4👑☸ Cattāri Ariya-saccaṃ 四聖諦

4👑☸MN‍MN 116    🔝
 MN 116 – MN 116 Isigili: At Isigili
    MN 116.2 - (Once upon a time, five hundred Buddhas awakened for themselves)
    MN 116.3 - (verse)

detailed TOC

 MN 116 – MN 116 Isigili: At Isigili
    MN 116.2 - (Once upon a time, five hundred Buddhas awakened for themselves)
    MN 116.3 - (verse)

116 – MN 116 Isigili: At Isigili

(derived from B. Sujato 2018/12)
Evaṃ me sutaṃ—​
So I have heard.
ekaṃ samayaṃ bhagavā rājagahe viharati isigilismiṃ pabbate.
At one time the Buddha was staying near Rājagaha, on the Isigili Mountain.
Tatra kho bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi:
There the Buddha addressed the monks:
“Bhadante”ti te bhikkhū bhagavato paccassosuṃ.
“Venerable sir,” they replied.
Bhagavā etadavoca:
The Buddha said this:
“Passatha no tumhe, bhikkhave, etaṃ vebhāraṃ pabbatan”ti?
“monks, do you see that Mount Vebhāra?”
“Evaṃ, bhante”.
“Yes, sir.”
“Etassapi kho, bhikkhave, vebhārassa pabbatassa aññāva samaññā ahosi aññā paññatti.
“It used to have a different label and description.
Passatha no tumhe, bhikkhave, etaṃ paṇḍavaṃ pabbatan”ti?
Do you see that Mount Paṇḍava?”
“Evaṃ, bhante”.
“Yes, sir.”
“Etassapi kho, bhikkhave, paṇḍavassa pabbatassa aññāva samaññā ahosi aññā paññatti.
“It too used to have a different label and description.
Passatha no tumhe, bhikkhave, etaṃ vepullaṃ pabbatan”ti?
Do you see that Mount Vepulla?”
“Evaṃ, bhante”.
“Yes, sir.”
“Etassapi kho, bhikkhave, vepullassa pabbatassa aññāva samaññā ahosi aññā paññatti.
“It too used to have a different label and description.
Passatha no tumhe, bhikkhave, etaṃ gijjhakūṭaṃ pabbatan”ti?
Do you see that Mount Vulture’s Peak?”
“Evaṃ, bhante”.
“Yes, sir.”
“Etassapi kho, bhikkhave, gijjhakūṭassa pabbatassa aññāva samaññā ahosi aññā paññatti.
“It too used to have a different label and description.
Passatha no tumhe, bhikkhave, imaṃ isigiliṃ pabbatan”ti?
Do you see that Mount Isigili?”
“Evaṃ, bhante”.
“Yes, sir.”
“Imassa kho pana, bhikkhave, isigilissa pabbatassa esāva samaññā ahosi esā paññatti.
“It used to have exactly the same label and description.

116.2 - (Once upon a time, five hundred Buddhas awakened for themselves)

Bhūtapubbaṃ, bhikkhave, pañca paccekabuddhasatāni imasmiṃ isigilismiṃ pabbate ciranivāsino ahesuṃ.
Once upon a time, five hundred Buddhas awakened for themselves dwelt for a long time on this Isigili.
Te imaṃ pabbataṃ pavisantā dissanti, paviṭṭhā na dissanti.
They were seen entering the mountain, but after entering were seen no more.
Tamenaṃ manussā disvā evamāhaṃsu:
When people noticed this they said:
‘ayaṃ pabbato ime isī gilatī’ti;
‘That mountain swallows these hermits!’
‘isigili isigili’ tveva samaññā udapādi.
That’s how it came to be known as Isigili.
Ācikkhissāmi, bhikkhave, paccekabuddhānaṃ nāmāni;
I shall declare the names of the Buddhas awakened for themselves;
kittayissāmi, bhikkhave, paccekabuddhānaṃ nāmāni;
I shall extol the names of the Buddhas awakened for themselves;
desessāmi, bhikkhave, paccekabuddhānaṃ nāmāni.
I shall teach the names of the Buddhas awakened for themselves.
Taṃ suṇātha, sādhukaṃ manasi karotha, bhāsissāmī”ti.
Listen and pay close attention, I will speak.”
“Evaṃ, bhante”ti kho te bhikkhū bhagavato paccassosuṃ.
“Yes, sir,” they replied.
Bhagavā etadavoca:
The Buddha said this:
“Ariṭṭho nāma, bhikkhave, paccekasambuddho imasmiṃ isigilismiṃ pabbate ciranivāsī ahosi;
“The Buddhas awakened for themselves who dwelt for a long time on this Isigili were named Ariṭṭha,
upariṭṭho nāma, bhikkhave, paccekasambuddho imasmiṃ isigilismiṃ pabbate ciranivāsī ahosi;
tagarasikhī nāma, bhikkhave, paccekasambuddho imasmiṃ isigilismiṃ pabbate ciranivāsī ahosi;
yasassī nāma, bhikkhave, paccekasambuddho imasmiṃ isigilismiṃ pabbate ciranivāsī ahosi;
sudassano nāma, bhikkhave, paccekasambuddho imasmiṃ isigilismiṃ pabbate ciranivāsī ahosi;
piyadassī nāma, bhikkhave, paccekasambuddho imasmiṃ isigilismiṃ pabbate ciranivāsī ahosi;
gandhāro nāma, bhikkhave, paccekasambuddho imasmiṃ isigilismiṃ pabbate ciranivāsī ahosi;
piṇḍolo nāma, bhikkhave, paccekasambuddho imasmiṃ isigilismiṃ pabbate ciranivāsī ahosi;
upāsabho nāma, bhikkhave, paccekasambuddho imasmiṃ isigilismiṃ pabbate ciranivāsī ahosi;
nīto nāma, bhikkhave, paccekasambuddho imasmiṃ isigilismiṃ pabbate ciranivāsī ahosi;
tatho nāma, bhikkhave, paccekasambuddho imasmiṃ isigilismiṃ pabbate ciranivāsī ahosi,
sutavā nāma, bhikkhave, paccekasambuddho imasmiṃ isigilismiṃ pabbate ciranivāsī ahosi;
bhāvitatto nāma, bhikkhave, paccekasambuddho imasmiṃ isigilismiṃ pabbate ciranivāsī ahosi.
and Bhāvitatta

