(derived from BDK 2020) | |
我聞如是: |
Thus have I heard. |
一時,佛遊鞞舍離,在獼猴江邊 高樓臺觀。 |
At one time the Buddha was staying at Vesālī, in the Gabled Hall beside the Monkey Pond. |
此諸名德、長老上尊、大弟子等,謂 遮羅、優簸遮羅、賢善、賢患、無患、耶舍上稱, 如是 此 諸名德、長老上尊、大弟子等,亦遊鞞 舍離獼猴江邊高樓臺觀,並皆近佛葉屋邊 住。 |
Well-known virtuous senior elders, great disciples, such as Cāla, Upacāla, Bhadda, Ariṭṭha, Upariṭṭha, and Yasa the supremely praised, such well-known virtuous senior elders, and great disciples were also staying at Vesālī in the Gabled Hall beside the Monkey Pond. They were all residing near the Buddha, next to his leaf hut. |
諸鞞舍離麗掣聞世尊遊鞞舍離獼猴 江邊高樓臺觀,便作是念: |
The Licchavis of Vesālī heard that the World-honored One was staying at Vesālī in the Gabled Hall beside the Monkey Pond. They thought, |
「我等寧可作大 如意足,作王威德,高聲唱傳,出鞞舍離,往 詣佛所供養禮事。」 |
“Let us, with our great power and royal might, loudly singing, go out of Vesālī and approach the Buddha to pay homage.” |
時,諸名德、長老上尊、大弟 子等,聞諸鞞舍離麗掣作大如意足,作王 威德,高聲唱傳,出鞞舍離,來詣佛所供養 禮事,便作是念: |
Then the well-known virtuous senior elders, the great disciples, heard that the Licchavis of Vesālī, with their great power and royal might, and loudly singing, were coming out of Vesālī to approach the Buddha and pay homage. They thought, |
「禪以聲為刺,世尊亦 說禪以聲為刺,我等寧可往詣牛角娑羅 林,在彼無亂,遠離獨住,閑居靜處,宴坐思 惟。」 |
“Noise is a thorn to jhāna. The World-honored One has declared that noise is a thorn to jhāna. Let us instead go to Gosiṅga Grove. Staying there we will not be disturbed, and will stay secluded and alone to sit in meditation.” |
於是,諸名德、長老上尊、大弟子等,往詣 牛角娑羅林,在彼無亂,遠離獨住,閑居靜處, 宴坐思惟。 |
The well-known virtuous senior elders, the great disciples, went to Gosiṅga Grove. There, undisturbed, they stayed secluded and alone to sit in meditation. |
爾時,眾多鞞舍離麗掣作大如意 足,作王威德,高聲唱傳,出鞞舍離,往詣佛 所供養禮事。 |
At that time the Licchavis of Vesālī, with their great power and royal might, loudly singing, went out of Vesālī and approached the Buddha to pay homage. |
或有鞞舍離麗掣,稽首佛足, 却坐一面,或有與佛共相問訊,却坐一面, 或有叉手向佛,却坐一面,或有遙見佛已, 默然而坐。 |
Some of the Licchavis of Vesālī paid homage with their heads at the Buddha’s feet, stepped back, and sat to one side; some exchanged greetings with the Buddha, stepped back, and sat to one side; some extended their hands with palms joined toward the Buddha, stepped back, and sat to one side; and some, seeing the Buddha from afar, remained silent and sat down. |
彼時,眾多鞞舍離麗掣各坐已定, 世尊為彼說法,勸發渴仰,成就歡喜,無量 方便為彼說法,勸發渴仰,成就歡喜已,默然 而住。 |
Then, when the multitude of Licchavis from Vesālī had all settled down, the World-honored One taught them the Dharma. He exhorted and inspired them, fully delighting them, teaching the Dharma with countless skillful means. Having exhorted and inspired them, and fully delighted them, he became silent. |
於是,眾多鞞舍離麗掣,世尊為彼說 法,勸發渴仰,成就歡喜已,即從坐起,稽首 佛足,繞三匝而去。 |
Then the multitude of Licchavis from Vesālī, having been taught the Dharma by the World-honored One, having been exhorted, inspired, and fully delighted, rose from their seats, paid homage with their heads at the Buddha’s feet, circumambulated him three times, and left. |
鞞舍離麗掣去後不久。 |
Soon after the Licchavis from Vesālī had left, |
於是,世尊問諸比丘: |
the World-honored One asked the monks, |
「諸長老上尊、大弟子等 為至何許?」 |
“Where have the senior elders, the great disciples, gone?” |
諸比丘白曰: |
The monks replied: |
「世尊!諸長老上尊、 大弟子等,聞諸鞞舍離麗掣作大如意足, 作王威德,高聲唱傳,出鞞舍離,來詣佛所 供養禮事,便作是念: |
