✅in EBT meditation, it refers to
31asb🧟 body parts contemplation. See
AN 10.60,
AN 6.29.
⚠️300+ years after EBT, in Vimt. and Vism., Theravada re-defines asubha meditation to refer to 10 stages of corpse decay, and they reclassify
31asb🧟 under
kāya-gatā-sati 🏃. It's important to know this, because in EBT suttas, an instruction to "develop asubha" is frequently mentioned, but without detail (examples:
SN 8.4,
SN 54.9). 31asb is immediately accessible, corpse contemplation considerably more complex.
• What's the purpose of asubha meditation? To counter perversions of our inverted perception
AN 4.49,
SN 8.4.
• But be careful, this is an advanced practice. Best to first have foundation in breath meditation
SN 54.9.
SN 12.61 and
SN 12.62 is the more general case of seeing 4 elements via dependent origination
12ps as not being worth clinging to.
subha 💑 = beautiful, attractive
In asubha meditation context, subha is diametrically opposed. Because one gets confused by the perception of the subha (beautiful) nimitta (sign/theme), it induces lust/passion, desire for sensual pleasures (
SN 8.4,
SN 46.2). To counter this tendency, one guards the sense doors
AN 4.14 so one doesn’t get confused by the nimitta perceptions arising at the sense faculties.
subha as one of 8 vimokkha
As one of the 8 vimokkha (
MN 77) meditation attainments, subha refers to
4bv☮️ brahma vihāras (or perhaps just metta), divine abidings (
SN 46.54).
LBT says subha are jhānas done with kasinas.
Also see:
MN 137,
SN 14.11