence
2.4.1 - Brahmacariya = 🚫💑
(1) Brahmacariya = 🚫💑 Zero tolerance for any thought of lust
Brahmacariya. Celibacy. Abstinence from sexual intercourse and masturbation is just the starting point.
Genuine Brahmacariya means the mind all the time,
24/7 must be vigilant guarding and wiping out any thoughts of lust immediately.
Once you become skilled in meditation, you'll understand why.
Even just a split second of strong lust in the mind,
you can feel a massive amount of PIE energy churning and humming in the body.
This PIE can not be recycled,
contrary to what Taoist and Tantric charlatans claim regarding bringing up the energy up the spine and recycling it.
This is wishful thinking, and has led many people to a premature death and massive health problems.
For people who aren't celibate, for practitioners who do taiji (Tai Chi) quan seriously,
the grandmasters have given advice such as this these:
* If you plan to have sex, for 3 days before, and 2 days after, don't do any qigong or meditation.
* If you plan to have sex, no meditation/qigong 24 hours before or after
* If you plan to have sex, no meditation/qigong for an hour before, or an hour after
2.4.2 - 👑😶 Noble Silence
The 2 keys to PIE are Brahmacariya and 👑😶 Noble Silence
(2) 👑😶 Noble Silence = second jhana = 🚫(V&V💭) No-directed-Thought, no-evaluation.
This doesn't mean you're in a frozen trance, your mind still has S&S🐘💭:
👁 upekkhako ca viharati
👁 Equanimously-observing ** (he) dwells,
(S&S🐘💭) sato ca sam-pajāno,
( S&S🐘💭) (he is a) Rememberer, (a) lucid-discerner.
2.4.3 - the wise realize if you leak, you’ll be weak
The more advanced your meditation is, the more you realize brahmacariya/celibacy is the only way to go.
The type of advice given above, you'll find out very quickly why that's there.
And even if you do follow it, someone who is an advanced meditator will feel like they're having a terrible hangover or worse, for 12-24 hours or longer.
Eventually the wise realize if you're going to go down this path that leads to the deathless,
the immortal PIE, brahmacariya/celibacy is not optional, it's the only way.
2.5 - why is PIE so easy to lose?
Here's an analogy.
Say a regular person, who doesn't meditate much, has a credit card with a 500$ limit.
So no matter how reckless they are, at most, in one session, they can only lose 500$ of PIE.
The more you meditate, the more PIE you bake,
the stronger the energy gets,
the channels getting more open leads to exponential growth of PIE.
So that credit card, instead of a 500$ limit,
now has a much higher credit limit,
and has the potential to lose 10,000$, 50k$, even 100k$ of PIE quickly in a few days or even in one session.
So take a normal person, who doesn't meditate, works 40 hours a week,
30 years old, has sex twice a week.
After he has sex, he needs more sleep and more food than usual,
but since his norm is maybe sleeping 8 hours a day,
he doesn't really notice the effect of sex.
Now let's take one of the cases of the meditators living the normal lifestyle as above,
but starts meditating seriously, 1-2 hours a day minimum, correctly,
and feels great improvement in health, mental clarity, etc.
For a while.
But later, they start getting various health problems as described in the linked article.
Migraines, anxiety attacks, depression, panic attacks, etc.
There are other potential causes, but odds are their increased meditative power is destroying much more PIE than they were able to sustain formerly, on a twice a week sex schedule.
2.6 - weak link in the chain principle
The weak link in the chain takes down the whole chain
your body is a network of interconnected loops of energy.
Not just the physical stuff like blood, lymph, etc,
but non physical energy circulating that's invisible to the naked eye.
If you can meditate correctly, noble silence of second jhāna, or even first jhana,
you'll feel these currents and loops of energy, kinaesthetically,
as heat, electricity, force, visible light.
At various stages when your batter(y) is not fully charged,
you'll feel bliss or comfort,
that can range anywhere from something like getting a high quality massage when your body is sore,
to feeling like your whole body, every cell in your body is experiencing an orgasm.
This can last hours, if you keep 8 precepts and brahmacariya well.
But blissful side effects only happen when your batter(y) is not fully charged,
just like food only tastes good when you're really hungry.
Pleasure chemicals in your brain are doled out to induce you to follow biological imperatives.
Once your battery is charged, it ceases to dish out the pleasure chemical inducements,
or can even issue signals of pain, for example if you overeat.
