4👑☸ Cattāri Ariya-saccaṃ 四聖諦

4👑☸EBTEBT parallels    🔗📝   🔝
 EBT parallels 1.. - AN
EBT parallels 2.. - DN
EBT parallels 3.. - KN
EBT parallels 4.. - MN
EBT parallels 5.. - SN

detailed TOC

 EBT parallels 1.. - AN
EBT parallels 2.. - DN
EBT parallels 3.. - KN
EBT parallels 4.. - MN
    EBT parallels 4..111 - MN 111 vipassana while in 4 jhānas and 7 perception attainments, 7sb☀️ are jhāna factors
EBT parallels 5.. - SN

EBT parallels: undiscovered on suttacentral

We usually look up sutta parallels with suttacentral.net, but some parallels they don’t know about, and didn’t add to their database after I notified them.
So I’ll maintain my own database here for the unacknowledged parallels.

1.. - AN

1..9.36 – AN 9.36

Sarv Ab Dk 15.6 – samādhi awakening factor 6🌄 and realizing nirvana within jhāna ∥AN 9.36

AN 9.36 has perfect parallel in Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma, dharma-skandha-pāda-śāstra 阿毘達磨法薀足論 🔗📝

2.. - DN

3.. - KN

4.. - MN

4..111 - MN 111 vipassana while in 4 jhānas and 7 perception attainments, 7sb☀️ are jhāna factors

AN 4.41 glosses sampajāno doing vipassana for 3rd jhāna explicitly, but MN 111 shows all 4 jhānas and 7 perception attainments doing that.
Arv 12 is close ∥ of AN 4.41
SA 718 is complete and exact ∥ of SN 46.4
SN 46.4 MN 111 and this both feature Sāriputta giving talk about doing jhāna, satipaṭṭhāna, vipassana concurrently with 7 awakening factors while in 4 jhānas and 7 perception attainments.
Sarv Ab Dk 14 is close ∥ of AN 4.41

5.. - SN

☸ Lucid 24.org 🐘🐾‍