116.3 - (verse)

Ye sattasārā anīghā nirāsā,
Those saintly beings, untroubled and free of hope,
Paccekamevajjhagamaṃsu bodhiṃ;
who each achieved awakening by themselves;
Tesaṃ visallāna naruttamānaṃ,
hear me extol their names,
Nāmāni me kittayato suṇātha.
the supreme persons, free of thorns.
Ariṭṭho upariṭṭho tagarasikhī yasassī,
Ariṭṭha, Upariṭṭha, Tagarasikhin, Yasassin,
Sudassano piyadassī ca susambuddho;
Sudassana, and Piyadassin the awakened;
Gandhāro piṇḍolo upāsabho ca,
Gandhāra, Piṇḍola, and Upāsabha,
Nīto tatho sutavā bhāvitatto.
Nītha, Tatha, Sutavā, and Bhāvitatta.
Sumbho subho matulo aṭṭhamo ca,
Sumbha, Subha, Methula, and Aṭṭhama,
Athassumegho anīgho sudāṭho;
and Assumegha, Anīgha, and Sudāṭha,
Paccekabuddhā bhavanettikhīṇā,
awakened for themselves, enders of the attachment to rebirth.
Hiṅgū ca hiṅgo ca mahānubhāvā.
Hiṅgū, and Hiṅga the mighty.
Dve jālino munino aṭṭhako ca,
Two sages named Jāli, and Aṭṭhaka.
Atha kosallo buddho atho subāhu;
Then the Buddha Kosala and Subāhu;
Upanemiso nemiso santacitto,
Upanemi, Nemi, and Santacitta,
Sacco tatho virajo paṇḍito ca.
right and true, stainless and astute.
Kāḷūpakāḷā vijito jito ca,
Kāḷa and Upakāḷa, Vijita and Jita,
Aṅgo ca paṅgo ca guttijito ca;
Aṅga and Paṅga, and Guttijita too;
Passi jahi upadhidukkhamūlaṃ,
Passin gave up attachment, suffering’s root,
Aparājito mārabalaṃ ajesi.
while Aparājita defeated Māra’s power.
Satthā pavattā sarabhaṅgo lomahaṃso,
Satthar, Pavattar, Sarabhaṅga, Lomahaṁsa,
Uccaṅgamāyo asito anāsavo;
Uccaṅgamāya, Asita, Anāsava,
Manomayo mānacchido ca bandhumā,
Manomaya, and Bandhumant the cutter of conceit,
Tadādhimutto vimalo ca ketumā.
and Tadādhimutta the immaculate and resplendent.
Ketumbharāgo ca mātaṅgo ariyo,
Ketumbarāga, Mātaṅga, and Ariya,
Athaccuto accutagāmabyāmako;
then Accuta, Accutagāma, and Byāmaka,
Sumaṅgalo dabbilo supatiṭṭhito,
Sumaṅgala, Dabbila, Supatiṭṭhita,
Asayho khemābhirato ca sorato.
Asayha, Khemābhirata, and Sorata.
Durannayo saṅgho athopi ujjayo,
Durannaya, Saṅgha, and also Ujjaya,
Aparo muni sayho anomanikkamo;
another sage, Sayha of peerless effort.
Ānando nando upanando dvādasa,
There are twelve Ānandas, Nandas, and Upanandas,
Bhāradvājo antimadehadhārī.
and Bhāradvāja, bearing his final body.
Bodhi mahānāmo athopi uttaro,
Bodhi, also Mahānāma the supreme,
Kesī sikhī sundaro dvārabhājo;
Kesin, Sikhin, Sundara, and Bhāradvāja,
Tissūpatissā bhavabandhanacchidā,
Tissa and Upatissa, who’ve both cut the bonds to rebirth,
Upasikhi taṇhacchido ca sikhari.
Upasīdarin and Sīdarin, who’ve both cut off craving.
Buddho ahu maṅgalo vītarāgo,
Maṅgala was awakened, free of greed,
Usabhacchidā jāliniṃ dukkhamūlaṃ;
Usabha cut the net, the root of suffering,
Santaṃ padaṃ ajjhagamopanīto,
Upanīta who attained the state of peace,
Uposatho sundaro saccanāmo.
Uposatha, Sundara, and Saccanāma.
Jeto jayanto padumo uppalo ca,
Jeta, Jayanta, Paduma, and Uppala;
Padumuttaro rakkhito pabbato ca;
Padumuttara, Rakkhita, and Pabbata,
Mānatthaddho sobhito vītarāgo,
Mānatthaddha, beautiful and free of greed,
Kaṇho ca buddho suvimuttacitto.
and the Buddha Kaṇha, his mind well freed.
Ete ca aññe ca mahānubhāvā,
These and other mighty ones awakened for themselves,
Paccekabuddhā bhavanettikhīṇā;
enders of the attachment to rebirth—
Te sabbasaṅgātigate mahesī,
honor these great hermits who are fully nirvana'd,
having got past all ties, limitless.”
having got past all ties, limitless.”
Parinibbute vandatha appameyye”ti.
Parinibbute vandatha appameyye”ti.

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