World-honored One, the senior elders, the great disciples, heard that the Licchavis of Vesālī, with their great power and royal might, loudly singing, were coming out of Vesālī to approach the Buddha and pay homage. |
『禪以聲為刺,世尊亦 說禪以聲為刺。 |
They thought, “Noise is a thorn to jhāna. The World-honored One has declared that noise is a thorn to jhāna. |
我等寧可往詣牛角娑羅 林,在彼無亂,遠離獨住,閑居靜處,宴坐思 惟。』 |
Let us instead go to Gosiṅga Grove. Staying there we will not be disturbed, and will stay secluded and alone to sit in meditation.” |
世尊!諸長老上尊、大弟子等共往詣彼。」 |
The World-honored One, the senior elders, the great disciples, all went there together. |
於是,世尊聞已嘆曰: |
On hearing this, the World-honored One praised them, saying: |
「善哉!善哉!若長老上 尊、大弟子等應如是說: |
It is well, it is well that the senior elders, the great disciples, should speak like this: |
『禪以聲為刺,世尊 亦說禪以聲為刺。』 |
“Noise is a thorn to jhāna. The World-honored One has declared that noise is a thorn to jhāna.” |
所以者何? |
Why is that? |
我實如是說, |
I do indeed speak like this. |
禪有刺, |
[Noise is indeed] a thorn to jhāna. |
持戒者以犯戒為刺, |
To one who is keeping morality, breaches of morality are a thorn; |
護諸根者 以嚴飾身為刺, |
to one guarding the senses, bodily adornments are a thorn; |
修習惡露者以淨相為 刺, |
to one cultivating [the perception] of foulness, an appearance of purity is a thorn; |
修習慈心者以恚為刺, |
to one cultivating friendly-kindness, anger is a thorn; |
離酒者以飲酒 為刺, |
to one abstaining from liquor, drinking liquor is a thorn; |
梵行者以見女色為刺。 |
to one leading a celibate life, looking at the female form is a thorn; |
入初禪者 以聲為刺, |
to one entering the first jhāna, noise is a thorn; |
入第二禪者以覺觀為刺, |
to one entering the second jhāna, directed-thought & evaluation (vitakka & vicāra, V&V💭) is a thorn; |
入 第三禪者以喜為刺, |
to one entering the third jhāna, rapture is a thorn; |
入第四禪者以入息 出息為刺, |
to one entering the fourth jhāna, the inhalations and exhalations are a thorn; |
入空處者以色想為刺, |
to one entering the sphere of [boundless] space, the perception of form is a thorn; |
入識 處者以空處想為刺, |
to one entering the sphere of [boundless] consciousness, the perception of the sphere of [boundless] space is a thorn; |
入無所有處者以 識處想為刺, |
to one entering the sphere of nothingness, the perception of the sphere of [boundless] consciousness is a thorn; |
入無想處者以無所有處想 為刺, |
to one entering the sphere of [neither-perception-nor-]nonperception, the perception of the sphere of nothingness is a thorn; |
入想知滅定者以想知為刺。 |
to one entering the samādhi by the cessation of perception and knowing, perception and knowing are a thorn. |
「復次, 有三刺: |
Again, there are three thorns: |
欲刺、恚刺、愚癡之刺。 |
the thorn of desire, the thorn of anger, and the thorn of ignorance. |
此三刺者, 漏盡阿羅訶已斷、已知,拔絕根本,滅不復 生,是為阿羅訶無刺、阿羅訶離刺、阿羅訶 無刺離刺。」 |
An arahant, who has eradicated the taints has already cut off these three thorns, knows that they have been pulled out by the root and destroyed so that they will not arise again. That is, an arahant is without thorns; an arahant is separated from thorns; [thus] an arahant is without thorns and separated from thorns. |
佛說如是。彼諸比丘聞佛所說, 歡喜奉行。 |
Thus spoke the Buddha. Having heard what the Buddha said, the monks were delighted and received it respectfully. |
無刺經第十三竟 (八百三十五字) |
The thirteenth thornless sutra (eight hundred and thirty-five characters) |