Baking PIE to feed the Dragon (7 awakening factors)
Newly ordained, living in celibacy to charge the jhāna battery
developing competency in the first 2 jhānas.
Doing jhāna, maintaining partial jhāna 24/7, all activities and postures, all four jhānas are familiar territory, dragons are becoming strong, rambunctious teenagers.
4 jhānas and 7 awakening factors at full strength
IBZ for life, nirvana or bust
3 - Jhāna force equation
POJ 3 - Jhāna force equation POJ 3.1 - ’Jhāna force’ means POJ 3.2 - jhānic equilibrium POJ 3.3 – everyone has jhāna force
3.1 - ’Jhāna force’ means
First, note that this term is not used in the suttas, but it’s implied, and can be pieced together from the suttas on the underlying workings of jhāna.
'Jhāna force’ refers to the unmistakable forces that push currents of energy (heat, energy, luminosity, hydraulic stuff, electrical vibrations, etc.) through all the cells of the body whenever one is in the four jhānas, or even just partial jhāna while doing various activities in all postures throughout the day. These are tactile sensations (vedana) that are tangible, real, not imaginary or fabricated visualizations. Important to note that Jhāna in EBT one is lucid, aware of the body, not in in formless frozen stupor as LBT redefines jhāna.
More details on force and ‘jhāna constipation’ under category of ‘passaddhi’
See 5🌊 (pacification awakening factor) for details.
The Jhāna passaddhi 'force' equation
Loaded zen: Baking 🌟PIE, getting rich by maximizing the zen coefficient every moment
PIE = ∫ zen × zc × activity × ac
from t = 0 (time of birth) to t = time of death
zen [1,4] = first jhana to fourth jhana, your baseline samadhi skill level, i.e. when you flip the switch which zen are you typically in. Ordinary person below zen 1, let's call 0.5.
-∞️ negative activity based on 5niv hindrances mostly kāma sensuality based that drain exorbitant amounts of vital internal energy.
ac = activity coefficient = force × current × pacification ÷ tension
tension [0,+∞️]: you can see from equation having zero tension will make your activity coefficient an infinite number, while having maximum tension will drag your ac score to zero, and your moment to moment PIE yield to zero.
Problems with this equation:
1. Many of the variables are not independent
2. There really should be exponential growth expressed somewhere
simile: golden goose always with you. The higher your zen coefficient and activity coefficient, the bigger the golden egg he lays, every minute. Golden egg filled with PIE.
3.2 - jhānic equilibrium
The jhāna force is always trying to balance the 4 elements in the body (solidity, heat, fluidity, wind/force).
When the the 4 elements are in balance, this is jhānic equilibrium.
When it’s out of balance, it’s easy for the body to get ill.
When it’s in balance, you have good health.
An example, look at old people, why are they wrinkled,
extremities get cold easily?
Because jhānic force has weakened, doesn’t push the water element out to the hands, feet, face, the entire skin on whole body is also an extremity.
Without the right balance of water, the extremities are dominated by heat and it gets dried and wrinkled.
Also you see older people have weird body shapes, beer belly, etc.
Weaker jhānic force, doesn’t distribute water and all the energy around the body evenly.
3.3 – everyone has jhāna force
everyone has jhāna force, even people who don’t meditate at all.
Without jhānic force, and PIE, you would be dead.
Where do normal non meditators replenish their PIE and jhāna force?
From sleeping, eating.
As their energy builds up, they channel that energy through the ordinary ways.
Sexual activity.
As puberty and raging hormones take over,
You ever see how energetic, hyper kinetic middle school kids are?
They’re literally running around classrooms, chasing each other, yelling, screaming.
Then a few years later in high school, they’re a lot more mellow because they’re having sex, masturbating, etc.
Ordinary people dissipate their PIE and weaken their jhānic force greatly, regularly.
Young people many times a week, even several times a day, less as they get older, but even very old people may have too little PIE and jhānic force to actually have sex, but they can still be just as lustful as a teenager.
People who learn how to jhāna properly, remain celibate and noble silence as much as possible,
the jhānic force increases, PIE increases, that circulates in stronger and stronger currents in loops around the body,
clearing blockages, and is experienced just as the jhāna similes describe.
4 - applied jhāna physics
4.1 - jhānic impotence
4.2 - use the force
4.2.2 J.A.S.I. ('Jazzy') effect: ”Jhānic Automatic Spinal Inflation”
this is what you feel when the jhāna force is propogating through the space of the entire physical body.